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Flying focus club flying Firm’s on high infinances Europe future see page 4 see page 2
Catching with Cooking upup a treat: Mr Tangle Young’s goesTeezer gastro
seepage page164 see
Personal Will Maryproject approve looms for builders high street leases?
see see page page 22 22
Discount dishes Offices are final bring piece fledgling glory of potato factory empire puzzle by Dave Laister by Dave Laister Business Editor
SPEAKERS: Sir Roger Carr, left, and Gavin Esler.
Business Editor dave.laister@gsmg.co.uk
FLEDGLING seafood firm has swept the board at a early £3-million has been prestigiousinto making awards invested ceremony,Lincolnshire earning top northern a accolades products centralfor hubnew for the needs ofbrought some toofmarket. the UK’s biggest Production only started last year potato sellers. at Sealincs’ Mariner Foods sitethe on Elsham Wold has just become Great Grimsby Business new headquarters for AKPPark, Group, and while the backroomgiant team is supplier to supermarket brimmingand withmajor experience, Morrisons chip the gold, silver and bronze accolades manufacturer McCain. from the British Frozen Food A state-of-the-art office block, Federation have instilled temperature controlled potato confidence in that a new brand storage facility andand grading line, could be created, with it more together with extensions to jobs. existing handling areas have just The fish dishes, all the produced for been completed, with high-flyingfirm discount retailer 13-year-old headed by Richard Aldi’s “Specially Selected” Arundel moving the whole range, won the judges’ ap p rova , area administration back into lthe delighting from York. managing director Ken Bottomley, together with The son of partner GrimsbyLakeside town centre marketing Food and Street markets GroFreeman up. grocer David Arundel, who also Gold went to 4 Coquilles St used to actfeaturing as a potato merchant to Jacques, dive-caught the area’sfrom fish and chip shops, scallops the coast of Peru, joined forcesinwith Suffolk smothered cheese, mushroom businessman Bruce Kerr in 1999. and white wine sauce, topped with The former KPand potato storage creamy potato a crunchy facility cheesewhich crumb.has now been substantially developed, was Silver was handed on a platter to acquired 2007, when a LuxuryinTopped Side aofproject Salmon, began to grow skin finished featuring a lemon, tarragon and potatoes on the Isle Axholme. cheese crumb, withofbronze taken “We wanted to show we could by a Smoked Salmon Terrine. produce the required quality Mr Bottomley, an industry locally that supermarkets wereof a veteran, who was the founder buying in from Herefordshire, business that became Scotland or even importing,” he at internationally-owned Sealord said. “Morrisons backed us played with it Caistor, having previously and werole wentintothe Yorkshire Forward a key establishment of (the scrapped regional Bluecrest – now absorbed by development agency) putting Young’s – said: “We are delighted together plan. We thenare tiedcredit the with theaawards which supply chain up skilled and gotand the to some highly funding.” dedicated work by our That equatedteam to £700,000. With development led by Jerry Elston. Therapid awards will help Morrisons’ growth in the create a solid quality base from retail world, the business has been which to quickly, further develop the propelled and working business and progress Mariner with Eastoft-based L Harrison & as a strong brand. Co, the infrastructure to allow for
TRANSFORMATION COMPLETE: Richard Arundel, managing director of potato processor AKP. Picture: Jon Corken
Top table is set for CBI dinner Humber wind event looming
Sir Roger Carr, president of the CBI and Gavin Esler, best known for his role as a presenter on BBC Newsnight, have been confirmed as the guest speakers at one of the region’s leading business gatherings later this year. The CBI Yorkshire and Humber Annual Dinner takes place at Leeds University on October 10. It will be one of the first events with John Fitzgerald, port director for Grimsby and Immingham, as chairman of the region. Mr Esler is an award-winning television and radio broadcaster, novelist and journalist. His latest book, due to hit the shelves next month, focuses on lessons that can be gleaned from leaders in how they tell stories, and will be the subject of his speech to the area’s business bosses, and their guests. For more information about the dinner, which is frequently well represented by the South Bank and features a drinks reception within Parkinson Court, home to the famous Marks & Spencer archive and art gallery, e-mail katya.menhennet@cbi.org.uk or WIND: The Humber is gearing up to welcome the visit http://yorkshire-annual-dinner.eventbrite.com return of North Sea Offshore Wind. The mission, uniting industry representatives from Scandinavia with those in northern Lincolnshire and East Yorkshire, takes place in late October. A FURTHER £4-million of investment across the The role thequarter estuary, poised the UK’s region thisof last has seen to thebecome total funds main offshore windYorkshire hub with climb the three largest wind issued by Finance to £23-million. farms in UK waters on its will be outlined, The money, available to doorstep, firms in northern with tours of in development sitesand conducted. Lincolnshire seedcorn, loan equity linked Organised by Team Humber MarinetoAlliance, the– investments – ranging from £15,000 £2-million regional branch of Enterprise Europe Network and is there to help small and medium sized businesses Windcluster Europe, it is the fourth time it has taken meet their growth and development requirements. place, and the secondtooccasion in the UK.in 183 The figure amounts 224 investments Markand O’Reilly, chairman of Team Humber Marine small medium sized enterprises since August Alliance, said: to “North Windcreated brings and 2010, leading moreSea thanOffhore 4,600 jobs together offshore professionals across safeguarded in thewind region. In the last from quarter alone, the venture North Sea region to loan exchange ideas, identify the capital and fund completed 30 new solutionstotalling and build relations.” investments more than £4.3 million. First McWhirter, held in Stiklestad, Norway, in the Alex chief executive of 2011, Finance mission came Hullare in 2012, with Jutland, Yorkshire, said:to“We looking forward to building Denmark, the host last year. more companies on these figures and helping Delegates will in arrive on October 21, with achieve growth the coming months. workshops and site visits. “We urge established and early stage companies discuss keytoissues potential toWorkshops continue totospeak to us see if and Finance solutions in thehelp offshore windambitions industry will Yorkshire can turn their intobe a reality.” sandwiched visits to development and Supported by by site the European Union, it hasareas attracted companies already operating in the sector, Regional over a £30-million investment from the European three-day period, including networking Development Fund, £15-million from Yorkshire opportunities. Forward’s Single Programme, and £45-million match For more information visit funding from the European Investment Bank. wFor ww.information northseaoffsvisit horewww.finance-yorkshire.com wind.com
£20m milestone passed further increases has now been put employed, handling 120,000 tonnes Park on Grimsby’s flagship products that allowed to celebrate a gold, silver and bronze inCLEAN place. SWEEP: Sealincs staff show offofthe Europarc development, will in bethe potatoes a year. Of that,them 35,000 new seafood product category at the British Frozen Food Federation Awards back at the Mariner in officially openedFood this factory week by tonnes are self-grown, with a “We have taken two years to get Grimsby. Head of development Jerry Elston, centre, is flanked by development chefs Mark Quinton and Kim Elston. Agriculture and Horticulture to this,” said Mr Arundel. “We got growing group in this region and Development chairman around sitefeel in Suffolk, the grant funding for storage and a cleananother sweep, we perhaps taking placeBoard in September. John Godfrey contributing balance. grading operations in 2009, and creates thatthe base. The successCBE, withhimself Aldi, a amajor North Lincolnshire farmer. built the storage throughout 2010, Recently 15 to employees were winner on the night across the “We need be developing to be open for that harvest. We Mr Arundel– added: “We’re added, with graduate categories together with Iceland, Mariner asthree a strong brand, a have had potatoes in from 2010 and trainees forward to opening also part the to company, for whom Sealincs is also the strong name. Weof want develop looking 2011, and the whole project has cold store and grading said: facility specialising inthat growing, logistics producing, Mr Bottomley that and put forward, rather new been finished with the offices just – the uncharacteristic weather are and technical elements, including “The discount supermarkets than purely doing other people’s now. have brought us aare agronomy . The remaining enjoying themselves. They brands. There is the opportunity, conditions challenging year,with but their the opening investment has seenin a the fleetbuilding of six more realistic margin “Our desire is to have more we have the space is just rewards forjob everyone’s Mercedes rigshave brought in to deliver event aspirations, do a good all quality potato producers local to to do it. We the growth round and seem to be relatively work. the potatoeswhich to customers, with the hard this site. It would cut down on potential, is why we moved uncomplicated to will deal not with, in primary packing transport costs. There is still a lot in. It is route a highMorrisons’ specification “The new facility only fact they to deal operations Harrogate. facility. It near would automatically of potential, it will help the enable us toseem meetvery the good demand of with. Theycustomers, are going with good createtomore jobs.”a prosperous environmental footprint and this our biggest but we’ve Keen cultivate quality and pricing it sensibly “We have spent a lot of time on part of the world has the ability to future It comes as Grimsby potato prepares to also successfully improved the .” for Lincolnshire development. Products we do, in in Mr Elston added: “The great grow some of the best potatoes underline role inftthe seafood quality and freshness of our farmers, theits 32,000sq storage thing isby allreducing these products are on the country, thattend is what wefairly are general terms, to be supplyand chain, with The potatoes facility 4,000 sq ft“Feeding two storey for Christmas handling again. They majoring on.” To be in this position office complicated. Natiodevelopment n” the chosen theme drew for the transportation, andcame using – which is exceptional. fifth Humber Seafood Summit, ● latest Continued on page two. the cold store technologies.” from Genesis Office A really total ofquite 44 people are nowTo get inspiration
CONTENTS:Energy P6 Food Energy 10-11 Chemicals 12 Business SupportSupport 14 Ports Career14 s 16 Business Solutions 18 Train16 ingTraining 18 Diary17 20Commercial CommercialVehicles Vehicles18 21 Commercial Property Property 21 CONTENTS: P68Chemicals P8 Ports and Logistics 10 Business 1215 Careers Business Solutions 15 Food Diary 20 Commercial
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