October is one of our families favorite months. The beginning of the fall season brings cooler temperatures, playoff baseball (GO YANKEES!) and one of our favorite holidays - Halloween!
Halloween gives you and your kids the opportunity to play dress up and become something creepy, spooky, clever or creative. Of course it also means your kids will come home with a ton of candy. Even after the pay the parent tax (we take Reese’s), your kids are sure to be left with the motherload of chocolate, gummies and other sugary sweets. Check out our article this month on page 22which covers how you can limit your exposure to the sugars in candy that damage teeth.
We also feature an article in Spanish, El Dia De Los Muertos, or Day of the Dead. Learn all about this holiday and what it means in the hispanic culture.
Lastly, check out our list of all local Halloween happenings, like Trunk or Treats and haunted houses. There are plenty of things to do in October around the Valley!
Most importantly, whatever you do this Halloween, have fun and be safe, and save us a Reese’s!
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Roanoke Valley Family and www.roanoke.family are published by MoFat Publishing. Roanoke Valley Family is published monthly. The views and the opinions expressed by the writers and advertisers do not necessarily represent those of Roanoke Valley Family, its staff, or its contributors. While multiple businesses, schools, and organizations are represented in our pages, and magazines are often distributed to students according to the policies and procedures of each school district, this is not a publication coordinated or endorsed by any public or private school district, nor is it a publication with any religious or political objectives. As a mass media outlet, it is our oath and responsibility to communicate with due diligence, through our content, the plurality of views and opinions reflected in our audience of Central and Southwest Virginia. Readers are strongly encouraged to verify information with programs and businesses directly. Parents are urged to thoroughly research any decisions involving their children. Copyright 2019 by MoFat Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved. All material, including artwork, advertisements, and editorials, may not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the publisher.
Read on page 18
Check out all of the events around the region for the month of October!
14 Teaching Your Teen to Drive Safely
October hosts National Teen Driver Safety Week. Did you know car accidents are the number one leading cause of death for teens?
of Sugare
36 Dancing Drawings
Did you know you can make your own moving doodles without a single app, camera or technological device?!
30 Rachel Reads
34 Is It Time to Look for a New Credit Card
Freedom First walks us through when to look for a new credit card and what they they should be getting.
How those tasty treats could hurt your teeth.
Read on page 12
34 Kids’
38 Home is Where the Art Is
October 31 brings the familiar sights of jack-o’-lanterns, autumn leaves, costumes, and of course, candy.
Surely, there will be plenty of treats to go around; the National Retail Federation estimates that 95 percent of Americans will purchase Halloween candy this year to the tune of $2.6 billion on gummies, chocolates, hard candies, and everything in between. And in Virginia, according to candystore.com, which releases annually its list of the most popular Halloween candies in each state, our favorite candies include Hot Tamales, Snickers, and Tootsie Pops.
My childhood memories of Halloween involve the excitement of that special costume and plastic jack-o’-lanterns used for hauling home my wealth of sweet treasures collected by door-todoor treks around the neighborhood.
As I grew older, wiser, and faster, the plastic pumpkin evolved into a pillowcase, as I could cover more ground and increase my take of candy. Little did I know or care at that young age that I could be exposing my teeth to damage by having that much candy at my disposal. The good news is that I was very good at brushing my teeth well and often.
While we know that Halloween will be a night filled with sugary sweets for all, there are steps parents can take to minimize the risk of tooth decay, for themselves and their children, during this holiday and throughout the year.
Here are a few tips for parents to consider when giving out candy or determining the potential sugar damage to their children’s teeth this year.
Watch out for the hard, sticky candies.
Research shows that hard candies (including lollipops) and sticky/sour candies put kids’ teeth at the most risk. This is because they don’t dissolve
quickly and typically are high in sugar, producing more acid that coats your teeth. Sugary and sour candies are a double threat.
Chocolates are a better alternative.
Chocolates, especially dark chocolate because of its lower sugar content, are a better option than those sticky and sour candies. Chocolate with nuts also is better, as the nuts tend to break up the stickiness and sugar in a candy bar.
Eat candy in one sitting rather than all day.
As far as teeth are concerned, it’s the frequency of the sugar and not the volume of sugar that poses the most risk, meaning it’s better to enjoy a few treats in one sitting — and brushing your teeth or swishing your teeth with water after — than munching on candy all day long. We also know that oral bacteria can turn sugar into acid and that tooth damage can occur in just 20 minutes of acid exposure, so eat your candy and then rinse or brush afterward.
Plan to protect your teeth.
No ghosts or goblins will be as scary as your dentist informing you of a cavity during your next visit. For more information and tips, visit the American Dental Association’s Mouth Healthy website at mouthhealthy.org
Dr. Stephen Alouf is a member of the Virginia Dental Association and is a practicing dentist, specializing in cosmetic and implant dentistry, serving the Salem and Roanoke area. In addition to his practice, he dedicates his time volunteering with the Virginia Dental Association Foundation’s Mission of Mercy project.
Parents often like to supplement their teens’ official driving lessons with their own lessons behind the wheel, and that’s a great idea. Studies show that teens who receive additional driving instruction from their parents have fewer accidents than teens who don’t get any extra help. What can parents do to ensure that their teens get the most out of their time together in the car? Here’s what the experts say:
Once you’ve told your teens that you’re willing to give them driving lessons, back off a bit and don’t push the issue. “If your teen isn’t driving you crazy about teaching her to drive,” says Carleton Kendrick, a family therapist who works with teens, “she’s probably too nervous to begin the process.” Wait patiently until they’re ready for your help. As Wayne Parker, a certified life coach and author of Power Dads, puts it, “an overly anxious teen driver can be a dangerous thing.”
Even when your teens say they’re ready to learn how to drive, it’s likely that they’ve heard horror stories in the news or from their friends that are making them scared. Nicole Runyon, a social worker who deals with teens, suggests that parents “create a calm and peaceful space for them to talk.” Try to alleviate any fears by listening carefully and reassuring them that you’ll support and help them become competent and safe drivers.
Give them some advance warning when you’re ready for the first lesson. Talk with them about, as Mr. Parker puts it, “where you’re going and what you’re going to do.” Teens don’t like surprises, especially from their parents. Get together to plan the route and the skills you’ll be working. It’ll put you on a more equal footing.
Teens like to be treated as adults. That includes when they’re learning how to drive. Ms. Kendrick says that parents should avoid talking down to their teens, making any negative comments, or treating them like little children. She suggests that parents “praise specific progress and improvement, while offering non-judgmental, optimistic, and encouraging words.” The goal is to make your teens more aware drivers, not to make them feel shamed or judged.
Another way to guide your teens is to ask them questions instead of giving commands. Instead of saying slow down or “you’re going to get a speeding ticket,” Mr. Parker suggests asking “what’s the speed limit here?” Studies show that teens whose parents ask questions rather than make critical statements get into fewer accidents.
Studies also show that many parents focus their instruction more on skills that they had difficulty mastering when they themselves learned how to drive than on the skills that best prevent teen accidents. Instead of spending
much of your time teaching your teens how to parallel park (a maneuver that can make many parents break into a sweat), focus on skills like how to safely merge on and off highways, which is in fact a major source of teen accidents.
It can be stressful teaching your teens how to drive, but don’t show it. Ms. Kendrick encourages parents to hand over the reins to someone else if they can’t keep their “anxiety in check and it’s turning the teaching experience into a tension-filled meltdown zone.” Try to stay calm, even if your teens are creating the tension in the car. “Just role with it,” says Dr. Corinne Peek-Asa, a professor of public health and expert on vehicle injury prevention. Studies show that when the atmosphere is tense, parents offer less constructive feedback and even less feedback that’s focused on safety.
All kids, including teens, learn more from what they watch their parents do than from anything parents tell them. Be a good role model and drive safely when you’re in the driver’s seat and your teens are the passengers. Jen Stockburger, director of operations at Consumer Report’s Auto Test Center, puts it well: “The example you set for them behind the wheel may be the most important in terms of actually keeping them safe, more so than any other safety message you’ve given them in their entire life.”
Tanni Haas, Ph.D. is a Professor in the Department of Communication Arts, Sciences & Disorders at the City University of New York – Brooklyn College.
Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for teens (15-18 years old) in the United States, ahead of all other types of injury, disease, or violence. In 2017, there were 2,247 people killed in crashes involving a teen driver, of which 755 deaths were the teen driver - a 3% decrease from 2016. Parents can be the biggest influencers on teens’ choices behind the wheel if they take the time to talk with their teens about some of the biggest driving risks.
“An overly anxious teen driver can be a dangerous thing.”
cheap or
• Famous Anthony’s 3 PM - Close • 1 child per paid adult All Locations in Roanoke, Salem, & Vinton (540) 362-1400
• Buffalo Wild Wings 4 PM - 9 PM • 12 & under, 1 child per paid adult All Locations (540) 725-9464
• Denny’s
4 PM - 10 PM • 12 & under, 1 child per paid adult
All Locations Roanoke & Salem (540) 389-5074
• Macado’s
4 PM - 9 PM • 12 & under, $1 child meal per paid adult
• El Rio Mexican Grill All Day • 10 & under, 1 child per paid adult 4208 Electric Rd., Roanoke (540) 685-4343
• Firehouse Subs All Day • 11 & under, 2 children per paid adult combo,dine in Blacksburg (540) 961-0371
• The Green Goat All Day • 12 & under, 1 child per paid adult 802 Wiley Dr. SW, Roanoke (540) 904-6091
All Locations in Roanoke & Salem (540) 776-9884
• McAlister’s Deli 5 PM - Close • 2 children per paid adult 2063 Colonial Ave., Roanoke (540) 204-4407
• Town Center Tap House All Day • 12 & under, 2 children per paid adult 90 Town Center St., Daleville (540) 591-9991
• Firehouse Subs
All Day • 12 & under, 1 child per paid adult Colonial Ave, Town Square & Salem only (540) 345-3131
• Dogwood
4 PM - Close • 10 & under, per paid adult 106 E. Lee Ave., Vinton (540) 343-6549
• Jerry’s Family Restaurant 4 PM - Close • 6 & under, 1 child per adult meal purchase 1340 E. Washington Ave., Vinton (540) 343-4400
Friday See Everyday Deals!
• Famous Anthony’s 12 PM - Close • 1 child per adult meal
All Locations Roanoke, Salem, Vinton (540) 362-1400
• Local Roots
5 PM -7 PM • 5 & under eat for free, discount for ages
5-7 per paid adult
1314 Grandin Rd., Roanoke (540) 206-2610
• T.G.I.Fridays
All Day • 12 & under 1 with paying adult 4869 Valley View Blvd., Roanoke (540) 362-1475
• Moe’s Southwestern Grill
All Day • 1 free per paid adult
All Roanoke & Blacksburg locations
• Firehouse Subs
All Day • 12 and Under
1 free per paid adult Keagy Road, Roanoke 540-204-4471
• Rodeo Grande
All Day • 12 and Under
1 free per paid adult Valley View, Roanoke 540-206-2296
• Lew’s Restaurant SW
All Day • 12 and Under
2 free per paid adult Walnut Avenue, Roanoke 540-682-5925
Roanoke Valley Family Magazine publishes these deals for informational purposes only. A Listing here does not guarantee a discount at any of the mentioned restaurants. Promotions often change without notice and we recommend calling the restaurant to confirm any discount before arrival.
That was me speaking, not my teen. We signed up for a music subscription service and within minutes she had all the latest hits on her iPhone playlist. I was in awe but also jealous of her easy access to music. As a teen growing up in the 80s, I would have loved to have the ability to listen to a song of my choosing within seconds. Even though technology can have its downfalls, I’m envious of all the ways my teen will have it better than I did growing up.
Me in the 80s: I loved all types of music. One of my favorite things to do was create a mixtape. Using my dual cassette Boombox, I recorded a mix of songs onto a cassette tape to later play on my yellow waterproof Sony Walkman player. Sometimes it would take over a week just to make one mixtape.
If I didn’t own the album I waited for the song to come on the radio and record it onto the cassette tape which often had a little bit of the DJ introducing the song or the song cut off in the end. If I wanted to change a song, I would have to rewind the tape and record over it which would really only work for the last song since you would end up recording over other songs. Mostly you are stuck with it.
As you can see it was a cumbersome, elaborate process that by the time you were done making a mixtape you were sick of most of the songs and ready to make another one.
My Teen Now: Within in seconds she downloads twenty songs onto a playlist to her phone which she can bring with her anywhere. If she becomes tired of a song, clicking delete will eliminate it instantly or she can hit next to forward to the next song without waiting for the tape to move along or without trying to figure out how long to fast forward until the song is over.
Me in the 80s: Thumbing through the library card catalog, I found a book related to my research paper. I then searched through the library for it and check it out. Usually, I needed at least three or four books which meant repeating the process. I then had to handwrite the paper (we didn’t have a typewriter or word processor which I didn’t use until college) and used my mother as a spell checker since I was horrible at spelling.
My Teen Now: A quick Google search reveals over a hundred different links related to her research topic. She then types up her paper in a Google Doc using spell check although unlike her mother (more like her grandmother) she is an incredible speller and doesn’t even need it.
Me in the 80s: After I finished shopping at the mall with my friends I needed to find a payphone (along with a quarter) to ask my mom to pick us up. She gabbed away for over three minutes which required me to feed the payphone another quarter since she went over the time limit. I thought to myself I should have used the collect call trick—when they ask for my name I would say, “Pickup Mall.”
My Teen Now: She sends a quick text from her phone, “Please pick me up now,” without needing any quarters or searching for a payphone or using the collect call trick.
Me in the 80s: One phone in the house and me, my two sisters and my mom was not a good combination since we always seemed to want to use it at the same time. If you wanted to make a phone call outside of our town, you would be charged per minute.
My Teen Now: Everyone in the house has their own phone line and can easily make unlimited phone calls (or Facetime) anywhere in the USA without paying additional fees. Although she hardly ever makes “real” phone calls— she mostly uses text messages or social media. I doubt she has ever heard a “busy single” or understands how great it was when “call waiting” was introduced (she probably doesn’t even know what that is either).
Me in the 80s: I loved taking pictures, but similar to the mixtapes it involved many steps. You had to buy film, use it up by taking 24 pictures and develop it by bringing it to the store which could sometimes take a week. It also could add up costing a lot of money buying the film and developing it.
My Teen Now: She snaps pictures of her friends, her sister or the wall without costing anything and gets to see it instantly.
The next time your teen says, “I’m bored,” you can wow them with your stories about how you created mixtapes, needed a payphone to call home or used a library card catalog. I recently did this with my niece who said, “I know and you didn’t even have electricity!” which made me laugh since she really thought that was true.
If nothing else it will ensure you don’t hear the phrase “I’m bored,” ever again.
Cheryl Maguire holds a Master of Counseling Psychology degree. She is married and is the mother of twins and a daughter. Her writing has been published in The New York Times, Parents Magazine, Upworthy, Chicken Soup for the Soul: Count Your Blessing and Your Teen Magazine. You can find her at Twitter @CherylMaguire05
“Even though technology can have its downfalls, I’m envious of all the ways my teen will have it better than I did growing up.”
As fall weather sets in, many homeowners take advantage of cooler days to spruce up their living spaces since they’re confined indoors. However, fitting all that work into a busy season filled with school, sports, and other family demands isn’t always easy.
Fortunately, a fall refresh doesn’t have to mean mountains of daunting work. These tips can provide the inspiration you need to spruce up your home without the hassle.
Even the cleanest homes still look messy when they’re disorganized, but it’s an uphill battle for many to keep clutter from accumulating. Tackle the house room-byroom. Divide clutter into three piles: keep, donate, and discard.
After months spent outside, it’s inevitable that you’ve tracked some of the great outdoors back inside with you. Get your floors back in their best condition with a simple carpet washing innovation like Hoover’s Smartwash Automatic Carpet Cleaner. An auto-mix feature precisely mixes and dispenses solution for optimal cleaning, and operation is as easy as it comes: push forward to wash, pull back to dry. Let the powerful brushes do all the work to gently remove embedded dirt and debris.
If you’re like many homeowners, light fixtures aren’t high on your list for everyday cleaning. However, over time, dust and debris build up, which can impact the quality of light. Take time to wipe down fixtures for a cleaner, brighter ambiance in minutes.
Updating the textiles in a room is an easy way to instantly transform a space. Bedding for cooler seasons tends to be heavier and darker, so it’s the perfect time to make a switch to sheets and comforters that are not only practical but look cozy and inviting for the cold nights ahead. Similarly, you can swap out airy drapes and window treatments for more robust versions that reflect the season while helping keep drafts at bay.
Some of the most effective cleaning agents can be made at home, so you never have to worry about running out. Make your own all-purpose spray cleaner by combining a quart of water with four tablespoons of baking soda. For extra cleaning power, you can mix vinegar with water and add a few drops of essential oils for an appealing scent. Another quick fix: Run citrus peels through the garbage disposal for an easy clean and fresh smelling kitchen.
Find more tips and ideas to get your home fall-ready at hoover.com.
When was the last time you changed the locks? How many previous owners have there been and how many keys have been given out to neighbors, friends, family or delivery people? You never know who has a second copy, and for less than $100 at Home Depot, you can change your locks immediately.
If you don’t have outdoor flood lights, get them. If you have them, make sure the bulbs are in working order.
3. Place an alarm sign in your yard
Many would-be thieves won’t approach a house if they think it has an alarm. You can get an alarm sign online.
4. Buy an indoor camera
Cameras can capture a suspect in the act and let homeowners check the footage from anywhere. FunLux indoor cameras offer
high-quality images and night vision, and they’re motion activated and affordable. You can get them on Amazon for about $25 each.
Every bush outside of your windows should be below the window line, usually 2-3 feet in height, to maximize your visibility from the inside of your house to the outside, so that means you must trim your bushes. You can get garden shears at your local hardware store for $15.
One of the best ways to stay safe is to work together as a neighborhood. We all need to keep an eye on each other and what better way to start that relationship than with a plate of cookies?
7. Protect your neighborhood
There are many measures you can take to improve your community safety, with varying levels of affordability. Some cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and
some, like Flock Safety, you can buy for less than $3 per month, per home. Outdoor security cameras, like Flock Safety, can reduce crime and prevent would-be criminals from entering the neighborhood.
Officers will walk around your house, inside and out, to assess its safety and could reveal some surprising tips. They want to help, and they are motivated to solve and prevent crime.
For more information on keeping your home and neighborhood secure, as well as a free cost estimate for outdoor security cameras, visit flocksafety. com/securityhacks.
It’s no wonder that Halloween is among the most eagerlyanticipated of family holidays. What kid doesn’t love dressing up and visiting vibrantly decorated places where happy people hand out candy? Who can resist a parade of adorable trick-or-treaters? However, even the most fun-loving parent can’t help but cringe when kids dump all of their collected
candy onto the living room floor. Although there have been numerous scientific studies which claim that children’s behavior is not affected by excess sugar, anyone who has witnessed a roomful of kids jazzed up on sweets would certainly disagree. No one can argue that candy is both nutritionally void and full of sugar (which contributes to obesity and tooth decay).
According to the USDA Agricultural Research Service, some kids already consume an average of twenty-one teaspoons of sugar per day. Fortunately, there are many steps parents can take to make Halloween fun for everyone— without allowing harmful amounts of sugar to overshadow the fun.
Susan Nitzke, PhD, a longtime professor of nutritional sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, suggested that caregivers make a conscious effort to create alternative Halloween traditions that focus on the activity, not on the treats: “Children caught up in the excitement of other Halloween activities are less likely to be focused on the candy,” she said. Some suggestions for fun activities are: hosting your own Halloween costume or craft party; coordinating a scavenger hunt (with toys, not candy, for prizes); participating in candy-free carnivals that are offered by many communities; spinning spooky tunes in the front yard to entertain passing trick-or-treaters.
A recent Halloween study found that many children were just as likely to choose toys as candy when given both options, so don’t sweat offering alternatives. Non-food Halloween items like pencils, stickers, and temporary tattoos are great choices. You can also offer healthier food options, like individual packages of graham crackers, mini-boxes of raisins, or sugar-free gum.
No matter how conscious you are about how you spend Halloween, it’s inevitable that your child will be exposed to at least some candy. You’ll just need a plan to dispose of any excess. Some parents allow a few small pieces per day until most of the candy (or the interest) is gone. You can also offer to trade most of the candy for a bigger, more desirable prize, like a coveted game or toy. Even offering five dollars for all but a few handfuls of candy is cheaper than filling a cavity, and less painful than a toothache. Dentists suggests letting children eat candy after a meal because the body will produce more saliva to help neutralize the acids that attach to tiny teeth. The worst time to eat candy is right before bed.
Have kids rinse out their mouths and brush thoroughly after a candy feast, no matter what time of day. What do dentists consider the worst candies for teeth? Anything that sticks to the teeth and stays there—items like Dots, gummy bears, suckers, and hard candies. The best choice for “oral clearance” (i.e.
that which spends the least amount of time on teeth) is chocolate, because it melts quickly.
If fat and calories are a concern, some popular candies are better choices than others. Licorice only contains thirty calories per serving, and Hershey’s Kisses only have twenty-five. Some chocolate candies like Peppermint Patties, Junior Mints, and Three Musketeers are significantly lower in fat than other choices. Snack sized portions are also an option.
Once you’ve convinced your child to give up the extra candy, get it out reach so that it’s no longer a lingering temptation. Freeze some chocolate bars to melt for s’mores, brownies, or fondue. Consider cutting up the rest to use as chocolate chips for baked goods intended for military personnel, teachers, or anyone special to your heart. Packaging up homemade goodies for others will place the focus on service instead of on consumption.
Halloween is a great time to talk to children about the importance of making good nutritional choices, but you may not want to portray that message as one of overwhelming sacrifice. Once you’ve come up with a workable game plan that allows everyone a little indulgence, explain the limits, but don’t dwell on them.
“If you get too restrictive, they tend to hide food or snack secretly. Most of the Halloween feeding frenzy is in the first few days and then it will settle down,” reassures Linda Davenport, a dietician at Norwood Hospital in Massachusetts. And Idaho dental director A. Riley Cutler says, “Gathering and eating Halloween candy can be a lot of fun for kids and caregivers alike. You can’t raise a child and take away everything that is fun. The key is moderation.”
So offer your little Spider-Man or Wonder Woman plenty of alternatives, but when they savor their hauls, know that treats in moderation are part of the thrill. Then help them learn to make good choices and figure out a useful way to share or purge the excess.
Tiny bottles of bubbles that are sold by the case at the dollar store.
Kid-sized water bottles — trick-or-treaters get thirsty and the water will help to keep sugar from sticking to their teeth.
Tailgating-type treats. My neighbor’s front yard is the most popular trickor-treating destination in our neighborhood, but she doesn’t serve candy. Instead, she hands out bulk hot dogs .
Glow-in-the-dark bracelets. These are popular with kids and ensure that they are easily seen.
Immediately recycle it. Have kids quickly pick out their favorite few handfuls of candy. Send items still tightly packaged and sealed right back out the door to the next batch of trick-ortreaters.
Package up candy and create a care package for soldiers who weren’t able to celebrate a traditional Halloween this year.
Save many varieties of candy for a Thanksgiving day piñata.
Save the hard candy for Christmas gingerbread houses, wreaths, and ornaments.
Save a few handfuls of candy for a scavenger hunt on a school holiday.
Natural disasters come in multiple forms and can quickly devastate many lives in a matter of moments. While they all can cause nightmares for those affected, few are as powerful and destructive as hurricanes.
That’s why, when hurricanes make landfall and wreak havoc, help is immediately needed and accepted by the people and communities affected the most. Here are a few ways you can make a positive impact for those affected by natural disasters, and specifically hurricanes:
One of the most potentially effective ways to lend a hand
after a natural disaster is to start a community fundraiser. This can be as simple as an online account that accepts donations for a group of people and then sends a large sum to a relief organization, or as thought-out as a large-scale event like a raffle or dinner that accepts donations for entry.
Money is typically the resource relief organizations can use the most during natural disasters, and it can also be the easiest way for people to lend aid. There are typically many trustworthy organizations available to which to donate during times of need.
After you’ve made a donation yourself, spread the word to others — whether it’s via word of mouth, social media, or other forms of communication. Let friends and family know how they can join the cause.
While it isn’t viable for everyone, some people closer to the affected region can directly help those in need with physical help at the place it’s most needed. Whether it’s passing out supplies, serving food to those displaced, or other means of lending a hand, volunteers are a valuable resource following natural disasters.
Another option for people looking to help who are closer to the devastation is to offer shelter, especially if they have family members or friends who have been affected. Assisting at places that are sheltering the displaced is another way to provide help, if offering space in your home is not an option.
Injuries can be unavoidable when hurricanes and other disasters strike. One way to help those hospitalized or otherwise injured is to donate blood, possibly saving lives in the process.
In the immediate aftermath of storms and natural disasters, the news cycle is dominated by stories of triumph and despair, and by ways people can help. However, the storm is eventually overshadowed by other, more recent news. One major way people can help after a hurricane is by continuing their support long after the storm has passed, as those affected will need assistance, supplies and donations for much longer than just a couple of weeks after the incident. As time passes, it can be helpful to continue donating money and supplies, committing to helping physically rebuild structures and promoting fundraising efforts.
Find more ways to help those in need at eLivingToday.com.
While the immense power of hurricanes and tropical storms can greatly affect the lives of many in an instant, there are ways to increase your safety before, during, and after the storm. These tips from the American Red Cross can help protect yourself and your family.
• Put together an emergency kit, including basic but crucial items such as water, food, a first-aid kit, cell phones with chargers, contact information for family and friends, flashlights, extra batteries, medications, radios, copies of key personal documents, extra cash, and maps.
• Working with your family, create an evacuation plan for your home. This includes discussing how to
prepare and respond to emergencies, identifying the responsibilities of each person in the home, and practicing the plan.
• As a storm is approaching, stay tuned to local radio or TV stations for the latest updates.
• Be prepared to evacuate quickly, and ensure that your emergency kit and other necessities are ready.
• Stay inside.
• If power is lost, use flashlights in the dark rather than candles.
• If possible, keep radio or TV stations tuned in for any new or developing information.
• Because waters could be contaminated with sewage or contain other dangerous substances, avoid contact with floodwater.
• If instructed to do so by local authorities, shut off the power and water mains.
• If you must be outdoors, don’t walk, swim, or drive through floodwater. Don’t walk on beaches or riverbanks, and don’t allow children to play in or near floodwater.
• Stay out of areas subject to flooding, such as underpasses, dips, and low spots.
• If you must drive and are caught on a flooded road with rising waters, get out of the car and move to
higher ground.
• Communicate with family and friends to let them know you’re safe.
• If you have evacuated, don’t return until authorities confirm it is safe to do so.
• Continue listening to radio or TV stations for new or developing information.
• Be prepared for continued rainfall and additional flooding.
• Don’t use water that could be contaminated.
• If possible, help friends, family and neighbors who require assistance, especially the elderly, people without transportation, large families, and people with disabilities.
• When returning home, stay away from buildings that have water around them.
• Stay away from dangling power lines and report them to power companies.
• For insurance purposes, take pictures of home and item damage.
• When cleaning your home, wear protective clothing like rubber gloves and boots, and be cautious.
• Inquire with professionals to check for roof damage and other more technical tasks.
Para los Latinx, el meses de Septiembre y Octubre son mejor conocidos como los meses de la herencia Latinx, en el cual se celebran las tradiciones, las historias, las culturas, las contribuciones y los logros de las personas Latinx-Americanos (as) con ancestros de España, México, el Caribe, Centroamérica y Sudamérica. “La semana de la herencia Latinx” se estableció en el año 1968 bajo la presidencia del Presidente Lyndon B. Johnson. En 1988 el Presidente Ronald Reagan lo extendió de una semana a un mes.
Me facina esta época del año porque me hace sentir muy afortunada de poder enseñarle a mis hijos acerca de los (las) Latinx-Americanos (as) que han llegado a ser gran parte de la historia de los Estados Unidos. En mi casa hemos estado aprendiendo acerca de Ellen Ochoa (la primera mujer Latinx astronauta), Sonia Sotomayor (la primera mujer juez Latinx en la Corte Suprema) y César Chávez (Latinx activista de los derechos civiles- que logró mejorar las condiciones para los trabajadores agrícolas). Nos encanta ir a la biblioteca y pedir prestados ciertos libros en Español sobre estos temas.
Además, estos meses son meses de fiesta. No cabe duda que para los Norteamericanos (as) el festejo tradicional de Halloween o la Noche de Brujas se celebra a lo grande. Durante este día las casas de los vecindarios abren sus puertas para regalar dulces o caramelos a niños (as) y jóvenes que se han vestido con disfraces carismáticos de sus
personajes preferidos. También, muchas iglesias locales organizan un evento llamado “trunk or treat (celebración de Halloween en el estacionamiento)” para la comunidad en el cual las familias se estacionan y reparten los dulces desde las cajuelas de su automóvil. A mi familia les encantan los “trunk or treats” porque es más fácil pedir dulces o caramelos para los niños pequeños de esta manera.
Pero también, en muchos de nuestros países latinoamericanos se celebra el Dia de los Muertos, Difuntos, Santos o Antepasados. Esta celebración tiene raíces prehispánicas y religiosas y festeja a los difuntos con ofrendas llenas de fotografías, veladoras, calaveras de azúcar, flores de cempasúchil y más. ¡Los altares son muy coloridos y extremadamente hermosos!
Para mi, el Dia de los Muertos ha sido un dia muy especial donde puedo aprender más y recordar a mis queridos antepasados, en particular
a mis abuelitos. A pesar de que se llama “el Dia de los Muertos” en realidad es un día donde celebramos la vida de nuestros antepasados, no solo su muerte. Ellos pasaron por muchos desafíos y son ejemplos de la perseverancia, bondad, y afán y podemos aprender mucho de ellos. Yo tuve la fortuna de crecer en México y claramente recuerdo la primera vez que deje un plato de mole, una coca-cola, una veladora, y flores de cempasúchil en el altar de mi abuelito paterno.
Tal vez para nuestros vecinos y amigos que no hablan Español, piensan que El Dia de los Muertos es solamente la versión Latinx de Halloween pero puede ser algo aún mucho más especial. Es un dia para recordar el amor que sentimos por nuestras familias; ambos los que ya fallecieron y los que viven. Debemos expresar gratitud por los sacrificios que han hecho para que salgamos adelante y hay que compartir esta importante herencia con nuestros hijos (as) y amigos (as). Les animo
a que, mientras que disfrutemos las fiestas de Halloween que tal vez son nuevas tradiciones para muchos de nosotros, que también busquemos la oportunidad de compartir nuestras hermosas tradiciones con los que nos rodean. A pesar de que muchos de nosotros nos sentimos lejos de casa, podemos tratar de siempre conmemorar a nuestros antepasados e inculcar un amor por nuestras costumbres en nuestros hijos (as).
¡Espero que todos tengan un feliz mes de Octubre seguro y divertido y que encuentren una forma de recordar y honrar a sus antepasados! ¡Felices fiestas!
¡Hola! Me llamo Paola y tendré el privilegio de compartir un mensaje mensual en Español con nuestros lectores. Estoy muy agradecida y emocionada por esta oportunidad. Soy originalmente de Mexicali, Baja California, México y como muchos de ustedes, tengo poco tiempo viviendo en esta hermosa ciudad de Roanoke. Para alguna pregunta o comentario favor de enviar un correo electrónico a esta dirección: paoladehart@gmail.com.
September 16 -
November 4
October Hours
Wednesdays 4-8:30pm
Saturdays 10am-6pm
Sundays 11am-6pm
Colored pencils, crayons, markers, scissors, and paint are essential staples of childhood. Children come into the world with an innate desire to create. As Pablo Picasso said, “Every child is an artist.” Celebrate that natural creativity by sharing these marvelous art books with your children!
something absolutely amazing. Through clever flaps and pop-ups, the book shows ways of turning a tear, spill, or other oops, into something new and incredible. It’s great for all, but especially for those kids (and adults too) who struggle with frustration when their art projects don’t turn out how they imagined.
Someone has accidentally left out a set of red, yellow, and blue paint pots. Three very curious little mice have found them and simply can’t resist climbing inside and dunking themselves in the wet paint. The now red, yellow, and blue mice soon discover they can mix the colors and create orange, green, and purple too. This gentle introduction to the color wheel is lovely.
Making art is all about experimenting and exploring. Beautiful Oops shows how to take what appears to be a mistake and repurpose it into
What would happen if your art came to life? Three friends find out when they happen upon a bag of magical chalk. They begin drawing together and suddenly their art starts rising from the pavement, vivid,
alive, and real. The friends start exploring their new power by drawing sunshine and butterflies, but then they go a step farther and draw a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Creating a living dinosaur, as we know from Jurassic Park, is generally a very bad idea. Chaos reigns until the kids figure out how to use their art to save the day.
Dog received a blank sketchbook as a gift. At first, he wasn’t sure what to do with it, but then he started doodling and a world of storytelling and adventures opened up! Dog creates new friends (duck, owl, and crab), and together they ride trains, explore the sea in boats, and find a desert island. For every problem that arises, Dog draws a creative solution. Be warned — after reading this book you should have some blank sketchbooks on hand for your newly inspired kiddos!
It is time for pure absolute silliness. This goofy adaption of the song “It Ain’t Gonna Rain No More” is fabulously colorful and messy. A young boy has been forbidden to paint anymore after painting on the walls of
his house. The call of the paint cannot be resisted, however, and soon he is painting his whole body from head to toe. Be prepared for “I Ain’t Gonna Paint No More!” to become a family favorite!
From 5 years ago.
Arts and crafts have a way of sticking around, and while I want to encourage creativity in my kids, I hate cleaning up the aftermath.
Yes, we can make them clean up. I know. But seriously. Do they ever really clean it all up? If you’re going to be the one picking up from the latest craft session, here are 13 crafts that will make your job easier and allow your little artist to be creative.
I love this. Still. And kids are drawn to it. Scratch through the black surface to reveal amazing colors. Reveal as much or as little as you want. This favorite comes with 16 boards, 2 stylus tools and 3 frames. Kids love the rainbow and metallic backgrounds.
A small notebook sized LCD drawing panel, the Boogie Board Jot is perfect for drawing anywhere, even in the car. No mess and endless possibility. Kids love the erase button and the ability to
By Rebecca Hastingsstart fresh. Great for keeping in your purse for kids to play with on the go.
This one does involve paint, but it’s all pretty self-contained. Spread a piece of newspaper and grab a cup of water. Kids put together small wooden cars and then decorate using the stickers and paints provided. This one is great for keeping boys busy and giving them a chance to create.
Kids design outfits and unique looks on the doll like outlines provided. Tons of great activity books with stencils for those who love to create fun fashion looks. Makeup, fashion and even home decorating books give kids great ways to draw and imagine as they get older. Melissa & Doug Paint with Water Sometimes the little ones just want to paint. A great compromise that just involves water! Watch images and colors appear magically as your little artists swipes a wet brush across a page!
Cardboard box play taken to the next level, kids can easily construct a house and then decorate it with crayons. Toddlers love this and it keeps them busy for hours!
Half the fun of this amazing toy is the magic! Kids use the special brush to paint on their paper. It lights up with each color they pick and they create a masterpiece. Plus, it doesn’t leave marks on hands, the table or clothes!
These bendy, twisty sticks quickly become a favorite of kids and adults. You can link them together, twist and create without making a mess to clean up. Another great toy for the traveling creative!
Let nature take care of the cleanup! Kids love the ability to leave their mark and draw outdoors. A bucket of sidewalk chalk fits the bill, and all you
have to do is wash hands when it’s done!
Creative Hands Foam Kit Beads 2 Lace
Fun and great for fine motor development, Beads 2 Lace give kids the chance to string chunky foam beads in different shapes and colors to create one of a kind masterpieces. While there are a lot of pieces, this one is easy to clean up. You can even make a game out of tossing the foam pieces in the bucket when you’re done!
Alex Toys Little Hands Mosaics
Using the color coded stickers kids place them on the template and create a beautiful picture. These are great for hanging up when they’re complete! Also offers fantastic color and shape matching and fine motor development.
Softer and airier than the traditional play-doh, Model Magic is a great way to let kids mold and shape with less mess! It also air dries solid, giving little artists the chance to create forever masterpieces!
When you can’t avoid the mess, at least make it in the easiest place to clean up! Finger paints and crayons specifically designed for the tub, give kids the chance to make a mess. And cleaning up when they’re done is contained and fun.
What mess free crafts do your kids love?
Rebecca traded the classroom for writing when she stayed home with her three children. Passionate about authenticity, faith, and family, you can find her at RebeccaHastings.net and on Amazon. In real life, she can often be found typing words, driving her kids places or wherever there is chocolate.
1. Make sure your plate is dry and then draw a shape or figure on it with the dry erase marker — anything you want!
2. Let your drawing dry.
3. Carefully add room-temperature water to the dish so that it gently flows over your drawing.
What do you notice happening? Your figure should lift up from the surface of the dish.
Try moving your figure around by blowing on it or gently touching it with your finger.
If your figure doesn’t lift up, wait a few moments to see if anything changes. If your figure still does not move, try a different dish. (Editor’s note: For us, non-Pyrex dishes worked best.)
Dry-erase markers, unlike permanent markers, are designed to be able to be easily wiped away from smooth, non-porous surfaces like whiteboards or glass. In order to make this happen, the ink has a special oily silicone polymer added, which helps make sure the ink
Bumper Cars
Ninja Warrior Course
Basketball Dodgeball
Jousting Pit
Fidget Ladder
Airbag Pit
Launch Tower
doesn’t stick to surfaces.
The ink used in dry-erase markers is also not soluble in water, so it won’t dissolve. If you add these two things together, you get an ink that won’t stick and won’t dissolve, which is why your drawing separates from the dish when you add water.
The dry-erase ink also has one more special property: it is less dense than water. That’s why your drawing floated and moved on the water’s surface.
Arcade with prizes
Flight Training Wall
Snack Bar
5 Party Rooms
Try this same experiment but then place your hand straight down on the floating shape. What happened?
Did it transfer to your hand?
Alternatively, try picking your drawing up out of the water. Can you lift it up?
What happens when you put it back in the water? Explore, Discover & Learn!
Bring the Taubman Museum of Art to you with this fun activity inspired by the exhibition In a Decade: Recent Acquisitions to Our Collection, on view through January 3, 2021. The exhibition features a variety of media, including sculptures like this one!
Materials Needed:
Model Magic or Playdough
Hard, Flat Surface Scrap Paper
Try to make these shapes with your clay! Once you have these techniques down, you can make all kinds of things!
Make a ball and then flatten it.
Start with a ball and gently press your thumb into the center, about halfway through the ball.
TIP: Use the palms of your hands to roll the clay!
Start with a ball and roll it between your hands until it looks like a hot dog.
Pinch the edges with your fingers to make a little cup or bowl, also known as a pinch pot.
• Protect your work space with a sheet of scrap paper, wax paper, or a scrap piece of fabric!
• If you want your clay to dry, just leave it out in the open! It may take one to three days to harden completely.
Place on a table or hard surface and continue to gently roll until it looks like a snake or rope!
Now that you know some sculpture techniques, see what you can make! Try something abstract, like the sculpture Flor de Consugra, or mold your clay into a tiny creature, a yummy cupcake, or a fancy car—the possibilities are endless!
• If you want to reuse your clay, keep it in a sealed bag or cover it with plastic wrap until you’re ready to play again.
• Add color with markers! You can add color whether the clay is wet or dry.
$20 per person wristband includes all activities on farm. Pumpkins and Gemstone mining are available at additional cost.
Annual Fall Festival
Corn Maze & Pumpkin Patch
September 16 -
November 4
October Hours
Wednesdays 4-8:30pm
Saturdays 10am-6pm
Sundays 11am-6pm