1 minute read
The Eagan Family
Contact Us: P.O. Box 4484, Roanoke, VA 24015 540-251-1660 www.roanoke.family
Josh & Andrea Eagan josh@virginiafamily.com
• Anika and Evelyn’s Parents
Creative Director
Tracy Fisher tracy@virginiafamily.com
• Charlotte and Evelyn’s Mom
Sales Assistants
Ani & Evie Eagan sales@virginiafamily.com • Bauer and Chloe’s Owners
John Morris • COV Designs john@covdesigns.com
Kimberly Emory • Jamie Lober
Lesley Butterfield-Harrop • Sandra Pratt
Rachel Levine • Angela Evans
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Roanoke Valley Family and www.roanoke.family are published by MoFat Publishing. Roanoke Valley Family is published monthly. The views and the opinions expressed by the writers and advertisers do not necessarily represent those of Roanoke Valley Family, its staff, or its contributors. While multiple businesses, schools, and organizations are represented in our pages, and magazines are often distributed to students according to the policies and procedures of each school district, this is not a publication coordinated or endorsed by any public or private school district, nor is it a publication with any religious or political objectives. As a mass media outlet, it is our oath and responsibility to communicate with due diligence, through our content, the plurality of views and opinions reflected in our audience of Central and Southwest Virginia. Readers are strongly encouraged to verify information with programs and businesses directly. Parents are urged to thoroughly research any decisions involving their children. Copyright 2019 by MoFat Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved. All material, including artwork, advertisements, and editorials, may not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the publisher.