Coffee Map 2

Page 1

7 million

tons of coffee beans are hand picked each year approx bags of coffee

110-120 million are produced each year

coffee producing countries



gross domestic product (billion $US)



200-500 500-1000 1000-2000 2000+

the money







the barista gets 9.5 cents

the business gets 137 cents profit

the farmer gets non-fair trade 0.6 cents fair trade 1.26 cents

is this fair?

ethiopia’s export is coffee

$500 million

starbucks profit in 2007


the average annual wage of barista in philadelphia


average income ethiopian farmers get from coffee

400 million

cups of coffee consumed by americans each day

30 year low

price of coffee today


coffee farmers can’t earn enough to feed their families

coffee consumption (kg/capita/year)

the coffee world economy map the farmer

> 50%

what can I do? ask you local coffee shop to stock coffee from fairtrade farmers

the consumer pays 177 cents

boycot corporate coffee shops who stock non-fair trade coffee buy fairtrade coffee and brew it yourself, at home and at work educate yourself and your friends

fair trade coffee is better than non-fair trade, but it’s not perfect......

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