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Offices piece Gearingare up final to build on of potato empire puzzle back-to-back records

by Dave Laister by Dave Laister Business Editor

SPEAKERS: Sir Roger Carr, left, and Gavin Esler.

TRANSFORMATION COMPLETE: Richard Arundel, managing director of potato processor AKP. Picture: Jon Corken

Business Editor


ORTHERN Lincolnshire’s economyhas willbeen feel early £3-million a further benefit Cluginvested into ofmaking ston Group’s northern Lincolnshirere-a cord-breaking financial central hub for theresults needs as some staff levels are UK’s increased by of of the biggest up to 10 per cent in the coming potato sellers. yElsham ear. Wold has just become the new headquarters for AKP Group, The head office positions will supplier giantthe follow a to 12 supermarket months in which Morrisons and major chip Scunthorpe construction, manufacturer McCain. giant property and logistics enjoyed a phenomenal A state-of-the-art office block, performancecontrolled across thepotato board, temperature with major projects completed in storage facility and grading line, the area with and nationwide. together extensions to existing handling Stephen areas have just Chief executive Martin been completed, with the has toasted Clugston Group’s 13-year-old firm headed by Richard phenomenal success, and Arundel moving the whole of underlined the importance administration back the area changes made as theinto recession from York. hit, ensuring it was fit to emerge as it has, albeit at a level he The son of Grimsby towneven centre did Freeman not anticipate. and Street markets Earlier thisArundel, month the company grocer David who also revealed second successive “best used to acta as a potato merchant to evearea’s r” return, a 26 shops, per cent the fish with and chip jump in turnover to £231 million joined forces with Suffolk from £183 million, pre-tax businessman Bruceas Kerr in 1999. profits rose 5KP perpotato cent from The former storage £6 million £6.3now million. facility whichtohas been substantially developed, was With construction the dominant acquired 2007, when a project division in following the split to began to growahead skin finished subsidiaries of the financial potatoes Isle ofreflected Axholme. collapse,on Mrthe Martin on the progress, in show an interview “We wanted to we couldwith Business Telegraph. produce the required quality locally that“When supermarkets He said: you lookwere at the buying in frombusiness, Herefordshire, construction it is the Scotland orin even importing,” he third year a row it has grown said. “Morrisons backed with it by more than 30 per cent.usLast and Forward yearwe it went grew to byYorkshire 40 per cent, which (the scrapped regional is quite an achievement development agency) putting considering where construction together plan. We then tied the has beenaat. supply chain up andthe gotwhole the “We restructured funding.” business when we were anticipating how tough it was That equated to £700,000. With going to be.rapid We took action early, Morrisons’ growth in the whenworld, competitors didn’t. has We been retail the business restructured, rebalanced, as the propelled quickly, and working recession was hitting. We have& with Eastoft-based L Harrison come in better shape as a for Co, theout infrastructure to allow

Top table is set for CBI £5k RGFdinner grant now available

Sir Roger Carr, president of the CBI and Gavin Esler, best known for his role as a presenter on BBC Newsnight, have been confirmed as the guest speakers at one of the region’s leading business FUNDING: projects being considered gatherings Small-scale later this year. byThe South businesses operating in the CBIBank Yorkshire and Humber Annual Dinner engineering energyon sector could now takes place or at renewable Leeds University October 10. benefit from Regional Growth Fund cash. It will be one of the first events with John The threshold beenfor lowered to £5,000 by Fitzgerald, port has director Grimsby and accountable North East Lincolnshire Immingham,body as chairman of the region. Council, asMr it seeks to an ensure as many companies Esler is award-winning television as and radio possible can benefit economic boost. broadcaster, novelistfrom and an journalist. The local authority that is managing the Growing His latest book, due to hit the shelves next month, The Humber fund is that keencan to hear from anyone focuses on lessons be gleaned from considering an investment in capital assets, leaders in how they tell stories, and will be the research and development or training and subject of his speech to the area’s business bosses, apprenticeships, and their guests.across the whole of northern LinFor coln shireinformation . more about the dinner, which is For more well information call the frequently represented by economic the South Bank and development team on 01472 324602 for an initial features a drinks reception within Parkinson Court, discussion, or visit home to the famous Marks & Spencer archive and art gallery, e-mail or visit

Cheers to crisps £20m milestone passed SITE VISIT: Stephen Martin, chief executive of Clugston Group, at an emerging waste-to-energy plant in Leeds. direct result of that and are now delivering higherhas returns than put further increases now been pre -recession.” in place. Mr Martin joined “We have taken twoClugston years to in get 2007, overseen toearly this,” saidand Mrhas Arundel. “Wea got strategy to focus on three core the grant funding for storage and operations – constrin uction, grading operations 2009, and logistics and property built the storage throughout 2010, d eve l o p m e n t . to be open for that harvest. We “We have increased the 2010 and have had potatoes in from workforce inwhole the last year again, 2011, and the project has as we have done now the last been finished with thefor offices just three years,” he said. “Last year now. we increased numbers 9 per “Our desire is to have by more cent topotato 538, and this yearlocal numbers quality producers to willsite. increase by acut further this It would downseven on to 10 per cent to 580 or 600 transport costs. There is still a lot roles. ofpermanent potential, full-time it will help the On top of that we more than double that environmental footprint and this number termshas of the part of theinworld the direct ability to supply chain. grow some of the best potatoes in the“We country, that is the what we are understand importance majoring on.” of creating local jobs, and with our headofoffice in Scunthorpe, A total 44 people are now

there is a definite impact. “For next year we120,000 are on tonnes track employed, handling a fairlyagood offor potatoes year.year.” Of that, 35,000 Declining to speculate onaa tonnes are self-grown, with hat-trickgroup of records, said: and growing in thishe region “Threeanother years ago if in you had asked around site Suffolk, me if we would the recession contributing the exit balance. with three15consecutive Recently employees years were of 30 per cent growth, wouldn’t have added, with three Igraduate expected it, but a good trainees also partwe of have the company, order Now we don’t just specialising growing, logistics look at this next year, we are and technical elements, including looking at fiveremaining years on. We are agronomy . The putting strategies investment has seentogether a fleet of six because markets and the Mercedes rigs brought in to deliver environments we operate with in the the potatoes to customers, change, route and there are always new primary Morrisons’ packing entries and newHarrogate. challenges that operations near bring their own requirements.” Keen to cultivate a prosperous Andfor he Lincolnshire was keen to ensure future potatoall at Clugstonthe take the credit. “We have farmers, 32,000sq ft storage fantastic committed facility andemployees, 4,000 sq ft so two storey to what they do, and that isdrew a office development – which fantastic job – they deliver the inspiration from Genesis Office

success, as do those in the supply chain, is becoming Park on which Grimsby’s flagshipa lot bigger,” he said. “Our partners Europarc development, will be and employees certainly officially openedhave this week by helped us deliver these impressive Agriculture and Horticulture results. The shareholders have Development Board chairman also Godfrey been very supportive. It John CBE, himself a wouldLincolnshire be easy as directors North farmer. to take the but it is employees who Mr credit, Arundel added: “We’re ensureforward it happens, day-in, the looking to opening daycold -out.”store and grading facility new When it comes to sectors, health – the uncharacteristic weather and education with theus a conditions have –brought University year, Technical College in challenging but the opening Scunthorpe just won, and event is just rewards for everyone’s Cleethorpes hard work. Academy just completed – sit alongside “The new facility will not only industrial. a demand of enable us to There, meet the waste-to-energy niche, in we’ve our biggest customers, but partnership with French process also successfully improved the specialist has of seen quality andCNIM, freshness ourit reach a market-leading position as an potatoes by reducing eighth facility handling is delivered. transportation, and using ● Continued page 24. the latest cold on store technologies.”

A FURTHER £4-million of investment across the region this last quarter has seen the total funds issued by Finance Yorkshire climb to £23-million. The money, available to firms in northern Lincolnshire in seedcorn, loan and equity linked investments – ranging from £15,000 to £2-million – is there to help small and medium sized businesses meet their growth and development requirements. The figure amounts to 224 investments in 183 small and medium sized enterprises since August 2010, leading to more than 4,600 jobs created and safeguarded in the region. In the last quarter alone, the venture capital and loan fund completed 30 FOOD: Piperstotalling Crisps is once again a key sponsor at investments more than £4.3 million. theAlex Great British Beer Festival, taking place in McWhirter, chief executive of Finance London thissaid: summer. Yorkshire, “We are looking forward to building The Elsham Wold-based crisp maker is branding on these figures and helping more companies the regional bar banners, as well as offering visitors achieve growth in the coming months. the“We chance taste theirand seven varieties of urge to established early stage companies award-winning us to see if Finance to continue to speak Pipers are widely discerning pubs Yorkshire can help available turn their in ambitions into a reality.” across the UK, behind the brand using Supported bywith the those European Union, it has attracted August’s event to underline are particularly £30-million investment fromhow the they European Regional suited to matching real ales from and ciders. It has Development Fund,with £15-million Yorkshire regularly partnered with fellow northern Lincolnshire Forward’s Single Programme, and £45-million match producer Tomthe Wood for the Investment LincolnshireBank. Show. funding from European AFor total of 55,000 people are expected to attend. information visit

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