WE ARE LOOKING FOR EXPERIENCED GROOMERS Make the best job even better. Become a Pet Stylist at PetSmart. If you have experience running your own salon or working as a freelance groomer, we want you at PetSmart. You can stabilize your earnings, increase your clientele and expand your expertise at PetSmart by working with thousands of PetSmart’s furry customers across hundreds of breeds. We offer competitive pay, continuous training, benefits and a full or part-time schedule.
Interested in becoming a groomer? Join our Grooming Academy today and receive $6,000 worth of paid training plus a $500 toolkit for free.
jobs.petsmart.com/salon We are an Equal Opportunity Employer.
by Kathy Hosler
ALSO INSIDE All American & Groom Texas Preview
Networking Defined: Develop, Build, & Foster Lasting Relationships
Conner: 10 Mistakes Groomers Make
Ask the Grooming Tutor: Competition Grooming: Where to Start?
Industry News
Nutrition & the Skin: The Scientific Correlation 22
New Products
Oquendo: Cleaning the Air the Natural Way 36
Classifieds 72
Raisanen: The Natural Truth
Calendar of Events 74
EDITORIAL STAFF EDITOR/PRESIDENT Todd Shelly todd@barkleigh.com
ART DIRECTOR Laura Pennington laura@barkleigh.com
ASSISTANT EDITOR Gwen Shelly gwen@barkleigh.com
SR. GRAPHIC DESIGNER Jenn Barraclough jennifer@barkleigh.com
MANAGING EDITOR Rebecca Shipman rebecca@barkleigh.com
JR. GRAPHIC DESIGNER Jenny Thomas jthomas@barkleigh.com
CHIEF OPERATIONS OFFICER Adam Lohr adam@barkleigh.com
VIDEO PRODUCTION Jeremiah Strawbridge jeremiah@barkleigh.com SOCIAL MEDIA COORDINATOR Cayla Pavlovec Cayla@barkleigh.com
DIRECTOR OF MARKETING & CLIENT RELATIONS James Severs james@barkleigh.com SALES & MARKETING COORDINATOR Alyx Robertson alyx@barkleigh.com
WEB MASTER Luke Dumberth luke@barkleigh.com
PAGE 30 by Michelle Knowles
The New Grooming Salon: Part V Equipment 60
Kim Raisanen
Kathy Hosler
Mary Oquendo
Michell Evans
Gary Wilkes
Daryl Conner
Copyright July 2017. Groomer to Groomer is published monthly by Barkleigh Productions, Inc, 970 West Trindle Road, Mechanicsburg PA 17055. Postmaster: Send change of address to Groomer to Groomer c/o Barkleigh Productions, Inc., 970 West Trindle Road, Mechanicsburg PA 17055. Annual U.S. subscription rate $25. Outside U.S. $79. year, surface rates. Groomer to Groomer is free to current Barkleigh Productions, Inc. customers. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. Editorial offices: 970 West Trindle Road, Mechanicsburg PA 17055. (717) 691–3388 FAX: (717) 691–3381 Email: info@barkleigh.com
Groomer to Groomer • Vol 36 Ed 7 • July 2017
he All American Grooming Show will return to The Westin Chicago North Shore in Wheeling, IL on August 10-13, 2017. The show’s legacy will continue as great education, exciting grooming competitions and the three day trade show will bring more to Chicago groomers than it ever has before. All American will also continue to maintain the timeless traditions of the Knock Your Smocks Off Smock Contest, Abstract Creative Runway, and the Saturday night party that were started with the show’s original owner, Jerry Schinberg. This year will offer some brand
new seminars including Khris Berry’s Pet Professional’s Business Makeover: Marketing, Management, Money and Media taking place on Friday, August 11. This four hour seminar will offer fresh insights to groomers on how to infuse professionalism and passion into their business strategies and promotion. The All American show will also offer seminars presented by Victor Rosado, Joey Villani, Scott Wasserman and Cindy Oliver on topics including business, creative grooming, handstripping and master class techniques. Registration for the Show is available at www.AAGroom.com.
Groomer to Groomer • Vol 36 Ed 7 • July 2017
July 21–23, 2017
room Texas, a grooming show held within the Houston World Series of Dog Shows, will be held July 21-23, 2017 at Houston’s NRG Center. The unique show will bring together the grooming and dog show worlds to promote interaction and ideas, offering an exclusive experience often reserved for a select few. Groom Texas will also feature educational seminars by some of the grooming industry’s favorite speakers, breed standard competitions, and a creative styling competition that you will not want to miss. Registration for Groom Texas is available online at www.TXGroom.com.
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Groomer to Groomer • Vol 35 Ed 6 • June 2016
Develop, Build, & Foster
Lasting Relationships E by Khris Berry e
Ginny the Groomer walks into the local grocery store and leaves with two new request clients and the promise of referrals for an entire neighborhood. We all know her—and marvel at the ease with which she introduces herself to prospective clients, strikes up conversations with strangers, and solicits her Pet Styling services. Ginny is a natural Networker.
Groomer to Groomer • Vol 36 Ed 7 • July 2017
cording to Merriam– Webster Dictionary, a Network is defined as an interconnected or interrelated chain, group, or system. We create many networks around us to navigate our personal and professional affairs. Identifying your own networks and how you can use them for success can offer vast opportunities for developing, building, and fostering long term relationships with clients and their pets. Identifying your existing networks is a great place to begin understanding the value of individuals and their place in your professional chain. Facebook has attempted to define the sections of your web for you—it offers groups based upon your interests, family and friends, and even where you went to school or live. Begin to think about how many different networks you belong to and what your role is in those. Family and Friends is an easy place to start. Many new groomers rely on these networks to help them by word of mouth and referrals. If you are anxious about speaking to strangers about your services, practice by telling people in your closest and most trusted network what you do. Often we focus on our challenges rather than our strengths—tell people what you are good at! Once you become comfortable singing your praises to your close networks, it’s time to branch out. Networking is about allowing people to know you and
BIG TO SMALL It Dries Them All!
The Air Force® Master Blaster ® Pet Dryer is the perfect tool for all your furry clients, big or small. Powerful when you need it and gentle when you don’t. Variable speed provides infinite control over airspeed that lets you unleash the power you need for big jobs, while also allowing you to reduce unnecessary noise and velocity by up to 90% when grooming small or short-haired breeds. Less noise means less frightened dogs and more efficient grooming.
The configuration and coloring of the Air Force® Master Blaster® is a US Registered trademark of Metropolitan Vacuum Cleaner Company, Inc. *1 year on parts; other restrictions apply. Made in the USA with foreign and domestic components.
Ask your most loyal customers if they know someone who could benefit from your services. While you are at it, ask them if there are any ways you could improve their experience—customers really enjoy feeling as if they have input.
learning about them in reverse. In our workplace, I often challenge staff members to learn three new facts, not related to pets, about their customers in a day. This request is often met with a white–eyed look of panic, since, as pet professionals, we are so focused on the pets that we forget there is a human attached to them. The give and take of casual conversation becomes easier with practice. Developing deep and lasting relationships with clients comes from knowing them better, and vice versa. This is not permission to tell your favorite client all the details of your nightlife or your recent car repair. There is a fine line to sharing and oversharing—learn it! Now you have mastered Networking among your close circles of Family and Friends. You are ready
to tackle the next ring of your web. Existing customers offer valuable information about you and your services. Ask your most loyal customers if they know someone who could benefit from your services. While you are at it, ask them if there are any ways you could improve their experience—customers really enjoy feeling as if they have input. New customers equal new opportunities. Hopefully you have become comfortable delivering your personal commercial to your existing circles. Now it’s time to try it out on your newest clients. It’s a sad day in our organization when we hear a six month (or longer) client say “I didn’t know you offered that!” When we hear this statement, it means that we did not do a great job with our personal commercial. Either
JODI MURPHY Visit our website to see what other groomers have to say about the Prima Bathing System.
Groomer to Groomer • Vol 36 Ed 7 • July 2017
• Fortified with organic Baobab Protein from the fruit of the African Tree of Life. • Nourishes hair from the roots to the tip. • Helps with heat protection and damage recovery. • Instantly hydrates, moisturizes and rejuvenates skin. • No Xanthan gum thickener added for quicker foam and rinse time. • Mild Sulfate-Free cleansers for softer, smoother & more manageable coat. • Colognes can be used after bathing and between baths to keep your pet smelling wonderful. • 100% biodegradable and safe for puppies and kittens. • Concentrated may be diluted with 6 parts water.
SUPPORTING INDEPENDENT & SPECIALTY PET STORES visit our website for full ingredient listing and much more
We live in a culture where pets are increasingly becoming a lifestyle choice; pet owners wear dog gear or have their faithful friend alongside for more and more activities. Go meet them! we didn’t tell them about ourselves or the customer changed the channel on us mentally while we were doing so. Either way, we missed a networking opportunity. Clients are the most excited about us when the relationship is new and that is our best time to share ourselves, our education, and our information with them. The Stranger circle is typically the most difficult Network circle for people to dive into. For salespeople, it is the equivalent of cold–calling. Approaching a stranger is daunting
for many groomers. Every person knows someone with a dog. Ask them for their favorite dog story. I carry business cards at all times. Anyone who looks remotely as if they have a dog, like a dog, or even looks for two seconds at my dog will be presented with one. If they say “I’m sorry, I don’t have a dog,” I typically respond with “Do you know someone who does?” We live in a culture where pets are increasingly becoming a lifestyle choice; pet owners wear dog gear or have their faithful friend alongside
for more and more activities. Go meet them! Smile and be polite—you may be meeting a future loyal customer. Network can be identified by the dictionary as a noun and a verb. Both are correct and should apply to your grocery store trips. A network is a group of people that you have connections to: you already belong to a broad network of pet lovers; get to know them one at a time. As a verb, to network requires the action of making a connection. Get busy, there are a lot of connections to be made! ✂
Khris Berry has been involved in the Pet Services industry since the early 1990’s. She has owned grooming shops, boarding kennels, and obedience training schools and is a Certified AKC Canine Good Citizen Evaluator. She is the cofounder of See Spot Grooming & Daycare which currently operates 3 locations in 2 states. Her vision has led her to create a Groomer-centric company which provides education, a positive work atmosphere, and benefits for all Spots. She owns and competes in a variety of events with Wirehaired Vizslas including dock diving and obedience.
Find Groomer to Groomer Magazine on
www.facebook.com/ groomertogroomermagazine
Groomer to Groomer • Vol 36 Ed 7 • July 2017
The Solution for Every Groomer
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GROOMERS MAKE Everyone makes mistakes. Some are insignificant, for instance, putting a bow on a dog when the owner is someone who prefers bandanas. Some are much larger, and can affect our livelihood.
ere are 10 common mistakes groomers often make, and why you should avoid them. 1. Making poor choices of foods and beverages, (or not eating/drinking at all) during the busy work day. Grooming is a job with mental, emotional, and physical challenges. We simply cannot be at our best running on soda and potato chips. It takes a little time to plan, buy and prepare healthy food to fuel our bodies, but if we don’t, we risk blood sugar fluctuations that make us feel grouchy and tired in the short term, and health problems in the long term.
There are active on–line groomer groups with folks who embrace healthy eating choices such as Whole 30, Paleo, and more. Having the support of other groomers who choose to eat right can be wildly encouraging. Feeling better once you make good choices can keep you going.
handled, all while navigating slippery floors, and you can have a recipe for disaster. If our feet are not in good shoes they cannot support our bodies, and other muscles and joints must work harder to compensate. Besides, sore feet make us feel tired and grumpy. Who needs that?
2. Wearing shoes that don’t properly support you. This may seem silly, but if our feet are not properly supported, biomechanics work against us. We exert a tremendous amount of pressure on our feet merely by standing. Add in walking, twisting, lifting, and handling dogs that sometimes don’t want to be
3. An often–asked question on grooming sites is this: “How do you prevent burning out?” The answer is simple. Don’t work too many hours. Groomers are famous for working too many days a week, and too many hours a day. Many of us don’t take vacations. A schedule that does not offer time for rest,
Groomer to Groomer • Vol 36 Ed 7 • July 2017
A schedule that does not offer time for rest, relaxation, and a break from the stresses of work is one that will put any groomer on the fast track for burn out.
relaxation, and a break from the stresses of work is one that will put any groomer on the fast track for burn out. Why do groomers work so many hours? Often, it’s because they are undercharging for their services, which leads us to mistake number 4. 4. Not charging enough for your skills. It is imperative that groomers know what their cost of being in business is so they can charge adequately for their services and make a profit at the end of the day. This means taking a good, hard look at all your expenses (rent/mortgage, supplies, energy costs, waste disposal, insurance, etc.) and coming up with a plan to charge enough for each pet you groom so that you don’t have to work a 60–hour week just to keep your doors open. Good pet groomers have a unique skill set that is
in demand. Don’t undersell yourself. 5. Avoiding annual price increases. Your cost of doing business goes up every year. Your prices need to go up, too. If you put this off for a few years you will have to have a larger increase, and that can scare customers off. It is better to raise rates a small amount each year. Many groomers choose to do this during the summer months, avoiding rate hikes during the holiday or winter seasons. 6. Not having proper insurance coverage. Accidents happen. Fires, floods, natural disasters. Customers could slip and fall on your pathway; a dog could chew through its leash and escape. One uninsured accident can ruin all the hard work you have done to create a business if you don’t
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Groomer to Groomer • Vol 36 Ed 7 • July 2017
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have adequate insurance. Talk to someone who knows our industry and buy a policy that covers the sorts of accidents that are specific to groomers. The average small grooming shop can have excellent insurance coverage for the approximate cost of grooming around 8–10 Springer Spaniels a year. When you look at it like that, doesn’t it
seem silly not to be properly insured? 7. Take care of the future. So many groomers fail to invest in a retirement plan. Historically, Americans under– save for retirement, and from looking at my fellow groomers it seems many of us are guilty of doing just that. If you are self–employed, it’s a simple
matter to set up an IRA and have a set amount auto drafted from your account each month. Watching your nest egg grow and knowing that someday you really will be able to afford to retire is an amazing comfort. 8. Invest back in your business. It can be easy to let things slide, but ideally we should all be keeping up the appearance of your business. Work areas can become shabby and shopworn over time, it pays to keep things in good repair as well as looking (and smelling!) pleasant. We should also be investing in advertising if we still have spaces to fill on our calendars. 9. Speaking of investing, do you have all the time saving tools available? ClipperVac© systems, bathing systems, high velocity dryers, ergonomically correct bath tubs and tables all are investments that will help you groom both more safely and efficiently. And being efficient will help you groom more pets per day, which is a clear way to increase profits. 10. Many groomers think that they cannot afford to hire an accountant or lawyer when needed. In fact, the fees these professionals charge can save you thousands of dollars overall. For instance, a good accountant can not only make sure that your bookkeeping is accurate, but they know tax laws the way we know pet hair. You could be saving huge amounts each year by investing in a good professional to help you manage your money and deal with the IRS. To wrap this all up, it’s important for us to remember that a pursuit in pet styling is about more than grooming. It’s never a mistake to take good care of ourselves and our business. ✂
Groomer to Groomer • Vol 36 Ed 7 • July 2017
a l l n at u r a l p e t c a re prod u c t s
In The Ring or In Your Shop... Stand Out, Turn Heads, Win! Count on EZ-Groom
Leslie Newing 2014
Juile Pantages,
Owner & Acclaimed Winner, Best in Show, Gloucester Mass.
Best in Show Crystal White Shampoo
C a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 7 7 7- 5 8 9 9 or v i s i t : w w w. E Z G r o o m P r o.c o m
THE SCIENTIFIC CORRELATION E by Dr. Cliff Faver e There are four basic
• Food
requirements for all
• Water
living organisms, and
• Oxygen
nutrition is one of them. • Protection
ood provides the building blocks that, in turn, provide the energy for the cells processes: reproduction, growth, and maintenance. We assume if we feed our pets “healthy food” then all these processes will occur without any problems. However, there is a lot more to good nutrition and there are things that affect this process (or cell metabolism):
• INGREDIENTS There are a lot of marketing terms and ideas out there, most of which that are geared at selling pet food, not at the health of the pet. Just because an ingredient is present in a food doesn’t mean that it can be broken down and is bioavailable to the cells.
• HAVING A BALANCED DIET Many of the vitamins, fats, proteins, etc. in pet food today may
be good, but in order to produce good results they have to be present in the correct ratios. If they are not, they can create bi–products that are toxic to the body or cause the kidneys and liver to work overtime to clean out the body of the things it can’t use.
• INTERNAL FACTORS Nutrition provides the ingredients that cause a chemical reaction in the cell. But if there are other things going on in the body, then this reaction may not occur the same as it would in a healthy cell. Some things that can affect the normal processes of cells are disease, hormonal imbalance, liver problem, kidney problems and dehydration. Therefore, the most important part of good nutrition is what makes it to the cell and how the cell processes what it receives.
Groomer to Groomer • Vol 36 Ed 7 • July 2017
Hydration, or water, is another very important part of metabolism because it is a necessary compound in all of these chemical reactions. The more dehydrated the cells become, the slower the chemical reactions become to the point it can even lead to cell death or death of the animal. Water is also the mechanism to remove toxins from the cells and body.
SO HOW DOES THIS WORK WITH THE HEALTH OF THE SKIN? In theory, everyone wants to make it simple and say if we provide a good diet then our pets will have healthy skin. In reality, you can feed the best diet on the market and still have skin issues. How can this be? In order to answer this we need to look at how the hair and skin get their nutrients and discuss the “skin bar-
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G g i B
Hair Follicle Sebaceous Gland Sebum Layer
1. The skin cells form in the basal layer. Basal Layer
2. The mature cells are dependent on the sebum layer to get their nutrition. 3. The sebum is produced in the sebaceous glands and migrates from the hair follicle to the surface of the skin.
The skin forms a barrier of fatty acids and oils, connective tissue, and cells to keep good things in and keep bad things out.
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Groomer to Groomer • Vol 36 Ed 7 • July 2017
rier” (sebum layer). Skin is the largest organ in the body and its main function is to keep good things in (organs, water, bones, etc.) and keep bad things out (toxins, pollutants, allergens, etc.). In order to accomplish this function, the skin forms a barrier of fatty acids and oils, connective tissue, and cells. The skin cells form in the basal layer which is fed directly by the blood. As the cells mature and move to the surface of the skin, the cells are dependent on the sebum layer that they are surrounded by, and float in, to get their nutrition. The sebum is produced in the sebaceous glands and migrates from the hair follicle to the surface of the skin and coats the surface of the skin and the hair. This all plays a major part in creating and maintaining the “skin barrier”. Therefore a major consideration for the health of the skin, or “skin barrier”,
VISIT US! Super Zoo Booth #563 All★American Booth #205 Groom South, St. Louis MO
born to be bold. INTENTIONALLY DISPELLING LIES SURROUNDING DILUTION RATIOS. Can groomer’s really add 50 parts of water to 1 part of shampoo and get results? 30:1? Even 10:1? Follow #TRUESOLIDS and you’ll never look at DILUTION RATIOS the same way again. www.SynergyLabs.com/truesolids
grooming life Offering premium cosmetic-spa & medicated grooming aids for specific coat types, breeds, colors, as well as veterinary skin issues.
Cheap products may make the dog look clean but rarely are they good for the health of the skin and hair. The more bubbles a product produces, usually means the harsher the product. If a product is drying to your hands it is 6-8 times worse on pets. relies on the nutrition that is available to these cells floating in the sebum. So with that in mind we need to address factors that take away nutrients to this area: shampoos. When we bathe a pet we use a product that is either a detergent or an alcohol to remove dirt by removing a part of the sebum layer where the dirt gets trapped. The harsher the product, the more of the sebaceous layer will be removed. This leaves the cells
lacking in water and with decreased nutrients available to feed the cells. The pet hair and skin may look clean and beautiful but we have left it in a compromised, or poor nutritional, state. If left in this condition you will see the pet begin to show signs of dehydration of the skin. This will typically manifest itself in the form of itchy skin. As things progress, the irritation will then lead to bacterial or fungal infections, sores,
bumps, etc. Long term, this problem can often lead to growths and tumors as the pet ages. These problems can be prevented by correctly addressing the source of the issue: 1) Try to use the most mild shampoo products you can: cheap products may make the dog look clean but rarely are they good for the health of the skin and hair. The more bubbles a product produces, usually
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Groomer to Groomer • Vol 36 Ed 7 • July 2017
Smart phone users scan here to learn more about how Groomsoft can help your business
means the harsher the product. If a product is drying to your hands it is 6–8 times worse on pets. 2) Use a conditioner that hydrates and provides nutrients to the skin and hair: the conditioner is critical here. If you are going to feed the skin and leave it healthy, you have to do it in the last step and with a product designed to feed and hydrate the skin. You cannot feed the skin in the same step you are stripping the skin with shampoo. Like diets, not all conditioners provide good nutrients to the cells. They may sound good and smell good but what are the results? If they leave the hair heavy, or the hair is hard to dry, then you probably don’t have the right conditioners. These conditioners are usually made of fats
and oils that sit on the surface of the skin and hair versus penetrating into the sebum layer to enhance it. When we think of nutrition, we need to consider what aspects create healthy hair and skin; proper cell metabolism and hydration. Don’t get so focused on ingredients of pet foods that you overlook the many things that go into producing and maintaining a healthy cell. Don’t forget to have a veterinarian involved if there are skin problems. There is no way for you to evaluate the internal factors that may be affecting the metabolism (hormones, disease, liver, kidney issues, etc.). Unfortunately, many clients will not listen to our food recommendations, but we can make sure to use the correct grooming products
Groomer to Groomer • Vol 36 Ed 7 • July 2017
so we control what we are directly responsible for. ✂ Iv San Bernard is an exclusive line of pet spa grooming products imported from Italy. Founded in 1995, it is the leading European manufacturer of animal care products. ISB produces an array of products designed for various types of coats and proper skin management, with all products based on natural ingredients. Dr. Cliff Faver DVM, a licensed veterinarian, is Iv San Bernard USA’s managing partner. We also have a Certified Pet Aesthetician, Master Groomer, Certified Veterinary Technicians, and Business Sales & Marketing Director with experience in the grooming industry. Cruelty Free: ISB supports the humane and ethical treatment of all animals.
E by Kathy Hosler e
Pets have long been considered part of the family, but now more than ever, owners are actually treating pets more like they are people—a trend called ‘humanization’. So it follows that as more and more people are turning to all-natural and organic products for themselves, they want the same for their beloved pets.
here are over 300 million pets in the United States, and all of them have grooming needs. Whether owners bring their pets to you to be groomed or they buy the products and do the grooming themselves, demand for all–natural products is rising. All– natural shampoos, styling products, treats, nutritional supplements, and foods are flooding the pet care industry. If you are not already carrying and using them, it’s time for you to look into this market. “Trends are always changing, but
natural products are here to stay,” says James Brandly, Marketing coordinator of Tropiclean Pet Products. “What started out as a trend quickly turned into a standard in the industry.” Just what does it mean when a product is labeled all–natural, and what is the difference between all– natural and organic? “Generally speaking, all–natural means that a product doesn’t contain synthetic additives of any kind and that all the ingredients are as close as possible to their natural state,” says Larry Cobb, CEO of The Company of
Groomer to Groomer • Vol 36 Ed 7 • July 2017
Animals US Division. “Natural products are often assumed to contain minimally processed formulas or ingredients and do not contain anything artificial,” says Steven Shweky, President and CEO of Fetch for Pets. “In the United States, however, neither the FDA nor the USDA has rules or regulations for products labeled natural.” “Organic is the most heavily regulated claim in the USDA and FDA.” Mr. Shweky continues. “Only organic guarantees no toxic synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or chemical fertilizers are
Nutrition Facts Sodium Laureth Sulfate
Hexylene Glycol
Cocamidopropyl Betanine
Even if they have no idea what any of these ingredients are or what they do, pet owners are very apprehensive of using products that contain ingredients they cannot identify on their little babies.
used in production, and no antibiotics or growth hormones are given to animals or plants. Organic producers and processors are also subject to rigorous announced —and unannounced—certification inspections by third–party inspectors to ensure that they are producing and processing organic products in a controlled manner.” As consumers are becoming more educated about the products they use, many decide that ‘basic is better’. If they see ingredients such as Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Hexylene Glycol, Miranol, Panthenol, Cocamidopropyl Betanine, and Methylchloroisothiazolinone on the label, they may reject it. Even if they have no idea what any of these ingredients are or what they do, pet owners are very apprehensive of using products that contain ingredients they cannot identify on their little babies.
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Groomer to Groomer • Vol 36 Ed 7 • July 2017
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These four-page newsletters contain grooming and health information, stories, and cartoons that present a professional image to your community. Give them at each appointment. Groom-O-Grams encourage better home care and more frequent appointments.
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We groomers see pets with skin concerns every day. Whether they suffer from allergies, hot spots, flea bite dermatitis, or any number of skin issues— their owners want your help to resolve these problems. If you think an all– natural product would be best, explain to them how it could benefit their pet. “Pet parents want to be able to pick up a bottle, turn it around and understand every ingredient in that bottle,” says Mr. Brandly. “Simple and common ingredients provide confidence in recognition and communicate a sense of transparency that we’re all looking for as today’s consumer. They want to know that what they’re using is safe and effective for them and their pets.” “When they are shopping for all–
natural shampoos or conditioners for their pets, owners want products created from ingredients that are as pure, unadulterated, and as ‘close to nature’ as possible,” shares Mr. Cobb. “Many are seeking hypoallergenic products in hopes of solving problems like soothing their pet’s itchy skin. They are extremely wary of mystery ingredients with chemical names.” The skin is the largest organ of the body. Products that are applied to its
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surface can be absorbed and can produce positive or negative results. We groomers see pets with skin concerns every day. Whether they suffer from allergies, hot spots, flea bite dermatitis, or any number of skin issues—their owners want your help to resolve these problems. If you think an all–natural product would be best, explain to them how it could benefit their pet. And if that product is more expensive to use because of the high–quality ingredients in it, tell them that too. The demand for all–natural products is ever growing, but are there any concerns about using them? “One of the drawbacks is that many people don’t initially understand how they work,” Mr. Shweky says. “Because natural products don’t contain the chemicals that are found in most shampoos, consumers don’t realize that things like separation may happen or that the shampoo won’t have a lot of suds when you use it.” Some pet care professionals are hesitant to try all–natural grooming products because they worry that they won’t perform as well as the products they are using now. "I’d contend that if all–natural shampoos and conditioners are properly formulated, they work better than their conventional counterparts,” Mr. Cobb says. “Many grooming products are loaded with chemical surfactants and detergents that can be harsh on sensitive skin, trigger allergies, or leave coats limp and dry.”
When groomers buy products such as shampoo, the purchase price is not the primary thing that you need to consider. What you really need to determine is the cost per application. Are all–natural products really more expensive to use? When groomers buy products such as shampoo, the purchase price is not the primary thing that you need to consider. What you really need to determine is the cost per application. That is the true expense of any product you use. The cost per application can help you decide if you should be charging more for that product or service. “I wouldn’t categorize all–natural
products costing more, but rather put the cost towards the solution,” says Mr. Brandly. “You’ll probably pay more for a product that calls out a solution you’re looking for. For example, your pet is suffering from allergies and is itching to the point of bodily harm, then you’ll most likely pay whatever the cost to find a product that will address the need of your pet.” As pet parents continue to want products and services for their pets
and daycare
Cost THE
OF ALL NATURAL that are comparable to what they use themselves, all–natural products can become a very important part of your grooming business and your retail sales. “We are living in a truly enlightened age,” shares Mr. Cobb. “I believe that all–natural grooming products will continue to be enthusiastically embraced by groomers and pet lovers in the coming years.” ✂
6–9, 2017 HERSHEY LODGE &
Groomer to Groomer • Vol 36 Ed 7 • July 2017
E by Mary Oquendo e
How are you keeping your grooming facility smelling fresh and clean? Is it formaldehyde, ethanol, phenols, and petroleum-based artificial fragrances in a can with flowers on it? Those aerosols use neurochemicals to numb that part of your brain that controls your sense of smell. What they don’t do is eliminate the source of the odors.
ut, what if Mother Nature provided us with a natural way to clean the air in our grooming facilities? All without changing air filters and incurring little to no added electrical costs. Well, she did. In fact, here are six easy and safe ways to clean the air:
1) HIMALAYAN SALT LAMPS Crystal salt was created millions
of years ago when ocean beds dried up. Salt lamps are hygroscopic, meaning they attract water from the air. Heat from a 15–watt bulb, candle tea lights, or even humidity attracts moisture in the air and condenses on the lamp. It’s why salt lamps drip and flake and should be kept on saucers or plates. When heated, salt lamps speed up the evaporation process when the salt ions separate due to extra mois-
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ture. This results in more airborne negative ions, which in turn changes the charge of the surrounding air. This negatively charged air attracts the positively charged dust particles, allergens, bacteria, virus, smoke, and pollutants. The neutralized pollutants are heavier than the air and fall to the ground. Ozone air cleaners work on the same principal, but without pumping harmful ozone in
Spider plant, English ivy, lady palm, peace lily, boston fern, snake plant, golden pothos, wax begonia, and rededged dracaena removes benzene and formaldehyde (components of paint and many cleaning supplies), carbon monoxide, and electronic radiation.
our environments. When choosing a lamp, make sure it is a Himalayan Salt Lamp. These salt crystals come from the Himalayan Mountains and contain therapeutic trace minerals. There are man-made versions that imitate the look, but not the effects. They range in color from pink to orange to reddish. The redder it is, the higher the trace mineral content is. “I’ve found my salon smells better with my salt lamps. Once when my bulb burnt out I didn’t replace it for 3 months. I could tell a huge difference once that bulb was replaced. I now keep spare bulbs on hand.”–Lara Gordon Latshaw
2) BEESWAX CANDLES As they are purported to emit negative ions when lit, they work in the same way that salt lamps do. These candles are all natural and non–toxic. Beeswax candles do not emit paraffin or other volatile organic compounds. Plus they smell yummy. In addition, you also support small honeybee farms. However, the con is that they are an open flame. Shop cats may knock them over or dog hair floating over them may ignite.
burned at temperatures in the 8001200 degree range. The charcoal is placed into biodegradable bags. Bamboo charcoal absorbs odors, pollutants, bacteria, and allergens. In addition, it removes moisture, preventing mold and mildew. When you are finished with it, you can recycle it in your garden.
4) PLANTS Spider plant, English ivy, lady palm, peace lily, boston fern, snake plant, golden pothos, wax begonia, and red–edged dracaena removes benzene and formaldehyde (components of paint and many cleaning supplies), carbon monoxide, and electronic radiation. In addition, it
How clean is your air? Infectious airborne pathogens can remain in the air for days. And, in a high-traffic environment like yours, their presence is a constant reality. Obviously, no animal care facility can afford to close off a room, or worse – close their doors. It’s not only a risk to your revenue. Your reputation is at stake. PetAirapy’s germicidal air-sanitizing systems will KILL more than 99.9% of pet-specific airborne pathogens. Really! Keep the pets in your care safe and healthy. Call us today and protect your business for tomorrow.
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3) BAMBOO CHARCOAL It is made from bamboo plants that are at least five years old and
Kills 99.9% of Bordetella (k-9 cough), Influenza, Distemper, Parvovirus, ...and more
Groomer to Groomer • Vol 36 Ed 7 • July 2017
adds more oxygen into the workplace reducing overall tiredness. In fact, Spider plants are recommended by NASA to improve air quality. And lets not forget plants are visually appealing to our clients. These plants are very resilient. Tough to kill even for us black– thumbed folks. However, some of these plants are poisonous to cats. “Not only do live plants help oxygenate & purify the salon air, spaces containing house plants have been found in studies to increase attentiveness and increase both mental & physical healing and overall positive mood. "For me, having house plants in the salon helps make my space feel unique and inviting. As well, I feel that healthy greenery conveys to clients that I am an attentive caregiver and appreciate our
natural world.”–Christein Pearson
5) DIFFUSE ESSENTIAL OILS Not fragrance oils. Fragrance oils are the chemical equivalent of the corresponding essential oil. If the label says may contain essential oils and/or fragrance oils, assume they are fragrance oils. Fragrance oils are much cheaper to manufacturer. Good essential oil choices include lemon, tea tree, eucalyptus, ravensara, rosewood, and blends such as Thieves TM and OnGuard ™. Essential oils should be diffused in a water–based diffuser. Hot plates denature the oil and may even release toxins into the air. As a general rule, essential oils diffused in the air are safe for cats providing the cat does not have respiratory issues. As it may
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be hard to determine if any given cat has undiagnosed respiratory issues, I err on the side of caution and do not use them when I’m working on cats.
6) CIRCULATED FRESH AIR Circulated air flow regulates temperature, removes impurities, bacteria, viruses, dander, and toxins, as well as prevents mold. The most effective way is to utilize cross–air circulation. Use two window or vent fans; one set on intake and the other on outtake. The reason these six methods work better is because they neutralize the source of the odors rather than trick your brain into thinking it smells nice. ✂
hat’s a tricky question requiring an in depth understanding of the word “Natural” and how products are made and marketed. When we look at labels of grooming products and pet food, the term “Natural” in some cases misleads us into a false sense of security. Natural products are marketed to convey the message that the product or food is safe because it contains natural ingredients, as opposed to artificial. So, what is the definition of natural? The word Natural is an adjective.
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Adjectives are words used to describe other words. For example: That cat is beautiful. What is the cat? Beautiful. Another example is: This product is all natural. What is the product? Natural. By way of Webster’s Dictionary terms, we know that “Natural” could mean any of the following. 1. Existing in or formed by nature (opposed to artificial) a natural bridge. 2. Based on the state of things in nature; constituted by nature: Growth is a natural process. 3. Of or relating to nature or the universe: natural beauty.
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The next time you are purchasing products, ask the company “What makes this shampoo Natural?” Do your homework beforehand so you are educated in understanding ingredients. Natural does not necessarily mean safe. There are plenty of other ingredients that I could write about but for this article let’s look at “natural shampoos” made with coconuts. There are very few grooming products that are truly natural. For example, “This natural shampoo is made with coconuts”. We envision a creamy shampoo made with coconuts or coconut oil, but truth be told, by the time the coconut makes its way into the shampoo it is known as Cocamidopropyl Betaine. A far cry
from the fruit in our super markets. It’s important to recognize that just because it is derived from coconuts doesn’t make this a natural ingredient. Coconuts are truly natural— Cocamidopropyl Betaine is not. Without going further into the science and chemical aspects of this type of formulation found in both human and animal shampoos and products, we must look at the manufacturers for answers. The next time you are purchasing products, ask the company “What makes this shampoo Natural?” Do your homework
Groomer to Groomer • Vol 36 Ed 7 • July 2017
beforehand so you are educated in understanding ingredients. Any shampoo company that refuses to disclose its ingredients should be asked why they don’t. There is no reason a company should withhold information when asked about their products. An ingredient list is not the same as the recipe or formula, therefore they are not divulging any trade secret. Only with true understanding and transparency in disclosure of ingredients will you find a truly safe all natural product. ✂
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by Michelle Knowles
LEARNING TO TRUST THE BRUSH Currently there are many options to choose from when restraining pets during the grooming process. These tools keep the pet safe and preserve our hands and faces so that we can continue grooming in the future.
am a strong advocate for keeping everyone safe in the salon and grooming area, and it is an undisputed fact that some pets require muzzling—regardless of the calmness of the atmosphere, essential oils being used or music being played. While bite injuries are a reality in our line of work (I have been bitten before and it was not fun), there are options and techniques that
can be used to help a fearful animal recover from a past traumatizing experience and allow groomer and pet to feel more comfortable during the grooming procedure. Fear recovery has been a passion of mine since the day I picked up clippers. The things we ask animals to do during the groom are not behaviors that they would display naturally. We are asking them to trust us with their
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delicate parts while standing over them, coming at them with buzzing clippers, clacking scissors and pulling the hair on their tender skin. There is a client and pet that stands out the most when I was learning to read and give proper body language and behavior while grooming. Cracker, a tiny four pound Maltese, came to me matted and frightened. Her owner walked in sad and despon-
Many of the problems associated with “difficult dogs” can be found in improper communication. If time after time, the dog
associates grooming with pain and rough
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journey to find another way. I believe in trying to find a way to make a connection with our special charges. I made arrangements with Cracker’s dad to bring her in once a week for a while in order for her to get to know me and get used to the sounds and smells of the shop. I worked on one thing at a time; one leg, one ear, sometimes just exploring the environment with her. Cracker was too spastic for me to feel safe putting a clipper or shears near her fragile skin so I practiced patience by learning where she was in the process, letting
dent, carrying a special muzzle he had purchased so that she wouldn’t attack while being groomed. The last shop she visited had bloodied all four feet and the groomer previous to that had sliced open her abdomen resulting in a costly surgery and a little frightened dog that had lost all faith in groomers. Many of the problems associated with “difficult dogs” can be found in improper communication. If time after time, the dog associates grooming with pain and rough handling, they are going to be fearful and possibly aggressive. I have embarked on a
6 inches
possibly aggressive.
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Groomer to Groomer • Vol 36 Ed 7 • July 2017
It takes time and dedication but is well worth the effort to the pet that has to be groomed every month for his or her entire life, and also to the owner who has to deal with the traumatized animal they consider a family member. her snuffle and giving her many hugs and strokes and the seemingly endless cheese treats that she loved. By the fourth week she was totally de–matted. By the fifth week, all her toenails were trimmed and by the seventh week she had her first full haircut! All the work involved was done without a muzzle of any kind and success was achieved with love and proper communication. With the cooperation of the owner, patience and a willingness to give her the space she needed, this
little Maltese taught me so much about the canine mindset and enriched my understanding about the groomer–pet relationship. I believe most every dog can be rehabilitated. This type of grooming service is not for everyone. It takes a certain kind of madness and a passion to make a connection with a fearful animal. It takes time and dedication but is well worth the effort to the pet that has to be groomed every month for his or her entire life, and also to the owner who has to deal with the traumatized
Groomer to Groomer • Vol 36 Ed 7 • July 2017
animal they consider a family member. There is nothing more rewarding to me than seeing the tender heart of a dog shining back at me through their eyes. This is what keeps me grooming, through the uneducated clients who hit their dogs, or the clients that want me to rush through the groom without any thought at all to the actual needs of their pet. I persevere because I know there is another Cracker who will come to me, frightened and abused, ready for someone willing to help them trust the hand holding the brush again. ✂
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Hello Michell. I have been grooming for five years and I just attended my first grooming show, Northwest Grooming Show. I was fascinated by the grooming contest. I think I would like to try it but it seems so impossible. I know you used to compete. Do you have any advice?
i Sheila. I know it seems daunting but, with a good plan, you will be successful! These tips are meant to keep you from experiencing the worst case scenarios. Read the rules for each and every contest and attend the contestant meeting. The rules change from producer to producer, show to show, and class to class.
—SHEILA The model that you choose is very important. If you don’t have your own dog you will need to find a dog that you can take away from home for a few nights or more. If you don’t have a client that will agree to this, then I suggest asking local breeders if they have a dog that they would be willing to send with you. Do yourself a favor and find a
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well behaved dog that is beautiful. It adds a whole other level of stress to compete with a difficult dog. A dog can be difficult for various reasons. Temperament, difficult coat, structural and conformation faults are all challenges that can be avoided with a good model! Also, don’t discount the stress that can be added by an owner who is reaching out constantly to
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It is best to practice on the dog
at least 4 times,
complete with a time clock! Practice will help you be confident when it comes to the real thing. check on their dog. It is best to practice on the dog at least four times, complete with a time clock! Practice will help you be confident when it comes to the real thing. This is a commitment of nine months. Each practice session should allow eight weeks of grow–out before the next attempt at perfection. If you are working with a hand stripped or carded breed, the coat needs more frequent work. Be sure to pack a comprehensive grooming kit as well as a travel kit. Make sure that you have good working equipment and back-ups to the items that might fail during the contest. Be prepared for doggy illness and injury, human illness and injury, grooming and presentation. Take a cordless clipper so that
Groomer to Groomer • Vol 36 Ed 7 • July 2017
you can work even if there are power issues. A bright or light colored table pad is helpful for grooming in dark conditions. Also, a grooming smock that is totally different than the color of your dog will create a better background for the judge to see your dog. If the table pad and clothing complement each other, all the better! Keep a screwdriver in your kit that doubles as phillips or flat–head. I promise you will need this at some point. As for your travel kit, always have paper towels, plenty of poop bags and extra bath towels. Avoid using the hotel towels for bathing and bedding. Take towels that are old and tired and just throw them away if you don’t what to travel back with them. Take an old bed sheet to cover the beds in the hotel room. This way you don’t have to
Competition Grooming Kit ANIMAL
working equipment back-up equipment cordless clipper incase of power outage
Be prepared for doggy illness and injury. Human illness and injury. And your grooming presentation!
worry about unnecessary hair and dirt on the hotel bedding. Never leave dogs loose in the hotel room. Always travel with a crate and use it! Dogs appreciate limited space when they are navigating new situations. Everyone fears the dreaded injury during a contest. Peroxide is a must for this, either in the form of saturated
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bright or light colored table pad color contrasting smock screwdriver
cotton balls in a zip lock, in a spray bottle, or both. Peroxide dissolves blood. If you were to injure yourself or your dog during the contest you have a way to manage it without drawing attention to yourself. Keep styptic powder and a dark colored towel in your kit. This way if there is any blood you are not showing it on a light colored
• Certified Wheat and Gluten Free • Certified 100% Organic Aloe Vera • Paraben Free • pH Balanced • Non-Toxic Biodegradable • Vitamin and Protein Fortified
Groomer to Groomer • Vol 36 Ed 7 • July 2017
towel. Always tell your judge at the time of judging that you have injured your dog, if they don’t already know. Most contest rules do not state that an injury is a disqualification. When traveling with a dog, always use slip–leads or choke–chains as your form of leash. Even if you are confident that the dog you are working with
• Always gentle & mild for sensitive skin • Easy mix 50:1 and 32:1 Concentrates • Safe to use direct (without diluting) • Premium Quality • Exceptional Value • The best formulated shampoo for bathing systems
Everyone wants new competitors to succeed! If you are unsure about something, simply ask your judge. There is a contestant meeting at most grooming contests for this very reason. will not run away, do not risk it! They are in a strange place surrounded by strange people and you cannot predict their behavior. Many times with a regular flat collar they can pull their head out and bolt. Have evacuation plans in place for your vehicle and your hotel room, or other accommodation. This might simply mean that you have a slip–lead ready and accessible for each dog and that you know where the exits are located. Keep their flat collar on as well. This should have clear and correct information on it. Always carry a rabies
certificate with you. If the dog were to bite someone, the local authorities have the right to confiscate the dog until proof of rabies is provided. This could mean that the dog would be detained in a local shelter. Everyone wants new competitors to succeed! If you are unsure about something, simply ask your judge. There is a contestant meeting at most grooming contests for this very reason. You are not the only person with questions. You are most likely not the only first time competitor. And every world famous competitor had a first time!
Break a leg, Sheila! ✂ I am a multi-Best-In-Show and BestAll-Around groomer. I am the recipient of many Barkleigh Honors Awards including journalist of the year. I am a Silver and Gold medalist for GroomTeam USA. I am the winner of Show Dog Groomer of the Year 2015. I am a (VIG) Very Important Groomer-Ambassador for Purina and I have been teaching as The Grooming Tutor since 2000. And I groom to make a living, just like you. Please send questions to michell@ groomingtutor.com
Groomer to Groomer • Vol 36 Ed 7 • July 2017
things 7 You Should Do
During Intake
here is never enough time in a day for busy groomers. But managing time well and knowing how long each step of the grooming process should take, from intake to check–out, will allow you to be fully present and do your best work without your clients feeling like they are being rushed out the door when they drop off or pick up their pets. Dedicating a little bit of time for the intake process of both new and returning clients will set you up to achieve customer satisfaction and even exceed their expectations. Not only does intake involve collecting and reviewing important information and getting to know your new clients, but it is also involves sales, bonding with the pet, and making sure that there will be no errors in communication. Whether you are in charge of intake and grooming, or have other staff members that are in charge of
the front desk, having a plan in place to ensure that intake is handled in a professional and consistent manner is a must. The following are seven steps you can aim to accomplish during the intake process to help with the big goals of happy customers, happy pets and a successful business.
1) LEARN TO SELL EVEN IF YOU DO NOT CONSIDER YOURSELF A SALESPERSON Groomers tend to be people that truly love what they do—grooming and working with animals, which is why not every groomer will feel like they are also a natural salesperson. No matter what type of business you are in, sales are at the heart of what you do. If you are not selling, then they are not buying, and where does that leave your business a year from now? In order for a groomer to keep doing what they do, if they are either operating
Groomer to Groomer • Vol 36 Ed 7 • July 2017
their own business, working as an independent contractor or in charge of getting clients to re-book under them in any way, they must have some sales skills. Chances are, you are already selling without even realizing it. If you talk to your clients about the importance of reserving their next appointment ahead of time, you tell them about your add–on services, or you show them your new favorite item for sale that just came in and is sitting on the shelf, then you are making an effort to sell something that the person in front of you might not have considered otherwise. Even if selling feels awkward at first, or you don’t consider yourself outgoing enough to ask people to buy something extra or re-book, you have the ability to improve and become skilled in sales. There is nothing wrong with asking someone if they want to add a service,
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read articles, watch videos, or just observe!
2) BE CREATIVE: Find fun and new ways to sell that your customers will love.
discouraged. Learn to sell to keep doing what you love and not get left behind.
or look at a product. In fact, the customer might be happy you asked. During intake, you are making sure that the customer is going to be happy with the services that you are about to provide. As you are going over the services with them and discussing styles, don’t be afraid to let them know about the menu items you offer that they may not have known about, if it relates to them. Even if you have a sign that shows everything you have to offer, a lot of people will likely view it and forget to ask. Can you recall how many times you have been in a restaurant or at a salon and noticed something interesting on the menu but forgot to bring it up when it was time to order or go over your services? Even if you get nine out of ten clients that reject the extra services, or even if all of them do in the beginning, you have showed them that you care about providing services suited to them by bringing up the add–ons like facials or special conditioning treatments, for example, that they may not have known about.
To become a better salesperson there are three things you should do immediately. The first is to make an effort to learn. Learning might involve taking a course, reading articles and books and watching videos, or just observing when you are on the other end and someone is trying to sell something to you. The second is to be creative. Find fun and new ways to sell that your customers will love. Third, is to find the determination in yourself to not get discouraged. If you love what you do, and you are the person responsible for keeping clients coming back and making sure you hit daily revenue goals, then you absolutely have to learn to sell in order to keep doing what you love and not get left behind.
2) HAVE THEM SIGN SERVICE ORDERS Going over grooming services with your client before you groom their pet is a normal part of what you do, but what happens if they come back to pick up their pet and say that
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Whether you collect client information before their first scheduled appointment or at the time of their first visit, it is important to check that everything is accurate before they walk out your door. they did not want their dog clipped down, or they did not want to add the flea and tick bath, even after you thought it was clearly agreed upon during discussions? Whatever services you are going to provide, including those add–ons we talked about, go over them with the client and have them sign a service order with every service that they are requesting checked off or initialed. Make sure the pricing is clear as well! Simple and easy to understand service orders will prevent miscommunication and unhappy clients.
3) COLLECT INFO & CHECK IT TWICE Whether you collect client information before their first scheduled appointment or at the time of their first visit, it is important to check that everything is accurate before they walk out your door. Even regular clients will have information changes that are important to update in your system. A few ideas of things to maintain in your records include; at least two phone numbers, including an emergency contact, the client’s address, records for each pet, and up to date vaccine records and a rabies certificate. Using software can help save time when it comes to pulling up and reviewing client information quickly and there are many different types of software options out there.
know new clients. Clients might have questions or concerns that they do not bring up until they have a reason to. Learn to pay attention to the people you are talking to rather than stare at the computer screen or stare at their dog the entire time. People say a lot with their body language and being fully present with the person you are talking to will show you things you might otherwise miss. Take the time to get to know your clients and answer their questions. They should feel comfortable and at ease with you.
What makes you unique as a professional? What is your
Groomer Story
5) BOND WITH THE PETS During intake you will meet the pets. Spend a little time getting to know them and taking note of their behavior. Be prepared to use different techniques to make the animal more comfortable before going over them more thoroughly. Sometimes getting a dog to play a game of tug, walk with you around the storefront, or offering a treat will help. Very nervous animals will not respond to your invitations to bond. Being trained and skilled in animal body language
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4) GET TO KNOW YOUR CLIENTS BY WHAT THEY SAY & DON’T SAY While you are doing intake, you will have the opportunity to get to
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and understanding how to approach and handle fearful animals and when not to approach animals is a must. Treat the pets that come to you as if they were your own, welcoming them with love and respect, and respect the animal’s space and boundaries. Even just a few moments of attention before grooming can be beneficial.
6) GO OVER THE ANIMAL As you are getting to know the animal, you can begin to go over them with the client still present. This is especially important for new clients. This is when you can discuss style options and point out any lumps, skin problems, cuts, parasites, matting, or anything else that you want to confirm that the client knows about before the pet is groomed. Have a space for
noting any issues the pet might have on the service order or a separate form so it is clear to both parties that the pet had these things before the grooming services.
7) IMPROVE WITH THE FEEDBACK YOU GET You might think that most of your feedback comes after the grooming is complete, but when you pay attention to your clients, you will learn a lot during intake as well. There is always room to improve. Your clients will tell you directly or through their actions if any part of the intake process is concerning, confusing, or taking too long. Find out where you are weak and work on making the necessary changes, and if you need more feedback, you can always do test
runs of the process with other staff members or friends and family. Getting to know your clients and their pets, collecting information, going over services, and talking about the services they might not have known about is a lot to do in a short amount of time. By combining these things into one neat process, and always working towards improving the process, you will be able to get a routine down that works. Having a routine and giving yourself a planned time limit for intake and each step of the grooming process allows you to schedule and plan accordingly. By sticking to a routine you will also be able to train other staff members to do the same so your business runs smoothly and consistently. If you are someone thinking about starting a business, knowing exactly how you will go about day to day operations like intake should be addressed in your business planning as it will help you understand how you will need to price your services, schedule appointments, and what needs to be accomplished each day to reach the bigger goals. Each and every small step can make a big difference. Ignoring them can slow you down and cause problems in the future. ✂
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Groomer to Groomer • Vol 36 Ed 7 • July 2017
PART V: EQUIPMENT E by Kathy Rose e
There is a vast amount of equipment available to the pet grooming industry that will accommodate every budget and preference. As services, floor plans, budgets and individual tastes vary, so shall the equipment choices from one salon to another.
ever the less, there are a few key factors to consider when setting up your salon. • Safety—Is the equipment safe for the pet, client and staff? Some manufacturers of electrical equipment, such as dryers and dehumidifiers, are UL (Underwriters Laboratories) listed which may offer an added safety buffer. UL Listing means that UL has tested representative samples of the product and determined that it meets UL’s requirements. These requirements are based primarily on UL’s published and nationally recognized Standards for Safety. • Efficiency—Does the equipment help to make the job more efficient?
• Reliability—Is high maintenance or frequent replacement required to keep the equipment safe and efficient? • Ergonomics—Does the equipment contribute to comfort, safety, efficiency, and ease of use? • Aesthetics —Is there eye appeal? • Value—Is the importance or usefulness worth the price?
TABLES Stationary grooming tables, because of conservative cost and portability, may have a place in the salon. Many are available with adjustable legs to provide a variety of heights. Unfortunately adjustments can be cumbersome between dogs so they
Groomer to Groomer • Vol 36 Ed 7 • July 2017
are best suited for portable use or set for use at a stationary height. For everyday grooming of a variety of dog breeds ranging from tiny to giant, the hydraulic or electric adjustable tables are the way to go. Electric and hydraulic tables offer ergonomic benefits to improve stylist and pet comfort as well as safety. They are both offered in a variety of sizes and some models even offer a rotating top. The hydraulic table is usually more economical than the electric and still offers the benefit of easy height adjustment with minimal physical effort. The up and down movement can be a bit shaky but the
• Non–corrosive • Ease of maintenance • Years of service • Variety of sizes • Ability to customize with back splash and storage racks • Available with tub racks to elevate pets
lower cost is a plus. The big benefit of the electric table is the greater height variances available and smoother action for lift and lower. Typically electric tables are priced higher than the hydraulic tables.
TUBS Non–corrosive professional pet tubs can offer years of value and ease of maintenance. Professional pet tubs offer many advantages over typical mainstream tubs. Pet tubs are elevated, a must when it comes to a professional operation. They come in various sizes and offer built in ramps, doors, shampoo holders, racks, hair traps and a variety of other upgrades to suit different requirements and budgets. Stainless steel is a solid choice and may offer many years of service if properly cared for. The tubs in my salon are more than fourteen years old and still look and function as new.
Groomer to Groomer • Vol 36 Ed 7 • July 2017
Some tub manufacturers will custom fit your tub with back splash and storage racks. This can also be accomplished after market through a stainless steel welder, but probably at a premium price. I was able to re–fit my older tubs with custom back splash, shelving and cover to accommodate the new location. Not all stainless steel is equal. 14–16 gauge high quality, 304 grade stainless is preferable. Higher gauge may be considerably more economical initially but could be more susceptible to deterioration over time. Most tub manufacturers also produce tub racks to fit their tubs. A rack in the tub will help to elevate the pet from the tub floor and facilitate easier rinsing. I recommend placing a heavy rubber mat that has drainage holes, on top of the rack. This provides a softer platform and will help prevent long nails becoming entrapped in the rack crevices.
SHAMPOO SYSTEMS • Reduce shampoo costs • Large variety of systems to choose from It is advisable to place rubber floor matting in and around all wet areas. Some durable rubber mats have drainage holes and can be trimmed to fit specific areas such as tub grates and kennel mats. Other choices for slip–resistant matting with drainage can be found in many wholesale pet supply companies or online.
SHAMPOO SYSTEMS Shampoo bathing systems can help to reduce shampoo costs, energy and time. There are a large variety of systems available to choose from. Compressor driven pre–mixed shampoo applications, recirculating and non–recirculating all function differently. Some will require electric others depend upon water pressure for shampoo dilution. I have used most of these over time and find that what works well for one salon is not right for another so the best bet is to get direct information from the manufacturers.
• No heating element • Faster drying • Available in variable airflow speeds DRYERS • HIGH VELOCITY DRYERS High velocity dryers save time without the use of heating elements. Some manufacturers offer quiet motors that are controlled by a variable speed dial for fine–tuning the airflow to the velocity you need. The twin motors warm the air without a heating element. This helps to make drying faster and more comfortable for the animal. Washable filters help to keep pet hair out of the motors. The variable speed allows the dryer to not only high-velocity dry, but also gently dry at lower velocity, pet faces, small dogs, and cats.
There is a diversity of fluff dryers available with a variety of amenities. Fluff dryers use a heating element to heat the air and provide a steady flow of warm air at a lower rate than High velocity dryers. The purpose is to be able to direct the flow of air onto the pet while brush-
Groomer to Groomer • Vol 36 Ed 7 • July 2017
ing. These are available as stand dryers or wall mountable in a variety of styles and makes.
DEHUMIDIFIER I have witnessed a huge improvement in reducing humidity in our salon environment, by adding the use of a dehumidifier.
Walk–in kennel dryers can provide safe, hands–free, stress–free drying for one or two pets simultaneously. This method is especially good for cats, puppies and senior pets that do not tolerate high velocity blow–drying. The best walk–in kennel dryers provide easy access to the filter, timed auto shut off and temperature control. A glass front allows monitoring of pets at all times. The average pet will dry in twenty to thirty minutes. As with any piece of equipment, pets should be monitored at all times.
KEEPING THE HUMIDITY DOWN The use of a dehumidifier may prolong equipment life, reduce
om w fr e N
Because we care about your pet’s safety and well being, we want to assure you that every effort will be made to make your pet’s visit as pleasant as possible. Occasionally, grooming can expose a hidden medical problem or aggravate a current one. This can occur during or after grooming. In the best interest of your pet, we request your permission to obtain immediate veterinary
Date Your Pet is IMPORTANT to Us! safety Because we care about your pet’s that Your Pet is IMPORTANT toandUs! well being, we want to assure you Pet Name
us. will be made to make your effort your pet is important every to The health, safety and comfort of pet’s visit as pleasant as possible. in conversations We also believe in including you Because your pet is severely tangled about the care of your pet. injury, stress and more or matted, it is at greater risk of The use of a cage dryer is safer and All precautions will be taken. However, we dog, trauma. your comfortable for some dogs. For or after We will problems occasionally arise, during recommend the use of a cage dryer. irritation and mental or when grooming, such as nicks, clipper practices safe following the to adhere physical stress. the dryer is in use: request your permission to In the best interest of your pet, we • Dryers must have working temperature should it become necessary. obtain immediate veterinary treatment gauges and timers. for cage drying will be used. • Only equipment manufactured establishment to permission to this grooming grant hereby I followed. be for my pet at my expense. • Manufacturer instructions will obtain emergency veterinary treatment during will be properly monitored. have a greater chance of injury • Dogs drying in a cage dryer Also, realizing that matted pets a cage dryer to be used. establishment responsible for • Owner must give consent for grooming, I will not hold this grooming
treatment should it become necessary.
I hereby grant permission to this grooming establishment to obtain emergency veterinary treatment for my pet at my expense.
accident or injury to my pet.
grooming establishment to
comfortable drying of my dog. use a cage dryer for the safe and Owner Name
Your Pet is IMPORTANT to Us! Date
Pet Name
I hereby grant permission to this
Pet Name
Owner Name
drying times and improve HVAC efficiency. A dehumidifier can change humid air conditions in the bathing area into dry arid air. This helps to dry pets fast and keep a healthy environment for staff as well as pets. A humid environment results in hard to dry pets, rust forming on valuable grooming tools and equipment, and promotes wet pet odors and mold. I have witnessed a huge improvement in reducing humidity in our salon environment, by adding the use of a dehumidifier.
CLIPPER VACUUM SYSTEM Clipper vacuum systems will improve efficiency all around. The hair is vacuumed as you clip, reducing the floor vacuuming time and keeping the bulk of clipped coat off of your table and floor. The constant airflow over the blades keeps them
Same Message, SENIORNPE EWT Style. Pet Name
Your Pet is IMPORTANT to Us! Because we care about your pet’s safety and well being, we want to assure you that every effort will be made to make your senior pet’s visit as pleasant as possible. Occasionally, grooming can expose
a hidden medical problem or aggravate a current one. This can occur during or after grooming. In the best interest of your pet, we request your permission to obtain immediate veterinary treatment should it become necessary. I hereby grant permission to this
grooming establishment to
obtain emergency veterinary treatment for my pet at my expense. Also, realizing that aged pets have a greater chance of injury during grooming, I will not hold this grooming establishment responsible for accident or injury to my pet.
Owner Name Owner Name
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Your budget will probably determine equipment choices. Make a list of must– haves descending to the wish list. cool, which prolongs their life and helps to keep them sharp. Repeatedly going over the pet with the clipper is not needed because the coat is lifted as you clip, providing a smooth finish. This also reduces the amount of scissor finishing needed to complete the groom.
CAGES, KENNELS & PENS Even the smallest salons will need to house pets at some point during their stay. Cage and kennel banks are offered in a variety of materials such as stainless steel, fiberglass and laminates such as Formica. Your budget will probably deter-
Groomer to Groomer • Vol 36 Ed 7 • July 2017
mine equipment choices. Make a list of must–haves descending to the wish list. Contact various manufacturers to get estimates for services, warranties and pricing. Industry trade shows are the best resource for gathering information and getting hands–on demonstrations and information about the products and equipment available. Trade magazines such as the Groomer to Groomer Buyer’s Guide offer lists of companies with their product and contact information. Setting up an efficient, safe and appealing salon requires careful research. Many manufacturers offer
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Many manufacturers offer assistance in designing your dream salon and may offer discounted packages, free or reduced shipping, or additional perks such as shampoo or other supplies.
assistance in designing your dream salon and may offer discounted packages, free or reduced shipping, or additional perks such as shampoo or other supplies. Take full advantage of their knowledge and, above all, do your homework! Hiring the right contractor and designing your floor plan are key steps in the build–out of your new salon. Creating an efficient plan and following some basic concepts can help you to create the salon of your dreams. With your livelihood and perhaps a substantial amount of money at stake, you should choose your location wisely, thoroughly research the credentials of the contractor, and make sure you fully understand all aspects of the lease. It would be wise to seek the advice of an attorney before signing any documents. Whether you are relocating, expanding or striking out on your own for the first time, creating a successful pet styling salon requires careful consideration and planning. Locking into the wrong location or signing a lease you don’t fully understand may not only cost you thousands of unnecessarily spent dollars, but can spell disaster for your business! ✂
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Stationary stairs add stability and slide cleanly beneath the tub
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and daycare
E by Mike Bober e
n 2016, groomers, stylists, and boarders showed their business savvy. The newest American Pet Products Association pet owners survey found that these businesses earned nearly six billion in total revenues, almost double from what was seen just 10 years ago. This success is at risk thanks to licensing and tax provisions proposed by elected officials throughout the country. All too frequently, these ill–advised measures come after politicians see heartbreaking headlines
about isolated incidents and decide that groomers and stylists need expensive and unnecessary government oversight. This is why it’s not enough to be a gifted groomer or a skilled stylist. To be a savvy storeowner and a bright businessperson, you need to supplement your work with outward–facing communication as both an industry professional and an everyday citizen.
ENGAGE Lawmakers want to hear from
their own constituents; as residents who work in their districts, your voices matter. Make your voice heard on a wide range of issues, so that your elected officials know they can trust you. The business principle of pleasing the customer also applies in politics: You are your elected officials’ customer, and they want you to be a partner in good government in the same way you want owners to be partners in responsible pet care. Take the time to reach out. Participate in
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Groomer to Groomer • Vol 36 Ed 7 • July 2017
INDUSTRY NEWS town halls and other events where you can interact with lawmakers. Then go a step further and engage them proactively to discuss issues of importance to you. Think about inviting them to visit your shop (if you have one). And find out if there are community groups like business advisory councils which you can join. Finally, don’t be afraid to speak up when harmful legislation is proposed. Your experience and expertise should be part of any discussion that affects groomers and stylists. You owe it to yourself, your customers, and your elected officials to help them pass legislation that truly improves animal well–being—and to work with them to prevent the passage of laws with harmful consequences.
rarely include professional groomers and stylists when setting criteria for these license programs.
PRO-ACTIVE IS BETTER THAN REACTIVE As a businessperson, you can’t afford to sit back and wait until legislation is proposed. PIJAC works on your behalf to stop higher taxes and licensing regimes. We regularly educate officials about the standards of care for safety and sanitation created by the Professional Pet Groomers and Stylists Alliance (PPGSA), a coalition of groomer and stylist certification organizations, academic institutions, corporate grooming programs, and other allies; they demonstrate a true commitment to responsible care. But we can often only scratch the
surface to help groomers and stylists. As a trained professional and industry expert, you have enormous credibility when it comes to protecting pets, pet owners, and the industry. And you are most effective when being truly proactive. We at PJIAC stand ready to help you. To find out more about how to get started—or to make sure we know how to get in touch with you when the time comes—please contact us today. Mike Bober is President and CEO of the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council. PIJAC members include retailers, companion animal suppliers, manufacturers, wholesale distributors, manufacturers’ representatives, pet hobbyists, and other trade organizations.
EDUCATE Many times, elected officials are simply unaware— like when proposing tax laws that generate revenue for the government at the expense of your customers. They don’t realize that these added fees can lead some pet owners to delay or even forego professional grooming altogether, depriving them of opportunities for C early detection of health conditions M and timely intervention. Y Sometimes, the circumstances CM are far more serious. As rare as we know them to be, heartbreakingMYincidents make headlines and create an CY impression of rogue groomers operating with little regard for animal CMY well– being. Lawmakers see these stories K and, frequently, rush to propose “solutions” like state licensing regimes that do little to improve animal care. Instead, they create a patchwork of local licenses with incompatible criteria and no opportunity for reciprocity from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Perhaps most concerning, states
Groomer to Groomer • Vol 36 Ed 7 • July 2017
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Rates: 25 words or less – $50.00. Each additional word – $2.00 each.
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GROOM EXPO WEST 02/15/2018 — 02/18/2018 Pasadena, CA (717) 691-3388 info@barkleigh.com www.groomexpowest.com
SUPERZOO 7/24/2017 — 7/26/2017 Las Vegas, NV info@superzoo.org www.superzoo.org
PET BOARDING & DAYCARE EXPO WEST 4/30/2018 — 5/3/2018 Burbank, CA (717) 691-3388 info@barkleigh.com www.pbdwest.com FLORIDA THE NDGAA FUN IN THE SUN 2017 10/27/2017 – 10/29/2017 Orlando, FL (724) 962-2711 ndga@nationaldoggroomers.com www.ndgaa.com GEORGIA ATLANTA PET FAIR 3/8/2018 —3/11/2018 Atlanta, GA info@atlantapetfair.org www.atlantapetfair.org ILLINOIS ALL AMERICAN GROOMING SHOW 8/10/2017 — 8/13/2017 Wheeling, IL (717) 691-3388 info@barkleigh.com www.aagroom.com MASSACHUSETTS
PENNSYLVANIA PET BOARDING & DAYCARE EXPO 11/6/2017 — 11/9/2017 Hershey, PA (717) 691-3388 info@barkleigh.com www.petboardingexpo.com GROOM EXPO 9/14/2017 — 9/17/2017 Hershey, PA (717) 691-3388 info@barkleigh.com www.groomexpo.com TEXAS GROOM TEXAS AT THE HOUSTON WORLD SERIES OF DOG SHOWS 7/21/2017 – 7/23/2017 Houston, TX (717) 691-3388 info@barkleigh.com www.groomtexas.com WASHINGTON NORTHWEST GROOMING SHOW 04/05/2018 — 04/08/2018 Tacoma, WA (717) 691-3388 info@barkleigh.com www.nwgroom.com
EVENTS PET BOARDING & DAYCARE EXPO WEST 4/30/2018 – 5/3/2018 Burbank, CA GROOM TEXAS AT THE HOUSTON WORLD SERIES OF DOG SHOWS 7/21/2017 – 7/23/2017 Houston, TX ALL AMERICAN GROOMING SHOW 8/10/2017 – 8/13/2017 Wheeling, IL GROOM EXPO 9/14/2017 – 9/17/2017 Hershey, PA NEW ENGLAND GROOMING SHOW 10/12/2017 – 10/15/2017 Sturbridge, MA PET BOARDING & DAYCARE EXPO 11/6/2017 – 11/9/2017 Hershey, PA GROOM EXPO WEST 2/15/2018 – 2/18/2018 Pasadena, CA
NEW ENGLAND GROOMING SHOW 10/12/2017 —10/15/2017 Sturbridge, MA (717) 691-3388 info@barkleigh.com www.newenglandgrooms.com
NORTHWEST GROOMING SHOW 04/05/2018 — 04/08/2018 Tacoma, WA
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