Grimsby's Own - The Story of the Chums Part 3

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Grimsby Telegraph Saturday, July 26, 2014 and and


First World War - centenary commemorations: Grimsby’s Own –

They weren’t getting up, they were being dropped by bullets THE Chums had been drawn up with ‘A’ Company on the right, ‘B’ Company in the centre and ‘C’ Company – more or less now opposite the mine’s crater – on the left. ‘D’ Company was held in reserve for the second phase of the attack.

KILLED INSTANTLY: Lieut Leslie ‘Cosh’ Cummins, A Company, killed in action July 1, 1916.

Harold Smith, in civilian life an accounts clerk, in death still clutching his rifle. Few officers escaped. Capt Charles Bellamy lay seriously (in fact mortally) wounded and Lieut Coots Green, who had seen Cummins die before his eyes, was also hit and wounded. Sgt Tommy Moore, only recently married, was shot urging his men in ‘B’ Company forward. Sgt Edgar Whitton, ‘A’ Company, fell dead only yards from his own trenches and Pte Percy Walker, the son of the New Clee station-master, died by his side. The toll mounted and the ranks thinned. The ground was soon strewn with the dead and dying, the latter dragging themselves into shell holes which gave only scant protection. Wounded men were hit time and time again and lay helpless beneath the hail of machine gun fire and shrapnel. Pte Herbert Ayre, shot in the chest and then shot again in the legs as he lay helpless in the open, was again hit in the back by shell splinters. Yet he was to survive. Alf Cook also lived to tell the tale despite the shrapnel in his side and the bullet lodged in his spine. None was so weighed down as the battalion’s signallers. In addition to their ordinary kit they were encumbered with reels of wire which, theoretically, they were supposed to unwind and so maintain telephone contact as the advance progressed. The fate of the ‘A’ Company team was typical of the remainder. L/Cpl Eddie Powell and Pte Eddie Burrell did their best to wind out the wire. Under the unrelenting fire they too made it to the modest shelter of the crater. Three times they ventured from the crater’s lip to fulfil their task. On the last sortie they were both shot dead. Not far from them lay 20-year-old Harold Cammack whose parents ran the Bull Ring Coffee Hall, and John Campling, an only son, and Sydney White, the son of a town councillor. They were all dead. The German bullets continued to find their mark.

L/Cpl Francis White, 6ft 4in tall, a footballer of quality (and no relation to has namesake, Sydney) also fell dead. And in the space of a few minutes Allen Grant, P Percy Clarke, L/Cpl Fred Greenaway, Norman Simpson and Bob Parker, a farmer’s son from Humberston, all lay within a short distance of each other, all among the shell holes, all among their friends, their first but last fight over. Exactly one month short of his 19th birthday, ex St James’ schoolboy Charles Strange, son of the head cashier of Barclay’s bank, headed for the German lines before a bullet shattered his thigh. When night fell he teamed up with a pal, who had been blinded, one man’s legs and another man’s eyes getting them both to the safety of their own lines. Yet they struggled forward, “No one shrank back” wrote a survivor. L/Cpl Bert Smart, a clerk with Sutcliffe’s, fell after being hit in the head by shrapnel. Sgt Arthur Brown, a Keelby man, fell and died caught in machine gun fire. Pte GE John Barker, an apprentice on the docks, fell into a shell hole his knee shattered by a bullet. Pte William Lewis, wounded in the head and blinded, groped wildly for a place to hide. Not far from him Pte John Chapman was shot and killed. Pte Ralph Thompson, one of the Battalion’s bombers and a well known footballer, lay mortally wounded and near him, also dead, was one of the Wakefield lads, Roland Marsden. The German fire was relentless and accurate. The Maxims had been trained to fire low and many men were wounded in the legs. One man wrote later: “Then I was hit in the back. I got my equipment off and felt blood and managed to get into a shell hole. I laid there an hour and then, as the fire got closer and closer, made my way from shell hole to shell hole. And then I met a companion and we slowly made it back to our trenches.” General Ingouville Williams was watching the progress of his Division’s front line. “Never have I seen men go through such a barrage of artillery, they advanced, as on parade, and never flinched.” ● Continued on Monday and read each week’s chapters as an online e-book, uploaded at

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GTE-E01-S3-JULY 29, 2014

FELLED BY A BULLET: Pte (later Major) Jack Oldroyd.

At the sound of the whistles, the clambering, slipping, sliding and groping for hand and footholds began. “Over the top lads,” shouted the less encumbered officers. “Our first line went over the top and then Fritz opened out with his machine guns from all quarters not to mention a real hail of shrapnel and ‘coal boxes’. There was no reluctance, no holding back, no hesitancy of any sort as the Chums, grossly burdened by the weight of (what transpired to be quite unnecessary) equipment hauled themselves up the slippery edge of the fire step and walked away towards the German lines. “We had not gone far before down went one man, then another and then another ...” The adjutant, left behind to watch, admired the men’s order. “They advanced in four straight lines, one line behind the other, obeying the plan to run 10 yards then drop down. “I thought,” said Captain Emerson, “that is was wonderful the way they were dropping in perfect co-ordination. “But then I noticed they were not getting up. They were being dropped by bullets.” But not a man turned back. They said young Lieutenant Raymond Eason was the first man up and over. But who is to say on a battalion front of three companies? The toll was appalling. Eason, who had only just celebrated his 21st birthday, was hit almost immediately. Several saw him fall. Pte Charlie Mason stopped and knelt beside him. Eason’s last words were to ask him for a drink of water. Then Mason pressed on hoping to find his brother Stanley, but Stanley had already been shot and killed. Lieutenant Leslie Cummins, only 24, leading his ‘A’ Company platoon and shouting to his men: “Over the top and good luck to you all” paused to drag a wounded soldier to some cover. As he straightened up from his labours he was killed instantly, shot through the heart. Both the Oldroyd boys were in ‘A’ Company and both streamed after Cummins only losing touch when a bullet in the knee felled Jack. Harold pressed on alone. Pte Joe Winship of ‘C’ Company, who, moments before, had been laughing and joking at the thought of the walk-over to come, saw friends either side of him fall dead and took refuge in a shell hole. And there he stayed for 12 hours with four others, wondering how they would escape from their hopeless predicament. In the event all did when night fell. The ‘C’ Company commander, Capt Tom Baker, fell mortally wounded. Cpl Jack Nickerson, a teacher at Barcroft Street School, already winged but going forward spite of it, was hit again and killed. Drummer Wriggleswoth, son of the College art master, lay wounded near Pte

We continue the serialisation of Grimsby’s Own: The Story Of The Chums, by Peter Chapman. Today, Chapter 2: The Battle Of The Somme continues ...

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