Groundwork North East
Maintaining and promoting better health by using the environment and outdoor activity
Maintaining and promoting better health by using the environment and outdoor activity
Groundwork North East has an experienced team of highly skilled, well trained and dedicated staff to deliver quality health programmes across the region. Spaces for Health
• Developing areas for healthy activities in urban communities and rural countryside
• Developing school grounds to create inviting spaces for play, education and physical activity
Allotments & Healthy Eating • Expanding availability of community allotments and promoting the eating of healthier, seasonal and home grown food
Green Health Trainer Service • Working with PCTs across the region to deliver tailored outdoor exercise on referral programmes
Children & Families • Green Start working with Children’s Centres and includes Tots Plots and Tots on Tour
Young People • Greenways to Health – targeted environmental and outdoor projects for young people who take low levels of physical exercise • Youth Work – intervening to promote healthier lifestyles for young people
Health and green exercise programme supported by
• Forest Schools – building selfesteem in the natural environment
Older People • Outdoor activity for older people • Gardening and Walking for Health programmes
Mental Health • Providing volunteering opportunities for people with mental health conditions including practical horticultural and conservation activities
Outcomes achieved: • Weight loss in individuals • Increased physical activity • Enhanced sense of wellbeing • Healthier eating • Improved lifestyle choices • Intervention in alcohol and substance misuse • Tackling mental health • Acknowledgement and reward • Healthier Communities
Health, Employment and Volunteering • Providing practical opportunities for training and skills development to increase confidence, self-esteem and employability
Awards throughout the Programme include • Walk Leader’s Awards • John Muir Award • Personal record of progress
Groundwork North East Grosvenor House 29 Market Place Bishop Auckland County Durham DL14 7NP
Central Office 01388 662 666
Groundwork North East
HEALTH & WELLBEING Maintaining and promoting better health by using the environment and outdoor activity
Maintaining and promoting better health by using the environment and outdoor activity
Spaces for Health Natural Play Working with partners to provide family friendly environments that encourage natural play and an outdoor lifestyle. In Northumberland, for example, Groundwork is developing the Ashington Community Wood for children to play in safely and families to explore.
• Creating & enhancing opportunities for play and physical activity • Designing and building outdoor gyms • Improving opportunities for people to have contact with nature
Outdoor Gyms Groundwork has extensive expertise and experience in designing outdoor exercise areas including the introduction of safe gym equipment and Trim Trails (a circuit of outdoor exercise). In County Durham, for example, a superb facility was welcomed by the community which included a range of equipment normally found indoors encouraging aerobic and resistance exercise in an outdoor setting.
• Designing sites for outdoor sports eg. skate parks, BMX tracks and watersports • Specialists in engagement and consultation with the community • Sustainable management plans to ensure viability of new spaces for health
Exhilarating Sport A range of facilities have been provided through Groundwork which provide areas for the more physically active. These include the mega Cycle Track in West Park, Darlington – hugely popular with young people. BMX, stunt and mountain bikers use this exhilarating moonscape for their adrenalin fix.
Groundwork North East Central Office 01388 662 666
Groundwork North East
HEALTH & WELLBEING Maintaining and promoting better health by using the environment and outdoor activity
Maintaining and promoting better health by using the environment and outdoor activity
ALLOTMENTS & HEALTHY EATING Allotments & Food Co-Op Groundwork is working with most north east local authorities to expand the number and quality of allotments in the region. Groundwork help to develop allotment holder groups on each site to encourage a stronger sense of identity and to introduce healthy eating initiatives. In East Durham, for example, local allotment owners have, with the support of Groundwork, established an extensive food co-op which delivers locally grown food in the Easington area.
• Working with partners and community gardening groups to expand the availability of allotments • Groundwork’s health team promote the eating of healthier and seasonal food through workshops and community events • Establishment of Food Co-Ops to distribute food produced on the allotments
Town Meal In Middlesbrough, with the help of Groundwork, there is an annual Town Meal – throughout the year participants grow food in every corner of the town. On a given day in September they come together for a healthy communal dinner made from their own produce.
Allotments FOR ALL In Sunderland there have been extensive development of disused allotments which has engaged the local Bangladeshi community who are introducing new horticultural ideas to the programme.
Groundwork North East Central Office 01388 662 666
Groundwork North East
HEALTH & WELLBEING Maintaining and promoting better health by using the environment and outdoor activity
Maintaining and promoting better health by using the environment and outdoor activity
GREEN HEALTH TRAINER SERVICE Exercise on Referral Groundwork has a number of successful programmes that have been delivered in the north east. In South Tyneside & Newcastle groups of 15 undertake a range of activities in parks across the area. They are supported in that activity and have a detailed record of how their physical and mental health is improving.
• Exercise on referral programme for many different groups • Building on Groundwork’s experience of working with PCTs across the north east • Environmental activity in local parks and gardens • Individuals receive a record of their health improvement in a group setting
Green Exercise North East Groundwork’s team includes experts in green exercise and have developed a range of activities with hard to reach groups. This includes older people, those with mental health conditions and groups who do not take regular exercise. Using the best practice in monitoring and evaluation Groundwork ensures all programmes are consistent with physical activity and obesity strategies.
Walk leaders The Green Health Trainers will encourage groups to qualify as Walk Leaders under the Walking for Health Programme to ensure activity continues beyond Groundwork’s involvement.
• Physical benefits & weight loss, increased confidence and improved wellbeing • New friendships and reduced isolation
Groundwork North East Central Office 01388 662 666
Groundwork North East
Children & Families
HEALTH & WELLBEING Maintaining and promoting better health by using the environment and outdoor activity
Maintaining and promoting better health by using the environment and outdoor activity
CHILDREN & Families Green Start Programme A well-established regional programme which works with children’s centres to deliver a range of health projects including “Tots Plots” – a whole family approach to food growing. Also “Tots on Tour”, storytelling, adventures in the woods and natural play all combine to give young children an introduction to a healthy outdoor lifestyle.
• Working with Children’s Centres across the north east engaging parents and their children in programmes such as healthy eating and physical activity • Creating natural play areas with Play England • Walk Leaders Award – developing people to lead walks for themselves • Achieve John Muir Awards
Green Exercise A range of exercise programmes have been run to encourage more exercise using the outdoor environment. Project such as Fit Mamma’s in Darlington which is designed to provide an all over body workout to help new mothers get back into shape after having a baby. Another project “Fun Fridays” with the Felling Young Mothers’ Group has helped young mothers to exercise and take up regular walking.
Groundwork North East Central Office 01388 662 666
Groundwork North East
HEALTH & WELLBEING Maintaining and promoting better health by using the environment and outdoor activity
Maintaining and promoting better health by using the environment and outdoor activity
YOUNG PEOPLE Greenways to Health A programme designed for young people who are physically inactive by providing an introduction to outdoor activity which includes environmental conservation, walks and more active sports such as cycling or watersports. Young people have improved levels of physical activity and sense of wellbeing as a result of participation, according to Edinburgh University’s independent evaluation.
• Targeted environmental and outdoor projects for young people who are physically inactive • Youth Work – using a wide range of skills and programmes to intervene in the lives of young people • Organised sports programmes including cycling, watersports, climbing and walking • Opportunities to gain a John Muir Award
Youth Work Groundwork has developed a high level of expertise in delivering youth work programmes in order to make contact with and intervene in the lives of young people at risk. The Youth Work Team are able to deliver health programmes addressing substance & alcohol misuse, sexual health issues, including Chlamydia testing, and issues of self-esteem often created by a lack of choice over their futures. In East Durham, for example, the youth work programme was commissioned by the local Community Safety Partnership and is successful in making contact with young people and making positive health interventions as a result.
Groundwork North East Central Office 01388 662 666
Groundwork North East
HEALTH & WELLBEING Maintaining and promoting better health by using the environment and outdoor activity
Maintaining and promoting better health by using the environment and outdoor activity
SCHOOLS Schools Programme Groundwork has long experience of providing programmes in schools that contribute to the health and wellbeing of students, staff and the community. These include developing school grounds to include growing and cooking projects that link directly to Healthy School status.
Forest Schools
I am happy to place on record that the government supports the role of adventure… in helping young people to learn about assessing and managing risk … and in helping them to gain skills in leadership and team working that will be of huge value in their progression to adulthood.
Tony Blair Prime Minister 1997 to 2007
• Groundwork offers a design and build programme to develop school grounds • Healthy Lifestyle Projects around growing and cooking • Contributing to the Healthy Schools Initiative • Tailored Forest Schools Programmes
Environmental activity and outdoor education to develop participants’ self-esteem, confidence and sense of wellbeing. With highly qualified members of staff, Groundwork is developing a range of Forest Schools across the north east.
• Targeted Walk Leaders and John Muir Awards
School Allotments
Outdoor education gives depth to the curriculum and makes an important contribution to students’ physical, personal and social education. However, not all students in schools benefit from such opportunities.
Ofsted Outdoor Education, Aspects of Good Practice
Many schools are defining areas to be made into formal allotments. Students learn about growing their own food, seasonality and cooking their produce as well as helping to design new areas of their school grounds. In Darlington Groundwork leads on an initiative helping to find funds to provide new allotments.
Groundwork North East Central Office 01388 662 666
Groundwork North East
Older People
HEALTH & WELLBEING Maintaining and promoting better health by using the environment and outdoor activity
Maintaining and promoting better health by using the environment and outdoor activity
OLDER PEOPLE South Tyneside Homes Groundwork has developed links with housing providers to give residents an opportunity to enjoy the benefits of green exercise. South Tyneside Homes, for example, have encouraged residents to improve the grounds of the places where they live. Many are fine gardeners and need little encouragement to get involved.
• Working with partners to provide outdoor activity for older people • Gardening with Housing Associations • Providing opportunities for older people to visit their local green spaces and improve their health & wellbeing • Walking for Health with AgeUK and Natural England
walk leaders award Groundwork offers a range of low level outdoor walking programmes to encourage older people to take up regular exercise. In Derwentside a group of older people wanted to do something active so Groundwork’s Green Exercise Team worked with them to gain a Walk Leaders Award – they now have a programme of healthy walks which they organise for themselves.
Groundwork North East Central Office 01388 662 666
Groundwork North East
Mental Health
HEALTH & WELLBEING Maintaining and promoting better health by using the environment and outdoor activity
Maintaining and promoting better health by using the environment and outdoor activity
MENTAL HEALTH HEALTHY PARKS, HEALTHY Minds Groundwork’s team offer a wide choice of outdoor activity from walks to conservation activity and from growing projects to discovering the countryside. These activities are designed to improve the sense of wellbeing for those who have a range of mental health conditions.
• Working with partners to create volunteering opportunities for people with a range of mental health conditions • Diverse range of activities to improve contact with nature to enhance sense of wellbeing • Walking to Health with Mind and Natural England • Walk Leaders Award – developing people and communities to lead walks for themselves
Gateshead MIND Groundwork has developed a close partnership with Mind in the north east and provide green exercise programmes to Mind groups in most areas of the region. Mind in Gateshead identified a group of people who wanted to do something active so Groundwork’s Green Exercise Team worked with them to organise a programme of outdoor activities.
football Groundwork staff are working in conjuction with the local NHS Foundation Trust to introduce a regional football league for people with mental health issues.
Groundwork North East Central Office 01388 662 666
Groundwork North East
Health, employment and volunteering
HEALTH & WELLBEING Maintaining and promoting better health by using the environment and outdoor activity
Maintaining and promoting better health by using the environment and outdoor activity
HEALTH, Employment and volunteering Volunteering programme Groundwork organises groups to undertake environmental and conservation activity to improve health, confidence and teamwork.
• Groundwork provides environmental and outdoor activities to increase confidence and self-esteem to the long-term unemployed • Participating in environmental volunteering programmes is a way back to employment • Groundwork North East is responsible for a number of back to work programmes to provide the unemployed with training, skills and experience to re-enter the workplace
Environmental Health Trainers Individuals can monitor their health improvement whilst involved with Groundwork environmental projects.
Walking to Health The Green Exercise team offers Walking for Health Leaders Awards to give participants a sense of achievement and reward.
Groundwork North East Central Office 01388 662 666