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While Performing in Dublin, Rapper Illa J Talks Touring, Hip Hop & J Dilla

MARCH 2016 | ISSUE 03

Archivists Note We are three months into this journey and with each passing month and new issue of Griots Republic, the GR team gets more and more excited (no, you really don’t understand just how excited we really get!!). As we bring you images and stories that span the diaspora, we would be remiss in our duties if we did not take the time to thank you for reading this, our labor of love. Trust us, you really have not seen anything yet. With that said, let us go! Next stop citizens of the Republic? Ireland. Landing on the Green Isle, the team expected to be mesmerized by the majestic beauty of rolling hills, impressed by snow-capped peaks, intrigued by historic castles and warmed by tasty fare, but we got even more than expected as we connected with our cousins who have chosen Ireland as their home. The Archivists sat down with some of the most beautiful people to be found anywhere and they opened their hearts to us, as well as their lives, to share how they as former denizens of The Motherland found their way to Ireland and are proud to call it home. From Irish Comedians to Gospel Choirs and all the way over to International Powerlifters, we packed this issue with genuine Irish Soul. We even caught up will Detroit Rapper Illa J on his European Tour and spent hours in his dressing room talking (and eating) as he prepared to take the stage. His own words perhaps summed up our time together best, “Yo, it feels like my cousins came by to visit.” So, before you turn the page and take your first step onto the Green Isle to meet your family abroad, we think it is only appropriate to bless you with this traditional Irish prayer: May the road rise up to meet you, May the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of his hands. Travel safe and well citizens of the Republic. THE ARCHIVISTS

Irish comedian and internet star, Fabu D, has an inspiring story to tell of low lows and high highs. He also sings and it's absolutely unbelievable. If there's anything to be gained from Arlette Bamahou's interview it's a sense of "I can do it!" She is driven and passionate about women in sports! Watch!

Giving our time back to the community is as important as travel. So in celebration of Black History month, we cohosted a Black History Month Reading Event at Ralph Waldo Emerson Elementary School in Indianapolis, Indiana. How we ended up on the radio in Dublin talking about Griots Republic will consistently go down as the most random travel moment ever. Yet, there we were on Dublin City FM 103.2 and afterwards we went and ate chicken - because that's what family does. It's insane, sometimes, when talking to other travelers and they simply "Get It!" They understand your passion, your heartbreaks, and every other experience you've had while abroad. That's exactly what it was like talking with Entertainer Illa J. Definitely catch his interview!

from the citizens of the Green Isle and he blessed them with his presence in 1845 and 1846 to discuss and promote his book “The Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass: An American Slave.” One of the most poignant quotes from “My Bondage and My Freedom”:

It is virtually impossible to have a conversation about Slavery in America without including a rather robust conversation about orator, abolitionist, statesman, social reformer, and the former slave known as Fredrick Douglass. The author of “My Bondage and My Freedom,” which is still required reading in many schools is arguably one of the most influential African Americans of all time and while he may be tied to many anti-slavery discussions, what many do not realize is that he was also an avid supporter of women’s rights and his views earned him the respect of not only Americans, but the Irish as well. In fact, Douglas found both support and admiration

“I find myself regarded and treated at every turn with the kindness and deference paid to white people.”

“Eleven days and a half gone and I have crossed three thousand miles of the perilous deep. Instead of a democratic government, I am under a monarchical government. Instead of the bright, blue sky of America, I am covered with the soft, grey fog of the Emerald Isle [Ireland]. I breathe, and lo! the chattel [slave] becomes a man. I gaze around in vain for one who will question my equal humanity, claim me as his slave, or offer me an insult. I employ a cab—I am seated beside white people—I reach the hotel—I enter the same door—I am shown into the same parlour—I dine at the same table—and no one is offended... I find myself regarded and treated at every turn with the kindness and deference paid to white people. When I go to church, I am met by no upturned nose and scornful lip to tell me, ‘We don’t allow niggers in here!” This passage speaks volumes about the admiration Douglass felt for the Irish and in his book, “TransAtlantic”, Colum McCann proves the Irish admired Douglass equally. Douglass makes an appearance in this work of historical fiction as the now freed slave, who has found kindred spirits in his Irish brethren as they struggle for equality in a society that was engineered to keep them under the heel of the wealthy and powerful. There is more however, to this book than Douglass’ visit to Ireland. McCann ties in two additional stories.

Two pilots, Jack Alcock and Arthur Brown, who are determined to make history in 1919 by being the first to fly across the Atlantic to the Green Isle and the son of an Irishman, Senator George Mitchell, travelling from the United States to Belfast in 1988 to become the voice of Northern Ireland during their peace talks. All three journeys are all intricately woven together by several generations of women; Lily Duggan, her daughter (Emily) and granddaughter (Lottie) then wraps up with Hannah Carson. Whether you are lover of well written historical fiction or just simply looking for a good story, McCann delivers both.

It is recommended that you help your body overcome the virus by getting plenty of rest, drinking lots of fluids to prevent dehydration and treating muscle aches and headaches with Tylenol. It is best to prevent the contraction of Zika by wearing long sleeves to avoided mosquito bites and knowing the areas that mosquitoes tend to flourish, which are areas with open water or stagnant water. Also, wear mosquito repellent to help prevent mosquito bites.

Zika virus was first discovered in Africa during the mid 20th century and has been known to cause symptoms similar to dengue fever. Initally, it was limited to Asia and Africa, but due to globalization and increased access to different parts of the world, the Zika virus became an emerging disease throughout the world. Yet, only about 20% of people that have been bitten by the Aedes aegypti mosquitoes will become ill from the Zika virus.

Note that Zika has been linked to miscarriages and microcephaly in babies born to mothers who have contracted the virus. So

The most common symptoms of Zika infection are rash, fever, joint pain, red eyes (conjunctivitis), muscle pain and headache. The incubation period for Zika is not exactly known, but it is believed to be within about one week after the initial inoculation with the virus. Their illness is usually mild and symptoms last for several days to about over a week, most people do not die from the illness. However, Zika usually remains in the blood of an infected person for about a week and can be found longer than that in some people. Zika is transmitted via the same mosquito which transmits dengue and chikungunya. If you have traveled to any of the areas that are known to have an outbreak of the Zika virus and have any of the symptoms mentioned above, it is recommended that you go to seek medical care so that a diagnosis could be made to see if you have dengue fever, Chikungunya or Zika virus. There are no treatments for Zika at this time and there isn’t any vaccine developed against the virus at this time. Treatment is mostly symptomatic, which means that you treat the symptoms that you have.

before you travel, I would recommend that you check the CDC website in order to identify the areas where you will be traveling to see if it’s an area that has reported the Zika virus. Then you can take the necessary precautions to prevent infection.

Written By: Remi Daniel And the same passion with which they share their travel experiences is how they share their own story abroad, which may have set a trend for people in their host countries to want to come and visit this small, but boisterous country of 5 million people.

Not so long ago, the forms of entertainment you found in Ireland were mostly the Irish traditional music and any such events that promote and target the Irish culture and audience respectively.However, all that has changed in the last few decades as this Celtic nation has experienced, and is still experiencing, a shift both in its cultural and entertainment landscapes.

Ireland offers almost 9,000 miles of coastline and its rich history dates back to prehistoric times. So visiting Ireland may seem like a clean break for many, which probably explains why half a million people from 192 nations now make this place their home. As a result, new events and festivals are promoting and targeting issues and audiences on a global scale. One such events is the Neo Soul Brigade hosted in Dublin on the first Tuesday of every second month by a three-piece band called Vice & Verses.

Today, every industry that matters in Ireland looks and feels differently as the world becomes even smaller. Irish people love to travel. Irish people are good story tellers.

Vice & Verses is a soul-jazz spoken word trio comprising of: Giovanni Agostini, Venezuelan/ Italian, on bass; Enda Roche, Irish, on guitar and Clara Rose Thornton, American,

vocals. They play at the jazzera decorated Liquor Rooms on Wellington Quay, featuring rotating international guests and traditional African-American music both evolved and updated. “The Neo Soul Brigade focuses on wordsmithery, evolved soul, jazz and hip-hop,” explained the Chicago-born, two-time Leinster Poetry Slam Champion, founder and host Clara Rose Thornton. “This is a celebration of storytelling and music like no other in Ireland.”

“The Neo Soul Brigade focuses on wordsmithery, evolved soul, jazz and hip-hop...”

If you’re a lover of music and language and you enjoy live poetry, then you should check out this band on your next visit to Ireland. Or maybe you have such a flair for writing poems and lyrics or you just like to bond with an enthusiastic and lively new audience, either way, the Vice & Verses: Neo Soul Brigade gig is worth a visit. Here’s the best part: as we celebrate the commemorations of the 1916 Rising, I couldn’t recommend any better time to visit to Ireland. Remi Daniel is an Irish writer, producer, director and photographer. Nigerianborn and Irish resident for over 10 years, he has written several scripts for dramas, documentaries and promotional videos. His

travel experiences, especially across the countries of Ireland including Northern Ireland, have brought him in contact with very interesting people in most unusual places and inspired him into writing yet another story. Remi doesn’t just write for the sake of writing, he fills his pages with life and soul thus inviting his audience into living the experience with him. Raised by a restaurant-owner mom and military-contractor dad, he has strong opinions on food, accommodation and entertainment, hence his keen interests in restaurants, hotels, cinemas, theatres and venues. Remi is the writer that tells his audience as it is.

I traveled to India with friends in March of last year for the Holi Festival of Colors. During that week, we traveled to Agra to see the Taj Mahal in all its majestic glory, and rode camels through the Pushkar Desert. We even celebrated Holi with a local family and danced and drank under sporadic clouds of pigmented chalk. But it was in exploring the streets of Jaipur when I experienced the true magic of India. Roaming about, allowing myself to become enveloped in all the sights, sounds, and smells that Jaipur offered, I began to see the world through a new pair of eyes. In a country that is overrun by poverty and still seen as “developing,” I was only able to see its beauty in the bright smiles of those who call India home. It was while walking the streets that I discovered that I needed to see more and do more with this life that I had been

given. I know there are people who say that visiting a certain place or having a particular experience while traveling “changed their life.” It’s pretty cliché, I know, but traveling to India definitely was that for me. It was there that I rediscovered myself and made the decision to move abroad with my son. Perhaps it was the spirit of Holi in the air. The festival signifies the victory of good over evil, a time to reflect, forgive and forget, and to repair broken relationships. And I did. I thought about my life and the things I wanted to change within myself and with those around me. India still speaks to me and she continues to reintroduce me to myself.

Guinness Storehouse.” The Storehouse, located on St. James Gate in Dublin proper, is truly a must see for visitors of the city, particularly if you are a lover of stout, historical sites, and authentic Irish cuisine. The Storehouse, the site of a 19th century brewery turned tourist attraction, was founded by Sir Arthur Guinness in 1759. Today, Guinness produces over 2.5 million pints of stout per day! Within its walls, visitors can learn how Guinness Stout is made, eat, drink, and make merriment.

Ask any cab driver, bell boy, police officer or any random person walking down the streets of Dublin, Ireland what is “a must do” while in the city and it is guaranteed most will say, “The

Cover charge for entry to The Storehouse is 20 euro and includes a pint of its famous stout, which you can draft yourself after a brief tutorial. If you choose, you can simply sip it while enjoying a tour of the facility or save it and have it with your meal. It must be mentioned that you have never truly tasted Guinness Stout until you’ve tasted it in

Foodies who enjoy Caribbean style oxtail stew will be surprised... Ireland on tap. There is a noticeable difference in the texture and taste. The bottled version available in the US, is noticeably thicker and has bitterness to it while the tapped version on the Isle is smoother, less bitter, and arguably lighter. Visitors are encouraged to take their included drink or purchase another reasonably priced one to the top floor in the Gravity Bar to enjoy the nearly 360 degree view of Dublin and the surrounding area. What makes The Gravity Bar remarkable is not just the view. It manages to look like a highend bar/club, feel like an Irish Pub, and is quite sexy all at the same time. About the food‌ On the fifth floor is a wonderful pub with live bands playing traditional Irish and modern music. There is stout aplenty and food that is not your typical tourist-type food. What you get is real good food. Real good... The menus tout burgers, pulled pork sandwiches, and a pretty good salmon. The meal of choice is Beef Stew prepared with Guinness Stout and served with mashed potatoes on top and (lest we forget) the best soda bread ever! Foodies who enjoy Caribbean style oxtail stew will be surprised how remarkably similar the two taste. What is there not to like? Paired with a pint or two (or three), this is certain to be one of the best meals you will have while in Dublin. Slåinte!

Passionate about weight training, Arlette decided to start competing in powerlifting in August 2013. She has since gone on to win the World champion title in Dusseldorf in 2014 where she broke the World record in the deadlift and also picked up the Silver medal in unequipped deadlift, according to the blog “Black Women In Europe.� Arlette has also won the European champion title in the full power Championship in 2014; the European champion single lift title in 2014, where she broke two World records, and the World Champion title in Glasgow in 2013. Her dream is to join the national Irish training squad in a year and train to compete in the Olympics in 2020 representing Ireland.

It's all about the Food with a new series of Cooking Classes, Lectures & Exhibits

Cooking Irish? Is there even such a thing? Retired Chef and Irish American Heritage Museum Board of Trustees member, Harold Qualter thinks the culinary genre is underrated. “Many food critics find the idea of Irish Cuisine as a contradiction in terms,” said Chef Qualters. “Hardly ever do you hear someone state, ‘I’m cooking Irish tonight.’ Mexican, Italian, French, absolutely…but Irish, not so much.”

Irish Benedict

Constantly looking for new ways to connect Irish American’s with their culture, the Irish American Heritage Museum, located in Albany, NY, decided to start looking into the often hidden and forgotten part of Irish heritage and culture, its food. Everyone can relate to food, everyone eats. Ireland offers more than potatoes and stew; the culinary offerings are endless. Other foods include whiskey-laden desserts and marinated meats, an assortment of baked breads, stuffed cabbage, smoked salmon and shellfish. In 2015, the Irish American Heritage Museum partnered with the Irelands’ Department of Foreign Affairs through the Emigrant Support Programme and the Office of the Consulate General of Ireland’s office in New York to create a project that is able to foster a vibrant sense of Irish community and identity through “Cooking Irish.”

Irish Oysters Corned Beef & Hash

The Museum is currently in the midst of an ambitious series of programs that combines lectures on the history of Irish food and indigenous ingredients, cooking classes, an annual Irish Soda Bread Competition, and an exhibit to share this unique idea of having people get excited over their heritage and culture through food. The Museum has brought together a fantastic group of Irish American chefs to explore the idea of if there is actually an Irish cuisine, and if so, what is it? The history of Irish food tells a story of tradition, disaster and resilience. In the 15th and 16th centuries, the story shows a country overflowing with a bounty of diverse foods amidst an island of agricultural fertility. Much of the “traditional cuisine” that came from Ireland during this period had a distinct British flair. However, this would all change as Ireland adapted to constant invasions, war, and a crushing poverty that would lead to the dependence on the potato for survival- a dependency that ultimately and tragically led to the Great Famine of the 19th century. As the country tried to survive these hardships

Irish Soda Bread and instability, little thought was put into creating an “Irish cuisine.” Irish food, in the 21st century, is experiencing a rebirth. Through the work of chefs like Darina and Myrtle Allen, Irish cooking is emerging and continuously evolving. It is reinvented, using the incredible native and timeless Irish foods and new multicultural elements. A new generation of Irish chefs are building onto the cuisine, inspired not only by their traditional and ancestral dishes, but by the European and American culinary scene. Some, as Chef Qualters said, “might even call it Modern Irish cuisine as it continues its commitment to outstanding ingredients, treated simply.” One of the highlights of the Museum’s “Cooking Irish” program is the 4th Annual Maureen Farrell McCarthy Irish Soda Bread Competition taking place this March. Soda bread, a quick bread that gets its name from the use of baking soda as a leavening agent instead of the more common yeast, is one of Ireland’s staple foods and the competition has attracted entrants from all over the northeast. The Museum’s staff and board are excited to welcome both amateur and professional entrants to the event and hope this competition inspires people to learn about a very unique part of Irish culture

and life, especially as we approach St. Patrick’s Day when interest in all things Irish peaks. In the past the Museum has received around 70 different entries in three different categories, drawing national attention. The Irish American Heritage Museum’s mission is to preserve and tell the story of the contributions of the Irish people and their culture in America, inspiring individuals to examine the importance of their own heritage as part of the American cultural mosaic. As such, the Museum is unique in the United States, where almost 36 million individuals claim Irish ancestry. It is committed to the basic tenet that preserving one’s heritage is vital to providing a cultural and historical foundation to future generations of Americans. Rather than promoting a stage version of what it means to have Irish ancestry, the heritage museum focuses on preserving the actual culture and history of Irish Americans. It strives to be a living, breathing institution that offers an assortment of enrichment programs. In addition to “Cooking Irish,” historical lectures, plays, movie screenings, a storytelling series, genealogy programs, concerts, and open sessions are available to the public. Families can also participate in the annual Irish American Heritage Day at Saratoga Race Track and the

Ireland offers more than potatoes and stew; the culinary offerings are endless.

Corned Beef & Cabbage


Family Festival at the annual Albany St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Founded in 1986, the Museum has created a number of original exhibits including The Irish Influence in the Adirondacks, Dublin Then and Now, The Irish and the Erie Canal, Visions of Ireland: The Artwork of Michael Augustine Power O’Malley, and most recently Walking with Ireland into the Sun: Women Revolutionaries and the Easter Rising. These exhibits, amongst others, travel the United States on a regular basis, and even exhibited at the National Library in Dublin. The goal of all these programs and exhibits is to create transformative moments. We want kids and adults to be excited about learning and develop a passion for education that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. We want people to become interested in their culture and heritage and preserve it for future generations. It’s your heritage, pass it on! So, is there such a thing as Irish cuisine? Absolutely, but as mentioned before, it is constantly evolving, just like the Irish American Heritage Museum.

Guinness Beef Stew


SALSA CHOKE: THE DOUGIE MEETS SALSA Written By: Jeremiah Meyers The first time I ever heard the music genre salsa choke was just last year when my girlfriend Cici took up a oneyear work assignment in Cali, Colombia. If you know anything about Cali, then you know that it is the epicenter of salsa dancing. Many of the most famous dancers and clubs call Cali home, and it’s impossible to explore the city without being immersed in salsa culture. Having grown up in Miami, Cici is quite familiar with salsa, but what she discovered while living and learning in the city of Cali was a genretwisting form of song and dance that was an undiscovered gym to our uninitiated ears. As I listen to the track, it had so many elements familiar to me but felt totally new. You had no choice but to move to the infectious tune. Needless to say, I had to know

more about what I was hearing. Salsa choke’s roots can be found in the Pacifico region of Colombia. What’s unique about this region is its rich history in Afro-Colombian culture. Much of the culture from the original African people brought to Colombia as slaves, has been preserved in many ways, especially in music. Salsa choke blends melodies and sounds of classic salsa with the rhythms and bass of contemporary urban music, including hip hop. The end result is a youthful and energetic dance that adds modern urban style to a timeless music genre. Think salsa music mixed with “the Dougie!” If you like to dance, then you’ll love salsa choke. The genre has become so popular that

RE:UNION Music Fest is a global music festival aimed to assemble the music of the African Diaspora into one unforgettable, unique experience. Hip-hop, R&B, Reggae, Kompa, Cuban, Salsa, Afrobeat, South African House, and more will be brought together on ONE stage to celebrate our narrative.

the Colombian World Cup soccer team did the salsa choke after a goal which took its popularity to a new level of craze. It’s essentially the equivalent of what happened

when Cam Newton of the Carolina Panthers made the “Dab” dance famous during the 2015 NFL football season. Everyone from weathermen to sportscasters were seen doing the Dab. Such examples show just how influential African Diasporic contributions are to the mainstream culture of countries all over the world. This should not be forgotten or overlooked. The coolest thing about salsa choke I can share is that it actually provided me with my best memory while visiting Cali! During my

birthday weekend, Festival Petronio Alvarez came to Cali, and I was fortunate enough to be in town visiting Cici. This is the premiere Pacifico music festival in Colombia. What’s more exciting is that the Grammy-award

winning band Chocquibtown performed live! This Afro-Colombian group is originally from the Pacifico region and the festival was something of a homecoming. It was pretty amazing to see one of the top bands in Colombia at their peak playing salsa choke and Colombian hip hop to a huge outdoor crowd – can’t beat that! As with most of my posts, I encourage all to check out Spotify to hear more salsa choke music! You won’t be disappointed.

John Derek Yancey better known as “Illa J” is an American rapper/singer & songwriter. He is a solo artist but also is currently an active member of Detroit based groups Slum Village and Yancey Boys. He taught himself how to play the piano, had bass lessons and continuously has vocal training. As an independent artist, he has released three albums, 2008’s solo album Yancey Boys, 2013’s Evolution and 2013’s Sunset Blvd (as Yancey Boys along with Frank Nitt and Illa J’s big brother, J Dilla, on the production.) He’s been touring since 2007 and magically has released all this work without being signed.

NOMAD NESS #WhatsNext in Urban Travel



DERRY TO GALWAY Céad Míle Fáilte: A Hundred Thousand Welcomes Written By: Keith Swingle


Church Ruins in Inishmore

Sitting in a dimly-lit corner of a local Irish pub allows you to, unassumingly, take in the activity around you. Expectant eyes await your story, as though your stool has been waiting for your return since you last sat down, even if it’s your first time visiting. A shared history provides the breadth and depth of interaction with every patron, even in a thinned room. Ireland’s farms, like a quilt of green patchwork, provide myriad shades appropriate for the country’s Emerald Isle moniker. It also happens to be directly proportionate to the wealth of different experiences awaiting you when you visit the picturesque- and deceptively small- country. While whimsical Irish travel, like grabbing a sameday train ticket and trekking across the country for a U2 concert for which you don’t have a ticket, is well-documented and can keep a traveler content for quite some time, it’s also important to recognize that Ireland (both the Republic and Northern Ireland) has its own history, much of it hotly contested. Nowhere has this been as overtly expressed, in terms of conversation as well as artistic expression, than in Derry. In fact, calling the city Derry alone is making a political statement that may cause some to bristle.

Londonderry is the official name given to the city by the United Kingdom; those who have fought for Irish Republicanism are not keen on said title, opting for the shorter version. Anyone will know where you are talking about and, given your nonIrish accent, you are likely to not be harassed for your choice, though you may be matter-of-factly corrected. The inner part of Derry city is enclosed by a stone wall that has been standing for centuries, which is enough of a unique take on urban planning to check it out. Take a stroll about the hilly cityscape (or atop the wall itself) and it becomes quite easy to imagine the world of another time. This European style of adapting to pre-existing architecture is distinct, as is the cobblestone streets and alleyways. Beyond, the city itself was designated the UK’s City of Culture in 2013, for, among other things, brilliant murals painted onto the sides of homes and businesses. The Bogside Artists - one such group of muralists whose work has drawn international acclaim not for advertising, but rather for storytelling- have some of the most intense and profound pieces of urban art

that have ever been erected. The Bogside, a neighborhood outside the city walls, was quite possibly the most heated place in the entire island of Éire during the Troubles – a period of ethno-nationalist conflict in the late 20th century further escalated by a 50 hour riot in 1969 that quickly spread to other parts of Northern Ireland in what became known as “The Battle of the Bogside”. Rioting between Bogside residents and Irish police stretched on for three days until the British Army intervened to restore order. In January 1972, British soldiers shot 26 unarmed civilians, gathered to protest the continuous mass arrests and internment of those with suspected ties to the Irish Republican Army (IRA). Thirteen were killed, many while fleeing soldiers or assisting the wounded. Known as Bloody Sunday or Bogside Massacre, the event has been immortalized in music and film, but the murals tell their own stories: individuals whose impact stretch beyond flesh and bone to tell a larger story of a people who embody writer Edna O’Brien’s outlook on the Irish, “When anyone asks me about the Irish character, I say look at the trees. Maimed, stark and misshapen, but ferociously tenacious.” The artists themselves, brothers Tom and William Kelly, and Kevin Hasson, have created a collection of a dozen murals depicting individuals at the center of the Irish civil rights movement, while telling a much larger, much broader story. Having larger-than-life expressions allows for much more profound feelings and reactions to these spectacular monuments to a fierce people. Of particular interest to a global community is a series of headshots of Dr. Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Mother Teresa, and Irish civil rights champion John Hume, which serves as a clear message about the high esteem in which Hume is held for his relentless work in promoting peace among the people of Ireland


Galway Hookers

and Northern Ireland. Their faces surround a painting of the Brooklyn Bridge, whose symbolism was explained by Tom Kelly on a guided tour of the murals. When the Brooklyn Bridge was conceptualized and constructed, it was said that the island of Manhattan and Brooklyn were too far apart to ever be bridged. Its construction and endurance has earned it remarkable fame for its distinct look, but also because of its enduring span, which was highly derided at the time. Such a universal notion can be appreciated by visitors the world over. While in the Bogside admiring the labors of love, the image of the gable wall containing the iconic, “You are now entering Free Derry,� serves as a loaded welcome to those who descend upon this historically significant city. While Irish peace has been in place since the Good Friday Agreement of 1998, Derry’s interactive artistic expressions and historical monuments (delightfully and unceremoniously still enmeshed in the cityscape) show the starkness and realism that was very much a part of everyday life for many in and around the city. In fact, you get the sense that by living

in the same homes since the Troubles were at their height, Derry residents are highly insistent that their story be preserved on a larger scale than mere oral history. Heading south an hour or so, smaller cities with even more closely-spun webs of interaction exist in towns like Omagh, where the Good Friday Agreement was met with terrorism in the form of a car bomb that went off in the center of town just months after the landmark agreement was made. A beautifully harrowing memorial exists next to where the fateful bomb exploded. It is certain that the Irish- in this part of the country, at least- have preserved their history well, both in monuments and on their faces. The endurance and the resolve is clear in Omagh where artistic and architectural achievements have marked both what a country has been through and what it hopes to achieve. The linguists that they are, an Irishman will gladly talk about the impacts of these events, while drawing you closer by relating it to American history. That comes as no surprise, as the Irish have had a torrid (mostly) love affair with the United States and are eager to share common


CliffsMohr of Moher Cliffs bonds of land, love, and family. Sharing a drink with someone from Ireland is no ritual to be taken lightly. The people are frequently quick to offer a free pint, provided you get your round, too. It’s unspoken, naturally, but offers the person sitting next to you a glimpse of your character. Being mutually responsible for merriment, you are also as responsible for the bond shared. Public houses- like Sally’s or the Coach Inn in Omagh- are ostensibly just that: houses for the public to congregate. Any football matchesGaelic games, Premier League, and the likedraw a crowd. Naturally, younger crowds come in for late-night merriment on weekends. As such, it can be difficult to distinguish what makes for an “authentic” pub experience. In many places like Galway- Ireland’s gem on the west coast- the distinction is often made by the writing on the wall, or at least above the door. More traditional Irish pubs, resplendent with Irish music and the sporadic a capella version of some rebel song or another can be found in pubs whose name is written in Gaelic. Tig Coili is one such pub. An earlier arrival assures

you of a cozy seat, while the audience for live Irish music makes it a strictly standing-room-only affair at night. Being Irish in all things, musicians here are more likely than not to be seated at the same small table as patrons, making themselves distinguishable only by the tin whistle or bodhran (hand drum); think of these experiences as a less formal open mic night, with a non-existent divide between performer and audience. Others, like Tigh Neactain, offer an ambience more suited for conversation. While the best of conversation can happen in a pub, cities like Galway are rather renowned for their celebration of the finer things in life, as well: literature and food festivals in the spring, the famous Galway Hooker Festival in May (the boats; a Google search is SFW), food and arts festivals in July, and the world-famous Oyster Festival in September (worth the hype). The arts, in particular, are becoming more and more prominent in Ireland. Celebrating a deluge of Irish writers and poets is nothing new, of course. However, the two-week arts

Tig Coili

festival showcases works presented across the artistic plane: theater, photography, soft sculpture, painting, drawing, and dance. Buildings all across the city celebrate the artistic endeavors of the Irish people and those who have fallen in love with Ireland. Even small shops and restaurants, like the now-defunct Couch Potato potato bar, feature snapshots and photography along their walls, all by local artists. Music venues like the famed Roisin Dubh , Black Rose in Gaelic, use these two weeks to expand their typically diverse guest list even further to accommodate those who pursue the arts as a means of expression. Walking through Eyre Square and the carless streets of the city center, it’s no wonder

people have become smitten with all things Irish. Go south and you are in Galway Bay, with the rustic Aran Islands- perhaps the west’s last holdout from modern amenities- awaiting you before setting sail into the Atlantic. Spending a day there amidst the carts and farm land will take anyone back to a time where farming was king; as the locals there will say, there’s a lot to be said for simpler times, even if we are not meant to live in them. To listen to the waves crashing against the Cliffs of Moher, or the coast of Inishmore is to listen to the stories being told all around you from the people, in the artwork, in the heads of Guinness, and all of them wish you céad míle fáilte: a hundred thousand welcomes.

African Gospel Choir Dublin, sometimes colloquially referred to as AGC, is a 15+ member, all volunteer choir from Western Africa. Originally organised in 2007 by Adeniyi Allen-Taylor for a wedding, the choir has since been co-ordinated by Tomilola Allen-Taylor. The ensemble blends elements of African Gospel, Negro spirituals, Accapella and American popular music. The choir shows their love of music and joy for life in their music and are also known to delight audiences with repertoire sung in English and their native languages. The Mission Statement of the Choir is making music with a purpose - to bring people close to the Lord, to present the talents of young African singers in Ireland, and also to present to the world the richness in the voice and the melody of an all African Choir. The goal of the choir is to inspire and influence people positively and to promote Gospel music through African culture.




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Nestled neatly in between the tiny community of islands which make up the archipelago of the Lesser Antilles in the Caribbean Sea sits Montserrat, a little island fondly referred to as the “Emerald Isle of the Caribbean.” This tiny enclave in the West Indies casts quite a large shadow when people learn of her unique and little known Irish history. Made up of a majority of Afro-Caribbean descendants of the TransAtlantic Slave Trade, it is the last place one would expect to see locals celebrating all things Hibernian. But it is here that on March 17, the island’s Irish descendants commemorate the Feast Day of St. Patrick while the descendants of the African slaves celebrate Liberation Day- honoring their ancestor’s noble grasp for freedom on that very day in 1768. The unassuming island nation of Montserrat literally burst into global consciousness when her long-dormant volcano, Soufriere Hills, awakened in the summer months of 1995. Soufriere Hills is nothing like the lava spewing Hawaiian style

Visitors to the island are welcomed with the stamp of a green shamrock in their passports at immigration. The shamrock is the most recognizable Irish national emblem shared by both. volcanoes, which we often see on the Discovery Channel. Instead, she is an ash volcano that emits superheated gas and pulverized rock called pyroclastic flows- that travel down her slopes at high velocity. Her once 12,000-strong local population emigrated to all points on the compass. But the stalwart locals who, defiantly refused to abandon “The Rock”, have sustained and successfully weathered the geological, social, cultural and economical upheavals that this cataclysmic event has wrought over the past two decades. The “Emerald Isle’s” long and storied history with Ireland began when Irish Catholics, under the leadership of Anthony Brisket, landed on the northernmost section of Montserrat from the neighboring island of St. Kitts fleeing religious persecution from Reformation Era Europe. Irish Catholics initially took sanctuary in St. Kitts under the protection of the French Crown, as French Catholics had already settled portions of the island. The French and English were at one

point peacefully cohabiting having separate colonies within the island. However, the English eventually won the battle for dominance over the island, and the French were forced to relinquish her colonies in 1713. Thus, the Irish once again became vulnerable to Anglo religious persecution. They established what would become the first permanent European settlement on the island in the present day Carr’s Bay region. Brisket, who would soon successfully petition the Crown for an official charter to administer the island, became the first governor of this new English colony in 1633. Having established Montserrat as a colony where the Irish no longer need fear the antiPopish sentiments of the European Reformation movement, the Irish began to arrive in droves. Oliver Cromwell, ever the pragmatist, used Montserrat as a location of both forced and voluntary indentured servitude; criminals and those in debt worked off their indemnities by placing themselves in the service of the Crown and its wealthy landowners. Spreading out island-wide from their initial northern

outpost, the Irish population grew and became the majority European demographic on island in the mid-1600s. They eventually established the, fittingly named, village of St Patrick’s in the island’s southernmost location. West Africans were soon introduced to Montserrat by the English via the Atlantic Slave Trade, which rapidly became the island’s cash crop. Over the ensuing 100 years, the ethnic majority of the colony changed once again, this time in favor of the slaves, as increasingly larger and larger amounts of Africans were transported to the island as forced labor to work on its sugar plantations. The Irish, once occupying the bottom rung of the social order of the Plantocracy as indentured persons, soon became slave owners themselves. Having now arrived at the virtual top of the social pecking order, these nouveau riche landowners varied very little in their harsh treatment of the island’s slaves, as was meted out by the English. Scholars have argued that the Irish proved even more brutal in terms of their treatment of their living “property.”

In the early months of 1768, on March 17th, the island’s slave population staged a revolt. The plan was to use the drunken revelry of the Feast Day of St. Patrick, when the island’s Irish plantocracy’s guard would be lowered under the inebriation of heavy drink in celebration of the holiday. In their plan, the field hands would storm the Governor’s mansion in the capital of Plymouth using the tools of their trade as weapons: clubs, stones, machetes, rakes, hoes and other metal implements. The domestic, or house, slaves would be charged with using knives and confiscating the swords of their drunken Irish house guests to be used by their field counterparts. The revolt failed. A female slave, domesticated to work as a seamstress in the “Great House,” revealed the plot and the Irish were prepared for the surprise attack. The revolt’s leaders were systematically sought out and ruthlessly tortured and killed as an example to the slave population, in hopes of thwarting future

The Lady & The Harp is its national emblem, and is located on the flag. This represents Erin - the feminine personification of Ireland, with her harp, while holding up a cross representing Catholicism. attempts. Local lore dictates that they were hung on the silk cotton tree in Cudjoe’s Head. The tree still stands in the village. Over the centuries, the interaction between the island’s African slaves and the Irish landowners created a unique set of circumstances on Montserrat. As a direct result of the cultural diffusion that transpired between the two groups due to interaction and inter-marriage, a biracial population emerged. Irish surnames such as Riley, O’Garro, Farrell, Greenaway, Burke, and Daley are common. Even Monserrat’s food feature cultural collaborations, evident in the island’s fabled national dish of “Goat Water,” not to be confused with the similarly named Jamaican “Mannish Water,” said to be an amalgamation of Irish goat stew infused with spices commonly used by the African population. Longtime visitors to Montserrat are often alarmed to hear Afro-Caribbean children speak of leprechauns and mermaids, long before the existence of Walt Disney’s hit animated production. Tales of mermaids and nefarious imps have

been staples in the cultural diet of the island’s child population for generation after generation due to Irish influence- except this diet included variations to the narratives that added the Africanlore of the emancipated slaves. The impact of Soufriere Hills’ eruption in 1995 is still palpable. What was once a lively island-wide celebration and national holiday declined after the exodus of the island’s natives during the first decade of what is referred to locally as “The Crisis”. Current celebrations of St. Patrick’s Day, founded by the island’s civil and church youth groups in 1982, represent an island wounded by both its colonial and volcanic past and present. With the passage of time, volcanic activity has slowed significantly and Montserrat is solidly on the path to rebirth and redevelopment. The numerous Caricom nationals

from the neighboring Caribbean islands also left their mark on the island’s culture and celebrations. St. Patrick celebrations evolved to include differing nationalities and foods from the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Guyana and Haiti. The introduction of panCaribbean cuisine creates a smorgasbord of delicacies to whet the adventurous palates of our guests from all over the world. This March 17th, and the week leading up to that climax, visitors to Montserrat will be treated to an ambitious calendar of events that includes long distance races, hiking, island-wide boat ride tours of the abandoned City of Plymouth, food tasting events, dances, Calypso shows, pub crawls, lectures, helicopter tours and the much-anticipated parade. Access and accessibility to the island has been the bane of the locals and

visiting foreigners, since the volcanic activity has knocked the island out of the LIAT network. Leeward Island Air Transport (LIAT) is the regional carrier airline, which traditionally provides air service to the smaller islands from the large island hubs of Trinidad, Barbados and Antigua. However, access to the island can be obtained by first landing in neighboring Antigua and taking either a 1 & 1/4 hour ferry ride over to the island or a 17-minute flight. Montserrat is now a weekly port of call Windstar Cruises and Sea Dream Yacht Club cruises. Additionally, JetBlue Airways, now operates a non-stop flight service from New York’s JFK three times a week. So if you’re looking for a place to celebrate “All Thing Irish,” with an AfroCaribbean flavor, why not visit “The Other Emerald Isle”- Montserrat? We would sure love to have you!

Godfrey moved to Ireland in 2002 and is a community activist in Dublin. He currently sits on the Dublin City Intergration Forum Executive, Dublin City Community Forum Executive and Dublin Local Community Development Committee. He also oversees the Youth Platform Project Ireland (YPPI), an organization within New Communities Partnership that aims to provide a platform through which issues that concern Young Migrants in Ireland are addressed. Godfrey is also a Certified Financial Advisor, Serial Entrepreneur, and music executive. He is the co-founder of Gospel Music Ireland and has promoted and worked with artists like Kirk Franklin, Israel Houghton, George Hamilton IV, Stevie Wonder & Andrae Crouch.

THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STORY Fighting for Sexworker’s Rights Written By: Kate McGrew

In 2008 I was living in NYC, a city once known for its debaucherous spirit that was sadly suffering raids on much of its sex industry. This included the mid-town BDSM dungeon where I catered to the peculiarities of men and couples wanting to be dominated, or for the lucky discerning gentleman, to take me as a submissive. That August, I went on a family holiday to Ireland and on the Arran Island of Inishmore, I met a nice young man. He offered me residence with his family if I wanted to extend my visit to “experience real Ireland”, as they were accustomed to taking in travellers to work in their garden for a period. Impulsively, I stayed and discovered that Ireland also provided fertile ground for artistic creation. I began a life here, busy writing music and performing shows. Later, during the lowest point of the country’s economic crash, I started working again in the sex industry, first in strip clubs then putting myself on a website as a full service escort. I was happy to have the financial salve sex work provided. Just like NYC, Ireland soon began cracking down on the industry. The “Turn Off the Red Light” campaign combined a coalition of groups aimed at abolishing prostitution through “End Demand” tactics. It is a campaign calling for the criminalisation of the purchase of sex using the Swedish model, a model since proven to infringe on the health, safety, and human rights of the workers. If they turn off the red light, we will all be in the dark. The industry is still in the criminal sector, so workers have strained relations with the police. Complicated restrictions around where and how you can work mean that many

people fall in between the cracks, bypassing a legal path and relying on third parties or becoming more vulnerable to traffickers to sort the details for them. Holland and Germany have legalised sex work, but New Zealand and Australia have the model that sex work organisations worldwide prefer. Sex work is fully decriminalised. Legitimizing sex work within the labor sector, workplaces are inspected by the Labor or Health departments instead of by police raids. Law enforcement relations have improved and workers have realistic access to the justice system, solving disputes via legal redress. A woman famously sued her brothel-owner for harassment in New Zealand in 2013 and was awarded 25,000 dollars. It is fairly simple to get a flexible license to suit your particular circumstances. Because of this flexibility and decriminalization, big brothels went out of favor in New Zealand in 2003, giving rise to SOOBs (small owner operated brothels) where up to 4 women work together in an apartment. In the Republic of Ireland, it is currently legal to both sell and buy sex, within extremely narrow parameters. It is legal for me to work because I work alone, and I work indoors. We are not allowed to solicit, work in pairs or groups, work outdoors, or hire anyone as security or to manage our bookings. No one, not even a partner or relative, is allowed to share in the earnings of our work. Most workers get caught with charges for “brothelkeeping”, although this definition includes even only two women working together for safety. This criminal record often forms a barrier for people to leave the industry and secure other work. The Sexual Offences Bill was

Come for the banter and the craic. Stay as long as you like, and go ahead and treat yourself to some sex with a professional.

The proposed law would double penalties for women working together for safety, with a potential jail sentence. It is an attempt to make the industry as risky as possible and therefore an unattractive option. The results are workers - who will work regardless becoming collateral damage. The most underresourced workers are surely going to keep working; and with this law that forces the industry underground, they will be in more dangerous circumstances.

drawn up in 2012 by the Justice Committee and is currently moving through stages for approval.. Minister for Justice, Francis Fitzgerald, agreed to sit with members of SWAI (Sex Workers Alliance Ireland) to hear our concerns about the section of the bill that would make it an offence to buy sex. We described to the Minister how violence escalated in the streets of Dublin after it was made illegal to sell sex in the streets and workers lost trust in the Gardai, the National Police. The Minister replied, “But won’t that serve as a deterrent from entering the industry?�

Criminalising clients also creates dangerous circumstances for sexworkers. Criminalising the client tips the power dynamic in his favour. He may no longer want to come to our in-call location for fear of being seen and instead insist we go on an outcall to him, to a place we are unfamiliar with and have no control over. Street workers would now be dealing with nervous and rushed clients which could prevent them from going through their safety protocols. They will have less time to negotiate services offered or condom use. If even for a short time there is a reduction in clients,

they will have less to lose and other workers may compete with lowered prices and unsafe sex. Third parties looking to exploit us know we will have more trouble finding clients or securing work apartments after this law. People who have been coerced or are being abused would be further away from support services and authorities. Because of poor law enforcement relations, abuse would go unreported and undetected. This model of client criminalisation gives impunity to perpetrators posing as clients. These predators realise we are alone and that we don’t want to be under policy scrutiny and risk losing our livelihood or our homes by making ourselves known to Gardai. A sex worker in Norway, where they have such a law, said “You manage a bad situation to the end. You risk losing everything if you go to the cops and so only do if you really believe you are going to die.” We are a risk-taking population, largely because we have had to be. Research conducted in October 2014 by Queens University in Northern Ireland found that 98 percent of sex workers said they did not want client criminalisation. Nevertheless, the Swedish model passed into effect in there in June, purportedly to protect women, Yet it has, so far, led to the arrest one man for purchasing sex and three women for working together. Despite this law’s inability to reduce the amount of people in prostitution, its ineffectiveness at preventing people from being trafficked for the purpose of sexual exploitation, and the fact that sex workers worldwide say that client criminalisation has or would make them less safe, the law is promoted as a progressive measure towards ending gender inequality. It views sex work as gender-based violence. It views all women in sex work as victims or as suffering from false consciousness. This lacks information and imagination. It erases the voices and experiences of the many men and trans people working in the industry. The rhetoric

Prostitution is not inherently exploitative or empowering, although it has the potential to be both. of these sex work prohibitionists, referring to “men purchasing women�, is objectifying, and patronising. Right now in Ireland, services are being cut to rape crisis and domestic abuse support centres, and single mothers have little affordable housing

or childcare. While we address structural inequalities in our society we can’t take away an option for people, many without any viable alternatives, to make money elsewhere. We must be prepared for the reality that some may still choose to sell sex instead. Poverty is disempowering. Prohibitionists insist that people in extreme poverty or dealing with drug addictions are unable to give consent. It is such a dangerous concept, because then what are we to call it when sex workers do say no? Prostitution is not inherently exploitative or empowering, although it has the potential to be both. Sex workers therefore need labour rights and deserve human rights. Acknowledging the existence of the sex industry is not an endorsement of prostitution but it is essential to

effectively protect those involved. The World Health Organization, Amnesty International, Open Society Foundation, UNAIDS, Global Alliance Against the Traffic of Women back full decriminalisation as the best model to support sex workers in protecting themselves. We at SWAI are finding strength in our allies to slow the progress of the Sexual Offences Bill, and by spending time interacting with groups with whom we should be aligned, shedding light on the realities of sex workers’ experiences and needs. LGBT, feminist, migrant rights, abortion rights and HIV support groups and other groups concerned with bodily autonomy must step forward. Sex workers are a disparate, marginalised, varied, and vulnerable population. We are also adaptive, robust, humorous, and tough as nails. The stigma that makes us further targets for violence is slowly waning, and despite a vocal minority in power pushing for further criminalisation of our work, overall

attitudes are shifting. Ireland’s recent worldwide leadership in marriage equality has shown the country’s ability to supports its citizens’ quality of life. You only need to talk to people around you to discover their humanity. Ireland is a country rich for the spirit of its people. Come for the banter and the craic. Stay as long as you like, and go ahead and treat yourself to some sex with a professional.

Kate McGrew is a sex worker, singer, and Irish reality tv star working with SWAI to decriminalize sex work. SWAI is an alliance of sex workers, ex-sex workers, health and social providers and researchers, working together to advocate for and promote the health, safety, civil rights and right to selfdetermination of female, male and transgender sex workers in Ireland. For more information, visit their website.

Have you ever listened to a song and thought, ”Could that really happen?” The blog lyricfancy answers that question by reality checking music lyrics. Start with a tune, form a hypothesis, mix in a little research and see what happens.

in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes. His ode to world wandering got me to wondering. Do most tourists leave their home countries?


It may seem trivial to define a tourist, but there are nuances for the purposes of statistics. A tourist is a person who travels for pleasure (instead of business or family obligations). According to the United Nations World Tourism Organization, tourism is expected to increase over the next 15 years. Even areas that have traditionally declining visitor rates, such as Africa and the Middle East, are experiencing a surge in tourism rates.

Reading departure signs in some big airport, reminds me of the places I’ve been.

Song & Artist Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes by Jimmy Buffett

Hypothesis Most tourists venture to at least one international locale in their lifetime.

Analysis Musician and island enthusiast Jimmy Buffet reflects on his travels with fondness in Changes

Let’s take a journey to find out.

Living Social, the online deal marketplace, studied Americans’ ultimate destinations and found Las Vegas and Disney World landed on the top 10 list. While those sun-filled destinations bode well for domestic travel; astonishingly, sixty four percent of the U.S. population has never traveled abroad. Two words: do better. The universe is brimming with rich cultures, beautiful landscapes and

delectable cuisine, and you want to stay home? It’s a small world after all, go conquer it!


When Americans finally leave the country the most popular regions are Mexico and Canada. So pretty much, people cross the border. It’s better than nothing (no disrespect to Mexico and Canada). The United States Tour Operators Association found that Myanmar in Southeast Asia will be the top emerging destination in 2015. Once a destination for those on humanitarian and educational ventures, Cuba is now set to become an enticing option thanks to renewed diplomatic relations.

Most tourists during their time on this planet travel internationally at least once. If funds are limited, you don’t have to go far. Leave your ‘hood, borough, village or city. Whether bus fare or air fare, learning something new can ONLY enrich your life. I have been very fortunate to trek across three continents. Not bad, but my exploration appetite is never satiated. Grabbing my passport and headphones now, au revior!

Adventure seekers the world over packed their bags and accounted for 53 percent (598 million) of all international tourist arrivals in 2014. Europe had the most foreign visitors the same year. Which nationality globe-trots the most? The average Briton has explored seven countries OUTSIDE of the United Kingdom. The most powerful passport, based on cost and visa-free entry to nations, belongs to


Tiye Jameson is the founder of the music blog lyricfancy, where she reality checks song lyrics. She listens to verses with an ear for the ridiculous. The unapologetic Baltimore, Maryland native travels the world picking up music and dropping knowledge. Check out Tiye’s lyric experiments at www.lyricfancy. com. (Data Sources)

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Each quarter Griots Republic endeavors to give back to the community through coordinated programming with our corporate partners. In commemoration of February’s Black History Month, GR partnered with Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield to read to the students of Ralph Waldo Emerson School (RWE) #58, in Indianapolis, Indiana. Approximately fifteen volunteers read travel themed, black history children’s books like, Calvin Alexander Ramsey’s “Ruth and the Green Book” and Joyce Carol Thomas’ “In the Land of Milk and Honey” to seven elementary classes. Along with the reading day, more than 30 gently used iPads were donated to the library to enable RWE staff and students to work together using creative learning tools, apps and interactive textbooks for endless learning possibilities. Anthem also donated iTunes gift cards to the school to ensure that they gain access to the appropriate educational apps.


k You!

Griots Republic Vol. 1 Issue 3 March 2016 Cover Image Courtesy of Illa J Editor in Chief Davita McKelvey Deputy Editor Rodney Goode Copy Editor Alexis Barnes Video Editor Chidi Nwaozomudoh Videographer Kindred Films inc Social Media Shanita Hubbard

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