Green Economy Flyer

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Groundwork North East


Improving the environmental performance of business & communities

Green Economy Improving the environmental performance of business & communities


Groundwork North East delivers a diverse range of environmental services which are designed to help business and communities improve resources efficiency, environmental performance and promote industry best practice.

• Improved environmental performance

Green Check Green Communities Environmental Review Offers a support service for

• Decreased waste to landfill

Groundwork North East’s Green Check Environmental Review offers businesses and community centres the first step to making their organisation more successful and competitive through environmental audits, reports and continued support.

Environmental Training Delivering a range of cost effective training courses for business or individual covering environmental and health & safety issues, either in-house or at our training centre in County Durham.

Consultancy Our Environmental Business Services team offers a range of bespoke consultancy services to assist your business improve its use of resources, environmental performance, promote best practice and demonstrate compliance to relevant legislation and or standards.

community groups and third sector organisations who wish to engage in environmental improvements. This could involve anything from green champions training, conducting environmental reviews of community buildings, or supporting a community renewable energy project.

Green Doctor Green Doctors are helping to make homes across the country more environmentally friendly and cheaper to run. Green Doctor home visits offer residents information and advice on environmental issues as well as the installation of low cost energy saving equipment.

• Reduced carbon emissions

• Enhanced management of legal compliance • Improved health • Improved stakeholder reputation • Up-skilled employees and communities • Cost savings

REsilience We provide a support service for organisations to realise the benefits of Renewable Energy. We carry out site visits and renewable energy options appraisals to provide a range of renewable energy events and training on the benefits of renewables.

Green Economy programme supported by

Groundwork North East Grosvenor House 29 Market Place Bishop Auckland County Durham DL14 7NP Central office 01207 524 800

Groundwork North East


GREEN ECONOMY Improving the environmental performance of business & communities

Green Economy Improving the environmental performance of business & communities


The benefits: • Reduce waste and energy costs • Improved business planning

Groundwork North East’s “Green Check Environmental Review” is the first step to making your organisation more successful and competitive.

• Demonstration of legal compliance • Improved employee motivation


• Excellent PR and marketing tool

AUDIT A member of our Environmental Business Services Team will undertake a site visit to your premises and assess your energy use, water consumption, waste streams and legal compliance to identify areas where costs savings could occur.

• “Green Check” participation certificate used to demonstrate commitment to environmental improvement

THE REPORT Your advisor will provide you with a report formalising the discussions and observations from the site visit. The report provides: • Easy to implement recommendations to increase efficiency, profitability and legal compliance at your site

• A carbon footprint for your site • Calculated cost savings

SUPPORT AND REVIEW • Support and advice is offered after the initial site visit for the duration of the funded programme. • Groundwork North East’s Environmental Business Services team offer consultancy and training to address areas which require further assistance.

“This project is part financed by the European Union’s ERDF Competitiveness Programme 2007 – 2013, through regional development agency One North East”

Places are limited - To find out if your business is eligible for a FREE Green Check Environmental Review contact the EBS team. Groundwork North East Telephone 01207 524 800

Groundwork Groundwork North North East East

(19,5210(17$/ 75$,1,1*

Groundwork North East

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mproving the environmental performance of business & communities

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• Comply with environmental

Environmental improvements: Groundwork North East can conduct Conflict Resolution andconduct Personal Safety (1 day) improvements: Environmental Groundwork Northreview East can an environmental to help • Cost savings Health Safety Workplace - 1/2 day, Level 2 - 1 day) an environmental reviewin tothe help •(Level Cost1 savings North Eastand community groups and • Increased awareness and North East community groups and third sector organisations to improve • Increased awareness and compliance with legislation third to improve their sector use of organisations resources, environmental compliance with legislation their use of resources, environmental • Improve local environmental quality performance and promote best • Improve local environmental quality performance and promote best This is a free service to community practice. We will provide advice This a free service to community practice. We will provide advice and is third sector organisations. and support throughout the review. and third sector organisations. and support throughout the review. This advice can form the basis of This advice can form the basis ofplan. an environmental improvement an environmental improvement plan.

Environmental improv Groundwork North East can conduct Environmental improve Groundwork North East can conduct legislation • Comply an environmental reviewwith to help environmental • Cost savings an environmental review to help • Cost savings North Eastlegislation community groups and North East community groups and • Increased awarene • Increased awarenes • Address third sector organisationsenvironmental to improve third sector organisations to improve compliance with le compliance with leg their use ofissues resources, environmental your business environmental their use•of Address resources, within environmental • Improve local envir performance and promote best Improve local enviro performance and promote best your •business issues within This is a free service practice. We will provide advice This is a free service to employee awareness practice.•WeImprove will provide advice and third sector orga and support throughout the review. and third sector organ and support throughout the review. • Improve employee awareness This advice can form the basis of This advice can form the basis of an environmental improvement plan. an environmental improvement plan.

(19,5210(17$/ (19,5210(17$/ 75$,1,1* 75$,1,1* Groundwork North East can provide

(19,5210(17$/ (19,5210(17$/ This project received 75$,1,1* 75$,1,1* funding from This project received

)857+(5 6833257 )857+(5 6833257 Groundwork North East can offer

)857+(5 6833 )857+(5 6833

Groundwork North E Groundwork North East can offer Groundwork North Eas further support to get environmental further support to get funding from North East can provide further support to get environmental Groundwork further support to get e Groundwork North East can provide projects off the ground that will improveGroundwork North East can provide bespoke environmental training and projects off the groun projects off the ground that will improve bespoke environmental training and projects off the ground bespoke environmental training and the environmental performance of your bespoke environmental training and workshops to community groups and Bespoke Environmental the environmental pe the environmental performance of your workshops to community groups and the environmental perf workshops community groups organisation. Contact us now if you workshops to community groups and third sectortoorganisations relevantand organisation. Contact Improvement Courses organisation. Contact us now if you third sector organisations relevant organisation. Contact third sector organisations relevant would like support with: third sector organisations relevant to your organisations activities. would like support wi would like support with: to your organisations activities. would like support with to your organisations Which may include any of the • Organising an event to raise awarenessto your organisations activities. Effective training and activities. communication • Organising an even Effective training and communication • Organising an event to raise awarenessEffective Effective training andsuccess communication elements: • Organising an event training and communication arefollowing essential to the of CIEH Registered Centre • Information about possible funding are essential to the success of are essential to theimprovement success of • Information about • Information about possible funding are essential to the success of anCarbon environmental auditing and reporting; • Information about p opportunities an environmental improvement an environmental improvement Groundwork North East opportunities opportunities an environmental improvement programme. Improvedfor employee pollution prevention unregulated opportunities Groundwork North East Groundwork North East • Community liaison programme. Improved employee programme. Improved employee programme. Improved employee 01207 •524 and volunteerwaste awareness will help the Community liaison Telephone 800 liaison industries; management; • Community liaison • Community and volunteer awareness will help the Telephone 01207 524 800 • Finding partners for projects and volunteer awareness will help the Telephone 01207 524 800 and volunteer awareness will help the organisation realise the cost waste audits; recycling andsaving waste • Finding partners fo • Finding partners for projects organisation realise the cost saving • Finding partners for organisation realise the organisation realise the cost saving • Just to discuss ideas opportunities that exist. minimisation; Duty of cost Caresaving and • Just to discuss ide opportunities that exist. • Just to discuss ideas opportunities thatlegislation; exist. • Just to discuss idea opportunities that exist. environmental resource efficiency. 100% 100% 100%

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When you have finished thisplease leaflet recycle please it recycle it When you have finished with thiswith leaflet

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Groundwork North East


GREEN ECONOMY Improving the environmental performance of business & communities

Green Economy Improving the environmental performance of business & communities


The benefits:

Groundwork North East’s Environmental Business Service (EBS) offers a range of bespoke consultancy • Improved legal compliance services to assist your business to improve its use of resources, environmental performance and • Reduced risk of promote best practice. This is essential due to environmental incidents increasingly stringent environmental legislation, corporate social responsibility and public relations. ENVIRONMENTAL MANGEMENT SYSTEMS Our team of Environmental Business Service practitioners can help provide specific advice on issues relating to Environmental Mangement Systems accredited to ISO14001 or BS8555 standard, or as a bespoke system for your organisation.

WASTE & Water AUDIT A controlled waste audit is essential in finding out what type of, and how much, waste your organisation is producing so alternative ways to dispose of it can be established. We are able to help you assess your water use and plan where savings may be made, as well as looking into the possibilities of re-using and recycling rain and grey water to further reduce costs.

CARBON FOOTPRINT/ ENERGY AUDIT All organisations rely on natural resources to operate. Groundwork North East can provide a package of environmental management support such as baseline carbon footprint and energy reduction techniques implementation.

REGISTER OF LEGISLATION A register of legislation formally documents all legal obligations your business is required to comply with. We can assist you to develop a register tailored specifically to the activities on your site.


Increased employee awareness

Financial cost savings

Diversion of waste from landfill

Involve the ‘whole school community’ in developing and improving school grounds. In partnership we ensure the grounds are designed to facilitate outdoor learning experiences and enhance their play value. We also advise on funding opportunities available to assist schools implement their ideas.

GREEN TRAVEL PLANS Green Travel Plans allow organisations to assess how site uses travel to a specific site to effectively manage parking stress and encourage sustainable modes of travel.

GIS MAPPING GIS mapping useful tool for mapping and illustrating data sets. We have experienced technicians able to develop materials for your specific needs.

Groundwork North East Telephone 01207 524 800

Groundwork GroundworkNorth NorthEast East

*5((1 &20081,7,(6 *5((1 &20081,7,(6

Groundwork North East

Groundwork North East

*5((1 &20081,7,(6

*5((1 &20081,7,(6

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mproving the environmental performance of business & communities


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Improving the environmental performance of business & communities Improving the environmental performance of business & communities

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Improving the environmental performance of business & communities


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We are interested in hearing from We are interested in h We are interested in hearing from We interested in hearing from :( &$1 +(/3 We are interested in he anyare community group or third sector :( &$1 +(/3 any community group any community group or third sector any community group or third sector • Want toEast improve any community group organisation that would like to improve Groundwork North is offering your Groundwork North East is offering Groundwork North East is offering Northto East isimprove offering your • Want to your a support service for community • Want improve organisation that wou organisation that would like to improveGroundwork organisation that would like to improve organisation that woul their environmental credentials, raise a support service for community a support service community agroups support service forfor community service forcredentials? community and third sector organisations their environmental c their environmental credentials, raise a supportgreen their environmental credentials, raise green credentials? their environmental cre credentials? groups green and third sector organisations groups third sector organisations awareness of environmental issues in groups groups andand sector organisations and third sector organisations who wish tothird engage in environmental awareness of environ awareness of environmental issues in awareness of environmental issues in awareness of environm their communities, and reduce costs. who• wish to engage inabout environmental who wish to engage in environmental who wish to engage in environmental Worried to engage in environmental improvements to mitigate against their communities, an their communities, reduce costs. who wish their communities, andand reduce costs. Worried about their communities, and • •Worried about improvements to mitigate against improvements to mitigate against improvements to mitigate improvements to mitigate against and adapt to the impacts against of climate environmental legislation? and adapt to the impacts of climate and adapt to the impacts of climate and adapt to the impacts of climate environmental legislation? and adapt to the impacts of climate environmental legislation? change. change. change. change. change. Support includes: • Think Energy/Waste/Water Support includes: Support includes: ThinkEnergy/Waste/Water Energy/Waste/Water Support includes: • •Think Support includes: • Green champions training and is costing you earth? • Green champions training andthe • Green champions training • Green champions training andand iscosting costing you theearth? earth? • Greenis champions training and the you workshops workshops workshops workshops workshops • Conducting environmental reviews • Haveenvironmental an interest in raising • Conducting reviews raising • Conducting environmental reviews Have interest raising • Conducting environmental • •Have ananinterest • Conducting environmental reviews inin of community buildings reviews awareness of community buildings of environmental of community buildings of community buildings of community buildings ofof awareness environmental awareness environmental • Supporting a community renewable • Supporting a community renewable • Supporting a community renewable • Supporting a community renewable issues in your community? • Supporting a community renewable energy project issues yourcommunity? community? issues your energy project inin energy project energy project energy project

• Need support for green Needsupport supportfor forgreen green • •Need initiatives? initiatives? initiatives? *5((1 &+(&. (19,5210(17$/ 5(9,(: *5((1 &+(&. (19,5210(17$/ 5(9,(:

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Groundwork North East can conduct Groundwork North East can conduct Groundwork North East can conduct an environmental review to help an environmental review to help an environmental review to help North East community groups and North East community groups North East community groups andand third sector organisations to improve third sector organisations to improve third sector organisations to improve their use of resources, environmental their of resources, environmental their useuse of resources, environmental performance and promote best performance and promote best performance and promote best practice. We will provide advice practice. We will provide advice practice. We will provide advice and support throughout the review. and support throughout the review. and throughout review. Thissupport advice can form thethe basis of This advice can form the basis of This advice can form the basis an environmental improvementofplan. environmental improvement plan. an an environmental improvement plan.

Environmental improvements: Groundwork North East can conduct Environmental improvements: Environmental improvements: Groundwork North East can conduct • Cost savings an environmental review to help • Cost savings an environmental review to help • Cost savings • Increased awareness and North East community groups and North East community groups and • Increased awareness • Increased awareness andand compliance with legislation third sector organisations to improve third sector organisations to improve compliance with legislation compliance with legislation their use of resources, environmental • Improve local environmental quality their use of resources, environmental • Improve local environmental quality performance and promote best • Improve local environmental quality performance and promote best This is a free service to community practice. We will provide advice This aisfree a free service to community practice. This service to community We will provide advice and is third sector organisations. and support throughout the review. and third sector organisations. and third sector organisations. and support throughout the review. This advice can form the basis of This advice can form the basis of an environmental improvement plan. an environmental improvement plan.

(19,5210(17$/ (19,5210(17$/ (19,5210(17$/ 75$,1,1* 75$,1,1* 75$,1,1*

)857+(5 6833257 )857+(5 6833257 )857+(5 6833257 Groundwork North East can offer

Groundwork North East can provide Groundwork North East can provide Groundwork North East can provide bespoke environmental training and bespoke environmental training and bespoke environmental training and workshops to community groups and workshops to community groups and workshops to community groups and third sector organisations relevant third sector organisations relevant third sector organisations relevant to your organisations activities. to your organisations activities. to your organisations Effective training and activities. communication Effective training communication Effective training andand communication are essential to the success of are essential to the success are essential to the success of of an environmental improvement an environmental improvement an environmental improvement programme. Improved employee programme. Improved employee programme. Improved employee and volunteer awareness will help the and volunteer awareness will help and volunteer awareness will help thethe organisation realise the cost saving organisation realise the cost saving organisation realise the cost saving opportunities that exist. opportunities exist. opportunities thatthat exist.

(19,5210(17$/ (19,5210(17$/ This project received 75$,1,1* 75$,1,1* funding from This project received This project received

Environmental improv Environmental improve • Cost savings • Cost savings • Increased awarene • Increased awarenes compliance with le compliance with leg • Improve local envir • Improve local enviro This is a free service This is a free service to and third sector orga and third sector organ

)857+(5 6833 )857+(5 6833

Groundwork North E Groundwork North East offer Groundwork North East cancan offer Groundwork North Eas further support to get environmental further support to get funding further support to get environmental Groundwork funding fromfrom further support to get environmental North East can provide further support to get e projects off the ground that will improveGroundwork North East can provide projects off the groun projects off the ground that will improvebespoke environmental training and projects off the ground that will improve projects off the ground the environmental performance of your bespoke environmental training and the environmental pe the environmental performance of yourworkshops to community groups and the environmental performance of your the environmental perf organisation. Contact us now if you workshops to community groups and organisation. Contact organisation. Contact us now if you organisation. Contact us now if you third sector organisations relevant organisation. Contact would like support with: third sector organisations relevant would like support wi would support with: would likelike support with: to your organisations activities. would like support with • Organising an event to raise awarenessto your organisations activities. • Organising an even Effective training and communication • Organising event to raise awareness • Organising an an event to raise awareness • Organising an event training and communication • Information about possible funding Effective are essential to the success of • Information about • Information about possible funding are essential to the success of • Information about possible funding • Information about p opportunities an environmental improvement Groundwork North East opportunities opportunities opportunities an environmental improvement opportunities Groundwork North East Groundwork North East • Community liaison programme. Improved employee programme. Improved employee 01207 •524 Community liaison Telephone 800 liaison • Community liaison • Community liaison • Community and volunteer awareness will help the Telephone 01207 524 800 • Finding partners for projects Telephone 01207 524 800 and volunteer awareness will help the • Finding partners fo • Finding partners projects • Finding partners forfor projects organisation realise the cost saving • Finding partners for organisation realise the cost saving • Just to discuss ideas • Just to discuss ide opportunities that exist. • Just to discuss ideas • Just to discuss ideas • Just to discuss idea opportunities that exist. 100% 100% 100%

When you have finished with this leaflet please recycle it

When you have finished this please leaflet recycle please recycle it When you have finished with thiswith leaflet it

This leaflet is printed on 100% recycled paper

This isleaflet is printed onrecycled 100% recycled This leaflet printed on 100% paper paper

Groundwork North East Groundwork Groundwork North North East East

*5((1 '2&725 (19,5210(17$/ *5((1 '2&725 75$,1,1*

Groundwork North East

*5((1 &20081,7,(6

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mproving the environmental performance of business & communities

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Improving the the environmental performance performance of business business & communities Improving Improving theenvironmental environmental performanceof of business&&communities communities

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$5( <28 )520 $ &20081,7< *5((1 '2&7256 0$.,1* $5( <28 )520 $ &20081,7< GREEN DOCTORS - Making *5283 25 7+,5' 6(&725 /,)( 025( &20)257$%/( *5283 25 7+,5' 6(&725 Life more comfortable 25*$1,6$7,21" )25 5(6,'(176 $1' 025( 25*$1,6$7,21" We are interested in h :( &$1 +(/3 We are interested in he

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We are interested in hearing from :( &$1 +(/3 Green Doctors are helping to make homes We interested in hearing from :( &$1 +(/3 anyare community group or third sector :( &$1 +(/3 6867$,1$%/( )25 86 $// %< Groundwork North East is offering community group for residents byanyany : community any community group or third sector • Want toEast improve group organisation that would like to improve Groundwork North is offering your Groundwork North East is offering more environmentally across the country Groundwork Northto East is offering yourorganisation that wou a support service for community • Want improve organisation that would like to improve • Lower tenant utility bills organisation that woul their environmental credentials, raise a support service for community agroups support service for community green support service forcredentials? community and third sector organisations theirbills environmental c • Lower tenant utility their environmental credentials, raisein a groups friendly and cheaper to run. their environmental cre awareness of environmental issues green credentials? and third sector organisations groups andtothird sector organisations andIncreased third sector organisations who wish engage in environmental awareness of environ awareness of environmental issues in groups • environmental awareness of environm their communities, and reduce costs. who wish to engage in environmental who wish to engage in environmental • Worried about wish to engage in environmental improvements to visits mitigate their communities, an their communities, and reduce costs. who Offering home andagainst advice on • Increased environmental their communities, and • Worried about improvements to mitigate against improvements to mitigate against awareness improvements to mitigate against and adapt to the impacts of climate environmental legislation? using energy, Green Doctors can and adapt to the impacts of climate awareness and adapt to the impacts of climate and adapt to the impacts of climate environmental legislation? change. install a range of low cost energy change. change. Increased uptake of change. Support •• Think Energy/Waste/Water saving includes: measures which may include Support includes: Increased uptake of Support includes: • •Think Energy/Waste/Water Support includes: improvement grants radiator panels, • flashback Green champions trainingpipe and is costing you the earth? • Green champions training and improvement grants • Green champions training and insulation and powerdown plugs. • Greenis champions training and the earth? costing you workshops workshops workshops • Action to combat climate Our Doctors will advise on the most workshops • Conducting environmental reviews • Have an interest in raising • Conducting environmental reviews effective ways to use energy, highlight • Conducting environmental Action to combat climate • •Have an interest • Conducting environmental reviews in raising of community buildings reviews change awareness of environmental of community buildings anycommunity grants thatbuildings may be available to the of change of community buildings of environmental awareness • household Supportingfor a improvements, community renewable and give • Supporting a community renewable • Supporting a community renewable • Reducing carbon emissions issues in your community? • Supporting a community renewable energyon project advice environmental issues such as issues in your community? energy project energy project energy project recycling, composting and water use. Reducing carbon emissions Improved health •••Need support for green • Need support for green Green Doctor ‘remedies’ are aimed initiatives? initiatives? at reducing fuel poverty in the most *5((1 &+(&. (19,5210(17$/ 5(9,(: vulnerable families. Their service can *5((1 &+(&. (19,5210(17$/ 5(9,(: *5((1 &+(&. (19,5210(17$/ 5(9,(: *5((1 &+(&. (19,5210(17$/ 5(9,(: reach out toNorth the elderly, theconduct disabled Environmental improvements: Groundwork East can those in low-income Groundwork North East can conduct anand environmental review to family help households via home visits, an environmental review to help North East community groupswhilst and Green Doctor workshops available North East community groups and third sector organisations toare improve for groups of tenants and residents, third sector organisations to improve their use of resources, environmental with information packs setting their use of resources, environmental performance and promote best out a range of technical and non-technical performance and promote best practice. We will provide advice measures. practice. We will provide advice and support throughout the review. and support throughout review. This advice can form thethe basis of This advice can form the basis an environmental improvementofplan. an environmental improvement plan.

Groundwork North East can conduct In some areas partnerships are also Groundwork Environmental improvements: North East can conduct • Cost savings an environmental review to help beingsavings developed which mean that an environmental review to help • Cost • Groundwork’s Increased awareness and North East community groups and team undertakes North East community groups and • Increased awareness and compliance with legislation third sector organisations to improve large scale contracts to audit groups third sector organisations to improve compliance with legislation their use of resources, environmental houses, or works with housing • of Improve local environmental quality their use of resources, environmental • Improve local environmental performance and promote best association residents across quality an entireperformance and promote best This is a free service to community practice. We will provide advice region. This is a free service to community practice. We will provide advice and third sector organisations. and support throughout the review. and third sector organisations. and support throughout the review. This advice can form the basis of This advice can form the basis of an environmental improvement plan. an environmental improvement plan.

(19,5210(17$/ (19,5210(17$/ 75$,1,1* 75$,1,1* Groundwork North East can provide

)857+(5 6833257 )857+(5 6833257 Groundwork North East can offer

Groundwork North East can provide bespoke environmental training and bespoke environmental training and workshops to community groups and workshops community groups third sectortoorganisations relevantand third sector organisations relevant to your organisations activities. to your organisations activities. Effective training and communication Effective training andsuccess communication are essential to the of are essential to the success of an environmental improvement an environmental improvement programme. Improved employee programme. Improved employee and volunteer awareness will help the and volunteerrealise awareness will saving help the organisation the cost organisation realise the cost saving opportunities that exist. opportunities that exist.

(19,5210(17$/ (19,5210(17$/ This project received 75$,1,1* 75$,1,1* funding from This project received

Environmental improv Environmental improve • Cost savings • Cost savings • Increased awarene • Increased awarenes compliance with le compliance with leg • Improve local envir • Improve local enviro This is a free service This is a free service to and third sector orga and third sector organ

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Groundwork North E Groundwork North East can offer Groundwork North Eas further support to get environmental further support to get funding from North East can provide further support to get environmental Groundwork further support to get e projects off the ground that will improveGroundwork North East can provide projects off the groun projects off the ground that will improve bespoke environmental training and projects off the ground the environmental performance of your bespoke environmental training and the environmental pe the environmental performance of your workshops to community groups and the environmental perf organisation. Contact us now if you workshops to community groups and organisation. Contact organisation. Contact us now if you third sector organisations relevant organisation. Contact would like support with: third sector organisations relevant would like support wi would like support with: to your organisations activities. would like support with • Organising an event to raise awarenessto your organisations activities. • Organising an even Effective training and communication • Organising an event to raise awarenessEffective training and communication • Organising an event • Information about possible funding are essential to the success of • Information about • Information about possible funding are essential to the success of • Information about p opportunities an environmental improvement Groundwork North East opportunities opportunities an environmental improvement opportunities Groundwork North East Groundwork North East • Community liaison programme. Improved employee programme. Improved employee 01207 •524 Community liaison Telephone 800 liaison • Community liaison • Community and volunteer awareness will help the Telephone 01207 524 800 • Finding partners for projects Telephone 01207 524 800 and volunteer awareness will help the • Finding partners fo • Finding partners for projects organisation realise the cost saving • Finding partners for organisation realise the cost saving • Just to discuss ideas • Just to discuss ide opportunities that exist. • Just to discuss ideas • Just to discuss idea opportunities that exist. 100% 100% 100%

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Groundwork North East


GREEN ECONOMY Improving the environmental performance of business & communities

Green Economy Improving the environmental performance of business & communities


The benefits:

Funding cuts and escalating energy costs are placing significant pressure on many Third Sector organisations. Groundwork North East’s REsilience Project aims to provide independent advice and support to assist organisations in reaping the benefits of renewable energy and thus generating new, long-term revenues.



A site visit will be undertaken by one of Groundwork North East’s renewable energy advisors alongside a representative from your organisation. During the visit, the advisor will investigate your building’s age, fabric and usage, its energy consumption and demand profiles, potential energy efficiency measures and suitable on-site renewable energy technologies.

We realise that finding the money to get renewable energy projects off the ground can be difficult. In response, we can help to direct you to sources of finance, including grants, low interest loans and potential community ownership scheme.

• Reduce your energy bills • Lower your CO2 emissions • Generate your own, sustainable energy

• Get paid for the energy you produce • Demonstrate environmental commitment • Attract new funding streams

RENEWABLE ENERGY OPTIONS APPRAISAL REPORT The options appraisal report aims to identify a range of renewable technologies that are suitable for your particular site and in doing so, will formalise observations made during the site visit. Various renewable energy technology options will be investigated and their suitability to your site assessed; including benefits, planning considerations, projected payback periods and returns on investment.

ADDITIONAL SUPPORT • Project guidance • Assistance in writing grant applications • Community engagement activities • Renewable energy training and workshops

Groundwork North East Telephone 01207 524 800

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