Department of Psychology at Virginia Tech (Williams Hall)
Why participate? infant Language Environment Attention and Parenting
Zoom or in-person appointments at your convenience
$30 compensation at each test age
Contact us: iLeap-Lab.com ileaplab@gmail.com IRB#21-773
Our interest
How toddlers match voices with faces and sounds with objects (called "multi-sensory integration"). This is a good predictor of language ability.
Scan the QR Code to participate!
It’s finally spring —one of our favorite times of the year here in the Roanoke Valley! Roanoke is filled with amazing outdoor activities in the spring. One of our favorite activites to enjoy as a family is the Roanoke River Greenway. Get out your bikes and enjoy a springtime ride through the heart of Roanoke, and maybe stop at Blue Cow Ice Cream along the way if it’s hot enough.
In the coming months, Roanoke will play host to a TON of outdoor events, including the return of the Blue Ridge Kite Festival, one of the very first events we ever attended when we began this magazine! Community School’s Strawberry Festival also returns in early May, this event has been a staple in Roanoke for over 40 years!
In this issue, we are rerunning our camp listings for families that did not get a chance to see them in the March issue. In addition, a lot of camps were not ready with info this year in March, so we felt it was only right to make sure we updated things and put the updated info out there for all families and partners.
We are hoping that with this warmer weather and the beginning of Spring that summer days filled with fun and friends are not too far away.
16 Summer Camp Guide
From arts, sports, traditional to technology- we have the summer camp information for any kind of adventure you are looking for!
34 The Ranch
Check out this awesome camp - not too far from Roanoke!
32 First Kids
An amazing camp offered by First Roanoke - learn the skills of a hero!
36 Rachel Reads
The focus of this month’s books blooms every year at this time!
38 Rainbow Xylophone
The Science Museum of Western Virginia shares this muscial experiment that your kids will love!
4 End Bullying
How can we stop bullying? Learn how in this article.
The Ranch - Page 34
First Kids - Page 32
Summer is a great time for kids to take a break from routine and have some fun. However, too much time off can leave children bored and frustrated. Today, most parents have to work and cannot spend as much time as they would like doing activities with their children.
This is why sending your kids to camp can be a lifesaver. Days spent canoeing, fishing, swimming, and hiking are much better than those spent playing video games and watching television.
Being at camp also gives kids a chance to be a little more independent and self-sufficient. If they are going to a sleep-away camp, cell phones are often not allowed, but children can write home (the old-fashioned way, with paper and pencil) to keep their
parents up-to-date about what they’re doing. Some camps even have cameras so parents can follow their children’s adventures.
Of course, for some kids, being away from home can be somewhat intimating and scary. This might be the first time they are away from their family, and homesickness can set in fast. If the camp allows, send them with their favorite stuffed animal, or their pillow, and send pictures so they can see familiar faces.
Children are not the only ones who have to prepare themselves for being away for many nights in a row. Some parents also have a hard time letting go.
As cited by the American Psychological Association, “children
may observe and mimic parents’ discussion of worries. And when parents frequently provide verbal warnings—for example, ‘be careful’—children may anticipate danger and fear certain situations.”
Helping your child look forward to and enjoy camp will help them not just during the summer, but for years to come. They will learn new skills, make new friends, and become more self-reliant.
For children whose lives are constantly managed during the year, from their schedules and clothes to the foods they eat, being on their own can be freeing. Psychologist Michael Thompson, in his book Summer Camp: Great for Kids, Even Better for Parents, writes about the benefits for kids. “The number one issue for children is ownership. The thing I heard the most in interviewing hundreds of children is you can really be yourself at camp. When you are in your parent’s presence, there is always shared ownership of your life.”
•If they’re interested, it’s a good chance they’re ready.
•Has your child spent the night with a friend or relative before? Children who have been able to be away from parents in the past are more likely to be good candidates for an overnight camp experience.
•How responsible is your child? Can they keep track of their own things and wash their clothes if they’re going to be gone for several weeks? Are they responsible enough to use camp money to purchase things they need rather than candy or other junk food?
Children will learn new skills, make new friends, and become more self-reliant.
Many parents often wonder how old a child should be to go away to camp. There is no one answer to this question, since every child is different. However, there are a few guidelines you can use to determine if sleepaway camp is the right decision.
In her Summer Camp Guide for Parents, author Pam Myers, BS. Ed, has some useful guidelines:
•Is your child comfortable seeking help from other adults or authority figures if you’re not around?
•Picky eaters may also have difficulty at overnight summer camps. However, the staff may prepare special meals for a child with allergies or religious beliefs that limit what they can eat.
•Consider sending your child for a shorter session for their first time at overnight camp.
With the right preparations for the child and parents, summer camp can be the perfect answer to the dilemma of what to do with the kids all summer. Parents can enjoy some freedom from the everyday pressures of child-rearing, and children can have experiences they wouldn’t find at home. It’s a win-win situation.
Unfortunately, it seems to be part of the growingup experience, and—realistically—doesn’t stop once we’re out of our school years. In one larger study sited at stopbullying.gov, about forty-nine percent of children in grades four to twelve reported being bullied at least once during the past month, whereas about thirty-one percent reported bullying others during that time. Schools work hard to try to reduce bullying by teaching our children kindness, empathy, and character building. But in addition to schoolbased programs, there are things we as parents can do to help our children learn to cope with bullying
behaviors, find strength to stand up for themselves in a positive way, and empower them with the confidence they need to handle life’s ups and downs, both in and out of school.
It can be hard to navigate our children through bullying. Just recently, my own child—Savannah, age ten—came home from school in tears. She said her stomach hurt and she didn’t feel good enough to go to school the next day. I checked her head—no fever. I asked when her stomach had started to hurt; after lunch, she said. I did a quick mental run-through of
her lunch. There was nothing that should have upset her stomach. She was sitting at the kitchen table, tears streaming down her face, shoulders slumped over, wringing her hands. I bent down in front of her, wiped the tears from her checks, and smiled at her warmly. I said, “Honey, I think there is something else going on here. Do you want to tell me what it is?” Her tears got bigger, her whole body shuddering with her sobs. We took some of our belly breaths together, and once she was able to take a breath freely, I gently asked again.
line was: I could save her, keep her home from school, call the teachers, have them move her lunch table, and so on, but to what end? Savannah wouldn’t learn how to handle these types of situations and those teasing behaviors if I fixed them for her. It wasn’t that the children at school were “bad kids.” It was their behavior, and that’s what I needed to help Savannah learn how to handle.
we as parents can help our children learn to cope with bullying behaviors, find strength to stand up for themselves in a positive way
This time, she shared that at lunch, kids had been teasing her and calling her ‘the invisible child.’ The teasing apparently had been going on for a while. I held the space and listened to her story. But inside, I wanted to take down names, call mothers, call the school, and kick some little punk kid’s butt for hurting my child!
After a moment or two of that fantasy, I pulled myself back to reality and looked at how I could help my child. What was my role here? How could I best support her? The questions were flying through my mind. Luckily, I have a few tools in my parenting toolbox that helped me decide where to go next. The bottom
So I made use of the bucketfiller system we had taught her from about the age of three. It’s also the system we use at Unbridled Change when working with both victims of bullying and children who are doing the bullying. (If you haven’t heard about the bucket-filler system for helping teach children and teens about empathy, self-worth, and how to handle bullies, then we would love to introduce you to them! You can find great resources, from books to activity sheets, at the website bucketfillers101.com.) The short version is: Everyone has an invisible bucket where we keep all our love, warm thoughts, things we are proud of, and happy thoughts and feelings. We can help fill up each other’s buckets and our own by being nice and spreading love—instead of dipping into someone else’s bucket by being mean or unkind. The program also teaches
that most of the time a person dips into someone else’s bucket, it’s because they feel sad and are trying to make themselves feel better by taking from another person’s bucket. The result of bucket-dipping is that everyone feels bad; the result of bucket-filling is that everyone feel good and respected.
At Unbridled Change, we like to point out a couple of bucket-filling concepts in particular: Put your lid on your bucket, and ask for help when you’re being bullied by peers. We know we can’t control the actions of others. Therefore, instead, we focus on helping the person find what they do have control over—themselves and their actions. To help shift our clients from feeling like powerless victims into problem-solvers who feel a sense of control, we have a four-step approach:
First, hold the space for your child—allow him to share and feel seen and heard regarding what’s hurting him, without going into “fix it” mode. (For parents, this is the often the hardest step!)
Second, remind your child to put her lid on and don’t let others dip into her bucket. This might look like: asking for help from a grown-up, telling the bully to stop, or walking away from the situation.
Third, remind him that it has nothing to do with him personally. For some reason, the bullies are trying to dip into his bucket in an attempt to make themselves feel better. Tell your child, “Don’t let them dip in, because then, you both lose.” Instead . . .
Fourth, ask, “What do you need? What do you think would change things and help you feel safe?” Then help your child brainstorm solutions. At Unbridled Change, we are always amazed at how smart and resourceful our kids really are if we hold
the space and encourage them. They always come up with potential solutions.
In Savannah’s case, she came to the conclusion that she didn’t want me to ask to switch her lunch table. She wanted to try and tell the bullies herself that what they were doing wasn’t okay and to stop. She also decided that she needed to reach out to some of the other kids in the class that felt left out, because maybe they could become better friends. I was floored and proud of my daughter for stepping into her power! I did give the teachers a headsup on the side and asked them to just be aware that this was going on. I asked for their support, as well, in allowing Savannah the time to try her approach out first before intervening. The result was that Savannah started to become more social and interact more with classmates. Plus, her teachers said her confidence in the classroom and her willingness to share her ideas with her peers increased, as well. A while later, I checked in about lunch and school, and Savannah said it was going great. She was proud of herself for coming up with what she calls “her good plan.”
We at Unbridled Change have found similar solutions work out well for our clients, too. If you are looking for a starting place and resources to introduce empathy, kindness, and coping skills to deal with bullying, we highly recommend taking a look at the bucket-filler series. It’s a great resource for your child or teen (they have materials that target middle and high school age, as well) to empower them with the skills they need to believe in themselves.
Michelle Holling-Brooks is the founder and president of Unbridled Change, a Boones Mill-based non-profit organization that provides full-time outpatient mental health sessions utilizing equine-partnered psychotherapy and coaching.
Psychology at Virginia Tech (Williams Hall) Zoom or in-person appointments at your convenience $30 compensation at each test age How toddlers match voices with faces and sounds with objects (called "multi-sensory integration"). This is a good predictor of language ability.
• Mama Maria’s
11 AM - 2 PM • 3 & under free buffet with paid adult
W. Main St., Salem (540) 389-2848
• Golden Corral
All Day • 3 & under free buffet with paid adult 1441 Towne Square Blvd., Roanoke (540) 563-8826
4PM-10PM • 12 & Under
All Locations
• Shoney’s
1300 Intervale Drive Salem VA 24153
All Day • 4 & under, free kids meal with adult entree purchase. Drink not included 2673 Lee Highway, Troutville (540) 992-6400
• Country Cookin’
4 PM - Close • 10 & under, 2 children per paid adult
All Locations in Roanoke (540) 774-0199
• Famous Anthony’s
3 PM - Close • 1 child per paid adult
All Locations in Roanoke, Salem, & Vinton (540) 362-1400
• Buffalo Wild Wings
4 PM - 9 PM • 12 & under, 1 child per paid adult
All Locations (540) 725-9464
• El Rio Mexican Grill
All Day • 10 & under, 1 child per paid adult 4208 Electric Rd., Roanoke (540) 685-4343
• Firehouse Subs
All Day • 11 & under, 2 children per paid adult combo,dine in Blacksburg (540) 961-0371
• The Green Goat
All Day • 12 & under, 1 child per paid adult
802 Wiley Dr. SW, Roanoke (540) 904-6091
• Denny’s 4 PM - 10 PM • 12 & under,
1 child per paid adult
All Locations Roanoke & Salem (540) 389-5074
• Macado’s 4 PM - 9 PM • 12 & under, $1 child meal per paid adult
All Locations in Roanoke & Salem (540) 776-9884
• McAlister’s Deli
5 PM - Close • 2 children per paid adult 2063 Colonial Ave., Roanoke (540) 204-4407
• Town Center Tap House
All Day • 12 & under, 2 children per paid adult 90 Town Center St., Daleville (540) 591-9991
• Firehouse Subs
All Day • 12 & under, 1 child per paid adult
Colonial Ave, Town Square & Salem only (540) 345-3131
• Pizza Hut
5 PM - Close
• 10 & under, free buffet per paid adult
1016 Hershberger Rd., Roanoke (540) 362-3834
• Ruby Tuesday
5 PM - Close • 11 & under, 1 child per paid adult Electric Rd., Roanoke (540) 265-9301
• K&W
All Day • 12 & under, 1 child per paid adult Hershberger Rd. Roanoke (540) 563-4977
• Dogwood
4 PM - Close • 10 & under, per paid adult
106 E. Lee Ave., Vinton (540) 343-6549
• The Quarter
All Day • 12 & under, 1 child per paid adult
19 Salem Ave., Roanoke (540) 342-2990
• The Roanoker
4:30 PM - Close • 10 & under, 2 children per paid adult
2522 Colonial Ave., Roanoke (540) 344-7746
• Jerry’s Family Restaurant
4 PM - Close • 6 & under, 1 child per adult meal purchase
1340 E. Washington Ave., Vinton (540) 343-4400
See Everyday Deals!
• Tokyo Express
11 AM - 3 PM
• 4 & under free buffet per paid adult
1940 W Main St., Salem (540) 389-6303
• Famous Anthony’s
12 PM - Close • 1 child per adult meal
All Locations Roanoke, Salem, Vinton (540) 362-1400
• Pizza Den
5 PM - 8:30 PM
• 10 & under free buffet per paid adult buffet and drink purchase
Salem (540) 389-1111
• Local Roots 5 PM -7 PM • 5 & under eat for free, discount for ages 5-7 per paid adult 1314 Grandin Rd., Roanoke (540) 206-2610
• T.G.I.Fridays
All Day • 12 & under 1 with paying adult 4869 Valley View Blvd., Roanoke (540) 362-1475
• Jimmy V’s Restaurant
All Day
• 4 & under kids meal only $2.50 3403 Brandon Ave., Roanoke (540) 345-7311
• Moe’s Southwestern Grill
All Day • 1 free per paid adult
All Roanoke & Blacksburg locations
• Firehouse Subs
All Day • 12 and Under 1 free per paid adult
Keagy Road, Roanoke 540-204-4471
• Rodeo Grande
All Day • 12 and Under 1 free per paid adult Valley View, Roanoke 540-206-2296
• Lew’s Restaurant SW
All Day • 12 and Under 2 free per paid adult
Walnut Avenue, Roanoke 540-682-5925
Roanoke Valley Family Magazine publishes these deals for informational purposes only. A Listing here does not guarantee a discount at any of the mentioned restaurants. Promotions often change without notice and we recommend calling the restaurant to confirm any discount before arrival.
VBS 2023 | JUNE 19-23
3 year - 5th Grade | 9am - 12pm | Free!
K-5th | 9am - 5pm
$99 (Scholarships are available)
3-5th Grade | Camp Oak Hill in Oxford, N.C.
$299 (Scholarships are available)
Boys & Girls • Ages 9-1
775 Hermitage Road, Wirtz, VA (540) 721-2759
Summer camp at the Skelton 4-H Center provides countless opportunities for learning more about the natural world around us. Days are filled with instructional-based camp classes, unstructured recreation and swim time, flag ceremonies, and evening programs.
Boys & Girls • Ages 5-17
2842 Crockett Springs Road Shawsville VA (540) 268-2409
Alta Mons is a United Methodist Camp located in Shawsville, VA (right between Salem and Christiansburg). We seek to serve children and youth in grades K-12 through summer day and overnight camps. We utilize the small group model and focus on building relationships-- with God, with each other, and with nature. We do this by spending time together-- at the ropes course, hiking to the falls, around the campfire, and much more! Scholarships are available!
Boys & Girls • Ages 5-18
328 Bethel Road, Fincastle, VA (540) 992-2940
Together with God, with each other, and with creation. When we live together in intentional Christian community, even for only one week, we gain person-to-person relationship skills to benefit our families, schools, churches, communities, and world. Hundreds of activities in resident camps, day camps, adventure camps, skills camps, and trips led by excellent counselors in a unique “”small group camping”” style. Trusted by thousands of Virginia families since 1927. Our year-round events, fundraisers, and facilities are open to everyone.
Resident Camps, Day Camps, Adventure Camps, Adventure Trips, Skills Camps, Family Programs. Trusted AND affordable with the BEST counselors EVER.
Boys & Girls • Ages 7-17
529 Old Mill Road, Montebello, VA (540) 466-1583
Camp Blue Ridge offers six different styles of camp to fit your family! We offer everything from aquatic adventure to arts and crafts! We have a Family Summer Camp so that everyone can enjoy the beautiful nature God has given us.
Boys & Girls • All Ages 2009 Electric Road, Suite J, Roanoke, VA (540) 380-2485
Boys & Girls • Ages 6-17
2239 Camp Roosevelt Road, Fort Valley, VA (540) 449-0012
One & two week sessions Sunday thru Friday, rising 1st to 12th grade, adventure and fun.
Serving our communities since 1957, we are a year-round retreat center with eight weeks of summer camp. Caroline Furnace is in beautiful Fort Valley VA, located in the Shenandoah Valley between Woodstock and Luray, Virginia.
Boys & Girls • Ages 6-17
394 Floods Drive, Spring Grove, VA 23881 888-724-2626
Chanco on the James has one of the most successful youth camping programs in Virginia. The camp program has been running continuously since 1968 and is accredited by the American Camping Association. Every year since 2014, Chanco has enjoyed the recognition of being voted number one “Best Summer Camp” by Virginia Living Magazine.
Girls Only • Ages 10-16
800 Chatham Hall Circle, Chatham, VA (434) 432-5605
Our Girls Make it Happen camp encourages girls ages 10-14 to take risks, accept challenges, develop their leadership style, and work both independently and within teams to create strategies and solutions for solving problems.
Girls Only • Ages 6-16
2247 Little Piney Road Lowesville Virginia (434) 277-8465
Journey to CrossRoads to enjoy high ropes, swimming, hiking, arts & crafts, games, archery, climbing wall & much more! Join for the day or purchase a family meal and lodging package. Journey is intentionally designed for guests 8-17, but much of it can be adapted for younger children.
Boys & Girls
Ages 0-12
4335 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, VA (540) 989-3459
Boys & Girls • Ages 3+
3513 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, VA (540) 774-0296
Boys & Girls • Ages 5-18
458 Camp Eagle Road, Fincastle, VA (540) 473-3117
A short drive away from Roanoke, VA, Camp Eagle has been ministering to folks of all ages for more than 30 years through summer camps, retreats, and specialized group events. We desire to use the elements of Christian camping to provide fun and fulfillment for the present, hope for the future, and develop strong, impactful leaders who will turn the world upside down.
Boys & Girls • Ages 7-17
573 Friendship Road, Palmyra, VA (434) 589-8950
Since 1966, Camp Friendship has been providing summer experiences that foster growth, independence, exploration and community in Palmyra, VA, outside of Charlottesville. Campers in Traditional Camp choose from over 35 activities in the areas of fine and performing arts, sports, aquatics, horseback riding, and adventure. Equestrian Camp is a full day of Hunter/Jumper style program for girls who love horses. One and two-week sessions available.
Boys Only • Ages 7-17
100 Camp Greenbrier Drive, Alderson, WV (304) 445 7168
A traditional summer camp for boys located along the beautiful Greenbrier River in Alderson, West Virginia. Established in 1898, Camp Greenbrier is the oldest privately owned summer camp in the U.S. Campers choose all of their own activities with a staff to camper ratio of 1 to 3. Come Join the Tradition of Fun!!
Boys & Girls • Ages 14-18
June 5-10(7th-12th), June 12-17(3rd-6th)
2262 CRAIG CREEK RD (540) 961-4100
Church camp
A place where you can meet new friends, catch up with old friends, unplug and grow in your relationship with Christ.
Girls Only • Middle & High School
June 13-17, June 19-24, June 25-July 1, July 18-July 22 and July 25-July 29
57 Hemlock Ridge Lane, Catawba, VA (434) 238-4094
The GEMS program gives middle-school and high-school girls the empowering opportunity to learn the seven survival priorities and practice survival skills while surrounded and supported by their peers. Girls also come to GEMS to learn about themselves, their personalities, how they communicate, and how they lead. The backcountry skills for which Mountain Shepherd is known indeed provide surprising connections to the campers’ lives in the “frontcountry.”
Additionally, Mountain Shepherd’s location and facility provide an excellent basecamp for GEMS campers to begin or continue their empowerment journeys. Girls just beginning their GEMS experience may sleep in a tent for the first time after a couple nights in the cozy bunk-room. Meanwhile, girls who have grown into the advanced courses will pack their backpacks and use the trails on the property to connect to the Appalachian Trail for a new adventure. Whether staying for a week or just using Mountain Shepherd as a launching pad for an excursion, GEMS campers feel welcomed and excited while here.
The series of GEMS summer camps challenges girls to expand their comfort zones through various outdoor adventures, and to dig deeper into their understandings of themselves. Read more about GEMS: Shining Bright, GEMS: Digging Deeper, GEMS: Rock On, GEMS: Be Genuine and GEMS: Crowning Jewel on our website mountainshepherd.com
Girls • Ages 5-17
Various camp locations through Roanoke, Salem and NRV (540) 777-5100
Girl Scout Camp is an outdoor program designed to give girls a positive and fun experience in the great outdoors. Under the guidance of trained and enthusiastic leaders, each camp provides age-appropriate activities allowing girls to experience a variety of Girl Scout programs in an outdoor setting. Activities include archery, arts, games, nature study, outdoor cooking, hiking, overnight camp-outs and lots more! Some camps offer swimming, boating and/or highadventure activities for teen girls. Summer Camp Leadership Training is also offered for girls currently in the 6th grade and above.
Boys & Girls • Ages 5-12
Multiple Locations (540) 344-4543
The Hive Summer Camp at HoneyTree is for students who have completed kindergarten through age 12. A private swim club, plus special interest groups, arts and science projects, field trips, and more keep The Hive buzzing with activities each weekday. With more than 35 years of service to Roanoke Valley families, HoneyTree provides a quality program in a safe, supportive environment. Treat your youngster to one active summer—and yourself to peace of mind—at The Hive.
Boys & Girls • Ages 9-16
3586 Horizons Way, Harrisonburg, VA (540) 896-7600
Boys & Girls • Ages 4-17
1 Market Sq SE, Roanoke, VA 24011 540-342-5766
Elementary Theatre Camp: Curious George - June 13-17: This summer, we’re calling all curious, elementary-aged students to come explore stories from the classic Curious George books with us! Students in this camp will learn essential theatre skills, make new friends, play fun games, and explore new worlds with us as we act and play! Plus, students will get to see MMT’s 2022 summer tour of Curious George and the Golden Meatball and get to meet the actors from the cast as part of their camp week! You definitely don’t want to miss this year’s Elementary Theatre Camp!
Pre-K to 2nd Grade Theatre Camp: Inside Out June 24-30: Join us this summer for this exciting, Inside Out-themed camp for Pre-K to 2nd grade students, featuring all your favorite characters from the movie Inside Out! In this week-long camp, students will play games, move their bodies, act out stories, dress up in costumes, create characters, and learn, all through the lens of creative play! If you have a student who is fun, dramatic, or just ready to try something new, then this is the camp for you! Don’t miss out on Inside Out Camp!
Middle & High School Theatre: Acting & Improv - June 20-24: Learn essential acting skills and improvisation techniques in this camp created for students of all experience levels! From skits and short-form improv to scene work, and complete with tons of high-energy, exhilarating games, this class will teach students the basics they need to join in the fun while also building confidence, communication skills, and creating a playful, safe environment where everyone can let their creativity run wild! Don’t miss our Middle & High School Acting & Improv camp!
HALF DAY: Harry Potter Camp June 27-July 1: Back by popular demand! If you think you have what it takes to be the brightest witch or wizard of your age, then grab your spellbook and magic wand and join us for this enchanting camp! During the week, students will be immersed in the magical world of J.K. Rowling’s books as they get sorted into houses, compete for the house cup, and learn magical skills through theatre-related games, activities, and creative play. Don’t miss out on this magical summer at Hogwarts - a.k.a. Mill Mountain Theatre! Half-day and full-day sessions are available.
FULL DAY: Harry Potter Camp - June 27-July 1: Back by popular demand! If you think you have what it takes to be the brightest witch or wizard of your age, then grab your spellbook and magic wand and join us for this enchanting camp! During the week, students will be immersed in the magical world of J.K. Rowling’s books as they get sorted into houses, compete for the house cup, and learn magical skills through theatre-related games, activities, and creative play. Don’t miss out on this magical summer at Hogwarts - a.k.a. Mill Mountain Theatre! Full day and half day sessions are available.
Technical Theatre Camp: Behind the Scenes - July 5-8: Have you ever wondered how a play goes from the page to the stage, or wanted to learn more about what happens behind the scenes? Then this technical theatre camp is for you! Whether you have worked backstage before or are completely new to the world of technical theatre, this class will introduce you to all the basic elements of tech work, from scene and props design and building, to sound and lighting, to costumes. Students may even get to help work on projects for MMT’s 2022 season! Don’t miss out on this fun technical theatre camp for middle & high schoolers!
At Y Summer Camp, kids are given the opportunity to make new friends, new memories and create a lifetime of laughable moments! Campers will be exposed to a variety of experiences that allow them to learn more about themselves, their peers, and their community.
Each week of Y Summer Camp has its own themefrom “Fun and Fitness” where we learn to make healthy snacks and participate in kid-based exercise; to “Ooey-Gooey Week” where things get messy! Campers will go on weekly field trips and have the opportunity to register for Y Riptides Swim School, which will be held during camp time at select locations.
With locations in Roanoke, Salem, Botetourt, and Lexington, Y Summer Camp is led by caring and trained youth developers who are dedicated to bringing out the unique traits in each child. Space is limited and Y Summer Camp does fill up fast, so register your campers today!
Boys & Girls • Ages 4-6 Market Street, Roanoke, VA (540) 342-5777
Boys & Girls •
Ages 6-13
2404 Prospect Rd. SE Roanoke, VA 540-343-3241
Spring Break Camp
Each day has a special theme and is filled with fun and educational activities like hands-on interactions with animals, guided zoo tours, games, art activities, stories and more. To make it easy for any schedule, parents can enroll their children in one day or in all three!
Spring Camp is designed for students ages 6-13 and runs from 9am3:30pm. All camps are outdoors and occur rain or shine, so students must dress appropriately. Tennis shoes are required. Campers should bring along a lunch that does not require refrigeration. The zoo will provide water and juice.
Registration deadline is March 24, 2023!
Reservations can only be made with full payment. No refunds are given unless the zoo cancels camp. Space in all camps is limited. To register, fill out the attached form and return to the zoo with full payment or register online at www. mmzoo. org. No phone reservations will be accepted. Please call or email Bambi Godkin with additional questions at (540) 343-3241 x103 or education@mmzoo.org.
Camp Schedule
Tuesday, April 4- Amazing Animal Adaptations Abound!
What special traits and abilities help various types of animals survive, how did they develop them and why are they so important? Campers will get a firsthand look at different types of animal adaptations and how these physical features and behaviors ensure the survival of animals in the wild and right here at the zoo!
Wednesday, April 5-Animal Detectives
What makes a bird a bird or a mammal a mammal? Do reptiles always have scales? Campers will learn about how animals are classified and use their detective skills to identify various animals at the zoo.
Thursday, April 6- Endangered Species Escapades
What does it mean when a species becomes endangered and what are some of the common causes? Mill Mountain Zoo has numerous endangered and vulnerable species in its collection, and campers
will get a chance to learn about those and other species found around the globe, as well as ways they may be able to help these animals.
Single Day Rates: Member/$65 & NonMember/$70
3 Day Rates: $180/Member & $200/ Non-Member
Mill Mountain Zoo’s popular summer camps are a terrific way to introduce your child to the animal kingdom or to foster an existing interest in the feathered, furry and scaly critters we share the planet with. Each 3 day camp is designed to encourage a child’s respect and enthusiasm for the natural world through hands-on, fun and educational activities. Besides shadowing and assisting keepers, campers will experience up-close animal encounters, arts and crafts, scavenger hunts, scientific explorations and OH, SO MUCH MORE! There are camps available for ages 6-13.
Special Notes!
All camps are outdoors and go rain or shine so students must dress appropriately. Tennis shoes are best. No flip flops, sandals or crocs please!
All camps are from 9am-3:30pm, although there is After Camp Care available.
Campers will need to bring a lunch. The zoo will provide water and juice.
Space in all camps is limited. Registration is required one full week prior to the start date of the camp.
The Emergency Medical Form and the Liability Form will be emailed to you upon receipt of your registration form. Please return forms by the start date of camp. No refunds unless zoo cancels camp.
Camp Schedule
Camp for ages 6-8
June 20-June 22
Courage, Cunning and Camouflage Come to Mill Mountain Zoo for this week of camp and explore the amazing adaptations that help animals survive in the wild. Whether it is bright colors, interesting (or stinky) odors, fangs or claws, animals are equipped with many traits that allow them to hunt, hide and protect themselves. Find out all about them in this week of camp!
Camps for ages 8-10
July 11-13 Zookeeper 101
Just what does a zookeeper do? Campers will get to explore the various animal husbandry techniques it takes to care for the many birds, mammals and reptiles that make up Mill Mountain Zoo’s collection. The importance of animal enrichment for an animal’s well-being will also be explored.
July 25-27 Zookeeper 101
Just what does a zookeeper do? Campers will get to explore the various animal husbandry techniques it takes to care for the many birds, mammals and reptiles that make up Mill Mountain Zoo’s collection. The importance of animal enrichment for an animal’s well-being will also be explored.
Boys & Girls • Ages 5-12
5407 Peters Creek Road, Roanoke, VA (540) 366-3629
We own a Swim Club! Splash Valley! Skate Center! Karate! Gymnastics! Huge Moon Bounce!
Boys & Girls • Ages 12-18
732 Turners Creek Road, Callaway, VA 540-483-1518
We have camps for multiple ages including day camps and residential camps. Activities for day camps include swimming, arts and crafts, and games. Activities for residential camps include swimming, arts and crafts, hiking, camping, rock climbing, games, outdoor recreation, tie-dyeing t-shirts, caving, and more!
Boys & Girls • Ages 5-18
806 Wasena Avenue SW #100, Roanoke, VA (540) 685-2360
Looking for something completely different? We have just the thing at the River Rock!
Boys & Girls • All Ages 6498 Dry Hollow Rd Salem, VA (540) 387-6114
An enriching outdoor adventure day camp, Camp Roanoke’s Discovery program is back for fun in 2021! During each week, campers will engage in a wide range of activities, such as: archery, climbing tower, environmental education, canoeing (ages 9+), team building, arts and crafts, hiking, field games, special events and more. Campers should bring multiple facial coverings, a bag lunch and at least one full water bottle.
We have scholarships available for those that need assistance. Camp dates and programs are subject to change due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Girls & Boys • All Ages
1318 Grandin Road SW, Roanoke, VA (540) 309-3830
Girls & Boys • Ages 3-18 2726 Lee Highway, Troutville, VA (540) 759-1403
Boys & Girls • Rising 6th - 8th graders 200 Academy Drive, Front Royal, VA (540) 636-5484
Randolph-Macon Academy offers a Summer Enrichment Camp for rising sixth through eighth-grade students. Campers spend part of the day rotating through fun-filled courses of their choices, ranging from robotics and flight to language arts and science. The rest of the day is spent in engaging activities like sports, swimming, laser tag, hiking, or field trips to local area attractions.
Boys & Girls • Ages 5-13 215 Church Avenue SW, Roanoke, VA (540) 510-4056
Girls & Boys • All Ages 1206 Kessler Mill Road, Salem, VA (540) 387-6078
Passport to Fun 2021 - Summer Camp returns to Roanoke County in 2021! Your Passport to Fun begins, June 1 - August 6, ages 3 and Up!
Visit RoanokeCountyParks.com/Camps to view the full list of 2021 Summer Camps from Roanoke County Parks!
Girls & Boys • All Ages 110 Union Street, Salem, VA (540) 375-3054
Boys & Girls • Ages 5-17
110 Salem Avenue SE, Roanoke, VA 540-342-5760
Play with clay at the Taubman Museum of Art! Participants will work creatively to produce several clay projects throughout the week.
Through experimentation and imagination, campers will find inspiration from artwork at the Museum to create clay projects using pinch, coil, and slab building techniques.
July 10-14, 2023 | 8:30 am-12:30 pm
Get ready for summer art fun! The Taubman Museum of Art’s Explore Art Museum Camp will introduce a variety of art-making techniques to create fun projects inspired by artwork from the permanent collection at the Museum. Art projects will include painting, drawing, and sculpture with plenty of time in Art Venture, our interactive creativity space with 14 hands-on art-making stations. Artists will have the opportunity to display their final pieces for a showcase at the end of camp.
July 17-21, 2023 | 1:30-5:30 pm
Get ready for summer art fun! The Taubman Museum of Art’s Explore Art Museum Camp will introduce a variety of art-making techniques to create fun projects inspired by artwork from the permanent collection at the Museum. Art projects will include painting, drawing, and sculpture with plenty of time in Art Venture, our interactive creativity space with 14 hands-on art-making stations. Artists will have the opportunity to display their final pieces for a showcase at the end of camp.
July 24-28, 2023 | 8:30 am-12:30 pm
Dive into the world of clay! Participants will work to produce several clay projects throughout the week. Campers will find inspiration from current exhibitions at the Museum to create clay projects using pinch, coil, slab building, and throwing techniques. The camp will culminate with a showcase of camper artwork at the Museum.
July 24-28, 2023 | 1:30-5:30 pm
Dive into the world of clay! Participants will work to produce several clay projects throughout the week. Campers will find inspiration from current exhibitions at the Museum to create clay projects using pinch, coil, slab building, and throwing techniques. The camp will culminate with a showcase of camper artwork at the Museum.
For more info & to register, visit www.mmzoo.org or call: 540-343-3241
Spring Break Camp
Ages 6-13
April 4: Amazing Animal Adaptions
April 5: Animal Detectives
April 6: Endangered Species Escapades
Boys & Girls • Pre K-5
1 Market Square SE, Roanoke, VA (540) 342-5710
Our Summer Camps combine hands-on activities, thought-provoking challenges and passionate instructors to encourage curiosity-based learning and promote STEAM literacy. With a range of camps across many popular STEAM topics, there is a program suited for every young scientist. By using your child’s favorite STEAM topics, they engage better with the learning principals behind each activity! Register today at www.smwv.org.
Boys & Girls • Ages 5-18
Greene Memorial United Methodist Church, 402 SECOND ST. SW ROANOKE, VA 24011 (540) 400-7795
VCT Theatre Academy seeks to show young people a world where imagination and creative expression thrive: The theatre! VCT classes and camps are perfect for serious, aspiring performers AND for students who just want to have fun. VCT Theatre Academy classes and camps offer high-quality music, theatre and dance instruction by industry professionals for Pre-K through 12th grade. All Summer Camps are week-long, Monday through Friday day camps. At the conclusion of each camp, participants will have the opportunity to perform in a showcase.
Needs based scholarships are available for VCT summer camps. Email jeanne@virginiachildrenstheatre.org for more info.
Summer Camp
Ages 6-8: June 20-22
Courage, Cunning & Camou�lage
Ages 8-10: July 11-13 & July 25-27
Zookeeper 101
Ages 10-13: August 1-3
Junior Zookeepers
Boys & Girls • All Ages
Each week in the summer from June 5- August 18 virginiaoutside.com
Roanoke, VA 540-761-9847
We provide the opportunity for kids to explore the outdoors and gain confidence in new skills: fishing, canoeing, boating, hiking, and learning more about the outdoors! Our playgrounds are the rivers, private ponds, mountains, trails, and parks of Southwest Virginia.
Our counselors are a variety of teachers, anglers, and outdoor enthusiasts who are passionate about sharing their love of the outdoors with our campers!
Boys• Ages 8-16
328 Wangum Falls Road, Hawley, PA (570) 226-4779
Camp Watonka is the only program in America offering the traditional overnight experience combining crafts, sports, dirt-bikes, adventure and waterfront with a hands-on science program. This unique combination makes us the ideal program for all boys looking for fun summer focused on their personal interests.
Boys & Girls • Ages 8-17
11176 Peaceful Valley Road, New Castle, VA (540) 864-6792
No mess halls, no cabins, no flushing toilets…just fresh air and the great outdoors! Our philosophy is to immerse participants in a wilderness environment which inherently builds positive character, leadership traits, and self-confidence. Designed by our inspiring staff of outdoor professionals, this unique camp centers on backpacking, biking, and paddling through the southwest VA National Forests and participating in adventure activities. Through careful instruction and positive encouragement from our experienced leaders and instructors, participants are motivated to face challenges that require both teamwork and individual effort. By achieving both group and personal goals, they develop strength, character and confidence to carry with them throughout their lives.
Register today at https://www.wildernessadventure.com/camp
Boys & Girls • All Ages Roanoke, Salem, Botetourt and Daleville (540) 342 9622 ymcaroanoke.org/kirk-family-ymca
Welcome To Y Summer Camp Where Kids Go To...
We’re here to inspire kids to play together, build friendships and memories that will create a lifetime of laughable moments.
We’re here to make your kid feel welcome, feel comfortable being themselves, and know they’re a part of something great.
We’re here so that every kid is able to experience something brand new. Showing them that if they believe in themselves, anything is possible.
We’re here to help your camper reach their full potential as they are challenged through an energetic and high paced program.
At Y Summer Camp, kids are given the opportunity to make new friends, new memories and create a lifetime of laughable moments! Campers will be exposed to a variety of experiences that allow them to learn more about themselves, their peers, and their community.
Each week of Y Summer Camp has its own theme- from “Fun and Fitness” where we learn to make healthy snacks and participate in kid-based exercise; to “Ooey-Gooey Week” where things get messy! Campers will go on weekly field trips and have the opportunity to register for Y Riptides Swim School, which will be held during camp time at select locations.
With locations in Roanoke, Salem, Botetourt, and Lexington, Y Summer Camp is led by caring and trained youth developers who are dedicated to bringing out the unique traits in each child. Space is limited and Y Summer Camp does fill up fast, so register your campers today!
July 10-14, 2023 | 8:30am-12:30pm
Rising K-2nd Graders
Explore Art C Camp
July 17-21, 2023 | 1:30-5:30pm
Rising 3rd-5th Graders
Explore Art Camp
July 24-28, 2023 | 8:30am-12:30pm
Rising K-2nd Graders
Clay Creations Camp
July 24-28, 2023, 1:30-5:30pm
Rising 3rd-5th Graders
Clay Creations Camp
Kids and parents alike are raving about this ultimate skills camp experience for elementary age students. Families can choose 6 out of 15 different skills for their child to participate in over 3 full days packed with excitement, fun, and exploration of individual interests. Everyone wants to determine their passion and giftedness. This camp gives kids a chance to explore 6 different activities over the span of 3 days to help them discover what areas most interest them.
Last year’s participants comments included “I definitely want to volunteer for this camp again next year, put me on the list!”, “Thank you so much for doing this for our community, we as parents appreciate it so much!”, and “I can’t wait to come again next summer!”.
Members of First Roanoke or people associated with our church who have great experience with each skill lead our rotations. Every leader has a current background check and training ahead of time. There are 15 skills to choose from including:
Basketball Soccer
Tae Kwon Do
Tumbling Dance
Epic Eats Cooking
Science Lab
Arts and Crafts
Great Outdoors
Car Care in the First Roanoke Garage Lights Camera Action with the First Roanoke Media Team
Music at the First Baptist Academy of Music
Build it Up Wood Working
Materials for all of these skills will be provided for each child. In the morning kids experience 3 of their individual skill choices followed by 3 more in the afternoon.
In addition to the supplies for each skill, snacks will be provided in the morning and in the afternoon and everyone will hydrate all day! Lunches will be provided from Bojangles, Tropical Smoothie Café, and Dominos. Each participant will be provided with a camp t-shirt. Kids should come dressed for a lot of activity!
Kids will enjoy this adventure through
the EXTREME lessons we learn from the life of Joshua in the Bible during three large group sessions at the beginning, middle and end of each day. This year’s theme is EXTREME Hero. Joshua was an EXTREME hero from the Bible. Throughout his life, Joshua had to do some EXTREME things in order to fulfill God’s plan for his life. It started a long time before we ever saw him in the battle of Jericho. In this series, we are going to learn about the EXTREME preparation that God put Joshua through to get him ready to lead the nation of Israel. Then, we will look at the EXTREME fears that Joshua had to conquer as he took over for Moses as leader of God’s people. All of this prepares Joshua to lead the children of Israel across the Jordan River and conquer the city of Jericho. But the EXTREME lessons don’t end there. We learn even more EXTREME lessons by watching how Joshua handles the mistake of Achan and more!
What else happens at Ultimate Hero Skills Camp other than skills and large group Bible lessons?
Kids are moving all day! Each skills session lasts 45 minutes. Kids will participate in their same skills in the same order each day. Between each session there will be time for snack and water breaks as well as games. Kids play fun
games between rotations and play some large group games each day. There will be incentive prizes, funny skits, lesson videos, worship songs, and time for discussion among age groups. Kids will come away from this camp excited about what they have learned and what God is preparing them to do. Is your child interested in any of the skills listed above? Sign them up today for Extreme Hero Skills Camp at First Roanoke! Monday-Wednesday
Featured Camp: The Ranch Camp
Nature’s greatest celebration is underway! Azaleas, tulips, and daffodils are blooming. Trees are sporting bright green leaves. Birds have returned to the valley with cheerful songs. Long days filled with sunshine are here again. Best of all, spring means baby animals. Celebrate spring with your children through these beautiful books celebrating caterpillars, butterflies, ducklings, and tadpoles. New life is all around!
Lois Elhert is a queen of collage and her luscious book
Waiting for Wings is a perfect example of her talent. Each page is filled with vivid and rich illustrations of flowers and butterflies. The collages are scientifically accurate and there is even an identification guide included at the end. Lovely rhymes further enhance this tale of
An Egg is Quiet by Dianna Aston: Eggs are full of mystery and potential. They come in all different colors, shapes, and sizes, but each one holds a miracle.
An Egg is Quiet by Dianna Aston celebrates eggs in all their diversity and splendor. Readers learn about bird eggs, reptile eggs, amphibian eggs, and even shark eggs.
Growing Frogs
by Vivian FrenchGrowing Frogs is the perfect example of what educational theorist Charlotte Mason called a living book. Living books are non-fiction books written by one author who is passionate about the subject. Living books draw kids in, in a way that textbooks do not. Growing Frogs by Vivian French tells the tale of a young girl who brings home frog eggs and watches their metamorphosis into adulthood. Children will enjoy this story so much that they won’t even realize they are learning!
Make Way for Ducklings
by Robert McCloskeyFew books are as iconic as Make Way for Ducklings by Robert McCloskey. This Caldecott Award winning book tells the story of Mr. and Mrs. Mallard raising their eight little ducklings in Boston. Raising ducklings in a busy city is no easy task, but with determination (and some help from a friendly policeman) the Mallards find a way. This enchanting tale of the Mallard family is guaranteed to find a special place in your heart.
The Hungary Caterpillar
by Eric CarleThe Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle is an enchanting childhood classic. A cute little caterpillar has hatched from his egg and is absolutely ravenous. He has a week-long picnic of delicious goodies before beginning his transformation into a butterfly. Carle’s seminal collages are cheerful and engaging. As an added bonus, the story offers a fun opportunity for little ones to practice counting, colors, and the days of the week.
• Directions:
• 8 identical glass containers
• Water
• ¼ cup measure
• Wooden spoon
• Plastic spoon
• Metal spoon
• Food coloring (optional)
1. Arrange glasses in a line.
2. Leave the first glass empty.
3. Place one ¼ cup of water into the second cup.
4. Place two ¼ cups of water into the third cup.
5. Place three ¼ cups of water into the fourth cup.
6. Place four ¼ cups of water into the fifth cup.
7. Place five ¼ cups of water into the sixth cup.
8. Place six ¼ cups of water into the seventh cup.
9. Place seven ¼ cups of water into the eighth cup.
10. If desired, add 1-2 drops of food coloring to each container—our favorite thing to do is to add color in rainbow order, starting with violet and moving through blue, green, yellow, orange and red.
11. Tap each glass with the wooden spoon. Each glass should have its own sound. Which glass has the lowest sound and which one has the highest?
12. Try tapping the glasses with the different kinds of spoons, or even with your hands. Does the sound change?
and you may be able to play some simple songs like “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.”
Try blowing over the tops of the glasses instead of hitting them. Does the sound change? Are the same glasses still the lowest and highest?
Try changing the sound by adding or removing water. Are there some water levels that sound better than others?
Sound is made up of vibrations called sound waves, which we hear. Lower sounds or lower pitches are caused by things vibrating slowly. As vibrations speed up, the pitch or sound gets higher. When you tap the glass, the water inside vibrates, causing a sound. The glass with the most water vibrates more slowly, causing a lower sound, whereas the empty glass has the fastest vibrations and so has the highest pitch.
Bring the Taubman Museum of Art to you with this fun activity inspired by the exhibition Ansel Adams: Compositions in Nature, on view April 9 - August 1, 2021.
Ansel Adams is a photographer famous for his beautiful, black and white photographs of landscapes. Charcoal is a great medium to use to create a drawing inspired by his work!
Value defines how light or dark a color can be. It’s best understood when visualized as a scale or gradient from dark to light.
Using a piece of charcoal on paper, press down as hard as you can to create a dark value. As you move from left to right, press down more and more lightly to create a dark gray, light gray, and a bright white.
• Blend with your fingers!
• Use an eraser to create highlights.
• Vary your marks to create different textures. Try short lines, curved lines, dots—anything you can think of!
Draw a few lines to create the main sections of the landscape.
Start with the sky and background, using a range of value and marks to add dimension to your drawing. Use light values to create highlights and dark values to create shadows.
1 3 2
Continue filling in the sections with value and texture. Work from the top down to avoid accidentally smudging your drawing. Slowly build up your layers to create depth!
Free General Admission sponsored in part by
Department of Psychology at Virginia Tech (Williams Hall)
Why participate? infant Language Environment Attention and Parenting
Zoom or in-person appointments at your convenience
$30 compensation at each test age
Our interest Contact us: iLeap-Lab.com ileaplab@gmail.com IRB#21-773
How toddlers match voices with faces and sounds with objects (called "multi-sensory integration"). This is a good predictor of language ability.
Scan the QR Code to participate!