2015 Season Premier Early-Season Top Performers
About Our Trials Every
Evaluation Period Some 70 varieties scored as top performers in our evaluation period, which stretched from Week 5 to Week 9. Transplanting into the Trial Garden occurred Week 51; the plants were grown in 6-inch pots to finished stage.
controls, biologicals— such as predatory mites— were used.
Fertilization A 100-day and 140-day slow-release fertilizer was applied at Week 51 Our team assesses the and a 20-10-20 drench plants via a variety of was applied at Week 1. factors, including: Abundance of bloom Pesticides Crop uniformity Chemical controls for Overall performance insects and disease were including factors such applied on an as-needed as clean foliage, little basis to individual plants to no pest damage, and through the evaluation the plants’ overall habits process. In addition to and appearances. the traditional chemical
About this Report More consumers are looking to the internet for planting ideas, inspiration, and tips. We divided our 70 top performers into categories based on the type of consumer group they could appeal to, including Millennials, Busy Moms, Fashionistas, Outdoor Entertainers, and traditional Gardening Enthusiasts.
spring the Costa Farms research and development team trials some 500 varieties of annuals, perennials, and tropical plants from plant breeders around the world. We tested all of these hot new varieties in our 2-acre Season Premier Trial Garden located in Miami, Florida.
Miami Climate The graphs below detail temperature, relative humidity, and rainfall levels during the fiveweek evaluation period.
Millennials Millennials tend to love bold, bright colors, showing off their unique personalities, and the idea of social responsibility. When Millennials are successful, they share their successes on Facebook, Instagram, and other social-media sites.
1. Cuphea Vermillionaire by Proven Winners attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. It holds up well to heat and drought, too. 2. Gerbera Garvinea Sweet Dreams by Florist has adorable flowers that are perfect for bouquets (and honey bees). 3. Viola Sorbet XP Orange Jump-Up by PanAmerican shows off the bright, cheery colors Millennials love. 4. Celosia Dragon’s Breath by Sakata features rich color and attracts butterflies.
1 Profile: Nicole Nicole, a recent university grad loves bright colors, looks for products that improve the environment, and uses at least four socialmedia channels every day.
Millennials 1. Eggplant Purple and White by Floranova is both edible and attractive—a slam dunk for Millennials who love the idea of growing their own food.
2. Verbena Wicked Mad Magenta by Dummen offers a fun color combo. Plus, it looks good by itself or with other flowering and foliage plants.
3. Lobularia AY-13-562 is beautiful and fragrant— two traits that Millennials appreciate and value. 4. Petunia Sweetunia Johnny Flame 90 by Dummen creates a fun combo with its bright tone-on-tone flowers and easy-care nature.
Millennials 1
1. Lobularia Dark Knight by Proven Winners is perfect for pollinators and has a sweet fragrance. 2. Coreopsis 13-1282 by Danziger has multicolor blooms that add a splash of fun. Plus, it takes heat and drought conditions. 3. Petunia 12-6257 by Danziger bears bold purple-and-white striped blooms in a fun pinwheel pattern.
4. Petunia Hot Pink Touch by Dummen gives Millennials a fun flower pattern on an easy-togrow plant. 5. Viola Sorbet XP Pink Yellow Wing by PanAmerican has cheery, Eastery colors for the early-spring season.
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1. Lobularia YOLO White by Dummen has scented blooms that shimmer as the sun goes down. 2. Mom’s Chosen One Mix by Syngenta offers exactly the bright, bold colors Millennials flock toward. 3. Petunia Hell’s Glow by Westflowers will practically knock your socks off it with its intense, saturated color. 4. Kale Glamour Red by Takii has interesting texture. And kale is trendy! 5. Petunia Potunia Bright Orange 90 comes in a zesty, eye-popping, Millennialfriendly shade.
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Fashionistas Fashionistas always seem to know when new products hit the store! Practically professional shoppers, they follow their favorite brands on social media and are willing to pay top dollar to get exactly what they want.
1. Celosia 1554 by Danziger has a chic, upright plant shape, as well as fantastic flower and leaf colors.
2. Hibiscus Little Zin by Ball has rich, dark purple foliage that goes with everything. This compact plant is the little black dress of the garden. 3. New Guinea Impatiens Paradise Rose Flair by Dummen is a stunning and elegant pick for shaded spots. 4. Coleus Color Blaze Lime Time by Proven Winners has stunning foliage in a trendy shade of chartreuse.
Profile: Sarah Sarah loves to shop. She’s always on the hunt for what’s hot, new, and on-trend. She pays attention to brands and has brand loyalty after good experiences.
Fashionistas 1. Petunia Sweetunia Midnight Bay by Dummen features rich, sultry purple flowers with a contrasting ring of creamy chartreuse.
2. Celosia Kelos Magenta by Beekenkamp offers a classic, upright shape and everlasting flowers in the Pantone Color of the Year. 3. Petunia 12-5216 from Danziger shows off some of the deepest, darkest red flowers in the garden and adds depth to anything it’s planted with. 4. Viola Sorbet XP Coconut Swirl by PanAmerican is a delight with fragrant, creamy-white flowers shaded with tones of blue and purple.
Fashionistas 1
1. Petunia 12-5215 by Danziger has a tidy, mounded shape and fab purple-red blooms. 2. Celosia 1362 by Danziger is an attention grabber with stunning flowers and elegant foliage. 3. Osteospermum 135214 by Danziger is a spring masterpiece with purple, red, and orange tones. 4. Coleus Campfire by Ball has warm, terra-cottacolored foliage that looks good on its own and pairs well with jut about anything else in the garden.
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Fashionistas 3
1. Petunia Hells Fruit Punch by Westflowers features fantastically saturated, eye-popping blooms in a fashionable shade of coral-pink. 2. SunPatiens Compact White from Sakata is an elegant garden neutral that pairs with anything in sun or shade. 3. Dahlia Dalaya Pink+Yellow Eye by Ball shows off graceful, fluffy double flowers in chic shades of lavender, pink, and soft, buttery yellow.
Busy Moms Busy moms may seem like a redundant term (what mom isn’t busy?), but working mothers play double-duty keeping up with their personal lives, work lives, and kids. They need quick and easy solutions that don’t cost an arm and a leg.
1. Pelargonium Timeless Fire by Proven Winners is among the most carefree of all annual geraniums. 2. Kwik Kombo Summer To Remember by Syngenta is ultra-easy to grow and looks good all summer.
1 Profile: Jackie Jackie is always on the go between her job and taking care of her daughter. There are days when everything is a mission, from deciding what’s for dinner to finding time to de-stress.
3. Catharanthus Vitesse Exp. Dark Red by Floranova offers excellent heat tolerance and saturated color. 4. Begonia Big Red Bronze Leaf by Benary practically takes care of itself in sun or shade, rain or drought.
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Busy Moms 1
1. Coreopsis Leading Lady Charlize by Dummen is a plant-it-and-forget-it native variety with bright yellow flowers.
2. Shoreline Mix by Syngenta is a predesigned mix for containers that blends pretty pastel colors. 3. Spring Decorations Mix by Syngenta offers a festive, patriotic look. 4. Enliven Mix by Syngenta lets busy moms start spring right with bright yellow and white violas.
5. Petunia Sweetunia Orange Flash 2015 by Dummen is an easy-care variety in a bold color.
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Busy Moms 4 1. SunPatiens Compact Clear Orange by Sakata is a winner for busy moms because it fills in fast and has big color.
3. Begonia Big Green Leaf Rose by Benary is a variety a busy mom practically can’t kill. Plus, it’s colorful!
2. Petunia Surprise Red 90 by Dummen shows off rich color and doesn’t require constant maintenance.
4. SunPatiens Compact Royal Magenta by Sakata adds lots of color to gardens and containers.
Busy Moms 4
1 1. Petunia Success Violet by Benary has a great name for busy moms— and is a popular color.
3. Petunia Supertunia Flamingo by Proven Winners is ideal for pots on and around the patio.
2. Blue Bird Mix by Syngenta is another mix that offers gorgeous colors for a premium, designer look.
4. Calibrachoa Hula White 93 by Dummen comes in a soft, soothing color that’s easy to enjoy.
Outdoor Entertainers
Outdoor entertainers are looking for something easy to grow and impactful. These folks take pride in their outdoor spaces and see plants as beautiful decor items.
Profile: Karen Karen lives an on-the-go life, but makes time for her friends. Whether it’s a glass of wine on the patio or a full-scale dinner, she makes sure her space has style. 1. Catharanthus Vitesse Lavender Morn by Floranova is a perfect pick for entertainers because it doesn’t stop blooming in summer.
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2. Petunia Damask Salmon by Syngenta offers decorators a beautiful plant for window boxes and hanging baskets. 3. Petunia 12-6743 by Danziger shows off a soft shade that harmonizes well with anything. 4. Calibrachoa Kona Hot Pink 96 by Dummen is a familiar plant in a color decorators love.
Outdoor Entertainers 1 1. Petunia 12-6271 by Danziger is an eyecatching striped selection that’s perfect for adding a burst of bright magentapurple color.
2. New Guinea Impatiens Harmony Violet by Danziger adds an intense, saturated hue for the shade. 3. Nemesia French Connection Easter Bonnet from EuroAmerican has colorful flowers for spring and a great fragrance to impress guests. 4. Salvia Grandstand Red by Greenfuse features outstanding red flowers that attract attention and create a designer look both in the landscape and in containers.
Outdoor Entertainers 1
1. Calibrachoa Aloha Pink 91 by Dummen fills hanging baskets, window boxes, and mixed containers with lots of bold color.
2. Ipomoea Solar Power Black by Ball is a no-fuss plant with great foliage that mixes well with everything. 3. Petunia Surprise Plus Mystery 91 by Dummen is a great mixer to add a spot of color and texture to other plantings. 4. Petunia Surprise Plus Purple Vein 96 by Dummen quickly fills containers and beds around outdoor spaces with loads of color.
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Outdoor Entertainers 1 1. Veronica 13-1321 by Danziger is an adorable, long-blooming perennial with flowers in a sweet shade of lavender pink.
2. Catharanthus Vitesse Peppermint by Floranova is an easy-to-grow neutral that blends beautifully with every other variety a decorator can think to plant it with. 3. Salvia Grandstand Tall Red Bicolor from Greenfuse impresses everyone (including the hummingbirds) with its architectural shape. 4. Petunia Picobella Cascade Light Blue by Syngenta is ideal for adding a big, beautiful burst of lavender-blue to containers.
Experienced Gardeners Experienced gardeners have their triedand-true favorite plants—but are always watching for what’s new and cool. They’re often on the lookout for good bargains, knowing that, with patience, a small plant will grow into a large one.
1. Adenophora Gaudi Violet by PlantHaven catches the eye with its upright habit and is an old-fashioned plant that’s a cinch to grow. 2. Calibrachoa Aloha Blue Sky 96 by Dummen, while not actually blue, is a pleasing hue that blends effortlessly with other colors. 3. Euphorbia Crystal White by Greenfuse is an excellent filler plant because of its soft, fluffy texture.
Profile: Michelle Michelle, a lifelong gardener, spends about an hour in her yard every day. She’s not afraid to make container combinations herself and doesn’t mind spending a fair chunk of change to get just the right plant.
Experienced Gardeners
1.ViolaSorbetXPYesterday, Today, and Tomorrow by PanAmerican offers a blend of soft, pleasing spring shades. 2. Petunia 12-5288 by Danziger has a lovely plant shape and classic color that’s perfect for combination plantings.
3. Lo be l i a Ma g a di Compact Dark Blue by Ball has outstanding true-blue color and heat tolerance. 4. Salvia Grandstand Blue Bicolor by GreenFuse is dramatic, easy-togrow, and attracts hummingbirds with its spire-like flowers.