Maybe a woman wants to be a mother but is unable to have children. Maybe a man wants to be a father but is infertile or is single. Perhaps a same-sex couple wants to start a family. In these and other circumstances, people have options. They can adopt, they can be fertilized in vitro or undergo a host of other medical procedures — or they can opt for surrogacy. As Melissa Brisman, the founder of Reproductive Possibilities, explains, surrogacy — when a woman carries the baby of those who want to have children but can’t — is an incredibly special and intimate way to start a family. And one of the most important elements of this method is the courageous, selfless woman who acts as the Carrier. So, could you be a Carrier?
What Does Carrying Look Like?
Could You be a Carrier? by Jacqueline Moon
There is no love like the love of a parent for her children, and there’s no experience that can compare with the beautiful, complex, weighty, exciting, and fulfilling job of parenthood. So many people want that experience; so many want to know that love — but some, for one reason or another, can’t get there on their own.
If you’ve had a child of your own, then you get the gist of what it’s like to be pregnant. The difference as a Carrier is that you’re not growing your own little one inside you, but someone else’s. With the help of the Reproductive Possibilities team, you’ll establish a relationship with the Intended Parents, who will be trusting you to take good care of their baby until she or he enters the world. You’ll also form a relationship with your RP coordinator, who will stay in touch to make sure you’re feeling well and answer any questions you have. You’ll go to medical appointments like any pregnancy, but the difference is that you won’t foot the bill.
Who Can Be a Carrier? At RP, a Carrier is a woman who has had at least one child before, is a non-smoker, is between 21 and 44 years old, has a BMI of 18 to 35, and lives in the United States.
Why Be a Carrier? There are lots of reasons you might want to be a surrogate. You might be inspired by the thought of giving the gift of life to another family. You may also enjoy the idea of being helpful while earning money at the same time (yes, RP compensates their surrogates — $35,000 to $50,000, plus additional expenses). Perhaps you would like a different perspective on motherhood, or maybe you just love being pregnant but
Family • April 2020