Grimsby Business Telegraph 18 November 2014

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Exclusive Cooking interview up a treat: with Energy Secretary Young’s goes gastro

New business eyes up Firm’s focus on renewables market future finances

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Jem of a build is Will Mary approve granted permission high street leases?

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Pulp products Offices are final piece put new in apuzzle different class of potatofirm empire by Dave Laister Business Editor


early £3-million has been invested into making northern Lincolnshire a central hub for the needs of some of the UK’s biggest potato sellers.

by David Laister Business Editor


START-UP company that spearheaded the arrival of the economy-boosting £30 million Regional Growth Fund into the area is about to start supplying the NHS.

SPEAKERS: Sir Roger Carr, left, and Gavin Esler. TRANSFORMATION COMPLETE: Richard Arundel, managing director of potato processor AKP. Picture: Jon Corken

Top table is set for CBI dinner

Sir Roger Carr, president of the CBI and Gavin Esler, best known for his role as a presenter on BBC Newsnight, have been confirmed as the guest speakers at one of the region’s leading business gatherings later this year. The CBI Yorkshire and Humber Annual Dinner takes place at Leeds University on October 10. It will be one of the first events with John Fitzgerald, port director for Grimsby and Immingham, as chairman of the region. Mr Esler is an award-winning television and radio broadcaster, novelist and journalist. His latest book, due to hit the shelves next month, focuses on lessons that can be gleaned from leaders in how they tell stories, and will be the subject of his speech to the area’s business bosses, and their guests. For more information about the dinner, which is frequently well represented by the South Bank and features a drinks reception within Parkinson Court, home to the famous Marks & Spencer archive and art gallery, e-mail or visit

Moulded Fibre Products arrived Elsham Wold has just become the in northern Lincolnshire as the new headquarters for AKP Group, Growing The Humber stimulant supplier to supermarket giant was presented, on the back of a Morrisons and major chip £10-million kitty to help soften the manufacturer McCain. impact of the huge job losses at A state-of-the-art office block, Tata Steel. temperature controlled potato A £590,000 grant helped with the storage facility and grading line, £3 million initial set up, and now – together with extensions to two years on from the arrival – it existing handling areas have just is installing a second and third been completed, with the line to meet the demands of a 13-year-old firm headed by Richard prestigious contract. Arundel moving the whole James Gallacher, managing administration back into the area director of the Flixborough-based from York. business, said: “We have come a The son of Grimsby town centre long way in a short space of time. and Freeman Street markets “We are now putting line two in grocer David Arundel, who also now, that’s a £1-million used to act as a potato merchant to investment, and will be the area’s fish and chip shops, A FURTHER £4-million of investment across the commissioned very soon. joined forces with Suffolk region this last quarter has seen the total funds businessman Bruce Kerr in 1999. “It is a slightly, faster, slightly issued by Finance Yorkshire climb to £23-million. more efficient upgrade on the The former KP potato storage EXPANSION: James Gallagher, pictured in front of the new production at Moulded Fibre Products Ltd. Below, tool Theline money, available to firms in northern Parkaton Grimsby’s further increases has now been put employed, handling initial line.” facility which has now been maker120,000 Jamestonnes Roberts hard work preparingflagship the moulds. Pictures: David Haber. Lincolnshire in seedcorn, loan and equity linked in place. Europarc development, will be of potatoes It has been brought forward duea year. Of that, 35,000 substantially developed, was investments – ranging from £15,000 to £2-million – opened this week by tonnes to two the years winning of work for theare self-grown, “We have taken to get acquired in 2007, when a project water. The operators areis there to help small and medium sized businesses surpasswith the a 60 jobs it officially anticipated Agriculture and Horticulture this region to this,” said MrNHS. Arundel. “We got growing group in phenomenal. began to grow skin finished creating whenand the funding meet their growth and development requirements. Development Board around site in Suffolk, the grant funding“The for storage and in the application was first submitted. potatoes on the Isle of Axholme. big market UK isanother the “Wechairman expect the medical The sector to amounts to 224 investments in 183 figure John Godfrey CBE, contributing the balance. grading operations inIt2009, and NHS. is a £20-million pulp take himself us to theanext level,small and we The company will provide “We wanted to show we could and medium sized enterprises since August Lincolnshire built the storagemarket. throughout 2010, Recently were We are now, through a 15 employees plan farmer. to capitalise on it. We were disposable items suchNorth as kidney produce the required quality 2010, leading to more than 4,600 jobs created and to be open for that harvest. Wethe framework Arundel added: “We’re added, with three graduate third party, on creaking towards capacity in the trays and urine bottles,Mr having locally that supermarkets were safeguarded in the region. In the last quarter alone, have had potatoes in from 2010 the trainees also part of the company, agreement. Thatand was the catalyst suto mopening mer.” gone from zero to 100 looking productsforward in buying in from Herefordshire, the venture capital and loan fund completed 30 IT is an industry is going tohe play an 2011, important and the whole project has us to bring for us, allowing in the in growing, new cold store and grading facility in England specialising logistics two years. Scotland or eventhat importing,” The only company to totalling more than £4.3 million. investments part in Grimsby’s future, month, Business finished with offices just nextthe line. – the weather and technical elements, including said. “Morrisons backedand us this with it been industrial pulp Alex McWhirter, chief executive of Finance A further £60,000 has beenuncharacteristic spent serve the Telegraph was access all areasnow. on land and havepackaging brought us a agronomy . The remaining market, with Yorkshire, south and we went togranted Yorkshire Forward “We also have another line on a CNC machine forconditions tool said: “We are looking forward to building sea.scrapped regional challenging but the opening investment a fleet six in house, Lincolnshire produce a key “Our desire iscoming to have in more February and that will has seen (the making, all of done as wellyear, on these figures and helping more companies First, we gotagency) to join two new offshore wind eventthe is just rewards forthere everyone’s Mercedes in to delivergiving market, is competition in growth the be dedicated fully NHS. rigs brought quality potato producers local to to the development putting as for competitors, achieve in the coming months. engineersa as theyWe sailed Humber the It would“We hard work. medical field, but Mr Gallagher is established and early stage companies the potatoes to customers, with the and this site. cut down on business flexibility sharp together plan. thentotied the Gateway, “We urge are putting more money 73-turbine construction port. Wecosts.into keenwill to build on what has route Morrisons’ packing response times. transport There still In a lot supply chain up and gotsite theclosest to the to already continue to speak to us to see if Finance “The new facility not only theisarea. termsprimary of heard their views on a career that will beofkey to been operations potential, it will help the that is £1-million funding.” Yorkshire can help turn their ambitions into a reality.” enable us 40 to meet theachieved. demand of investment, for near Harrogate. “We are currently employing many in the years to come. No sooner were we footprint and this for line Supported “Our own sets by the European Union, it has attracted line two, £500,000 three, people, and the two further lines customers, our biggest but design we’ve and tooling Keen to cultivate a prosperous Thaton equated to then £700,000. Withheadsenvironmental back dry land, we joined of industry £30-million part of the world haswe the ability usimproved apart from the competition,” heinvestment from the European Regional and still haveto space for a for Lincolnshire and increased see us also successfully the future potato shifts could Morrisons’ rapid growth in the and leading politicians in Manchester for a major Development Fund, £15-million from Yorkshire said. “Itofhasn’t we best potatoes fourth line. Thatinwill be dictated reach ft70,” Mr Gallacher enthused. quality and freshness our stopped since farmers, the 32,000sq storage retail world, business has been grow some of the national tradethe body conference. Forward’s put the first CNC machine in.” Single Programme, and £45-million match the country, thatbyiswhat whatsales we are and markets potatoes facility and 4,000 sq ft two storey propelled and working “The guys came in and some by reducing Read allquickly, about the state of the sector, majoring from all on.” require.” funding from the European Investment Bank. transportation, handling and using office development – which with Eastoft-based L Harrison & seven. didn’t know drew what pulp was. They angles, on pages four, five, six and information visit to page 2 latest inspiration Genesis A total of 44 people are point now the business Co, the infrastructure to allow for takenOffice to it like athe duck to cold store technologies.”■ TurnFor At that will fromhave

£20m milestone passed

Offshore wind energy in focus

CONTENTS:Energy P8 Food Energy Chemicals 1410 Ports 15 CaSupport reers 1812 Business 20 Training/Diary Ca16 reerTraining s 22 Commercial Vehicles 24 Commercial 28 Laister’s Last Word CONTENTS: P610-11 Chemicals P8 12-13 Ports and Logistics Business CareersSolutions 14 Business Solutions 15 21 Food 17 Commercial Vehicles 18 DiaryProperty 20 Commercial Property 21

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