January 31, 2025 Petaluma,California

January 31, 2025 Petaluma,California
Welcome to the 2025 California Holstein Convention Sale!
On behalf of the Redwood Empire Holstein Association, we are thrilled to welcome you back to Sonoma County for this exciting event, hosted in The Barn at Gambonini Family Ranch. It has been seven years since we’ve had the opportunity to welcome you all to the Redwood Empire, and while we are not as big of a dairy region as we once were, our passion for the industry remains as strong as ever.
This year’s lineup features a tremendous selection of Registered Holsteins and outstanding genetics. Whether you are looking for showring contenders, high-genomic animals, or productive additions to your herd, this sale offers something for everyone. A heartfelt thank you to our consignors, sponsors, and everyone involved in making this event possible.
Friday, January 31
8:30-6:00 Registration Open
9:00-10:00 Junior Association Meeting & Knowledge Exam
10:30-4:00 Jeopardy Contest
11:00-1:00 Breeder of the Future Contest Interviews 11:00-2:00 On the Street Interview Video Contest
Thank you for joining us to celebrate the Holstein breed and the traditions that bring us together. We look forward to an incredible evening of cattle, camaraderie, and community. Let’s make this a sale to remember!
1:00-3:00 California Holstein Board of Directors Meeting
Shuttles begin for Host Night
-2025 Sale Co-Chairs Graisson Schmidt, Frank Gambonini, and Alex Gambonini
4:00 Sale Preview & Social
2025 California State Holstein Convention Schedule
5:00-7:00 California State Convention Sale 7:00 Junior Host Night Begins 7:00 Steak Dinner 10:00 Final Shuttle to Hotel Post Host Night Hospitality Room Open
Friday, January 31
8:30-6:00 Registration Open
9:00-10:00 Junior Association Meeting & Knowledge Exam
10:30-4:00 Jeopardy Contest
11:00-1:00 Breeder of the Future Contest Interviews
11:00-2:00 On the Street Interview Video Contest
1:00-3:00 California Holstein Board of Directors Meeting
4:00 Shuttles begin for Host Night
4:00 Sale Preview & Social
5:00-7:00 California State Convention Sale
7:00 Junior Host Night Begins
7:00 Steak Dinner
10:00 Final Shuttle to Hotel
Post Host Night Hospitality Room Open
Saturday, February 1
8:30-4:00 Registration Open
7:30-9:00 Past Presidents Breakfast
8:00-6:00 Folding Displays & Stall Cards on Exhibit
8:30 Dairy Bowl Contest
Saturday, February 1
8:30-4:00 Registration Open
7:30-9:00 Past Presidents Breakfast
8:00-6:00 Folding Displays & Stall Cards on Exhibit 8:30 Dairy Bowl Contest 9:00 Scholarship Interviews
9:00-12:00 California Holstein Association Annual Meeting
12:00-1:00 Junior Lunch 12:00 Industry Luncheon
12:30-4:00 Grilled Cheese Sandwich Contest
1:00-4:00 Prepared Speech Contest
1:30-3:30 Industry Speaker
5:30 Awards Banquet Reception
Senior Banquet
Junior Dinner & Movie
Post Banquet Hospitality Room Open
Sheraton Sonoma County - Petaluma
745 Baywood Drive, Petaluma, California 94954
Phone: 707-283-2888
Payment in full on sale day by cash or good check unless prior written arrangements have been made with the seller and/or sale management. For buyers not in attendance, full payment for purchases is due to Redwood Empire Holstein Association within 5 business days of the sale. No exceptions. Any special terms MUST have prior approval by seller or sale management. Partners reserve the right to bid on all partnership consignments.
Animals moving within a state must be picked up by February 15, 2025. For animals moving out of state, the buyer and seller must agree on a realistic timeline to accommodate trucking, with a goal of the animal moving by March 1, 2025. In the event of an animal housed at a dairy under quarantine due to a positive avian influenza (H5N1) test, seller will maintain animal until a negative bulk tank sample is obtained and the quarantine is lifted. Animals must be moved no later than 30 days after quarantine clearance and negative testing. After these dates, seller is entitled to $8.00 per day board. Seller is responsible for all registry fees and any other applicable fees to obtain registry certificate. Terms for unborn choices: 35% down payment on sale day with remaining 65% upon selection at no later than four months of age of youngest calf born in the group from which the selection is made. Seller is responsible for notifying buyer of birth of calves. Seller is responsible for all registry fees and any other applicable fees to obtain registry certificate. Seller is entitled to $8.00 per day board after 4 mos., based on age of youngest calf born in the group from which the selection is made. If buyer fails to make the selection and take possession within 60 days after the youngest calf is 4 mos. of age and if the seller has notified the buyer by certified mail of the impending default of the sale and after giving the buyer 10 days to respond to this certified letter, the sale will then be termed in default and the buyer will lose all rights as purchaser and will forfeit his down payment. Should for any reason a female not result from a respective flush, the following steps will be taken to fulfill the purchase agreement: A) Seller will offer choice of remaining ETs from the respective flush B) Seller will offer choice of another flush already implanted or choice of a future flush, mutually suitable to both buyer and seller. In the case of buyer getting choice of a future flush, no interest will be charged to the buyer, but payment schedules will remain the same. C) If no pregnanices can be made available to the buyer, as in the sale or death of the donor, or the donor’s inability to produce embryos; the seller shall provide the buyer a good, healthy, acceptable calf from another cow of equal or greater value as determined by sale management. Sale management will negotiate and mediate on behalf of both buyer & seller in any dispute.
Embryos sold on a per embryo basis times the number of embryos offered in the package. Every assistance will be given in helping to arrange delivery, but the final responsibility for shipping arrangements or pickup of the embryos, including all expenses, is that of the buyer. Terms of embryo sales are cash.
January 31, 2025 5:00 PM
The Barn at Gambonini Family Ranch
7325 Old Lakeville Rd. No. 3
Sale Staff:
Dave Rama, Auctioneer .....................607-435-0792
Ryan Matheron, Pedigrees..................209-652-3511
Graisson Schmidt, Sale Co-Chr..........608-797-2855
Frank Gambonini, Sale Co-Chr...........707-338-0220
Alex Gambonini, Sale Co-Chr..............707-481-0304
Adam Slutz..........................................815-878-0672
Andrew Hetke......................................715-609-0134
Curtis Vanden Berge...........................661-340-6448
Donavan Miguel...................................209-534-9135
Dominic Balistreri.................................707-326-3032
Hank Van Exel.....................................209-810-0880
Joey Airoso..........................................559-967-5258
Kevin Jorgensen..................................920-210-3992
Lucas Deniz.........................................707-484-3798
Tony Garcia, Jr....................................209-204-1969
Scott Culbertson..................................507-923-1881
Robert Teixeira....................................209-495-0367
Sale Clerks:
Alex Gambonini, Paula Olufs and Dodie Peterson
Bid Online in Real Time at www.Cowbuyer.com Bidders
and be pre-approved. Contact Aaron Ray Tompkins Ph: 336.363.4639 • atompkin@vt.edu
Sale Hosted and Managed by:
Redwood Empire Holstein Association
7257 Lakeville Hwy, Petaluma, CA 94954 707-326-3032
Curtis Ryan Vanden Berge 11701 Old River Rd. Bakersfield, CA 93311
661.340.6448 vbdairy@aol.com
Peak Masterpiece-ET
V-B Lionel Ms Green 8371 Dam of Lot 1G
840 3282344064 99%RHA-I Born October 13, 2024 H.N. 7575
GTPI +3244
PTA +1947M +.27% +150F +.10% +89P 78R 12/24
PTA +1333NM +5.3PL 2.69SCS -2.4DPR 1.6%DCE
PTA +.85T +.95UDC -.93FLC 77R 12/24
A1/A2 • AB
Peak Altakevlow-ET
3212150639 *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL *TD
PTA +1385M +149F +76P 90R 12/24
3239114920 *TR *TP *TE *TC *TY *TV *TL *TD
PTA +1137M +153F +72P 80R 12/24
PTA +1.02T +1.08UDC -.68FLC 80R 12/24
GTPI +3183
V-B Lionel Ms Green 8371
GTPI +3220
PTA +2177M +.26% +155F +.08% +90F 81R 12/24
PTA +1310NM +4.2PL 2.86SCS -4.0DPR 2.4%DCE
PTA +.92T +1.01UDC -.11FLC 81R 12/24
PTA +424FE -1.4FI 2.0%SCE +0.3LIV
A2/A2 • AA • CM$ +1327
•due to calve 6/25/25
PTA +.49T +.55UDC -1.05FLC GTPI +3031
Peak Mauna-ET
3224956251 *TE *TC *TY *TV *TL *TD
GTPI +3011 +1507M +121F +64P +966NM$
Mr T-Spruce Frazz Lionel-ET
3142490309 GM *TR *TP *TE *TC *TY
PTA +3187M +146F +95P 99R 12/24
PTA +.76T +.78UDC -.84FLC GTPI +3108
Vanden-Berge Captain 8535
3231101888 Good Plus-80 2-04
GTPI +3084
PTA +1168M +.33% +134F +.10% +63P 83R 12/24
PTA +1189NM +4.9PL 2.85SCS -1.9DPR 2.7%DCE
PTA +.79T +1.60UDC +.89FLC 84R 12/24
PTA +357FE -0.7FI 1.9%SCE 1-10 3x 365d 29,850 4.4 1318 3.7 1094
3rd through 4th Dams: Vanden-Berge Achieve Merit GP-82
GTPI +2635
PTA -160M +.38% +90F +.11% +24P 84R 12/24
PTA +818NM +3.5PL 2.73SCS -.8DPR 2.4%DCE 2-00 3x 284d 17,970 4.8 860 3.3 599 2-11 3x 229d 18,290 4.7 851 3.4 625 Vanden-Berge D Detour 553-ET VG-85 VG-MS 3-00 2x 312d 25,820 4.8 1229 3.6 941 2-00 2x 343d 27,180 4.1 1125 3.0
Silveira Dairy
11380 Avenue 22 Chowchilla, CA 93610
Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guaranteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration and mating sire decisions.
Dam of IVF Session:
Silver-Elite Sheep 31127-ET
3267436420 Born January 8, 2024
99%RHA-I *TR *TC *TL *TD
GTPI +3274
PTA +1843M +.30% +154F +.09% +84P 79R 12/24
PTA +1212NM +4.2PL 2.86SCS -1.5DPR 1.7%DCE
PTA +1.39T +1.08UDC +.85FLC 79R 12/24
PTA +379FE -0.1FI 2.4%SCE -1.2LIV
A2/A2 • AB • CM$ +1231
OCD Trooper Sheepster-ET
3236792832 *TR *TP *TE *TC *TY *TV *TL *TD
PTA +1645M +139F +86P 83R 12/24
PTA +1.52T +1.15UDC +1.20FLC 81R 12/24
GTPI +3280
Silver-Elite Solidmkr 30476
3247009167 Good Plus-80 2-05
GTPI +3052
PTA +1356M +.30% +133F +.09% +66P 81R 12/24
PTA +1031NM +3.4PL 2.72SCS -1.7DPR 1.4%DCE
PTA +.99T +.97UDC +.19FLC 84R 12/24
PTA +316FE -0.5FI 1.9%SCE -1.0LIV
A2/A2 • BB • CM$ +1051
S: Stgen Solidmaker-ET
3rd through 12th Dams:
Terra-Linda Rengde 10773-ET VG-85 VG-MS
GTPI +2824
PTA +1021 +.20% +92F +.09% +57P 84R 12/24
PTA +713NM +2.1PL 2.93SCS -.8DPR 1.7%DCE
PTA +1.15T +1.41UDC +.89FLC 83R 12/24 1-10 2x 289d 24,480
1028 3.3 819
Terra-Linda Wings 9119-ET VG-85 VG-MS
GTPI +2655 +578M +79F +39P +537NM 12/24 2-00 3x 365d 33,450 3.5 1180 3.1 1049
H-Vos Supershot Adrie-ET VG-89 3-02 3x 340d 36,480 4.5 1658 3.2
Eskdale Mogul Aptly-ET GP-83 2-03 2x 365d
Eskdale Shottle Amberly-ET VG-88
Juniper Morty Amber-ET VG-86 3-09 2x 365d
Carters-Corners Man
Ruann Duke Norain-72204-ET "EX-90 EX-MS" Fourth Dam of Lot 3G
Stephen & Patrick Maddox
7285 W. Davis Ave.
Riverdale, CA 93656-9735
559.977.1889 Steve • sdmaddox@yahoo.com
559.960.5469 Pat • ruannpat@gmail.com
S-S-I Earlybird Sundance-ET
3252556264 *TR *TP *TM *TE *TC
PTA +875M +104F +52P 81R 12/24
PTA +1.65T +2.08UDC +.00FLC 80R 12/24
GTPI +3190
Ruann Troop Norain-25590-ET
GTPI +3159
PTA +1803M +.18% +118F +.08% +80P 81R 12/24
PTA +1069NM +4.7PL 2.90SCS -.7DPR 2.7%DCE
PTA +1.74T +1.39UDC +1.10FLC 80R 12/24
PTA +313FE +0.7FI 2.4%SCE -0.3LIV
A1/A1 • BB • CM$ +1086
•Fresh December 6, 2024 with a beautiful udder
•First test 81 lbs. 6.0%f 3.4%p
840 3291663610 99%RHA-I Born August 15, 2024 H.N. 44629
GTPI +3257
PTA +1483M +.19% +109F +.09% +72P 79R 12/24
PTA +1218NM +7.5PL 2.66SCS +1.0DPR 1.8%DCE
PTA +1.51T +1.55UDC +.78FLC 77R 12/24
PTA +300FE +2.7FI 2.0%SCE +2.4LIV
A1/A2 • BB • CM$ +1241
Westcoast Earlybird-ET
CAN13636769 *TR *TP *TE *TC *TY *TV
PTA +1001M +105F +55P 94R 12/24
PTA +1.53T +2.14UDC +.68FLC GTPI +3078
T-Spruce SSI 12540 1031-ET
3215986531 Good Plus-84 VG-MS 3-03 1-10 3x 365d 29,680 4.9 1451 3.6 1063
Plain-Knoll Renegad Trooper
3149934610 GM *TR *TP *TE *TC *TY
PTA +1212M +120F +77P 99R 12/24
PTA +1.87T +1.47UDC +2.31FLC GTPI +3196
Ruann Alpha Norain-10132-ET
GTPI +2847
PTA +2066M +.11% +109F -.01% +62P 82R 12/24
PTA +834NM +3.0PL 2.94SCS -3.0DPR 2.7%DCE
PTA +1.97T +1.17UDC +.18FLC 81R 12/24
A1/A1 • AB
3rd through 12th Dams: Ruann Rooster Norain-90391 GP-82 2-01 3x 365d 36,000 4.5 1635 3.2 1149
Ruann Duke Norain-72204-ET EX-90 EX-MS 3-06 3x 365d 39,220 4.3 1695 3.5 1384
Ruann Punch Norain-26484-ET EX-90 DOM 4-05 3x 365d 42,390 4.4 1874 3.0 1280 Life: 1189d 115,710 4.3 4998 3.1 3643
Ruann Musk Corry-80972 EX-90 EX-MS 4-03 3x 365d 38,690 3.6 1445 3.1 1233
Ruann Maraude Norain-40149 VG-88 EX-MS 8-08 3x 365d 40,070 3.6 1424 3.0 1204 Life: 2535d 227,110 3.6 8069 3.1 6949
Ruann Hershel Norain-20038 VG-85 4-05 3x 365d 41,470 3.5 1425 3.0 1223
Life: 1220d 114,570 3.8 4339 3.1 3558
Ruann S-C-S Norain-63487-ET VG-89 GMD DOM 5-05 3x 365d 39,210 3.5 1358 3.0 1187
Life: 1547d 152,550 3.2 4898 3.0 4505
Ruann Eagle Nellie-91717-ET VG-85
4-05 3x 331d 29,880 3.5 1037 2.9 877
Hanover-Hill-W Mars Nora 3290 EX-92 2E GMD
3-10 3x 365d 30,640 3.8 1158 3.2 988
Nunesdale Apollo Norain EX-90 EX-MS DOM
4-07 3x 365d 27,900 3.8 1060
Life: 2457d 170,670 3.9 6725
Morgan Calvary "VG-88" DOM
Sixth Dam of Lot 4G
Terra Linda Dairy
Mike Santos 4433 Ave. 232 Tulare, CA 93274-9200
559.358.5345 oomikie@aol.com
840 3283756787 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TL *TD
Born July 13, 2024 H.N. 12622
GTPI +3191
PTA +1373M +.22% +112F +.07% +61P 79R 12/24
PTA +1199NM +7.0PL 2.59SCS +1.3DPR 1.6%DCE
PTA +1.07T +1.29UDC +.49FLC 77R 12/24
PTA +296FE +2.9FI 1.5%SCE +0.7LIV
A1/A1 • BB • CM$ +1217
T-Spruce G Frost Bite-ET
T-Spruce Frostbite Andri-ET
3247982062 *TR *TP *TM *TE *TC
PTA +1916M +89F +68P 81R 12/24
PTA +.65T +.90UDC +.40FLC 80R 12/24
GTPI +3089
Terra-Linda Overdo 11694-ET
3249796205 Good Plus-83 2-03
GTPI +3008
PTA +662M +.36% +119F +.07% +38P 82R 12/24
PTA +1046NM +5.8PL 2.54SCS +.2DPR 1.7%DCE
PTA +.60T +1.54UDC +.31FLC 79R 12/24
PTA +260FE +0.9FI 1.6%SCE +1.5LIV
A1/A2 • BB • CM$ +1066
305ME: 34,910M
3220234128 *TR *TP *TE *TC *TY
PTA +1451M +89F +57P 97R 12/24
PTA +.35T +.91UDC -.45FLC GTPI +2918
T-Spruce Taos 15384-ET
3219884957 *TR *TP *TC *TY *TL
GTPI +3099 +2593M +99F +82P +980NM 12/24
Ladys-Manor Overdo-ET
3214324420 *TR *MW *TP *TC *TY
PTA +433M +109F +41P 95R 12/24
PTA +1.10T +1.98UDC +.43FLC GTPI +2981
Terra-Linda Zazzle 10954-ET
3220410081 *TR *TP *TC *TL *TD
GTPI +2850
PTA +1116M +.21% +99F +.06% +51P 82R 12/24
PTA +896NM +3.9PL 2.68SCS -1.6DPR 1.9%DCE
PTA +.74T +.95UDC -.08FLC 80R 12/24
A2/A2 • BB
3rd through 13th Dams:
Terralinda-L Soltn 10483-ET VG-86 GMD GTPI +2607 +1008M +68F +34P +628NM 12/24 4-03 3x 295d 32,600 4.5 1472 3.0 991 1-11 3x 365d 38,020 3.8 1438 3.1 1188 Life:
Terralinda-L Kermit 164-ET VG-85 GMD 2-02 3x 365d
Sandy-Valley Ydr Cayenne-ET VG-86 VG-MS 2-05 3x 365d 37,690 4.2 1592 3.1 1179 Life: 1504d 157,700 4.3 6748 3.1 4921
Sandy-Valley Morgan Calvary VG-88 DOM 2-01 2x 365d 35,340 4.5 1575 3.5 1225
Larcrest Calia-ET VG-86 GMD DOM 1-11 2x 365d 30,430 4.4 1348 3.5 1053
Larcrest Comet-ETS VG-87 DOM 2-02 2x 305d 28,190 4.3 1205 3.1 868
Larcrest Cosmopolitan VG-87 GMD DOM 2-04 2x 365d 30,930 4.1 1261 3.6 1119
Larcrest Oside Champagne-Tw EX-90 GMD DOM 2-03 2x 365d 29,110 4.5 1322 3.7 1077
Larcrest Juror Chanel EX-93 3E GMD DOM 9-00 2x 365d 48,460 4.0 1943 3.4 1648 Life: 2899d 245,420 4.3 10482 3.6 8866
Larcrest Lindy Chandra VG-85 2-05 2x 365d 20,896 4.8 993 3.8 803
Larcrest Inspiration Carly VG-87 4-04 2x 305d 22,510 4.4 989 3.5 777
Terra Linda Dairy c/o Mike Santos, 4433 Ave. 232, Tulare, CA
23441 8/25/2024 840003284642175 TRIFECTA H HARDIN 23441-ET Hardin Trifecta M
23108 6/13/2024 840003284641842 TRIFECTA M DISRUPTOR 23108 Distruptor Trifecta H
22921 4/26/2024 840003272407063 TRIFECTA H DISRPTR 22921-ET Disruptor Trifecta
22897 4/19/2024 840003272407039
23323 7/30/2024 840003284642057
40272 5/14/2024 840003280699632
23195 7/7/2024 840003284641929
40273 5/15/2024 840003280699633
• heromatheron@yahoo.com
Legacy Ranches
P.O. Box 1149
Tipton, CA 93272
Terra-Linda Doc 794-ET "EX-90 EX-MS" Fourth Dam of Lot 7G
559.730.6015 Josh fernjosh@sbcglobal.net
Dam of IVF Session:
3286529816 Born September 19, 2024
GTPI +3121
PTA +9974M +.32% +121F +.11% +60P 79R 12/24
PTA +885NM +2.1PL 2.98SCS -1.2DPR 2.3%DCE
PTA +3.18T +2.74UDC +1.89FLC 78R 12/24
PTA +282FE -0.4FI 2.6%SCE -1.8LIV +903CM$
Buyer is purchasing rights to control the first IVF session(s) once 41035 is old enough to IVF. Buyer is guaranteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration and mating sire decisions.
T-Spruce Phoenix 2176-ET
3234732161 *TR *TP *TE *TC *TY
PTA +1678M +130F +77P 83R 12/24
PTA +2.47T +2.17UDC +1.56FLC 82R 12/24
GTPI +3152
Legacy-Ranch Drpbx 36395-ET
GTPI +2995
PTA +1304M +.13% +84F +.06% +57P 77R 12/24
PTA +748NM +3.4PL 2.70SCS -.93DPR 1.6%DCE
PTA +3.57T +3.13UDC +1.31FLC 76R 12/24
PTA +205FE -0.9FI 2.4%SCE -1.3LIV
S: Kings-Ransom Dropbox-ET
3rd through 17th Dams: Terra-Linda Hncock 29904-ET GP-82 2-05 GTPI +2730 +3.01T +2.54UDC
Trifecta K Connie-ET VG-85
Triplecrown Kingboy 6-ET VG-86 3-02 2x 359d 32,780 3.7 1213 3.2 1060
Triplecrown Ssire Darla-ET *RC VG-87
TCG-KM Desire Rae-Red-ET VG-87
Scientific Gold Dew Rae-ET *RC VG-88 2-07 2x
Blondin Unstopabu Maple-Red "EX-94"
Supreme Champion Royal Winter Fair 2022
Maternal Sister to Dam of Lot 1E
Siemers Holstein Farms, Inc.
14421 Mineral Springs Rd Newton, WI 53063 920.946.8525 Jordan jcs483@cornell.edu
Hodglynn Hulu Merlot-Red-ET Dam of Lot 1E
Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guaranteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration and mating sire decisions.
Dam of IVF Session:
Hodglynn Hulu Merlot-Red-ET
CAN14971481 Born May 5, 2024
99%RHA-I CAN-Conformation +9
Maternal sister to Merlot:
Blondin Unstopabu Maple-Red EX-94 EEEEE
•Unanimous All-American Sr. 3 Year Old 2022
•Unanimous All-Canadian Sr. 3 Year Old 2022
•All-American R&W Sr. 3 Year Old 2022
•Unanimous All-Canadian R&W Sr. 3 Year Old 2022
•Supreme Champion Royal Winter Fair 2022
•Grand Champion Canadian Nat'l R&W Show 2022
•Grand Champion Holstein Royal Winter Fair 2022
•Res. Grand Champion International Show 2022
•All-Canadian Sr. 2 Year Old 2021
•All-American R&W Sr. 2 Year Old 2021
•Grand Champion Canadian National R&W 2021
•1st Sr. 2 & HM Int. Champ.Can. Nat'l Holstein 2021
•1st Sr. 2 Year Old International R&W Show 2021
•Canadian Champion Milking Yearling 2020
Siemers Wolf Hulu 37006-ET *RC
PTA +989M+51F +50P 82R 12/24
PTA +3.45T +2.91UDC +1.93FLC 80R 12/24
GTPI +2849
Kawartha Armani Memory-Red
CAN12232587 EX-92-5Y-CAN (MS:94) 5-03 2x 365d 33,611 4.5 1517 3.3 1098 3-05
•Res. All-American R&W Jr. 2 Year Old 2017
•HHM All-Canadian Jr. 2 Year Old 2017
•2nd Jr. 2 Year Old Ontario Summer Show 2017
•3rd Jr. 2 Year Old Royal Winter Fair R&W 2017
•3rd Jr. 2 Year Old Royal Winter Fair 2017
•3rd Jr. 3 Year Old Royal Winter Fair R&W 2018
3rd through 7th Dams:
Lochdale Shaquille Missy-Red EX-93 2E 5-11 2x 365d 37,690 3.8 1436 3.0 1125 Life: 1568d 133,331 3.8 5123 2.9 3886
•Res. All-Canadian R&W Jr. 3 Year Old 2013
•HM All-Ontario Jr. 3 Year Old 2013
•1st Jr. 3 & Int. Champ. RAWF R&W Show 2013
•Nom. All-American R&W Aged Cow 2016
Lochdale Redman Melissa *RC GP-84-2Y 3* 3-03 2x 326d 19,687 4.1 798
Lochdale Lee Macey VG-85-5Y-CAN
Marvans Raider Lacey EX--6E-CAN
Stacy EX-2E-CAN
Curtis Ryan Vanden Berge 11701 Old River Rd.
Bakersfield, CA 93311
S-S-I Doc Have Not 8784-ET "EX-96" DOM Res. All-American 4 Year Old 2022 Granddam of Lot 2E
(5) #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen Stored at Trans Ova, Turlock
Siemers RZ Pazzle 34954-ET
3218556317 *TR *TP *TE *TC *TY *TV *TL *TD
PTA +688M +96F +51P 83R 12/24
PTA +3.07T +2.67UDC +1.78FLC 82R 12/24
GTPI +3000
Haveitall Hanx Hazey-ET
GTPI +2924
PTA +1440M +.09% +80F +.05% +59P 80R 12/24
PTA +701NM +3.2PL 2.81SCS -2.7DPR 2.2%DCE
PTA +3.57T +2.58UDC +1.35FLC 79R 12/24
Siemers Renegade Rozline-ET
3143986308 *TR *TP *TM *TE *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +487M +118F +38P 99R 12/24
PTA +1.54T +1.36UDC +1.11FLC GTPI +2827
Siemers Lmda Paris 27856-ET
3141495692 Excellent-91 GMD DOM
3-05 2x 365d 38,580 4.1 1579 3.5 1362
Siemers Hanan Hanx-P-ET
3243939096 *TR *PC *TE *TC *TY
PTA +709M +71F +50P 82R 12/24
PTA +3.35T +2.48UDC +1.79FLC GTPI +2954
S-S-I Doc Have Not 8784-ET
3143722147 Excellent-96 EEEEE DOM
GTPI +2752 +1718M +48F +57P +548NM 12/24
PTA +3.12T +2.36UDC +.98FLC A2/A2 • AB
4-05 2x 320d 35.670 3.9 1404 3.1 1095 3-06 2x 297d 33,720 3.6 1218 3.1 1043 2-02 2x 365d 29,320 3.8 1127 3.2 947 Life: 1204d 123,140 3.8 4692 3.1 3784
•Res. All-American 4 Year Old 2022
•3rd 4 Year Old International Show 2022
•$1,925,000 pkg Summer Selections Sale II, 2022
through 12th Dams:
Cookiecutter Masy Hashes VG-85 VG-MS 3-11 3x 365d 39,630 3.6 1436 3.1 1209
Cookiecutter Mom Halo-ET VG-88 EX-MS DOM 2-00 2x 365d 35,280 5.2 1819 3.7 1304
•Global Cow of the Year 2019
Cookiecutter Gld Holler-ET
•Nominated Int’l Cow of the Year 2016
Ms Kings-Rnsm Champ
Elton Disrael-ET
Denises Dellia
•Global Cow of the Year 2005
Snow-N Dorys Denise EX-90 2E GMD DOM
Ladyrose Caught Your Eye-ET "EX-95"
3x All-American in milking form Granddam of Lot 3E
2188 78th St., Blairstown, IA 52209 kyledemmer@ymail.com • 563.451.5376 Kyle tjrgenetics@gmail.com • 563.451.5866 Tim amandahauck@genosource.com
Robella Major
CAN14104450 *TC *TV *TL*TY *TD
PTA +894M +35F +23P 82R 12/24
PTA +3.12T +2.42UDC +.71FLC 80R 12/24
GTPI +2279
Ms GS Caught Some Heat-ET
3249969015 Very Good-88 EVEVV 2-04
GPTA +3.94T +2.52UDC +1.93FLC 84R 12/24
CAN-Conf +12
2-03 3x 141d 14,437 5.5 802 3.6 520"RIP
A2/A2 • AB
•Due back June, 2025 and will show as a Jr. 3
Maternal brothers to Heat:
MB-Luckylady Eye Candy-ET 7HO16104
MB-Luckylady Bullseye-ET 200HO12376
(3) #1 and (3) #2 IVF embryos from sexed semen
Qualify for export to EU, UK and CAN Stored at Trans Ova, Madison, WI
Farnear Delta-Lambda-ET
3125993715 *TR *TP *TE *TC *TY *TV *TL *TD
PTA +1389M +51F +49P 99R 12/24
PTA +2.76T +2.67UDC +1.14FLC GTPI +2821
Robella Sidekick Molly
CAN13277545 EX-91-4Y-CAN 4-11 2x 365d 32,355 4.4 1411 3.1 1005
Siemers Exc Hanans 31753-ET
3143986722 GM *TR *TP *TE *TC *TY
PTA -1M +83F +41P 99R 12/24
PTA +3.56T +2.54UDC +2.06FLC GTPI +2841
Ladyrose Caught Your Eye-ET
3130101491 Excellent-95 EEEEE
GPTA +4.00T +2.69UDC +1.85FLC 86R 12/24 4-03 2x
•All-American 4 Year Old 2023
•All-American Produce of Dam 2023
•All-American Junior 3 Year Old 2022
•Unanimous All-American Jr. 2 Year Old 2021
•Dam of All-American & HM All-American Junior Best Three Females 2023
•Dam of Junior Best Three, Senior Best Three and 3 Produce of Dam groups Nominated AA 2024
Maternal sisters to Heat:
D2 Summerfest Eyes On You-ET EX-90 EX-MS
•Nom. All-American Summer Jr. 2 Year Old 2023
Genosource Looks Matter-ET VG-89 EX-MS
•2nd Milking Yearling International Show 2024
D2 Lambda Eyes On The Prize-ET VG-89
•Nom. All-American Summer Jr. 2 Year Old 2023
Ms GS Caught By Surprise-ET VG-88 2-01
•1st Jr. 2 Year Old WI Championship Show 2024
Kingsway Caught A Vibe-ET VG-87-CAN-Max
•All-American & All-Canadian Spring Yrlg. 2023
Genosource Lip Service-ET VG-88
•5th Milking Yearling International Show 2024
Genosource Cheap Thrill-ET VG-88
•5th Milking Yearling International Jr. Show 2024
3rd through 10th Dams:
Rosedale Achieverslegacy-ET VG-89 VEVVE
•All-American Milking Yearling 2017
Rosedale Lexington EX-95 2E
•All-American 5 Year Old 2013
Rosedale Lexi-ET VG-89 EX-MS
•HM All-American Spring Yearling 2005
Rosedale Lea-Ann-ET *RC EX-93 2E GMD
Stookey Elm Park Blackrose-ET 3E-96 7* GMD DOM
•All-American & All-Canadian 1992 & 1993
Nandette TT Speckle-Red EX-93 DOM
• All-American R&W 1981 & 1983
Next 2 dams VG-87 and VG-89
Blexys Chief Bloody Mary-ET "EX-91"
All-American Milking Yearling 2023
Maternal Sister to the Dam of Lot 1
John Cunningham
4338 Lichau Rd.
Penngrove, CA 94951-9710
Blexys Crush Budweiser-ET "EX-91" 2x Unanimous All-American Dam of Lot 1
Due 1/25/25 to Farnear Delta-Lambda-ET 551HO3379 (sexed) 1
Peak Jagger-ET
3205436591 *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV
PTA -746M +33F +8P 97R 12/24
PTA +3.36T +2.50UDC +1.80FLC 97R 12/24
GTPI +2480
Blexys Crush Budweiser-ET
3143525495 Excellent-91 EEEEV 3-08
GPTA +2.98T +1.68UDC +1.33FLC 86R 12/24
3-02 2x 365d 39,740 3.5 1406 3.0 1194
2-01 2x 351d 27,590 3.3 901 2.9 813
•Unanimous All-American Winter Yearling 2020
•1st Winter Yrlg. & Jr. Champ. NA Open 2020
•1st Winter Yrlg. & Res. Jr. Ch. WI Champ. 2020
•Unanimous All-American Winter Calf 2019
•All-National Winter Calf 2019
•1st Winter Calf & Res. Jr. Ch. Int’l Hol. Sh. 2019
Maternal sister to Budweiser:
Blexys Chief Bloody Mary-ET EX-91 EX-MS
•All-American Milking Yearling 2023
840 3240650230 99%RHA-I
Born December 13, 2022
Siemers Hunk-ET
3141495349 *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV
PTA +118M +79F +34P 99R 12/24
PTA +2.85T +2.33UDC +1.98FLC GTPI +2658
Cedarwal Jitters-ET
CAN12852717 Excellent-90 2E
Maverick Crush
CAN12042760 *TE *TC *TY *TV *TL *TD
PTA -682M -46F -9P 99R 12/24
PTA +2.43T +1.50UDC +1.22FLC GTPI +2071
Rosiers Blexy Goldwyn-ET
CAN106117534 Excellent-97 EEEEE 3E 8-10 2x 365d 47,660 3.9 1856 3.0 1442 6-06 2x 365d 41,730 3.9 1626 3.1 1292 Life:
•All-American Aged Cow 2017
•All-Canadian Mature Cow 2017
•Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo 2017
•Grand Champion International Show 2017
•1st Mature Cow Royal Winter Fair 2017
Maternal sisters to Budgee:
Blexys Denver Bedazzled-ET EX-93
•1st Sr. 2 Year Old California State Show 2023
Budweisers Dnvr Brooklyn-ET VG-86
•Nom. All-American Winter Calf 2021
•1st Winter Calf & JC Mideast Fall National 2021
•1st Winter Calf & JC WI Champ. Show 2021
Budweisers EC Brice-ET
•3rd Fall Calf Wisconsin Championship Show 2024
3rd through 7th Dams: Rosiers Beyonce Dundee-ET EX-90-CAN 2* 3-09 2x
Rosiers Branda Prelude
Rosiers Blexy Goldwyn-ET "EX-97 3E" 1*
Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo 2017 Granddam of Lot 1, Third Dam of Lot 2
Henry Grossi
P.O. Box 398
Valley Ford, CA 94972
Ms Sid Blexy-ET "EX-94"
Grand Champion Mideast Fall National 2021 Full Sister to Granddam of Lot 2
840 3275859741 99%RHA-I
Born March 8, 2024 H.N. 29466
MB-Luckylady Eye Candy-ET
3234629820 *TR *TP *TE *TC *TY
PTA +555M +49F +32P 82R 12/24
PTA +3.37T +2.65UDC +1.60FLC 82R 12/24
GTPI +2600
MsBlings Doc Berlin-ET
3250272296 Very Good-86 VVVVV 2-02
GPTA +2.91T +2.12UDC +1.20FLC 84R 12/24
Maternal sisters to Bling:
Ms Blexys Dvr Barn Party-ET EX-92
•Supreme Champion Utah State Fair 2024
Blexys Chief Bloody Mary-ET EX-91 EX-MS
•All-American Milking Yearling 2023
•1st Milking Yearling International Show 2023
Blexys Crush Budweiser-ET EX-91
•Unanimous All-American Winter Yearling 2020
•All-American Winter Calf 2019
Farnear Delta-Lambda-ET
3125993715 *TR *TP *TE *TC *TY *TV *TL *TD
PTA +1389M +51F +49P 99R 12/24
PTA +2.76T +2.67UDC +1.14FLC GTPI +2821
Ladyrose Caught Your Eye-ET
3130101491 Excellent-95 EEEEE 4-03 2x 365d 40,960 4.2 1731 3.2 1314
Woodcrest King Doc
3132417775 EX-90 GM *TR *TP *TE *TC *TY
PTA +1621M +66F +56P 99R 12/24 PTA +3.04T +2.02UDC +1.85FLC GTPI +2767
Ms Blexys Sid Bling-ET
3142935619 Excellent-90 EEEVE 3-10 3-09 3x
•1st Spring Yearling CA State Show 2018
•Res. Junior Champion CA State Show 2018
Full sister to Bling:
Ms Sid Blexy-ET EX-94 MS:96
•HHM All-American Jr. 3 Year Old 2020
•Grand Champion Mideast Fall National 2021
3rd through 8th Dams:
Rosiers Blexy Goldwyn-ET EX-97
•All-American Aged Cow 2017
•All-Canadian Mature Cow 2017
•Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo 2017
•Grand Champion International Show 2017
•1st Mature Cow Royal Winter Fair 2017
Rosiers Beyonce Dundee-ET EX-90-CAN 2* 3-09 2x
Rosiers Burka Triumphant
Rosiers Branda Prelude
Rosiers Bernet Persistent
Rosiers Blexy Goldwyn-ET "EX-97 3E" 1*
Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo 2017 Granddam of Lots 3A & 3B
Born September 20, 2024 H.N. 579 3A
840 3285133634 99%RHA-I
New Direction IRA, Inc.
c/o Richard Denier
P.O. Box 221753
Carmel, CA 93922
831.238.0102 • rjd.denier@gmail.com
Kings-Ransom Dropbox-ET
3224437486 *TR *TP *TE *TC *TY
PTA +1089M +81F +58P 82R 12/24
PTA +3.05T +3.07UDC +.74FLC 81R 12/24
GTPI +2963
Blexys Doc Barcelona-ET
3235437869 Very Good-86 VG-MS 3-02
GTPI +2.84T +1.86UDC +1.54FLC 85R 12/24 1-09 2x 365d 26,210 4.2 1092 3.2 837
Maternal sisters to Barcelona:
Blexys Chief Bloody Mary-ET EX-91 EX-MS
•All-American Milking Yearling 2023
Ms Sid Blexy-ET EX-94 MS:96
•HHM All-American Jr. 3 Year Old 2020
•Grand Champion Mideast Fall National 2021
840 3285133635 99%RHA-I
Born September 25, 2024 H.N. 580
3202768334 *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL *TD
PTA +1375M +109F +64P 97R 12/24
PTA +1.85T +2.41UDC -.38FLC GTPI +2917
Kings-Ransom Casp Daze-ET
3146394969 Excellent-94 EEEEE
Woodcrest King Doc
3132417775 EX-90
PTA +1621M +66F +56P 99R 12/24 PTA +3.04T +2.02UDC +1.85FLC GTPI +2767
Rosiers Blexy Goldwyn-ET
CAN106117534 Excellent-97 EEEEE 3E 8-10 2x 365d 47,660 3.9 1856
•All-American Aged Cow 2017
•All-Canadian Mature Cow 2017
•Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo 2017
•Grand Champion International Show 2017
•1st Mature Cow Royal Winter Fair 2017
Tony Garcia, Jr. and AJ Vaz
6455 California Ave.
KHW Regiment Apple-Red-ET "EX-96 4E" Grand Champion International Show 2011 Granddam of Lot 4
840 3484271881 99%RHA-I
Born September 2, 2024 H.N. 720 4
Modesto, CA 95358-8388
Hodglynn Maximum-Red-ET
CAN14156509 *TL *TD
PTA +59M +5F -5P 82R 12/24
PTA +2.10T +1.99UDC +1.31FLC 81R 12/24
GTPI +2057
Ms Apple KB Aysia-ET *RC
3126918501 Excellent-94 EEEEE 2E *RC *TV
3-01 3x 353d 35,250 4.1 1457 3.4 1185"
4-02 3x 365d 37,300 3.8 1433 3.2 1208
6-06 3x 288d 32,630 3.7 1222 3.1 1010
5-06 3x 313d 30,970 3.9 1213 3.3 1025
Life: 1647d 159,680 4.0 6355 3.3 5231
Farnear Altitude-Red-ET
3128013348 *TE *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +249M +16F +17P 99R 12/24
PTA +2.89T +2.51UDC +1.46FLC GTPI +2189 Blondin Unstopabu Maple-Red
CAN13273809 Excellent-94 EEEEE 4-02 1-09 2x 343d 26,374 3.8 1010 2.9 763
Morningview Mcc Kingboy-ET
72044077 EX-92 *TR *TP *TE *TC *TY *TV
PTA +951M +21F +25P 99R 12/24
PTA +1.72T +1.43UDC +.19FLC GTPI +2302 KHW Regiment Apple-Red-ET
135511521 Excellent-96 4E 41* DOM *CV
4-01 2x 365d 35,750 4.7 1682 3.7 1314
7-00 2x 365d 33,280 5.0 1654 3.6 1191 9-01 2x 365d 36,750 4.3 1582 3.3 1211 Life: 2898d 240,640 4.7 11394 3.6 8559
•Unanimous All-American R&W 125,000 lb. Cow 2013
•Res. Grand Champ. International R&W Sh. 2013
•Grand Champion International R&W Show 2011
•Unanimous All-American R&W Aged Cow 2011
•World Champion R&W Cow Hol Int’l 2010
•HHM All-American Jr. 3 Year Old 2007
•Unanimous All-American Jr. 2 Year Old 2006
Maternal sisters to Lot 4: Woodcrest Defiant Agree VG-86 VG-MS 2-00 3x 365d 23,540 3.7
Woodcrest Einstein Apples VG-87 1-11 3x 365d
3rd through 8th Dams: Kamps-Hollow Altitude-ET *RC 2E-95 2* DOM
•Nominated All-American Aged Cow 1986
•All-Wisconsin Aged Cow 1987
D-R-A Ideal Precious Leader EX-90 2E
7-06 2x 358d 20,090 3.9 787 3.4 675
Life: 2456d 133,250 4.0 5308
D-R-A Princess Lad Leader EX-90 3E
9-05 2x 305d 19,160 4.2 809
Ruann War Apple-1017-Red "EX-92 EX-MS"
Grand Champion Western National Holstein and Red & White Shows 2024
Maternal Sister to Lot 5
Ruann Doc Apple-80503-ET "EX-92"
Res. All-California Jr. 3 Year Old 2021 Dam of Lot 5
Stephen & Patrick Maddox
7285 W. Davis Ave.
Riverdale, CA 93656-9735
559.977.1889 Steve • sdmaddox@yahoo.com
559.960.5469 Pat • ruannpat@gmail.com
Siemers Wolf Hulu 37006-ET *RC
3245702863 *RC *TP *TE *TC *TY *TV *TL *TD
PTA +989M+51F +50P 82R 12/24
PTA +3.45T +2.91UDC +1.93FLC 80R 12/24
GTPI +2849
Ruann Doc Apple-80503-ET
3147999467 Excellent-92 EEEVE 4-07
GTPI +2610
PTA +3.51T +2.26UDC +1.56FLC 85RR 12/24
3-09 2x 365d 47,020 3.7 1744 3.4 1587
2-02 2x 365d 40,270 3.2 1294 3.3 1313
Life: 898d 101,760 3.6 3616 3.4 3441
•Res. All-California Jr. 3 Year Old 2021
840 3291664034 • Born September 17, 2024
GTPI +2733 +3.32T +2.47UDVC +1.47FLC
A1/A2 • BE
840 3291664135 • Born September 23, 2024
GTPI +2707 +3.55T +2.77UDC +1.46FLC
A2/A2 • BB
840 3291664158 • Born September 25, 2024
GTPI +2698 +3.61T +2.75UDC +1.85FLC
A2/A2 • BB
840 3283405596 • Born September 18, 2024
Genomics pending
Woodcrest King Doc
3132417775 EX-90 GM *TR *TP *TE *TC *TY
PTA +1621M +66F +56P 99R 12/24
PTA +3.04T +2.02UDC +1.85FLC GTPI +2767
Ms PG PV Doorman Aspire-ET *RC
3137295982 Excellent-94 EEEEE 2E *RC
5-09 2x 365d 40,390 4.2 1689 3.5 1403
3-05 2x 365d 41,010 3.5 1455 3.5 1419
Life: 1383d 145,830 3.9 5704 3.5 5112
•All-Canadian Milking Yearling 2018
•Res. All-American Milking Yearling 2018
•1st Milking Yearling Royal Winter Fair 2018
•1st Fall Yearling California State Show 2018
•1st Sr. 3 Yr Old, Int. Champion and Res. Grand Champion Western Spring National 2020
Maternal sister to choice:
Ruann War Apple-1017-Red EX-92 3-09
•Nom. All-American R&W Sr. 2 Year Old 2023
•Grand Champion Western Spring National 2024
•Grand Champion Western Spring Nat'l R&W 2024
3rd through 10th Dams:
Ms Apples Uno Armana-ET *RC EX-94 2E DOM 2-04 2x 365d 29,155 4.8 1387 3.1 913”
•6th Sr. 3 Year Old Int’l Jr. Holstein Show 2016
KHW Regiment Apple-Red-ET 4E-96 41* DOM 4-01 2x 365d 35,750 4.7 1682 3.7 1314
•Res. Grand Champ. Int’l R&W Show 2013
•Grand Champion Int’l R&W Show 2011
•Unanimous All-American R&W 125,000 lb. Cow 2013
•Unanimous All-American R&W Aged Cow 2011
•Unanimous All-American Jr. 2 Year Old 2006
Kamps-Hollow Altitude-ET *RC 2E-95 2* DOM 7-00 2x 365d 39,690 4.7 1849 3.5 1385
•Unanimous All-Amer. R&W Prod. of Dam 2014
Clover-Mist Alisha-ET *RC 3E-93 GMD DOM 5-03 3x 365d 34,670 4.8 1654 3.5 1220
Clover-Mist Augy Star-ET EX-94 4E DOM 7-10 2x 365d 43,140 5.0 2136 3.1 1339
D-R-A August EX-96 4E DOM
D-R-A Ideal Precious Leader EX-90 2E
D-R-A Princess Lad Leader EX-90 3E
Ms Apple Atiyana-ET *RC "EX-92 2E"
of Lot 6
Robert & Kate Teixeira and Tommy & Lindsey Nunes
Miss Apple Snapple-Red-ET "EX-96 2E" 3x Unanimous All-American R&W
Maternal Sister to Granddam of Lot 6
840 3263321540 99%RHA-I
Born June 1, 2023 H.N. 9374
5601 Mountain View Rd., Turlock, CA 95382
Bred 9/03/24 to Mystique Armour 599HO110 (sexed) 6
209.495.0367 • rjtex@att.net
Peak Jagger-ET
3205436591 *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV
PTA -746M +33F +8P 97R 12/24
PTA +3.36T +2.50UDC +1.80FLC 97R 12/24
GTPI +2480
Ms Atiyanas SD Atlast
3218840546 Very Good-87 VG-MS 3-11
2-06 2x 365d 21,020 5.3 1106 3.9 816
Siemers Hunk-ET
3141495349 *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV
PTA +118M +79F +34P 99R 12/24
PTA +2.85T +2.33UDC +1.98FLC GTPI +2658
Cedarwal Jitters-ET
CAN12852717 Excellent-90 2E
Walnutlawn Sidekick
CAN12508113 VG-85 *TR *TY *TV *TL *TD
PTA -1074M +5F -5P 99R 12/24
PTA +3.11T +2.23UDC +1.24FLC GTPI +2198
Ms Apple Atiyana-ET *RC
3126918514 Excellent-92 EEEEE 2E *RC
3-05 2x 365d 32,140 4.9
Maternal sister to Atiyana: Miss Apple Snapple-Red-ET EX-96 EEEEE 2E 8-01 2x 332d 46,755 4.4 2055 3.1 1470”
•3x Unanimous All-American R&W
3rd through 9th Dams:
KHW Regiment Apple-Red-ET 4E-96 41* DOM 4-01 2x 365d 35,750 4.7 1682 3.7 1314
•Res. Grand Champ. Int’l R&W Show 2013
•Grand Champion Int’l R&W Show 2011
•Unanimous All-American R&W 125,000 lb. Cow 2013
•Unanimous All-American R&W Aged Cow 2011
•Unanimous All-American Jr. 2 Year Old 2006
Kamps-Hollow Altitude-ET *RC 2E-95 2* DOM 7-00 2x 365d 39,690 4.7 1849 3.5 1385
•Unanimous All-Amer. R&W Prod. of Dam 2014
Clover-Mist Alisha-ET *RC 3E-93 GMD DOM
5-03 3x 365d 34,670 4.8 1654 3.5 1220
Life: 2999d 226,470 4.7 10659 3.6 8149
Clover-Mist Augy Star-ET EX-94 4E DOM
7-10 2x 365d 43,140 5.0 2136 3.1 1339
Life: 2274d 196,240 4.8 9349 3.3 6458
D-R-A August EX-96 4E DOM
8-05 3x 365d 27,460 4.3 1187 3.2 871
Life: 3433d 190,200 4.4 8281 3.5 4818
•Nominated All-American Aged Cow 1986
•All-Wisconsin Aged Cow 1987
D-R-A Ideal Precious Leader EX-90 2E
7-06 2x 358d 20,090 3.9 787 3.4 675
Life: 2456d 133,250 4.0 5308
D-R-A Princess Lad Leader EX-90 3E
9-05 2x 305d 19,160 4.2 809
Legacy-Ranch Dlight Addely "EX-90 EX-MS" Granddam of Lot 7
Fern-Oak Meridian 24606-Tw "EX-93" Res. Grand Champion Western Spring National Jr. Show 2018 Third Dam of Lot 7
840 3277427023 99%RHA-I
Legacy Ranch and Terra Linda
P.O. Box 1149
Tipton, CA 93272
559.730.6015 Josh • fernjosh@sbcglobal.net
559.358.5345 Mike • oomikie@aol.com
Blondin Energy-ET
CAN120345175 *TC *TY *TV *TL *TD
PTA +213M +21F +6P 89R 12/24
PTA +3.87T +3.22UDC +1.53FLC 83R 12/24
GTPI +2244
Ms Legacy-Ranch HN 34444-ET
3249969788 Very Good-87 EX-MS 2-05
GPTA +4.30T +3.24UDC +2.14FLC 79R 12/24
CAN-Conformation +10 MS +11
305ME: 33,580M
•34444 looks fabulous! Ready to show!
Born December 18, 2023 H.N. 38754
GPTA +4.18T +2.92UDC +1.33FLC 76R 12/24 CAN-Conformation +11 MS +10
Siemers Lambda Haniko-ET
3144882592 *TC *TY *TV *TL *TD
PTA +252M +39F +35P 94R 12/24
PTA +3.33T +3.06UDC +1.29FLC GTPI +2554
Gouldhaven Solomon Ellen-ET CAN12594148 VG-86-2Y-CAN 3-08 3x 352d 30,688 4.7 1448 3.1 950
Siemers Exc Hanans 31753-ET
3143986722 GM *TR *TP *TE *TC *TY
PTA -1M +83F +41P 99R 12/24
PTA +3.56T +2.54UDC +2.06FLC GTPI +2841
Legacy-Ranch Dlight Addely 3203413565 Excellent-90 EX-MS 4-01
GPTA +3.64T +3.08UDC +1.51FLC 84R 12/24 1-11 3x 365d 29,620 3.6 1052 3.1
3rd through 10th Dams: Fern-Oak Meridian 24606-Tw EX-93 EEEEE
3-01 3x 290d 33,740 4.5 1504 3.3 1114
•1st 4 Year Old, Senior Champion & Res. Grand Champion Western Spring Nat’l Jr. Show 2018
•Res. All-California 4 Year Old 2018
M-Riverview Apple Avalon *RC EX-91 2E 6-02 3x 365d 30,960 4.1 1271 3.3 1033 Greenlea Adv Anna-ET *RC EX-94 3E 6-01 2x 305d 32,830 4.1 1360 2.9 936 Life: 2667d 228,450 4.0 9046 3.0 6838
La-Foster Astrnmcal Anna-ET EX-90 EX-MS 4-11 2x 365d 30,490 3.8 1159 3.4 1024
MD-Delight Durham Atlee-ET EX-92 GMD DOM 10* 3-11 2x 365d 38,290 5.5 2091 3.1 1177
•All-American Sr. 3 Year Old 2005
•1st Sr. 3 Yr Old & Res. Int. Ch. Int’l Hol.Sh.’05
MD-Delight Strm Amberlee-ET VG-88 DOM 2-02 2x 365d 26,170 3.7 969 3.2 835
Ms Kingstead Chief Adeen-ET EX-94 2E DOM 11* 3-05 2x 310d 30,180 4.0 1209 3.6 1077
•Nom. All-American 2000 & 2001
•Res. All-American Produce of Dam 2014
C Aitkenbrae Starbuck Ada EX-94 2E DOM 4* 5-06 2x 356d 30,060 3.5 1043 3.5 1049
Life: 1955d 137,740 3.4 4747 3.4 4649
•All-American Produce of Dam 2000 & 2001
•All-American 3 Year Old 1990
•Res. All-Time All-American 3 Year Old 2003
Cranehill Genetics 21859 Crane Ave. Hilmar, CA 95324-9712 209.652.3511
840 3284642252 99%RHA-I *TR *TC *TL *TD Born September 9, 2024 H.N. 23518
GPTA +3.58T
Siemers Wolf Hulu 37006-ET *RC
3245702863 *RC *TP *TE *TC *TY *TV *TL *TD
PTA +989M+51F +50P 82R 12/24
PTA +3.45T +2.91UDC +1.93FLC 80R 12/24
GTPI +2849
Golden-Oaks Master Lynx-ET
3213442348 Excellent-90 EEVVE 4-01
3-03 2x 360d 29,850 4.9 1452 3.2 965
2-00 2x 365d 29,170 4.5 1305 3.2 926
Maternal sisters to Lynx:
Walkerbrae Dorman Locket-ET EX-95 EEEE
4-10 2x 284d 31,833 4.7 1498 3.3 1047
•HM All-American 5 Year Old 2018
•Nom. All-Canadian & All-American Jr. 3 Yr Old 2016
•Grand Champion Vermont State Show 2017
Golden-Oaks Line Em Up-ET EX-94 EEEEE
3-10 2x 365d 38,457 3.8 1467 3.3 1227”
•Nom. All-American Fall Yearling 2017
Aija Wolfgang *RC
CAN13494527 *RC
PTA +1188M +28F +34P 91R 12/24
PTA +2.63T +2.65UDC +1.41FLC GTPI +2542
Siemers Lstr Hanan 33317-ET *PC
3212996392 Excellent-91 EEEVE 4-07
3-03 2x 337d 39,390 3.9 1539 3.4 1321
Golden-Oaks Master-ET
3139216917 *TR *TP *TC *TL *TD
PTA +30M +10F -3P 98R 12/24
PTA +3.73T +2.92UDC +1.23FLC GTPI +1966 Gloryland-I Goldwyn Locket-ET
CAN9988715 Excellent-94 EEEEE 2E 13*
4-11 3x 365d 37,310 5.0 1855 3.4 1264
6-06 2x 349d 35,800 4.4 1590 3.5 1242 3-07 3x 365d 36,640 4.3 1581 3.4 1240” 1-11 2x 365d 25,011 4.9 1221 3.4 851 Life: 1584d 142,293 4.6 6614 3.4 4901
•Nom. All-Canadian Milking Yearling 2011
3rd through 11th Dams:
Gloryland Lana Rae EX-94 2E DOM 1* 5-06 2x 365d 29,011
Scientific Liza Rae-ET EX-90 4-09 2x 365d 26,710 2.9
•Queen of the Breed I & II
C Norton Court Model Vee EX-90 6*
Life: 4183d 218,629 3.9 8581
•All-American Produce of Dam 1977-78-79
Norton Court Reflection Val VG-CAN 5*
Life: 14 lact. 249,583 3.7 9295
Max & Weston Silva and Aidan Azevedo 2760 Jubilee Dr. Turlock, CA 95380 209.595.0055
Luck-E McGucci Afro-Red-ET "EX-94 2E" Granddam of Lot 9
840 3283702891 99%RHA-I
Born March 5, 2024 H.N. 15090
Maternal sister to Angela: Luck-E Doc Albatroz* RC VG-87 2-05 2x 352d 22,710 4.9 1124 3.6 817
Farnear Altitude-Red-ET
3128013348 *TE *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +249M +16F +17P 99R 12/24
PTA +2.89T +2.51UDC +1.46FLC 99R 12/24
GTPI +2189
Luck-E Dice Azoo-Red-ET
3204072723 Excellent-92 EEEVE 4-09
GPTA +3.47T +2.48UDC +2.27FLC 84R 12/24
4-02 2x 305d 26,270 3.3 868 3.3 862
1-11 2x 308d 16,680 4.4 735 3.5 589
•Res. Int. Champion CA State R&W Jr. Show 2022
Maternal sisters to Azoo:
Luck-E Doc Azacaboom-ET *RC EX-92
•Int. Champion IL Championship Show 2020
Luck-E Doc Azeezee-ET *RC EX-94
Luck-E Doc Azoozoo-ET *RC EX-94
Mr Lr EDG Arvis 18196-ET *RC
3125201960 *RC *TC *TY *TV
PTA -421M +13F +7P 98R 12/24
PTA +1.76T +2.06UDC +1.25FLC GTPI +2181 Farnear TBR Aria Adler-ET *RC
72437575 Excellent-96 2E
8-02 2x 365d 37,920 4.4 1678 3.3 1240
Loh Dice-Red-ET
DEU359824500 *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA -238M -46F -9P 93R 12/24
PTA +2.33T +1.81UDC +1.06FLC GTPI +1771
Luck-E McGucci Afro-Red-ET
73278355 Excellent-94 EEEEE 2E
4-07 2x 365d 36,630 5.6 2055 3.5 1273
2-10 2x 365d 29,200 6.0 1765 3.6 1061
1-11 2x 285d 18,360 4.7 869 3.4 632
Life: 1305d 105,990 5.5 5852 3.5 3718
•1st Jr. 3 Yr Old Midwest Spring R&W Show 2018
•5 sons in A.I.
3rd through 9th Dams:
Luck-E Advent Asia-ET *RC EX-94 3E 6-02 2x 365d 40,150 4.9 1984 3.1 1261 Life: 1282d 113,730 5.1 5814 3.2 3645
•Holstein International’s People’s Choice R&W Impact Cow of the Year 2016 & 2019 Luck-E Blitz Australia-ET VG-87 GMD DOM 2-02 2x 365d 37,990 4.0 1528 2.8 1060 Luck-E Skychief Arizona-ET EX-90 GMD DOM 5-01
Dodeb Matt Actress EX-93 2E 3-00 3x 305d 27,110 4.2 1131 Life: 2348d 141,870 4.3 6058
Lamkinland B Matt Actress VG-85
•Res. Grand Champion Illinois State Show
HM All-American Jr.
Airoso Dairy
P.O. Box 1087
Tipton, CA 93272-0187
Rockymountain Tal Licorice-ET *RC "EX-95"
All-American 4 Year Old 2011
Fourth Dam of Lot 10
Two (2) heifer calves born December, 2024
•Selection to be made prior to 4/15/25. Delivery can be made to State Show
From this cow family:
Blondin Lauthority Libye*RC EX-92 EEEEE 2* 1-11 2x 365d 28,177 4.3 1217 3.4 947
•Int. Champion Quebec Spring Show 2014
AOT Highjump-ET
3202768334 *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL *TD
Kings-Ransom Dropbox-ET
3224437486 *TR *TP *TE *TC *TY
PTA +1089M +81F +58P 82R 12/24
PTA +3.05T +3.07UDC +.74FLC 81R 12/24
GTPI +2963
Duckett Lambda Lexy
3235342372 Very Good-87 VVVVV 2-04 1-11 3x 365d 38,260 4.0 1547 3.3 1253
Full sister to Look At Me:
Ms Listerines Luckylady-ET VG-86
•Res. All-Canadian Junior Yearling 2016
• Res. Junior Champion Royal Winter Fair 2016
PTA +1375M +109F +64P 97R 12/24 PTA +1.85T +2.41UDC -.38FLC GTPI +2917
Kings-Ransom Casp Daze-ET
3146394969 Excellent-94 EEEEE 2E 4-04 3x 365d 41,970 4.2 1749 3.4 1442
Farnear Delta-Lambda-ET
3125993715 *TR *TP *TE *TC *TY *TV *TL *TD
PTA +1389M +51F +49P 99R 12/24
PTA +2.76T +2.67UDC +1.14FLC GTPI +2821
Ms Listerines Look At Me-ET
143332804 Excellent-95
917 Life: 1957d 167,850 4.2 6998 3.2 5402
•HM All-American Jr. 3 Year Old 2018
•3rd Jr. 3 Year Old International Show 2018
•Res. All-Wisconsin Jr. 3 Year Old 2018
3rd through 14th Dams:
Ms Licorice Listerine-ET EX-91 2E 3-09 2x 305d 33,880 3.8 1294 3.1 1035
Rockymountain Tal Licorice-ET *RC EX-95 8* 3-10 2x 323d 34,770 4.0 1384 3.4 1172
•All-American 4 Year Old 2011
•All-Canadian Sr. 3 Year Old 2010
•Res. All-American Sr. 2 Year Old 2010
Idee Rudolph Liberty VG-89-3Y-CAN 11* 11-4 2x 349d 32,846 4.0 1323 2.9 961
•2nd Jr. 3 Yr Old Westerner Championship 2004
Idee Skychief Latoya VG-88-7Y-CAN 10* 7-00 2x 365d 32,159 4.3 1389 3.2 1021
C Ravenswell Lydia EX-92 DOM 19* 5-01 2x
Spring Farm Miss Lynn-ET VG-85-3Y-CAN 2-11 2x 329d 22,335 4.0 888 3.6 811
Spring Farm Miss Connie VG-88-CAN 2* 8-00 2x 305d 21,420 3.9 840
Spring Farm Miss Citation VG-87-CAN 3*
Life: 11 lact 215,519 3.7 7952
Spring Farm Miss Pathfinder EX-CAN 8*
Life: 12 lact 242,021 3.6 8814
Spring Farm Fond Pathfinder VG-CAN 5*
Life: 11 lact 202,334 3.7 7582
Eveermot Pathfinder Ormbsy VG-CAN 3*
•HM All-Canadian 3 Year Old 1948
Eveermot Pabst Ormbsy VG-CAN 3*
Apgambo Atwood Keenan "EX-95 2E"
2x Grand Champion Western Spring National Granddam of Lot 11
Stephen Mast and Alex Gambonini
2625 Hall Rd. Denair, CA 95316-9656
209.613.8872 • stelynm2012@gmail.com
707.338.0220 • apgambo@gmail.com
840 3252208234 99%RHA-I Born December 7, 2023 H.N. 4803
MB-Luckylady Eye Candy-ET
3234629820 *TR *TP *TE *TC *TY
PTA +555M +49F +32P 82R 12/24
PTA +3.37T +2.65UDC +1.60FLC 82R 12/24
GTPI +2600
Miss APG Mvn Kadillac-Tw-ET
3212690852 Very Good-88 VVVEV 3-10
3-06 3x 293d 23,680 4.1 960 3.3 788 2-04 2x 333d 14,590 3.7 533 3.1 452
Farnear Delta-Lambda-ET
3125993715 *TR *TP *TE *TC *TY *TV *TL *TD
PTA +1389M +51F +49P 99R 12/24
PTA +2.76T +2.67UDC +1.14FLC GTPI +2821
Ladyrose Caught Your Eye-ET
3130101491 Excellent-95 EEEEE 4-03 2x 365d 40,960 4.2 1731 3.2 1314
Lindenright Moovin-ET *RC
CAN12873743 *RC *TE *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA -703M -26F -10P 99R 12/24
PTA +3.16T +2.66UDC +1.76FLC GTPI +1775
Apgambo Atwood Keenan
73173416 Excellent-95 EEEEE 2E *TL *TD
5-07 2x 365d 41,600
Life: 1671d 159,590 3.7 5925 3.1 4880
•1st Jr. 3 Year Old, Int. Champ. & Champion B&O International Jr. Holstein Show 2017
•Jr. All-American Jr. 3 Year Old 2017
•2nd Jr. 3 Year Old Mideast Fall National 2017
•Nom. All-American Aged Cow 2020
•Grand Champion Western Spring National 2020
•1st Aged Cow Western Spring National 2020
•Grand Champion California State Show 2019
•1st 5 Year Old California State Show 2019
•Grand Champion Western Spring National 2019
•1st 5 Year Old Western Spring National 2019
•2nd 5 Year Old Western Fall National 2019
•1st 4 Year Old Western Spring National 2018
•1st 4 Year Old California State Show 2018
•2nd 4 Year Old BC Spring Show 2018
and 4th
Res. Grand Champion Western Spring National 2016 Full Sister to Dam of Lot 12
John Cunningham
4338 Lichau Rd.
Penngrove, CA 94951-9710
Silvermaple Damion Camomile "EX-95" 2x All-American & All-Canadian Granddam of Lot 12
840 3234748879 99%RHA-I
Born September 2, 2024
MB-Luckylady Eye Candy-ET
3234629820 *TR *TP *TE *TC *TY
PTA +555M +49F +32P 82R 12/24
PTA +3.37T +2.65UDC +1.60FLC 82R 12/24
GTPI +2600
MD-Maple-Lawn Cassidy-ET
3137150848 Excellent-94 EEEEE 2E 6-06
4-03 2x 305d 28,020 4.1 1124 3.4 952"
•3rd Jr. 3 Year Old Western Spring National 2020
Full sisters to Cassidy:
Butlerview Door Camilla-ET EX-92
•Grand Champion Indiana State Show 2017
•Res. Grand Champion Western Spring Nat’l 2016
•Junior All-American Winter Calf 2014
•Nom. All-American Winter Calf 2014
Butlerview Doorman Class-ET EX-91
•2x Res. Junior All-American
Butlerview Doorman Camo-ET EX-92
•HM All-NY Sr. 2 Year Old 2016
Farnear Delta-Lambda-ET
3125993715 *TR *TP *TE *TC *TY *TV *TL *TD
PTA +1389M +51F +49P 99R 12/24
PTA +2.76T +2.67UDC +1.14FLC GTPI +2821
Ladyrose Caught Your Eye-ET
3130101491 Excellent-95 EEEEE 4-03 2x 365d 40,960 4.2 1731 3.2 1314
Val-Bisson Doorman-ET
CAN107281711 EX-90 ST *TR *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA -375M +14F +13P 99R 12/24
PTA +2.46T +1.48UDC +.70FLC GTPI +2148
Silvermaple Damion Camomile
CAN9732453 Excellent-95 EEEEE 7* 3-03 2x 365d 32,268 4.1 1327 3.4 1098 5-02 2x 305d 30,450 4.1
1536d 130,677 4.2 5506 3.3 4309
•1st 4 Year Old BC Spring Show 2012
•Grand Champion BC Spring Show 2012
•All-American & All-Canadian Jr. 3 Year Old 2011
•Intermediate Champion Royal Winter Fair 2011
•Int. & Res. Grand Champ. Int’l Holstein Sh. 2011
•All-American & All-Canadian Jr. 2 Year Old 2010
Maternal sisters to Cassidy
Silvermaple Bolton Cameo EX-94 4-03 3x 365d
Butlerview Win Charmer-ET EX-94
MD-Maple-Lawn Doorm Cory-ET EX-94
Wedgwood WH Camomile-ET EX-93-6Y-CAN 3-05 2x 365d 34,562 3.9 1358 3.6 1254
•Grand Champion Vancouver Island 2016
Silvermaple Windham Camille-ET EX-92 3-08 2x 305d 31,450 4.2 1336 2.8 893
•Supreme Champion WDE Junior Show 2016
•Jr. All-American Sr. 3 Year Old 2016
•HM All-Canadian Sr. 3 Year Old 2015
•Res. AA & Res. AC Sr. 2 Year Old 2015
Silvermaple Atwood Cilantro-ET EX-92 (MS:95) 3-01 3x 365d 25,875 4.7 1204 3.8 983
•1st Jr. 3 Year Old BC Fall Harvest 2016
•1st Jr. 3 Year Old Vancouver Island 2016
3rd and 4th Dams: Stanhope Camila Goldwyn-ET
3* 4-01 2x 365d
4.9 1486
•HM Grand Champion Vancouver Island 2006
Budjon-Abbott Alexandra-ET "EX-93"
All-American Winter Yearling 2018
Maternal Sister to Lot 13
Walk-Era Dundee Annelise "EX-95"
Grand Champion Int'l Jr. Holstein Show 2017 Dam of Lot 13
Budjon Farms N9995 Soo Rd Lomira, WI 53048
920.960.0350 Tom • tom@budjon.com
920.960.1484 Kelli • kelli@budjon.com
Cal-Denier-I DL Alexus-ET
All-American & All-Canadian Winter Calf 2023
Maternal Sister to Lot 13
Maternal sisters to Ajia:
Ladys Lambda Jerry Lewis-ET
3240650309 *TR *TE *TC *TY *TV
PTA +653M +49F +39P 82R 12/24
PTA +3.15T +2.53UDC +1.54FLC 81R 12/24
GTPI +2708
Walk-Era Dundee Annelise
70000629 Excellent-95 EEEEE
4-08 2x 365d 41,090 3.3 1355 2.9 1196
2-11 2x 365d 35,350 3.3 1163 3.0 1064
Life: 1283d 117,810 3.3 3924 3.0 3554
•Grand Champion Int'l Junior Holstein Show 2017
•Junior All-American 5 Year Old 2017
•Nominated All-American Jr. 3 Year Old 2015
•Nominated All-Canadian Jr. 3 Year Old 2015
•Nominated All-American Jr. 2 Year Old 2014
•Junior All-American Jr. 2 Year Old 2014
840 3285126658 99%RHA-I
Born June 5, 2024
GPTA +2.62T +1.70UDC +.79FLC 79R 12/24
A2/A2 • AB
Farnear Delta-Lambda-ET
3125993715 *TR *TP *TE *TC *TY *TV *TL *TD
PTA +1389M +51F +49P 99R 12/24
PTA +2.76T +2.67UDC +1.14FLC GTPI +2821
JM Valley Sidekick Lady-ET
CAN111355024 Excellent-95 EEEEE 5-07 4-03 2x 350d 44,730 6.0 2699 3.5 1550
Regancrest Dundee-ET
127640114 EX-95 *TR *TV *TL
PTA -1033M -55F -31P 99R 12/24
PTA +.75T +.76UDC -.03FLC GTPI +1399
Walk-Era Talent Augusta-ET 66458015 Excellent-91 EEVEE 2E 5-04
Budjon-Abbott Automatic-ET EX-94 2E 5-04 2x
•Junior All-American Winter Calf 2017
•Nom. All-American & All-Canadian Winter Calf 2017
•Res. Junior Champion International Jr. Show 2017
Budjon-Abbott Alexandra-ET-ET EX-93 4-07 2x
•All-American Winter Yearling 2018
Budjon-Abbott Dr Arizona-ET EX-93
Walk-Era G Chip Allijean EX-93
Budjon-Abbott Dr Addidas-ET
•Res. All-American Winter Calf 2017
Budjon Dnvr Andrea Crowe-ET
•Res. All-American Summer Yrlg. 2021
Cal-Denier-I DL Alexus-ET
•All-American Winter Calf 2023
•All-Canadian Winter Calf 2023
3rd through 8th Dams:
Liessels Outside Allie EX-91 EEEEE 4-03 2x
Welk-Shade Astro Arielle VG-88 EX-MS
Welk-Shade Milan Amy EX-93 2E EEEEE
Welk-Shade Flip Apex EX-90 4-07 3x
R-F-H Sexy Airess VG-89 EX-MS
Ideals Flame Alice VG-85
Jason & Melissa Vieira
17469 E Gawne Rd.
Stockton, CA 95215
Gamlake Mogul Dixi Dot "EX-93 2E" Dam of Lot 14
840 3278720987 99%RHA-I *TR *TC *TL *TD
Born June 2, 2024 H.N. 167
GPTA +2.53T +2.14UDC +1.68FLC 79R 12/24
Maternal sisters to Dixie Candy: Diamond-V Jcby Dixi Delight VG-87 VG-MS
Diamond-V Warrior Dixie *RC VG-86 VG-MS
MB-Luckylady Eye Candy-ET
3234629820 *TR *TP *TE *TC *TY
PTA +555M +49F +32P 82R 12/24
PTA +3.37T +2.65UDC +1.60FLC 82R 12/24
GTPI +2600
Gamlake Mogul Dixi Dot
3128780251 Excellent-93 EEEEE 2E 2-00 2x 365d 20,500 4.7 958 3.6 743
Farnear Delta-Lambda-ET
3125993715 *TR *TP *TE *TC *TY *TV *TL *TD
PTA +1389M +51F +49P 99R 12/24
PTA +2.76T +2.67UDC +1.14FLC GTPI +2821
Ladyrose Caught Your Eye-ET
3130101491 Excellent-95 EEEEE 4-03 2x 365d 40,960 4.2 1731 3.2 1314
Mountfield SSI Dcy Mogul-ET
3006972816 EX-93 GM *TR *TP *TC *TY
PTA +436M +40F +14P 99R 12/24
PTA +1.24T +2.00UDC +1.01FLC GTPI +2250
Gamlake Boxer Dixi Dotti
70035630 Excellent-90 EEVVE 7-03
3rd through 5th Dams:
Gamlake Winken Dixie VG-86 DOM 6-01 2x
Henry Patrick Van Exel
20002 N. Thornton Rd. Lodi, CA 95242
209.810.0880 hvanexel@hotmail.com
Villarosa B C Ida "EX-96 3E"
All-California Aged Cow 2003
Fifth Dam of Lot 15
840 3275859251 99%RHA-I Born September 24, 2023 H.N. 28976
Walnutlawn Sidekick
CAN12508113 VG-85 *TR *TY *TV *TL *TD
PTA -1074M +5F -5P 99R 12/24
PTA +3.11T +2.23UDC +1.24FLC 99R 12/24
GTPI +2198
Exels Hanans Julep 26995
3235437933 Very Good-87 VVVVV 2-07 1-11 3x 365d 36,470 3.8 1397 3.3 1210
Willsbro Abbott-ET
GBR388380500583 *TR *CD *TP *TY
PTA -194M +42F +14P 98R 12/24
PTA +1.76T +1.74UDC +.49FLC GTPI +2455
Walnutlawn McCutchen Summer-ET
CAN11120480 Excellent-95 2E (MS:96) 12*
7-02 2x 365d 37,010 4.7 1735 3.3 1215
Siemers Exc Hanans 31753-ET
3143986722 GM *TR *TP *TE *TC *TY
PTA -1M +83F +41P 99R 12/24
PTA +3.56T +2.54UDC +2.06FLC GTPI +2841
Lazy-A McCutchen Josie 2-ET
143716640 Excellent-91 EEVVE 2E 4-05 3x 365d 46,420 3.9 1814 3.0 1415 2-10 3x 365d 45,870 3.5 1584 2.9 1331 5-08 3x 365d 41,470 3.7 1550 3.3 1348 7-06 3x 325d 36,940 3.7 1371 3.1 1141 1-10 3x 295d 32,070 3.1 979 2.9
3rd through 7th Dams: Lazy-A Goldwyn Josie Ida-ET
•HM Jr. All-American Aged Cow 2004
•All-California Aged Cow 2003
•Jr. All-California Aged Cow 2003
•Res. Jr. All-California Aged Cow 2002
•Jr. All-California 5 Year Old 2000
•Res. All-California 5 Year Old 2000
Villarosa Broker Ivy-Tw VG-87-7Y-CAN 1* 6-05 2x 336d 23,417 4.0 941 3.2 752
Villarosa Mattador Isabella VG-88-5Y-CAN 4-01 2x 325d 18,519 3.5 857 3.1 573
Oakfield Solomon Sunset-ET "EX-96 2E"
Res. Grand Champion Eastern National 2024 Dam of Lot 16
LOT 16 is now a Choice of Three
Jon Mortensen
1971 Bailey Rd. Melba, ID 83641
Oakfield Gold Luck "EX-96 2E" All-National 4 Year Old 2022 Dam of Lot 16
Oakfield Reality Harmony-ET *RC "EX-95 4E" 1st 150,000 lb. Cow Mideast Fall National 2022 Dam of Lot 16
Choice of December calves from each of these matings listed:
Unfortunately the Sunset calf is no longer available
Croteau Lesperron Unix-ET
Oakfield Solomon Sunset-ET
3134445331 Excellent-96 2E
4-07 2x 350d 40,180 3.8 1543 3.1 1247
3-07 2x 359d 28,300 4.5 1261 3.4 949
•Res. Grand Champion Eastern National 2024
•Nom. All-American 4 Year Old 2023
•Nom. All-American Sr. 3 Year Old 2022
•Grand Champion Eastern Fall Nat'l 2022 & 2023
•Supreme Bred & Owned Champion, All-American Dairy Show 2023
2D: Bella-Rosa GW Sara-ET EX-96 3E
•Selection to be made before April 15, 2025
1) Architect x Oakfield Reality Harmony-ET *RC - 1 Calf
2) Alligator x Oakfield Gold Luck-ET - 2 Calves
Farnear Architect-ET *RC
Oakfield Reality Harmony-ET *RC
3006988909 Excellent-95 4E
7-08 3x 365d 34,470 4.1 1401 2.9 1009
12-1 2x 352d 30,400 4.5 1361 3.2 963
Life: 3465d 253,873 4.1 10489 3.2 8007"
•1st 150,000 lb. Cow Mideast Fall National 2022
•3rd 150,000 lb. Cow Northeast Spr. Nat'l 2021
•1st Production Cow NY State Show 2021
•Grand Champion New England Summer Show '20
2D: Miss Hazel Advent Holly-ET *RC VG-87 2-03 3x 365d 23,080 4.5 1047 3.3 757
3D: Quality-Ridge Stormi Hazel EX-96 2E 5-01 2x 365d 40,320 4.6 1844 3.0 1204” Life: 2061d 184,130 4.3 7858 3.1 5696
•Nominated All-American 7 yrs in milking form!
•Res. All-American 125,000 lb. Cow 2011
•Unanimous All-American 5 Year Old 2008
•All-Canadian 5 Year Old 2008
•Unanimous All-American Jr. 3 Year Old 2006
4D: Quality-Ridge SS Heidi EX-90 2E
Stantons Alligator-ET
Dam: Oakfield Gold Luck
3134445111 Excellent-95 2E
3-04 2x 365d 36,930 4.1 1505 3.1
•4th 5 Year Old NY State Show 2023
•All-National 4 Year Old 2022
•1st 4 Year Old Eastern Fall National 2022
•Senior & Res. Grand Eastern Fall National 2022
•Member Res. All-American Best 3 Females 2022
•1st Sr. 3 Yr Old & HM Int. Ch. NY State Show '21
•Int. & Grand Champion Western PA Champ. 2021
•2nd Sr. 3 & Res. Int. Ch. Mideast Fall Nat'l 2021 2D: Cowtown Durham Luella-ET EX-94 2E
3D: Elleeta Skybuck Lucy EX-95 3E 9-09 2x 281d
•1st 125,000 lb. Cow NE Fall National 2010
•All-American Aged Cow 2007
•1st Aged Cow & Grand Ch. Int’l Show 2007
4D: Elleeta Supersire Leah VG-88-CAN 3*
Co-Vale Dempsy Dina 4270-ET "EX-96 2E"
Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair 2017
Third Dam of Lot 17
840 3284822813 99%RHA-I
Gino & Jaelynn Wilson
1571 Tomales Rd.
Petaluma, CA 94952
707.237.1484 Morgan janelle_wilson@att.net
Walnutlawn Sidekick
CAN12508113 VG-85 *TR *TY *TV *TL *TD
PTA -1074M +5F -5P 99R 12/24
PTA +3.11T +2.23UDC +1.24FLC 99R 12/24
GTPI +2198
R-John Crush Divinity
3234748857 Very Good-87 EVVVV 2-03
Born September 2, 2023 H.N. 102
3rd through 11th Dams:
Co-Vale Dempsy Dina 4270-ET EX-96 2E 4-06 2x
•HHM All-American Lft Production Cow 2020
•All-American 5 Year Old 2018
•1st 5 Yr Old & HM Grand Int’l Hol. Show 2018
Maternal sisters to Divine:
Dinas D Delora-ET EX-94 2E
Dinas Archl Damara-ET EX-92
Dinas Arch Dallas-ET EX-90 EX-MS
Dinas Jacoby Dorothy-ET EX-90
Dinas Archrl Daeva-ET-ET EX-90-5Y-CAN
Willsbro Abbott-ET
GBR388380500583 *TR *CD *TP *TY
PTA -194M +42F +14P 98R 12/24
PTA +1.76T +1.74UDC +.49FLC GTPI +2455
Walnutlawn McCutchen Summer-ET
CAN11120480 Excellent-95 2E (MS:96) 12* 7-02 2x 365d 37,010 4.7 1735 3.3 1215
Maverick Crush
CAN12042760 *TE *TC *TY *TV *TL *TD
PTA -682M -46F -9P 99R 12/24
PTA +2.43T +1.50UDC +1.22FLC GTPI +2071
Dinas Doorman Divine-ET
3134737285 Excellent-92 EEEVE 2E 6-06 4-03 2x
•2nd 5 Yr Old Royal Winter Fair 2018
•Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair 2017
•1st 4 Yr Old & Res. Grand Int’l Hol. Show 2017
•Unanimous AA & AC 4 Year Old 2017
•Unanimous AA & AC Sr. 2 Yr Old 2015
•Nom. All-American Milking Yearling 2014
Co-Vale Jasper Darla 3366 VG-87
Amber-Acres Drake Daisy VG-89 EX-MS 2-04 2x 342d 33,250 4.1 1353 3.6 1183
•All-NY Sr. 2 Year Old 2009
Amber-Acres Marty Anita VG-87
Ms Amber Acres Delilah 1-11 2x 305d 19,020 4.6 867 3.0 578
Co-Vale Black Dorthy EX-90 2E 9-04 2x 305d 40,220 4.1 1636 3.3 1330 Life: 520d 336,830 4.1 13926 3.2 10885
Co-Vale Dorthy VG-88 EX-MS 2-02 2x 335d 25,720 3.7 939 2.9 735
Frogmore Threat Dixie EX-90 4E GMD DOM Life: 3366d 227,240 4.0 9072 3.0 6746
Kinnie-Ridge Kit Builder Dix VG-88
Mi-Sha Dundee Molly-ET "EX-95 3E" Grand Champion California State Show 2014 & 2016 Granddam of Lot 18
Gabbie Gregorio
10950 E. Jahant Rd.
Acampo, CA 95220
doubleg1221@gmail.com frankg4229@gmail.com
840 3288658744 99%RHA-I
Born June 3, 2024 H.N. 8590
PA: +3.02T +2.20UDC +.74FLC
Eclipse Perennial-ET
AUS2096221 *TE
PTA -137M +22F +11P 89R 12/24
PTA +3.82T +3.12UDC +1.45FLC 85R 12/24
GTPI +2287
Air-Osa-MH Millie 25072-ET
3201703205 Excellent-91 EEEVE 5-00
4-06 2x 319d 30,340 3.0 920 3.3 1003"
5-08 2x 200d 19,740 2.9 571 3.0 596"RIP
• 5th Fall Heifer Western Fall National 2019
Oh-River-Syc Crushabull-ET
3135145001 EX-92 *TR *TP *TE *TC *TY
PTA +408M -20F +7P 99R 12/24
PTA +3.24T +2.66UDC +.80FLC GTPI +2110 Eclipse Octane Princess 9-ET AUS1900578
Walnutlawn Solomon-ET
CAN11775998 *TR *TP *TY *TV *TL *TD
PTA -472M -12F -8P 99R 12/24
PTA +2.60T +1.61UDC +.33FLC GTPI +1924
Mi-Sha Dundee Molly-ET 140296286 Excellent-95 EEEEE 3E 9-04
7-00 3x 305d 39,400
•Grand Champion California State Show 2014 •Grand Champion California State Fair 2016
Maternal sister to Marigold: Gabz Defiant Mia EX-90 3-00
Maternal sisters to Millie 25072: Air-Osa-MH Solomon 25081-ET EX-93 5-00 3x 365d 41,660 3.9 1625 3.2 1322
Air-Osa-MH Gldmilly20701-ET EX-92 2E 5-03 3x 365d 39,900 3.2 1290 3.2 1259
Air-Osa-M DM Molly 20159-ET EX-91 EX-MS 4-00 3x 365d 38,230 3.5 1343 3.2 1215
Air-Osa-M Atwood Mig 28957-ET EX-91
3rd through 5th Dams:
Silver-Link Roy Dolly Silver-Link Durham Della
Ludwigs-DG Goldwyn Ember-ET "EX-94 2E" Third Dam of Lot 19
840 3484271876 99%RHA-I
Tony Garcia, Jr. & Joseph Silva and AJ Vaz
6455 California Ave.
Born September 1, 2024 H.N. 715 19
Modesto, CA 95358-8388
209.818.9696 • garcia_dairy_tony@hotmail.com
209.595.0055 Joseph
Croteau Lesperron Unix-ET
CAN107567492 EX-96 ST *TY *TV *TL *TD
PTA +775M +22F +17P 99R 12/24
PTA +2.16T +2.02UDC +.13FLC 99R 12/24
GTPI +2314
Ms Legendholm Extreme
3203772794 Very Good-85 3-07 *TR
1-11 2x 365d 27,210 4.4 1201 3.2 863
A1/A2 • AB
•2nd Fall Heifer Southern Spring National 2021
Amighetti Numero Uno-ET
ITA17990915143 EX-90 GM *TY *TV *TL *TD
PTA -818M +30F -12P 99R 12/24
PTA +.92T +.88UDC -.49FLC GTPI +2223
Regan-ALH Domain Daya-ET
66625459 EX-93-3E-CAN 17* 10-2 2x 365d 51,621 4.3 2211 3.4 1766
Brenland Denver
CAN12074893 *TR *TE *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +609M +28F +10P 99R 12/24
PTA +2.45T +1.40UDC +.50FLC GTPI +2098
Ludwigs-DG Doorman Enjoy-ET
3141725972 Very Good-88 3-10 2-03 2x 365d 28,034 4.2 1169 3.2 891"
Full sisters to Ember:
Ludwigs-DG Goldwyn Ellie-ET EX-95 3E
•Nom. All-American Jr. 2 Year Old 2011
Ludwigs-DG Goldwyn Ella-ET EX-94 2E
•HM All-American Jr. 3 Year Old 2012
3rd through 10th Dams:
Ludwigs-DG Goldwyn Ember-ET EX-94 2E
6-07 2x 305d 41,120 4.8 1975 3.0 1250
Life: 1819d 194,940 4.1 7900 3.2 6183
•1st Spring Yearling Mideast Fall National 2010
•3rd Jr. 2 Yr Old Midwest Spring National 2011
Ma-Tom-Ba Terason Enigma-ET VG-87
2-04 2x 305d 21,510 4.2 901 3.2 695
•1st Winter Hfr Calf Midwest Spring National ‘05
•Unanimous All-American Produce of Dam 2012
•6 Excellent Goldwyn daughters
Budjon-JK Linjet Evalyn-ET EX-91
3-06 2x 305d 38,510 4.2 1631 3.2 1216
Krull Broker Elegance EX-96 3E GMD DOM
5-07 2x 365d 40,950 3.7 1522 3.3 1350
Life: 2356d 183,710 3.7 6878 3.4 6267
•HM All-American Aged Cow 1999 & 2000
•HM All-Canadian Mature Cow 1999
•1st 125,000 lb. Cow Int’l Holstein Show 2000
Krull Starbuck Excellency EX-90 GMD DOM
3-03 2x 365d 27,140 3.5 937 3.4 930
Krull TT Excellency EX-90 EX-MS DOM
3-02 2x 363d 24,319 3.5 862 3.4 829
Krull Boot Mark Excellency EX-92 2E GMD
6-06 2x 365d 27,410 3.8 1040 3.1 868
Life: 3026d 201,440 3.5 7105 3.0 4634
Krull Kingstead Excellency EX-92 4E GMD
12-4 2x 323d 21,920 3.5 772
Life: 3364d 179,790 3.6 6436
Skycrest Sidekick Nailpolish "EX-91 EX-MS" Res. All-American Jr. 3 Year Old 2023 Dam of Lot 20
MB Luckylady Farm
2323 W. Keyes Rd. Modesto, CA 95358
209.495.8438 Louie Borba mbluckylady@gmail.com
Siemers Lambda Haniko-ET
3144882592 *TC *TY *TV *TL *TD
PTA +252M +39F +35P 94R 12/24
PTA +3.33T +3.06UDC +1.29FLC 93R 12/23
GTPI +2554
Skycrest Sidekick Nailpolish
CAN13534224 Excellent-91 EEEEE 3-10
2-00 2x 365d 29,499 4.0 1166 3.4 994
•Res. All-American Jr. 3 Year Old 2023
•1st Jr. 3 Year Old International Show 2023
•9th Jr. 3 Year Old Royal Winter Fair 2023
Farnear Delta-Lambda-ET
3125993715 *TR *TP *TE *TC *TY *TV *TL *TD
PTA +1389M +51F +49P 99R 12/24
PTA +2.76T +2.67UDC +1.14FLC GTPI +2821
Siemers Monterey Hanika-ET
3131528424 Very Good-86 GMD 2-01 2x 365d 33,390 4.5 1511 3.6 1211
Walnutlawn Sidekick
CAN12508113 VG-85 *TR *TY *TV *TL *TD
PTA -1074M +5F -5P 99R 12/24
PTA +3.11T +2.23UDC +1.24FLC GTPI +2198
Skycrest High O Nickers
CAN12541316 VG-87-3Y-CAN 3-02 2x
3rd through 8th Dams:
Skycrest Blitz Nock Out EX-92-4E 6* 11-7 2x 365d 33,345 4.0 1329 2.8 944 Life: 7 lact. 224,091 3.9 8673 3.0 6645
•2nd Spring Yearling AB Dairy Congress 2008
•3rd Spring Yearling Saskatoon Expo 2008
Skycrest Dundee Nemo GP-80-2Y-CAN 2-05 2x 307d 18,276 4.9 888 3.7 677
•Nom. All-Canadian 4-H Senior Calf 2005
•Res. Jr. Champion Westerner Champ. 2006
Skycrest Leduc Naomi VG-89-4Y-CAN 2-07 2x 360d 14,766 5.0 734 3.5 520
Riview BC Noelle VG-87-5Y-CAN 7-02 2x 332d 18,887 4.2 798 3.4 646
Life: 7 lact. 119,749 4.2 4991 3.5 4167
Riview Ma Finest EX-2E-CAN
7-05 2x 303d 24,436 3.4 822 3.2 791
Life: 8 lact. 162,243 3.3 5280 3.3 5309
Velvetvue Mattador Lady VG-85-5Y-CAN 2*
7-02 2x 336d 22,835 4.5 1030 3.8 862
Life: 9 lact. 164,227 4.5 7436 3.8 6197
Vandoskes War Applejack-Red "EX-90 EX-MS" 1st Jr. 2 Year Old California State R&W Show 2023 Dam of Lot 21
Vierra Dairy, Joseph Goncalves & Eddie Da Rocha
23160 Williams Ave. Hilmar, CA 95324
209.620.7589 Joseph Goncalves
614.395.9823 Jenny Thomas
840 3280707161 99%RHA-I
Born March 2, 2024 H.N. 455
3rd through 11th Dams: Holbric Star Alanis-Red-ET
Trent-Way-JS Rompen-Red-ET
3200914543 *TP *TE *TC *TY *TV
PTA +1291M +26F +34P 98R 12/24
PTA +2.29T +2.29UDC +1.23FLC 97R 12/24
GTPI +2582
Vandoskes War Applejack-Red
3212909776 Excellent-90 EX-MS 3-01
2-00 2x 308d 35,296 4.3 1544 3.6 1269"
•1st Jr. 2 Yr Old California State R&W Show 2023
•Nom. All-American R&W Spring Yearling 2022
•4th Spring Yearling International R&W Show 2022
Maternal sister to Aleen:
Glad-Ray-K Allstar-Red VG-88
3-06 2x 305d 23,180 3.0 699 3.1 708
•Nom. All-American R&W Winter Yearling 2014
•2nd Sr. 2 Yr Old & Res. Int. Ch. NY Spr. R&W ‘15
Peak Altaaltuve-ET *RC
3138499077 *RC *TP *TE *TC *TY
PTA +1942M +79F +71P 98R 12/24
PTA +1.65T +.54UDC +.62FLC GTPI +2738
Trent-Way-JS Redgirl-Red-ET
3142352061 Excellent-92 2E 5-04 2x 315d 37,160 4.2 1568 3.0 1113
Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET
3139655530 *TP *TE *TC *TY *TV *TL *TD
PTA -625M -21F -12P 99R 12/24
PTA +2.77T +1.43UDC +1.12FLC GTPI +1684 Glad-Ray-K BW Aleen-Red 143980173 Very Good-88 5-00 2-00 3x 305d 30,873 4.0 1245 3.3 1032”
•Res. Jr. All-American R&W Fall Calf 2017
•1st Fall Calf and Junior Champion, NY Spring R&W Jr. Show 2017
•2nd Fall Calf International R&W Jr. Show 2017
•Res. Jr. Champion Midwest Spring R&W 2017
•All-Wisconsin R&W Fall Calf 2017
•Res. Jr. Champion WI R&W Champ. Jr. Sh. 2017
Cha-Liz F Mini Ann B EX-92 3E 7-09 2x 305d 19,080 3.7 712
Cha-Liz P V Ann Adeu B EX-92 2E
3200d 196,887 3.7 7371
Wenron Adeu Ann Champion B 3E-91 GMD
3600d 196,626 3.7 7187
Antonio & Mary Cabral
13390 McFarland St. Galt, CA 95632
209.744.6932 ynot1949@yahoo.com
Genie-J Shamrock Mollie-ET "VG-85 VG-MS" Fourth Dam of Lot 22
840 3223561186 99%RHA-I Born December 15, 2023 H.N. 75
Siemers Doc Hancock
3144882821 *TR *TP *TM *TE *TC
PTA +1282M +50F +42P 99R 12/24
PTA +3.56T +3.34UDC +2.43FLC 99R 12/24
GTPI +2741
Cal-Cab Crvt Mystic Raven
3147395014 Excellent-91 EEEVE 4-07
2-01 2x 365d 32,580 3.8 1224 3.1 1020
3-03 2x 302d 33,720 3.4 1158 2.9 994
Woodcrest King Doc
3132417775 EX-90 GM *TR *TP *TE *TC *TY
PTA +1621M +66F +56P 99R 12/24
PTA +3.04T +2.02UDC +1.85FLC GTPI +2767
Siemers Monterey Hanan-ET
3131528231 Very Good-85 VG-MS 2-02 2-00 3x 156d 12,470 4.1 517 3.2 393
Sonnek GC Corvette-ET
71391400 EX-92 *TR *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA -26M +2F +4P 99R 12/24
PTA +1.90T +.86UDC +1.26FLC GTPI +1923
TJM-Way Lee Mitzi
143596358 Excellent-91 EEEVE 8-06
7-05 2x 365d 33,510 4.2 1406 3.1 1051 4-11 2x
3rd through 12th Dams: Hoek-Way Doorman Megan EX-90 EX-MS 3-06 2x 352d 29,400 4.1 1207" Genie-J Shamrock Mollie-ET VG-85 VG-MS 3-03 2x 365d 31,460 3.0 952 3.2 1019
Markwell Goldwyn Mitzi-ET VG-88 DOM 2-00
Morty Fancy-ET
Markwell Thor Renee-ET VG-87-CAN 7* 2-02 2x 348d
Markwell Bstar E Raven-ET EX-95 3E GMD DOM 4-09 2x 365d 37,610 4.3 1580 3.4 1255 Life: 2387d 160,020 4.1 6623 3.6 5763
•1st Dry Aged Cow Western National 1997
•Finalist for Queen of the Breed
Markwell Mark Elite EX-92 4E GMD DOM 7-00 2x 365d 36,230 3.9 1426 3.2 1165 Life: 3736d 211,430 3.8 8108 3.6 7533
Rockalli Mars Emily EX-94 4E GMD DOM 6-03 2x 365d 26,970 4.0 1081 3.2 853 Life: 3113d 182,970 3.8 7016 3.5 6330
Lantz & Kolbi Adams
16661 S. Fowler Ave. Selma, CA 93662 559.362.8842 Lantz ladams032@gmail.com
Grand Champion California R&W and Western Spring National R&W 2014 Granddam of Lot 23
840 3272024684 99%RHA-I *RC Born September 1, 2024 H.N. 831
Farnear Delta-Lambda-ET
3125993715 *TR *TP *TE *TC *TY *TV *TL *TD
PTA +1389M +51F +49P 99R 12/24
PTA +2.76T +2.67UDC +1.14FLC 99R 12/24
GTPI +2821
Mi-Sha B Shari-25087-Red-ET
PTA +2.30T +1.13UDC +1.51FLC 80R 12/24
1-11 2x 75d 4,422 3.1 139 3.0 131"RIP
305ME: 24,563M
Mr Mogul Delta 1427-ET
72128216 GM *TR *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +868M +54F +32P 99R 12/24
PTA +1.06T +1.70UDC +.33FLC GTPI +2592
EDG Lorette Uno 2198-ET
72437745 Excellent-91 2E 6-10 4-02 2x 330d 31,660 4.1 1289 3.4 1068
Cycle Ron Burgundy-Red-ET
3208383914 *TP *TE *TC *TY *TV
PTA -98M +7F +5P 89R 12/24
PTA +2.71T +2.33UDC +1.87FLC GTPI +2194
Paulo-Bro-SP Shari-Red-ET
139538645 Excellent-94 EEEEE 3E 6-06 2x
935 3-06 2x 336d
Full sister to Shari-Red: Paulo-Bro-SP Shar-Red-ET EX-94 2E 4-00 2x
•HM All-American R&W 125,000 lb. Cow 2015
•All-Wisconsin R&W Aged Cow 2015
•Res. All-American R&W 5 Year Old 2014
•Grand Champion Wisconsin R&W Show 2014
•Res. All-Canadian R&W Junior Cow 2012
•Nom. All-American R&W Jr. 3 Year Old 2012
3rd through 11th Dams: Budjon Redmaker Shar-ET
•Res. All-Wisconsin 4 Year Old 2007
•Member All-Wisconsin Produce of Dam 2007
Budjon Encore Sharlene EX-93 2E
Budjon Mark Sue EX-91 EX-MS
Mannix Susan GP-84
Budjon Raven Standout Sue VG-85
Budjon Raven Supreme VG-87
Lakeside Canary Supreme VG-85 GMD
Chase Vander Eyk
P.O. Box 957
Tipton, CA 93272
815.878.0672 Adam Slutz vandereykdairy@gmail.com
Eyks U Kimmie "VG-85 VG-MS" Dam of Lot 24
840 3263329292 99%RHA-I
Born July 18, 2024 H.N. 142
Siemers Wolf Hulu 37006-ET *RC
3245702863 *RC *TP *TE *TC *TY *TV *TL *TD
PTA +989M+51F +50P 82R 12/24
PTA +3.45T +2.91UDC +1.93FLC 80R 12/24
GTPI +2849
Eyks U Kimmie
3206066918 Very Good-85 VG-MS 1-10
1-10 2x 178d 12,320 3.0 365 2.8 345"RIP
305ME: 31,420M
Aija Wolfgang *RC
CAN13494527 *RC
PTA +1188M +28F +34P 91R 12/24
PTA +2.63T +2.65UDC +1.41FLC GTPI +2542
Siemers Lstr Hanan 33317-ET *PC
3212996392 Excellent-91 EEEVE 4-07 3-03 2x 337d 39,390 3.9 1539 3.4 1321
Croteau Lesperron Unix-ET
CAN107567492 EX-96 ST *TY *TV *TL *TD
PTA +775M +22F +17P 99R 12/24
PTA +2.16T +2.02UDC +.13FLC GTPI +2314
Ruann Crush Krista-80241-ET
3147999205 Excellent-90 EX-MS 3-07
3-01 2x 365d 25,510 3.2 815 3.3 835
2-01 2x 299d 17,710 3.3 589 3.1 551 •5th Spring Yearling Western Fall National 2019
3rd through 6th Dams: Ruann Braxton Lee-14936-ET EX-90 4-04 3x 335d 35,170 3.5 1216 2.9 1011 Life: 1268d 122,970 3.7 4496 2.9 3532
Ruann Tundra Lee-25389 EX-93 EEEEE DOM 3-07 3x 365d 42,330 3.9 1643 3.0 1259 Life: 1511d 145,190 3.8 5532 3.1 4462
Ruann Donny Lee 5391 VG-86 VG-MS 2-00 3x 365d 32,440 4.2 1361 2.9 937
Ruann Jug Krista-40629-Tw VG-86 3-09 3x 347d 35,330 3.7 1323 3.0 1059 Life: 1418d 126,660 4.0 5022 3.1 3940
R-John Delm Charleston-ET "VG-88"
Nom. Junior All-American Jr. 2 Year Old 2024
Maternal Sister to Lot 25
Cheers Avalanche Charley-ET "EX-91 EX-MS" HM All-American Spring Yearling 2021 Dam of Lot 25
Unique Dempsey Cheers "EX-95 2E" 2x Res. All-American Granddam of Lot 25
840 3267547872 99%RHA-I
John Cunningham
4338 Lichau Rd.
Penngrove, CA 94951-9710
Walnutlawn Sidekick
CAN12508113 VG-85 *TR *TY *TV *TL *TD
PTA -1074M +5F -5P 99R 12/24
PTA +3.11T +2.23UDC +1.24FLC 99R 12/24
GTPI +2198
Cheers Avalanche Charley-ET
3205758088 Excellent-91 EEVVE 3-06
GPTA +3.10T +1.60UDC +1.18FLC 85R 12/24
1-10 2x 215d 18,820 4.1 773 2.9 544
•2nd Jr. 2 Year Old Midwest Spring National 2022
•HM All-American Spring Yearling 2021
•Res. All-National Spring Yearling 2021
•Junior Champion Western Spring National 2021
•4th Spring Yearling International Show 2021
Full sisters to Charley:
Cheers Avalanche Chakira-ET EX-92
Cheers Avalnche Cheyenne-ET EX-90
•2nd Sr. 2 Year Old Premier Nat'l Jr. Show 2022
•Jr. All-PA Sr. 2 Year Old 2022
Born March 9, 2024
GPTA +3.13T +1.81UDC +1.25FLC 81R 12/24
Maternal sister to Cookie:
R-John Delm Charleston-ET VG-88
•Nom. Jr. All-American Jr. 2 Year Old 2024
•2nd Jr. 2 Year Old International Junior Show 2024
Maternal sisters to Charley:
Blondin Unstopabull Cheerios-ET EX-93-4Y-CAN
Blondin Sidekick Chianti-ET EX-92-4Y-CAN
Blondin Unstopabull Cheers-ET VG-88-4Y-CAN
•Nom. Canadian Champion Summer Jr. 2 Yr Old '20
Blondin Unstopabull Cheetos-ET EX-90-6Y-CAN
•Dam of Blondin Cheerful-Red
Cheers Sdkck Cheap Trick-ET EX-91
•Res. Jr. All-WI Jr. 3 Year Old 2023
Budjon-Vail Eyec Chalack-ET
•Nom. All-American Spring Yearling 2024
3rd through 11th Dams:
Unique Alexander Charm VG-88-3Y-CAN 2*
5-00 2x 327d 30,055 4.4 1325 3.4 1017
Dymentholm Mr App Avalanche-Tw
CAN11957107 *RC *CV *TY *TL *TD
PTA -317M -10F -9P 99R 12/24
PTA +3.50T +2.60UDC +2.04FLC GTPI +1824
Unique Dempsey Cheers
CAN11957116 Excellent-95 EEEEE 2E 4*
5-00 2x 291d 30,200 5.6 1678 3.0 921
5-11 2x
•2nd Aged Cow Midwest Spring National 2021
•Res. All-American Jr. 3 Year Old 2018
•Res. Int. Champion Int’l Holstein Show 2018
•Res. All-American Jr. 2 Year Old 2017
•HM Int. Champion Ontario Summer Show 2017
•1st Jr. 2 Year Old Ontario Summer Show 2017
Life: 1597d 132,970 4.5 6033 3.4 4460
Stoneden Baxter Canada-ET EX-91-2E-CAN
5-02 2x 334d 33,591 3.7 1230 3.2 1078
Life: 5 lacts. 118,052 3.9 4592 3.3 3904
Stoneden Goldwyn Candace EX-95-3E 17* 4-06 2x 365d 43,265 4.0 1737 3.0 1307
Life: 5 lacts. 214,424 3.7 7926 3.2 6812
•HM All-Canadian Sr. 2 Year Old 2009
•3rd Sr. 2 Year Old RAWF & Int'l Show 2009
Stoneden Leduc Christa EX-92-2E-CAN 6*
Stoneden Rudolph Crystal VG-88-CAN 3*
Gillette Astre Chria-ET VG-88-CAN 6*
Maeford Starbuck Chrissy EX-CAN 17*
Montmaple Christina EX-CAN 6*
Cheeseboro Maisie VG-85-CAN
Adams, Lantz & Kolbi .................................23
Airoso Dairy ....................................................10
Budjon Farms ................................................13
Cabral, Antonio & Mary .............................22
Cranehill Genetics ..........................................8
Cunningham, John .......................1, 12 & 25
Garcia, Tony Jr. and AJ Vaz .........................4
Garcia, Tony Jr., Joseph Silva and AJ Vaz .............................................................................19
Genosource ...................................................3E
Gregorio, Gabbie ..........................................18
Grossi, Henry ...................................................2
Legacy Ranch and Terra Linda ..................7
Maddox, Stephen & Patrick .............3G & 5
Mast, Stephen and Alex Gambonini .......11
MB Luckylady Farm ....................................20
Mortenson, Jon .............................................16
New Direction IRA, Inc. ....................3A & 3B
Siemers Holstein Farms, Inc. ....................1E
Silva, Max & Weston and Aidan Azevedo .. .............................................................................9
Silveira Dairy .................................................2G
Teixeira, Robert & Kate and Tommy & Lindsey Nunes ............................................6
Terra Linda Dairy ..............................4G & 5G
Trifecta Genetics .........................................6G
Van Exel, Henry Patrick ..............................15
Vanden Berge, Curtis Ryan ...........1G & 2E
Vander Eyk, Chase ......................................24
Vieira, Jason & Melissa ..............................14
Vierra Dairy, Joseph Goncalves & Eddie Da Rocha ...................................................21
Wilson, Gino & Jaelynn ..............................17