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£3.5m welcomed... Firm’stug focus on say the name quietly future finances seepage page212 see

Offshore Cooking opportunity up a treat: now blowing Young’s goesstrong gastro seepage page16 4 see

Engineering taster leads Will Mary approve to change of course high street leases? see see page page 11 22

Yields peak as refinery Offices are final piece recovers tidalpuzzle surge of potatofrom empire by David Laister by Dave Laister Business Editor

SPEAKERS: Sir Roger Carr, left, and Gavin Esler. TRANSFORMATION COMPLETE: Richard Arundel, managing director of potato processor AKP. Picture: Jon Corken

Business Editor dave.laister@gsmg.co.uk



NIGHTMARE six months following the flooding early £3-million been devastation at has Port of invested into making Immingham is being put Lincolnshire a behindnorthern the 40-strong team at for the needs Greencentral ergy’s hub biodiesel plant, ofwhere some further of the investment UK’s biggest is potato drivingsellers. even greater efficienElsham Wold has just become the cies. new headquarters for AKP Group, Yieldsto of supermarket up to 98 per cent are supplier giant being recorded at thechip Morrisons and major eight-year-old site, where 200,000 manufacturer tonnes of usedMcCain. cooking oil can be A state-of-the-art office for block, refined annually, ready temperature controlled potato blending with vehicle fuel. storage facilitytidal and surge grading line, December’s wiped together with extensions to out the controls at the plant, existing handling have where nearly £63 areas million hasjust been been completed, with the spent since it was initially 13-year-old firm headed by Richard brought forward in 2005. Arundel moving the whole Even while “multi-millions” of administration backrecovering into the area pounds were spent from York. from the Humber’s heightened The son Grimsby town state, bigof investments werecentre being and Freeman Street markets made to better the plant, grocer David Arundel, who also including a waste water treatment used to act asaabiomass potato merchant process and boiler – to the area’sGreenergy fish and chip shops, making self-sufficient joined with Suffolk when forces it comes to steam. businessman Bruce Kerr in 1999. Now whether it has helped The former KP potato storage produce British chips, Italian facility which has nowthe been pizza or US burgers, oil used substantially developed, in the cooking process iswas once acquired in 2007, from whenforecourts a project again emerging began to growvia skin nationwide, thefinished riverside potatoes the Islediesel of Axholme. facility, on powering engines on UK roads, to where has a “We wanted showthe wefirm could 25 to 30 the per required cent share of the produce quality markethat t. supermarkets were locally buying in from Herefordshire, Rob Brocklesby, managing Scotland importing,” he directoror of even biofuels for Greenergy, said. with it said:“Morrisons “It has beenbacked a veryus tough timwe e. went to Yorkshire Forward and (the “Itscrapped took us aregional full six months to development agency) putting get back up and running. We had together a plan. We then to split the business up, tied withthe supply chain up and got the operators on site and the funding.” administration and office side based on Europarc. It wasWith just That equated to £700,000. awful. Morrisons’ rapid growth in the “From a morale perspective for retail world, the business has been the first three months the team propelled quickly, and working was Eastoft-based brilliant, but there does & with L Harrison become a time when you just want Co, the infrastructure to allow for

Top table is set King’s for CBIViennese dinner waltz with Nisa

Sir Roger Carr, president of the CBI and Gavin Esler, best known for his role as a presenter on BBC Newsnight, have been confirmed as the guest speakers at one of the region’s leading business Nisa will welcome gatherings later this year. former Sainsbury’s Theexecutive CBI Yorkshire and Humber Annual Dinner chief Justin takes place at Leeds University on October 10. King to its annual It will be one of the first events with John conference,port taking Fitzgerald, director for Grimsby and place in Vienna Immingham, as in chairman of the region. OMr ctob e r. Esler is an award-winning television and radio The influential retail and journalist. broadcaster, novelist His latest book, industry expert willdue to hit the shelves next month, focuses on lessonswith that can be gleaned from provide delegates leaders in how they tell stories, and will be the an insight into his vast subject of his speech knowledge, built up into the area’s business bosses, and a 30their year guests. career. For more information about the dinner, which is Mr King stepped frequently well represented by the South Bank and down from Sainsbury’s features a drinks reception within Parkinson Court, last month a Marks & Spencer archive and home to theafter famous decade at the helm, art gallery, e-mail katya.menhennet@cbi.org.uk or visit http://yorkshire-annual-dinner.eventbrite.com having been credited with turning round the supermarket giant. He was also named Most Admired Business Leader by Management Today as well as Britain’s A FURTHER £4-million of investment across the Most Impressive Businessman thetotal IPSOS-MORI region this last quarter has seeninthe funds Captains Industry Report.climb to £23-million. issued byOf Finance Yorkshire Neil money, Turton, chief executive of in thenorthern The available to firms Scunthorpe-based member organisation, Lincolnshire in seedcorn, loan and equity said: linked“We investments ranging to from £15,000Justin to £2-million – are extremely– pleased announce as a is there to help small and medium sized businesses keynote speaker at the Nisa conference, as he looks meet growth and development requirements. set totheir provide an informative and inspiring insight Thehis figure amounts to 224 in 183 into business career. The investments conference will build small and medium sized enterprises since on the already strong relationships betweenAugust Nisa 2010, leading to more than 4,600 jobs created and members, suppliers and Nisa executives as well as safeguarded in the region. In the last quarter alone, providing ancapital industry-leading event that delegates the venture and loan fund completed 30 are keen to attend.” investments totalling more than £4.3 million. The £1.6 billion turnover business Alex McWhirter, chief executive of supports Finance Yorkshire, said: “We are looking building independent retailers across the forward UK, andto represents on these figures and helping more companies almost 1,200 shareholders operating from more than achieve growth in the coming months. 2,500 stores. “We urgesaid: established and early stage Mr King “I am looking forward to companies attending to to speak to usNisa to see if Finance thiscontinue great event, meeting members and finding Yorkshire can help turn their ambitions into a reality.” out a little more about the organisation. I hope that Supported by the European Union, it has attracted the thoughtsinvestment I will sharefrom will spark a lively debate at £30-million the European Regional this rapidly changing time for ourfrom industry.” Development Fund, £15-million Yorkshire The three-day begins on Octobermatch 9. it Forward’s Singleconference Programme, and £45-million funding from European Bank. is not the firstthe time the retailInvestment giant has held such an For information visit itwww.finance-yorkshire.com event abroad, though is a first trip to Austria.

£20m milestone passed INVESTMENT: Staff review the Fat Strippa control panel at Greenergy, Immingham. Below, Rob Brocklesby.

further increases hasMoving now been to get back to work. a put inplant place. from shutdown, one that has been rebuilt, to become “We have taken two years to get again, is not “We got tooperational this,” said Mr Arundel. something that happens the grant funding for storage and overnight. There isinthe mind-set, grading operations 2009, and the training andthroughout the right ethos. built the storage 2010, to be open that We “We arefor back at harvest. full production have in from and now,had andpotatoes there were some2010 projects 2011, the whole project has we thatand we were working on that been finished with the officesItjust managed to bring forward. gave now. us more time to get the biomass boiler in place and alsomore gave us “Our desire is to have the opportunity to standlocal backto quality potato producers from theItbusiness and see what this site. would cut down on we needed to doThere differently .”a lot transport costs. is still of potential, will help theof Recalling it the afternoon environmental footprint and this Thursday, December 5, Mr part of the world the ability Brocklesby said:has “We shut the to grow of it the best potatoes in plantsome down, was a forced the country, that is what we aare procedure. We didn’t have great majoring on.” which was the deal of notice, situation everyone the A total of for 44 people areon now

employed, 120,000 tonnes docks. Wehandling shut down safely, but it ofstill potatoes year. Of that, left a alot of pipes full 35,000 of oil, tonnes self-grown, a does whichare is not a danger,with but it growing in this region and set. We group had a lot of problems to around another site in Suffolk, sort out, but the main issue for us contributing was that onethe of balance. the lowest points on the site our electrics, Recently 15isemployees wereand they were under water. added, with three three feet graduate Everything is controlled by trainees also part of the company, electronic valves, and that was out specialising in growing, logistics of action. Without that including we and technical elements, couldn’t .operate the plant. We had agronomy The remaining to rebuild has all the control investment seen a fleetpanels.” of six A “veryrigs supportive” insurance Mercedes brought in to deliver company been thanked, with the potatoeshas to customers, with the Mr Brocklesby involved in a primary route Morrisons’ packing meeting with floods operations nearregional Harrogate. recovery ministeraRobert Keen to cultivate prosperous Goodwill, when he came to future for Lincolnshire potato Immingham on a fact-finding farmers, the 32,000sq ft storage mission in4,000 April. facility and sq ft two storey Originally built to run ondrew rape office development – which seed, Greenergy’s first Office inspiration from Genesis

Park on Grimsby’s flagship Europarc development, will be officially opened this week by Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board chairman John Godfrey CBE, himself a North Lincolnshire farmer. Mr Arundel added: “We’re looking forward to opening the new cold store and grading facility – the uncharacteristic weather conditions have brought us a challenging year, but the opening event is just rewards for everyone’s hard work. “The new facility will not only manufacturing facility is now enable us toto meet demand dedicated usedthe cooking oil,of our biggest customers, but we’ve with the potential to take animal also fatssuccessfully too. It is theimproved largest ofthe its kind quality ourbiggest in the and UK, freshness and one ofofthe potatoes by reducing in Europe. transportation, handling and using ● latest Continued page two the cold on store technologies.”

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