Let There Be Light

Here at the Coast, they’d never seen the sun shine so bright before. It warmed the skin, and it warmed the soul. And for weeks after, the light continued, but this time it was the sparkles in their smiles and in their eyes.

Going On Faith is published quarterly by THE GROUP TRAVEL LEADER, Inc., 301 East High Street, Lexington, Kentucky 40507, and is distributed free of charge to qualified group leaders who plan travel for churches, synagogues and religious organizations. All other travel suppliers, including tour operators, destinations, attractions, transportation companies, hotels, restaurants, and other travel-related companies, may subscribe to Going On Faith by sending a check for $39 for one year to: Going On Faith, Circulation Department, 301 East High Street, Lexington, KY 40507. Phone: (859) 253-0455 or (859) 2530503. Copyright THE GROUP TRAVEL LEADER, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of editorial or graphic content in a ny manner without the written consent of the publisher is prohibited.


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Lo c a t e d m i n u t e s f r o m Ph o e n i x Sk y Ha r b o r In t e r n a t i o n a l Ai r p o r t
Lo a t e d m i n u t e s f r o m Ph o e n i x Sk y Ha r b o r In t e r n a t i o n a l Ai r p o r t
Lo c a t e d m i n u t e s f r o m Ph o e n i x Sk y Ha r b o r In t e r n a t i o n a l Ai r p o r t
2 2 3 3
2 2 3 3
Aw a r d -w i n n i n g h o t e l s a t a v a r i e t y o f c o s t s a n d p r i c e p o i n t s t o f i t y o u r b u d g e t
Aw a r d -w i n n i n g h o t e l s a t a a r i e t y o f c s t s a n d p r i c p o i n t s t o f i t y o u r b u d g e t
Aw a r d -w i n n i n g h o t e l s a t a v a r i e t y o f c o s t s a n d p r i c e p o i n t s t o f i t y o u r b u d g e t
Ne a r -p e r f e c t w e a t h e r w i t h 3 0 0 + s u n n y d a y s f o r o u t d o o r a c t i v i t i e s a n d e x p l o r a t i o n
Ne a r -p e r f e c t w e a t h e r w i t h 3 0 0 + s u n n y d a y s f o r o u t d o o r t i v i t i e s a n d x p l o r a t i o n
Ne a r -p e r f e c t w e a t h e r w i t h 3 0 0 + s u n n y d a y s f o r o u t d o o r a c t i v i t i e s a n d e x p l o r a t i o n
Ki m b e r l y J a n e s (4 8 0 ) 7 8 2 -3 0 3 7 k i m b e r l y . j a n e s @ c h a n d l e r a z . g o v c h a n d l e r m e e t i n g s . c o m
Ki m b e r l y J a n e s (4 8 0 ) 7 8 2 -3 0 3 7 k i m b e r l y . j a n e s @ c h a n d l e r a z . g o v c h a n d l e r m e e t i n g . c o m

Ki m b e r l y J a n e s (4 8 0 ) 7 8 2 -3 0 3 7 k i m b e r l y . j a n e s @ c h a n d l e r a z . g o v c h a n d l e r m e e t i n g s . c o m


What will you do new in 2023?
You’re probably well on your way to finalizing your group’s travel plans for next year. But as you think about destinations, attractions, itineraries and logistics, this is a good time to stop and consider something more fundamental: What will be new about your approach to your church’s travel program in the new year?
Consider these five ways to inject some new life into your travel program next year.
If your travel program has begun to feel stale or your participants are losing interest, exploring new places might be the key to spark a new passion for travel. If your group typically travels domestically, consider adding an international trip to your agenda for next year. And if you’ve only traveled abroad, this could be a good time to find a destination closer to home.
The prototypical group travel itinerary has a familiar rhythm to it: museum, shopping, meal, repeat. But the travel industry has been hard at work developing new experiences that will delight and surprise your travelers. If you have never tried an outdoor activity, a cultural exchange or a food tour, maybe this is the year to give it a shot.
As a group, American travelers have some bad habits. Among them is a tendency
to look for food we’re familiar with, even when we travel to faraway places. This is a shame, because trying local cuisine is one of the most effective ways to connect with a new culture. To breathe some new life into your culinary routine, try branching out to some ethnic restaurants, food halls, food trucks, farmers markets or cooking classes on your next trip.
The world of travel planning and promotion has changed substantially in recent years. If the methods and tools you use to plan and market trips haven’t kept up, you could be missing big opportunities. So why not make 2023 the year you try some new tools? Explore some of the apps, websites and other technology that can help you work smarter as you put together itineraries, request information from suppliers and keep records for your upcoming trips. And experiment with new communication channels as you promote travel in your community.
It’s a story we hear all too often — a group travel program closes because its members age out of the market. Although nobody can travel forever, your church’s travel ministry should continue even as individual travelers can’t. Just like a healthy church, a healthy travel program should be constantly recruiting new members. If your group numbers aren’t what they used to be, perhaps you should spend 2023 inviting new, younger people to join you on your trips. Chances are you’ll enjoy traveling with them as much as they enjoy traveling with you.
BRIAN JEWELL | EDITOR | brianj@grouptravelleader.comSPRING
The South Ohio’s Amish Pennsylvania Museums
Lake Williamson Christian Center Agritourism
The Heartlands Leavenworth, KS Arkansas
Religious Music Festivals Twin Oaks Ranch Beaches
The Holy Land Joplin, MO Indiana
Patriotic Attractions Blue Mountain Christian Retreat Faith-Based Attractions

NE & Mid Atlantic Lafayette, LA Kentucky
Signature Restaurants
Gull Lake Ministries Mountains African American Heritage
Where Serving Meets Sightseeing
“The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
— Matthew 20:28
WHERE ARE YOU FROM? Tampa, Florida
“After undergrad, I lived for three months in the South of France in a small beach town just south of Marseille called La Ciotat, the birthplace of the motion picture. We love taking our kids back there on vacation to enjoy Provençal life, its simplicities and its delicacies. While it’s lesser known than many of its more lavish rivals on the French Riviera, we consider La Ciotat the pièce de résistance!”
Carlson serves in leadership for his small group at church and on advisory boards for the Salvation Army and Georgia Tech. He enjoys travel. When he’s not traveling, Carlson likes to bass fish with his boys.

Fred Carlson doesn’t come from a tourism background — he’s a civil engineer by trade and has made his career in construction and real estate. But he has always wanted to be in the travel industry, even at a young age.
“If you’d asked me when I was 7 years old, I would have told you I wanted to be a travel agent,” said Carlson. “Back then I didn’t know what a travel planner or a tour operating company was about. But during the pandemic I really felt called to create a travel company that could integrate doing something positive for a neighborhood with hitting local hotspots to eat and sightsee while giving people an immersive experience.”
“I like to use Google Flights alerts and get to know annually when flights to certain countries and regions tend to go on sale via their national carriers.”
“Whether traveling domestic or international, we like to try to choose local independent guides. You can use apps like Withlocals or toursbylocals or contact us to access our network of local certified guides.”
“I prefer to pack light [one carry-on for 10 days] and even do laundry while traveling. We also buy each family member a compact package of cheap, comfortable cotton T-shirts to sleep in each night. After each night or two, they leave that shirt behind at the hotel. As the trip goes on, they have the necessary extra room in their suitcase for any little souvenirs or gifts.”
That’s when Carlson founded SerVacations, an organization that combines community service projects with fun group tourism activities — something that has proven appealing to families, homeschool groups, and youth and church groups alike. The company currently offers experiences in the Tampa area, although Carlson is looking for opportunities to expand to other destinations.
The trips can be either single or multiday experiences. Part of each experience is dedicated to service that can range from a beach clean-up to working with a charity in an urban neighborhood distributing meals. Those hands-on experiences helping others are coupled with fun vacation activities, like a cruise with a marine biologist and a stay at a resort with pool amenities and a day at Busch Gardens.
“We aspire to have people leave as cheerleaders for the community and the nonprofit we’re serving with — that they leave feeling connected and that they want to return in the future,” said Carlson. “We often use vacation as an escape instead of a way to engage, and I think people have a desire to volunteer if the logistics are easily planned. So those are the needs SerVacations meets with our trips.”
Even though SerVacations is still in its infancy, Carlson feels it has a lot of potential to change the face of voluntourism, especially domestically. Rather than the type of international experiences that have gotten a bad rap thanks to unscrupulous tour operators, Carlson
has seen his trips combine service in the community with recreational activities, educational experiences and alignment with Christian values, including communion with God and service to others.

“In my favorite verse of the Bible, in Matthew, the main emphasis is for man not just to allow himself to be served but to serve others, the same way Christ gave up his life for us,” said Carlson. “We’re trying to instill those same values in our children, in our churches and in our communities to see how we can get them thinking about how to get out of their own head and away from the temptation to self and start thinking about others. There are opportunities to serve right in our own backyard. And it’s so rewarding to serve, then be able to return and feel like an honorary member of the community. It inspires a desire amongst families to serve more regularly.”


Missouri’s museums are packed full of memories. The Show Me state has more than its share of fascinating institutions showcasing history, art, culture and even nature. Whether exploring its small towns or big cities, groups traveling in Missouri can find unique museums flourishing with thought-provoking content and exhibits.
This itinerary highlights just a few of these gems, leading groups from the southern portion of Missouri, up through the northwest and then central part of the state. Groups can easily complete this trip in four to five days, though extending it by a day or two would allow for further exploration of each city.
museum highlights, clockwise from top: Johnny Morris’ Wonders of Wildlife National Museum and Aquarium in Springfield; Branson’s Titanic Museum Attraction; Auto World Museum in Fulton
Just west of downtown Branson is the Titanic Museum Attraction, a partial replica of the famed Titanic luxury liner. This interactive museum takes visitors back to 1912, where they can immerse themselves in the history of the ship and learn about its crew and passengers via a selfguided tour. Upon entering the museum, each guest receives a boarding pass for an individual who was on the ship, and later they learn their fate in the Titanic Memorial Room. The room itself is filled with more than 2,200 names.
During the tour, visitors can get a feel for the Titanic and its setup by exploring hallways, cabins, parlors and the grand staircase, which is an exact copy of the original. Plus, guests can peruse more than 400 artifacts that belonged to the ship or its passengers — a collection valued at over $4.5 million.
For those who prefer more of a hands-on experience, this attraction offers several interactive opportunities. For example, visitors can shovel coal in the boiler room, sit in a lifeboat, touch an iceberg, feel 28-degree water, learn how to send a distress signal or experience the sloping decks of the Titanic’s stern as it descended into the water.
WHILE YOU’RE THERE: When not engrossed in the Titanic’s history, groups can check out the 1,534-acre Ruth and Paul Henning Conservation Area in Branson. This beautiful, woodsy space features trails, a lookout tower and a slew of scenic views. Plus, Sugar Leaf Bakery, Café and Espresso is the perfect spot for visitors to enjoy a meal or tasty treat. Its menu is full of coffee, breakfast favorites, sandwiches, salads, baked goods and more. MORE INFO |explorebranson.com
Johnny Morris, the founder of retail company Bass Pro Shops, created a museum/aquarium venue that is said to be the most immersive fish and wildlife attraction in the world. Located next to Bass Pro Shops’ headquarters in Springfield, Johnny Morris’ Wonders of Wildlife National Museum and Aquarium allows guests to learn about a variety of animals as well as the importance and history of conservation.
While inside, visitors can explore a 1.5-million-gallon aquarium that’s full of mammals, fish, reptiles and birds. Made up of multiple exhibits, the aquarium gives guests a chance to move about the “globe” as they please, from exploring the murky swamps of the southeast United States to viewing Australia’s Great Barrier Reef and coastal mangroves.

Exploring the attraction’s many wildlife galleries also provides an exquisite experience. Each exhibit features the sights, smells and sounds of a particular habitat, giving guests the illusion they are in that specific part of the world.

Given that the attraction is rooted in honoring wildlife conservation, visitors are also educated on the men and women who have played important roles in the conservation movement.
WHILE YOU’RE THERE: While in the Springfield area, groups can tour Askinosie Chocolate, a small-batch, bean-to-bar chocolate micro-factory that crafts mouthwatering, award-winning chocolate products. Plus, if stomachs are grumbling and energy levels are low, Classic Rock Coffee Co.’s wide selection of signature coffees, smoothies, pastries, sandwiches and flatbreads are the perfect fuel.
MORE INFO | springfieldmo.org
For roughly 90 years, the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art has served as a place where people can enjoy and contemplate gorgeous works of art. Via a self-guided or docent-led tour, visitors can explore one or several of the museum’s temporary exhibits. Examples of recent exhibitions include “Traditions of Japanese Art,” “Between Myth and Reality,” “Family Ties” and “Life of Christ and Saints.”

Overall, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art houses a more than 40,000piece collection, with works ranging from 5,000 years ago to present day. One collection considered a must-see is the museum’s French paintings. It includes works by Nicolas Poussin, François Boucher, Elisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun and many others.
In addition to admiring works, guests can sign up for studio classes that allow them to produce their own. Led by seasoned instructors, attendees can explore Chinese art, learn to mix and pair colors or develop a mixed media collage, among other things.
ByWhile inside, groups can also enjoy the museum’s Rozelle Court Restaurant, which resembles a 15th-century Italian courtyard. Menu items include soups, salads, sandwiches, breads and desserts.
WHILE YOU’RE THERE: Should time permit, Kansas City offers a wealth of other attractions, such as Starlight Theatre. This 8,000-seat outdoor theater is known for hosting Broadway musicals, concerts and unique theatrical shows. As for a great place to grab coffee or a quick meal, River Market Opera House Coffee and Food Emporium serves excellent specialty coffee as well as breakfast, lunch, dinner and brunch options.
MORE INFO |visitkc.com

Designated as a National Historic Landmark in 1965, the Patee House Museum takes guests back in time through the building’s storied past. Originally constructed to serve as a luxury hotel in 1858, the building was considered a “modern marvel” of its time, as it featured amenities like hot and cold running water. In 1860 the hotel’s first floor became the headquarters for the famous (but short-lived) Pony Express, a mail service by way of horse-mounted riders that ran from St. Joseph, Missouri, to Sacramento, California. While exploring the museum, visitors will also learn of the other roles this building has held, including serving as the provost marshal’s office during the Civil War.

Right next door to the Patee House Museum is Jesse James’ Home, the house where the infamous outlaw was shot and killed. While inside, guests have the opportunity to peruse the home as well as several artifacts related to James, including a lock of his hair and a tie pin he was wearing the day he was killed.
WHILE YOU’RE THERE: St. Joseph boasts several entertainment options worth exploring. The Axe Factor offers indoor ax throwing, and Hazel’s Coffee Bar at American Electric Lofts serves delicious coffee, flaky pastries and breakfast, lunch and dinner items.
MORE INFO | stjomo.com
Cars don’t just take center stage at the Auto World Museum in Fulton — they serve as marks on a timeline. Moving clockwise through the building, visitors take in several familiar scenes, such as a family drive in a convertible, a Studebaker parked at a drive-in movie and even modern vehicles that run on alternative fuels. This unique setup allows visitors to both view cars and learn about the era during which they were popular.
The museum grew out of an automobile collection started by the late William E. Backer, who owned the Backer Potato Chip Company in Fulton.
Though it has changed throughout the years, his collection remains on display in Auto World’s 18,000-square-foot facility. Vehicles within the collection include the 1896 Ford Quadricycle, the 1902 Oldsmobile R Runabout, the 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air and the 1960 Chrysler Imperial, among many others.

WHILE YOU’RE THERE: To top off a day spent learning about cars, groups can explore Fulton’s downtown Brick District, which is full of fan-favorite family-owned restaurants and cute boutiques. Plus, GOPO Gourmet Popcorn is a great place for groups to snag a snack, as it serves up cups and bags of uniquely flavored popcorn, from cookies ‘n’ cream to dark chocolate sea salt and signature cheddar.
MORE INFO | visitfulton.com

BY RACHEL CRICKNestled in southern Indiana, the quaint town of French Lick offers group travelers an abundance of resort amenities, lively attractions and the natural beauty of the nearby Hoosier National Forest. While most of the buzz surrounding the French Lick and West Baden region is related to its famous resort complex and accompanying features, the area also offers a varied selection of activities for faith-based groups to enjoy.

“Most people wouldn’t think you would find this stuff in Indiana,” said Mindy Groff Rogers, guest engagement specialist at Visit French Lick West Baden. “We have the two historic hotels, all the way to a wildlife park. It’s an unexpected surprise for people.”
The French Lick Resort Complex includes both the French Lick Springs Hotel and the West Baden Springs Hotel. The former’s origins can be traced back to 1845, though an additional wing was added in 1901. This vast, yellow brick building features 443 guest rooms, a fitness center and indoor and outdoor pools. Every detail of the hotel embodies luxury, from the ornate gold and marble details
of its lobby and mezzanine to the period furnishings in each guest room.
Equally opulent is its sister property, the West Baden Springs Hotel, built in 1902. Its atrium spanning 200 feet makes a beautiful centerpiece and attraction in and of itself, but its formal gardens and European architecture only add to the property’s beauty. The dome of this atrium was the largest free-standing dome in the world until the 1960s when it was unseated from this title by the Houston Astrodome. This hotel features 243 rooms, many of which have an interior view of the atrium.
The resort complex is home to a 24-hour casino and plenty of other amenities such as award-winning golf courses, horseback riding stables and historic tours of both hotels. Each hotel features an award-winning spa and multiple options for both casual and fine dining. Everything a traveler could need for a getaway that’s both relaxing and exciting can be found at this resort complex. However, for groups looking to spend time off resort grounds, there are plenty of adventures waiting at these nearby attractions.

A wildlife safari may be one of the last things travelers would expect to find on an itinerary for a trip to French Lick, Indiana. But at Wilstem Wildlife Park, groups can have close-up and personal experiences with dozens of uncommon animals. The park is home to 50 different species, including elephants, grizzlies, giraffes, sloths, kangaroos and otters. Whether they opt for a drive-through safari to view the park’s animals or a more intimate experience, like giving an elephant a bath or snapping a photo with a giraffe, groups visiting this park are sure to have a one-of-a-kind adventure.

Another one of French Lick’s claims to fame is its status as the hometown of the famous basketball star Larry Bird. Bird’s former residence, an estate set on 20 acres near West Baden, is now known as Abbeydell Hall. It’s been transformed from a celebrity home to an impressive dinner theater venue. Groups can catch an original musical production while enjoying a buffet-style meal consisting of slowcooked meats and plenty of salads, side dishes and desserts. Abbeydell Hall offers multiple shows that rotate seasonally, including a Christmas show during the holiday season, but each is sure to delight its audience with song, dance, bright costumes and family-friendly comedy.


Winding through the hills of southern Indiana and around the Hoosier National Forest at about 15 miles per hour, the French Lick Scenic Railway offers groups a chance to experience rail travel firsthand. Groups depart from the historic depot, dating back to 1907, and ride aboard vintage coaches from French Lick to Jasper while watching the beautiful natural scenery unfold around them. In addition to the surrounding forests, popular sites include the second-longest railroad tunnel in the state and an 1850s log cabin. Light refreshments such as crackers and candy bars are offered during the train ride.
Furnished throughout with warm wood tones and authentic German décor and knickknacks, the German Café is a homey French Lick staple that serves up authentic German food and beverages. This pale green, brick building looks more like a storybook cottage than a restaurant, but it’s a local favorite known for its huge portions and charming, down-to-earth atmosphere. Groups can enjoy a selection of German classics, such as bratwursts, goulash, potato cakes and Jägerschnitzel, as well as more familiar cuisine, like warm pretzels and beer cheese. Meals can be served family-style alongside a selection of refreshing German beers and wine.



Leave your flip flops and towels behind and head off to visit some of America’s striking scenic beaches.
Vacations at the beach are usually synonymous with sandcastles, swimming in the surf and feeling the sand between one’s toes, but groups will find an equal amount of adventure and recreation at these unique coastal destinations. These must-see beaches showcase an unexpected natural beauty and charming nearby communities for groups to explore.

Visitors to a certain California shoreline will find nature has a way of turning trash into treasure. Once a dumping ground for the community’s garbage, Glass Beach in Fort Bragg has been transformed by water, sand and time. People ceased using the site as a dump in the 1960s. Today, thanks to community efforts, the beach is free of trash, save for the sparkling glass, tumbled by the surf into smooth, multicolored pebbles that cover the beach and give it an iridescent shine.
Tourists flock to the beach to see the sparkling yellow, green, white and red pieces of glittering glass that give it its name.

“For years and years we’ve had people come to Fort Bragg specifically to see the beach,” said Travis Scott, executive director of Visit Mendocino County.
While beachgoers may be tempted to collect the sea glass, they should be careful to keep this beach’s unique beauty intact by leaving all the glass they find at the beach. Instead, for a souvenir, groups can visit the Sea Glass Museum, a small nearby museum that details the history of the beach and sells jewelry handmade from the beach’s glass. Following a visit to these Mendocino County favorites, groups can visit the adjoining MacKerricher State Park, where they can picnic or hike a scenic trail along the bluffs overlooking the ocean. visitmendocino.com
Located on the northern coast of Washington Island, Schoolhouse Beach is one of just five smooth rock beaches in the world, making this Door County favorite a rarity. The beach is known for its smooth limestone rocks, rounded from centuries of contact with melting glaciers, and its clear, turquoise waters.
Named for a wooden schoolhouse that once stood nearby, this beach is one of the island community’s most treasured sites and is protected as such, with strict rules in place against taking rocks home. The community takes pride in the beach and aims to keep its beauty and its most unique features there for future generations to enjoy.
“The island has worked really hard to really protect the beach and make sure the people who visit understand the unique environmental structure of it,” said Laura Bradley, director of marketing and sales and Destination Door County.
If the weather’s right, groups are welcome to swim, fish and play in the water. It’s also a popular spot to picnic. Or, they can simply take in the view. However, Washington Island has plenty of other nearby treasures for groups to explore. During July and August on the island, groups will find one of the Midwest’s largest lavender fields is in bloom. They can hike or bike trails through the serene wilderness of the island’s natural parks or visit some of its local landmarks, such as the Stavkirke, a replica medieval Norwegian church in the woods.

The beaches on Oregon’s coast are known for interesting geological features and beautiful sunsets. One that’s often overlooked but home to many natural wonders is Bandon Beach. Located in the small seaside town of Bandon, this beach features noteworthy rock formations and tide pools that make it a source of fascination and wonder for visitors.

Rising high above the beaches, some of the most impressive sea stacks for visitors to see include the Wizard’s Hat, Face Rock and Table Rock, but there are plenty of unnamed towering rocks and archways as well. These striking structures were left standing after resisting wind and water erosion of the coast around them for thousands of years and are a huge part of what makes the Oregon coast so photogenic, particularly against the sunset. But perhaps the best feature of these beaches is how readily available they are to be enjoyed.
“All of our beaches that we’re so famous for are totally accessible,” said Margaret Pounder, president of the Bandon Chamber of Commerce. “You can just walk right down to a beach.”
The abundant wildlife of the area only adds to its beauty. The tide pools found on the beaches at low tide are equally worthy of exploring and are home to colorful marine life, such as anemones and starfish. At certain times of the year, migrating whales can be spotted off the Bandon coast. The charming town also has several marshes, which are excellent for birding, photography and light hiking.

The black sands of Punalu’u Black Sand Beach are a stark contrast to the typical white sands of other Hawaii beaches. These shining sands, formed by the rapid cooling of basaltic lava when it meets the ocean, cover only a small number of beaches in the world and are a testament to the island’s geological youth. On Punalu’u Beach, groups can take in the beauty of the sand, the blue waters and the palm trees, but they may also get the chance to see another rare sight: Hawaiian green sea turtles, known as honu. Islanders say these protected turtles are symbols of wisdom and good luck, and they can frequently be found sunbathing on the beach.
Not far from this stunning beach, groups can find the beautiful Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, which covers 523 square miles of the island. Two of the world’s most active volcanoes, Kilauea and Mauna Loa, can be found in this remarkable park. Here, groups can explore the terrain surrounding the volcanoes by taking drives or hikes around the crater rim, lava fields, ash deserts and rainforests. Groups can also visit the nearby Punalu’u Bake Shop to try some of its famous Punalu’u sweet bread, have lunch in the gardens or check out its gift shop.

To see the dramatic and distinct beauty of the Florida beach that’s said to resemble an elephant graveyard, groups can head to Boneyard Beach in Jacksonville. Hundreds of fallen trees, bleached by the sun and wind, cover the beach.

The rapid shifting of the channels on Big Talbot Island State Park is what causes the shorelines to retreat and the massive trees to fall. However, these driftwood giants still serve the important purpose of protecting the barrier island from further rising sea levels and erosion, hence the beach’s protected status in the Timucuan Ecological and Historical Preserve. Groups can climb on the trees, picnic on the beach and enjoy plenty of photo opportunities at this beautiful ecological rarity.
“It’s a great place to go to relax and get away from the hustle of the city,” said Andrea Mestdagh, senior marketing communications manager at Visit Jacksonville.

Nearby, groups will find plenty of outdoor attractions to supplement their experience at Boneyard Beach. The rest of Big Talbot Island State Park is home to salt marshes, beaches and trails for the island’s visitors to explore. Groups can enjoy the many species of birds and other wildlife on the island and popular activities such as hiking, kayaking and photography. Other attractions await outdoor enthusiasts nearby, such as the Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens and the Jacksonville Arboretum and Gardens.

BY PAULA AVEN GLADYCHSometimes the best spiritual experience happen in the wilderness.
America’s Heartland has plenty of retreat centers for religious groups wanting to get out of the city for conferences or meetings. The following five centers provide food, lodging and fun activities, from yoga, axe throwing and meditation to ziplining, climbing walls and ropes courses.
Country Lake Christian Retreat is 25 miles north of Louisville, Kentucky, in southern Indiana. It sits on the edge of a 16-acre lake on 200 acres of rural property about three minutes off the interstate. Originally built as a summer camp for a church in Louisville, the property has expanded from a few primitive cabins to a 52-room hotel and conference center overlooking the lake.
The center hosts everything from quilting retreats to mission organization conferences. The center’s food service staff can feed up to 200 guests. On the other side of the lake, Country Lake has five dorms that sleep 500 and dining facilities for 600. It also is open year-round. The worship facility can seat 1,000 people.
Groups do not have to be religious to host events there, but “we offer an environment conducive to spiritual renewal, personal reflection and inspiring relationships,” said Ross Knecht, executive director of the retreat center.
For fun, groups can ride four ziplines that run almost 1,000 feet, challenge each other on two paintball fields or participate in interactive team building activities, such as a low ropes course and individual challenges geared to engage groups. There are hiking trails, axe throwing, archery, and canoes and kayaks on the lake. In the summer, guests can enjoy swimming, a waterslide, inflatable toys, rock walls, water ziplines and more.

Situated on 150 acres of woods and prairie in Farmington, Minnesota, near a small lake surrounded by marsh, Mount Olivet Conference and Retreat Center has plenty of quiet spots for reflection and meditation.

Group leaders wanting to host retreats or overnight events at the facility can pick between two choices of lodging in the same building, both of which can accommodate up to 100 people. Eighteen hotel-style rooms have two beds and a private bathroom. Four dorm-style rooms contain a combination of bunk beds and twin beds that can sleep up to 10 people in each room and are popular with groups with tighter budgets.
In addition to the accommodations, the facility has two other main buildings. The lodge houses a dining room, which can seat up to 140 guests, and has four meeting rooms. The third building has a chapel that can seat almost 200 people. When the space is not being used for meetings, visitors can use it for prayer or worship services.
There are five miles of hiking trails that wind through the woods and include a marsh walk that takes visitors to a small island. The paths have benches and swings where people can sit and rest and take in the gorgeous views and quiet surroundings.
The property has a fireplace patio and firepit, an outdoor prayer labyrinth, outdoor games such as cornhole, Giant Connect Four, basketball, volleyball, Gaga Ball Pit, and an indoor swimming pool.

Mount Olivet has three ordained ministers on staff who are happy to meet with groups or individuals, and staff are happy to help plan 30-minute to onehour programs or icebreakers to kick off events, including meditation or stretching exercises.
A half hour south of Lake Erie, Our Lady of the Pines in Fremont, Ohio, has been an official retreat center since 1962, but the Sisters of Mercy have lived on the property since 1925. The Main House on the property was built in the 1870s and later expanded to serve as a novitiate for the Sisters of Mercy. The nuns lived in the building until 2008, when the house underwent a major renovation.
The property has 68 acres to explore and 37 bedrooms that can sleep up to 51 people. The center can accommodate groups of 100 in its largest conference space, which is available year-round. There are also hermitages on site: single-use cabins for people on self-directed private retreats.

The property has a kitchen to feed its guests, a walking labyrinth, a meditation garden dedicated to the four elements, a meditation deck, and walking trails to help guests get out and explore nature. There are some guided prayer walks available for groups to follow on their own, a massage studio and a library.

Sponsored programming is available, including spiritual direction and Enneagram coaching. Several events are hosted at the property, including Advent Overnight, a women’s retreat.

Sunstream Retreat Center is less than an hour away from bustling Des Moines, Iowa, but sits on a remote property spanning 210 acres across the Des Moines River Valley. It originally got its start as an extension of the Iowa Ministry Network in the Assemblies of God Iowa District to fill the need for camps. It eventually branched out to hosting other groups as well. The property is now part of the Christian Retreats Network, which focuses mainly on church and ministry groups that want to host a conference or retreat on property.
The property has five meeting spaces. The Conference Center has a meeting space for 80 guests in the middle of two wings of lodging. Each wing can accommodate 34 people. The rest of the lodging on property is separate from the meeting space. Sunstream can host 350 people on property. The Retreat Center can accommodate 400 guests, and the Garage, Cedar and Hickory rooms can each host 40 guests.
All per-person retreat packages include buffetstyle meals in the dining room.
Sunstream doesn’t facilitate programming for group retreats or conferences, but it does provide premium recreation opportunities such as ziplines, a three-sided climbing tower and an aquatic center with outdoor swimming pool, slides, volleyball net and basketball hoops. For team building, Sunstream offers a group initiatives course with a series of low-to-the-ground challenges that focus on team development through planning and problem solving.

On the outskirts of Chicago, Camp Manitoqua got its start as a kids’ camp and retreat center for urban dwellers. Sixty-five years later, the center is in the middle of Frankfort, Illinois.

The Adult Retreat Center can accommodate 38 guests in 19 hotel-style guest rooms with private baths. There is a dining room with a fireplace upstairs. Downstairs, attendees will find three meeting rooms. The Acorn Cabin can accommodate up to 64 guests, or smaller groups can reserve half or three-quarters of it for their events. The Oaks has two sleeping rooms with 13 beds each, and there is seating for 26 people on couches. Groups that stay in one of the camp’s cabins also receive access to one complimentary meeting space. Standard cabins can accommodate 120 guests.
The large chapel on the property can fit more than 300 guests, and the dining room can hold 200. Camp Manitoqua facilitates outdoor education for its groups, including a climbing wall, paintball course and ziplines. It also offers about 25 teambuilding group initiatives that are chosen based on a group’s goals and objectives and led by camp facilitators. There’s even a harness tree climbing activity. The 100-acre property is very walkable and can accommodate groups of up to 250 people when there aren’t pandemic restrictions.
The camp caters all meals in from area restaurants, giving guests a broad selection of cuisine to choose from.

For tour groups, reunions and more, nothing beats Myrtle Beach. We proudly offer top-flight accommodations and endless activities, along with 2,000+ restaurants to enjoy. It’s time to gather your crew – then bring them to The Beach.

A movement started


St. Louis..

For travelers looking for more meaningful experiences, arts and culture encounters can provide unique insight into the past and present of the Black community.
From Philadelphia to Mississippi, here are some arts and culture institutions that will help bring Black culture to life for your travelers.

Asheville, North Carolina
Nestled within the southern Appalachian Mountains, the city of Asheville, North Carolina, radiates scenic beauty. The YMI Cultural Center (initially branded the Young Men’s Institute), provides a central hub supporting Black arts and culture businesses in the area, generating a ripple effect of growth and support for Black entrepreneurs.
BY EDDIE ROBINSON, COURTESY COASTAL MS Travelers can learn about the rich cultural history of the blues at 100 Men Hall in Bay“While most incubator programs assist with business plans and financing, our design is deliberate in providing leadership for scaling up small businesses and advising on some of the pitfalls that often lead to premature closures,” said Alexandria Monque Ravenel, the center’s managing director.
The center features retail spaces for small Black-owned businesses. Among participating businesses are the Penny Cup coffeehouse and a boutique and art gallery, Noir Collective AVL.

The gallery features work by local artists of color, some of whom don’t have much following in the community. The center staff matches them with experienced and well-resourced artists of color who act as curators or coaches and consult on executing an exhibition.
The historic building also features displays of artifacts that are rotated out from the organization’s archives. The artifacts range from masks and instruments to advertising posters from events like Goombay (a festival celebrating Black life in Asheville), as well as sculptures, historical maps and original paintings.
Visitors can view the work of the resident artists, meet with staff, enjoy a YMI specialty beverage and pick up souvenirs at the boutique next door. www.ymiculturalcenter.org
Groups looking for an affordable way to experience Black culture will find it in the Houston Museum of African American Culture. It is the most visited African American cultural asset in Houston, and it attracts visitors with thought-provoking exhibits, films and engaging programs.

“The current economic times do not adversely impact the museum’s commitment to free admission,” said John Guess Jr., the museum’s CEO. “We are supported by the income we receive from our museum store, the Culture Shoppe. When visitors buy from the store, they, in effect, subsidize free admission.”
The Stairwell of Memory is the museum’s permanent exhibition. It provides a clear message to younger generations while also confirming memories for older visitors.
“It is the museum’s way of making sure that everyone feels themselves a part of American issues and hopefully elicits thoughtful possible solutions,” Guess said. “Our lobby sets the tone with its portrait of HMAAC founder and former Mayor Lee P. Brown. Immediately one understands that history is an important part of our culture and that we are not simply a visual arts museum but rather a museum dedicated to the broader impact and importance of culture.”
Exhibitions, films and programs tend to be contemporary and thought provoking, dealing with issues of race, gender and ethnicity — reflecting the culture of its surrounding communities. There is also a strong commitment to community involvement.
“The museum is known as ‘Houston’s Black Film House,’” Guess said, “and our decades-old film series captures a dedicated film audience with films that are both topical and historical.” hmaac.org

The experience is unforgettable . Because the lessons

There’s no better place to learn about the struggle for black equality while walking in the footsteps of the Movement’s heroes. It’s all here, from the world-class Mississippi Civil Rights Museum to the Fannie Lou Hamer Memorial Garden and Emmett Till Interpretive Center. Plan your journey today at VisitMississippi.org/CivilRights

should never be forgotten .
When it comes to African American arts and culture, the Mississippi Blues Trail’s sites run the gamut from city streets to cotton fields, train depots to cemeteries, and clubs to churches. The trail encompasses sites all over the state. Groups will find two noteworthy sites in the towns along the Mississippi Gulf Coast Jazz and blues fans shouldn’t miss the Ground Zero Blues Club. Both the original location in Clarksdale and the newly opened location in Biloxi are co-owned by Oscar-winning actor Morgan Freeman and feature live performances from local, regional and national musicians almost every night of the week. The clubs are fashioned in the style of a juke joint. The extensive lineup of live music, Southern dining and an afternoon happy hour make this a great stop for groups craving authenticity.
The 100 Men Hall in Bay St. Louis is another jewel among the outstanding sites on the Mississippi Blues Trail. Legendary musicians such as Ray Charles, Etta James, James Brown, BB King, James Booker and more played there.

“The hall tells a more nuanced story than the ones you hear about Mississippi outside of this state,” said Rachel Dangermond, director of the 100 Men Hall. “It tells of Black self-reliance and self-directness. The music that evolved inside this hall is purely Black American music, ranging from blues to bounce.”
Visitors love the 100 Men Hall People Project, a series of 274 portraits of locals who have a history with the hall. Also, there is a giant mural scaling one side of the building that tells a visual story of the hall’s history. msbluestrail.org
In Philadelphia, the Colored Girls Museum, founded in 2015 in a historic Germantown home, is the only museum that shares the stories and perspectives of “ordinary” girls and women of the African diaspora. Each room of this exquisite three-story Victorian home features art and artifacts significant to ordinary Black girls. Each year exhibitions shift to consider another aspect, concern or story impacting the well-being of ordinary girls and women of the African diaspora.
The museum features art and cultural experiences including exhibitions, performances and other programming.
“We are the first and only institution of our kind distinct for collecting, exhibiting, honoring and decoding artifacts rooted in the experiences and herstory of Black girlhood,” said associate director Ian Friday. “One of the museum’s great strengths is that while we nurture many Black femme artists and are proud to be part of the ecosystem that helps early and midcareer artists build their careers, our primary goals are not focused on success within the art world. We exist to help communities unlock the latent power that we already possess.”
The museum is a community institution that carries out its mission in a collaborative way.
“We museum differently,” Friday said, “and are open to all who are ready for a conscious revolution. The experience is multi-layered and multi-sensory, so one can expect to explore sights, sounds and smells in what you see and what you imagine.” thecoloredgirlsmuseum.com
Brandy Evans VISIT WICHITABrandy Evans joined Visit Wichita in 2021 as the vice president of marketing, overseeing advertising, public relations and social media. She is also working on projects to amplify diverse voices in the community and ultimately make Wichita feel more inclusive.

The 21-year marketing and tourism veteran graduated from Louisiana State University in Shreveport with an English degree and landed a job with a local newspaper. A year and a half later, in 2001, she decided to help the travel media craft their stories as a public relations specialist for the Shreveport-Bossier Convention and Tourist Bureau. Evans was promoted to vice president of communications in 2004.
Evans has aided the community by developing programs to promote small businesses through her work. In Shreveport-Bossier, she introduced Restaurant Week and later Black Restaurant Week as a board member at the African American Chamber of Commerce. In Wichita, Evans hosts professional development seminars for industry partners to provide them with the skills and strategies to elevate their businesses. Off the clock, Evans is a committed volunteer with organizations like Step Forward Literacy Project, Highland Friendship House Kid’s Club and Junior Achievement Spark Workshop.
Over the years, she has mentored several young professionals who enjoy thriving careers as executives in tourism, advertising, marketing and academia.
Wichita, Kansas

Niagara Falls, New York
The Niagara Falls Underground Railroad Heritage Center is an experiential and public art museum that presents the stories of Black freedom seekers and abolitionists at the forefront of Underground Railroad interpretation.

“The Heritage Center’s approach to Underground Railroad interpretation is not to ask how communities of African descent survived,” said interim director Ally Spongr, “but rather to demonstrate how these communities thrived.”
Visitors leave with an expanded understanding of the value of Niagara Falls and their own role in a movement for social justice that continues today. Traditional history lessons about the Underground Railroad focus on white abolitionists and Harriet Tubman, but the museum seeks to highlight the contributions of others.
“The reality is that the Underground Railroad existed because countless ordinary Black individuals took extraordinary risks to advance the freedom of themselves and others,” Spongr said. “The stories of resistance and resilience that occurred in Niagara Falls before the Civil War are as inspiring as they are astonishing.” niagarafallsundergroundrailroad.org

Little Rock made important strides for civil rights
BY VICKIE MITCHELLIn early September 1957, every student at Little Rock Central High School was white. Today, a majority of its students are minority, and most are Black. They owe their presence there to the nine brave Black students who desegregated the school 65 years ago.
Central High’s significance in the battle for civil rights makes it a logical start to civil rights tours in the Arkansas capital. The school is a top 10 site on the U.S. Civil Rights Trail.
Central High School is a National Historic Site

As students study inside the yellow brick walls of Little Rock Central High School National Historic Site, visitors pour into the visitors center to learn about the events of September 1957. They are reminded that the situation was so volatile that President Eisenhower called in the military to protect the Little Rock Nine as they faced verbal, psychological and physical assaults.

Although the school interior is not open to tours, groups can visit the visitors center and its bookstore, walk the grounds and if they have reservations, take the
once-daily outdoor tour guided by the National Park Service. There are also selfguided walking tours.
Locals fight for civil rights
From there, tours can drive by, or with planning, tour the home of Daisy Bates. She was president of the Arkansas chapter of the NAACP in 1957 and served as liaison for the Little Rock Nine. The students and their families gathered at her house during the three weeks that desegregation efforts were thwarted. Her role put Bates in danger, as her home was firebombed and crosses were burned on its lawn.
Bates is one of many Little Rock residents who championed civil rights. The Arkansas Civil Rights Heritage Trail is helping tell their story. It is a series of bronze plaques that detail contributions residents have made to ensure equal rights. Plaques are added each year. The trail will eventually reach the William J. Clinton Library and Museum, also a U.S. Civil Rights trail site.
The Civil Rights Heritage trail begins at the Little Rock Nine memorial at the Arkansas Capitol. The bronze sculptures capture the looks of worried determination as the students prepared to integrate the school.
Mosaic Templars preserves African American culture
Like the heritage trail, the Mosaic Templars Cultural Center is an Arkansas Civil Rights Trail site that keeps expanding the stories it tells. Starting soon, the center will begin a $2.5 million project to upgrade exhibits and make them more interactive and vibrant. Built on the site of the Mosaic Templars of America, a Black fraternal organization in the early to mid-1900s, the center preserves the history of Little Rock’s Black community. It is situated on a prominent corner in the West Ninth Street district, Little Rock’s once-thriving Black business district. During Jim Crow, when Blacks weren’t allowed in many white-owned businesses, the district provided services they needed — from barbershops and hotels to restaurants and pharmacies — and built community among Blacks as they were treated unfairly elsewhere.



Since the days of the Negro Motorist Green Book, Black entrepreneurs have been helping guide, host and educate one another and travelers in the most innovative ways. The following six Black entrepreneurs are continuing that legacy, building and operating businesses in the tourism industry.
The name Casual Crabbing with Tia began as a joke. Tia Clark, the company’s owner, didn’t come up with the business name — a friend did. But Clark’s entrepreneurial journey has been no laughing matter.
In the Geechee culture of South Carolina, where Clark grew up, seafood was a big part of the local diet. Crabbing was always happening in Charleston, but Clark didn’t take the trip that would make her an entrepreneur until six years ago.
COURTESY C CHICAGO TOURS Clarence Goodman showcases the rich Black history of the Windy City with his company C Chicago Tours.As a decades-long food-and-beverage veteran, Clark always had an entrepreneurial spirit and even had plans to open a cocktail bar before finding crabbing.
“This was never a thing in my head,” she said. “It took me doing this, physically being in it, living it, taking a chance and quitting my other job to really even start to feel like it was real.”
From behind the bar, she learned about Airbnb Experiences, the platform where she hosts “Let’s Go Crabbing.” Now she spends six days a week on the city’s docks hosting groups of 12 on shared experiences, as well as private experiences for groups of up to 50. Travelers learn the art of throwing a cast net, how to properly clean crabs and other methods used in crabbing.
For Clark, it’s important to use her growing business to connect more people, especially children and women, to the water. After being selected as one of 50 women from the fishing industry to attend a climate change conference in Seattle, she realized the role inaccessibility plays in our environment.

“I would like to create the space for women and kids, specifically, to go to and feel comfortable and build their bond with the water in any way they can,” Clark said. casualcrabbingwithtia.com
Brooklyn, New York
Monique Greenwood always knew she’d be an entrepreneur. Her grandfather started one of Washington D.C.’s oldest Black-owned businesses, a moving and storage company, in the 1970s, and now she is continuing her family’s entrepreneurial heirloom and the African American legacy of operating bed and breakfasts.
Akwaaba Inns began down the street from Greenwood’s home in the Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood of Brooklyn, which she has called home for decades, when in 1995, she purchased a rundown 1860s mansion. She fixed it up and opened its doors to travelers in hopes of showing the world a different side of the community she loves.
“Owning the B&Bs was a way to marry my life plan with a business plan,” Greenwood said. “I aspire to have a home I love in a city that I love for each season of the year.”
Operating B&Bs is not easy work. Nearly 30 years ago, when Greenwood began, her loved ones joked about how surprised they were she was an innkeeper. Greenwood couldn’t cook or clean when she started but had a knack for interior design and loved the idea of creating community and experiences for travelers in her favorite cities. Her love of people and understanding of real estate investment motivated her.
With locations in Philadelphia, Brooklyn and the Pennsylvania Poconos, Akwaaba, the Ghanaian word for welcome, creates an intimate experience that large hotel brands can’t duplicate. The Mansion on Noble Lane in the Poconos is a great option that can accommodate 34 people in14 guestrooms.

In Philadelphia, swanky suites named after Philly-bred music legends like Patti LaBelle and Teddy Pendergrass can sleep 20 people. Akwaaba Brooklyn, the smallest property, has just four guest rooms

that sleep eight guests. There are also two glamping tents and an event space for intimate gatherings.

Greenwood incorporates Black culture into every location.

“We know that so many people of color aren’t treated like the kings and queens they are,” Greenwood said. “So when they come into our space, it’s a safe space.” akwaaba.com

Fort Worth, Texas
Jonathan Morris, co-owner of Hotel Dryce, Fort Worth’s newest boutique hotel, was meant to be an entrepreneur. In grade school, he ran a business making homemade bookmarks, and in high school, rhinestone bandannas. As an adult, Morris spent years working in digital marketing before it was time to scratch his entrepreneurial itch again. It came to fruition in the form of the Fort Worth Barber Shop in 2014 — a staple in Funkytown’s community.
Now he’s curating the same beloved experience at Hotel Dryce. As a traveler, Morris enjoys staying at boutique hotels and is always searching for experiences like the one he’s building: authentic, locally inspired and with a sense of place. He said he felt there wasn’t yet an independent hotel space in Fort Worth that met the criteria, so he created one.
“If I can connect people who are coming through the city with people who are in and of the city and live and breathe the city, that to me is where there’s some magic that can happen,” Morris said.

Hotel Dryce is a 21-room hotel with a cozy lobby bar and an outdoor courtyard. For Morris, it’s essential to create a place locals and travelers want to be. He’s intentional about taking things beyond what typical hotels can offer by fostering a space that also serves as a community hub.
As an entrepreneur new to the tourism industry, Morris’ most significant challenge has been learning the ins and outs of the hotel business, mainly because it’s a 24/7 operation, something he wasn’t accustomed to with the barbershop. It’s a different sort of rhythm. hoteldryce.com



A born hustler and a third-generation native of Oakland, California, David Peters has long been an entrepreneur. But the work he feels most called to do is preserving the history of West Oakland’s Hoover-Foster neighborhood, where he grew up. It’s a legendary neighborhood known for its role in the Black Liberation movement, where the Black Panther Party launched its free breakfast program.
After 20 years away, Peters moved back next door to the home he was born in, but he wasn’t about to let this history slip away as gentrification moved in. The community he grew up in was a warm place where folks looked out for each other and cared about their neighbors’ well-being. Today, he says, the neighborhood doesn’t feel quite the same, but he’s made it his business to wave down neighbors passing through to revive that true sense of community.

“It became something not that I was doing but something inside of me that had to come out some kind of way,” Peters said.

Black Liberation Walking Tours started as a self-guided tour using an app and audio collected from elders and historians in the community. After witnessing people around the neighborhood doing the tour online, he decided to upgrade his offering. Now, it’s also a walking tour with essential stops at places including St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church, where Earl Neil was the spiritual advisor of the Black Panther Party, and the California hotel, one of the region’s first to allow Black people stay. blwt.org
New York City and Antigua
Collin Devon Events (CDE) began as a graduation trip for Collin Williams in 2015. He created a thoroughly planned itinerary and took his loved ones to his family’s home country, Antigua. The eight-person trip went off without a hitch, and soon thereafter, Williams organized an inaugural group trip to the island with 30 travelers, mostly Black millennial professionals in the 25–35 age range.
Although Williams didn’t always have entrepreneurial dreams, he’s always been willing to strategize to meet the needs of those in his community. In college, he was an on-campus barber and the social chair of a student-run organization where he used the funds to throw events.
Williams had no intentions of continuing the tours, but following an article feature in TIME magazine, travelers began reaching out and asking him about the next group trip. On the second visit in 2016, CDE doubled its group size. The company continues to grow yearly, with the largest group tour experience hosting 500 people — the largest in the history of Antigua.

Since then, Williams has led numerous group tours to the country and was named a goodwill ambassador by the Antiguan government. He has also added destinations like Grenada and Ghana to CDE’s tour line-up. instagram.com/collindevonevents
A South Side Chicago native, Clarence Goodman knows the Windy City deeply. He owns C Chicago Tours, an organization that began accidentally while Goodman worked for a large, now-defunct Chicago tour company. C Chicago offers 30 different private tours in the city, including the popular Chicago’s Black History Tour.
Goodman didn’t always have entrepreneurial dreams, though. He was born just after the Chicago Renaissance period, and a lot of Black history was happening around him while he was growing up. This upbringing and a love for history keep Goodman on his tourism entrepreneurship journey.
Goodman’s greatest pride and joy is when people say they wish he’d been their history teacher or didn’t realize how important Chicago was to the history of the world, the U.S. and Black history.
“It’s very important to me as a Black man, an American, as a citizen of the world, for people to understand the place of Black history in the world,” Goodman said. clarencegoodman.wixsite.com
Deaundra Rolle — affectionately known as Chef Dee — has been masterfully fusing Caribbean flavor with American fare as the executive chef at The Edison in Disney Springs. Rolle puts her spin on seafood by using citrus, fresh herbs, seasonings and hot peppers, a nod to her upbringing in the Bahamas.

Rolle first developed her appreciation for the culinary arts in her native Caribbean country. She was an avid fan of the Food Network, keeping her television fixed on the channel. But it was her grandmother who would provide her earliest lessons. The family matriarch would send Rolle off to pick peas to prepare soup. She would also help her grandmother turn benne seeds (sesame seeds) into the popular Bahamian street dessert benne cakes.
Rolle decided to pursue her passion by attending Keiser University in Melbourne, Australia, and attaining a bachelor’s degree in restaurant and food service management from the University of Central Florida. While in college, she gained experience at hotels and joined the Disney College Program. After graduation, Rolle continued to work across the Walt Disney World properties at All-Star Resorts, Epcot, Animal Kingdom and Disney Springs before her role at The Edison.
Generally, women are underrepresented in the food industry’s corporate pipeline, particularly Black and Latina women. Rolle said she experienced challenges in her trajectory but is proud to be an example to other Black women and aspiring chefs in her community.



COMMUNITY CELEBRATIONS HAVE ALWAYS BEEN AN IMPORTANT PART OF THE BLACK EXPERIENCE IN AMERICA. Dating as far back as Juneteenth (or Jubilee Day) in 1866, when former slaves joined to celebrate the first anniversary of the two-year-late emancipation of enslaved people in Galveston, Texas, Black people have been coming together to celebrate their culture, their communities and their freedom.
Here are some Black cultural festivals that promise distinctive experiences for group travelers.

Washington, D.C.
Created by Renaissance man and music mogul Pharrell Williams, Something in the Water showcases Black music, culture and art while highlighting diversity, community and empowerment for the youth and small businesses. With artist alumni such as JayZ, Missy Elliott, Snoop Dogg, T.I. and more, the festival celebrates West Coast, East Coast and Southern rap. The Pop-Up Church
COURTESY AFRO UTAH FESTIVAL The Afro Utah Festival celebrated its second installment in 2022.Service has also included notable gospel artists like Kirk Franklin, Rev. John P. Kee and Mary Mary.
Upon its inception in 2019, Something in the Water was held in Virginia Beach, Virginia, to spotlight the area and the talent within it. Williams, being from Virginia, wanted to present his roots and peers to the world. Though the festival was not held in 2020, Williams kept its mission alive by campaigning for Juneteenth to become a paid holiday in Virginia. After succeeding in those efforts, he moved his sights to the nation’s capital, Washington, D.C. Eventually, on June 17, 2021, Juneteenth became a federal holiday. somethinginthewater.com
AFROPUNK Brooklyn, New York
Like most in-person events, Afropunk took a hiatus in 2020 and 2021, then made its highly anticipated return September 10-11. Afropunk is a music, film, fashion and art festival that started in Brooklyn in 2005 and is now an international touring festival. It’s also regarded as one of the top festivals for fashion, style and self-expression.
The concept of the festival came from a documentary called “Afro-Punk,” which showcased Black people living the punk lifestyle. Originally, the Afropunk festival catered more to that crowd, with alternative punk music and entertainment. As the festival expanded, so did its music genres.

Today, Afropunk is bigger than ever, with top-tier musical performances from almost every genre. This year’s performers included The Roots, Isaiah Rashad and Earl Sweatshirt. Other attractions on the festival grounds were a marketplace with local vendors, a food garden called Bites n Beats and interactive activations by sponsoring brands. afropunk.com
ARIZONA BLACK RODEO Scottsdale, Arizona
The Arizona Black Rodeo, run by the Arizona Black Rodeo Association, is one of the biggest Black events in the state and is nicknamed “the hottest show on dirt”. It features national African American rodeo competitors and was formed to share the history and heritage of Black people in the Old West, as well as their impact on Western culture. Part of its mission is also to teach sportsmanship, equestrian skills and agriculture to the community, particularly to young people.
There is a lot of cultural interest in Black rodeo today, but this isn’t a fad. Black people have been involved in rodeos since rodeos existed. But they were not always allowed to be in the forefront, which is part of the reason Black rodeos were created.
Celebrating its 11th year in 2022, the Arizona Black Rodeo still holds true to its core values: youth, community, agriculture, education, health and entertainment. To help educate even more people, the Arizona Black Rodeo Association formed Black Rodeo USA, an organization that tours the United States azblackrodeo.wixsite.com
In 2021, Delta Airlines elevated Keyra Lynn Johnson to vice president and chief diversity, equity and inclusion officer. She spearheads a comprehensive DEI strategy and implements programs impacting Delta employees, customers and the wider community.

Johnson graduated from Georgia State University with a degree in speech communication before becoming a part of the Delta family more than 25 years ago. Her first role was on the front line as an associate customer service agent before moving into communications-oriented positions. She steadily rose to senior leadership on the airline’s corporate, internal and employee communications teams. In 2016, she became the managing director and eventually chief diversity and inclusion officer.
Johnson heads the Delta Care and Scholarship Funds, the airline’s nonprofit dedicated to providing scholarships to employees and their families for educational advancement and assisting those experiencing unexpected hardship. She also serves on the board for Southern Crescent Sexual Assault and Child Advocacy Center. A strong connection to faith and family underscores her leadership and passion for community outreach.
The main stage at Something in the Water


Kalamazoo, Michigan
In 1985, Kalamazoo’s Recreation Leisure and Cultural Affairs department helped plan and fund a downtown festival to promote Black arts and culture. Because of those efforts, the inaugural Black Arts Festival was held in August 1986 and was a great success. To keep attendees’ interest until the next year, some of the original organizers, Gail Sydnor, Lois Jackson and James C. Palmier, decided to create a committee to promote Black art year round. So, the Black Arts and Cultural Committee (now the Black Arts and Culture Center) was formed.
The committee continued to grow, eventually exceeding its original purpose. By 1990, the committee had its own building and was launching and supporting art exhibits, plays, dances, movies, events, and various classes and became the Black Arts and Cultural Center of Kalamazoo. In 2001, the center moved to a new building.
The 2022 edition was the 36th anniversary of the festival, during which local and international artists media showcase their work each year. There are even technology events now. And the event stays focused on its original mission: to “develop human potential, self esteem and creativity among Blacks of all ages in the Kalamazoo Community, advance the awareness of Black artistic ability and to preserve Black cultural heritage.”
Special musical guests perform each year, with 2022’s headliners being R&B solo artists Sammie and Tweet. This festival is free during the day and has an entry fee in the evening to control capacity. blackartskalamazoo.org
Round up your group for some rip-roarin’ excitement from the likes of Cheyenne Frontier Days and Hell on Wheels in Cheyenne, Wyoming. The world’s largest outdoor rodeo and Western Celebration and the chuck wagon dinner and rodeo series are complemented by the thriving Wild West lifestyle found in our sophisticated city.

Wyoming starts here. Live the Legend in Cheyenne.

Discover Black History
Forks of the road
Eugene’s Black Cultural Festival was created by event producer Talicia Brown-Crowell for people of African descent in Oregon and surrounding areas to be able to celebrate and embrace their Black culture and heritage.
While attending other long-established festivals and events in Oregon, Talicia noticed her culture and people weren’t being adequately represented. Then in 2019 at Beloved Festival, she stumbled upon a Black and Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC) sanctuary for people of color to come rest. She found herself visiting the sanctuary multiple times, finding refuge and solidarity. After this experience, she realized how much the lack of BIPOC-centered events was taking a toll on her.
So, Brown-Crowell formed a planning and production team, and in August 2021, the inaugural Black Cultural Festival was held at Alton Baker Park in Eugene, Oregon. The second annual festival took place this August. The growing festival has been funded and sponsored by mostly Black-owned businesses, with its first year’s attendee demographic being 85% people of color. While there was an entry fee, they informed hopeful festivalgoers that no one of African descent would be turned away, even without the means to pay.

At the Black Cultural Festival, visitors can expect artists, vendors, food, entertainment, local Black-owned businesses and much more. blackculturalfestival.com
Salt Lake City
The Afro Utah Festival took place for the second time this year. It was created to celebrate African American culture and heritage with food, dance, art and community. This festival is organized by the GK Folks Foundation, a nonprofit organization in Salt Lake City that focuses on education, empowerment, entrepreneurship and mental health resources for African descendants.
Debuting in August 2021, the Afro Utah Festival sought to bring together African Americans, Black immigrants and those of African descent to spotlight their art, culture and food, as well as to promote equity, inclusion and diversity. The festival’s organizers sought to create an accurate and inspirational understanding of Black people and their contribution to the Utah community. The 2022 festival was held September 24 and had a sizable turnout, showing a great want for something like this in the city.
Due to the increase in the Black population in Utah, Afro Utah organizers felt it was important to educate the community about Black culture while also giving the new Black community a safe space to celebrate and embrace their own culture as well.


Where the African American Story Comes to Life!
“The Natchez campaign was the single greatest community victory for the Civil Rights movement in Mississippi.”
-- Lance Hill, author “The Deacons of Defense” (2004)

Pensacola is a city with an old soul and a vibrant modern vibe. Our stunning beaches beckon visitors with the promise of sunshine, saltwater and relaxation on white sandy shores. But the beaches are just the beginning.

Pensacola boasts more than 460 years of history with heavy African American influences from its very beginning in 1559. As your group explores Pensacola, they’ll find traces of this rich history at every turn. Belmont DeVilliers, the bustling commercial and cultural hub of Pensacola’s black community during segregation, and the Chappie James Museum and Flight Academy, established at the childhood home of our nation’s first African-American four-star general of the U.S. Air Force, are just two of many sites not to pass up.

Belmont Devilliers Neighborhood Chappie James Museum Fort Pickens
Historic Pensacola Village Mississippi Blues Trail Marker Rosamond Johnson Beach Voices of Pensacola Multicultural Center


Back on the Blocks Festival
Crawfish Festival
Foo Foo Festival

Gulf Coast Summerfest

Pensacola JazzFest

Pensacola Stompfest


Groups will take a step back in time when discovering Louisville’s Black heritage with the Unfiltered Truth Collection. These immersive experiences feature perspectives and stories that you may have never heard before at some of the city’s most unique and iconic attractions. Learn more at UnfilteredTruthCollection.com