Internal pages for Good Neighbors USA

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Being a Good Neighbor means no one suffers from starvation, no one falls victim to preventable disease, and everyone experiences true compassion and respect. Since 1991, we have served over 600 million people in 29 countries. We connect with individuals worldwide, we collaborate to transform communities, and we support others in changing their lives.

Table of Contents Introduction: Good Neighbors USA and Good Neighbors International Our Vision, Our Mission



Core Value


Programming Principle


Letter from the President


2010 Project Highlights Haiti Emergency Relief


Child Sponsorship


Water For Life


Project Cookstoves


2010 Activity Highlights


2010 Activity Highlights: Good Neighbors International


Board of Directors


Financial Statements 43 Where We Work/Contact Us


Thank You Letter

Good Neighbors USA Annual Report | 2010


Good Neighbors USA and Good Neighbors International Good Neighbors is an international, humanitarian and development nongovernmental organization in General Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UNECOSOC). Our greatest mission is to improve the lives of others—especially those of children—through education, community development, health, sanitation, and disaster relief projects. Good Neighbors International started in Seoul, Korea in 1991 with the sole purpose of giving disadvantaged children a glimmer of hope. At that time, Good Neighbors concentrated on projects such as orphanages, programs for handicapped children, finding homes for widows stricken with poverty, and assisting disadvantaged families of Tuberculosis patients. In 1994, Good Neighbors became deeply involved in the Rwandan refugee situation through the provision of several medical relief teams and the establishment and operation of two non-formal schools at the refugee camps. Currently, we work in 29 countries, supporting approximately 16.8 million people, including 9.6 million children. We fundraise and network with other organizations in the USA, Korea, Japan, and Switzerland. We also partner with local governments, international donor agencies, and local communities, raising public awareness of advocacy while recruiting and training volunteers and professionals. Good Neighbors first established an American presence in New York, creating a liaison office to better work with a global network of NGOs in coordination with the United Nations. In 2007, Good Neighbors USA found its official beginnings in Los Angeles, where the office currently handles fundraising, donor management, volunteer programs, and marketing for all major projects. In December 2010, a Washington, D.C. office was established to network and partner with other organizations, as well as to concentrate on obtaining grants from government agencies in an effort to start and maintain worldwide projects.

Good Neighbors USA Annual Report | 2010



When we look at the world, we see people who are capable of anything. Through the power of education, we seek to guide those in need to a new future for themselves: one where every child goes to school, families are provided for projects help lift communities out of deprivation, and newfound opportunities empower men and women. We are enablers, motivators, and supporters—working anywhere we can.

Mission • We are an international, humanitarian, and development organization. • We respect the dignity of human beings, striving for the restoration of humanity and ethical virtue. • We contribute to the building of a global community by helping create a world where people live together in harmony. • We prescribe a holistic approach when providing sustainable development and relief work regardless of race, nationality, religion, ideology, or geographical constraints.. • We prescribe a holistic approach when providing sustainable development and relief work regardless of race, nationality, religion, ideology, or geographical constraints. • We utilize local resources to maximize effective and efficient work. • We are enablers who work in cooperation with our partners. • We work in any place where there is a need.

Core Value

Child Development: We work to protect preschoolers and children who have been neglected due to poverty. Our projects encourage their physical and emotional development by providing them with fundamental education, medical care, and nutritious meals. Community Development: We believe that self-sufficiency is the key to eliminating poverty. We provide vocational training, develop local agriculture, and establish infrastructure. Our programs are guided by international human rights principles and regional conventions. We promote gender equality, the environment of social inclusion (i.e. the provision of certain rights to all individuals and groups in society such as employment, adequate housing, health care, education, and training), and protect children and women from discrimination. Health & Sanitation: We provide medical services and health-related education to reduce child and maternal mortality, and prevent and combat diseases like malaria, parasites and AIDS. We also make it a priority to develop access to safe, portable water. Advocacy: Good Neighbors tackles underlying causes of poverty, injustice, and human suffering so that people can become self-sufficient. We empower marginalized groups of women and children through our education programs. Our projects aim to raise awareness and we cooperate with local organizations in order to create permanent social change. Global Networking: We organize various resources that lie in project sites and rely on the residents’ active participation in projects. We build strong partnerships with volunteers, community leaders, local governments, and other organizations. Emergency Relief: We respond immediately when disaster strikes. We were on the ground during the civil war in Rwanda; the earthquakes in Haiti, Pakistan, India, and Turkey; the Afghanistan war; the tsunami in South Asia, the explosion at Ryongcheon Station in North Korea; the cyclone Nargis in Myanmar; the typhoon Ketsana in the Philippines; and the tropical storm in Guatemala.

Good Neighbors USA Annual Report | 2010


Programming Principle Our programming principles are based on the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals (MDGs): • Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger • Achieve universal primary education • Promote gender equality and empower women • Reduce child mortality • Improve maternal health • Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria, and other diseases • Ensure environmental sustainability • Establish a global partnership for development In 2007, Good Neighbors was recognized with a Millennium Development Goal Award by the United Nations for our efforts in eliminating poverty through universal primary education.


Good Neighbors USA Annual Report | 2010

Good Neighbors USA Annual Report | 2010


Letter from the President As Good Neighbors, we believe that it is exciting and ennobling to confront the problems of poverty throughout the world by working in cooperation with communities in need to support and sustain community development. As the first president of the board, I have found it to be a joy, a challenge and an extremely fulfilling experience to watch Good Neighbors USA grow into a significant partner within Good Neighbors International, a global network of humanitarian organizations with affiliates in 29 countries and 195 field offices on five continents. Good Neighbors USA is dedicated to the empowerment of people marginalized by poverty, focusing on expanding the horizons of children by enabling them to become self-reliant through our support of child-centered and community-based programs that emphasize education, nutrition and public health. Good Neighbors USA is a private non-profit voluntary 501(c)(3) organization. It has no religious or political affiliation. We serve people in need without discrimination of race, religion, nationality, gender or political perspective. We are creating an environment to enable people across the globe to connect and interact as neighbors—good neighbors who demonstrate concern about the health, environment, and well-being of communities near and far. Our projects are initiated by identifying the neediest communities, and then seeking the participation of residents and their leaders to pursue projects they identify as priorities. Good Neighbors USA currently supports projects in Guatemala, Chad, and Haiti, and is developing new programs in Malawi and the Dominican Republic. We look forward to making an impact in other areas around the world. Through our child sponsorship program in Guatemala, our donors connect to specific children and provide support to schools and health clinics serving the communities in which the children reside. Our cookstoves project in Guatemala offers solutions to the many problems of rural poverty. Traditional stoves with inadequate ventilation cause unhealthy pollution in the home, require children to spend hours collecting firewood instead of attending school, and speed deforestation. As part of our vision of a world of good neighbors, we arrange for donors to visit the communities we serve, witness the impact of the projects they support, and meet and interact with the people who benefit from their donations. Two days after the devastating Haiti earthquake, Good Neighbors USA Development Director Bryan Lee was in Port-au-Prince evaluating needs and making arrangements for Good Neighbors projects in Haiti. We provided emergency shelters, coordinated the services of physicians and other medical personnel flown in from the United States and other countries, established emergency protection and housing for newly single mothers and their children, distributed food, and constructed water tanks and toilets. To date, we remain active in Haiti, building a school and providing ongoing public health services. Bryan was also instrumental in organizing the construction of over 100 wells in Chad, Africa, the continent’s geographically fifth largest nation, where a serious shortage of drinking water is a result of an intemperate climate, inadequate infrastructure, and internal conflict. Individual sponsors from California and Nevada traveled to Chad where they visited Good, Neighbors project sites, including wells, schools and libraries. We are fortunate to have on our leadership team Executive Director Eunju Oh and Development Director Bryan Lee, veteran Good Neighbors activists, both of whom served for over four years in Afghanistan where they developed education and public health programs and employed a local staff of over eighty. Today, Good Neighbors Afghanistan is run entirely by Afghanis, a successful implementation of one of Good Neighbors’ key goals: to train local people to take over the operations of Good Neighbors programs throughout the world. Good Neighbors USA has come a long way since our beginnings in 2007. Operationally, we have opened offices in Los Angeles, California and Washington, D.C. We have developed ongoing cooperation with the U.S. State Department and USAID, as well as a variety of non-profit humanitarian organizations. We have engaged in a series of in-person presentations to service clubs, churches and other community organizations. We have produced a series of video presentations about our activities abroad. We have launched an updated, interactive web site and we communicate regularly via Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr. We have embarked upon the establishment of advisory committees across the country to broaden and deepen our support. Good Neighbors USA is deeply grateful to all of our supporters, participants, and partners and we look forward to further meaningful humanitarian collaboration in the coming years. Sincerely,

David Strand Good Neighbors USA Annual Report | 2010



Good Neighbors USA Annual Report | 2010


Haiti Emergency Relief It was the worst quake disaster in 240 years. On January 12, 2010, a devastating and catastrophic 7.0 earthquake hit the town of Léogâne, approximately 16 miles from Port-au-Prince, Haiti. An estimated 3 million people were affected, including 316,000 deaths and 300,000 injuries. The quake also left more than 1 million people homeless, according to the Haitian government. In response, Good Neighbors USA and Good Neighbors International worked together to deploy the first wave of emergency relief teams to Port-au-Prince two days after the quake, including setting up a Haiti field office. Led by Team Captain Bryan Lee, who serves as Good Neighbors USA’s Development Director, the team of 20 individuals—including medical staff from the U.S. and Korea— immediately set to work providing shelter, medical aid, food, and water, with an estimated $100,000 budget. Two days later, on January 17, Good Neighbors sent $400,000 in donations to the region (successfully fundraised by both the USA and International office). The team allocated their resources for children and pregnant women in particular, providing them with crucial supplies and nutrients first. Good Neighbors was able to assist more than 47,000 people in Port-au-Prince, Léogâne, and Cite Soleil. In order to improve sanitation conditions, a sewer system and water tanks were built, along with a cholera prevention program that included sanitation education and medical treatment. Currently, Good Neighbors is focusing on reconstruction and development in Waf Jeremie and MarshalFontaine in Cite Soleil. Good Neighbors is also working to create comprehensive community development and infrastructure projects, including building two schools with 12 classrooms and providing school supplies, sports facilities, and education programs so children can study safely and comfortably.

Our commitment to the region will remain until residents are self-sufficient. Near the end of 2010, Good Neighbors honored the one-year anniversary of the quake by continuing recovery and rebuilding efforts in the region. At a time when the media and most of the public have moved on, there are still hundreds of thousands of people desperately struggling on a daily basis to piece their lives back together. To date, we are still in the country providing shelter and medical aid. We successfully built a school for children and we’re in the planning stages of building a healthcare center to treat cholera outbreaks, as well as a child sponsorship program. Until the region is self-sufficient, Good Neighbors USA will continue working closely with Good Neighbors International to aid Good Neighbors Haiti, eventually taking over full management and financial responsibilities for the Haiti office in the near future.

Child Sponsorship The key to lifting them out of poverty. Child sponsorship is one of the most effective and dynamic ways to help children and families. We believe that a child’s education is essential to unlocking their future success—not only do they motivate their own families to lift themselves out of poverty, but they enable others in their own community to do the same. At Good Neighbors, sponsorship goes directly to supporting a child’s tuition, healthcare, nutritious meals, books, and uniforms. We also keep our direct mailings to zero and post all of the children’s profiles online, where donors can access the information anytime with ease. This keeps our administrative costs low, allowing for the most money possible to go to supporting each child. We also stay in consistent contact with the sponsored children, providing annual progress reports while streamlining communication between the sponsor and the child.


A resident of Northridge, California, Janette Kang sponsors eight children in Guatemala through Good Neighbors. Originally from Seoul, Korea, she came to the United States 31 years ago and worked in graphic design for more than 20 years before becoming a homemaker. Here, she talks to us about her involvement in child sponsorship and what the experience has meant to her.

Q: Why did you decide to sponsor children? A: I have wanted to help people in need since I was young. I think the heart came from my mom who loved children so much and showed her generosity toward many people. As I grew up, I thought about the many little children who suffer due to financial hardship, lack of parents, or child abuse. I decided to help children because every individual, even a young child, has a right to live [a fulfilling life].

Q: Can you tell us a little bit about the children you sponsor? A: I am sponsoring eight children in Guatemala. Some kids have financial hardships, while some have a single mom or dad, or live with an elderly grandparent instead.

Q: How has sponsorship changed your life? A: I have always thought a lot about helping and loving one another through giving and sharing, as I learned from Christianity. But sponsoring children has enriched my life in [several] ways, such as giving me a lot of joy; a chance to turn my eyes to this world; and a confidence about myself becoming someone who could help these families with their problems and bring up their children with the proper environment and education.

Q: What advice would you give to those considering child sponsorship but are unsure about it? A: We have the duty to look around this world and ensure that no child dies because they were not provided the basic needs to survive.

Good Neighbors USA Annual Report | 2010


Water For Life • 1.1 billion people are without drinking water. • 3 million children die annually from water-born epidemics. • That’s 1 child every 8 seconds. At Good Neighbors, we believe clean water is a right, and without it, serious health and education issues arise. Children collect water from muddy puddles or nearby rivers and filthy water leads to cholera, malaria, and other diseases. Attending school becomes a low priority. In response, Good Neighbors started Water For Life, a project that builds clean water wells near schools for local communities. One well serves a village of 4,000 for up to 21 years! More importantly, building water wells is a crucial step toward achieving our greatest mission: universal primary education. In 2010, we successfully raised funds for and built 100 water wells in Chad, an achievement that earned us a nomination for the Stay Classy Non-Profit of the Year Award. After Chad’s civil war ended last year, more than 171,000 people were internally displaced in eastern Chad and the region was in desperate need of support. There was little clean water available and Good Neighbors saw building wells as a crucial step to keeping kids in school and encouraging families to settle in the region. Our greatest mission has always been children’s education, so we started Water For Life in 2010, a project that builds clean water wells near schools for local communities. There were many heart-wrenching stories that motivated our work: We learned that in Undu, 22 children died in one year simply from lack of clean water. In Kkizzi, our team met a young girl who spent 12 hours each day collecting water and had contracted malaria 13 times. In many of the villages, young children carried small plastic water bottles with them, taking great care because each bottle had a precious meaning: it was the amount of clean water they were allotted for the entire day. Good Neighbors realized that installing a water pump in villages and next to schools was crucial to maintaining the health of villagers and encouraging children to attend school since they didn’t have to worry about collecting water for the family. Our initial project goal was to build 40 wells in one year but, with the help of strong local community fundraising, we reached that goal in just three months. We then expanded our goal to 100 wells, which we achieved in 11 months. These wells have since provided clean, portable water to thousands of villagers. But our mission isn’t over. The success of Water For Life has prompted us to start the same project in Malawi and the Dominican Republic. Each well is a visible sign of hope that reaches beyond borders and invests in a community’s children and future.

Good Neighbors USA Annual Report | 2010



I’m so thirsty. I’d kill someone for water right now.

Those were the only thoughts running through my head as I walked two miles in the dry, dusty, desert roads of Chad, Africa. Having been born and raised in the United States, I’d never really understood how important water really was until this moment. I didn’t realize how great I had it back at home. When I first found out that I had a chance to go to Africa with Good Neighbors and Somang Society, I was extremely excited. I was able to go as part of a sponsor tour for the Somang Well Project; a project that has Somang Society and Good Neighbors collaborating to build 40 Somang Wells throughout Chad. Here I was, comfortable in sunny Southern California, while organizations like Good Neighbors were saving lives in underdeveloped countries. As a photojournalist, going to Africa had been a dream of mine for a very long time. Growing up, I, just as most others, had only seen images of Africa on television, magazines, and books. I had grown up seeing thousands of pictures of dirty, poor, sick African children. I had already been to the oppressive, communist country of North Korea; a country where children have no freedom to choose how to live their lives. I had already been to the poorest cities and villages of Mexico, where the “richest” children wore raggedy, threadbare clothes that were two sizes too small. Sick children couldn’t get the medical attention they needed, and food was scarce. I was ready to go to Africa. I knew exactly what I was getting myself into and what to expect in Africa. Landing in Chad on February 26, 2010 changed my life. Those five days in Chad blew every preconception I had of Africa completely out of my mind. The first day was spent in a village called Ndou. This was the site of the first Somang Well in Chad. Good Neighbors had already built many other wells before this, so everything from the planning and preparation to the actual digging of the well itself was done by the natives that were trained by Good Neighbors. The village of Ndou is right next to a river and is scattered with huts made out of straw and clay bricks. Walking around this village proved to be a task in itself as it was so dusty, you could hardly breathe. As we were waiting for the preparations for the wellbuilding to start, children began to gather around us. I had honestly never seen children with such expressive, emotional, and shining eyes before. It’s like they didn’t even realize how hard their lives were. As I watched these children running around barefoot, with clothes so old that large holes were scattered around the fabric, I kept thinking about my life in the states. I grew up with so much, but always thought that I had so little. As various thoughts assaulted my mind, the children stared earnestly up at me, almost as if they were expecting something from me. I smiled at them and they smiled back so brightly that it brought tears to my eyes. So much innocence and love radiated from these kids. I watched as they laughed when I showed them their pictures on my camera, I watched as they ran around excited to see foreigners, I watched as they hid behind their mothers’ backs, peeking and shyly smiling at us, I watched as they ran to the river and came back with buckets of water on their heads, and I watched as they drank the dirty river water. I thought that living next to a river was a lot better than living next to no water at all. I learned that living next to a river was actually more dangerous and hazardous because of all the diseases from insects near water. To see children so young drinking from water so dirty that I wouldn’t even dip a finger in it was heartbreaking. Good Neighbors USA Annual Report | 2010


The next village that we went to was a village called Kkachi. It took us three hours of off-roading to get there. The village of Ndou was similar to the poor villages in southern rural Mexico, something I was a little accustomed to. The village of Kkachi, however, was another world in itself. As we were getting out of the car, I saw the ground littered with hundreds of piles of dark brown things. Upon closer inspection, it was animal feces. Animal feces surrounded the small village. It was in front of the huts, around the huts, and behind the huts. When asking why poop was just on the ground like that, I was told that it was dried and used for various purposes such as making bricks. In this feces-covered village, there were only women and children, and a few old men. We were told that the last time a foreigner had been in the village was when the eldest man, who looked to be about 60 years old, was a young child of five. The women and children were so fascinated to see light-skinned people for the first time that they kept touching my skin. This was when we met Ajitae, a 12-year-old girl. Ajitae can’t go to school because there are no schools around for miles and miles and miles. Her day consists of going to and from the well three times a day to bring water to her family. We decided to follow her on a trip to bring water back. Two miles of blistering sun, two miles of dry lands, two miles of breathing in dust. I am 24 and I could barely walk one mile in this condition. I felt like I was dying, and I was tired and thirsty. At that moment, I could and would have done anything for just one glass of cold water. And then I looked up and saw Ajitae, a girl who goes 12 miles back and forth every single day of her life, and I was ashamed. It was then that I finally understood, no, felt the importance of water. Never in my life had I been so thirsty that I just wanted to curl up in a corner and die. While I was leisurely drinking ice cold water anytime I wanted to back in the states, kids were traveling miles and miles just to get water that wasn’t even clean and most definitely not cold. While I blasted the air conditioner even when it wasn’t that hot, children were traveling miles and miles in dry weather of over 100 degrees just to get water. With this visit to the village of Kkachi, Good Neighbors and Somang wells numbers 4 and 5 are planned to be built there. This trip had many eye openers for me. One of the most interesting facts I’ve learned on this trip was that one well gives clean water to 4,000 people. How much does it take to make one well? It takes just $3,000. That’s less than one dollar for each person. I see an NGO like Good Neighbors working so hard, helping to develop and train communities, providing relief aid, and digging wells for villages that desperately need it, and it makes me want to do something, anything that would help villages like Kkachi. I’ve always thought that because I was just one person, what could I possibly do that would change anything? But I’ve realized that it takes so little to help one village. We have to speak for those who cannot yet speak for themselves; those whose voices aren’t loud enough to be heard yet. We have to be loud and yell at the top of our lungs so that the world will stop ignoring what’s happening in this country. Every time I drink a glass of water, I think Ajitae. There are no excuses for me anymore. -From the travel diaries of photojournalist Hannah Gweun

Good Neighbors USA Annual Report | 2010


Project Cookstoves 3 billion people around the world cook, eat, sleep, and work around their indoor fires and old cookstoves every day. The toxic exhaust from indoor fires lead to more than 1.9 million premature deaths annually. It is the fourth worst overall health risk factor in developing countries. But it isn’t just about health. Last year, we launched Project Cookstoves in Solola, Guatemala, an initiative that builds clean cookstoves for families and allows us to promote education, empowerment of women, the well-being of children, and environmental protection.

The Facts

Health: Toxic indoor smoke leads to low birth weights, pneumonia in young children, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema, cardiovascular disease, lung cancer, cataracts, and lower respiratory infections. 1.9 million deaths every year are attributed to the toxic smoke from indoor fires and old cookstoves. . Children: Children are exposed to dangers while they’re gathering firewood and other bio-fuels used for the old cookstoves and indoor fires. Their futures are also affected since they spend hours gathering bio-fuels instead of dedicating that time to their education. Poverty: Poverty is both a cause and an effect of indoor fires and old cookstoves. Without the resources to obtain a cleaner and more efficient stove, families resort to hazardous stoves and fires. The use of old cookstoves and fires also inhibit economic development for households. Women: Women are constantly exposed to the toxic gases from indoor fires and old cookstoves as they are usually the ones cooking and staying at home in most developing countries. This dramatically increases their risk of illness. Young girls and women are also vulnerable to physical assaults while gathering bio-fuels. Environment: Gathering bio-fuels, generally firewood, leads to deforestation and climate change regionally and globally with the black carbon and methane emissions.

Good Neighbors USA Annual Report | 2010


The Cookstove Design Our cookstoves are designed to eliminate toxic indoor gas exposure and reduce fuel consumption with its improved design and performance. The cookstove is multipurpose, serving as an oven, stove, and furnace—even as a table with its tiles. Designed with the beneficiary families in mind, the cookstoves are culturally conscious: the design is a modified version of the traditional cookstove with a flat iron top which allows families to cook tortillas, a traditional staple. Our cookstoves are also family-friendly: the outer edges and sides of the stove are cool to the touch, eliminating the chances of injury by young children. A smokestack leads the smoke out of the building, creating a healthier, cleaner, and smoke-free kitchen. Modifications to the stove also allow families to regulate and adjust the heat during cold, rainy Guatemalan winters.

Who Is Benefitting From Our Stoves? Good Neighbors extensively researched our beneficiary families. With the help of the Solola department government, we were able to contact 1,000 families who needed improved cookstoves. All of our families have at least seven members in their family and make less than $3.00 USD a day. Most of our beneficiary families are currently living in one-room homes with dirt floors and little more than a single bed for the entire family to share. To encourage families’ pride in ownership, Project Cookstoves consciously invites families to actively participate in the construction of their new cookstove. Good Neighbors also provides health seminars and education programs for the children of the beneficiary families.


Good Neighbors USA Annual Report | 2010


’Within just a couple of minutes my face hurt from the heat, my eyes were burning, my lungs were spasming. This is where people live. This is where children sleep, every night.” Best-selling author Pamela Ribon spent a week in Solola, Guatemala with Good Neighbors back in November, working to replace toxic indoor stoves with safe cookstoves for families. Here, an excerpt from her travel diaries: The air quality in Guatemala City is one thing, but being in the hills of Solola, where every structure contains an open fire, makes the air thick with soot and ash. Sometimes we were inside these structures for 30 minutes or more, to film or shoot pictures, and it’s difficult to see, nearly impossible to breathe. Within just a couple of minutes my face hurt from the heat, my eyes were burning, my lungs were spasming. This is where people live. This is where children sleep, every night. I would get a headache minutes after exposure, right between my eyebrows. By the third day the headache would come back just as soon as I smelled burning firewood, a sense memory ache caused from merely entering the town. At night we were all coughing, blowing our noses. Black gunk would run out of us. We were so busy working, gathering footage, interviewing people, it was easy to forget that we were spending our days inhaling smoke and ash. By Thursday we were all waking up sore and ill. My backpack of medical supplies came in handy, pretty much constantly. By the third day Bryan joked, “Your backpack. It has first aid. And second aid. Third aid, fourth aid…” We also visited a family who’d had a new cookstove for about a month. The difference in their living conditions was immediately noticeable. No heavy clouds of smoke and ash. No feeling of walking into a house fire. Instead, the family was gathered around the cookstove, sitting and talking, making tortillas. Nearby, the children sat around a crate fashioned as a kid’s table. Here the family could gather in a kitchen, have lunch together and tell us about their hopes and dreams for their children’s futures. “I teach the boys farming now,” the father told us, “Because they are seven and need to know, just in case. But I make sure they go to school. I know there’s something else out there for them. I teach them farming in the afternoon to be a responsible father, but I make sure they do their homework, because that’s giving them a future.”

Good Neighbors USA Annual Report | 2010



2010 ACTIVITY HIGHLIGHTS Promotion and Marketing -We were awarded a Google Grants worth up to $10,000/month in advertising for nonprofits -We renewed our website and began developing web articles and translations, as well as online newsletters and promotional videos for Water For Life, Project Cookstoves, Haiti Emergency Relief, and a Good Neighbors Introductory Video -We developed and promoted various fundraising campaigns via the website and social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, GuideStar, Idealist, and Wikipedia -We developed and distributed Haiti-focused booklets to more than four thousand organizations -We sent Board President David Strand to Haiti to make a promotional video for emergency relief fundraising, and sent best-selling author Pamela Ribon to Guatemala to document our clean cookstoves efforts in Guatemala. The trip was documented by photographer Jeff Yeon and cinematographer Robin Cho.

Donor Relations -For child sponsorship, we held a volunteer appreciation dinner at the LA Symphony Orchestra Christmas Concert and sent out annual progress reports to child sponsorship donors -We organized a sponsor tour group including a journalist from Korea Daily and a photojournalist, both of whom visited Chad project sites operated by Good Neighbors Chad -We raised $30,000 and constructed a playground for Guatemalan children -We sent a volunteer group to Guatemala for one week to visit project sites and help in the emergency relief efforts for victims of the Pacaya Volcano eruptions


Good Neighbors USA Annual Report | 2010

Good Neighbors USA Annual Report | 2010



GOOD NEIGHBORS INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS: - Good Neighbors International hosted the 2010 International Annual Conference, attended by 64 staff members from various fundraising departments around the world. The meeting was held to discuss long-term strategies and included workshops on education, child protection, and administration stabilization - The Haiti country director visited the LA office to brief us on current activities and plan the “Haiti 1 Year Later� campaign - Good Neighbors Myanmar successfully constructed a Good Neighbors school as part of a rebuilding effort in impoverished areas that were severely affected by cyclone Nargis in 2008. We coordinated with the Myanmar Chinese Association in New York to raise the necessary funds.


Good Neighbors USA Annual Report | 2010

Good Neighbors USA Annual Report | 2010




Our Impact




Emergency Relief Numbers

We administered emergency relief in seven countries from January through December 2010, distributing kits for emergency aid, constructing school buildings, and providing medical and emotional treatment.


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Haiti Emergency Relief

Good Neighbors International works to reduce poverty and provide people around the world with a better quality of life by implementing community development programs. GNI believes that poverty can be solved through an integrated and holistic approach. Our programs include child education and protection, health and medical services, water and sanitation improvement, and income generation in close cooperation with local community members. GNI currently has offices in 28 countries and participates in 151 community development projects in our 25 field countries: 7 in Africa (Rwanda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Egypt, Tanzania, Chad, and Malawi), 13 in Asia (Bangladesh, Tajikistan, Nepal, Cambodia, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Mongolia, India, and Philippines) 5 in Latin America (Guatemala, Haiti, Paraguay, Chile, and Dominican Republic). Good Neighbors will continuously strive to support and empower children, families, and communities to become self-reliant and build a better future by actively participating in our projects.

• Foods and commodities (The number of recipients : 40,600 people) • Temporary housing and protection (The number of recipients : 260 families) • Medical support and epidemic prevention (The number of recipients : 2352 people) • Emotional treatment (The number of recipients : 760 people) Tajikistan Earthquake/Flood Emergency Relief Daily necessities and food support (17,000 recipients) Chile Earthquake Emergency Relief Daily necessities and rehabilitation work (building schools…) (23,400 recipients) Kyrgyzstan Ethnic Strife Relief Aid clothing, shoes, and daily necessities (11,000 recipients) Guatemala Volcanic Outburst-Tropical Deluge Relief Food aid, medical services, and rehabilitation works (bridge and school rebuilding) (26,604 recipients) Pakistan Flood Relief Food aid, daily necessities, and beddings (5,232 recipients) Indonesia Earthquake-tsunami-volcanic Outburst Relief Emergency kits, daily necessities, toys to children (12,418 recipients)

Good Neighbors USA Annual Report | 2010


GOOD NEIGHBORS INTERNATIONAL 2010 Overseas Relief Projects Number of Countries/Beneficiaries

2010 Overseas Relief: Where We Worked

132 overseas relief projects were implemented in 23 countries around the world in 2010 in an effort to achieve physical, social, and psychological health among children. The projects also included community development, human rights, and opportunities for women.

Education & Protection


No. of People


No. Of People

• Operated orphanages and nurseries to protect children and provide primary education: 13 countries/ 176,000 people









• Supported elementary, middle, and high school education: 14 countries /211,245 people

















Sri Lanka


• Built 47 schools and provided educational supplies such as chairs and maps: 14 countries /115,561 people


• Supported library system operation: 10 countries/13,435 people • Operated an eradicating-illiteracy program: 6 countries/17,989 people

13 countries 13 field offices

• Operated a vocational training program: 12 countries/34,558 people

1,248,985 people



Tanzania (East)




Tanzania (West)






• Created a nutritious food program to provide food and water: 14 countries /168,645 people





• Operated medical clinics staffed by doctors: 15 countries/102,441 people

7countries 8 field offices

Public Health Projects

• Supplied medical equipment and built 13 local clinics: 8 countries/equipment sent 860 times


South America

• Inspected infectious parasites and educated people on disease prevention: 14 countries /58,428 people Total

Water and Sanitation Improvement Projects





179,371 people Paraguay


3 countries 3 field offices

156,894 people

23 countries 24 field office

Total 1,585,250

• Built toilets to improve the local community’s hygiene: 10 countries/725 toilets • Improving housing environment and local communities: 6 countries/15,048 people • Developed safe drinking water fountains, water tanks, and wells: 9 countries/100 sites • Provided safe drinking water purification systems: 8 countries/10,670 items Income Generation • Developed agricultural technologies and training systems for local employees: 7 countries /121,579 people • Supplied agricultural equipment and resources: 7 countries/10,486 people • Worked on animal lending micro-credit bank systems to improve household income: 5 countries/ 34,035 people • Operated micro-credit workers and unions to improve household incomes: 7 countries/13,216 people 38

Good Neighbors USA Annual Report | 2010

Good Neighbors USA Annual Report | 2010



2010 Overseas Relief: Where We Worked

2010 Overseas Relief Projects Establishing Regional Partnership and Networking • Established regional societal committee and operated its committee: 18 countries/12,819 people • Developed local volunteers and operating volunteer program: 17 countries/8,199 people • Fostered local leaders and training programs: 7 countries/827 people • Held regional community committee meetings and seminars: 10 countries/204 times Advocacy • Public awareness campaigns: 14 countries 15,837 times • Created public awareness campaigns about poverty, human rights, and inequality among communities: 14 countries/15,837 times • Operated children’s rights training program: 10 countries/16,233 children • Operated a gender equality program: 10 countries/408 times • Held government-oriented meetings, workshops, policy strategies, and other governmental activities: 13 countries/2,616 people Aid To North Korea After the Cheonan incident in 2010, children’s protection support projects and direct aid programs for North Korea were halted. In addition, civilian visits to North Korea were limited, which prohibited organizations from monitoring aid projects and consultations in the region. Children’s Protection Support Project Food aid arrived to the Korea Council for Reconciliation and Cooperation through Nampo and Seopo and was shipped to children between the ages of infant-4 years old at nine nurseries: Pyengyang, Nampo, Haeju, Sariwon, Wonsan, Hyesan, Chungjin, Sinyiju, and Ryongchon. Public Health Support Projects To control bacteria proliferation and to cure coliform bacillus and gonococcus including 3rd generation antibiotic amoxicillin capsules, projects provided lactose, stearin, magnesium, capsules, and damp-proofing materials to local community members.


Good Neighbors USA Annual Report | 2010

Good Neighbors USA Annual Report | 2010



ILHA YI, MEMBER Ilha Yi is the current President and CEO of Good

as President of the Board of Directors in April 2009. Prior to working with Good Neighbors, Mr. Strand practiced immigration law in San Francisco for 30 years and is a certified specialist in immigration and nationality law by the State Bar of California. He has served as a board member of several organizations, including the Fisherman’s Wharf Association, the Irish Forum, the Movement for a Free Philippines, the Chinatown Lion’s Club, the San Francisco Filipino-American Chamber of Commerce, the Council of International Programs USA, the Telegraph Hill Neighborhood Center, and the Harvard Club of San Francisco. He is former chair of the Democratic Party of Marin County, Califonia, and has been active in many other civic, charitable, and political organizations. He is a native of Cleveland, Ohio and received his B.A. from Harvard University and his J.D. from Case Western Reserve University.

Neighbors International and a member of the Board of Directors since April 2009. He is the founder of Good Neighbors and has been with the organization since 1991. Prior to joining Good Neighbors, Mr. Yi’s career highlights include serving as the Fundraising Director of World Vision, the President of Korea NGO Council of Overseas Corporation, and the General Secretary of Good Neighbors’ Social Welfare Foundation. He received his B.A. in Theology from Yonsei University, studied Social Work at the Graduate School of Soongsil University, and NGO Management at the Graduate School of Eastern University.

DAVID T. MARH, CHAIR David T. Marh has been the Chair of the Board of Directors since April 2009 and currently works as a corporate and international attorney at Marh & Associates. He has handled corporate securities, complex agreements and commercial transactions both domestically and internationally, including mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, strategic alliances, intellectual property, project financing, as well as interfacing with foreign governments and NGOs on international projects. Mr. Marh received his B.A. and M.B.A. from the University of California, Irvine, and his J.D. from Western State University in Fullerton, CA.

EUNJU OH, TREASURER/SECRETARY Eunju Oh is the current Executive Director of Good Neighbors USA and has served on the Board of Directors as Treasurer/Secretary since April 2009. She first joined Good Neighbors International in 2002 as the Afghanistan Program Director in Project Development and Management in Kabul, Afghanistan and established the Good Neighbors USA office in 2007 in Los Angeles, CA. Ms. Oh directs the management of GNUSA; establishes its goals and policies; and exercises wide latitude in discretionary decision making. She specializes in INGO governance and management, and emergency disaster relief operations. In 2010, she established an office in Washington D.C. to network and partner with other U.S.-based INGOs, as well as to concentrate on obtaining grants from government agencies.


Good Neighbors USA Annual Report | 2010

BRYAN LEE, MEMBER Bryan Lee is the Development Director of Good Neighbors USA and has 11 years of experience in planning, developing, and managing policies and programs for international humanitarian and development NGOs. He specializes in INGO governance and management, and was the Chief Emergency Disaster Relief Field Operations Officer in Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, and Haiti. Prior to joining Good Neighbors USA, Mr. Lee was the manager of the International Cooperation Team at Good Neighbors International in Seoul, Korea, where he developed operational manuals for communication between GNI and its affiliates; advised the Good Neighbors Afghanistan and Pakistan country directors on the design and strategies of orientations; and acted as a media liaison. From 2000 to 2002, he also served on the Fundraising Team for Good Neighbors International, coordinating and directing the organization’s website and planning corporate-sponsored events. Presently, Mr. Lee’s role as Development Director has him developing and managing strategies, orientations, and budgets, as well as coordinating the organization’s public relations and events and directing fundraising goals.

MARK ZUCKERMAN, MEMBER Mark Zuckerman joined Good Neighbors as a member of the Board of Directors in November 2010. Prior to joining Good Neighbors, he was the Founder and CEO of Pasqua Coffee; the Founder, Owner, and Operator of The Pedestrian Café; and the Founder and Operator of La Favorita Coffee of America and Captains Gift Coffee. Mr. Zuckerman also has experience as the Marketing Director of The Solar Center in San Francisco and was a Fundraising and Account Executive for Irving R. Warner and Associates.

Good Neighbors USA Annual Report | 2010



STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES 9.95% Management and General

Good Neighbors USA

9.83% Management and General

8.47% Gifts in Kind


Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted



23.3% Haiti Relief 39.5% Contributions


$ 421,070




Support from GNI

$ 509,744



$ 509,744


$ 68,356



$ 68,356

Other Income (losses)

($ 1,440)



($ 1,440)

Total Revenues, Gains, Losses and Reclassifications

$ 997,730

$ 98,446


$ 1,096,176

Child Sponsorship

$ 113,114




Project Sponsorship

$ 412,249



$ 412,249

Haiti Relief

$ 252,183



$ 252,183


$ 91,244



$ 91,244

Total Program Services

$ 868,790



$ 868,790

Mangement and general fundraising

$ 107,719



$ 107,719


$ 106,461



$ 106,461

Total Supporting Services

$ 214,480



$ 214,180

EXPENSES: Program Services 47.85% Support from GNI

EXPENSES: Supporting Services

6.42% Gifts In Kind .14% Other Income (Losses)

38.1% Project Sponsorship


6.35% Net Assets Released From Restrictions

9.95% Management and General 9.83% Fundraising

Total Expenses

$ 1,082,970



$ 1,082,970

Change in net assets

($ 17,635)

$ 98,446


$ 80,811

Net assets, begginning of year

$ 158,147



$ 357,675

Net assets end of year

$ 140,512

$ 297, 974



9.83% Fundraising

23.3% Haiti Relief 9.95% Management and General

44.64% Contributions

43.8% Support from GNI

80.22% Program Services

5.87% Gifts in Kind 38.1% Project Sponsorship


Good Neighbors USA Annual Report | 2010

10.4% Child Sponsorship

12% Other Income (losses) 5.8% Net Assets Released from Restrictions






$ 868, 790


$ 106,461

$ 1,082,970

Good Neighbors USA Annual Report | 2010



5.1% Gifts in Kind

1.3% Other Revenues 8.3% Balance Carried Over

Good Neighbors International

15.4% Donations

2010 Settled Accounts


REVENUES: Balance Carried Over

$ 4,644,548.81

8.3 %

Sponsorship Dues

$ 27,207,403.81

49.1 %

Government Subsidies

$ 11,534,441.49

20.8 %


$ 8,533,353.95

15.4 %


$ 2,709,812.95

5.1 %

Other Revenues

$ 727,702.69

1.3 %

$ 55,457,498.49

100 %

International Operations

$ 40,110,831.25

72.3 %

North Korea Operations

$ 1,435,519.10

2.6 %

Social Development Education

$ 4,653,478.47

.7 %


20.8% Government Subsidies

49.1% Sponsorship Dues


Research and Development

EXPENDITURES 2.7% Sponsorship Services

6.9% Administration/Other Expenditures

2.2% Campaign Programs

4.2% Carried Forward

.7% Research and Devolpment

$ 409,490.10

.7 %

Campaign Programs

$ 1,223,137.55

2.2 %

Sponsorship Services

$ 1,487,134.80

2.7 %

Administration/Other Expenditures

$ 3,820,452.31

6.9 %

Carried Forward


4.2 %

$ 55,457,498.49

100.0 %


*2010 Exchange Rate for Korean Won (KRW) to The United States Dollars (USD) was calculated to be 1107.4(KRW) to 1(USD). *For the purpose of this Annual Report only, North Korea Operation Expenditures were separated from International Operations.

8.4% Social Develoment Education 2.6% North Korea Operations 72.3% International Operations


Good Neighbors USA Annual Report | 2010

Good Neighbors USA Annual Report | 2010




Tajikistan Afghanistan

United States




Haiti Dominican Republic


Egypt Chad


Myanmar Cambodia

Ethiopia Rwanda



Bangladesh Vietnam Philippines

Sri Lanka



Malawi Paraguay


AFRICA Good Neighbors Chad B.P. 5600, N’Djamena, Chad Good Neighbors Egypt 62G Tomanby, P.O. Box 83 Saray El Koba, Cairo, Egypt

Good Neighbors Ethiopia Nefasilk Lafto Sub-City Kebele 05, House No. 3181 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Good Neighbors Kenya P.O. Box 1641 Village Market Nairobi, Kenya

Good Neighbors Malawi Good Neighbors USA (Los Angeles, CA) P.O. Box 31758 Los Angeles, CA 90031 (877) 499-9898

Good Neighbors USA (Washington, D.C.) 801 15th Street S. Suite 609 Arlington, VA 22202 (202) 643-9855

Good Neighbors International United Nations Liaison Office 572 Windsor Drive Palisades Park, NJ 07650

Good Neighbors International Headquarters Office 2F, Samil Bldg., 27-1 Cheongpa-dong 3ga Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea 140-133

Good Neighbors International Cooperation Office Geneva Rue Gustave Revilliod 6 1227 Geneva, Switzerland

Good Neighbors Korea 101-4, Cheongpa-dong 2ga Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea 140-132

Good Neighbors Japan New Light Bldg. 205 2-25-6 Hongou Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033 Japan

P.O. Box 30721 Lilongwe 3, Malawi

Good Neighbors Rwanda B.P. 5125 Kigali, Rwanda

Good Neighbors Tanzania (Eastern Chapter) P.O. Box 33104 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Good Neighbors Tanzania (Western Chapter) P.O. Box No. 224 Mwanza, Tanzania

P.O. Box 212 Main Post 734025 Dushanbe, Tajikistan

Good Neighbors India

Good Neighbors Vietnam

No. 14 & 15, 2nd Block Blessing Garden, Byrathi Dodda Gubbi Post Bangalore, 562149 India

Good Neighbors Indonesia JL. Boulevard, Ruko Bukit Gading Mediterania, Blok AA, No. 19 Kelapa Gadin, Jakarta Utara, 14240 Indonesia

Good Neighbors Mongolia Ikh Toiruu 106/1, 2nd Khoroo Bayanzurkh District, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia

Good Neighbors Myanmar No. 17A San Yeik Nyein 6th Street Kamayut Township, Yangon Union of Myanmar

Good Neighbors Nepal G.P.O. Box 8975 EPC 1605 Kathmandu, Nepal

Good Neighbors PakistanÂ

ASIA Good Neighbors Afghanistan

Good Neighbors Philippines

P.O. Box 5774 Kabul, Afghanistan House No. 282 (5th Floor), Lane-4, D.O.H.S. Baridhara Dhaka-1206 Bangladesh

Good Neighbors USA Annual Report | 2010

Good Neighbors Tajikistan

House #12, St. 544, Boeungkok 1 Commune. Toulkork District. Phnom Penh, Cambodia

House No. 18, Workshop Road Habibullah Colony Abbottabad, Pakistan

Good Neighbors Bangladesh


Good Neighbors Cambodia

1105 A4 Lang Quac Te Thang Long Cau Giay Hanoi, Vietnam

CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA Good Neighbors Guatemala 8 Calle 00-22 Avenida Zona 9, Interior 5 Oficina 5B Guatemala Ciudad, Guatemala

Good Neighbors Paraguay Parqe Venezuela, Dpto. 204-A, situado sobre la Avda. Venezuela N 2099 esq. Tte. Fernandez, Asuncion, Paraguay

Good Neighbors Haiti PO Box 13206, Delmas, Haiti

Good Neighbors Chile 807 Cuarto Centenario, Las Condes Santiago, Chile

Good Neighbors Dominican Republic

17-B Collantes St. Xaviervill 1 Loyola Heights, Quezon City 1108 Philippines

Good Neighbors Sri Lanka 48/1 Havelock Road Colombo 05 Sri Lanka

Good Neighbors USA Annual Report | 2010


It’s All Because Of You To all of our donors and volunteers: On behalf of Good Neighbors USA, we would like to extend a warm thank you for supporting our organization. Our mission has always been to help those around the world, but that can’t happen without wonderful people like you helping us along the way. Whether you’ve donated money and/or given your time, your generous contributions are at the core of what we’re capable of achieving. In return, we hope you’ve enjoyed this year’s 2010 Annual Report. We work hard to keep everything we do completely transparent, providing as many detailed updates as possible to our donors. It’s important to us that you see firsthand where your money goes and how the projects you’re involved in are changing people’s lives. Once again, we thank you for your support and look forward to sharing our progress with you for many years to come.


Good Neighbors USA

Scan this code to visit our website and learn more about Good Neighbors.

P. O. Box 31758 Los Angeles, CA 90031 +1 877 499-9898

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