Grimsby Business Telegraph 21 January 2014

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up a treat: Enter Cooking NOW for this year’s Young’s goes gastro prestigious awards

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see page 16

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Will Mary approve high street leases?

Offices finalout piece Supportare sought as of potato puzzle wind farmempire build begins by David Laister by Dave Laister Business Editor

SPEAKERS: Sir Roger Carr, left, and Gavin Esler. TRANSFORMATION COMPLETE: Richard Arundel, managing director of potato processor AKP. Picture: Jon Corken

Business Editor


PPORTUNITIES for companies in the Humber to early £3-million has been support the initialmaking phase invested into of the build out of the northern Lincolnshire a Westermost Rough offshore central hub for the needs farmofhave ofwind some thebeen UK’soutlined. biggest Belgian marine contractor potato sellers. GeoSea install the become the Elshamwill Wold has just foundations and transition pieces new headquarters for AKP Group, for the turbine bases, with the supplier to supermarket giant first worksand beginning off the coast Morrisons major chip next month. McCain. manufacturer of the start, using giant AAhead state-of-the-art office block, jack-up vessel Innovation, the temperature controlled potato team met with and about 50 local storage facility grading line, businesses toextensions look at what together with to serviceshandling could beareas used, have and what existing just contingencies been completed,could with be theput in place, should be required. 13-year-old firmthey headed by Richard As reported, million Arundel movingthe the£800 whole Westermost Rough is being administration backfarm into the area brought from York.forward by Dong Energy, the giant investing TheDanish son of Grimsby town centre £11Freeman million into making Grimsby and Street markets its permanent base forwho also grocer David Arundel, engineering, and used to act as aoperations potato merchant to maintenance. A recruitment the area’s fish and chip shops, campaign forwith the Suffolk 100 anticipated joined forces jobs launched last week. businessman Bruce Kerr in 1999. GeoSea’s manager, who The formerproject KP potato storage cannotwhich be named in accordance facility has now been with the international substantially developed,company’s was policy, said: “Wewhen are used to acquired in 2007, a project working in different countries began to grow skin finished and often weIsle have problem potatoes onifthe ofaAxholme. with a job weto ring head “We wanted show weoffice, could everything is put into a container produce the required quality and shipped out. locally that supermarkets were “Thisintime we had the nice buying from Herefordshire, opportunity to speak to Markhe Scotland or even importing,” O’Reilly, chairman of Team said. “Morrisons backed us with it Humber Marine Alliance,Forward and and we went to Yorkshire what we really want to achieve is (the scrapped regional a position where local businesses development agency) putting are our a first choice to deal together plan. We then tiedwith. the We don’t want have bring supply chain upto and gottothe people all the way from Belgium funding.” to theequated vessel, to something That todo £700,000. Withand then go allrapid the way back.” Morrisons’ growth in the However, pressures arebeen retail world,time the business has critical, and the event at Forest propelled quickly, and working Pines Hotel provided the “perfect with Eastoft-based L Harrison & oppor to assesstothe Co, thetunity” infrastructure allow for

see page 22

Top table is set for dinner NisaCBI enjoyed festive footfall

Sir Roger Carr, president of the CBI and Gavin Esler, best known for his role as a presenter on BBC Newsnight, have been confirmed as the guest speakers at one of the region’s leading business gatherings later this year. NORTHERN Lincolnshire retail group NisaDinner recorded The CBI Yorkshire and Humber Annual an outstanding 15 perUniversity cent growth value terms takes place at Leeds on in October 10. and 16 be perone centofgrowth inevents volumewith through It will the first Johnthe four trading weeks of December. Fitzgerald, port director for Grimsby and The robust trading performance was particularly Immingham, as chairman of the region. strong in relation to the relativelytelevision weak performance Mr Esler is an award-winning and radio expected for novelist high street grocery retailers in broadcaster, andand journalist. general. His latest book, due to hit the shelves next month, focuses on lessons thatcases, can beequating gleanedto from More than 9.6 million a value of leaders in how were they tell stories, and will be the £133.6 million, purchased through Nisa’s subject of hiswith speech to the area’sretailer business bosses, warehouses its independent members and their guests. trading strongly. For more information about the dinner, which is Both sales and operating margin are significantly frequently well represented by the South Bank and ahead ofabudget furtherwithin strengthen the Court, features drinks and reception Parkinson company’s position as it enters 2014. home to the famous Marks & Spencer archive and the Scunthorpe head officehave putorthe artBosses gallery,ate-mail visit success down to the focus on becoming a more consumer and retail driven organisation.

£20m milestone passed RARING TO GO: The giant jack-up vessel, Innovation, that is to be used by specialist contractor GeoSea on Westermost Rough, pictured on the last project in Bremerhaven, Germany. Inset, the GeoSea delegation is welcomed to northern Lincolnshire by Team Humber Marine Alliance chairman Mark O’Reilly, second from right. further increases has now been put employed, handling 120,000 tonnes Park on Grimsby’s flagship seven return When jacked up, the will vessel inpotential. place. Europarc development, beis at ofnecessitating potatoes a year. Of that, 35,000 a heightopened of 21 metres fromby sea sailings complete the “Within Westermost Rough our tonnes officially this week aretoself-grown, with a “We have taken two years to get level. “It isand not Horticulture something you can installatgroup ion. in this region and to install the foundation Agriculture toscope this,”issaid Mr Arundel. “We got growing just hop on,”Board the project manager forgrant the turbines,” he storage explained. Onceanother jacked up the correct Development chairman around siteatin Suffolk, the funding for and said,Godfrey highlighting the specific “We install the monopiles, having contributing location, identified by GPS, the John CBE, himself a the balance. grading operations in 2009, and challenges such a feat of brought them tothroughout the UK, then huge on-board crane will use a North Lincolnshire farmer. built the storage 2010, Recently 15 employees were engineering brings with it, thefor transition pieces, specially toinstall be open that harvest. Wethat’s added, Mr Arundel added: “We’re in withcommissioned three graduate terms forward of gettingtofood and fuel our had job. potatoes in from 2010 and trainees up-righter have looking opening the on alsotool parttooftake the the company, board the and 100-strong team that monopiles from a horizontal “Being thewhole first contractor 2011, and the project hasin the specialising new coldfor store grading facility in growing, logistics it accommodates. No weather quay can stowed position, inserting them whole development, we arejust late and been finished with theifoffices – the uncharacteristic technical elements, including welcome her laden into a vice-like gripper deployed everybody is late. We are under now. conditions havewhen brought uson a the agronomy . The remaining Humber, meaning to be over the side the avessel. The quite tomore get the job investment challenging year, butshe thehas opening hasofseen fleet of six “Our some desirepressure is to have reached when jacked upeveryone’s or at an crane then changes tools, “one event done on time,producers because other is just rewards for Mercedes rigs brought in totodeliver quality potato local to anchorage of potatoes the biggest hammers inwith the the hard contractors are waiting foron us.” work. point. the to customers, this site. It would cut down “Being to bring to market route today”Morrisons’ driving thepacking pile primary transport costs. There is still– athe lot The 800-tonne monopiles “The newable facility will people not only the vessel it isdemand jacked up down intonear the seabed, with operations Harrogate. ofheaviest potential, help to it bewill used yet the on a farm enable us to while meet the of is notbiggest an easy operation,” hewe’ve said, location, angle and depth environmental footprint and this which will also see Siemens’ 6MW our customers, but Keen to cultivate a prosperous stressing the need for all people to constantly monitored. potato part of theput world ability to future turbine intohas firstthe commercial also successfully improved the for Lincolnshire have the certification if grow of thefabricated best potatoes There the are 32,000sq also drilling facilities quality use –some are being in in andcorrect freshness of our farmers, ft storage they are work alongside the country,and thatwill is what we are on facility on-board, ground be Denmark, be brought potatoes bytoreducing and should 4,000 sqthe ft two storey GeoSea. majoring on.”voyage from Aalborg office too hard, a situation wheredrew divers transportation, the 1,000km handling and using development – which on Innovation in batches of five, would havefrom to assist. ■ Turn to page two. the latest cold store technologies.” inspiration Genesis Office A total of 44 people are now

A FURTHER £4-million of investment across the region this last quarter has seen the total funds issued by Finance Yorkshire climb to £23-million. The money, available to firms in northern Lincolnshire in seedcorn, loan and equity linked investments – ranging from £15,000 to £2-million – is there to help small and medium sized businesses UNITE, Britain’s biggest union, has supported the meet their growth and development requirements. call from Karlamounts Koehler,to chief of Tata Steel’s The figure 224executive investments in 183 European for enterprises the appointment a small and operations, medium sized since of August single leading ministerto tomore champion key manufacturing 2010, than 4,600 jobs created and industries. in the region. In the last quarter alone, safeguarded The Government urgedcompleted to help 30 the venture capital has and been loan fund manufacturing firms tackle the looming skills crisis, investments totalling more than £4.3 million. asAlex wellMcWhirter, as appoint chief a minister for the executive of sector. Finance Unite assistant general secretary, Tony to Burke said: Yorkshire, said: “We are looking forward building “There is figures momentum buildingmore for a companies minister to on these and helping champion manufacturing industries and we achieve growth in the coming months. welcome Tata’s recognition thestage need companies for urgent “We urge established and of early action to support growth the need to rebalance to continue to speak to usand to see if Finance the economy. Yorkshire can help turn their ambitions into a reality.” “The UK needs anEuropean interventionist manufacturing Supported by the Union, it has attracted strategy with direction and We need an £30-million investment fromsubstance. the European Regional economy built on decent jobs with manufacturing at Development Fund, £15-million from Yorkshire its heart. Having minister for and manufacturing, a Forward’s Single aProgramme, £45-million with match seat in the cabinet, to facilitate manufacturing funding from the European Investment Bank. growth in the UK would be a major step forward.” For information visit

Minister for Manufacturing?

Food P6 8 Chemicals 12 Business Support 16 Ports 18 Business Solutions 20 CareeSolutions rs 21 Training and 16 Diary 22 Commercial Vehicles 23 Commercial 24 Laister’s Last Word CONTENTS: Energy P6Energy Chemicals P8 Ports and Logistics 10 Business Support 12 Careers 14 Business 15 Food Training 17 Commercial Vehicles 18 DiaryProperty 20 Commercial Property 21 28


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