GROVES ACADEMY COVID-19 Preparedness Plan
2020 © Groves Academy. All Rights Reserved.
Groves Academy is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for our entire community of students, guests, visitors, stakeholders, faculty, and staff. To ensure this, Groves Academy developed the following Preparedness Plan in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Supervisors and staff are all responsible for implementing this plan. Our goal is to mitigate the potential for transmission of COVID-19 in our building and community, and that requires full cooperation among our staff, leaders, families, and clients. Only through this cooperative effort can we establish and maintain the safety and health of all persons balanced with the delivery of transformative learning experiences. The COVID-19 Preparedness Plan is administered by Deb Peterson, who maintains the overall authority and responsibility for the plan, supported by Curtis Olufson and Colin Roney in our School, Nancy Segreti in Groves Learning Center, and Katharine Campbell with Groves Literacy Partnerships. However, all Groves staff are equally responsible for supporting, implementing, complying with, and providing recommendations to further improve all aspects of this COVID-19 Preparedness Plan. Groves stakeholders are our most important assets and we are serious about protecting everyone. Teamwork is essential in developing and implementing a successful COVID-19 Preparedness Plan.
In early June, Groves created four taskforce groups to assist in the development of this plan. We solicited parent feedback and asked two parents to join each task force during the development stage. A parent focus group provided specific information about what was most important to them related to operating Groves Academy and Groves Learning Center in the Fall. We engaged with professionals from Ecolab to ensure our cleaning and distancing protocols were sufficient, and we connected with the medical community to stay abreast of the most current information about disease transmission. Finally, the Groves staff and Leadership team attended many different webinars from experts in various industries, read numerous research articles, consulted specific websites for information, and partnered with local education leaders to ensure consistency, and to learn from experts in the field. Much of this information can be found in our resources page at the end of this plan.
Groves Academy COVID-19 Preparedness Plan
TABLE OF CONTENTS Our Guiding Principles ���������������������������������������� 2 Key Safety Decisions and Non-Negotiables ���������������������������������������������������� 2 Key Information ������������������������������������������������������ 2 Are You Experiencing Symptoms of COVID-19 Today? ������������������������������������������������ 3 Health and Safety Protocols ������������������������������4 • Screening and Policies For Students, Faculty & Staff Exhibiting Signs and Symptoms • Notification of A Lab-Confirmed Case of Covid-19 • Return to School / Work • Social Distancing • Face Coverings • Hand Hygiene and Respiratory Etiquette • Shared Materials Expectations • Food Service • Visitors/Parents/Guardians
Facilities Protocols ������������������������������������������������9 • Workplace Building and Ventilation Protocol • Building Cleaning and Disinfection Protocol
The School: 2020-2021 Curricular Approach ��������������������������������������������� 11 Hybrid and Distance Learning Schedules for the 2020-21 School Year ��������� 11 • Schedule for On-Campus Learning: Hybrid Learning Model • Plan for Students with Covid-19 Diagnosis Who are able to Continue to Learn Remotely • Groves Distance Learning Plan
Four Pillars of Our Curricular Approach ������19 • Social-Emotional Learning and Well-being • Diversity / Equity / Inclusion • Executive Functioning • Technology
Mental Health and Wellbeing / Mental Health Support ����������������������������������������������������� 22 School Program Details, Dates, and Calendars ������������������������������������������������������� 23 Groves Literacy Partnerships �������������������������24 Groves Learning Center ����������������������������������� 25 Communications ������������������������������������������������� 26 Additional Resources ����������������������������������������� 27 Contact Information ������������������������������������������� 27 Appendix A ������������������������������������������������������������� 28
Groves Academy COVID-19 Preparedness Plan
OUR GUIDING PRINCIPLES The intent of this plan is to strike a balance between the health and safety of our students, faculty, and families with a robust and powerful educational opportunity that provides transformative learning experiences for all. • Protecting the health and safety of all students, families, and Groves employees is our first priority. • We will closely adhere to the MN Dept of Health, CDC, MN Dept of Education, and State of Minnesota guidelines for operating an educational institution
and will make differentiated adjustments specific to the unique needs of Groves Academy, Groves Learning Center, and Groves Literacy Partnerships. • We are committed to providing an impactful learning experience for our students.
All components of this outlined plan are subject to change based on new information.
KEY SAFETY DECISIONS AND NON-NEGOTIABLES All families, students, and staff are expected to adhere to the details of this safety plan. Stay home when sick. Families will not bring their child to Groves if they are sick or showing any symptoms related to COVID-19. Faculty and Staff will also stay home if they are showing any symptoms related to COVID-19. Please refer to the chart outlining COVID symptoms. More specific information on the definition of “sick” is in the Health and Safety section of this plan. Everyone must follow protocols to help slow the spread: • Face coverings are required every day by every person in the building. Specific instructions on wearing face coverings are outlined further in the Health and Safety section of this plan. • Promptly identify and isolate sick persons in the building
• Practice social distancing. People must be at least six-feet apart. • Follow hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette as described in the Health and Safety section of this plan.
Nonessential visitors, volunteers, and activities involving external groups or organizations will be restricted from entering the building. Essential visitors will be required to sign-in, review, and adhere to the policies and protocols.
KEY INFORMATION • School will be on-campus, Monday through Thursday, with a half-day of off-campus distance learning on Friday
homeroom teacher or advisor for a one-on-one connection opportunity on Monday, August 31, and Tuesday, September 1.
• Students who must quarantine will have a virtual learning option
• The first day of classes for all students is Wednesday, September 2nd
• Both current and new families will be able to schedule appointments with their child's
• Groves Learning Center will follow a hybrid model of virtual/distance and in-person services.
Groves Academy COVID-19 Preparedness Plan
ARE YOU EXPERIENCING SYMPTOMS OF COVID TODAY? Symptoms of COVID-19 by themselves include: New onset cough Shortness of breath
Fever (100.4ยบF or higher)
at least 2 of the following:
Chills Muscle pain Sore throat
If a person has a new symptom (for example, new loss of smell only) with no other diagnosis to explain it, they should stay home and talk to their health care provider about testing for COVID-19, even if it is the only symptom they are experiencing.
Loss of sense of smell or taste Gastrointestinal symptoms of diarrhea, vomiting, or nausea
Parents/guardians of students are required to screen their student for COVID-19 symptoms prior to bringing their student to school each day.
IF YOU ARE FEELING ILL STAY HOME! Do not bring your child to school if your child is displaying symptoms consistent with COVID-19. STUDENTS WHO ARE ILL SHOULD NOTIFY THE SCHOOL NURSE AT OR 952.915.4264 BY 8:00AM. Students who are well but may have a family member with COVID-19 or have been notified that they have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 should not be sent to school and notify the School Nurse.
Groves Academy COVID-19 Preparedness Plan
HEALTH AND SAFETY PROTOCOLS SCREENING AND POLICIES FOR STUDENTS, FACULTY & STAFF EXHIBITING SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Parents/guardians of students are required to screen their student for COVID-19 symptoms prior to bringing their student to school each day. Parents/guardians, faculty, and staff are required to self-monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19. Students, faculty, or staff who have symptoms consistent with COVID-19 should stay home. If they arrive at Groves with symptoms they will be denied entrance and sent home. Symptoms of COVID-19 Include: • New-onset cough or shortness of breath by themselves OR at least 2 of the following: fever (100.4ºor higher), chills, muscle pain, sore throat, loss of sense of smell or taste, headache, and gastrointestinal symptoms of diarrhea, vomiting, or nausea. • If a person has a new symptom (for example, new loss of smell only) with no other diagnosis to explain it, they should stay home and talk to their health care provider about testing for COVID-19, even if it is the only symptom they are experiencing. Do not bring your child to school if your child is displaying symptoms consistent with COVID-19, and notify the School Nurse at or 952.915.4264 by 8:00 a.m. Students who are well but may have a family member with COVID-19 or have been notified that they have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 should not be sent to school and notify the School Nurse. Faculty and staff are also required to stay home if they have symptoms consistent with COVID-19. Faculty or staff who are well but may have a family member with COVID-19 or have been notified that they have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 should not report to work. Faculty and staff should report their illness to Human Resources at For staff and students who develop symptoms while on-site. • Faculty and staff will be trained on the proper procedures for recognizing symptoms and Groves will isolate anyone exhibiting symptoms.
• If symptoms consistent with COVID-19 develop while at school the student, faculty, or staff member who is exhibiting symptoms will be immediately separated from other staff and students and isolated in a separate room until they are able to go home. • Parents/guardians are expected to be available to pick up their student as soon as possible after the nurse calls. • It is expected that healthcare providers will be consulted and their advice followed. • Students and faculty who are in the classroom with someone who has developed symptoms on-site will not be instructed to quarantine based on symptoms. Groves will monitor the situation closely and take next steps if a case of COVID-19 has been confirmed. The cleaning protocols that will be in place should not require the closing of the physical classroom.
NOTIFICATION OF A LAB-CONFIRMED CASE OF COVID-19 When notified of a confirmed case of COVID-19 involving a student, faculty or staff member, Groves will follow the steps in the guidelines published by the Minnesota Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) What To Do When Notified of a Lab-Confirmed Case of COVID-19 in a School or Child Care Setting. Groves will gather the information and work closely with the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) to determine any exposures (close contacts) and follow the MDH’s recommended next steps including notification to families, faculty, and staff.
Groves Academy COVID-19 Preparedness Plan
RETURN TO SCHOOL / WORK Groves will follow the guidance in the Minnesota Department of Health – Decision Tree for People with COVID-19 Symptoms in Youth, Student, and Child Care Programs to determine when students, faculty, and staff may return to school/work following an illness or exposure to COVID-19: For staff and students who receive a laboratory test for COVID-19 OR have symptoms with no other diagnosis: • Positive test result: Stay home at least 10 days since symptoms first appeared AND until no fever for at least 3 days without medication AND improvement of other symptoms. • Negative test result but symptoms with no other diagnosis: Stay home at least 10 days since symptoms first appeared AND until no fever for at least 3 days without medication AND improvement of other symptoms. • For staff and students who have been identified as a close contact* with someone with COVID-19 (for example, a person in their household) but are not sick. Stay home and self-quarantine for 14 days. • If a teacher or instructor is under quarantine, an appropriate substitute will be in the classroom • Students who must quarantine will have access to virtual learning as described below in the curriculum section For faculty, staff, and students with other diagnoses (e.g., norovirus, strep throat) that explain the symptoms, or if a health care provider says symptoms are connected to a pre-existing condition: • Stay home until symptoms have improved. Follow specific return guidance from the health care provider or follow the Infectious Diseases in Childcare Settings and Schools Manual daycaremanual
Groves Academy COVID-19 Preparedness Plan
SOCIAL DISTANCING • Faculty and staff must maintain social distancing of 6 feet when possible. • Students are required, to the best of their ability, to maintain 6 feet distancing from other students, faculty, and staff. • Students and staff will follow the identified one-way pathways throughout the building. • Students will be seated at desks that are spaced apart in accordance with CDC 6 foot recommended social distance guidelines. • Signs, training, and increased supervision will be provided to support students in maintaining social distancing.
FACE COVERINGS As per the Minnesota Governer's mandate on wearing face-coverings, all students, faculty, staff, and visitors are required to wear a face-covering while in the building. The following information reflects the rules of that mandate. Groves will supply each student, faculty and staff member with two face coverings for the school year. Families are encouraged to follow guidelines for cleaning and sanitizing masks daily including the purchase of additional face coverings so their student has a ready supply. Types of allowable face coverings include: • Paper or disposable mask • Cloth face mask • Scarf • Bandana • Religious face covering The covering should cover the nose and mouth completely, should not be overly tight or restrictive, and should feel comfortable to wear. A face covering is not meant to substitute for social distancing, but is especially important when maintaining a 6-foot distance is not possible. Face coverings do not have to be worn by students, faculty, or staff who cannot tolerate a face covering due to developmental, medical, or behavioral health conditions. Families, on behalf of their student, should notify the school nurse of these situations. Faculty and staff should notify Human Resources
Groves Academy COVID-19 Preparedness Plan
Face Shields A face shield (a clear plastic barrier that covers the face) allows visibility of facial expressions and lip movements for speech perceptions may be used as an alternative to a face covering in the following situations: • Among students in grade 1 through grade 8, when wearing a face covering is problematic. • By teachers (all grades), when wearing a face covering may impede the educational process. Face coverings must be worn at all other times (i.e. when it does not impede the educational process). • For students, faculty, staff, and visitors who cannot tolerate a face-covering due to a developmental, medical, or behavioral health condition. • For staff providing direct support student services, when a face-covering impedes the service being provided. A face shield should extend below the chin anterior to the ears laterally, and there should be no exposed gap between the forehead and the shield’s headpiece. Students, faculty, staff, and visitors present in the building may temporarily remove their face covering or face shield in the following situations: • Face coverings may be temporarily removed when engaging in indoor physical activity (e.g., during recess, after school sports, or when exercising in a gym) where the level of exertion makes wearing a face-covering difficult, and during classes or activities held outdoors. People participating in these activities should maintain 6 feet of distance while doing so to the extent feasible. • Face coverings may be temporarily removed to eat or drink, but care should be taken to maintain as much space as possible between people, recognizing it is not always feasible to maintain 6 feet of distance from others. • During indoor practices or performances involving singing, acting, public speaking, or playing musical instruments where a face covering cannot be used while playing the instrument. Performers should maintain 6 feet or greater of physical distance from others while participating in the activity to the extent possible and should replace their face covering as soon as the activity is completed. • People who are entering the school building during the day may be required by school staff to briefly remove their face covering for the purposes of checking identification. • Faculty and staff working alone in their offices, classrooms, vehicles, or other job locations who do not have any person-to-person interaction. • Faculty and staff working in communal spaces (e.g., at desks or in cubicles) that have barriers such as plexiglass or cubicle walls between employees that are above face level. • When communicating with a person who is deaf or hard of hearing or has a disability, medical condition, or mental health condition that makes communication with a face-covering difficult, provided that social distancing is maintained to the extent possible.
Groves Academy COVID-19 Preparedness Plan
HAND HYGIENE AND RESPIRATORY ETIQUETTE Basic infection prevention measures are being implemented at Groves Academy at all times. Students, faculty staff and visitors are instructed to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water frequently throughout the day, but especially upon arrival to the building, before entering the classroom, before leaving the building, prior to any mealtimes and after using the restroom. Hand-sanitizer dispensers (that use sanitizers of greater than 60% alcohol) are at entrances and locations in the building so they can be used for hand hygiene in place of soap and water, as long as hands are not visibly soiled. Students will also be required to sanitize their personal desk areas upon entering each classroom and before and after entering the lunchroom. Students, faculty, staff and visitors are being instructed to cover their mouth and nose with their sleeve or a tissue when coughing or sneezing, and to avoid touching their face, particularly their mouth, nose and eyes, with their hands. They are expected to dispose of tissues in provided trash receptacles and wash or sanitize their hands immediately afterward. Respiratory etiquette will be demonstrated on posters and supported by making tissues and trash receptacles available to all workers and other persons entering the workplace.
SHARED MATERIALS EXPECTATIONS Classrooms and use of materials:
Laptops, and mice
• Teachers will maintain the sanitizing of the classroom and materials using provided spray bottles and wipes throughout the day and each class period depending on material use.
• Devices must not be shared while using.
• All classroom supplies, materials, and manipulatives must stay in that classroom. No sharing of supplies between classrooms.
• Students must sanitize or wash hands before and after use.
• All school materials stay at school; no home materials are allowed to be brought to school. • All toys and manipulatives will be washed or sanitized each day by teachers. • Soft toys and pillows/cushions/blankets will be removed.
• Faculty will support students with wiping computers before and after use.
Other materials • Whiteboards and markers will be wiped down at the end of the day. • Students will only use their classroom supplies. • Please send your student to campus with a labeled and full water bottle. We will provide single-use small bottles of water in each classroom for students. Water fountains will not be used.
FOOD SERVICE • For snack breaks, students are required to bring their own snack from home; Groves will not be providing snacks. Students are required to wash hands prior to snack, sanitize the desk area, and remain at their desks. • Some students have severe allergies to nuts. Please do not send snacks or food items that contain nuts. • Food service will continue to be provided by Groves Academy. We will start with bag lunches upon return and will slowly increase menu options. As always, our lunch program is optional. More information will be provided as school approaches.
Groves Academy COVID-19 Preparedness Plan
VISITORS/PARENTS/GUARDIANS All visitors, including parents/guardians are allowed into the building by appointment only. Visitors must check in at the front security desk and sign a form declaring: 1. They are free from COVID-19 symptoms, 2. Have not been exposed to COVID-19
Parents drop off/pick up their students outside of the building and may not accompany them without an appointment. We ask that parents do not get out of their cars. When you arrive, please follow the map provided to you and follow the guidance of our staff directing traffic. The specific arrival and pick-up plan will arrive before the start of the school year.
3. Agree to the building safety protocols.
FACILITIES PROTOCOLS WORKPLACE BUILDING AND VENTILATION PROTOCOL The following measures are in place to ensure that we can safely occupy our facility. • All rooftop HVAC units are set to continuously circulate as much fresh air as possible while maintaining comfortable temperatures. Staff is encouraged to open windows to increase fresh air intake. • All HVAC units have a recent inspection and are confirmed to be in good working condition. Pleated filters are being used for increased filtration. • Drinking fountains are covered to prevent use. • We are committed to, and are in the process of, transitioning to touchless restroom faucets and towel dispensers.
BUILDING CLEANING AND DISINFECTION PROTOCOL • Additional staff were added to disinfect the common areas and high touch point surfaces. These areas include front door push bars and handles, elevator buttons, restroom door handles and push pads, stairway handrails, workroom countertops, break room and kitchenette area countertops and faucet handles. These areas are disinfected at least one time each hour. • Classrooms and one-on-one meeting rooms are disinfected during the day by the teacher/staff member between classroom changes or client
changes. At the end of each day, teachers will disinfect the classroom desks and chairs. In the evening the maintenance staff disinfects all classroom/meeting room door handles, stairway handrails, front door push bars and handles, break rooms and kitchenettes, testing, tutor rooms and office areas. • Groves uses Ecolab disinfecting products which only require a dwell time of 45 seconds in order to complete disinfection. • All classrooms have bottles of disinfectant and a supply of C-fold towels to use as wipes. • All classrooms have a wall mounted hand sanitizer unit for use as needed. • Meeting rooms, tutor, and testing rooms have stations of disinfectant, C-fold towels and hand sanitizer for use as needed. • Office areas, workrooms, break rooms, and conference rooms have hand sanitizer units mounted in each area for use as needed. • All cleaning products are labeled and safety data sheets are on site for review if needed.
Groves Academy COVID-19 Preparedness Plan
Groves Academy COVID-19 Preparedness Plan
THE SCHOOL: 2020-2021 CURRICULAR APPROACH OUR CHARGE The year 2020 was characterized by unprecedented challenges to education. A global pandemic and a socially divided nation have transformed the educational landscape. While many schools are simply holding their breath and waiting for this storm to pass, Groves Academy, a leader in education for students with learning disabilities and executive functioning challenges, is taking well-researched action steps to ensure that we provide a safe, relevant, and emotionally responsive education that prepares our students for whatever the world brings their way.
OUR APPROACH At the center of the Groves Academy approach to curriculum is explicit direct instruction in the process of learning, combined with a multisensory approach that can meet students where they are and help close the gap between their current ability and their potential. This approach allows teachers to create lessons that are diagnostic, student- centered, and skills-based. Our studentcentered approach aligns well with the value standards we follow for each subject we teach. Additionally, Groves Academy recognizes that technological advances require our students to meet the demands of an increasingly digital-visual culture. Our goal is to provide a robust learning environment that combines instructional best practices with innovative educational technology in varied learning spaces. Supporting our curricular approach are the four pillars of, Social-Emotional Learning; Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; Executive Function; and Technology.
HYBRID AND DISTANCE LEARNING SCHEDULES FOR THE 2020-21 SCHOOL YEAR SCHEDULE FOR ON-CAMPUS LEARNING: HYBRID LEARNING MODEL As we welcome our students back to our building this fall, we recognize that the global pandemic continues. We want to be prepared to offer students the quality education they deserve regardless of their learning environment. We need to prepare students for our muchimproved distance learning scenario by introducing them to the digital framework we will implement in the classrooms at Groves as well as at home if the need arises. Our hybrid/blended learning schedule will allow students to be in school four days a week, Monday through Thursday, while they practice learning from home on Fridays. The Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) defines hybrid learning as an instructional schedule “designed to integrate face-to-face and distance learning activities so that they reinforce, complement, and elaborate on one another, instead of treating the online component as an add-on or duplicate of what is taught in the classroom.� Blended learning is the integration of technology into the classroom so that the students are learning from both teacher-directed and self-directed methods throughout the curriculum.
Groves Academy COVID-19 Preparedness Plan
Groves Academy COVID-19 Preparedness Plan
To ensure continuity of the curriculum and depth of coverage, we will employ an alternating schedule on Fridays. The lower school will alternate according to subject areas while the middle and lower schools will alternate according to class periods.
Groves Academy COVID-19 Preparedness Plan
All divisions will begin at 8:25am. Families are strongly encouraged to drop off their students beginning at 8:15am. Groves will provide before care beginning at 7:30am for those families needing an earlier drop off time (RSVP required, registration form will be sent at a later date). Beginning at 8:15am all students will go directly to their classrooms under teacher supervision.
Lunch times will follow our traditional schedule. Groves will only be offering a bag lunch option that supports our students' dietary needs. We will utilize classrooms as needed, in addition to the cafeteria, to accommodate for social distancing.
Before Care 7:30-8:15am (RSVP required)-- Students in before care will use the Main Entrance to enter the building and proceed to the following locations for quiet, socially distanced study time: • Lower School - Gymnasium • Middle School - Conference Room • Upper School - Cafeteria Arrival 8:15-8:25am-- Students will enter the building at different entry points and proceed directly to their classrooms:
• Lower School - 11:05-11:30; 11:30-11:55am • Middle School - 12:05-12:35pm • Upper School - 12:40-1:10pm
LOWER AND MIDDLE SCHOOL RECESS Recess times will follow our traditional schedule. We will follow best practices for social distancing and supervision. Lower School - 11:05-11:30am; 11:30-11:55am
• Lower School - Main Entrance
• Students will use the playground/outdoor space, weather permitting
• Middle School - Northeast Entrance
• Indoor recess will be held in classrooms.
• Upper School - West Entrance
Middle School - 10:11-10:31am • Will utilize the playground/outdoor space, gymnasiums, and classrooms.
DISMISSAL Dismissal will begin at 2:50pm until 3:15pm and we will utilize different exit points and staggered times. Dismissal 2:50-3:15pm • Lower School - West Entrance beginning at 3:00pm • Middle School - Main Entrance beginning at 3:00pm • Upper School - Main Entrance beginning at 2:50pm
Arrival and Dismal diagrams will be delivered seperately.
• Students will be divided into cohorts on a rotational schedule.
AFTERCARE After Care 3:15-5:00pm - Groves will provide after care beginning at 3:15 for those students needing a later pick up time (RSVP required, registration form will be sent at a later date). Various locations in the school will be used that accommodate social distancing. All students will dismiss from the Main Entrance. This will be time for quiet study with all social distancing and health and safety protocols in place.
Groves Academy COVID-19 Preparedness Plan
We are committed to supporting our students who may be quarantined due to COVID-19 but are otherwise able to participate in school, as well as those who are recovering from illness and want to get back on track. The Director of Curriculum and the Division Directors-- in coordination with the students’ advisor and teachers-- will help guide students through distance learning experience while navigating recovery. We are currently reviewing an alternative 100% distance learning option. Should we change this plan, you will be informed immediately and we will adjust the language accordingly.
The practices listed below are ways we will help absent students access their curriculum while they are home. 1.
Daily updates posted to Google Classroom, including the agenda of what was taught and what students learned in class. • Links to resources, notes, slide decks, and copies distributed to students who were present, and expectations for homework will be loaded in Google Classroom by the end of each day. • If the Promethean board and/or whiteboard is used extensively in lessons, pictures will be taken at the end of the period and posted to Google Classroom. • Teachers will check in with students at the agreed-upon scheduled time via Zoom.
2. At the beginning of the school year, each class will establish a buddy system with students and parents for an additional layer of support. Classroom teachers will ensure that everyone in the class has the phone number of at least two classmates. The buddy system is useful for asking and receiving a response to general questions about class activities and encourages classroom connections. Specific questions about lessons and assignments should be directed toward the classroom teacher.
Groves Academy COVID-19 Preparedness Plan
GROVES DISTANCE LEARNING PLAN If Groves Academy is mandated to shift to 100% distance learning, then Groves will provide both synchronous and asynchronous distance learning. We know from best practices that this balance is helpful for students, amplifies routine in a school day, and supports various family needs. Teachers will guide meaningful learning with a balance of live instruction, recorded instruction, group work, and 1:1 student support. Instruction includes a balance of math, literacy, science, social studies, electives, executive function skills, and social/emotional learning.
Key Attributes of Distance Learning
Key Terminology For Distance Learning
• Schedule: Ensure routine, predictability, support, and schoolwide cohesion. Predictable general timeframes with elasticity built-in so teachers can maximize educational opportunities supporting child development at different ages and stages
Asynchronous: Class interactions happen via the Learning Management System (Google Classroom) without real-time interaction. Students engage in class materials and complete work at their own pace, typically within a given timeframe.
• Connections: Balance of synchronous and asynchronous instruction to build learning relationships, create hightouch interactions among teachers and peers, and optimize opportunities for independent work.
Synchronous: Class interactions happen in realtime, at the same time. Students may virtually attend class together via video conference, live stream, or chat. We will use Zoom for synchronous meetings.
• Teacher-Guided: Balance of live and recorded instruction to meet the needs of a range of learners and assess their progress in the curriculum.
Most online courses are a blend of synchronous contact and asynchronous study/work. Educators with experience in online learning have found that asynchronous instruction worked best for deep learning, whereas synchronous instruction was essential for maintaining relationships.
Individual work outside of instruction time allows students to focus on the curriculum and advance their learning based on guidance from teachers. Faculty will structure how that can best work based on the ages and stages in child development. Please note that the amount of live teaching may depend on the age of your child. Some instructional times will be recorded so that students can access these lessons at a time that fits each family’s circumstances and schedule.
• Independence: Amplifying small-group and project work to deepen student motivation and engage students in building essential executive function skills. • Individualized: Multiple avenues for teacher feedback, assessment, and individual teacher-student interactions so that students understand their progress toward meeting clear academic expectations. • Rigorous: Delivering excellence in academics and emotional intelligence by a high-qualified and skilled faculty so we maintain our high educational standards. • Rally Points: Designing intentional and occasional “exciters” or rally points to break the monotony of screen time and energize student enthusiasm.
Groves Academy COVID-19 Preparedness Plan
Middle and Upper Schools schedules are continued on the next page ...
Groves Academy COVID-19 Preparedness Plan
Groves Academy COVID-19 Preparedness Plan
Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. (The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning CASEL) Social and emotional learning (SEL) at Groves Academy empowers students to understand themselves and to interact with others in meaningful and productive ways. This occurs in a nurturing environment where students engage in experiences designed to foster self-awareness and utilize metacognitive strategies to reflect on their own patterns of thinking and behavior. At the center of all learning, teachers support the social/ emotional wellbeing of each individual student through the development of strong, trusting relationships within a highly structured, collaborative, and supportive environment. Teachers encourage and empower students through continuous validation of emotions and acknowledgment of each student's personal journey in learning and in their individual lives. Classroom Integration • Class meetings are built into the Groves Academy schedule. Students meet daily with their homeroom/ advisory teacher to build relationships and guide students through their academic and social/ emotional needs. • All Groves students will be introduced to Thrively (, which helps students discover their unique strengths and interests and look beyond the classroom.
• Students are encouraged to share their personal thoughts and feelings in a positive, supportive classroom, where teachers and counselors validate and encourage each student to be their fullest self. • Through collaboration with Groves faculty, specialists, individual mental health providers, and, most importantly, each student's family, teachers develop a deeper understanding of how to meet each student's social/emotional needs. The Important Role of the Groves Academy Counselors The counseling staff at Groves Academy is committed to supporting all students academically, socially, and emotionally. Given the low student to teacher ratio, counselors are fortunate to work both individually and in small group settings to support the social and emotional needs of our students. They are able to meet with students in and out of the classroom to establish and maintain positive, trusting relationships. Counselors work closely with school staff to best support the students’ individual needs and they collaborate with community providers who specialize in working with our population of students. They are truly able to personalize the educational experience for each student based on his or her individual profile. Every student has daily access to our counseling staff. We have a unique opportunity to get to know each student from the moment they walk through our doors. Groves Academy Counseling Staff: Michelle Jonas, Upper School Counselor, 952.915.4246 Nicole Kirkwood, Middle / Lower School Counselor, 952.915.4242 Emily Behrens, Middle / Lower School Counselor, 952. 915.4461
• The Groves schedule includes weekly one-on-one meetings between advisor and student in order to deepen the trusting relationship and allow students time for reflection and engagement in conversations about their successes and challenges.
Groves Academy COVID-19 Preparedness Plan
Value Statement
Value Statement
Groves Academy welcomes all students and prepares them to embrace their neurodiversity. We are committed to creating an environment that respects and values individual differences, backgrounds, cultures, identities, and perspectives. By teaching students to see, hear, and value themselves and others, we prepare them to make a meaningful difference in the world. Additionally, through emphasizing service to others, we deepen their understanding of their impact, not only at school and in their own community but also in a complex, interconnected world.
Executive function (EF) skills represent the brain’s ability to coordinate the thinking and behavior needed to achieve a goal. Examples of these skills include starting a task, planning, prioritization, sustained attention, organization, and time management. The stronger these skills are, the easier it is for a person to achieve their goals and priorities. Groves Academy has long recognized the critical role executive function plays in students’ academic performance. Some have characterized EF skills as the “hidden curriculum” of all schools. We seek to explicitly define these skills in order to bring them into students’ awareness and ultimately build independence.
Our Curriculum
“Every one of us wants to feel seen, feel heard and feel understood.” ~ Simon Sinek Groves Academy was founded to address the inequities in the education system. Over its almost fifty-year history, Groves has emphasized access to curriculum that embraces a diverse range of voices. As Groves continues to lead the education community in helping students organize and access curriculum, our next deep dive is to assess and reimagine a curriculum that empowers, challenges, and inspires students to confront systemic inequities and explore their common humanity through a variety of voices, perspectives, and realities. 2020-2021 Curricular Integration • Commit to an extensive curriculum review at all levels that analyzes subject areas to assess diverse perspectives and voices currently in context • Train faculty and staff around issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion • Develop a comprehensive curriculum that is inclusive, reflective of cultural diversity and includes contributions from all cultures • Build partnerships with parents and the community
Curricular Integration While utilizing our hybrid schedule, EF will be addressed in two systematic ways. First, each division will devote regular class time to explicitly define EF skills, offer opportunities to self-assess one’s own skills, and to introduce strategies for improvement. Secondly, these skills will be modeled in each class throughout the academic day. Students will be guided to put the skills and strategies into practice by: • writing all assignments in a planner • utilizing the “get ready, do, done” strategy to plan work • breaking longer assignments down into smaller steps • developing organizational skills • monitoring their own attention • realistically identifying how much time an assignment will take to complete • looking at non-school commitments and identifying time to get homework and longer projects done outside of school • utilizing strategies to complete non-preferred tasks • reflecting on one’s performance and identifying needed adjustments If the need arises to transition to distance learning, teachers will continue to provide all the above guidance. Yet we know that distance learning places further demands on students’ EF skills, so we will take additional steps to deepen our support of students. By definition,
Groves Academy COVID-19 Preparedness Plan
distance learning entails an increased use of technology. Students will use a limited number of digital platforms to connect in real-time with their teachers and complete assignments. In order to make the transition to distance learning as seamless as possible, students will learn how to use these platforms in person in the fall. These platforms will be used throughout the year. Academic routines will be established in person and carry over to distance learning. Students will become familiar with how teachers organize their units, typical assignments, and teacher expectations around high-quality work. We also recognize that a virtual classroom is far different than being in the same room with a teacher and classmates. The behavioral cues of the physical classroom are absent and some students struggle to sustain their attention during virtual class meetings. Time management and motivation can be more challenging while learning at home. In an effort to set students up for success, teachers will highlight the importance of an organized, distraction-free workspace to both parents and students. Students will be expected to behave as if they were in a classroom during Zoom meetings. Teachers will maximize interaction time and minimize lectures during Zoom meetings. Participation will be garnered through the use of digital tools and specific teaching strategies. Motivation strategies will be addressed in the fall and revisited during distance learning as needed. Homeroom teachers and advisors will check in with students individually to plan when he or she will complete work. Teachers will be available for 1:1 support with academic tasks as well as EF skills. Parents and teachers will partner with one another to support struggling students.
TECHNOLOGY Value Statement Groves Academy has long recognized the importance of integrating both educational and assistive technologies into the curriculum of all grade levels in our school. Technology enhances learning by empowering students to take control of their learning and gives them access to resources, varied methods of communication, selfexpression, and collaboration. In the 21st century, technology makes it possible for instruction and learning to move beyond the physical classroom to anywhere in the world. Through assistive technology, students can break down barriers to learning to achieve their potential in various academic and post-Groves environments.
Requirements for Hybrid and Distance Learning In order to provide the tech infrastructure for both hybrid and distance learning, Groves Academy will adopt four core systems “our core-4” to create a framework for digital learning. • Google Classroom: a virtual classroom where students and teachers can connect, communicate, distribute, and submit work from any device connected to the internet • Google Drive: a place where all student and teacher files are stored • Zoom: a secure virtual meeting space for students and teachers to connect in small or large groups and one-to-one • Screencastify -an integrated video platform that allows teachers to provide asynchronous instruction and students to submit responses. In addition to the ‘core-4,’ some ancillary apps will be available to teachers across divisions: • Pear Deck: a Google Chrome extension used with Google Slides to engage students, provide them with real time feedback, and support students’ attention and focus • Flipgrid: a video platform designed to give a voice to students. Students can share their thoughts, ideas, and responses to prompts through short videos curated by the teacher. • Kami: a digital classroom app that allows you to take any existing document and write, draw, annotate, and collaborate with others
Assistive Technology Students at Groves Academy have access to a suite of assistive technology tools: • Kurzweil 3000: Text-to-speech, study skills tools for highlighting and annotating text, a word processor with spell predict and aural feedback. Web based program. • Co-Writer: Word-prediction tool and aural feedback of writing. Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge extension.
• Dictation: Speech-to-text allows the user to talk and the device types what is said. Students can more easily express their thoughts with a depth sometimes missing with writing or typing. Built into Google Docs and Microsoft Word. • Snap & Read: Text-to-speech for web pages, text leveler to reduce the complexity of text, translation tool, and research tool for collecting, organizing, and citing information from the web or PDF files. Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge extension. • Immersive Reader: Text-to-speech built into the Microsoft 365 suite.
Groves Academy COVID-19 Preparedness Plan
child care to staying safe at home. They may have had loved ones who were sick or lost a job. They may have witnessed violence in person, by listening to others or watching television. These can cause fears and anxiety. Young children are just learning to express their feelings with accuracy. Because of this, they let you know how they are feeling through their behaviors. Effects of Trauma: Managing Challenging Behaviors provides additional information about children who were exposed to trauma and ways to support them. Students may react to stressful situations in one or more of the following ways:
Because students use their laptop computers both in school and at home, they will have access to these assistive technology tools regardless of their physical location.
• Change in regular sleep patterns including nightmares
Faculty Training
• Becoming clingy, whiny, angry or sad
Training videos for each technology tool are housed in Google Classroom. Faculty will be assigned specific videos to view and follow with some practice. In-person sessions will be scheduled during workshop week and during Friday PD time to troubleshoot or get support.
• Physical complaints without illness
Parent Training
• Change in eating habits
• Fears (of the dark, being alone or strangers) When children experience stress that is excessive and prolonged it can interfere with their developing brains. The Center on the Developing Child describes three levels of stress:
Parent training will follow a similar design as faculty training. Parents will have access to training videos and follow-up support. The availability of the training videos will allow parents to view them as often as they need.
3. Toxic- when stress is prolonged and there is no adult emotionally available for support
The following is some useful information for parents/ guardians and caregivers to know and understand as they seek to support their child’s/student’s mental health. Groves is committed to ongoing attention to the positive mental health of all students and staff.
Attending to the Mental Health of Young Children The ongoing pandemic, and distressing events in the world will continue to take a toll on students. They may experience loss of friends as they move from school or
Positive- which helps a child learn to cope with challenges
2. Tolerable- when a child has a supportive environment and relationships with adults
The Understanding Stress and Resilience in Children video series explains how high levels of stress can impact a child’s well-being. Children who are more resilient in the face of adversity are better able to cope with negative situations that arise throughout their lives. One critical factor in building a child’s resilience is the presence of adults who support them during hardships. Relationships with family and community members who provide warmth and support during challenging situations help a child learn strategies for coping. Helping children learn these strategies early can have lifelong impacts.
Groves Academy COVID-19 Preparedness Plan
SCHOOL PROGRAM DETAILS, DATES, AND CALENDARS 2020-21 SCHOOL ACADEMIC CALENDAR Our 2020-21 school calendar will be published and distributed later in August, which will include special events, as well as division-specific events. Below are the key calendar dates that have been determined. All calendar dates are subject to change based on evolving circumstances.
JANUARY Faculty Workshop Wee
• 31 All Student Orientation by Appointment • On-Campus; Appointments scheduled with students/parents (8/31 or 9/1)
Winter Break
• 4
School Resumes
• 18 No School, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
All Student Orientation by Appointment • On-Campus; Appointments scheduled with students/parents (8/31 or 9/1)
• 1
• 1
Virtual New Parent Orientation, 6:00-8:00PM
• 2-3 First Regular Day School Days • On Campus, 8:25-3:00PM
Groves Spirit Week
• 15 No School, Presidents’ Day
MARCH • 24-25
Parent/Teacher Conferences
• 26-31
No School, Spring Break
• 4
No School, Teacher Professional Development
• 1-2 No School, Spring Break
• 7
No School, Labor Day
• 5
• 10 Virtual Back to School Night, 6:00-8:00PM • 11 First Friday of Hybrid Learning, Off-Campus • 21-25 Groves Homecoming Week
School Resumes
• 24 44th Annual Groves Gala
MAY • 20-22
Spring Play
• 31 No School, Memorial Day
• 13-14
Parent/Teacher Conferences
• 15-16
No School, Minnesota Education Academy (MEA)
NOVEMBER • 19-21
Fall Play
• 25-27
Thanksgiving Break
JUNE • 8
Lower School and Middle School Awards
• 8
Upper School Awards and Graduation
• 9
Last Day of School, 1:00PM Dismissal
DECEMBER • 21-31
Winter Break
Groves Academy COVID-19 Preparedness Plan
Extracurricular Programming After School Activities Program The After School Activities (ASA) Program has been canceled through Thanksgiving. Acknowledging that this is an integral part of the Groves Academy experience, we will consider offering winter and spring sessions while reimagining how these activities can function in new and creative ways. Athletics/Activities For students entering grades 5th-12th, we will offer our traditional fall athletics/activities in accordance with governing health and safety protocols (including MN State High School League). Activities and offerings will likely be a combination of both in-person and remote opportunities. Fall season registration form, including additional MSHSL documents as required, will be included with our start of the school year communications. Fall Season Athletics/Activities: • Soccer - Boys/Girls Varsity Grades 7-12 (Begins Aug. 24th) • Soccer - Boys/Girls Grades 5-6 (Begins Sept. 8th) • Clay Target Team - Boys/Girls Grades 6-12 (Begins Sept. 16th) • Drama Club Fall Play ACTOR - Boys/Girls Grades 9-12 (Begins Oct 19th) • Drama Club Fall Play CREW - Boys/Girls Grades 9-12 (Begins Oct 19th)
GROVES LITERACY PARTNERSHIPS Groves Literacy Partnerships has developed a separate COVID-19 Preparedness Plan, to align with the plans of their partner schools in the community.
Groves Academy COVID-19 Preparedness Plan
GROVES LEARNING CENTER OVERVIEW Learning Center services will follow a hybrid model of virtual/distance services and in-person services. Please see below for a detailed description of scenarios for delivery of each service. For all services that are delivered in person, The Learning Center team follows all of the components of this preparedness plan. For 1:1 services such as Diagnostic Testing, Tutoring, and Speech-Language Therapy, there are Plexiglas barriers in place in order to allow additional protection for when students and Groves employees need to remove their face coverings so the instruction or validity of the service is not impeded. To the extent possible, the provider will maintain social distancing. The Learning Center also implements increased cleaning practices in between each student. Groves does not allow visitors or parents/guardians to accompany students to appointments or to wait in the building for the duration of an appointment. All Learning Center clients should be dropped off and picked up at the main entrance where there are screening measures in place. The Learning Center reserves the right to change our safety practices, pause services, or only deliver virtual services at any time.
DIAGNOSTIC TESTING • Scenario 1: Initial clinical interview/intake meetings are held virtually via zoom and scheduled prior to your assessment appointment. Diagnostic testing is done in person with safety precautions in place. Feedback and consultation meetings are held virtually via zoom. • Scenario 2: Initial clinical interview/intake meetings are held virtually via zoom. In person diagnostic assessments are rescheduled due to state or national orders.
SPEECH-LANGUAGE THERAPY • Evaluation ▶ Scenario 1: Testing is done in person with safety precautions in place. Feedback and consultation meetings are held virtually via zoom. ▶ Scenario 2: Testing appointments are rescheduled due to state or national orders. • 1:1 Sessions ▶ Scenario 1: Individualized sessions are held in person with safety precautions in place or via zoom. Parent progress meetings are held virtually via zoom or via phone. In scenario 1, the provider will work with each family to determine their unique model of service whether that be 100% in person, 100% virtual, or a hybrid. ▶ Scenario 2: Individualized sessions are held via zoom due to state or national orders. Parent progress meetings are held virtually via zoom or via phone.
TUTORING Overview Groves tutors have the opportunity to deliver services 100% virtually, 100% in person, or with a hybrid model by offering tutoring both virtually and in person. • Scenario 1: Tutors who are 100% Virtual ▶ These tutors conduct sessions virtually via zoom and do not have a tutoring room at Groves. • Scenario 2: Tutors who are 100% in person ▶ These tutors conduct sessions in person at Groves and have assigned rooms with safety precautions in place. At any time, tutors in scenario 2 may be required to move to scenario 1 (100% virtual learning) due to state or national orders. • Scenario 3: Hybrid Tutors - Virtual and In Person ▶ These tutors conduct sessions virtually via zoom and in person. They have an assigned tutoring room at Groves with safety precautions in place. These tutors work with each family to determine if they will learn 100% in person, 100% virtual, or a hybrid (ie: 1 day per week in person, 1 day virtual learning). At any time, tutors in scenario 3 may be required to move to scenario 1 (100% virtual learning) due to state or national orders.
SUMMER PROGRAMS 2021 • Applications will launch in early 2021. • The delivery model for Summer 2021 will be determined and communicated in Spring of 2021 based on current state and national guidelines.
Groves Academy COVID-19 Preparedness Plan
COMMUNICATIONS Communication is critical to successful implementation of this plan. The future is uncertain and the environment is ever changing; we expect adjustments to this plan will be required at some point during the year. External stakeholders in Groves can expect ongoing and consistent communication from our President, our Head of School, the Director of Groves Learning Center, and others who you rely on for information. Groves will utilize many formats for connecting with you, including the following: • The Groves Website, specifically the COVID-19 update page • Monthly (or as needed) emails • Newsletters • Town Halls via videoconference • Social Media • Text • Mail • Phone Our Communication Task Force identified a number of key pillars when connecting both internally and externally, and Groves as a whole is committed to these when interacting with you, and we expect the same in return. Our Communication will be • Consistent • Concise • Confident • Compassionate • Caring • Committed to Community • Clear (have context--the “Why”) We always strive to demonstrate trust, transparency, and be positive and professional.
This COVID-19 Preparedness Plan has been communicated via email to all staff, and additional communication and training will be ongoing as required. Training will be provided to anyone who did not receive the initial training and prior to initial assignment or reassignment. Instructions will be communicated to all including employees, temporary workers, independent contractors, subcontractors, vendors and outside technicians, and customers, clients, patrons, guests and visitors about protections and protocols, including: 1) social distancing protocols and practices; 2) dropoff, pick-up, and delivery; 3) practices for hygiene and respiratory etiquette; 4) recommendations or requirements regarding the use of masks, face-coverings and/or face-shields by everyone. All staff, families, clients, guests, and visitors will also be advised not to enter the building if they are experiencing symptoms or have contracted COVID-19. Managers and supervisors are expected to monitor how effectively the program is implemented. The organization will continually monitor the recommendations of the CDC, State of Minnesota (including MDH and MDE), OSHA, and MNOSHA and seek feedback from managers and supervisors on the effectiveness of the policies and protocols in order to make timely adjustments as needed. The administrator of the plan will report on a monthly basis to the Groves Leadership Team any progress and recommended changes. All management and workers are to take an active role and collaborate in carrying out the various aspects of this plan, and update the protections, protocols, work-practices and training as necessary. This COVID-19 Preparedness Plan has been certified by the Leadership Team at Groves Academy and the plan was posted throughout the workplace and made readily available to employees. It will be updated as necessary by Deb Peterson, Director of HR and COVID-19 program administrator.
Groves Academy COVID-19 Preparedness Plan
State of Minnesota and Partner Resources
COVID-19 Questions
State of Minnesota COVID-19 Page
Health questions about COVID-19:
Minnesota Department of Health - COVID-19 Information for Schools Department of Labor and Industry - COVID-19 Updates
Education questions related to COVID-19:
Children’s Cabinet - COVID-19 Response Page
Divisions at MDE
Department of Human Services - COVID-19 Page
Academic Standards:
Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL)
Mental Health Resources National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1.800.273.8255 Hennepin County Mental Health Emergency Resources Carver County Mental Health Emergency Resources Ramsey County Mental Health Emergency Resources Anoka County Mental Health Emergency Resources
American Indian Education: Assessment: Career and College Success: Early Learning: Equity and Opportunity:
Dakota County Mental Health Emergency Resources
School Support:
Goodhue County Mental Health Emergency Resources
Compliance and Assistance:
Washington County Mental Health Emergency Resources
Food and Nutrition:
Talking to Kids About the Coronavirus
Special Education:
Supporting Teenagers and Young Adults During the Coronavirus Crisis Self-Care in the Time of Coronavirus
Additional Resources can be found at: Child Mind Institute - Supporting Families During COVID-19 NAMI Minnesota COVID-19 Resources
Charter Center:
Groves Academy COVID-19 Preparedness Plan
APPENDIX A General • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Coronavirus (COVID-19) html • Minnesota Department of Health (MDH): Coronavirus coronavirus/situation.html • State of Minnesota: COVID-19 response
Businesses • CDC: Resources for businesses and employers community/organizations/businesses-employers. html • CDC: General business frequently asked questions community/general-business-faq.html • CDC: Building/business ventilation community/office-buildings.html • MDH: Businesses and employers: COVID-19 coronavirus/businesses.html • MDH: Materials for businesses and employers coronavirus/materials/ • Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED): COVID-19 information and resources • Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry (DLI): Updates related to COVID-19 • Federal OSHA
Schools • MDH - Schools and Child Care COVID-19 coronavirus/schools/index.html#youth • MDE index.htm
Handwashing and Respiratory Etiquette • MDH: Handwashing video translated into multiple languages • Cover your cough or sneeze downloads/Appendix2-cover-cough.pdf • CDC prevent-getting-sick/prevention.html • CDC coughing_sneezing.html • MDH prevention.html
Masks & Face Coverings • MDH - Masks & Face Coverings coronavirus/prevention.html#masks • CDC - Use of Masks to Help Slow the Spread of COVID-19 prevent-getting-sick/diy-cloth-face-coverings.html
Social Distancing • CDC guidance-business-response.html • MDH coronavirus/businesses.html
Groves Academy COVID-19 Preparedness Plan
Housekeeping • CDC disinfecting-building-facility.html • CDC • CDC community/clean-disinfect/index.html • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Employees exhibiting signs and symptoms or confirmed case of COVID-19 • MDH coronavirus/schools/exguide.pdf • MDH coronavirus/businesses.html • CDC • MDH coronavirus/basics.html • State of Minnesota
Training • CDC guidance-small-business.html • Federal OSHA
Groves Academy is a nonprofit education organization working to redefine the way our nation is taught, one student, one teacher, one school at a time. We have a rich history of supporting bright students who struggle with learning disabilities and attention disorders, as well as promoting evidence-based literacy instruction for all.