THAN K YO U FO R SU PPO RTI N G TH E 2014 TRANSWO RLD SKATEBOARD I N G AWARDS! Date: Tuesday, January 7, 2014 Location: The Terrace Theatre, Long Beach, California Attendance: 1,900 Promotional Impressions: 1,500 Microsite Impressions: 21,998 Social Impressions: 11,299,000* Public Relations Impressions: 94,800 Editorial Impressions: 719,310 Video Syndication Impressions: 68,226 On-site Impressions: 304,054 TOTAL IMPRESSIONS: 12,508,888
OVERVI EW During the 16th Annual TransWorld SKATEboarding Awards, TWS honored the best in skateboarding in Long Beach, California on the first night of the Agenda Trade Show. In its 16th year, the Awards officially recognized and honored top skaters in all areas of skateboarding, as voted on by the TWS editorial staff. Thousands of TWS readers also voted online to determine the winner of the only award in the industry picked solely by the readers of TWS themselves: the TWS Readers’ Choice Award. In addition, TWS also presents the Eric Stricker Memorial Award and the TWS Legend Award each year to deserving recipients — the lifers who have dedicated their hearts and souls to skateboarding.
2014 N O M I N EES & RESU LTS BEST ROOKIE: Brad Cromer Evan Smith Jon Dickson Julian Davidson Mark Suciu BEST TEAM: Cliche Deathwish Element Habitat Zero BEST VIDEO: Bon Voyage Chronicles 2 Cold War Deathwish Made TWS READERS’ CHOICE: Brandon Westgate Chris Cole Evan Smith Ishod Wair Mark Suciu Silas Baxter-Neal Wes Kremer BEST VIDEO PART: Ishod Wair - Chronicles 2 Tommy Sandoval - Cold War Jon Dickson - Deathwish Brandon Westgate - Made Silas Baxter-Neal - Perpetual Motion TWS LEGEND: John Lucero ERIC STRICKER MEMORIAL AWARD: Jim Philips
PRI NT PRO M OTI O N TOTAL IMPRESSIONS: 1,500 Total Postcards: 1,500 Details: • 1,000 promotional, co-branded postcards distributed at Agenda Trade Show • 500 official event postcards/invitations distributed throughout industry
16th Annual TWS Awards postcard
M I CROSITE TOTAL IMPRESSIONS: 21,998 TOTAL VALUE: $20,000 A dedicated event microsite on featured a landing page, videos, photos, news, results and general information about the 16th Annual TransWorld SKATEboarding Awards. Flight Date: November 2013 - Current Total Unique Page Views: 19,310 Microsite Features: • • • • • •
Readers’ Choice Voting Date and Location Award Highlight Videos Red Carpet and Highlight Photos #TWSAWARDS Instagram Widget Sponsor Logos and Links
16th Annual TWS Awards homepage
@TransWorldSKATE Tweets
#TWSAWARDS on Instagram
SO CIAL TOTAL POTENTIAL IMPRESSIONS: 11,299,000* Facebook, Twitter and Instagram were utilized by TWS to create buzz about the 16th Annual TransWorld SKATEboarding Awards. On Twitter and Instagram, the hashtag #TWSAWARDS made it easy for skaters, sponsors, fans, attendees, and the magazine to share their TWS Awards experiences with each other and the world. Total TWS Facebook Posts: 5 TWS Facebook Impressions: 4,215,000* Total TWS Twitter Posts: 22 TWS Twitter Impressions: 2,596,000* Total TWS Instagram Posts: 22 TWS Impressions: 4,488,000* #TWSAWARDS was used more than 1,000 times on Instagram and Twitter! *TWS potential impressions based off of number of posts x total number of followers.
TWS Facebook Post
PR TOTAL IMPRESSIONS: 94,800 TOTAL RELEASES: 6 PR campaign leveraging TransWorld SKATEboarding media assets with readership, regional and national media outlets. DISTRIBUTION: TWS E-Newsletter: 42,000 Press Releases: 2,700 Details: • Event mention in TWS e-newsletter 1 • Event mention in TWS e-newsletter 2 • Save the Date press release • Nominee Announcement press release • Legend Award press release • Winner Announcement press release
TWS Press Release
TransWorld SKATEboarding March 2014 Issue previous year and slap some high fives and say thanks to everyone for making skateboarding that much better. Many big thanks go out to everyone here at the office that helped pull this big event off. It’s a massive undertaking and we’re very appreciative of all the work that goes into it. Thanks to our excellent hosts Skatepark of Tampa’s Brian Schaefer and the one and only Lizard King. Also, we’d like to extend our many thanks to all the sponsors that made it happen again this year: GoPro, Redbull, New Era Caps, Pabst Blue Ribbon, and Agenda. See you guys again next year.
during the Agenda trade show, but skateboarding in general went big this year. So many gnarly video parts came out and so many dudes killed it so hard, but we tried to highlight some of them and hand out a few trophies in the process. It’s never easy deciding who gets an award and who doesn’t in skateboarding. Everybody has a right to their own opinion about the sort and that’s exactly where we stand. This is ours. We debate. We argue. We anonymously vote, and in the end, someone gets the most votes. End of story. Skateboarding is a very
our friends and take a look back on the Theater in downtown Long Beach
skateboarding. We all know that. We look at the awards show as just an awesome excuse to have a big party with
subjective thing and no one can “win”
with the new awards show venue that switched to the very spacious Terrace
Things went big this year, not only
The 16th Annual TransWorld SKATEboarding Awards appeared on 16 pages of the March 2014 issue.
t’s that time of year again—welcome to the 16th Annual Awards Issue.
*Editorial value amount is based on the advertising rate for the same sized space in TWS x 4 WORDS BY JAIME OWENS
Issue: March 2014 Size: 16P/4C
O N LI N E ED ITO RIAL TOTAL TWS ONLINE EDITORIAL PIECES: 17 TOTAL IMPRESSIONS: 99,424 The 16th Annual TransWorld SKATEboarding Awards received extensive online coverage before, during, and after the event. TWS was particularly active about creating online editorial about the show. All 17 posts were featured on the TWS homepage from January 2, 2014 - February 28, 2014. During that time period the site received over 455,934 visits. TWS Online Editorial - Awards Recap Pt 1
YouTube Video Syndication
VI D EO SYN D I CATI O N TOTAL VIDEOS: 22 TOTAL VIEWS: 68,226 TransWorld SKATEboarding has the unique opportunity to post and share video through multiple players such as YouTube, DailyMotion, Vimeo, and MSN.
DailyMotion Video Syndication
Bars stocked with cold PBR cans
O N-SITE BRAN D I N G TOTAL ATTENDANCE: 1,900 TOTAL ESTIMATED ON-SITE IMPRESSIONS: 57,600 Event sponsors were very well represented at the 16th Annual TransWorld SKATEboarding Awards. Sponsor logos were on all marketing collateral and every sponsor was branded uniquely throughout the venue. CO-BRANDED MARKETING: • • • • • • • • •
Step and Repeat • Product for VIPs, industry guests, backstage, and Promotional postcards attendees Podium logo loops • Drink specials for general admission Main screen logo loops • Product displayed at mobile bars Gobo light fixture Stage scrim banners Outdoor scrim banners Free-standing signage Sponsor mentions during show Photos and interviews were held in front of the branded media wall