25 GTE-E01-S2
HIS year marks a special anniversary for the talented team at North Lincs Tyres Ltd, which has spent the last two decades serving retail and commercial customers across North East Lincolnshire and beyond. From its base at Grimsby’s Lockhill, the firm has built up a solid reputation as a top class independent specialist, offering unsurpassed expertise, reliability and value for back on the road as quickly money. and efficiently as possible, Whether you are looking without compromising on for new tyres for the family quality – and it’s all done with car, a fleet management a smile. service for your business or Over the next four pages, specialist tyres for industrial you can learn more about vehicles, “one call does it all”.the firm’s dedicated service, The team’s aim is to unique equipment and top utilise the latest state-ofclass service – and why the-art equipment to get you businesses from across the
area are queuing up to wish the team well on this special anniversary. You can also call into the depot at Lockill Roundabout, Victoria Street, Grimsby. Call 01472 360369. log on to northlincstyreslimited.co.uk
ORTH LINCS TYRES GRIMSBY Celebrating 20 years in business and continues to offer customers excellent products and bespoke services TYRE MANAGEMENT BY PROFESSIONALS
Roadside Assistance Fleet Audit NORTH LINCS TYRES is conveniently located at Lockhill, the roundabout for Victoria Street and the A180 LOCKHILL,VICTORIA STREET, GRIMSBY, NORTHEAST LINCOLNSHIRE, DN31 3LS email: info@northlincstyreslimited.co.uk www.northlincstyreslimited.co.uk
Forklift Earthmover
SALES ENQUIRIES: (01472) 360369 24 HOUR EMERGENCY: 07850 395408 ©LW