It is hard to believe this is our 8th sale of this popular sales series. The concept was to create a way for breeders to market embryos from top animals and to allow others to invest in new and different cow families. The sale is very popular because there are amazing embryos and donors offered of all breeds. Over time this sale has allowed for the sale of hundreds of embryos and many successful donors and choices. The success stories are too numerous to list but dozens of buyers have started great foundations to their herds by purchasing embryos at this sale. Almost every lot in the sale is the quality that resulting females can go to any sale in the country. Many buyers purchase a package of embryos and put resulting calves in sales to pay for their investment and have one to work with at their own farm. Donors that have sold through this sale have been foundations for many successful operations.
This sale is no exception. Our lead off Lot is a former HM Grand Champion at World Dairy Expo that is Ex 96 and we have embryos from every hot family in the business. Doc, Footloose, Shakira, Anna, Snapple, Adler, Hattie, Tequila, Turbo, Beth Red along with great Jersey lots from the best cow families in the business. We even have a few lots of Brown Swiss, Guernsey and Milking Shorthorn eggs for your consideration.
We thank the consignors to this sale as we feel it is not only our largest offering but maybe the best one yet. There is something for everyone!
We hope you will join us for the evening of August 1 on Cowbuyer as this sale always has lots that are tremendous value that anyone can afford.
The Alliance: Tim & Sharyn and Chris & Jen
Special Terms and Conditions for Embryo Sales
1. It is the responsibility of the BUYER to pay all shipping costs associated with getting embryos to the location of their choice.
2. The SELLER will be responsible for transferring ownership to the buyer.
3. Should a buyer want embryos exported, please contact the seller directly,prior to the sale to determine exactly which countries the embryos are eligible for export to. All testing, health charts, charting and shipping fees will be the responsibility of the buyer.
4. No embryos will be shipped, or released from any facility until complete settlement has been made with sale managers.
5. Emails and contact phone numbers of each consignor have been supplied on each lot for buyers to contact sellers regarding shipping and handling.
6. All announcements sale day will take precedence over printed material.
7. Buyer assumes all risk and reward.
Bright futures
LIVE Auction on Cowbuyer.com
Live Auction and Internet bidding at www.cowbuyer.com

Aaron Ray Tompkins
Ph: 336.363.4639 | atompkin@vt.edu
Registration and approval prior to sale time is required.
Agent: Katie Shultz 717.543.7883
Buyers utilizing Cowbuyer may pay by credit card. Buyer’s fees apply. Please contact Aaron Ray Tompkins for full details. ALL purchases must be settled within 5 business days of the sale payable to Chris & Jennifer Hill, 8517 Orndorff Rd., Thurmont, MD 21788. Invoices will be emailed and/or mailed immediately.
Embryos sold on a per embryo basis times the number of embryos offered in the package unless otherwise noted or announced. Shipping arrangements or pickup of the embryos, including all expenses, are the buyer’s responsibility. The consignor's email addresses & phone numbers have been provided for buyers and sellers to arrange shipment. No embryos will be released before payment is made.
Sale Staff
Chris Hill..........................................202.255.7907

Jen Hill............................................301.606.2269
Tim Abbott......................................802.238.1142
Sharyn Abbott.................................802.309.4484
Chad Umbel....................................240.674.0154
Matt Hawbaker................................717.360.7848
Dave Reynolds.................................717.321.4011
TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 2023 | 6:00 pm EST (Note start time) Please
Announcements take precedence over printed material.
Sale Managed by :
Borderview Genetics LLC

Tim & Sharyn Abbott

P.O. Box 619. Enosburg, VT 05450
Chris & Jennifer Hill 202-255-7907

8517 Orndorff Rd. Thurmont, MD 21788
Lot 1
Brackleyfarm Chelios Cheerio "EX-96 2E" All-American 4 Year Old 2015
Daughter of Lot 1
open & dry
Milk Source LLC
c/o Eddie Bue N3569 Vanden Bosch Rd., Kaukauna, WI 54130 715.299.4651 • eddiebue@milksource.net Farnear Altitude-Red-ET
Lot 2
• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Export eligible to Canada
Location: Boviteq, Madison, WI
S: Farnear Altitude-Red-ET
Lot 3
• (2) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
S: Hodglynn Maximum-Red-ET
• (3) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
S: Lindenright Moovin-ET *RC

Export eligible to Canada
Location: Boviteq, Madison, WI
Maternal and/or full sister to embryos:
Hilrose Moovin Adelina-Red VG-87-2Y-CAN
•All-Canadian R&W Jr. 2 Year Old 2022
•1st Summer Jr. 2, Int. Champion and HM Grand Champion, Canadian National R&W Show 2022
Hilrose Dairy LLC
N426 Military Rd., Sherwood, WI 54169-9796
920.450.3047 Andy
920.205.4976 Jeff • jjbrantmeier@yahoo.com
Hodglynn Maximum-Red-ET
12th Dams:
Hilrose Malone Atlas-Red-ET EX-90 EX-MS

Hilrose Jordy America-Red
3-00 2x 344d 31,830 3.5 1110 3.1 1002
Hilrose Advent Anna-Red-ET EX-95 4E GMD
Life: 3482d 362,320 4.8 17452 3.3 12033
•Wisconsin Cow of the Year 2018
•Nasco Int’l Type & Production Winner 2018
•Res. All-American R&W 2016 & 2017
Hilrose Rubens Ashlyn *RC EX-91 GMD
Wilstar Derry Alissa-ET *RC EX-91 2E GMD
Wilstar-RS Ldr Angel-Red-ET EX-91 2E GMD
Dreamstreet Enhancer Alicia 3E-94 GMD DOM
Dreamstreet Triple Ali-Red-ET EX-90
Cha-Liz R Maple B Ann EX-91 2E
Cha-Liz F Mini Ann B EX-92 3E
Cha-Liz P V Ann Adeu B EX-92 2E

Wenron Adeu Ann Champion B EX-91 3E GMD

Bright futures
Lot 4
• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Export eligible to Canada
Location: Boviteq, Madison, WI
S: Farnear Altitude-Red-ET
Lot 5
• (3) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Export Eligible to Canada
Location: Boviteq, Madison, WI
S: Farnear Architect-ET *RC
• (2) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Export Eligible to Canada
Location: Boviteq, Madison, WI
S: ZBW-Retso-PV Styleleader-ET *RC
Full sisters to Altitude embryos:
Hilrose Alttude Audi-Red-ET EX-91
•Grand Champion WI Dist. 10 Show 2023
•1st Jr. 2 & HM Int. Ch. Midwest Spr. R&W 2022
•HM All-American R&W Spring Calf 2020
Hilrose Altitude Aero-Red-ET EX-90
•Res. Jr. All-American R&W Spring Calf 2020
•Nom. All-American R&W Spring Yrlg. 2021
Hilrose Altitude Ava-Red-ET VG-88
Maternal sisters to embryos:
Hilrose Avalanche Adel-Red-ET EX-91

•Res. All-American R&W Milking Yearling 2020
Hilrose Avalnch Addy-Red-ET EX-91
•HM All-American R&W Milking Yearling 2020
Hilrose Redlite Aria-Red-ET VG-85

•Nom. All-American R&W Spring Yearling 2022
•2nd Spr.Yrlg & Res.JC Midwest Spr. R&W Sh. '22
•5th Spring Yrlg. International R&W Show 2022
Hilrose Redlite Amy-Red-ET VG-85
•Res. All-American R&W Spring Calf 2021

•Unanimous Jr. All-American R&W Spring Calf ‘21
Hilrose Darwynn Angie-Red EX-93

4-09 2x 365d 49,780 4.3 2161 3.1 1555
•Nom. All-American R&W Dam & Daughter 2018
Hilrose DB Allie-Red-ET EX-91 EX-MS
•1st Jr. 2 Year Old Mideast Fall Nat’l R&W 2018
•Dam of All-American R&W Winter Hfr. Calf 2019
Hilrose Dairy LLC
N426 Military Rd., Sherwood, WI 54169-9796
920.450.3047 Andy
920.205.4976 Jeff • jjbrantmeier@yahoo.com
•Wisconsin Cow of the Year 2018
•Nasco Int’l Type & Production Winner 2018
•Nom. All-American R&W Production Cow 2018
•Nom. All-American R&W Dam & Daughter 2017-18
•Res. All-American R&W 125,000 lb. Cow 2017
•Res. All-American R&W Aged Cow 2016
•2nd Aged Cow International R&W Show 2016
•Nom. All-American R&W 5 Year Old 2015
•National Elite Performer
S: KHW Kite Advent-Red-ET
Anna's great granddaughter: Hilrose Moovin Adelina-Red VG-87-2Y-CAN
•All-Canadian R&W Jr. 2 Year Old 2022
•1st Summer Jr. 2, Int. Champion and HM Grand Champion, Canadian National R&W Show 2022
Full Sister to Lot 4
2nd through 10th Dams:
Lot 6
Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s) of Duckett Ranger 1132-ET *RC. Buyer is guaranteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer.
Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration and mating sire decisions.
Bright futures
Dam of Lot 6
Granddam of Lot 6
Tim & Sharyn Abbott and Mike & Julie Duckett
P.O. Box 619, Enosburg, VT 05450
802.238.1142 Tim • tim@abbottcows.com
715.459.6480 Mike • duckettholsteins@gmail.com
Lot 7
• (4) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Qualified for EU, UK, AU, CAN
Location: Trans Ova
Duckett Ranger 1132-ET *RC
Dam of IVF Session:
Duckett Ranger 1132-ET *RC

3250268037 99%RHA-I *RC *TC *TL *TD
Born June 15, 2022
GTPI +2739
PTA +1002M +.03% +46F +.05% +45P 79R 4/23
PTA +664NM +4.6PL 2.90SCS -.6DPR 1.9%DCE
PTA +2.71T +2.24UDC +1.24FLC 78R 4/23
PTA +154FE -0.5FI 2.0%SCE
A1/A2 • BB
S: 3Star Oh Ranger-Red-ET GTPI +2899
Maternal brother to Ranger 1133: Duckett Pfct Has It All-ET 7HO16295
GTPI +2879 +1675M +67F +58P +2.89T 4/23
S-S-I Doc Have Not 8784-ET "EX-96" Res. All-American 4 Year Old 2022
2nd through
VG-87-5Y-CAN 3-05 3x 365d 31,495 3.2 994 3.2 1000
Cookiecutter Masy Hashes VG-85 VG-MS 3-11 3x 365d 39,630 3.6 1436 3.1 1209
Cookiecutter Mom Halo-ET VG-88 EX-MS DOM
Cookiecutter Gld Holler-ET VG-88 DOM
Ms Kings-Rnsm Champ Haley-ET EX-90 GMD DOM
Regancrest-JDV Hanna-ET EX-90 GMD DOM
Long-Haven Rudolph Dee-ET 2E-90 GMD DOM
Regancrest Elton Disrael-ET VG-88 GMD DOM

Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95 2E GMD DOM

Snow-N Dorys Denise EX-90 2E GMD DOM
2nd through 12th Dams:
•$1,925,000 pkg
Farnear Delta-Lambda-ET
34125993715 GM *TR *TP *TC *TY
PTA +1238M +48F +46P 99R 4/23
PTA +2.66T +2.87UDC +.83FLC GTPI +2801
Duckett Conway Hope-ET
3235342406 99%RHA-I
GTPI +2887
PTA +1256M +.05% +64F +.07% +60P 81R 4/23
PTA +788NM +4.4PL 2.97SCS +.4DPR 1.9%DCE
PTA +2.34T +2.23UDC +1.11FLC 79R 4/23
PTA +207FE +0.7FI 2.5%SCE
•Fresh in July, looks outstanding & will be classified early fall!
Cookiecutter Mom Halo-ET VG-88 EX-MS DOM
•Global Cow of the Year 2019
Cookiecutter Gld Holler-ET VG-88 DOM
2x 365d 40,730 3.5 1411 3.1 1250
•Nominated Int’l Cow of the Year 2016
Ms Kings-Rnsm Champ Haley-ET EX-90 GMD DOM 3-11 3x 365d 43,690 3.7 1625 2.9 1274
Regancrest-JDV Hanna-ET EX-90 GMD DOM
4-07 3x 365d 45,110 4.3 1922 3.0 1364
Long-Haven Rudolph Dee-ET 2E-90 GMD DOM
Regancrest Elton
Have It All LLC
Duckett, Abbott, AOT and Kings-Ransom
P.O. Box 619, Enosburg, VT 05450
802.238.1142 • tim@abbottcows.com
S: Sandy-Valley R Conway-ET
Maternal brother to Hope: Duckett Pfct Has It All-ET 7HO16295
Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95 2E GMD DOM 7-06 2x 365d 35,610 4.0 1431 3.1 1103
•Global Cow of the Year 2005
Snow-N Dorys Denise EX-90 2E GMD DOM
Lot 8
• (3) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Qualified for EU, UK, AU & CAN
Location: Trans Ova
Bright futures
Cherry-Lily Zip Luster-P-ET
Duckett Conway Hannah-ET
Dam of Lot 8
Have It All LLC
Duckett, Abbott, AOT and Kings-Ransom
P.O. Box 619, Enosburg, VT 05450 802.238.1142 • tim@abbottcows.com
Lot 9
• (4) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Qualified for EU, UK, AU & CAN Location: Trans Ova
PTA +158FE +0.3FI 2.5%SCE
•Fresh in July, looks great & will be classified early fall S: Sandy-Valley R Conway-ET
Maternal brother to Hannah:
Duckett Pfct Has It All-ET 7HO16295
GTPI +2879 +1675M +67F +58P +2.89T 4/23
Farnear Delta-Lambda-ET
34125993715 GM *TR *TP *TC *TY
PTA +1238M +48F +46P 99R 4/23
PTA +2.66T +2.87UDC +.83FLC GTPI +2801
Duckett Parfect Heidi-ET
3235342388 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TL *TD
GTPI +2877
PTA +1303M +.02% +55F +.05% +56P 80R 4/23 PTA +696NM +4.0PL 3.05SCS +1.0DPR 1.9%DCE
PTA +2.73T +2.45UDC +1.67FLC 79R 4/23
PTA +171FE +1.4FI 2.5%SCE
A2/A2 • BB
•Fresh in July, looks tremendous & will be classified early fall
Duckett Conway Hannah-ET
Dam of Lot 9
Have It All LLC
Duckett, Abbott, AOT and Kings-Ransom P.O. Box 619, Enosburg, VT 05450 802.238.1142 • tim@abbottcows.com
Lot 10
• (2) #1 and (3) #2 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Qualified for EU, UK, AU & CAN
Location: Trans Ova
S: Siemers Rengd Parfect-ET
Full brother to Heidi:
Duckett Pfct Has It All-ET 7HO16295 GTPI +2879 +1675M +67F +58P +2.89T 4/23

MB-Luckylady Eye Candy-ET
3234629820 *TR *TP *TC *TV *TL *TY *TD
PTA +303M +43F +24P 81R 4/23
PTA +3.15T +2.71UDC +1.16FLC GTPI +2535
Duckett Energy 1155 Dion-ET
3260842948 99%RHA-I *TR *TC *TL *TD
GTPI +2606
PTA +1204M +.03% +56F +.01% +39P 79R 4/23
PTA +392NM +1.3PL 2.95SCS -3.5DPR 2.9%DCE
PTA +3.62T +2.81UDC +1.31FLC 78R 4/23
PTA +135FE -2.5FI 3.2%SCE
A1/A2 • AE
S: Blondin Energy-ET
Dam of Lot 10
Duckett Energy 1155 Dion-ET
2nd through 12th Dams of Lots 8 - 10: S-S-I Doc Have Not 8784-ET EX-96
•Res. All-American 4 Year Old 2022
•$1,925,000 pkg Summer Selections Sale II, 2022
Fly-Higher Jedi Havenot-ET VG-87-5Y-CAN
Have It All LLC
Duckett, Abbott, AOT and Kings-Ransom
P.O. Box 619, Enosburg, VT 05450
802.238.1142 • tim@abbottcows.com
Maternal brother to Dion:
Duckett Pfct Has It All-ET 7HO16295
GTPI +2879 +1675M +67F +58P +2.89T 4/23
•Global Cow of the Year 2019
Cookiecutter Gld Holler-ET VG-88 DOM
•Nominated Int’l Cow of the Year 2016
Ms Kings-Rnsm Champ Haley-ET EX-90 GMD DOM
3-11 3x 365d 43,690 3.7 1625 2.9 1274
Regancrest-JDV Hanna-ET EX-90 GMD DOM
Long-Haven Rudolph Dee-ET 2E-90 GMD DOM
Regancrest Elton Disrael-ET VG-88 GMD DOM
Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95 2E GMD DOM

Snow-N Dorys Denise EX-90 2E GMD DOM

Lot 11
• (3) #1 and (1) #2 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Export eligible to EU • Location: Trans Ova
Bright futures
Kings-Ransom Dropbox-ET
Granddam of Lot 11
Kevin & Barbara Ziemba, A Hippen, M Hockett and Winstar
6162 Dunbarton Rd., Durhamville, NY 13054-3197 315.730.6673 • kevin.ziemba@stgen.com
Lot 12
• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
EU qualified • Location: Trans Ova, MD
Duckett Lambda Dina-ET
S-S-I Doc Have Not 8784-ET "EX-96" Res. All-American 4 Year Old 2022
2nd through 12th Dams:
S-S-I Doc Have Not 8784-ET EX-96 EEEEE

2x 320d 35.670
1404 3.1 1095
•Res. All-American 4 Year Old 2022
S: Farnear Delta-Lambda-ET
Maternal brother to Dina: Duckett Pfct Has It All-ET 7HO16295
•$1,925,000 pkg Summer Selections Sale II, 2022
Fly-Higher Jedi Havenot-ET VG-87-5Y-CAN
3-05 3x 365d 31,495 3.2 994 3.2 1000
Cookiecutter Masy Hashes VG-85 VG-MS
3-11 3x 365d 39,630 3.6 1436 3.1 1209
Cookiecutter Mom Halo-ET VG-88 EX-MS DOM
Cookiecutter Gld Holler-ET VG-88 DOM
Ms Kings-Rnsm Champ Haley-ET EX-90 GMD DOM
Regancrest-JDV Hanna-ET EX-90 GMD DOM
Long-Haven Rudolph Dee-ET 2E-90 GMD DOM
Regancrest Elton Disrael-ET VG-88 GMD DOM

Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95 2E GMD DOM
Snow-N Dorys Denise EX-90 2E GMD DOM
2nd through 12th Dams:
Kings-Ransom Dropbox-ET
3224437486 *TR *TV *TL *TY *TD
PTA +1000M +84F +54P 81R 4/23
PTA +3.14T +3.08UDC +1.02FLC GTPI +2988
Duckett Energy 1158 Dee-ET
3260842951 *TR *TC *T L*TD
GTPI +2361 A2/A2 • AA PTA +1225M +10F +19P 79R 4/23 PTA +3.63T +3.32UDC +1.35FLC 78R 4/23
•High seller at Duckett Select Your Success Tag Sale 2023
S: Blondin Energy-ET
Andrews Enterprises
Jayden & Treven Andrews
3415 Rte. 549, Mansfield, PA 16933
570.404.4758 • jandrews@npacc.net
Maternal brother to Dee: Duckett Pfct Has It All-ET 7HO16295
Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95
•Global Cow of the Year 2005
Snow-N Dorys Denise EX-90 2E GMD DOM
Bright futures
Lot 13A
• (4) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Lot 13B
Domestic only • Location: Trans Ova AOT
Erbacres Snapple Shakira-ET "EX-97 2E" Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo 2021
Miss Apple Snapple-Red-ET "EX-96 2E"
3x Unanimous All-American R&W
• (4) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen Domestic only • Location: Trans Ova
Maternal sisters to embryos:
Milksource Snapl Shandy-ET *RC
•Sold for $23,500 in Quest for Success VI 2023
Erbacres Snapple Shakira-ET EX-97-3E-CAN 2*
4-11 2x 365d 35,567 4.8 1711 3.8 1367
•Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo 2021
•1st Aged Cow & Grand Champ. Int’l Sh. 2021
•Grand Champion Canadian National 2021
•Unanimous All-American Aged Cow 2021
•All-Canadian Aged Cow 2021
Milk Source LLC c/o Eddie Bue
N3569 Vanden Bosch Rd., Kaukauna, WI 54130 715.299.4651 • eddiebue@milksource.net
Lot 14
• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen

EU qualified Location: Trans Ova, IA
•Nasco Type & Production Winner Int’l R&W 2021
• Unanimous All-American R&W 125,000 lb. Cow ‘20
•Grand Champion NA Open R&W Show 2020
•Res. All-American R&W 125,000 lb. Cow 2019
S: Lookout P Redburst-Red-ET
Dam of Lot 14
•Unanimous All-American R&W 4 Year Old 2017
•Res. All-Canadian R&W Senior Cow 2017
•Res. All-American R&W Jr. 3 Year Old 2016
•Res. All-American R&W Jr. 3 Year Old 2016
•Unanimous All-American R&W Jr. 2 Yr Old 2015
2nd through 8th Dams:
KHW Regiment Apple-Red-ET 4E-96 41* DOM
Kamps-Hollow Altitude-ET *RC 2E-95 2* DOM
Clover-Mist Alisha-ET *RC 3E-93 GMD DOM
Clover-Mist Augy Star-ET EX-94 4E DOM
D-R-A August EX-96 4E DOM
D-R-A Ideal Precious Leader EX-90 2E
D-R-A Princess Lad Leader EX-90 3E
2nd through 11th Dams:
•Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo 2021
•1st Aged Cow & Grand Champ. Int’l Sh. 2021
•Grand Champion Canadian National 2021
•Grand Champion Supreme Holstein Show 2021
•Unanimous All-American Aged Cow 2021
•All-Canadian Aged Cow 2021
Miss Apple Snapple-Red-ET EX-96 2E
Farnear Delta-Lambda-ET
34125993715 GM *TR *TP *TC *TY
PTA +1238M +48F +46P 99R 4/23
PTA +2.66T +2.87UDC +.83FLC GTPI +2801
Jacobs Chief Shakeout-ET
CAN120601048 99%RHA-I
GTPI +2242 +2.08T +2.15UDC +1.04FLC +1.5PL
•Due January, 2024
S: Stantons Chief-ET
• All-American R&W 125,000 lb. Cow 2020
•Grand Champion NA Open R&W Show 2020
•All-American R&W 4 Year Old 2017
•All-American R&W Jr. 2 Year Old 2015
KHW Regiment Apple-Red-ET 4E-96 41* DOM
4-01 2x 365d 35,750 4.7 1682 3.7 1314
•Unanimous All-American R&W 125,000 lb. Cow 2013
•Res. Grand Champ. Int’l R&W Sh. 2013
•Grand Champion Int’l R&W Show 2011
•Unanimous All-American R&W Aged Cow 2011
•Unanimous All-American Jr. 2 Year Old 2006
2188 78th St., Blairstown, IA 52209
570.765.0536 Amanda Hauck amandahauck@genosource.com
563.451.5376 Kyle Demmer
563.451.5866 Tim Rauen
Kamps-Hollow Altitude-ET *RC 2E-95 2* DOM
Clover-Mist Alisha-ET *RC 3E-93 GMD DOM
Clover-Mist Augy Star-ET EX-94 4E DOM

D-R-A August EX-96 4E DOM

D-R-A Ideal Precious Leader EX-90 2E
D-R-A Princess Lad Leader EX-90 3E
Lot 15
• (5) #1 IVF reverse sort female embryos
Canada & US qualified Location: Trans Ova, MD
Bright futures
Winright Holsteins
12494 Cty Rd 3, Winchester, Ontario K0C 2K0 613.227.3827 Matt • 613.662.6226 Erica erica.enright7@hotmail.com
Lot 16
• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen

Domestic only • Location: Sunshine Genetics, WI
S: MB-Luckylady Eye Candy-ET
Lot 17
• (6) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Sunshine Genetics, WI S: Hodglynn Maximum-Red-ET
• (6) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Sunshine Genetics, WI
S: Golden-Oaks Master-ET
Lamoreaux Land & Cattle LLC
Jason Lamoreaux
11628 Old Belding Rd NE, Belding, MI 48809
616.822.0101 • jlamauction@gmail.com
Jacobs Delta Shaz-ET "VG-85"
2nd through 10th Dams:
Erbacres Snapple Shakira-ET EX-97-3E 2*
4-11 2x 365d 35,567 4.8 1711 3.8 1367
•Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo 2021
•Grand Champion Canadian National 2021
•Unanimous All-American Aged Cow 2021
•All-Canadian Aged Cow 2021
Miss Apple Snapple-Red-ET EX-96 2E
Life: 2160d 222,306 4.2 9257 3.4 7574”
•3x All-American R&W
KHW Regiment Apple-Red-ET 4E-96 41* DOM
Kamps-Hollow Altitude-ET *RC 2E-95 2* DOM
Clover-Mist Alisha-ET *RC 3E-93 GMD DOM
Clover-Mist Augy Star-ET EX-94 4E DOM
D-R-A August EX-96 4E DOM
D-R-A Ideal Precious Leader EX-90 2E
D-R-A Princess Lad Leader EX-90 3E
2nd through 12th Dams:
•Due with 2nd calf July, 2023 - Impressive Individual who will score much higher!
•Embryos exported
Erbacres Snapple Shakira-ET EX-97-3E 2*
4-11 2x 365d 35,567 4.8 1711 3.8 1367
•Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo 2021
•1st Aged Cow & Grand Champ. Int’l Sh. 2021
MB-Luckylady Eye Candy-ET
3234629820 *TR *TP *TC *TV *TL *TY *TD
PTA +303M +43F +24P +3.15T +2.71UDC GTPI +2535
Hodglynn Maximum-Red-ET
CAN14156509 *TL *TD
PTA +55M +5F -5P +2.12T +1.94UDC GTPI +2081
Golden-Oaks Master-ET
3139216917 *TR *TP *TC *TL*TD
PTA -25M +9F -2P +3.60T +2.91UDC GTPI +2046
Erbacres Chief Sienna
3221166149 99%RHA-I *TR *TC *TL *TD
A2/A2 • AB
•Embryos exported
•Due October, 2023
•Sold at National Convention Sale 2023. Beautiful end row heifer with tremendous udder promise!
S: Stantons Chief-ET
•Grand Champion Canadian National 2021
•Grand Champion Supreme Holstein Show 2021
•Unanimous All-American Aged Cow 2021
•All-Canadian Aged Cow 2021
Miss Apple Snapple-Red-ET EX-96 2E 8-01 2x 332d 46,755 4.4 2055 3.1 1470”
Life: 2160d 222,306 4.2 9257 3.4 7574”
•3x All-American R&W
KHW Regiment Apple-Red-ET 4E-96 41* DOM
4-01 2x 365d 35,750 4.7 1682 3.7 1314
•Res. Grand Champ. Int’l R&W Sh. 2013
•Grand Champion Int’l R&W Show 2011
Kamps-Hollow Altitude-ET *RC 2E-95 2* DOM
Clover-Mist Alisha-ET *RC 3E-93 GMD DOM
Clover-Mist Augy Star-ET EX-94 4E DOM

D-R-A August EX-96 4E DOM
D-R-A Ideal Precious Leader EX-90 2E
D-R-A Princess Lad Leader EX-90 3E
Bright futures
Lot 19
• (4) #1 IVF reverse sort embryos
Export eligible to Canada Location: Trans Ova, MD
Eaton Holsteins & Glamourview 3039 Brewer Rd., Marietta, NY 13110-3291
315.857.8303 Aaron aaroneaton56@gmail.com
Lot 20
• (4) #1 IVF reverse sort embryos
EU qualified Location: Trans Ova, MD
S: Stantons Alligator-ET
Lot 21
• (3) #1 IVF reverse sort embryos
Export eligible to Canada
Location: Trans Ova, MD
S: Hodglynn Maximum-Red-ET
Currie Holsteins
John Currie
2267 Currie Rd., Tully, NY 13159-4412
315.729.5502 • curriejc@aol.com
Stantons Alligator-ET
3128769279 VG-85 *TR *TP *TY *TV *TL
Hodglynn Maximum-Red-ET CAN14156509 *TL *TD
Jericho-Dairy Baracuda-ET *RC
Dam of Lot 19
•Nom. All-American Aged Cow 2022
•1st Aged Cow & Grand Champ. NY St. Fair 2022
•1st Aged Cow & HM Grand Cortland Classic 2022
•5th Aged Cow International Show 2022
•2nd Sr. 3 & Res. Int. Ch. Eastern Fall Nat'l 2019
•2nd Sr. 3 & Res. Int. Ch. NE Spring National 2019
•Fresh again for the 2023 fall shows
S: Sonnek GC Corvette-ET
Baracuda daughters:
Curr-Vale Bacardi-Red-ET
•1st Winter Calf NY State Fair B&W Sh. 2022
•1st Winter Calf & HM Jr. Ch. NYSF R&W '22
Curr-Vale Baracuda-Red-ET
•3rd Spring Calf NY State Fair 2022
2nd through 12th Dams: Underground Angel Alegra-ET VG-85 Miss Alos Angel-ET EX-94 2E
305d 34,690 3.1 1062 3.0 1037"
Carters-Corner Astml Alo-ET EX-90 2E

5-06 2x 305d 27,940 4.6 1286 3.3 919
Cityview Gibson Alcena-ET EX-91 EX-MS 2-00 2x 365d 26,360 3.9 1016 3.0 779
Cityview R Alicia-ET EX-92-6Y-CAN 26*

6-08 3x 365d 42,505 3.5 1508 3.1 1325
Shoremar S Alicia-ET EX-97 3E
•All-American & All-Canadian 5 Year Old 2000
•All-Canadian 1997 & 1999
C Aitkenbrae Starbuck Ada EX-94 2E 4* DOM
•All-American Produce of Dam 2000 & 2001
•All-American 3 Year Old 1990
2nd through 10th Dams:
EX-MS 6-01 2x 365d 27,200 3.7 1007 3.2 874
Traskdale Gin Bo Threat *RC EX-90 3E
Traskdale Qui Les Boots-Tw VG-87
Traskdale Ginney Le Senator VG-87
Traskdale Alda Captain Leader VG-88 EX-MS
Traskdale Alda Adana Leader EX-90 2E
Lot 22
• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Trans Ova, MD
Bright futures
Dam of Lot 22
Dice Partners c/o Jacob & Grace Kline 200 Krall Rd., Myerstown, PA 17067 717.376.5514 • jacob.kline@wengers.com
Lot 23
• (4) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Boviteq
S: Stantons Alligator-ET
Lot 24
• (5) #1 IVF from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Boviteq
S: Duckett Crush Tatoo-ET
Arethusa Sanchez Dice-ET "EX-96 3E" Grand Champion Northeast Fall National 2015
Stantons Alligator-ET
Clark W. Woodmansee III
319 Rte. 165, Preston, CT 06365-8646
860.887.8079 • prospcthil@aol.com
•1st 4 Year Old & Grand Champion, Northeast Fall National 2015
•3rd Aged Cow Northeast Spring National 2018
•1st Sr. 3 Year Old Northeast Spring National 2014
S: Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez
Stantons Alligator-ET
•1st 150,000 lb. Cow & Grand NE Fall Nat’l 2019
•1st 150,000 lb. Cow & BB&O, NE Spr. Nat’l 2019
•2nd 150,000 lb. Cow International Show 2019
•1st 150,000 lb. Cow & Grand NE Fall Nat’l 2017
•3rd 150,000 lb. Cow International Show 2017 S: Braedale Goldwyn
2nd through
Dams: Arethusa Shottle Domino-ET EX-93

•All-American 125,000 lb. Cow 2005
•1st 125,000 lb. Cow Int’l Holstein Show 2005
•Nasco Type & Production Winner WDE 2005
•Grand Champion Eastern States Expo 2005
•HM All-American Aged Cow 2003
•2nd 125,000 lb. Cow Int’l Holstein Show 2003
•Res. All-American 5 Year Old 2001
•2nd 5 Year Old Int’l Holstein Show 2001
•Grand Champion Eastern Spring National 2001
Browndale Warden Cher VG-86-CAN 4*
4-10 2x 365d 34,529 4.3 1005 3.2 752
Browndale Ulti Cherity-ET VG-85-CAN 2*

3-04 2x 342d 23,316 4.2 990
Green Elms Echo Christina EX-CAN 18*
6-08 2x 365d 30,313 4.1 1230
Life: 4 lact. 109,763 4.0 4416
•All-Canadian Mature Cow 1972 & 1973
•HM All-Canadian Mature Cow 1974
•Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair 1972
Dam of Lots 23 & 24
Hazels Gldwyn Hatty-ET "EX-96 4E" Res. All-American Lifetime Production Cow 2019
Maternal sister to Lots 23 & 24:
Woodmansees Wdbrk Haute-ET EX-95 2E

7-00 2x 365d 34,590 4.9 1683 2.9 1008
Life: 1992d 186,100 4.9 9121 3.0 5601
•1st 150,000 lb. Cow Northeast Fall Nat'l 2022
2nd through 4th Dams:
Lot 25
• (4) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Boviteq
Maternal sister to embryos:
Woodmansees Tatoo Hazen EX-92 EEEEE
2-00 2x 346d 22,990 5.5 1266 3.7 846
Bright futures
Woodmansees Wdbrk Haute-ET "2E-95" 1st 150,000 lb. Cow Northeast Fall National 2022
Stantons Alligator-ET
2nd through 9th Dams: Hazels Gldwn Hatty-ET EX-96 4E
11-9 2x 365d 37,890 5.6 2133 3.1 1184
Life: 3291d 302,720 5.1 15515 3.3 9845
•Res. All-American Lft. Production Cow 2019
•Best B&O International Holstein Show 2019
•1st 150,000 lb.Cow & Grand NE Fall Nat’l 2019
Quality-Ridge Stormi Hazel EX-96 2E
5-01 2x 365d 40,320 4.6 1844 3.0 1204”
Life: 2061d 184,130 4.3 7858 3.1 5696
•Nominated All-American 7 yrs in milking form!
•Unanimous All-American 5 Year Old 2008
•Unanimous All-American Jr. 3 Year Old 2006
Quality-Ridge SS Heidi EX-90 2E
Clark W. Woodmansee III
319 Rte. 165, Preston, CT 06365-8646 860.887.8079 • prospcthil@aol.com
Lot 26
• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Export eligible to EU • Location: Trans Ova, WI
Ladyrose Caught Your Eye-ET "EX-92" 2x All-American
Siemers Wolf Hulu 37006-ET *RC
3245702863 *RC *TP *TC *TM *TV *TL *TY *TD
PTA +960M +58F +48P 79R 4/23
PTA +3.99T +3.26UDC +1.60FLC GTPI +2922
Ms GS Caught In The Act-ET
3249969017 *TR *TC *TY *TV *TL
GTPI +2529 +3.30T +2.61UDC +1.43FLC 4/23
A1/A2 • BB
S: Siemers Handshake 32706-ET

5-06 2x 305d 24,290 3.7 908 3.2 780
Quality-Ridge Astre Hazel VG-88
2-11 2x 305d 25,900 3.6 925 3.3 867
2nd through 8th Dams:
Ladyrose Caught Your Eye-ET EX-92 EEEVE
•All-American Jr. 3 Year Old 2022
•All-National Jr. 3 Year Old 2022
•1st Jr. 3 Year Old International Show 2022
•Unanimous All-American Jr. 2 Year Old 2021
•1st Jr. 2 Year Old International Show 2021
Rosedale Achieverslegacy-ET VG-89 VEVVE
1-09 2x 365d 26,380 5.1 1358 3.4 904
•All-American Milking Yearling 2017
•1st Milking Yearling International Show 2017
•Member All-American Produce of Dam 2017
Rosedale Lexington EX-95 2E
4-11 2x 365d 42,780 4.6 1973 3.0 1289
•All-American Produce of Dam 2017
•All-American 5 Year Old 2013
•Res. All-American 2010 & 2011
Rosedale Lexi-ET VG-89 EX-MS
2-02 2x 365d 26,800 5.1 1356 3.1 837
•Res. Int. Champion Midwest Spring Nat’l 2007
•HM All-American Spring Yearling 2005
Rosedale Lea-Ann-ET *RC EX-93 2E GMD
•1st Jr 3 Year Old Midwest Spring Nat’l 1998
2188 78th St., Blairstown, IA 52209 570.765.0536 Amanda Hauck amandahauck@genosource.com
563.451.5376 Kyle Demmer
563.451.5866 Tim Rauen
Maternal brothers to Caught in the Act:
MB-Luckylady Eye Candy-ET +3.15 PTAT
MB-Luckylady Bullseye-ET +3.14 PTAT
Stookey Elm Park Blackrose-ET 3E-96 7* GMD DOM
•All-American & All-Canadian Jr. 3 Yr Old 1993
•All-American & All-Canadian Jr. 2 Yr Old 1992
Nandette TT Speckle-Red EX-93 DOM

• All-American R&W 1981 & 1983

Lot 27
• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen EU, UK, CAN & AU qualified Location: Sunshine Genetics, WI
Bright futures
Granddam of Lot 27
2nd through 9th Dams:
Ms Beautys Black Velvet-ET EX-96 EEEEE 2E
6-06 2x 365d 39,650 4.3 1698 3.2 1254
•All-American Aged Cow 2022
•1st Aged Cow & Champion Bred & Owned, International Show 2022
•Unanimous All-American 5 Year Old 2021
•1st 5 Year Old & Champion Bred & Owned, International Show 2021
•Res. All-American Sr. 3 Year Old 2019
•2nd Sr. 3 Year Old International Show 2019
Ms Beautys Black Velvet-ET "EX-96 2E"
All-American Aged Cow 2022
Farnear Delta-Lambda-ET
•HHM All-American Sr. 2 Year Old 2018
•1st Sr. 2 Yr Old & Int. Ch. Mideast Sum. Nat'l '18
•4th Sr. 2 Year Old International Show 2018
Ms Exels Dundee Beauty EX-95 3E

8-09 2x 365d 36,180 4.3 1556 3.0 1089
Life: 1887d 141,530 4.6 6537 3.3 4663
•Nominated All-Canadian Mature Cow 2013
•Unanimous All-American Aged Cow 2011
Duckett Doorman Victory-ET
•Res. All-Canadian Mature Cow 2011
•1st Aged Cow Royal Winter Fair 2011
•1st Aged Cow Int’l Holstein Show 2011
•HHM All-American 5 Year Old 2010
•HM All-American 4 Year Old 2009
Woodfield Integrity Belinda EX-93 2E
Woodfield Jed Belinda-ET GP-81-2Y-CAN
Woodfield Raider Beulah VG-88
A.L.H Genetics USA, Inc.

W7782 US Hwy 12, Whitewater, WI 53190 31.653.410.490 Adolf Langhout adolf@alh-genetics.nl
Lot 28
• (4) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen Canada & EU qualified • Location: Trans Ova
Jordan London
122 Columbus Dr. Ste 2
Punxsutawney, PA 15767
814.9525071 • 4jslondon@gmail.com
Blondin Alpha-ET *RC
CAN120345248 *RC *TV *TY *TL *TD
PTA +502M +28F +11P 81R 4/23
PTA +2.78T +2.20UDC +1.44FLC GTPI +2303
Ms Pierstein Golden Ticket *RC
3240781830 *RC *TC *TL*TD
GTPI +2152 +2.84T +2.61UDC +.97FLC 80R 4/23
A1/A2 • AE
S: Mr Danielle Devour-ET *RC
Woodfield Warden Betty VG-87 2*
Dutchglen Haven Bonnie VG-85

Dutchglen Johanna VG-85 1*
Dutchglen Lady VG-85
2nd through 11th Dams: Rosemary Unix Goldie EX-92 EEEVE 2-11
•Unanimous All-American Sr. 2 Year Old 2022
•All-Canadian Sr. 2 Year Old 2022
•1st Sr. 2 Year Old & Int. Champion RAWF 2022
•1st Sr. 2 Year Old and HM Int. Ch. Int'l Sh. 2022
•1st Sr. 2 Year Old Royal Winter Fair 2022
•1st Sr. 2 & Res. Int. Champ. NE Spr. Nat'l 2022
•All-American Milking Yearling 2021
•All-Canadian Milking Yearling 2021
•1st Milking Yearling International Show 2021
•1st Milking Yearling Supreme Laitier 2021
•Fresh & ready for 2023 fall shows
Vinbert Doorman Baby Golden-ET EX-90-CAN
4-10 2x 196d 23,757 4.2 1003 3.0 710
•2nd Milking Yearling Richmond 2018
Vinbert Goldchip Baby Gold VG-85-2Y-CAN 2* 2-11 2x 348d 24,819 4.2 1045 3.4 831
Olmar Plnet Baby Bunting-ET VG-86-CAN 2*

2-04 2x 365d 27,509 4.1 1122 3.5 959
Olmar Lynch Baby Bumble-ET 2E-93 GMD DOM
4-06 2x 365d 40,440 3.8 1550 3.0 1231
Olmar Durham Baby Bunny 3E-92 GMD DOM
4-05 2x 365d 35,80 3.3 1186 2.8 1004
Olmar Marty Bunny EX-92 4E GMD
5-06 2x 344d 38,400 3.2 1225 2.6 989
Olmar Emory Bunting EX-91 2E
Olmar Aerostar Beauty VG-85
Olmar Pontiac Babe VG-85
Lot 29
• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Boviteq
S: Stantons Alligator-ET
Lot 30
• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Boviteq
S: MB-Luckylady Eye Candy-ET
Maternal sisters to Festive:
Miss Lambda Fancy-ET
•$43,500 high seller at 2023 Spring Sensation Sale
Oakfield Tatoo Fancylike-ET
•$35,000 high seller at 2023 Budjon Futures Sale
Miss Goldwyn Fanta-ET
•$49,000 at 2023 National Convention Sale
Oakfield Denver Fairy-ET VG-88
•Res. All-Wisconsin Summer Yearling 2021

Clark W. Woodmansee III
319 Rte. 165, Preston, CT 06365-8646 860.887.8079 • prospcthil@aol.com
Lot 31
• (4) #1 and (2) #2 IVF embryos from sexed semen Domestic only • Location: Trans Ova, MD
Bright futures
Dam of Lots 29 & 30
•Unanimous All-American 4 Year Old 2022
•Unanimous All-Canadian 4 Year Old 2022
•1st 4 Yr Old & Res. Sr. Champ. Int’l Show 2022
•1st 4 Year Old Royal Winter Fair 2022
•1st 4 Year Old, Senior & Grand Champion, Wisconsin Championship Show 2022
Oakfield Dempsey Festive-ET "VG-87"
Stantons Alligator-ET
2nd through 5th Dams:
•World Champion, Holstein International 2022
•Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo 2022
•Unanimous All-American 5 Year Old 2022
•Grand Champion International Show 2022
•All-American 4 Year Old 2021
•All-American Jr. 3 Year Old 2020
Duckett-SA Braxtn Frisco-ET EX-94 EEEEE
Harvue Roy Frosty EX-97 3E GMD 5*

•Supreme Champion WDE 2009 & 2010
•3x All-American & All-Canadian 5 Year Old 2009 Harvue Sam Heidi EX-93 3E DOM
2nd through 8th Dams:
Oak-Ridge-K Gchip Turbo EX-95
•All-American Sr. 3 Year Old 2021
•1st Sr. 3 Yr Old, Int. Champion and HM Grand Champion, International Holstein Show 2021
•Res. Grand Champion, WI Champ. Show 2021
•Res. Grand Champion Midwest Spr. Nat’l 2021
•1st Sr. 2 Yr Old Midwest Fall National 2020
Oak-Ridge-K Wbrk Tempest-ET GP-83
Blondin Alpha-ET *RC
CAN120345248 *RC *TV *TY *TL *TD
PTA +502M +28F +11P 81R 4/23
PTA +2.78T +2.20UDC +1.44FLC GTPI +2303
Ms Turbos Tobi
3247750960 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TL *TD
S: Blondin Thunder Storm
Chris & Jen Hill 8517 Orndorff Rd., Thurmont, MD 21788-1202 202.255.7907 Chris salesflash@comcast.net
5.0 2191 3.4 1506
•Res. Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair 2001
•All-Canadian 5 Year Old 2001
•Res. All-American 5 Year Old 2001
•HM All-American 125,000 lb. Cow 2004
C Alanvale Inspiration Tina 2E-95 GMD DOM 6-00 2x 365d 36,010 5.1 1829 3.3 1184
•Res. All-American Aged Cow 1996
•Res. All-American Aged Cow 1995
•Res. Grand Champion International Show 1995
•Supreme Champion Eastern National 1993
•All-Canadian Jr. 3 Year Old 1992
Alanvale Puget Anetia VG-85-CAN
Lot 32
• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Export Eligible to EU/UK/CAN/US
Location: Trans Ova
Maternal sisters to embryos:
Milksource Tantrum-Red-ET EX-92
•Unanimous All-American R&W Winter Yrlg. 2020
•Res. All-American R&W 2021 & 2022
Milksource Thunder-Red-ET EX-91 EX-MS
•Unanimous All-American R&W Fall Calf 2019
•All-American R&W Fall Yearling 2020
Milksource Torrent-Red-ET VG-87

•HM All-American R&W Summer Jr. 2 Yr Old 2022
Milksource Taelyn-ET
•All-American Summer Yearling 2018
Siemers Tequila 163-Red-ET
•2nd Spring Calf International R&W Show 2021
Milksource Tstrm Tanbark-ET *RC
•Nom. All-American Summer Yearling 2022
Milksource Trip-Red-Tw-ET
•Junior Champion Western Spring National 2023
Siemers Holstein Farms, Inc.

14421 Mineral Springs Rd., Newton, WI 53063 920.946.8525 Jordan jcs483@cornell.edu
Lot 33
• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Boviteq, Madison, WI
S: Blondin Alpha-ET *RC
Lot 34
• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Trans Ova, MD
S: Hodglynn Maximum-Red-ET
Bright futures
Siemers Wolf Hulu 37006-ET *RC
Dam of Lot 32
Ackley Holsteins and Olivia & Lillian Finke 9738 Township Rd. 141, East Liberty, OH 43319 937.935.8272 Jay Ackley jkackley95@gmail.com
WI Spring R&W Show 2017
•Res. All-American R&W 5 Year Old 2016
•Unanimous All-American R&W 4 Year Old 2015
•Grand Champion International R&W Show 2015
•Unanimous All-American R&W Sr 3 Year Old 2014
•Nom. AA & AC Sr. 3 Year Old 2014
•Grand Champion International R&W Show 2014
•Res. All-American R&W Sr. 2 Year Old 2013
S: Scientific Director-Red-ET
Maternal Sister to Lot 32
Milksource Tantrum-Red-ET "EX-92" Res. Int. Champion Int'l R&W Show 2022
2nd Dam: Jen-D Devil Tiffany-Red EX-95 3E EEEEE
8-07 2x 365d 36,170 4.3 1546 3.0 1082
•9x All-American R&W nominee
•Unanimous AA R&W Dam & Dtr 2016
Dam of Lots 33 & 34
Durkacres Appl Cider-Red-ET "EX-93" Nom. All-American 4 Year Old 2022
1682 3.7 1314
•Res. Grand Champ. Int’l R&W Show 2013
•Grand Champion Int’l R&W Show 2011
Kamps-Hollow Altitude-ET *RC 2E-95 2* DOM
7-00 2x 365d 39,690 4.7 1849 3.5 1385
•Unanimous All-Amer. R&W Prod. of Dam 2014
Clover-Mist Alisha-ET *RC 3E-93 GMD DOM
5-03 3x 365d 34,670 4.8 1654 3.5 1220
Life: 2999d 226,470 4.7 10659 3.6 8149
Clover-Mist Augy Star-ET EX-94 4E DOM

D-R-A August EX-96 4E DOM
D-R-A Ideal Precious Leader EX-90 2E
D-R-A Princess Lad Leader EX-90 3E
Lot 35
• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Qualified for AU and UK
Location: Trans Ova, IA
Maternal brothers to Arla:
Farnear Altitude-Red-ET 551HO3617
Farnear Aria Addison Ewl-ET *RC 94HO18820
Bright futures
Farnear Adler Arla *RC "EX-94 2E"
Hodglynn Maximum-Red-ET
2nd through 10th Dams of Lots 35 & 36:
2188 78th St., Blairstown, IA 52209
570.765.0536 Amanda Hauck amandahauck@genosource.com
563.451.5376 Kyle Demmer
563.451.5866 Tim Rauen
Lot 36
• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen

Domestic only • Location: Trans Ova, IA
Maternal brothers to Alissa:
Farnear Altitude-Red-ET 551HO3617
Farnear Aria Addison Ewl-ET *RC 94HO18820
Maternal sister to Alissa:
Farnear Adler Arla *RC EX-94 2E
6-08 3x 305d 36,330 4.9 1764 3.5 1271
Hodglynn Maximum-Red-ET CAN14156509 *TL *TD
Farnear Adler Alissa-Red-ET 3203565160
2188 78th St., Blairstown, IA 52209
570.765.0536 Amanda Hauck amandahauck@genosource.com
563.451.5376 Kyle Demmer
563.451.5866 Tim Rauen
•Nom. All-American Lft. Production Cow 2020

•All-Wisconsin Aged Cow 1987
Lot 37
• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Vytelle
Maternal brothers to Acasia:
Farnear Altitude-Red-ET 551HO3617
Farnear Aria Addison Ewl-ET *RC 94HO18820
Maternal sisters to Acasia:
Farnear Adler Arla *RC EX-94 2E
6-08 3x 305d 36,330 4.9 1764 3.5 1271
Farnear Adler Alissa-Red-ET EX-90 EX-MS
Bright futures
Dam of Lot 37
Granddam of Lot 37
Robert Landis & Leo-Holme
915 Valley Rd
Lancaster, PA 17601-4840
717.560.1830 • landismarketing@aol.com
Lot 38
• (3) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Trans Ova, WI
S: Farnear Altitude-Red-ET
Lot 39
• (3) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Export eligible to EU • Location: Trans Ova, MD
S: Kings-Ransom Dropbox-ET
2188 78th St., Blairstown, IA 52209
570.765.0536 Amanda Hauck amandahauck@genosource.com
563.451.5376 Kyle Demmer
563.451.5866 Tim Rauen
Siemers Wolf Hulu 37006-ET *RC
Farnear TBR Aria Adler-ET *RC "2E-96"
All-American Lifetime Production Cow 2021
2nd through 10th Dams:
Farnear TBR Aria Adler-ET *RC EX-96 2E
3-11 2x 283d 34,240 5.1 1736 3.2 1098
Life: 2218d 228,060 4.6 10549 3.3 7569
•Unanimous All-American Lft. Prod. Cow 2021
•1st Lifetime Production Cow Int’l Show 2021
Farnear Lambda Acasia-ET *RC

S: Farnear Delta-Lambda-ET
•Nom. All-American Lft. Production Cow 2020
Ms Apples Aria-ET *RC EX-92 2E MS:94
3-10 3x 312d 29,830 4.8 1444 3.4 1019
KHW Regiment Apple-Red-ET 4E-96 41* DOM
•Grand Champion Int’l R&W Show 2011
Kamps-Hollow Altitude-ET *RC 2E-95 2* DOM
Clover-Mist Alisha-ET *RC 3E-93 GMD DOM
Clover-Mist Augy Star-ET EX-94 4E DOM
D-R-A August EX-96 4E DOM
D-R-A Ideal Precious Leader EX-90 2E
D-R-A Princess Lad Leader EX-90 3E
Dam of Lots 38 & 39
Farnear Altitude-Red-ET
Kings-Ransom Dropbox-ET
S: Stantons High Octane-ET
Maternal brothers to Dana:
Mr Danielle Devour-ET*RC 14HO7802
She-Ken Uno Daniel *RC 94HO17993
Maternal sisters to Dana: Ms Danielles Dilemma *RC VG-87 •Res. Jr. All-American Jr. 2 Year Old 2019
7-10 3x 305d 40,080 4.4 1783 3.3 1304
•Nom. All-American R&W Production Cow 2021
Ms Danielle Hyp Daphney-ET *RC EX-91
dam of: Ken-Am GC Digit VG-88
•HM. All-American Sr. 2 Year Old 2022
2nd through 10th Dams:
Ms D Apple Danielle-Red-ET EX-95 2E
6-05 2x 365d 35,150 4.8 1700 3.2 1113
•Nom. All-American R&W 4 Year Old 2015
•Grand Champion All-Am. R&W Show 2014 & 2015
•Grand Champion New York Spring R&W 2015
•HM All-American R&W Sr. 3 Year Old 2014
•Nasco Type & Production Winner 2014
Ms Delicious Apple-Red-ET EX-94 2E
•2x Res. All-American R&W
•Red Impact Cow of the Year 2019
KHW Regiment Apple-Red-ET 4E-96 DOM 41*
Kamps-Hollow Altitude-ET *RC 2E-95 2* DOM
Clover-Mist Alisha-ET *RC EX-93 3E DOM
Clover-Mist Augy Star-ET EX-94 4E DOM

D-R-A August EX-96 4E DOM
D-R-A Ideal Precious Leader EX-90 2E
D-R-A Princess Lad Leader EX-90 3E
Lot 40
• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Trans Ova, MD
Maternal sisters to embryos: Woodcrest Defiant Agree VG-86 VG-MS

23,540 3.7 870 3.2 743
Woodcrest Einstein Apples VG-86 VG-MS 2y
of Lot 40
Ms Apple KB Aysia-ET *RC "EX-94 2E"

Hodglynn Maximum-Red-ET
Million-Heir Holsteins ~ E. Randall Schaeffer 11005 Huron Avery Rd, Milan, OH 44846 419.366.1239 • jarischaeffer@gmail.com
Lot 41
• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Trans Ova
Redcarpet Holsteins ~ Johnathan Heinsohn 34695 Kirkland Rd Kirkland, IL 60146-8306
815.979.5314 • redcarpetholsteins@yahoo.com
•Nominated All-American Aged Cow 1986
•All-Wisconsin Aged Cow 1987
D-R-A Ideal Precious Leader EX-90 2E
7-06 2x 358d 20,090 3.9 787 3.4 675
Life: 2456d 133,250 4.0 5308
D-R-A Princess Lad Leader EX-90 3E 9-05 2x 305d 19,160 4.2 809

Lot 42
145367057 *RC Donor Dam
Born October 27, 2021
Housed at Sunshine Genetics
GPTA +3.16T +2.56UDC +1.15FLC 80R 4/23
Bred 5/01/23 to Farnear Altitude-Red-ET 551HO3617 (sexed semen)
Maternal sisters to Athena:
Mead-Manor Warr Ads-Red-ET
•Nom. All-American R&W Summer Yearling 2022
•Res. Jr. All-American R&W Summer Yrlg. 2022
•Junior Champion Mideast Fall R&W 2022
Mead-Manor Sol Adoration *RC EX-93 EEEEE
3-00 3x 318d 27,500 4.0 1105 3.2 869
Bright futures
Lindenright Moovin-ET *RC
CAN12873743 *RC *TC *TY *TV *TL *TD
Lot 42
Mead-Manor Def Adeline-Red 143785527 Excellent-94 EEEVE
•Nom. All-American R&W Aged Cow 2022
•1st 4 Yr Old, Res. Grand Champion and Champion B&O, WI Champ. R&W Sh. 2020
•Res. All-American R&W 4 Year Old 2020
•Unanimous All-American R&W Jr. 3 Yr Old 2019
•Unanimous Jr. All-Amer. R&W Jr. 3 Yr Old 2019
•Supreme Champion WDE Junior Show 2019
•1st Jr. 3 Year Old International R&W Show 2019
•Int. & Grand Champion Int’l R&W Jr. Show 2019
•Grand Champion WI Champ. R&W Jr. Sh.2019
•Red & White Junior Cow of the Year 2019
•All-American R&W Jr. 2 Year Old 2018
•Jr. All-American R&W Jr. 2 Year Old 2018
•1st Jr. 2 Year Old International R&W Show 2018
•1st Jr. 2 Year Old International R&W Show 2018
S: Scientific B Defiant-ET *RC
A.L.H Genetics USA, Inc.
W7782 US Hwy 12, Whitewater, WI 53190
31.653.410.490 Adolf Langhout adolf@alh-genetics.nl
Lot 43
145348353 *TC *TL *TD Donor Dam
Born September 2, 2021
Housed at Sunshine Genetics
GPTA +2.50T +1.66UDC +1.19FLC 80R 4/23
A2/A2 • AB
Bred 4/11/23 to Farnear Altitude-Red-ET
551HO3617 (sexed semen)
Full sister to Audi:
Mead-Manor Warr Ads-Red-ET
•Nom. All-American R&W Summer Yearling 2022
•Res. Jr. All-American R&W Summer Yrlg. 2022
•Junior Champion Mideast Fall R&W 2022
Maternal sister to Audi:
Mead-Manor Sol Adoration *RC EX-93 EEEEE

3-00 3x 318d 27,500 4.0 1105 3.2 869
A.L.H Genetics USA, Inc.

W7782 US Hwy 12, Whitewater, WI 53190
31.653.410.490 Adolf Langhout adolf@alh-genetics.nl
Mead-Manor Def Adeline-Red
•Nom. All-American R&W Aged Cow 2022

•1st 4 Yr Old, Res. Grand Champion and Champion B&O, WI Champ. R&W Sh. 2020
•Res. All-American R&W 4 Year Old 2020
•Unanimous All-American R&W Jr. 3 Yr Old 2019
•Unanimous Jr. All-Amer. R&W Jr. 3 Yr Old 2019
•Supreme Champion WDE Junior Show 2019
•1st Jr. 3 Year Old International R&W Show 2019
•Int. & Grand Champion Int’l R&W Jr. Show 2019
•Grand Champion WI Champ. R&W Jr. Sh.2019
•Red & White Junior Cow of the Year 2019
•All-American R&W Jr. 2 Year Old 2018
•Jr. All-American R&W Jr. 2 Year Old 2018
•1st Jr. 2 Year Old International R&W Show 2018
•1st Jr. 2 Year Old International R&W Show 2018
S: Scientific B Defiant-ET *RC
Lot 43
2nd through 5th Dams of Lots 40 & 41:
Mead-Manor Abs Adele-ET *RC VG-85
2-03 3x 305d 22,550 4.2 939 3.2 728
BVK Atwood Abilene-ET EX-93 2E
5-10 3x 365d 39,510 3.9 1537 3.0 1191
•1st Jr. 2 Year Old WI Championship Jr. Sh.2012
Ms Kingstead Chief Adeen-ET EX-94 2E DOM 11*

3-05 2x 310d 30,180 4.0 1209 3.4 1020
•Nom. All-American 2000 & 2001
C Aitkenbrae Starbuck Ada EX-94 2E 4* DOM
•All-American 3 Year Old 1990
Lot 44
• (4) #1 and (1) #2 IVF embryos from sexed semen Export eligible to EU • Location: Boviteq
Maternal brothers to Denali:
Kings-Ransom Dropbox-ET 200HO12399
GTPI +2988 PTA +3.14T +3.08UDC 4/23
Kings-Ransom H Dreamy-ET 712HO1021
GTPI +2776 PTA +3.57T +3.300UDC 4/23
Kings-Ransom Casp Daze-ET "EX-94"
Cherry-Lily Zip Luster-P-ET
3138843085 GM *TR *PC *TC *TY *TV
PTA +1600M +82F +50P 99R 4/23
PTA +2.83T +2.22UDC +1.70FLC GTPI +2913
Kings-Ransom Delt Denali-ET
3240291500 *TR *TC *TL *TD
GTPI +2808 A2/A2 • AB
PTA +788M +.08% +52F +.09% +50P 81R 4/23
PTA +684NM +4.0PL 2.77SCS -1.4DPR 2.4%DCE
PTA +3.04T +3.29UDC +1.27FLC 81R 4/23
S: Farnear Delta-Lambda-ET
Kings-Ransom Farm LLC
311 King Rd.
Schuylerville, NY 12871-2013
518.791.2876 • jkingkrf@gmail.com
• (6) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen Domestic only • Location: Boviteq
First milking sister to Denali: Kings-Ransom Royal Diva VG-88 EX-MS 2y

Dam of Lot 45
2nd through 13th Dams:
Kings-Ransom Farm LLC
311 King Rd.
Schuylerville, NY 12871-2013
518.791.2876 • jkingkrf@gmail.com
365d 40,220 4.1 1661 3.3 1331
•HM All-American Jr. 2 Year Old 1988
•Nom. All-American 5 Year Old 1991
C Hanoverhill TT Roxette-ET 2E-94 GMD DOM 10-0 3x 365d 35,040 4.3 1519 3.0 1063

Mil-R-Mor Roxette EX-90 GMD DOM 30*
7-01 2x 365d 24,530 4.7 1153
C Glenridge Citation Roxy EX-97 4E GMD 6*

•Queen of the Breed I & II
C Norton Court Model Vee EX-90 6*
•All-American Produce of Dam 1977-78-79
Norton Court Reflection Val VG-CAN 5*
AOT Genetics
Tom Kugler & David King
28 Coons Rd., Valley Falls, NY 12185-3446
518.366.3901 Tom • flyhigherholsteins@gmail.com
315.212.0032 David • davidking4444@gmail.com
Lot 46
• (3) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Boviteq
S: Kings-Ransom Dropbox-ET
Lot 47A
• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Boviteq
S: Siemers Rz Pazzle 34954-ET
Lot 47B
• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Boviteq
S: Siemers Rz Pazzle 34954-ET

Bright futures
Dam of "Histin"
Sires of Lots 46 & 47A&B :
Kings-Ransom Dropbox-ET
Siemers Rz Pazzle 34954-ET
3218556317 *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL *TD PTA +574M +90F +47P 81R 4/23
PTA +3.25T +2.95UDC +1.93FLC GTPI +3060
AOT Coldplay Hyade-ET
AOT Elon Histin-ET
•Fresh again on 6/21/23
•#16 CTPI Female of the Breed 4/23
•Dam of 29H21160 AOT Hotwheels +3151GTPI
S: Claynook Zasberilla-ET
Pooled IVF with both of these dams (Hyade & Histin) : 9th through 13th Dams of Hyade & Histin:
AOT Jared Haskel-ET VG-85 VG-MS 2-05

•Grand Champion WI Spring National 1991
•Global Cow of the Year 2005 Snow-N
AOT Zasberilla Hake-ET "VG-87"Lot 48
• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Trans Ova, MD
Maternal sisters to embryos:
Idee Windbrook Lynzi-ET EX-95-4E-CAN 2*
5-07 2x 365d 35,064 4.5 1576 3.2 1138
•Canadian Cow of the Year 2021
•Res. Grand Champion Canadian National 2021
•1st Mature Cow & Res.Grand Ont. Summer 2020
•Supreme Champion Royal Winter Fair 2019
•All-Canadian 5 Year Old 2019
•All-Canadian Jr. 3 Year Old 2017
Ms Windbrook Lyzard-ET
•1st Spring Yrlg. Northeast Spring National 2023
•Res. Jr. Champion Northeast Spring Nat'l 2023
•2nd Spring Yrlg. & HM JC Midwest Spr. Nat'l
•Sold for $23,500 at Spotlight Selections 2023
Bright futures
Maternal Sister to Lot 48
Diamond-Valley Dairy & Wenger Farms LLC 200 Krall Rd. Myerstown, PA 17067
717.376.5514 Jacob Kline jacob.kline@wengers.com
Lot 49
• (6) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Export eligible to EU • Location: Trans Ova, WI
Idee Windbrook Lynzi-ET "EX-95 4E 2*" Supreme Champion Royal Winter Fair 2019
Kings-Ransom Dropbox-ET
2nd through 11th Dams:
2188 78th St., Blairstown, IA 52209
570.765.0536 Amanda Hauck
563.451.5376 Kyle Demmer
563.451.5866 Tim Rauen
Granddam of Lot 49
Idee Doorman Lysa "EX-94 2E" Res. All-American Jr. 3 Year Old 2019
Pathfinder EX-CAN 8*
Spring Farm Fond Pathfinder VG-CAN 5*
Eveermot Pathfinder Ormbsy VG-CAN 3*
Eveermot Pabst Ormbsy VG-CAN 3*

2nd through 14th Dams:
•Res. All-Canadian Jr. 3 Year Old 2019 Idee
•Canadian Cow of the Year 2021
•Res. Grand Champion Canadian National 2021
•1st Mature Cow & Res.Grand Ont. Summer '20
•Supreme Champion Royal Winter Fair 2019
•All-Canadian 5 Year Old 2019
•All-Canadian Jr. 3 Year Old 2017
Idee Goldwyn Lucia-ET EX-92-5Y-CAN 4*
3-05 2x 365d 34,310 4.1 1422 3.2 1111
Life: 4 lact. 145,283 4.2 6146 3.2 4680
•Res. Int. & HM Grand Atlantic Summer Sh'13
Idee Louis Luise-ET EX-94-2E-CAN 20*
3-04 2x 365d 32,564 4.0 1300 3.3 1068
Life: 2271d 162,398 4.1 6612 3.3 5387
•Nom. All-Canadian 4 Year Old 2006
•All-Atlantic 4 Year Old 2006
•Res. Grand Champion Atantic Spring Sh. 2006
Idee Bellwood Ladonna VG-87-CAN 2*

4-05 2x 319d 26,140 4.1 1085 3.3 858
C Ravenswell Lydia EX-92 DOM 19*
Spring Farm Miss Lynn-ET VG-85-3Y-CAN
Spring Farm Miss Connie VG-88-CAN 2*
Spring Farm Miss Citation VG-87-CAN 3*
Spring Farm Miss Pathfinder EX-CAN 8*
Next 3 dams all Very Good
Lot 50
• (4) #1 IVF reverse sort embryos
Domestic only • Location: Trans Ova, MD
Full sister to embryos:
United-Way Chief Berkley-ET
•Sold for $14,800 Best of Triple-T & Heath 2023
Maternal sisters to embryos:
Eatonholm Denver Bunga Bunga
•Junior Champion at 4 major shows in Europe!
Eatonholm Unstopabull Batu
•1st Spring Calf & HM Jr. Champ. NY St. Fr. 2022
Bright futures
Sidbeauty Dmpsy Brittany-ET "EX-94" Nom. All-American Summer Jr. 2 Yr Old 2019
Stantons Chief-ET
3129015989 *TC *TY *TV *TL *TD
PTA +738M +8F +20P 98R 4/23
PTA +2.24T +2.24UDC +.47FLC GTPI +2285
Sidbeauty Dmpsy Brittany-ET 3142292483
•Nom. All-American Summer Jr. 2 Year Old 2019
•6th 4 Year Old & BB&O International Show 2021
S: Lirr Drew Dempsey
Maternal sisters to Dmpsy Brittany:
Aaron Eaton and Raymond Anthony c/o Aaron Eaton
3039 Brewer Rd
Marietta, NY 13110-3291
315.857.8303 • aaroneaton56@gmail.com
Lot 51
• (4) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Trans Ova, MD
Eatonholme Atwood Brie-ET EX-90

•1st Jr. 3 Year Old MD State Fair 2017
Ms Beauty Wbk Bambi-ET VG-88 2y
•Res. All-American Fall Yearling 2020
Dam of Lot 51
Granddam of Lots 50 & 51
Daughters of Goldwyn Britany:
Jacobs High Octane Babe-ET EX-94-5Y-CAN
5-00 2x 365d 40,710 4.1 1660 3.1 1250
•All-Canadian 5 Year Old 2022
Jacobs Solomon Bridal-ET EX-90 EX-MS
3-00 2x 305d 28,672 4.5 1240 3.4 908"
•All-American Jr. 2 Year Old 2019
Blondin Alpha-ET *RC
CAN120345248 *RC *TV *TY *TL *TD PTA +502M +28F +11P 81R 4/23 PTA +2.78T +2.20UDC +1.44FLC GTPI +2303
Sidbeauty Solomon Bianka-ET
Jacobs Sid Beauty-ET "EX-95" All-American Jr. 3 Year Old 2015
2nd through 9th Dams: Jacobs Sid Beauty-ET EX-95
•All-American Jr. 3 Year Old 2015
•Int. Champion International Show 2015
•Int. & Res Grand Northeast Fall National 2015
•Holstein Canada Cow of the Year 2017
•Res. All-Canadian 4 Year Old 2011 Jacobs Jasper Best VG-88-4Y-CAN 22*
Jacobs Storm Bette EX-91-2E-CAN 6*
Cotopierre Lindy Bertha EX-2E-CAN 25*
Cotopierre Starbuck Bine EX-CAN 4*
Cotopierre Tempo Binette EX-CAN
Cotopierre Tino Bisquette VG-86 2*
Same Family as Lot 51
Andrews Enterprises
Jayden & Treven Andrews
3415 Rte. 549, Mansfield, PA 16933 jandrews@npacc.net
Jacobs High Octane Babe-ET "EX-94" All-Canadian 5 Year Old 2022
2nd through 9th Dams:
Jacobs Sid Beauty-ET EX-95
4-07 2x 305d 32,250 3.6 1169 2.9 927
•All-American Jr. 3 Year Old 2015
•Int. Champion International Show 2015
•Int. & Res Grand Northeast Fall National 2015
Jacobs Goldwyn Britany-ET EX-96-2E 29*
6-01 2x 352d 41,446 4.0 1675 4.0 1299
Life: 4 lact. 134,617 4.1 5516 3.3 4482
•Holstein Canada Cow of the Year 2017
•Res. All-Canadian 4 Year Old 2011
Jacobs Jasper Best VG-88-4Y-CAN 22*
4-07 2x 336d 41,089 4.0 1633 3.1 1280
Jacobs Storm Bette EX-91-2E-CAN 6*
Cotopierre Lindy Bertha EX-2E-CAN 25*
Cotopierre Starbuck Bine EX-CAN 4*
Cotopierre Tempo Binette EX-CAN
Cotopierre Tino Bisquette VG-86 2*

Lot 52
• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen Domestic only • Location: Trans Ova, WI
Bright futures
Full sisters to embryos:
Kress-Hill Smoke-Red-ET VG-87
•Unanimous Jr. All-American R&W Summer Yrlg. '21
•Res. Jr. All-American Summer Jr. 2 Yr Old 2022
Kress-Hill Spicy-Red-ET
•Res. All-American R&W Winter Yearling 2022
Kress-Hill Sly-Red-ET
•Res. All-American R&W Summer Yearling 2022
Kress-Hill Sci-Fi-Red-ET VG-87
•Res. Grand Champion WI Dist. 10 Show 2023
•Junior All-American R&W Spring Yearling 2022
Maternal sister to embryos:
Kress-Hill Sparkle-Red
•Res.All-American R&W Fall Calf 2022
Kress-Hill Dairy 10623 County Rd XX Newton, WI 53063 920.207.6523 Amanda kress.hill.dairy@gmail.com
Lot 53
• (4) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Export eligible to EU • Location: Trans Ova, WI
Maternal sisters to embryos:
Betley Unstp Lionize-Red-ET
•Unanimous All-American R&W Winter Yrlg. 2022
•Res. All-Canadian R&W Winter Yrlg. 2022
•Res. All-American R&W Winter Calf 2021

•HM Junior Champion Int’l R&W Show 2021
Betley Unstbull Leonine-Red-ET VG-87
•Res. All-American R&W Fall Yearling 2022
Betley Lightsout-Red-ET
•HM. Jr. All-American R&W Winter Calf 2022
•Nom. All-American R&W Winter Calf 2022
•1st Winter Calf & Res. JC Mideast Fall R&W ‘22
•Supreme Junior Champion WI Jr. St. Fr. 2022
•1st Winter Calf WI Championship R&W 2022
Betley Lionlike-Red-ET VG-86

•Nom. Jr. All-American R&W Winter Yrlg. 2022
Betley Unstop London-Red-ET VG-86
•Res. Jr. All-American R&W Spring Yrlg. 2022
•Junior Champion MN State R&W Show 2022
Betley Farms
W1630 Redwood Rd., Pulaski, WI 54162-8770
715.304.7773 Trent Styczynski
Farnear Altitude-Red-ET
Ms Kress-Hil Saphire-Red-ET
4.1 1167 2.9 821”
•Supreme Junior Champion WDE Jr. Show 2018
•Junior Champion Int’l R&W Open & Jr. 2018
•All-American R&W Fall Calf 2018
•R&W Hfr of the Year; Jr. R&W Hfr of the Year 2018
•Jr. All-American Fall Yearling 2019
•Res. All-American Fall Yearling 2019
•Nom. Jr. All-American R&W Sr. 2 Year Old 2020
S: Dymentholm Mr App Avalanche-Tw *RC
Kress-HIll Sci-Fi-Red-ET "VG-87"
Jr. All-American R&W Spring Yearling 2022
2nd through 8th Dams:
Rosedale Lucky-Rose-Red EX-94 2E
3-07 2x 365d 38,090 4.5 1716 3.1 1175
•Res. All-American R&W Aged Cow 2018
Rosedale Crown of Thorns-ET *RC EX-91 2E
Lavender Ruby Redrose-Red EX-96 4E
•Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo 2005
•Grand Champion International R&W 2007
Northrose-I Lavender-ET *RC EX-90 5*
Rosedale Lea-Ann-ET *RC EX-93 2E GMD
Stookey Elm Park Blackrose-ET 3E-96 7* GMD DOM
•All-American & All-Canadian Jr. 3 Yr Old 1993
•All-American & All-Canadian Jr. 2 Yr Od 1992
Nandette TT Speckle-Red EX-93 DOM

• All-American R&W 1981 & 1983
Mat. Sister to Lot 53
LeonineRed-ET "VG-87" Res
All-American R&W 2022
Mat. Sister to Lot 53
All-American R&W 2022
Mat. Sister to Lot 53
Nom. AllAmerican R&W 2022
OCD Jo LionkingRed-ET "VG-88"
Dam of Lot 53
Bright futures
Lot 54
• (3) #1 and (1) #2 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Trans Ova, MD
Matt Hawbaker, Jordan London & Amber Zanella
12416 Rocky Fountain Ln., Hagerstown, MD 21722
717.360.7848 • matt.hawbaker@yahoo.com
Mr Danielle Devour-ET *RC
Ms Ransom-Rail Beth-Red-ET "EX-94" Grand Champion International R&W Show 2022
2nd through 6th Dams of Lots 54 & 55:
Ms D-N-R Bashful-In-Red-ET *PO
3246968668 *PO *TC *TL*TD
A1/A2 • AB
•2nd Winter Calf NY Spring R&W Show 2022
S: Avant-Garde-I Latenite-Red-ET *PC
Ms Ransom-Rail Beth-Red-ET EX-94 EEEEE

2x 300d 33,637 3.9 1304 3.1 1043"RIP
2-00 2x 345d 31,240 3.8 1172 3.2 993"
•Grand Champion Midwest R&W Spring Sh. '23
•1st 5 Year Old Midwest R&W Spring Show 2023
•3rd 5 Year Old Midwest Nat'l Spring Show 2023
•Unanimous All-American R&W 4 Year Old 2022
Lot 55
• (4) #1 and (2) #2 IVF embryos from sexed semen Domestic only • Location: Vytelle, Albany, NY
Ms-Beth Beliv Bonnie-ET *RC *PO
Farnear Architect-ET *RC
3214251590 *RC *TC *TY *TV *TL *TD PTA +234M +6F +12P 81R 4/23
+3.82T +3.26UDC +1.94FLC GTPI +2367
Ms-Beth Beliv Bonnie-ET *RC *PO
•Nom. All-American 4 Year Old 2022
•Grand Champion International R&W Show 2022
•1st 4 Year Old & Champion B&O Int'l R&W 2022
•1st 4 Year Old & Res. Grand Champion, Canadian National R&W Show 2022
•Res. All-American R&W Summer Jr. 2 Yr Old '20
Ms Absolute Bliss-ET *RC EX-94 2E (MS:96)
3-08 3x 365d 33,070 3.6 1201 3.3 1086"
•HM All-Canadian Milking Yearling 2015
•Nom. All-American Milking Yearling 2015
Miss Beautys Bombshell-ET 2E-93 (MS:95)
5-00 2x 365d 37,965 4.7 1770 3.3 1256
Ms Exels Dundee Beauty EX-95 3E

8-09 2x 365d 36,180 4.3 1556 3.0 1089
•Nominated All-Canadian Mature Cow 2013

•Unanimous All-American Aged Cow 2011
•Res. All-Canadian Mature Cow 2011
Johnathan King & Emily Mikel
311 King Rd.
Schuylerville, NY 12871-2013
518.588.0015 • john.king@kingbrothersdairy.com
Lot 56
• (4) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Trans Ova, MD
145447034 *RC *PO
S: Aija Believe-P-ET *RC *PC
Farnear Delta-Lambda-ET
34125993715 GM *TR *TP *TC *TY
+1238M +48F +46P 99R 4/23
Pine-Tree 9839 Fraz 7613-ET
3145982559 Excellent-94 EEEEE *TR *TC *TL
•HHM All-American 5 Year Old 2010
•HM All-American 4 Year Old 2009
Woodfield Integrity Belinda EX-93 2E
Mason Ziemba
6162 Dunbarton Rd.
Durhamville, NY 13054-3197
315.730.6673 • kevin.ziemba@stgen.com
•Sold for $54,000 Duckett Summer Selections '21
•3rd 5 Year Old Mideast Fall National 2022
814.952.5071 Jordan 2nd through
Pine-Tree 9839 Fraz 7613-ET "EX-93"
•2nd 5 Year Old & HM Sr. Champion
Mideast Fall National Junior Show 2022
S: Melarry Josuper Frazzled-ET
Full brother to 7613:
Pine-Tree CW Legacy-ET 7HO14250
GTPI +2701

Lot 57
One calf born March, 2023; One calf born June, 2023
Terms: 35% Down; Balance due @ 4 months of age
Bright futures
Guimo Joel-ET CAN106797223
Stoney Point Comerica Kathie
John Cannon
3098 210th St.
Dyersville, IA 52040-8722
563.542.7104 • cannonabs@hotmail.com
Lot 58

Four (4) female pregnancies due September 1, 2023
Terms: 35% Down; Balance due @ 4 months of age
Full sisters to choice:
Big Guns VIP Vanessa-ET VG-89%
Big Guns VIP Vista-ET VG-85%
Maternal sisters to choice:
Big Guns On The Verge EX-91%
5-08 2x 305d 18,950 5.8 1090 3 .7 692
Big Guns Velocity Vienna VG-87%
Big Guns Engineer Vinyasa-ET VG-87%
Big Guns Velvet Swag VG-87%
Big Guns Andreas Viva-ET VG-86%
•4th Jr. 2 Year Old All-American Jersey Show 2016
•2nd Jr. 2 Year Old PA All-American Show 2016 S: Bridon Remake Comerica-ET
Maternal brother to choice: Mr Kathies Kid Rock 551JE01772 PTAT +1.5

Full sister to choice:
Kash-In Joel Knockin Boots-ET
•ABA Junior All-American Summer Yearling 2022
Maternal sister to choice: Kash-In VIP Kayce-ET
•ABA HM All-American Spring Calf 2022
Granddam of Lot 58
Big Guns Jamaica Vanilla "EX-95" All-American Aged Cow 2016
John Cannon
3098 210th St.
Dyersville, IA 52040-8722
563.542.7104 • cannonabs@hotmail.com
Kash-In VIP Kayce-ET
ABA HM All-American Spring Calf 2022
2nd through 6th Dams:
Stoney Point Rocket Kay EX-90%
3-11 2x 305d 17,560 4.2 729 3.6 628
Lookout Kabokee VG-84%
Lookout Furor Tiara EX-91%
Juno Atlantis Tiffany EX-90%
Atlantic Brass Glamour VG-87%

2nd through 10th Dams:
Big Guns Jamaica Vanilla EX-95%
8-09 2x 365d 23,516 5.1 1216 3.5 827”
•ABA All-American Aged Cow 2016
•All-American Aged Cow 2016
•1st Mature Cow & HM Sr. Ch. Int’l Show ‘16
•1st Mature Cow, BU, BBO & HM Sr Champion, All-American Jersey Show & NYSS 2016
•ABA HHM All-American Aged Cow 2013
•ABA Res. All-American 5 Year Old 2012
•All-Canadian 5 Year Old 2012
Big Guns Hercules Veranda VG-88%
Hillacres Vavoom Voomer EX-93%
Hillacres Villas Vavoom VG-88%
Hillacres Royal Villa VG-82%
Hillacres Duncan Vista EX-91%
Hillacres Master Victoria VG-82%
Hillacres Ben Ellen EX-91%
Hillacres Ogston Suzie VG-86%
Bright futures
Lot 59
Three (3) female pregnancies due September 1, 2023
Terms: 35% Down; Balance due @ 4 months of age
Maternal sisters to Champagne:
Elliotts Blackstone Charlotte EX-94%
•ABA All-American 5 Year Old 2017
•Res. Grand Champion International Show 2017
Elliotts Cosmo Action-ET EX-93%
•ABA All-American Sr. 3 Year Old 2014
Arethusa Comets Capri-ET EX-93%
Arethusa Colton Cadbury-ETS EX-93%
•Res. ABA All-American Jr. 2 Year Old 2020
Arethusa Andreas Chablis-ET VG-85%
•ABA Res. All-American Fall Calf 2020
Arethusa Gentry Chevelle-ET EX-91%
•ABA Res. All-American Winter Yearling 2021
Arethusa Gentry Chante-ET
•ABA All-American Winter Yrlg. 2021
Arethusa Gentry Chantile-ET VG-87%

•ABA & AJCA All-American Winter Calf 2020
John Cannon 3098 210th St. Dyersville, IA 52040-8722 563.542.7104 • cannonabs@hotmail.com
Lot 60
• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only
• Location: Winthrop Vet Clinic, IA
Maternal sisters to embryos:
Schulte Bros Flashy Lady EX-95%
Schulte Bros Colt First Lady EX-91% (max)
•Nom. ABA All-American Jr. 2 Year Old 2022
Schulte Bros. Colton Frankie-ET VG-89% (max)
•AJCA Res. All-American Spring Yearling 2022
•AJCA Res. Jr. All-American Spring Yearling 2022
•Res. Jr. Champion All-American Jr. Show 2022
Schulte Bros Colton Fame-ET
•ABA & AJCA All-American Winter Yearling 2020
•Junior Champion All-American Jr. Show 2020
Schulte Bros Colton Fabulous VG-88%
•AJCA All-American Summer Yearling 2021
Schulte Bros Colton Fergalicious VG-86%
•AJCA Jr. All-American Fall Calf 2021
•Jr. Champon All-American Jr. Jersey Show 2021
Zach, Blake & Mitch Schulte
2518 75th St.
Watkins, IA 52354
319.521.7590 Mark • schultebisu@gmail.com
Guimo Joel-ET
Granddam of Lot 59
Arethusa Premier Champagne-ET
Arethusa Veronicas Comet-ET "EX-95" Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair 2010
2nd through 9th Dams:
Arethusa Veronicas Comet-ET EX-95%
4-06 2x 305d 19,970 6.5 1292 3.6 710
•Unanimous All-American 5 Year Old 2011
•Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair 2010
•All-Canadian 4 Year Old 2010
•All-Canadian Sr. 3 Year Old 2009
Huronia Centurion Veronica 20J EX-97% 5E

Year Old All-American Jersey Show 2016
•2nd Jr. 2 Year Old PA All-American Show 2016
S: Bridon Remake Comerica-ET
6-08 2x 365d 24,442 5.6 1434 3.6 955
•Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo 2006
•National Grand Champion 2004
Genesis Renaissance Vivianne VG-87-CAN 7*
Genesis Juno Virginia EX-92-6E-CAN 4*
Swissbell F Veronica 39M SUP EX 4*
Swissbell Ella Virginia EX-90
Swissbell Virginia SUP EX-90

Belmont Jester Virginia SUP EX
Maternal Sister to Lot 60
Schulte Bros. Colt First Lady "EX-91" Nom. ABA All-American Jr. 2 Year Old 2022
Isau Lightning Ridge Ferdinand
AUS778373 JH1F JNSF 551JE1825
PTA -534M +9F -9P 76R 4/23
PTA +0.8T GJUI +5.7 GJPI +1
Pleasant Nook Guns Foxy Lady
5-02 EX-91%
•Res. Intermediate Champion, IA State Fair 2016
•Res. All-American Summer Yearling 2015
•9th generation Excellent
•7 daughters nominated All-American to date
S: SV Jade Hired Gun-ET
2nd through 9th Dams:
Pleasant Nook First Choice-ET EX-91-5E-CAN
6-06 2x 207d 17,531 4.7 827 3.7 648
•3rd Sr. 3 Year Old Brant-Norfolk Show 2011
•3rd Sr. 2 Year Old Brant-Norfolk Show 2010
Plesant Nook Sambo Frolic EX-91-6E-CAN 5*
11-5 2x 305d 21,956 4.3 957 3.5 768
Life: 9 lacts. 190,766 5.1 9779 3.6 6846
•1st 5 Year Old Golden Horseshoe 2006
Pleasant Nook J Imp Flower EX-CAN
4-08 2x 305d 15,617 5.0 787 4.0 627
•1st Mature Cow Golden Horseshoe 1998
Pleasant Nook D D Flower Pot EX-CAN
Plesant Nook P S Flower EX-CAN 1*
Pleasant Nook B S Fannie SUP-EX-CAN
Pleasant Nook M Fancy EX-92-CAN 1*
Plesant Nook S F Fran SUP-EX-CAN 3*
Lot 61
• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Winthrop Vet Clinic, IA
Maternal sister to embryos:
Schulte Bros Colton Cecilia-ET VG-87%
ABA Jr. All-American Milking Yearling 2022
Schulte Bros Gentry Clarabelle-ET
•ABA HM All-American Winter Yearling 2022
•ABA Jr. All-American Winter Yearling 2022
Schulte Bros Colton Cheerio-ET
•ABA Res. Jr. All-American Fall Calf 2022
•ABA Nom. All-American Fall Calf 2022
Maternal sisters to Corolla:
SV Fizz Cupid-ET EX-94%
SVHeaths Tequila Chloe-ET EX-92%
•Res. Jr. All-American Sr. 3 Year Old 2021
•ABA HM Jr. All-American Sr. 3 Year Old 2021
Zach, Blake & Mitch Schulte
2518 75th St.
Watkins, IA 52354
319.521.7590 Mark • schultebisu@gmail.com
Lot 62
• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only
• Location: Trans Ova, WI
Bright futures
Ryan Krull
1949 Jay Ave.
George, IA 51237
712.348.1802 • ryankrull7123481802@gmail.com
Isau Lightning Ridge Ferdinand AUS778373 JH1F JNSF 551JE1825 PTA -534M +9F
76R 4/23 PTA +0.8T GJUI +5.7 GJPI +1
SVHeaths HGun Corolla-ET
•Nom. ABA All-American Winter Yearling 2017
•1st Sr. 2 Year Old PA All-American Show 2018
•2nd Sr. 2 Year Old NY Spring Show 2018 •10th Sr. 2 Year Old International Show 2018
•1st Sr. 3 Year Old NY Spring Carousel 2019 S: SV Jade Hired Gun-ET
2nd through 10th Dams:
Elliotts Faxon Comical-ET EX-91% 4-01 2x 305d 17,880 4.8 855 3.6 644
•2nd 4 Year Old MD State Fair 2016
•4th 4 Year Old PA All-American Show 2016
•3rd Jr. 2 Year Old PA All-American 2014
Arethusa Veronicas Comet-ET EX-95%
•Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair 2010
•All-Canadian 4 Year Old 2010
Huronia Centurion Veronica 20J EX-97%
•3x Grand Champion International Jersey Show
•National Grand Champion 2004
Genesis Renaissance Vivianne VG-87-CAN 7*
Genesis Juno Virginia EX-92-6E-CAN 4*
Swissbell F Veronica 39M SUP EX 4*
Swissbell Ella Virginia EX-90
Swissbell Virginia SUP EX-90
Belmont Jester Virginia SUP EX
Dam of Lot 62
Arethusa Response Vivid-ET "EX-96" Supreme Champion Royal Winter Fair 2014
River Valley Victorious-ET
2nd through 10th Dams:
•All-Canadian Mature Cow 2014
•ABA All-American Aged Cow 2014
•Supreme Champion Royal Winter Fair 2014
•Grand Champion Int’l & RAWF 2012
•ABA All-American 2010-2011-2012
Huronia Centurion Veronica 20J EX-97% 5E
•Grand & Supreme Champ. Int’l Jersey Sh. 2006
•Grand & Supreme Champ. PA All-American 2006
•Supreme Champion PA All-American 2005
•Grand Champion Int’l Jersey Show 2004 & 2005
•National Grand Champion 2004
•All-Canadian Sr. 2 Year Old 2002
Genesis Renaissance Vivianne VG-87-CAN 7*
5-00 2x 305d 12,108 4.2 514 3.8 561
Genesis Juno Virginia EX-92-6E-CAN 4*
6-06 2x 305d 16,539 4.7 771 3.8 628
Life: 150,089 4.6 6962 3.8 5837”
Swissbell F Veronica 39M SUP EX 4*
Life: 3612d 133,058 4.3 5760 4.0 5293
Swissbell Ella Virginia EX-90
5-03 2x 305d 11,931 4.9 589
Swissbell Virginia SUP EX-90

Belmont Jester Virginia SUP EX

• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Trans Ova, WI
S: Guimo Joel-ET
Lot 64
• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen

Domestic only • Location: Trans Ova, WI
S: Colton Flame Fireman
Ryan Krull
1949 Jay Ave., George, IA 51237 712.348.1802
Lot 65A
• (4) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen Domestic only • Location: Trans Ova, MD
Lot 65B
• (4) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Trans Ova, MD
Abbott, Hill and Borba
P.O. Box 619, Enosburg, VT 05450 802.238.1142 Tim • tim@abbottcows.com
Lot 66
• (3) #1 and (2) #2 IVF embryos from sexed semen Domestic only • Location: Trans Ova, MD
Guimo Joel-ET
CAN106797223 JH1F JNSC
Arethusa Premier Valia-ET "EX-93"

2nd through 4th Dams:: Elliotts Vivid Deluxe EX-95%
5 Yr Old & HM Sr. Ch. PA All-American 2011
•ABA All-American 100,000 lb. Cow 2012
Huronia Centurion Veronica 20J EX-97% 5E

Isau Lightning Ridge Ferdinand
Maternal sister to Mai Tai: Underground Milkshake Maddog-ET VG-85%
•Junior Champion NY Spring Jersey Show 2021
Woodmohr-Townside Sheriff Vision
Granddam of Lots 65A&B
2nd through 4th Dams:
Arethusa Socrates Vibe-ET EX-93%
Arethusa Response Vivid-ET EX-96%
•All-Canadian Mature Cow 2014
•ABA All-American Aged Cow 2014
Huronia Centurion Veronica 20J EX-97 5E
•Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo 2006
•National Grand Champion 2004
Mr Kathies Kid Rock 3128791587 JH1F JNSF A1A2 551JE1772
Underground Milkshakes Mai Tai
•1st Sr. 3 Year Old, Int. Champion and Res. Grand Champion, NY Spring Jersey Show 2021
•Due back August 16, 2023
S: Sunset Canyon Andreas
Underground Milkshakes Mai Tai "EX-92" Res. Grand Champion NY Spring Jersey Show 2021
4th through 10th Dams:
Underground Monas Mocha EX-92%
Mysons Future Fusion Mona EX-90%
Cedar Lane Farm LLC
P.O. Box 195, Oldwick, NJ 08858
908.642.5122 Bill Taylor
Maplespring DC Monica 5J VG-85%
Maplespring MDW Imperial Mona EX-92-4E-CAN
Twin Maples Gemni Koko 13U VG-87-CAN
Next 3 dams EX, VG-85 & VG-87 in Canada
Lot 67
• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Retso, NY
Full sister to Crabby:
Rivendale Venue Colby Jack
•ABA All-American Fall Calf 2022
Maternal sisters to Crabby:
Elliotts Regency Corrina-ET EX-93%

•Nom. ABA All-American 4 Year Old 2019
Elliotts Variety Cisco-ET EX-92%
•ABA HHM All-American MIlking Yearling 2018
Ent-LLR-Mph Nu Chaos-ET EX-91%
•Res. Premier Performance Cow All-American ‘21

Retso Holsteins and Dutch Hollow Farm
P.O. Box 49, Schodack Landing, NY 12156 315.761.3175 Brian • brianoster1522@gmail.com
Lot 68
• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Trans Ova, WI
Maternal sisters to Divine:
Bright futures
Mr Kathies Kid Rock
Dam of 67
Rivendale Venue Crabby-ET
2nd through 5th Dams:
Chilli Premier Cinema-ET EX-93%
4-01 2x 305d 21,170 5.6 1187 3.9 824
•ABA All-American Jr. 3 Year Old 2015
•Son in A.I: Casino 14JE725
Family Hill Connection Chilli-ET EX-91% Pleasant Nook F Prize Circus EX-97%
•2x National Grand Champion 2004 & 2006 Family Hill Brook Citrus EX-91%
Avonlea Chips Canadian Club-ET
•Nom. All-American Lft. Production Cow 2013
Woodmohr Pure Delight-ET EX-95%
•Nom. All-American Aged Cow 2017
Woodmohr Dear Fever-ET EX-95%

Woodmohr V Diamond-ET EX-95%
Ryan Krull
1949 Jay Ave. George, IA 51237
712.348.1802 • ryankrull7123481802@gmail.com
Lot 69
• (6) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen Domestic only • Location: Trans Ova, WI S: Mr Kathies Kid Rock
Lot 70
• (6) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Trans Ova, WI
S: Colton Flame Fireman
Ryan Krull
1949 Jay Ave. George, IA 51237
712.348.1802 • ryankrull7123481802@gmail.com
Woodmohr Marlos Divine-ET
Rivendale Venue Crabby-ET
Full Sister to Dam of Lot 67
Rivendale Venue Colby Jack ABA All-American Fall Calf 2022
Dam of Lot 68
Woodmohr Marlos Divine-ET "EX-94"
and 7 EX-94 maternal sisters! S: Advancer Ringmaster Marlo
Dam of Lots 69 & 70
Mr Kathies Kid Rock
Woodmohr La Monet
Woodmohr La Monet "EX-92"
2nd and 3rd Dams:
•Grand Champion MN Jr. State Fair ‘93 & ‘94
Lot 71
• (4) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen Domestic only • Location: Trans Ova
•Full sister sold from $15,600 1st Impressions II
Granddaughter of Judith:
Springhill Mentor Joyce EX-94
•All-American 4 Year Old 2021
•All-American Jr. 2 Year Old 2019
Bright futures
Hi Guern View Levi Drone 97004646 A2A2 94GU959 GPTA +513M +0F +5P 88R
AGA PTAT +1.5 +1.0UDC GPTI +39
Springhill Blue Judith-ET
Dam of Lot 71
Acclaimed Guernseys
•Nom. All-American Jr. 3 Year Old 2016
•Member of 3 HM All-American Group Classes '16
•Res. Grand Champion OH State Fair 2016
•3rd Jr. 3 Year Old NGS-Madison 2016 S: Jens Gold C Blue Spruce-ET
Maternal sister to Judith: Springhill Mentor Jazzy-ET EX-95 EEEEE
Springhill Blue Judith-ET "EX-93" Nom. All-American Jr. 3 Year Old 2016
2nd through 6th Dams:
Dix Lee Tiller Joke EX-93

2x 365d 31,350 4.9 1543 3.3 1033
•All-American Jr. 2 Year Old 2006
•Res. All-American 5 Year Old 2009
Dix Lee Jiffy Jipsy EX-90
Dix Lee Smokey Bear Jigger GP-84
Lot 72
Johnathan Heinsohn and Jim Hammerand 34695 Kirkland Rd., Kirkland, IL 60146-8306 815.979.5314 • redcarpetholsteins@yahoo.com Voelkers
•Total Performance Cow NGS-Madison 2019
Dix Lee Bretts Bionic Jingle VG-86
Dix Lee Fayette Jingo EX-90

Dam of Lot 72
• (4) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen Domestic only • Location: Trans Ova, WI
Acclaimed Swiss
34695 Kirkland Rd., Kirkland, IL 60146-8306
563.451.2400 Jim
• 815.979.5314 Johnathan redcarpetholsteins@yahoo.com
Lot 73
Josh & Casey Hushon
W330 S5245 Meadowlark Ln, North Prairie, WI 53153 920.342.0611 • josh2632@yahoo.com
Lot 74
• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen Domestic only • Location: Trans Ova, MD
Maternal sisters to Granddam, Fireball: HC-HP Red Robin Flare Exp-ET EX-94 3E

Springhill Firepower-ET EX-92
Springhill Firestarter EX-92
Hard Core RR Fireburst Exp-ET EX-92
•1st Sr. 2 Year Old & Res. Int. Champion, Midwest Spring Show 2019 S: Hilltop Acres W Durham-ET
Granddam of Lot 74
HC-HP Red Rob Fireball-Exp-ET "4E-96" 3x All-American
Innisfail Mega Lottery-ET
Hartmanhills Duham Charisma "EX-91 Res. All-American Sr. 2 Year Old 2019
2nd through 5th Dams:
Lawayne Martin 12440 Burkholder Ln., Hagerstown, MD 21740
240.420.3531 • crystalstardairy@gmail.com
HC-HP Red Rob Fireball Exp-ET 4E-E96
6-09 2x 365d 33,720 3.6 1213 3.0 1017
Lifetime: 2506d 198,890M 7210F 6069P
•All-American Lifetime Merit Cow 2020
•1st Lifetime Merit Cow Winter Nat'l 2020
•All-American Lifetime Merit Cow 2019
•Grand Champion Winter National 2019
•Res. Grand Champion Winter National 2018
•All-American Sr. 3 Year Old 2015
•Nom. All-American Fall Yearling 2013
Sunshine Now You See Fireball 2E-E90
7-10 2x 274d 19,980 3.2 648 2.9 588
•Res. All-American Fall Yearling 2003
•Res. All-American Fall Calf 2002
Sunshine Fig's Frosty EX-90
Lot 75
• (2) #1 and (2) #2 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Boviteq, CA
Maternal sisters to embryos:
Ms Raps Ruby-Red-ET VG-89
•Res. All-American R&W Winter Calf 2020
Ms Raps Jordy Razzma-Red-ET VG-87
•1st Fall Calf & Res. Jr. Ch. NY State R&W 2020
Cookiecutter Rhianna-Red-ET
•1st Fall Calf All-American R&W Show 2021
Ms Raps Jordy Ridley-Red-ET EX-91
•1st Sr. 2 Yr Old Western Nat'l R&W 2022
•1st Fall Calf Western National R&W Show 2020
Ms Raps Jrd Rosette-Red-ET VG-86
•3rd Fall Calf NY State R&W Show 2020
Ms Raps Dback Rumble-Red-ET EX-91
•1st Spring Calf NY State Fair R&W 2019
Bright futures
Siemers Holstein Farms, Inc. 14421 Mineral Springs Rd., Newton, WI 53063 920.946.8525 Jordan jcs483@cornell.edu
Lot 76
• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Trans Ova, WI
•Unique pedigree with red factor!
Siemers Holstein Farms, Inc.

14421 Mineral Springs Rd., Newton, WI 53063 920.946.8525 Jordan jcs483@cornell.edu
Parkvue Absolute Rap-Red-ET "2E-94" Res. All-American R&W Aged Cow 2020

•All-American & All-Canadian 5 Year Old 2010
3x 365d 37,970 3.9 1484 3.2 1226”
•Grand Champion Southern Spr. Nat’l 2011
•1st 5 Year Old Manitoba Spring Show 2008
Raverley Briana Milan EX-2E-CAN 6*
6-03 2x 365d 27,075 3.4 928 3.2 862
Rainyridge Tony Beauty EX-5E-CAN 9*
10-5 2x 365d 29,081 3.5 1005 3.1 913
Life: 8 lact. 199,869 3.3 6592 3.2 6455
•Grand Champion International Show 1999
•Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair 1993
•All-Canadian Mature Cow 1992-93-95-99
•All-American Aged Cow 1992-95-99
•Holstein Canada Cow of the Year 1999
Despics Tempo Diane VG-85-3Y-CAN

Lot 77
• (4) #1 and (1) #2 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Trans Ova, WI
S: Hodglynn Maximum-Red-ET
Lot 78
• (3) #1 and (2) #2 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Trans Ova, WI
S: Golden-Oaks Master-ET
Bright futures
Hodglynn Maximum-Red-ET
Mat. Sister to Lots 77 & 78
Budjon-JK Damion Eklipse-ET
•1st Sr. 3 Year Old, Futurity Winner, Int. Champ. and Res. Grand Champion, District 6 Show 2016
•Nom. Jr. All-American Sr. 3 Year Old 2016
•Nom. Jr. All-American Sr. 2 Year Old 2015
S: Erbacres Damion
Eklipse daughters:
Floydholm Mc Emoji-ET EX-95 EEEEE

•All-American & All-Canadian Jr. 3 Yr Old 2019
•1st Jr. 3 Yr Old & Int. Champ. Int’l Show 2019
Emoji’s daughter:
Ms Thunderstorm Eternity-ET
•Res. AA & Res. AC Winter Yrlg. 2022
Floydholm Kdoc Egypt-ET
•HM. Jr. All-American Winter Yrlg. 2022
Floydholm Gold Chip Evie-ET VG-85
All-American & All-Canadian Jr. 3 Yr Old 2019
2nd through 9th Dams: Rolling-Spring G Escence-ET EX-95 2E
•4th generation AA nominee in milking form!
Budjon-JK Dur Esquisite-ET EX-92 GMD DOM
2x 365d 40,300 3.9 1555 3.2 1275
•Nom. All-American Sr. 2 Year Old 2006
Budjon-JK Encore Electra-ET 2E-95 GMD DOM
6-04 2x 365d 46,830 4.0 1866 3.0 1382
•Res. All-American Sr. 3 Year Old 2001
Krull Broker Elegance EX-96 3E GMD DOM

•HM All-American Aged Cow 1999 & 2000
•HM All-Canadian Mature Cow 1999
Krull Starbuck Excellency EX-90 GMD DOM
Heart & Soul Farm
1070 Ranck Rd., Millmont, PA 17845-9062 570.713.4567 • heartsoulboop@gmail.com
Lot 79
• (3) #1 and (2) #2 IVF embryos from sexed semen Domestic only • Location: Trans Ova, MD
Maternal sisters to Diamond:
Garay Awesome Barbara-Red EX-92 MS-94
•Champion Udder Swiss Red Night 2021
•HM Grand Champion Junior Expo Bulle 2021
Garay-MD-WVG Becca-Red-ET
•Junior Champion QC Spring R&W Show 2022
Garay-MD-WVG Brynne-Red-ET
•1st Winter Calf Western Spring R&W Show 2022
Garay-MD-WVG Britney-Red-ET
•1st Spring Calf MD State Fair R&W Show 2021
Garay Doorman Blind Date-ET VG-89-3Y-CAN
•All-American & All-Canadian Fall Calf 2018
•1st Milking Yearling Supreme Laitier 2019
Garay Doorman Belleza-ET VG-86-2Y-CAN
•Junior Champion Expo De Delisle 2018
Garay Diamondback Bentley-ET EX-90-CAN
2-00 2x 317d 24,151 4.5 1085 3.5 847
Heart & Soul Farm and Landree & Dakota Fraley
1070 Ranck Rd., Millmont, PA 17845-9062
570.713.4567 • heartsoulboop@gmail.com
•1st Summer Yrlg International Jr. Hol. Sh.2019
Floydholm Kdoc Ellarose-ET
•Res. Jr. All-American Winter Calf 2021
Krull TT Excellency EX-90 EX-MS DOM
Krull Boot Mark Excellency EX-92 2E GMD
Krull Kingstead Excellency EX-92 4E GMD
Dam of Lot 79
Hodglynn Maximum-Red-ET
CAN14156509 *TL *TD PTA +55M +5F -5P 82R 4/23 PTA +2.12T +1.94UDC +1.18FLC GTPI +2081
Garay Red Diamond-Red-ET
Excellent-91 EEEVE 4-03
317d 21,753 3.7 802 3.4 736
•Grand Champion International R&W Jr. Show 2022
•Unanimous Jr. All-American R&W 4 Yr Old 2022
•Nom. All-American R&W 4 Year Old 2022
•4th 4 Year Old International R&W Show 2022
•Nom. All-American R&W Sr. 3 Year Old 2021
•2nd Sr. 3 Yr Old All-American R&W Show 2021
•5th Sr. 3 Yr Old International R&W Show 2021
•3rd Milking Yearling Royal R&W Show 2019
•1st Fall Yearling Maxville Spring Show 2019
S: Mr D Apple Diamondback *RC
Maternal sister to Diamond:
Garay Awesome Beauty-ET *RC VG-88-2Y-CAN
•All-American & All-Canadian Jr. 2 Year Old 2018
•All-American Spring Heifer Calf 2016
Lookout Burning It Up-Red-ET VG-87-2Y-CAN
•1st Sr. 2 & Int. Champ. Int'l R&W Show 2022
•1st Sr. 2 Canadian National R&W Show 2022
Grand Champion International R&W Jr. Show 2022 2nd through
Willowhaven Goldwyn Bliss-ET *RC VG-89
Rainyridge Sanchez Beth-ET *RC EX-92
•All-American & All-Canadian 5 Year Old 2010
•Holstein Canada Cow of the Year 2013
RF Outside Breeze EX-95 2E 2*
•Grand Champion Southern Spr. National 2011
Raverley Briana Milan EX-2E-CAN 6*
Rainyridge Tony Beauty EX-5E-CAN 9*
•Grand Champion International Show 1999
•Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair 1993
Despics Tempo Diane VG-85-3Y-CAN
Lot 80
• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Trans Ova, MD
Bright futures
Full sister to Joyous
ZBW-JLP Mrand Joyful-PP-Red-ET VG-87

•1st Summer Jr. 2 Yr Old NE Spring Nat'l R&W '23
Blondin Alpha-ET *RC
CAN120345248 *RC *TV *TY *TL *TD
PTA +502M +28F +11P 81R 4/23
PTA +2.78T +2.20UDC +1.44FLC GTPI +2303
ZBW-JLP Mrand Joyous-Red-ET *PO
3218601621 Very Good-87 VVVVV 1-11 *PO
GPTA +3.89T +2.97UDC +1.04FLC 80R 4/23
1-08 2x 89d 5,619 4.6 258 2.9 163"RIP
•$45,000 top of Best of Luck-E 2023
S: Coomboona Zipit Mirand-Imp-ET *PP
Elmer & Martha King and Daniel K. Lapp
251 A Skiles Rd., Parksburg, PA 19365
610.857.1642 Elmer
Lot 81
• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen

Export eligible • Location: Trans Ova
Full sister to Joyful:
ZBW-JLP Mirand Joyous-PP-Red VG-87 2y
•$45,000 top of Best of Luck-E 2023
GPTA +3.89T +2.97UDC +1.04FLC 80R 4/23
Granddam of Lots 80 & 81
Kevin & Barbara Ziemba and Jeff Pirrung
6162 Dunbarton Rd., Durhamville, NY 13054
Luck-E Awesome Joy-Red-ET "EX-93" 2nd through 14th Dams:
Luck-E Awesome Joy-Red-ET *PO EX-93 GPTA +2.81T +2.89UDC +1.19FLC 86R 4/23
3-05 2x 365d 32,530 4.6 1510 3.6 1162"
Luck-E Ladd Jubilee-Red-ET EX-94 3E
6-08 2x 365d 44,350 4.5 1990 3.1 1369
Life: 2380d 214.310 4.5 9544 3.3 7112
Double-D Mr Burns Jess-ET *RC EX-94 2E
8-01 3x 330d 42,360 4.7 1994 3.0 1290
Hy-Class Advnt Jessi-Red-ET EX-90 EX-MS

Hy-Class Rang Jathne-Red-Tw EX-90
Hy-Class Jacob Jackie-Red EX-91
Jandi-Mac June Logic-Red-ET EX-91 2E
Ja-Bob Harry Jerry-Red-ET EX-90 2E
Ja-Bob Harmony Joy-Red-ET EX-90 EX-MS
Ja-Bob Mark Heavenly Joy EX-92 2E DOM 13*
Sky-Hi Mars Helen-ET EX-92 4E GMD DOM
Sky-Hi Boots Honey VG-86 EX-MS GMD
Sky-Hi Majority Honey EX-90 3E GMD
Lot 82
• (3) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Export eligible • Location: Trans Ova, MD
Maternal sisters to Baton Rouge:
Blexys Crush Budweiser-ET EX-91
•Unanimous All-American Winter Yearling 2020
•All-American Winter Calf 2019
Ms Sid Blexy-ET EX-94
•HHM All-American Jr. 3 Year Old 2020
Ms Blexys Sid Bling-ET EX-90
•1st Spring Yrlg. & Res.Jr. Ch. CA State Sh.‘18
Blexys Kngdoc Brilliant-ET
•Nom. All-American Winter Yearling 2022
Ms Blexys Bounty-ET EX-92
Bright futures
Dam of Lot 82
Granddam of Lot 82
Baton Rouge Partners c/o Matt Hawbaker
12416 Rocky Fountain Ln, Hagerstown, MD 21722 717.360.7848 • matt.hawbaker@yahoo.com
Lot 83
• (4) #1 and (1) #2 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Export Eligible • Location: Boviteq
Maternal sisters to Paris:
Liddleholme DM Precious-ET EX-92

•1st 4 Year Old Northeast Spring National 2023
Blondin Solomon Pickle-ET EX-91-4Y-CAN
3-00 3x 365d 36,643 4.1 1515 3.2 1188
Blondin Solomon Prickles-ET VG-89-2Y-CAN
2-08 2x 337d 28,404 3.9 1109 3.2 897
Blexys Hi Oct Baton Rouge-ET "VG-87" Junior Champion Mideast Spring National 2021
Farnear Delta-Lambda-ET
3205758118 Very Good-87 VVVVV 2-00 GPTA +2.62T +1.96UDC +.74FLC A1/A2 • AE 1-08 2x 305d 20,930 3.6 744 2.8 587
•1st Fall Calf & Junior Champion, Mideast Spring National 2021
Rosiers Blexy Goldwyn-ET "EX-97 3E" Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo 2017
2nd through 9th Dams:
Rosiers Blexy Goldwyn-ET EX-97 3E
8-10 2x 365d 47,660 3.9 1856 3.0 1442
Life: 2104d 216,970 4.2 9155 3.1 6771
•All-American Aged Cow 2017
•All-Canadian Mature Cow 2017
•Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo 2017
•Grand Champion International Show 2017
Rosiers Beyonce Dundee-ET EX-90-CAN 2* 3-09 2x 365d 27,853 4.2 1160 3.4 941
Rosiers Burka Triumphant EX-90-CAN 7*
6-08 2x 365d 29,681 4.7 1409 3.3 994
Rosiers Burdy Vision VG-87-3Y-CAN 9*
6-07 2x 365d 26,718 4.9 1310 3.4 910
Rosiers Branda Prelude VG-88-CAN 2*
Rosiers Bernet Persistent EX-4E-CAN 12*
Maternal Sister to Dam of Lot 83
Tom Kugler, Adam Liddle & Gordy Cook
28 Coons Rd., Valley Falls, NY 12185-3446
518.366.3901 Tom • flyhigherholsteins@gmail.com
518.361.9946 Adam • 413.447.1461 Gordy
Skycrest Mincio Prickles "EX-95" Res. All-American Sr. 3 Year Old 2017
Trent-Way-JS Rompen-Red-ET
3300914543 *TP *TC *TV *TL *TY *TD
PTA +1575M +45F +43P 82R 4/23
PTA +2.32T +2.36UDC +1.16FLC GTPI +2681
Liddleholme Unstbl Paris-ET *RC
3147117500 Excellent-90 EEVEV 4-02
2-01 2x 365d 25,530 3.3 846 2.7 697
S: Riverdown Unstopabull-Red
Liddleholme DM Precious-ET "EX-92" 1st 4 Yr Old Northeast Spring National 2023

EEEEE 2* 5-05 2x 365d 37,830 3.5 1328 2.7 1018
•1st 5 Year Old Eastern Fall National 2019
•1st 4 Year Old New York Spring Show 2018
•Res. All-American Sr. 3 Year Old 2017
•HM All-Canadian Sr. 3 Year Old 2017
•Grand Champion Ontario Summer Show 2017
Skycrest Braxton Plop EX-90-4Y-CAN

•3rd Jr. 3 Yr Old Westerner Championship 2014
Skycrest Goldwyn Peach Fuzz VG-88-4Y-CAN
6-02 2x 342d 28,437 4.5 1281 3.0 861
Skycrest Juror Piper EX-91-3E-CAN 7*
7-11 2x 365d 28,536 3.4 972 3.0 849
Skycrest Lindy Pepper VG-87-6Y-CAN 2*

5-09 2x 296d 24,337 4.1 999 3.4 838

Bright futures
Lot 84
• (6) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
EU, UK, CAN & AU qualified
Location: Trans Ova
Full sisters to Azoozoo:
Luck-E Doc Anacond-ET *RC EX-92
Luck-E Doc Azacaboo-ET EX-92
Luck-E Doc Azacaboom-ET *RC EX-92

•1st Jr. 2 & Int. Ch. IL Championship Show 2020
Luck-E Doc Awuki-ET *RC EX-92
•Res. Jr. All-American R&W Summer Jr. 2 Yr Old ‘20
Siemers Wolf Hulu 37006-ET *RC
3245702863 *RC *TP *TC *TM *TV *TL *TY
Luck-E Doc Azoozoo-ET *RC
A.L.H Genetics USA, Inc.
W7782 US Hwy 12, Whitewater, WI 53190
31.653.410.490 Adolf Langhout adolf@alh-genetics.nl
Lot 85
• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
EU, UK, CAN & AU qualified
Location: Trans Ova
Maternal sisters to embryos:
A-L-H Lift Off
GTPI +3014 +1399M +105F +57P +901NM
PTA +3.21T +2.61UDC +.88FLC 6/23
•Will be reclassified in August •20 Excellent sisters average EX-91 •13 VG-88 @ 2y maternal sisters S: Woodcrest King Doc
A.L.H Genetics USA, Inc.
W7782 US Hwy 12, Whitewater, WI 53190 31.653.410.490 Adolf Langhout adolf@alh-genetics.nl
2nd through 11th Dams:
•Nom. Global Cow of the Year 2020
Cookiecutter Day Haley-ET VG-88 EX-MS DOM
3-03 3x 365d 31,900 4.4 1401 3.4 1091
Cookiecutter Mom Halo-ET VG-88 EX-MS DOM
2-00 2x 365d 35,280 5.2 1819 3.7 1304
•Global Impact Cow of the Year 2019
Cookiecutter Gld Holler-ET VG-88 DOM
2-03 2x 365d 40,730 3.5 1411 3.1 1250
•Nominated Int’l Cow of the Year 2016
Ms Kings-Rnsm Champ Haley-ET EX-90 GMD DOM
Regancrest-JDV Hanna-ET EX-90 GMD DOM
Long-Haven Rudolph Dee-ET 2E-90 GMD DOM
Regancrest Elton Disrael-ET VG-88 GMD DOM

Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95 2E GMD DOM
Snow-N Dorys Denise EX-90 2E GMD DOM
Lot 86
• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Boviteq
Bright futures
Maternal brothers to Hannah:
AOT Honour-ET 799HO29 PTAT +4.04
AOT Homecoming-ET 250HO15397 GTPI +2820
Maternal sister to Hannah:
AOT Avalanche Hangover-ET EX-92
•Unanimous All-American Spring Calf 2020
AOT Genetics: Tom Kugler & David King
28 Coons Rd., Valley Falls, NY 12185-3446
518.366.3901 Tom • flyhigherholsteins@gmail.com
315.212.0032 David • davidking4444@gmail.com
Lot 87
• (4) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Export Eligible • Location: Trans Ova
Full sister to Look At Me:
Ms Listerines Luckylady-ET VG-86
•1st Spring Yrlg. & Res. Jr Champ. RAWF 2016
Maternal sister to Licorice Listerine: Blondin Lauthority Libye*RC EX-92 EEEEE 2*
1-11 2x 365d 28,177 4.3 1217 3.4 947
•Int. Champion Quebec Spring Show 2014
•1st Sr. 2 Year Old Quebec Spring Show 2014
Redcarpet Holsteins: Johnathan Heinsohn
34695 Kirkland Rd. Kirkland, IL 60146-8306
815.979.5314 • redcarpetholsteins@yahoo.com
Ms Listerines Look At Me-ET "EX-95 2E" HM All-American Jr. 3 Year Old 2018
Championship 2004
Idee Skychief Latoya VG-88-7Y-CAN 10*

7-00 2x 365d 32,159 4.3 1389 3.2 1021
C Ravenswell Lydia EX-92 DOM 19*
5-01 2x 365d 24,578 4.6 1125 3.4 826
Spring Farm Miss Lynn-ET VG-85-3Y-CAN
2-11 2x 329d 22,335 4.0 888 3.6 811
Spring Farm Miss Connie VG-88-CAN 2*
8-00 2x 305d 21,420 3.9 840
Spring Farm Miss Citation VG-87-CAN 3*

6-04 2x 365d 27,725 3.8 1054
Life: 11 lact 215,519 3.7 7952
Spring Farm Miss Pathfinder EX-CAN 8*
10-6 2x 365d 26,338 3.5 924
Life: 12 lact 242,021 3.6 8814
Spring Farm Fond Pathfinder VG-CAN 5*
Life: 11 lact 202,334 3.7 7582
Eveermot Pathfinder Ormbsy VG-CAN 3*
•HM All-Canadian 3 Year Old 1948
Eveermot Pabst Ormbsy VG-CAN 3*

Bright futures
• (4) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Treated but non-EU • Location: Trans Ova
S: Luck-E Awesome-Red
Lot 89
• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen Domestic only • Location: Trans Ova
S: Stgen Doral-Red-ET
Oakfield Corners Dairy Show Cattle
6880 Albion Rd., Oakfield, NY 14125-9452
585.704.2501 Jonathan • 518.353.2602 Jamie
Lot 90
Domestic only
• Location: Crisdhome
715.220.5364 • kruschkejake@gmail.com
Lot 91
• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Trans Ova, MD
Maternal sister to embryos:
Arethusa Doorman Audible EX-94

3-07 2x 365d 33,800 4.4 1480 3.4 1165
2nd Dam: Rainyridge Talent Barbara *RC EX-95 14* 3-04 2x 365d 34,465 3.6 1257 3.3 1133
Golden-Oaks Master-ET
Dam of Lots 88 & 89
Million-Heir Holsteins
E. Randall Schaeffer
11005 Huron Avery Rd, Milan, OH 44846
419.366.1239 • jarischaeffer@gmail.com
Ernest-Anthony Acoustic-ET
Kevetta Daniel Lexi *RC "EX-94 2E" Res. All-American Sr. 3 Yr Old 2020
2nd through 9th Dams:
Kevetta Rdbrst Lucious-Red EX-94 (MS:95)

Oakfield Reality Lulu-Red-ET EX-90 2E
Liddleholme Lulu-Red-ET EX-90 EX-MS
Brigeen-HH Sept St Lulu-Red EX-91 2E
Hanoverhill Mae Lulu-ET *B/R EX-90
C Hanoverhill Sheik Lulu-ET *RC EX-CAN
Tora Triple Threat Lulu EX-96 GMD DOM *11
Ormsby Lougo Alta EX-90 2E GMD
Dam of Lot 90
Rayverley Briana Milan-ET EX-2E-CAN 6*
Rainyridge Tony Beauty EX-5E-CAN 9*
•Supreme Champion WDE 1995 & 1999
Maternal sisters to Acoustic:
Ernest-Anthony Accolade-ET EX-94 2E
Ernest-Anthony Astoria-ET EX-94
4th Dams: Ernest-Anthony Aphrodite-ET EX-95 2E
4-01 2x 340d 37,960 5.8 2202 3.5 1341 6-08 2x 365d 40,370 4.0 1617 3.2 1283
Champion World Dairy Expo 2001
Lot 92
• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Boviteq
S: Farnear Delta-Lambda-ET
Lot 93
• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Boviteq
S: Hodglynn Maximum-Red-ET
Brooke Clark
120 Cornish Stage Rd., P.O. Box 34 Cornish Flat, NH 03746 603.469.3560 • gmc_farm@yahoo.com
Lot 94
• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Trans Ova, MD
S: Stantons Alligator-ET
Lot 95
• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Trans Ova, MD
S: Blondin Alpha-ET *RC
Jason Kline and Hannah Heagy
610 S. Ramona Rd., Myerstown, PA 17067
717.644.1306 • j.kline44@yahoo.com
Lot 96
• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Sunshine Genetics, WI
Maternal sisters to Lexi:
Milksource Adv Lilac-Red-ET EX-94
•Res. Gr. Champ. International R&W Jr. Sh. 2014
Milksource Cntdr Lovely-Red EX-92
3-01 2x 365d 30,360 4.0 1216 3.2 962
•Jr. All-American R&W Jr. 3 Year Old 2014
OCD Defiant Lethal-ET EX-93
•Nom. All-American Milking Yearling 2019
Crave Brothers Farm LLC
c/o Patrick Crave
W11550 Torpy Rd., Waterloo, WI 53594-9652
920.988.6437 • prcrave@gmail.com
Bright futures
Farnear Delta-Lambda-ET
34125993715 GM *TR *TP *TC *TY
PTA +1238M +48F +46P +2.66T GTPI +2801 4/23
Hodglynn Maximum-Red-ET
CAN14156509 *TL *TD
PTA +55M +5F -5P +2.12T GTPI +2081 4/23
Lylehaven Atwood Lylly-ET 68655585

•1st 5 Yr Old & HM Sr. Ch. NY Spring Show 2015
•4th Aged Cow Northeast Fall National 2016
•2nd 150,000 lb. Cow Northeast Fall Nat'l 2018
•Topped Lylehaven Dispersal at $70,000
S: Maple-Downs-I G W Atwood-ET
Maternal sister to Lylly:
Lylehaven Form Laura-ET 3E-94 GMD DOM 8*
•HHM All-American 4 Year Old 2003
•Res. All-Canadian Jr 3 Year Old 2002
Stantons Alligator-ET
3128769279 VG-85 *TR *TP *TY *TV *TL PTA +1051M +45F +28P +2.34T GTPI +2491 4/23
Blondin Alpha-ET *RC
Oakfield Goldwyn Daisy-ET
•1st Sr. 2 Year Old WNY Spring Preview 2019
•Member AA Best 3 & Produce of Dam2020
•Grand Champion Mideast Spr. Nat'l Jr. Sh. 2022
•Sold for $15,500 OCD Spring Sensation 2022
S: Braedale Goldwyn

Maternal sister to Daisy:
Oakfield GC Darby-ET EX-95-5Y-CAN (MS:95)
•Res. All-American Aged Cow 2020
•Unanimous All-American 5 Year Old 2019
Granddam of Lot 96
Wilstar-RS Tlt Limited-Red "EX-94 2E" Res. All-American R&W Aged Cow 2011

Hodglynn Maximum-Red-ET
CAN14156509 *TL *TD
PTA +55M +5F -5P 82R 4/23
PTA +2.12T +1.94UDC +1.18FLC GTPI +2081
Unlimited A Lexi-Red-ET
•Craves made 8 pregs. with 10 transfers from this flush so the embryos are very ferfile!
S: Luck-E Awesome-Red
Dam of Lots 92 & 93
Lylehaven Atwood Lylly-ET "EX-95 3E"
Maternal sisters to embryos: Lylehaven D-Man Lady-L-ET EX-92
Rocklan Solomon Lidla-ET EX-93
Lylehaven Nu Lexis-ET EX-91
Lylehaven Dman Lili-ET EX-90
Dam of Lots 94 & 95
Oakfield Goldwyn Daisy-ET "EX-94 2E" Grand Champion Mideast Spring National Jr. Show 2022
2nd through 6th Dams:
Woodlawn Dundee Daphne-ET EX-91
Woodlawn Durham Dolly-ET EX-92
Woodlawn Juror Daisy EX-93 3E DOM
Gorecroft W Victor Doll EX-90 EX-MS
C Gorecroft Dolly EX-90 GMD
2nd through 10th Dams:
•Res. All-American R&W Aged Cow 2011
•Res. Grand Champ. Int'l R&W Show 2011
•1st Mature Cow & HM Gr. Ch. Can. Nat’l R&W '11
•Res. All-Canadian R&W Senior Cow 2011
•Nom. All-American R&W 4 Year Old 2009
Hanover-Hill Charlylu-Red VG-85
4-11 3x 365d 35,320 4.1 1463 3.6 1280
Hanover-Hill-R Lulu-Red-ET EX-91 2E
C Hanoverhill Sheik Lulu-ET 2E-94 GMD DOM
Tora Triple Threat Lulu EX-96 GMD DOM *11
Ormsby Lougo Alta EX-90 2E GMD

• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen Domestic only • Location: Boviteq, NY
Maternal sisters to embryos:
Garden-State Fantasa-Red-ET EX-94
2-04 2x 365d 30,440 3.5 1055 3.4 1042
Garden-State Ad Fern-Red-ET EX-92
3-06 2x 354d 25,340 3.8 974 3.5 898
Garden-State Fortune-Red-ET EX-90 EX-MS
Garden-State D Fudge-Red-ET EX-90 EX-MS
Kevin Beiler
456 Daretown Rd. Elmer, NJ 08318
315.420.2260 • gottahavemilk@emypeople.net
Lot 98
• (3) #1 and (2) #2 IVF embryos from sexed semen Domestic only • Location: Trans Ova
Bright futures
Hodglynn Maximum-Red-ET
Leon Lapp
170 Pleasant View Rd, Honey Brook, PA 19344 610.273.9683
• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Trans Ova
•Holstein Int’l Global Cow of the Year 2022
•Res. All-American Lft. Production Cow 2020 & 2021
•All-American 150,000 lb. Cow 2017
•All-Canadian Mature Cow 2016
•1st Aged Cow Royal Winter Fair 2016
•Supreme Champion WDE Junior Show 2015
•Reserve All-Canadian Jr. 3 Year Old 2012
Lamoreaux Land & Cattle LLC
Jason Lamoreaux
11628 Old Belding Rd NE, Belding, MI 48809
616.822.0101 • jlamauction@gmail.com
SRP Absolute Fantasy-Red-ET
Penn-Gate Skychief Finesse 3E-95 (MS:97) DOM
Penn-Gate Starbuck Finesse 2E-94 GMD DOM
Penn-Gate Elevation Flashie 5E-94 GMD DOM
Dam of Lot 98
Stantons Alligator-ET
3128769279 VG-85 *TR *TP *TY *TV *TL
+1051M +45F +28P 97R 4/23
Pyramid HZ Goldwyn Heart-ET
3139851747 Excellent-92 EEEEE 2E *TR *TC
•1st 4 Year Old & HM Grand Champion, Lancaster Co. Show 2021
S: Braedale Goldwyn
Full sisters to Heart:
St-Jacob Goldwyn Hazel-ET EX-94 4E-CAN 3*
•Grand Champion Autumn Opportunity 2015
St-Jacob Goldwyn Hazie-ET EX-94

•Grand Champion VT State Show 2014
Borderview Goldwyn 2378-ET

•All-American Winter Heifer Calf 2020
Kings-Ransom Dropbox-ET
3224437486 *TR *TV *TL *TY *TD
PTA +1000M +84F +54P 81R 4/23
PTA +3.14T +3.08UDC +1.02FLC GTPI +2988
Budjon-Vail Sdk Seattle-ET
•Only Sidekick from Sublliminal in the USA!
•Due February, 2024
S: Walnutlawn Sidekick
Maternal sisters to Seattle: Budjon-Vail Atw Stylish-ET EX-94-2E-CAN
•Nom. All-American Milking Yearling 2017
Budjon-Vail Sebiscuit-Tw-ET EX-94-5Y-CAN
3-00 2x 365d 30,282 4.4 1325 3.3 983
Budjon-Vail HP AB Season-ET EX-94 2E
Pyramid HZ Goldwyn Heart-ET "EX-92 2E"
2nd through 4th Dams:
Dubeau Dundee Hezbollah EX-92 EEEEE 11*

2x 365d 42,050
•Reserve All-American 4 Year Old 2011
•All-American & All-Canadian Sr. 2 Year Old 2009
•41 Excellent & 101 Very Good offspring
Dubeau Lyne La Trent Huit B EX-90-CAN 6*

Dubeau Jy Antoinette VG-87-4Y-CAN 2*
Granddam of Lot 99
Blondin Goldwyn Subliminal-ETS "4E-97" Star of the Breed 2021
Lot 100
• (5) #1 and (1) #2 IVF embryos from sexed semen
EU qualified • Location: Boviteq
Maternal sisters to Josephine:
Kingsway Windbrook Jazz EX-95 2E 2*
•Res. All-Ontario 4 Year Old 2017
Knonaudale Mudpie-ET EX-94 2E
•Nominated All-American Aged Cow 2018
•Res. All-American Jr. 3 Year Old 2015
Knonaudale Muddy-ET EX-94 4E 8*

•Res. All-Ontario Mature Cow 2018
Kings-Ransom Farm LLC
311 King Rd., Schuylerville, NY 12871-2013
518.791.2876 • john.king@kingbrothersdairy.com
Lot 101
• (4) #1 Conventional embryos from sexed semen

Domestic only • Location: Sunshine Genetics, WI
Maternal sisters to Jordanna: Kingway Windbrook Jazz EX-95-2E-CAN 2*
5-00 2x 365d 33,583 5.4 1812 3.7 1241
•Res. All-Ontario 4 Year Old 2017
Knonaudale Mudpie-ET EX-94 2E
•Nom. All-American Aged Cow 2018
•Res. All-American Jr. 3 Year Old 2015
•HM All-Canadian Jr. 3 Year Old 2015
Crave Brothers Farm LLC c/o Patrick Crave W11550 Torpy Rd., Waterloo, WI 53594-9652 920.988.6437 • prcrave@gmail.com
Lot 102
• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Mikelholm
Bright futures
Dam of Lot 100
Granddam of Lot 100
Mikelholm Holsteins
6321 E. Bethany Leroy Rd.
Stafford, NY 14143
585.356.5551 • emikel1899@gmail.com
Stantons Chief-ET 3129015989
Knonaudale Jasmine "4E-96" 11*
Res. All-Canadian Longtime Production 2017
2nd through 4th Dams:
Kingsway Josephine-ET CAN13943494
•Sold for $32,500 Hodglynn Sale 2022 S: Farnear Delta-Lambda-ET
Knonaudale Anna-ET VG-88-5Y-CAN 4*
Farnear Delta-Lambda-ET
34125993715 GM *TR *TP *TC *TY
PTA +1238M +48F +46P 99R 4/23
PTA +2.66T +2.87UDC +.83FLC GTPI +2801
Crave Doorman Jordanna-ET
3245567322 A1/A2 • AB
S: Val-Bisson Doorman-ET
Full sister to Jordanna:
Doorman Jet-ET EX-92-2E-CAN
Kingsway Windbrook Jazz "EX-95 2E"
2nd through 4th Dams:
Kings-Ransom Dropbox-ET
3224437486 *TR *TV *TL *TY *TD
Mikelholm Solomon Robin-ET
•19th Generation Excellent S: Walnutlawn Solomon-ET
Granddam of Lot 102
Mikelholm Windbrook Rory-ET "EX-92" Nom. Jr. All-American Jr. 3 Year Old 2016
2nd through 18th Dams:
Mikelholm Windbrook Rory-ET EX-92
3-03 2x 365d 51,600 4.0 2074 2.6 1331
•Nom. Jr. All-American Jr. 3 Year Old 2016
Oakfield Atwood Rikki-ET EX-91
Castleholm Dund Rhapsody-ET EX-90
Astrahoe Stormatic Radiant EX-91 2E GMD
Astrahoe LJ Rosa Rebel-ET EX-92 2E
Pinehurst Royal Rosa-ET EX-91 2E Next 11 dams all Excellent!
Lot 103
• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
EU, UK, CAN & AU qualified
Location: Trans Ova
S: Siemers Hanan Hanx-P-ET
Lot 104
• (7) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen EU, UK, CAN & AU qualified
Location: Trans Ova
S: Siemers Wolf Hakan-P-ET
A.L.H Genetics USA, Inc.

W7782 US Hwy 12, Whitewater, WI 53190 31.653.410.490 Adolf Langhout adolf@alh-genetics.nl
Lot 105
• (5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Retso Holsteins, NY
Full sister to Charlee:
Retso Sidekick Charlene-ET VG-88

•Unanimous All-American Jr. 2 Year Old 2022
•Jr. All-American Jr. 2 Year Old 2022
•1st Jr. 2 Year Old International Show 2022
•1st Jr. 2 Year Old International Junior Show 2022
•1st Spring Yearling CT State Show 2021
•1st Spring Calf CT State Show 2020
Dam of Lots 103 & 104
Siemers Hanan Hanx-P-ET
Retso Holsteins c/o Brian Oster
P.O. Box 49, Schodack Landing, NY 12156
315.761.3175 • brianoster1522@gmail.com
in August
S: Trent-Way-JS Ronald-ET *RC
2nd through 5th Dams: Butlerview Doorman Camo-ET EX-92

2-03 2x 260d 17,586 4.5 789 3.5 610”
•HM All-NY Sr. 2 Year Old 2016
•3rd Winter Calf Eastern Fall National 2014
Silvermaple Damion Camomile EX-95 7*
3-03 2x 365d 32,268 4.1 1327 3.4 1098
Life: 1536d 130,677 4.2 5506 3.3 4309
•1st 4 Year Old BC Spring Show 2012
•Grand Champion BC Spring Show 2012
•All-American & All-Canadian Jr. 3 Year Old 2011
•Intermediate Champion Royal Winter Fair 2011
•Int. & Res. Grand Champ. Int’l Holstein Sh. 2011
•All-American & All-Canadian Jr. 2 Year Old 2010
Stanhope Camila Goldwyn-ET EX-90-CAN 3*

4-01 2x 365d 30,461 4.9 1486 3.1 952
Kendu Triumphant Charity EX-93-CAN 3* 3-04 2x 365d 28,519
•HM Grand Champion Vancouver Island 2006
Bright futures
Lot 106
• (4) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Lantland Farm, NY
S: Blondin Alpha-ET *RC
Lot 107
• (4) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Lantland Farm, NY
S: Hodglynn Maximum-Red-ET
Averie Brown
1102 Middle Rd.
Horseheads, NY 14845
802.272.3991 • agb816@gmail.com
Lot 108
• (3) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Trans Ova
S: Farnear Delta-Lambda-ET
Lot 109
• (4) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Domestic only • Location: Trans Ova
S: Oh-River-Syc Crushabull-ET
Maternal sisters to Autumn:
VT-Pond-View Ad Ali-ET EX-94 2E
VT-Pond-View Gold April -ET EX-93 2E
VT-Pond-View Ameris-ET EX-93 2E
VT-Pond-View Gold Ashlyn-ET EX-93
Dam of Lots 106 & 107
Scott & Laurie Langmaid
716 Coles Pond Rd.
Danville, VT 05828
802.748.1036 • vpview@kingcon.com
Lantland Expensive-Red
Blondin Alpha-ET *RC
CAN120345248 *RC *TV *TY *TL *TD
PTA +502M +28F +11P +2.78T GTPI +2303 4/23
Hodglynn Maximum-Red-ET
CAN14156509 *TL *TD
PTA +55M +5F -5P +2.12T GTPI +2081 4/23
Lantland Expensive-Red
•1st Fall Yrlg & HM JC NY Spring Jr. Show 2023
•2nd Fall Yrlg. NY Spring R&W Show 2023
•1st Fall Yrlg. NY Spring R&W Jr. Show 2023
•2nd Fall Calf NY Spring R&W Show 2022
•1st Fall Calf & Res. JC NY Spring R&W Jr. Sh. '22
•2nd Fall Calf NY State Show 2022
•3rd Fall Calf Northeast All Breeds Show 2022
S: Mr D Apple Diamondback *RC
Dam of Lots 108 & 109
Granddam of Lots 106 & 107
Farnear Delta-Lambda-ET
34125993715 GM *TR *TP *TC *TY PTA +1238M +48F +46P +2.66T GTPI +2801 4/23
Oh-River-Syc Crushabull-ET 3135145001
VT-Pond-View Gold Autumn-ET
Lantland Destry Eagle-Red "EX-95 2E" Jr. All-American R&W Aged Cow 2020

2nd through 13th Dams:
•Res. Grand Champion NE All Breeds Jr. Sh.'22
•Grand Champion NE All Breeds Jr R&W 2022
•Res. Grand Champion NY Spring Jr. Show '22
•Res. Grand Champion NY Spring R&W Jr. Sh. '22
•Jr. All-American R&W Aged Cow 2020
•Grand Champion NA R&W Jr. Show 2020
•HM Jr. All-American R&W Jr. 3 Year Old 2017
K-V-M Redliner Erin *RC VG-85
K-V-M Rubens Erica VG-87
K-V-M Spirit Elope
K-V-M Black Example EX-90
Next 7 dams Excellent or Very Good
•All-American Sr. 3 Year
•1st Sr. 3 Yr Old & Res. Int. Ch. Int’l Hol.Sh.’05
Strm Amberlee-ET VG-88 DOM
2-02 2x 365d 26,170 3.7 969 3.2 835
Ms Kingstead Chief Adeen-ET EX-94 2E 11* DOM 3-05 2x 310d 30,180 4.0 1209 3.4 1020

Life: 1382d 100,760 4.0 4010 3.6 3649
•Nom. All-American Jr. 3 Year Old 2000
•Nom. All-American 4 Year Old 2001
•Member All-American Produce 2000 & 2001
•Queen of the Breed Finalist!
•Res. All-American Produce of Dam 2014
C Aitkenbrae Starbuck Ada EX-94 2E 4* DOM

5-06 2x 356d 30,060 3.5 1043 3.5 1049
Life: 1955d 137,740 3.4 4747 3.4 4649
•All-American Produce of Dam 2000 & 2001
•All-American 3 Year Old 1990
•Res. All-Time All-American 3 Year Old 2003
Bright futures
Lot 110
• (3) #1 and (2) #2 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Export eligible • Location: Trans Ova
Maternal sister to Gold Chip Sensas:
Petitclerc Avalanche Syrah-ET *RC EX-92
•Jr. All-American Milking Yearling 2020

•HM. All-American Milking Yearling 20200
•Nom. All-American Fall Calf 2019
Petitclerc Lambda Spring-ET
Kings-Ransom Dropbox-ET
3224437486 *TR *TV *TL *TY *TD
PTA +1000M +84F +54P 81R 4/23
PTA +3.14T +3.08UDC +1.02FLC GTPI +2988
Petitclerc Lambda Spring-ET

•6th Winter Calf Northeast Spring National 2023 S: Farnear Delta-Lambda-ET
Petitclerc Avalanche Syrah-ET *RC "EX-92" Jr. All-American Milking Yearling 2020

2nd through 5th Dams:
Kevin & Barb Ziemba and Olivia Vanevera
6162 Dunbarton Rd., Durhamville, NY 13054 315.730.6673
Conditions of Sale
TERMS: The terms are cash or cheque on sale day payable to Chris & Jennifer Hill, in U.S. funds unless other arrangements are made with the consignor and management prior to the sale. All payments must be made to the clerk of the sale and no release of animals will be given until satisfactory settlement has been made. Compliance with the above terms of payment on the part of the buyer will then entitle him to the guarantees offered by the seller and listed below.
EXPORT SALES: Arrangements regarding health requirements and health tests for a specific importing country shall be a matter of agreement prior to the sale between seller and potential buyer. Otherwise, the buyer assumes all responsibilities for all health tests. Any agent purchasing for export accounts must identify themselves to the sales management prior to the sale and any special terms with regard to tests or payments must be cleared prior to the sale with management and consignor.
BIDS: The highest bidder shall be the buyer. Bidding parties or their agents are responsible for all bids placed. Every animal is pledged to absolute sale. In case of dispute, the animal shall again be put up for advance bids, and if there be no advance bid, the animal shall be sold to the person from whom the auctioneer on the stand accepted the last bid. In case two or more claim the bid, the auctioneer in the box shall indicate the party whose bid he recognized. Other claimants will be given an opportunity to increase the bid and bidding will be restricted to the two or more claimants.
BY-BIDDING: Bidding directly or indirectly on an animal in which the bidder or any person for whom the bid is made has an ownership interest is prohibited unless the intention to bid is disclosed specific to each animal in the catalog and announced when the animal enters the ring.
RISK: All animals are at the purchaser’s risk as soon as struck off, but will be cared for free of charge for 24 hours. Purchasers must make arrangements for the care of their purchases beyond the 24-hour period, unless sold for export in keeping with separate terms. Animals are solely at the consignor’s risk prior to selling in the event of fire or other eventuality.
CERTIFICATES OF REGISTRATION, RECORDING OR IDENTIFICATION: Will be furnished by the seller showing transfer on the records of the Breed Association to the purchaser and will be provided free of charge within a reasonable period of time.
(1) Owner warrants clear title to the animal, and the right to sell same.
(2) Each animal is sound and healthy in every respect, unless otherwise noted in the catalog or announced from the auction stand. Embryos have been recovered, processed, frozen, transferred and graded in keeping with IETS recommendations unless otherwise noted in the catalog or announced from the auction stand. Every precaution will be taken to represent the physical condition of each animal exactly as it is known. However, all animals are sold with no warranty that they are free of paratuberculosis. Examination of all purchases should be made immediately after the purchase and before the close of the sale, and if found not to be as represented, complaint must be reported to the sale management before the close of the sale. In the event no complaint is filed, it is understood that the buyer assumes full ownership together with all risks, after which no representations of the seller can be challenged through the sale management. Heifers that have never calved are in no way guaranteed as to the condition of their udders following calving. No guarantee is made concerning freedom from hardware unless so announced.
BREEDING: The seller has represented the breeding record of females and service age bulls as accurately as possible, but no male or female is guaranteed to be a breeder. No guarantees are made as to the accuracy of any ultrasound pregnancy results listed or announced.
SHIPPING: Assistance will be given in shipping the animals after the sale. All costs, risks and responsibility will be borne by the purchaser, with the exception of special terms for export purchases. Transportation charges on all animals subject to adjustment shall be paid by the shipper.
PEDIGREE INFORMATION: All production, classification, type and production summaries are current. Only official DHI or DHIR records are used in pedigrees contained herein. All records, except records in progress, are shown on true protein scale. Any production or classification records followed by a quotation mark (“) have been supplied by the seller or consignor. * indicates undesirable recessive carrier; *DP for dumps, *BL for blads, *CV for complex vertebral malformation, *BY for brachyspina and so forth.
PARTNERSHIPS AND SYNDICATES: In the case of cattle owned by partnerships and syndicates, any member of these partnerships or syndicates reserves the right to bid in their own behalf. Each member shall be identified.
EMBRYO TRANSFER: All registered animals that resulted from embryo transfer are identified with the suffix “ET” in the name. Any unregistered animals that resulted from ET are identified as having resulted from embryo transfer.
ET CHOICE OF FLUSH TERMS: 35% down payment at conclusion of sale; 65% due at selection and possession, no interest on unpaid balance. Possession date will be when the youngest calf in the group offered reaches 4 months of age.
HEALTH WARRANTY: The results of any future health test is not guaranteed. The seller and sale management hereby notify the buyers that all animals are sold as originating from a maximum risk paratuberculosis herd unless otherwise stated by sale management. The seller and sale management cannot be held liable.
AGENTS: Any person(s) acting as agent for the purchase of any consignment shall be held responsible for all of the terms and conditions of the sale including payment for their purchase. Agents are requested to have written authorization for the principals for whom they represent.
ERRORS: The material in this catalog has been carefully edited. If any errors or omissions are discovered they will be announced. Such announcement to take precedence over the matter of print in this catalog. Neither the editors of the catalog, the sale management, nor the consignors can assume responsibility for any errors or omissions in the catalog.
ACCIDENT: The sale management, the consignors, and the owner of the grounds will not be responsible in any case for the condition of the grounds or the behavior of the animals and disclaim any liability in the event of personal accident or property loss.
RESPONSIBILITY: In submitting the entries and in selling the animals listed in this sale, the consignor subscribes to the various sales regulations and warranties as above set forth and assumes full responsibility for his animals. All representations are made by the consignor. In no case, however, will the consignor be responsible for any damages beyond the selling price of the animals. Seller’s responsibilities and warranties will cease when animal is resold. Chris and Jen Hill, MD-Hillbrook, and Tim and Sharyn Abbott, Borderview Genetics, LLC, as sale manager, assume no responsibility, acting only as an agent, but will endeavor to protect the interests of both buyer and seller.
NOTE: You are respectfully requested to read the above terms and conditions of this sale, which constitute a legal contract between the Seller and Buyer of each lot, mutually binding in the event of any dispute.
Acclaimed Swiss
Bright futures
Catalog Index by Consignor and Donor Dam
Hartmanhills Duham Charisma .72
Hushon, Josh & Casey
Voelkers TD Carter (semen).......73
Acclaimed Guernseys
Springhill Blue Judith-ET ......71
A.L.H Genetics USA Inc.
AOT Eisaku Habitan 9106-ET ...85
Duckett Doorman Victory-ET .....27
Jeffrey-Way Spunky-Red-ET *PC
.......................................103 & 104
Luck-E Doc Azoozoo-ET *RC ....84
Mead-Manor Moovin Athena-ET *RC
Mead-Manor Warr Audi-Red-ET...43
Abbotts & Ducketts
Duckett Ranger 1132-ET *RC .....6
Ackley Holsteins and Olivia & Lillian Finke
Durkacres Appl Cider-Red-ET ...........................................33 & 34
Andrews Enterprises
Duckett Energy 1158 Dee-ET ....12

Sidbeauty Solomon Blanka-ET .51
AOT Genetics
AOT Coldplay Hyade-ET & AOT
Elon Histin-ET ..............46, 47A&B
AOT Discjockey Hannah-ET .....86
Baton Rouge Partners
Blexys Hi Oct Baton Rouge-ET ..82
Beiler, Kevin
SRP Absolute Fantasy-Red-ET ..97
Betley Farms
OCD Jo Lionking-Red-ET ..........53
Brown, Averie
Lantland Expensive-Red .106 & 107
Clark, Brooke
Lylehaven Atwood Lylly-ET..92 & 93
Crave Bros. Farm LLC
Crave Doorman Jordanna-ET .101
Unlimited A Lexi-Red-ET ...........96
Currie Holsteins
Jericho-Dairy Baracuda-ET *RC ...........................................20 & 21
Diamond-Valley Dairy & Wenger Farms LLC
Idee Goldwyn Lucia-ET .............48
Dice Partners
Arethusa Sanchez Dice-ET .......22
Eaton Holsteins & Glamourview
Underground Adeline *RC .........19
Eaton, Aaron & Raymond Anthony
Sidbeauty Dmpsy Brittany-ET ...50
Duckett Unix Liza-ET ...............49
Farnear Adler Alissa-Red-ET ....36
Farnear Adler Aria *RC .............35
Jacobs Chief Shakeout-ET .......14
Ms Danielle Dana-ET *RC .38 & 39
Ms GS Caught In The Act-ET ...26
Have It All LLC
Duckett Conway Hannah-ET ......8
Duckett Conway Hope-ET ..........7
Duckett Energy 1155 Dion-ET ..10
Duckett Parfect Heidi-ET ............9
Hawbaker, London & Zanella
Ms D-N-R Bashful-In-Red-ET *PO ...................................................54
Heart & Soul Farm
Budjon-JK Damion Eklipse-ET ..........................................77 & 78
Heart & Soul Farm and Fraley
Garay Red Diamond-Red-ET ....79
Hill, Chris & Jen
Ms Turbos Tobi ..........................31
Hilrose Dairy LLC
Hilrose Advent Anna-Red-ET. 4 & 5
Hilrose Jordy America-Red ...2 & 3
King & Lapp
ZBW-JLP Mrand Joyous-Red-ET *PO ...........................................80
King, Johnathan & Emily Mikel
Ms Beth Beliv Bonnie-ET *RC *PO ...................................................55
Kings-Ransom Farm LLC
Kings-Ransom Crshb Candy-ET ..45
Kings-Ransom Delt Denali-ET ..44
Kingsway Josephine-ET .........100
Kline & Heagy
Oakfield Goldwyn Daisy-ET.94 & 95
Kress-Hill Dairy
Ms Kress-Hil Saphire-Red-ET ...52
Kruschke, Jake
River-Valley Barbara 5-ET *RC..90
Kugler, Liddle & Cook
Liddleholme Unstbl Paris-ET *RC .83
Lamoreaux Land & Cattle LLC
Budjon-Vail Sdk Seattle-ET .......99
Erbacres Chief Sienna..16, 17 & 18
Landis, Robert and Leo-Holme
Farnear Lambda Acasia-ET *RC .37
Langmaid, Scott & Laurie
VT-Pond-View Gold Autumn-ET
......................................108 & 109
Lapp, Leon
Milk Source LLC
Brackleyfarm Chelios Cheerio......1
Miss Apple Snapple-Red-ET.13A & B
Million-Heir Holsteins
Ernest-Anthony Acoustic-ET .....91
Ms Apple KB Aysia-ET *RC .......40
Oakfield Corners Dairy Show Cattle
Kevetta Daniel Lexi *RC ...88 & 89
Redcarpet Hoslteins
Ms Apple Andorra-ET *RC .........41
Ms Listerines Look At Me-ET......87
Retso Holsteins
Retso Sidekick Charlee-ET .....105
Siemers Holstein Farms Inc.
Ms DG Delta Bridgett *RC .........76
Parkvue Absolute Rap-Red-ET...75
Strans-Jen-D Tequila-Red-ET.....32
Winright Holsteins
Jacobs Delta Shaz-ET ...............15
Woodmansee, Clark W. III
Hazels Gldwyn Hatty-ET ...23 & 24
Oakfield Dempsey Festive-ET 29 & 30
Woodmansees Wdbrk Haute-ET.25
Ziemba & Pirrung
Joyful-PP-Red-ET .....................81
Ziemba & Vanevera
Petitclerc Lambda Spring-ET ...110
Ziemba, Hippen, Hockett & Winstar
Duckett Lambda Dina-ET ..........11
Ziemba, Mason
Pine-Tree 9839 Fraz 7613-ET ...56
Martin, Lawayne
Elite-HP Fastball-ET ..................74
Abbott, Hill & Borba
Woodmohr-Townside Sheriff Vision ..........................................65A & B
Cannon, John
Arethusa Premier Champagne-ET ..59
Big Guns Remake Vodka ..........58
Stoney Point Comerica Kathie ..57
Cedar Lane Farm LLC
Underground Milkshakes Mai Tai .66
Krull, Ryan
Arethusa Premier Valance .........62
Arethusa Premier Valia-ET ...63 & 64
Woodmohr La Monet ........69 & 70
Pyramid HZ Goldwyn Heart-ET..98
London, Jordan
Ms Pierstein Golden Ticket *RC.28
Mikelholm Holsteins
Mikelholm Solomon Robin-ET..102
Woodmohr Marlos Divine-ET ....68
Retso Holsteins & Dutch Hollow Farm
Rivendale Venue Crabby-ET .....67
Schulte Bros.
Pleasant Nook Guns Foxy Lady ..60
SVHeaths Hgun Corolla-ET ......61