How to winterize your spa Winterizing your spa is... to get rid of all the water. Since water that freezes expands.
You winterize your spa when… -
You don’t use it during winter time. You have to leave for an extended period of time. In case of emergency (wintertime). You believe it to be necessary.
Steps to follow 1- CLEANING BEFORE DRAINING - Remove your salt system’s chlorination cell (O.S.S.) and install the replacement tube.
- Proceed with cleaning the plumbing following the regular procedures using Cal Check #22 or Bio-Breakaway.
- Clean your salt system’s chlorination cell (O.S.S.) or bromine (CalClarity) with Cell Saver.
- Clean your UV system’s quartz tube with UV cleaning solution. - Proceed with changing your ozoniser’s O3 Cal-Zone Quest 2000 (On Legacy, Avalon, Classic models mostly).
- Clean your filter cartridge(s) using Filter Cleaner #7 and/or WaterWand.
2- SHUT OFF YOUR BREAKER 3- DRAINING THE SPA (Coast-Spas Niagara’s spill over tub as well) -With a submersible pump. - By siphon with a Quick Drain. - By gravity using your spas bottom drain (best used for finish).
4- DRAINING THE PLUMBING - Leave your spa’s bottom drain open. - Open all the jets (remove them if possible). - Remove all your diverters and jets valves handles. - Blow air into and vacuum water out of all water entries and exits using a Shop-Vac. - Remove all the water that could still be inside the Blower.
5- DRAINING THE PUMP(S) AND ADDING LUBRIFYING/BIOLOGICAL ANTIFREEZE - Remove the drain plug(s) from under the pump(s). - Blow air into and vacuum water out of the pump(s). - Be absolutely sure there is no water left anywhere. - Fill the pump(s), diverter valve(s), all the jets and the skimmer with biological anti-freeze Lubrigel-Spa. - Lubrify all O-rings. - Replace all drain cap(s), valve handles(s) and any jets removed previously. - Remove the excess of anti-freeze from the bottom of the spa.
6- STORING YOUR SPAS ACCESSORIES - Any removable parts like the skimmer basket, skimmer door, filter cartridges.
- Any headrest(s) and skimmer cover. -Any chemical products or any other accessories that are susceptible to be damaged by frost.
Install a 1’x 1’x 3’ foam inside your spa in order to sustain the snow’s weight. Install your well cleaned and dried cover on the spa. Cover the spa with a tight fitting protective cover.
Be sure your spa is ready to be started in springtime
The Aqua-Pro closing kit Cal Check #22 / Bio-Breakaway for cleaning the plumbing Submersible pump or Quick-Drain 4 Gallons of Lubrigel-Spa Cleaner Brightner #8 for the acrylic One 1’x 1’x 3’ foam block Top #23 to clean the cover Filter Cleaner #7 and a Filter Bath A tight protective winter cover
In order save yourself the concern or having winterized your spa correctly Piscines Aqua-Pro offers the service of winterizing the spa for you! Make an appointment with our Service Department 819-243-8868 ext. 18
N.B.: Never leave more than 6 inches of snow above the spa.
Winter Maintenance for your spa Some small tips 1- Make sure your spa’s heating setting is set to STANDARD (ST), and not in SLEEP (SL) or ECONO (EC). Make sure your filtration is set to F6 in order to provide better water quality 2- It is highly recommended that you isolate the draining hose with a foam and be prepared to use an alternate method to drain your spa (sub pump or Quick Drain) 3- Be ready in advance for draining your spa before and after the cold period (beginning of December – beginning of March) 4- Frequently check your spas temperature (make sure your cover is locked and in place. Frequently check your breaker to make sure it hasn’t tripped. 5- In the event of a power failure or a mechanical failure, be ready to drain your spa at any time (See Winterizing method). If the incident is of short notice (according to your judgement of course) you could always simply install a small electric or gas heater inside the spas cabinet in order to maintain some of the heat in the plumbing and prevent it to freeze. 6- Never lift the spas cover if you do not have to. Simply opening the cover gives your spa a lot of work just to maintain its proper temperature. Use of a Blue-Thermo and a protection cover for your spas cover will make you save money on electricity and prolong your cover’s lifetime. 7- If you have to leave home for more than a day, be sure someone you trust can keep an eye on your spa. Give this person Piscines Aqua-Pro’s coordinates and/or steps to follow in case of emergency. 8- Sound system’s or Televisions….. Use your good judgement. Do not leave the volume at maximum power while you are shutting off the former or the latter.
9- Don’t slack off on your water’s treatment because it is winter time. Spa users tend to keep the spa’s temperature higher during the winter…. Warmer water leads to more evaporation, more organic waste (Scumbug) . Use of Feeling #20 will increase bathers comfort. Softer water means softer skin. 10Your spa has methods of defending itself against frost but it will still require your help. Different temperature sensors will start your spa if they detect water that is too cold inside the spa or its plumbing. In case of a power failure, upon return of power your spa will set itself to its default setting. 100F and F2 for filtrations. 11Finally, take time to fully read your owner’s manual, as well as the details of your spas warranty. Don’t forget to inform yourself with you residential insurance in order to know any exclusions and conditions concerning your spa.
In order to be worry free with your spa Have near at hand… A complete Winterizing Kit A small heater gas or electric Quick Drain Scum Bug Sponge Thermal Blanket “Blue Thermo” A tight fitting winter cover As well as 2 sets of filter cartridges + filter bath. Be sure to never run out of chemical products, and begin the winter season with a proper spa cover.