an appointment for a Relationship Review!
September 2022 Volume 11 • Issue 1

Inside September Calendar of Events Tips for Young Investors Kids Eat Free One of our most popular sections returns! Serious Learning, Serious Fun Rachel Reads The focus of this month’s books is School! Science Experiment - Drinkable Density 2622362010163281218 7 Tips for MovingCollegeto

The Eagan Family Andrea, Josh, Ani and Evie
We welcome reader comments, submissions, and the support of advertisers.
Leading Off
For our readers who are teachers, you have a fresh roster of students to teach, encour age, and of course, get to know. You shape the minds of our future leaders while taking care of the most precious and important parts of our lives. You are so important to your students, their parents, and our So,communities.nomatter which school or grade you’ll be attending (or teaching), we wish you the happiest, safest, and most successful school year ever.
We reserve the right to refuse or edit any materials submitted to us as we deem inappropriate for our audience. Please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope with any submission to be returned. We do not accept responsibility for unsolicited materials.
Contributors Kimberly Emory • Jamie Lober Susan Baldani • Georgianne Vecellio Rachel Levine • Jacqueline Moon • Grace Partin Contact Us: P.O. Box 4484, Roanoke, VA 24015 www.roanoke.family540-251-1660 JoshPublishers&Andrea Eagan • Anika and Evelyn’s Parents Creative Director Tracy Fisher • Charlotte and Evelyn’s Mom Sales Assistants Ani & Evie Eagan • Bauer and Chloe’s Owners Submit Your Ideas Share your story ideas with us by jackie@virginiafamily.comemailing © Copyright 2021 Mofat Publishing /roanokevalleyfamily@rvfamilymag@roanokefamily/roanokefamily Connect With Us Read Our Other Publications JohnWebmasterMorris•COV Designs Proud Members of the Parenting Media Association since 2013! Learn more at 8 7 8 Andrea, Ani and Evie at the Eiffel Tower on our Family Vacation this summer.
This year, our oldest, Ani heads into her Senior Year of High School. We’re not really sure how this has happened; it was just yesterday that she was in kindergarten. But every family starts a new chapter when a school year begins. Regardless of what grade they are entering or if you are chang ing schools. The start of the school year allows our children to make friends, learn new things, and challenge themselves to do better than the year before.
It happens every year: our back-to-school issue. Parents love it and kids hate it. It seems like it gets here more quickly each year. We start off the summer with such great plans. Vacations and day trips fill our schedules and we spend nights outside on the greenway or grilling a delicious dinner in the backyard. Then before you know it, we’re buying school clothes, planning lunches, and in our case, planning for upcoming events in the fall like the Royal Ball.
Roanoke Valley Family and are published by MoFat Publishing. Roanoke Valley Family is published monthly.
The views and the opinions expressed by the writers and advertisers do not necessarily represent those of Roanoke Valley Family, its staff, or its contributors. While multiple businesses, schools, and organizations are represented in our pages, and magazines are often distributed to students according to the policies and procedures of each school district, this is not a publication coordinated or endorsed by any public or private school district, nor is it a publication with any religious or political objectives. As a mass media outlet, it is our oath and responsibility to communicate with due diligence, through our content, the plurality of views and opinions reflected in our audience of Central and Southwest Virginia. Readers are strongly encouraged to verify information with programs and businesses directly. Parents are urged to thoroughly research any decisions involving their children. Copyright 2019 by MoFat Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved. All material, including artwork, advertisements, and editorials, may not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the publisher.

Fall Festivals are starting to pop up throughout the region this September - with Layman Farms leading the way in the RoanokeValley!
Family • September 20228 September Layman Family Farms Opens Sept 17| Blue Ridge Party In Elmwood Every Thursday - 5:30-8:30 Elmwood Park City Market Saturday Every Saturday - 11AM-2PM | Market Square Sinkland Farms FestivalPumpkin Opens Sept 23| Christiansburg Our 83 acre farm located in Blue Ridge, Virginia offers fun for the entire family. Come navigate your way through our 10 acre corn maize, pick the perfect pumpkin, and enjoy the many activities. While exploring all of the fun the farm has to offer, don’t forget to meet our furry friends. If you work up an appetite, we offer full concessions along with the fantastic Fry Shack! Come for the fun, stay for the views; there’s something for everyone at Layman Family Farms.

A lot of learning happens in the first five years. Fortunately, you’ve got partners who can help! Smart2Start is your one stop guide for finding — and affording — early care and educational opportunities for children from birth to age 5. Bright By Text is a free service that provides tips, activities and community resources to help you give your child a healthy, happy start. To learn more, visit: Standard message and data rates apply. Text STOP to 274448 to stop. Text HELP to 274448 for help. toUWROANOKEText274448 Standard message and data rates apply. Text STOP to 274448 to stop. Text HELP to 274448 for help. toUWROANOKEText274448

Family • September 202210 Finding engaging learning opportunities that will capture a child’s attention and fight off boredom during the summer months is a constant struggle for every parent. The solution to this problem may be found nestled at the intersection between play and learning: Puzzles. Puzzles come in many forms. Traditional jigsaw puzzles and other physical assembly puzzles, word puzzles, math puzzles, and logic puzzles have been enjoyed for generations, and exist all over the world. Regardless of what form they come in, puzzles and other thinking games offer extensive cognitive benefits while keeping kids of all ages active, engaged, and motivated to learn.
Math Number-orientedPuzzles games like chess, checkers, or the card game “ninety-nine” are great ways to exercise math skills. Logic puzzles and math story problems are even better. Fun story problems can be found in the book One Minute Mysteries: 65 Short Mysteries You Solve With Math, which offers brief, one-page “mysteries” that can only be solved using math and logic skills. These brainteasers can be worked on individually or discussed together before revealing the answer on the next page. Ryan McAllister, Ph.D., a biophysicist at Georgetown University, said of the book, “Math often gets a bad rap for being hard and unpleasant. Mysteries, on the other hand, are fun and exciting…. Readers get to use their logic and reasoning skills while playing Sherlock Holmes!”
How Brainteasers, Games, and Puzzles Help Kids Learn
like Donahue know that solving puzzles isn’t just fun. It actually exercises skills that make it easier for kids to understand and retain difficult lessons. These include critical thinking skills, problem solving abilities, creativity, visualization, and memory.
By Hannah Thelen
Serious Learning, Serious Fun
games can be used to develop more specialized skills. For example, Donahue says, “If kids have to use math to win a game, they more readily internalize the concept and the skill.” Any hands-on learning will work—even board games that use simple addition to calculate points.
Puzzles require kids to create strategies in order to solve a problem, applying both prior knowledge and new information. They also encourage kids to contemplate and compare solutions in order to achieve a Furthermore,goal.
Kathleen Donahue, homeschool parent and owner of Labyrinth Games and Puzzles in Washington, D.C., facilitates after-school strategic game classes in 13 elementary schools, and knows firsthand the power of puzzles in children’s education. Donahue says that puzzles are “less intimidating than a lot of other educational instruments,” so kids have more confidence when practicing their skills. “With games, puzzles, and boardgames, there is an attainable solution. And if it is attainable, kids don’t give Educatorsup.”
Developing critical thinking skills is especially important, as described in a paper from American Psychologist: “We know that middle school students can make substantial improvements in problem-solving ability—even general IQ— when they are taught general principles of critical thinking.”
If there are specific subjects you want to help your children learn, finding the right kind of puzzle requires a little creativity. Here are some ideas to try: English Or Language Puzzles Word games and logic puzzles lend themselves easily to developing language and writing skills. “Puzzles can be particularly powerful in the English and Language Arts classroom because they allow students to approach words logically, mathematically, and visually, creating cross-brain connections,” explains high school English teacher and blogger, Danielle Hall. She also suggests using a game in the style of Taboo® to review characters or major themes from a book, or to help kids memorize vocabulary words. History Or Social Science Puzzles Classic crossword puzzles, created using historical figures, events, or vocabulary, are perfect for history or social studies lessons. They can help kids connect important information given in the clues, such as “Written by James Madison in 1789” to the phrase they are trying to guess, “Bill of Rights.”
Science IncorporatingPuzzlespuzzles into a science lesson can be tricky, but fortunately the One Minute Mysteries series also offers 65 Short Mysteries You Solve with Science, and 65 More Short Mysteries You Solve with Science. With the same brainteaser format as the math book, these puzzles require kids to think critically and utilize

Family • September 2022 11 their science knowledge to find a solution. Even without specific science content, any puzzles can be used to introduce the scientific method. To solve a puzzle, kids must observe, hypothesize, test their solution, and make conclusions.
Puzzles and games provide a rare safe environment where, Kathleen Donahue explains, “you can try them over and over again to gain mastery,” which teaches perseverance and makes a child’s success more Regularlyimpactful.using
The benefits of puzzle solving don’t end with helping kids learn. Working on puzzles can also build social skills and promote positive thinking. Working together with other individuals demonstrates patience, teamwork, and listening skills. Furthermore, “Overcoming the challenges involved in solving a puzzle really gives [kids] a sense of achievement and pride within themselves,” says Janice Davis, Early Childhood Teacher and Learning 4 Kids Founder. “It provides a boost to their selfconfidence and self-esteem.”
puzzles to create learning lessons for your child not only helps prevent summer learning loss, but also allows them to think creatively to solve problems, process and memorize information more effectively, and gain personal skills that can be used for a lifetime.
Hannah Thelen is an editor for Platypus Media, and strongly believes in the importance of children’s education. She earned her BFA in creative writing from Bowling Green State University, and she now lives in Silver Spring, MD, where she enjoys board games and hefty books. She can be reached at

A Relationship:Grand
We’ve all seen giddy grandparents in the park complying with a grandchild’s excited pleas of “higher grandpa.” The bond between a child and his grandparents is entirely obvious, heartwarming, and universal. “It’s the only relationship in which people are crazy about one another simply because they’re breathing,” says Dr. Arthur Kornhaber, author of “The Grandparent Guide” (McGraw-Hill) and founder of The Foundation For Grandparents. He says that grandchildren and their grandparents usually “have an adoration and unconditional love and joy in one another’s existence.” Benefits For Grandchildren Experts say that the physical, spiritual, and emotional benefits of a healthy grandparent and child relationship are significant for all parties. Grandparents help children gain a sense of history, heritage, and identity and provide a vital connection to the past. Like no one else, grandparents can pass on important family traditions and life stories that a grandchild will not only relish when young, but will also grow to appreciate even more as he gets older. Having involved grandparents can also reassure children that they can love and depend upon someone other than their parents. Susan Bosak, author of “How To Build The Grandma Connection” says that children who have strong ties with involved, caring grandparents develop higher self-esteem, better emotional and social skills (including an ability to withstand peer pressure,) and enhanced academic performance. She says that since grandparents’ parenting and intense working commitments have usually passed, they typically have the time to offer the undivided attention that tired, busy parents sometimes can’t. Bosak often hears children explain that grandparents are always happy to give them the “real scoop” on family stories that their parents would rather they not hear, like the time that Dad hit a baseball through the kitchen window. Benefits For Grandparents Likewise, grandparents also reap numerous benefits from a close relationship with their grandchildren. The desire to be present as a child grows has encouraged many grandparents to remain active, to educate themselves on current events and issues important to children, and to take a greater interest in their own Cindyhealth.Giallombardo was struggling with painful multiple myeloma when her first grandchild was born. She was devastated by the fear that she wouldn’t have much time to spend with him, but when he wrapped his tiny fingers around hers, she vowed that she would never give up on treatment. Because she wanted to see her grandson reach major milestones, she explored every treatment option available to her, even those that were painful or experimental, a road she may not have taken without the motivation of a grandchild. Her grandson, now 7, has no idea that he’s been such a huge motivation for his grandmother. He only knows that “she loves me more than anything” and that he takes great pleasure in riding on her scooter, swinging on her tire swing, and repeatedly hearing about the time his mom lost control of a golf cart, ran it into a ditch, and took the family’s mailbox with it.
Staying In Touch Not all grandparents are able to be as hands-on as they might like, but even those who live far away can still have a huge impact on a child’s life.
The Bond Between Grandparents And Grandchildren is A Win-Win Situation
By Shannon Dean

With a little effort and some help from modern technology, the relationship can still grow and endure. Allan Zullo, a grandfather who co-wrote the book “A Boomer’s Guide to Grandparenting,” says, “Being a grandparent is not an honorary position. We have a strong role to play even if we’re not living in the Helifesomeone’stolearnedwegoodsharewantlifesomeone’simpactastillWetown.samecanhavegreatonandwetothethingshavemakebetter.”encourages
have access to both grandparents and grandchildren in order to be a full human being.” - Margaret Mead Family • September 2022 13 REAL. SAVINGS.LOCAL. Michael540-985-6550Craft 4750 Valley View Limitations apply. See for more details. GEICO & affiliates. Washington, DC 20076 © 2019 GEICO
Benefits For Parents Experts say that a smart parent will make every effort to forge strong bonds between their children and a grandparent (or even a grandparent figure.) Who else will truly understand, love, and value your child in the same way that you do? Better yet, grandparents are usually more than happy to give parents a break from child rearing every now and then. By showing your children that you greatly value their grandparents, you’re teaching them the importance of maintaining close family ties, a skill that you will certainly want them to master by the time they have their own children – your grandchildren.
Zullo says that encouraging a loving relationship with grandparents is a special advantage that parents can easily provide: “What a gift,” he says, “a family history, a sense of family, and their roots.” to
“Everyone needs
long-distance grandparents to share any hobbies that interest their grandchildren and to then schedule time to work on mutual projects. That could mean that you both complete quilt squares while apart and then get together to complete the quilt, or work on separate cars for one model train that you’ll connect during spring break. Some other ideas to keep ties strong: Consider allowing children to spend part of school breaks or summers with their grandparents. Use the internet or cell phones to play audiotograndparentsmail.)receivealsoon,aren’tgrandparentsphotos.emailstotogethergamesandchat.Sendand(IfloggedchildrenlovetosnailAskvideoorrecord themselves reading a favorite book or sharing their stories and memories. Finally, allow and encourage grandchildren to ask lots of questions. Grandparents love to share stories and children love to hear them.
Bring New Life to Your Kitchen with
Article provided by Elmira Stove Works and edited by our staff
The experts at Elmira Stove Works offer these design tips, which take into consideration the psychology of some of the most popular colors for the kitchen.
One way to bring blue into the kitchen is through 1950s-inspired appliances from Elmira Stove Works in Beach Blue, a hue that takes its cue from days spent lazing by the pool or at the seashore. From refrigerators and ranges to microwaves and dishwasher panels, retro appliances can bring a fun, welcoming vibe to kitchens.
"Appliances are a great way to spectrum, yellow is a lively hue that represents youthfulness and joy. It can inspire reflection and creativity, lift spirits, and encourage optimism.
Red A strong, vibrant color, red is often associated with passion, pride, and strength. In the kitchen, bold pops of red can command attention. Red is a perfect hue for appliances—both large and small—and also works well in a patterned backsplash or on decorative items such as canisters and cookware. Consider red "crystal" grout for tile, instead of traditional white, to create an unexpected look.
Family • September 202214
Blue Soothing, calm, and reminiscent of the sea and the sky, blue evokes feelings of health and wellbeing. Adding this naturally relaxing hue to the kitchen, which is often the busiest room in the home, can transform the space into your own personal retreat.
"Color, whether bold or on the subtler side, can really make a kitchen come alive," said Tony Dowling, vice president of Elmira Stove Works.
"That's why it's important to choose colors that 'speak to you,' express your unique personality and truly make you feel at home."
Black Although it has a reputation for darkness and mystery, black is also associated with sophistication. Think of a black-tie affair, where the dramatic attire and decor create an upscale atmosphere. Black design elements can lend that same sense of elegance to your kitchen. Appliances are commonly available in black, but you can also incorporate black through tilework, granite or marble countertops, or an eye-catching porcelain or soapstone
White Associated with clarity, cleanliness, and purity, this "non-hue" promotes a sense of order and can provide the ideal backdrop for other colors and design elements. For a streamlined backsplash and cabinetry. For a more relaxed but still fresh look, introduce a few colorful kitchen accessories or paint an accent wall in your favorite hue.
Use yellow in your kitchen to bathe it in year-round "sunshine," especially if your kitchen doesn't get a lot of natural light or could use an extra dose of warmth and cheer.
"Color is powerful—when you walk into a room, you can instantly feel its subconscious effect on your mood, your heart rate, and even your appetite," said color trend expert Janice Fedak.
"Whateversink. colors you choose for your kitchen, the most important thing is to trust your intuition and to wrap your kitchen in hues that make you feel good," Fedak said.
Just as filling your plate with colorful foods is good for your body, filling your kitchen with color can be good for the soul. In fact, color is an important element in interior design not only for its aesthetic value, but also because it can shape perceptions and emotions.

Cover up dreary mini blinds with a hanging herb garden. It also keeps your space smelling great and the herbs are easily accesible for cooking!
Family • September 2022 15
You can use a simple frosted privacy screen decal to maintain your rooms light but keep nosy neighbors out of your living room.
Use decorative nails or drawer pulls to hang a delicate curtain. It adds bling to a normaly boring design piece.
Beyond the Drape
Turn your window into a statement with these non-curtain treatments!

Family • September 202216 540-404-9235 1300 Intervale Drive Salem VA launchingpadsalem.com24153 Roanoke Valley’s Only Trampoline Park Book BirthdayYourPartyToday! Kids Eat Free Every Day • Mama Maria’s 11 AM - 2 PM • 3 & under free buffet with paid adult W. Main St., Salem (540) 389-2848 • Golden Corral All Day • 3 & under free buffet with paid adult 1441 Towne Square Blvd., (540)Roanoke563-8826 IHop 4PM-10PM • 12 & Under All Locations Monday • Famous Anthony’s 3 PM - Close • 1 child per paid adult All Locations in Roanoke, Salem, & Vinton (540) 362-1400 • Buffalo Wild Wings 4 PM - 9 PM • 12 & under, 1 child per paid adult All (540)Locations725-9464 • El Rio Mexican Grill All Day • 10 & under, 1 child per paid adult 4208 Electric Rd., Roanoke (540) 685-4343 • Firehouse Subs All Day • 11 & under, 2 children per paid adult combo,dine in (540)Blacksburg961-0371 • The Green Goat All Day • 12 & under, 1 child per paid adult 802 Wiley Dr. SW, Roanoke (540) 904-6091 Tuesday • Denny’s 4 PM - 10 PM • 12 & under, 1 child per paid adult All Locations Roanoke & (540)Salem389-5074 • Macado’s 4 PM - 9 PM • 12 & under, $1 child meal per paid AlladultLocations in Roanoke & (540)Salem776-9884 • McAlister’s Deli 5 PM - Close • 2 children per paid adult 2063 Colonial Ave., (540)Roanoke204-4407 • Town Center Tap House All Day • 12 & under, 2 children per paid adult 90 Town Center St., (540)Daleville591-9991 cheap or

&TrampolinesMore! Bumper Cars Ninja Warrior FlightArcadeLaunchFidgetJoustingBasketballCourseDodgeballPitLadderAirbagPitTowerwithprizesTrainingWallSnackBar5PartyRooms • Firehouse Subs All Day • 12 & under, 1 child per paid adult Colonial Ave, Town Square & Salem only (540) 345-3131 Wednesday • Dogwood 4 PM - Close • 10 & under, per paid adult 106 E. Lee Ave., Vinton (540) 343-6549 •ThursdayJerry’sFamilyRestaurant 4 PM - Close • 6 & under, 1 child per adult meal 1340purchaseE.Washington Ave., (540)Vinton343-4400 Friday See Everyday Deals! •SaturdayFamousAnthony’s 12 PM - Close • 1 child per adult meal All Locations Roanoke, Salem, Vinton (540) 362-1400 Sunday • Local Roots 5 PM -7 PM • 5 & under eat for free, discount for ages 5-7 per paid adult 1314 Grandin Rd., Roanoke (540) 206-2610 • T.G.I.Fridays All Day • 12 & under 1 with paying adult 4869 Valley View Blvd., (540)Roanoke362-1475 • Moe’s Southwestern Grill All Day • 1 free per paid AlladultRoanoke & Blacksburg locations • Firehouse Subs All Day • 12 and Under 1 free per paid adult Keagy Road, 540-204-4471Roanoke • Rodeo Grande All Day • 12 and Under 1 free per paid adult Valley View, 540-206-2296Roanoke • Lew’s Restaurant SW All Day • 12 and Under 2 free per paid adult Walnut Avenue, Roanoke 540-682-5925 Roanoke Valley Family Magazine publishes these deals for informational purposes only. A Listing here does not guarantee a discount at any of the mentioned restaurants. Promotions often change without notice and we recommend calling the restaurant to confirm any discount before arrival.

Wilma Unlimited is a book you don’t want to miss. Wilma Rudolph was one of the strongest women in American history. When she was just four, she contracted scarlet fever and lost the ability to walk. Wilma and her family fought racism and poverty to get her the care she needed. Through pure determination, Wilma regained her ability to walk, learned how to play basketball, and then began to run track — and wow, was she fast!
Do you know the story of how basketball came to be? Hoop Genius tells the true story of James Naismith, the inventor of basketball! James had taken over a wild PE class that had already driven two teachers to quit. He was desperate. He needed a high-energy game that would be exciting but would limit the amount of physical contact between the players. He wanted a game that required skill and focus. Through experimentation and lots of trial and error, James Naismith came up with basketball, an exciting and challenging game now played all around the world!
Wilma Unlimited by Kathleen Krull
by Rachel Levine
Rachel’s Reads
Family • September 202218
Hoop Genius by John Coy
Jabari Jumps by Gala Cornwall Can you remember the first time you jumped off a diving board? The fear? The nervousness? The butterflies in your stomach as you tried to gather your courage? Jabari Jumps perfectly captures the experience of jumping off a diving board for the first time. Readers will cheer Jabari on as he slowly works his way up the ladder, then to the end of the diving board, and finally takes a big leap into the pool below. Cornwall’s stunning illustrations help the reader experience Jabari’s worry, determination, and hard-earned pride alongside him.
Wilma’s hard work led to her winning three gold medals in track at the 1960 Olympic Games. Learn about Wilma Rudolph and be prepared to have your whole family inspired!
Soccer, softball, and basketball. Gymnastics, swimming, and track. Dancing, hiking, and lacrosse. These are all ways you can keep your kids active in the Roanoke Valley. Athletic opportunities abound, and the real challenge is finding time to be active on top of school and work! Being active is obviously good for our health, but sports can also inspire us to work toward goals, provide a way to challenge ourselves, and give us role models to look up to. Celebrate physical and emotional strength with these inspiring books, and then head outside and play together! Make sure to keep a lookout for Jabari Jumps by Gaia Cornwall in Little Free Libraries around town!

CHIP Roanoke - 1201 3rd Street SW - Roanoke, VA 24016
Amtrak Station – Downtown Roanoke Kirk Family YMCA Lower Entrance – Downtown Roanoke Roanoke Main Post Office - 419 Rutherord Avenue - Roanoke, VA 24022
Launching Pad – 1300 Intervale Dr – Salem, VA 24153
Prestige Gymnastics - 2726 Lee Highway - Troutville, VA 24175
LewisGale Medical Center – 1900 Electric Rd – Salem, VA 24153
Little Libraries are a great way to spread literacy and entertainment throughout our communities. Every month Growing Up in the Valley will restock the little libraries with great books for your whole family and we welcome your donations as well! Stop by our locations to see what surprises we have in store, and maybe leave a gently used book for someone else to enjoy.
United Way - 325 Campbell Avenue SW - Roanoke, VA 24011
Our bodies enable us to play and move! The Busy Body Book celebrates all of the fun physical activities our bodies can do while teaching kids about how their bodies work. Together, parents and kids can learn about the skeletal system, the muscular system, the nervous system, the digestive system, and even the respiratory system in a fun way. With happy and energetic illustrations, The Busy Body Book will motivate kids to go outside and play!
Need a Book? Take a Book. Have a Book? Leave a Book.
Zenimura was born in Japan but grew up in Hawaii and California, where he fell in love with baseball. He was a strong player and played in exhibition games with members of the Yankees. Then the bombing of Pearl Harbor happened, and the US Government forced Americans with Japanese heritage into detention camps.
Star City Little Library
Family • September 2022 19
The Busy Body Book by Lizzy Rockwell
Roanoke Ballet Theatre – 1318 Grandin Rd SW – Roanoke, VA 24015
Barbed Wire Baseball by Marissa Moss Barbed Wire Baseball shares the powerful tale of Kenichi Zenimura, the father of Japanese American baseball.
Zenimura and his family were taken from their home in California and locked up in barracks surround by barbed wire. In this place of despair, Zenimura built a baseball field to bring the community together. His work brought hope and encouragement to the people suffering at Gila River War Relocation Center.
Bounce Roanoke - 3424 Orange Avenue - Roanoke, VA 24012

Back to Stress?
One way to keep stress at bay is by keeping a little bit of summer in your school year schedule. Kids look forward to the summer break. They enjoy the lack of structure that summer provides. Children of all ages enjoy being able to sleep in and spend more time with their friends and family on vacations, sleepovers, and summer outings. There is a lot of evidence to suggest that free time, especially unstructured time, is incredibly healthy for kids and teens.
The emails and phone calls for our kids to join sports, music, and after-school programs start to flood our inboxes. It won’t be long until the homework starts to pour in and practice schedules need to be balanced with work demands. As the to-do list grows longer for both kids and parents, it seems like everyone can feel the stress of fall. So how can we help not only our children, but ourselves, during the academic year?
How to Avoid Becoming Overwhelmed During the School Year (for Both You and Your Child!)
Equally, there is information that also points to the fact that kids, and even more so, parents, are chronically sleep-deprived. Keeping summer habits of rest, fun, and unstructured time can provide much needed relaxation and downtime for kids, as well as parents, when there are so many demands during the school year.
Another way to help both you and your child with stress is to involve your son or daughter in making decisions as to what activities they are involved in during the school year. After-school activities teach discipline, follow-through, and commitment. Oftentimes these activities are chosen by us, the parents, and not the other way around. Deciding together what clubs and sports your children participate in can help them use reasoning and communication skills that will help them when they become adults. Including kids in decision-making can also give you, the parent, a powerful conversation starter to learn if your child is overwhelmed by practice, homework, and school. Allowing our kids to help make the choice also puts ownership on them for taking part in the activity, helps with buy-in, and can motivate your son or daughter to attend practices and rehearsals— instead of resorting to bargaining and fighting over attending.
Family • September 202220 Now that summer is almost over, it’s time to turn our focus to school supplies, clothes shopping, and starting to gear up for the new school year.
It’s also okay for you, as the parent, to reduce your workload and stress during the school year by putting
by Chris Brown, MA, LMFT, CCLS

Family • September 2022 21 more responsibility on your child to turn in work, put away bookbags, and do chores to help out around the house. Chores can help children with personal responsibility and self-help skills. When kids take on some of the household chores, it also takes the burden off of you to do everything during the school year. As soon as children become school-aged, they can start to help out. It can be an effort at first to manage and teach them how to do things, but the benefit is worth it. Many parents tie chores to an allowance or screen time in order to help with buy-in and participation.
success causes us to feel overwhelmed. Whether your child struggles with success or maintaining success in school and activities, balance is always key. When we shift to any extreme, adults and kids can start to feel trapped or boxed in. Sometimes, in the pursuit of something, we forget the value of doing nothing. Both parents and kids deserve downtime. Lessening the load for both you and your child can improve everyone’s health and happiness, freeing up some muchneeded time alone, and also providing more time together as a family during the school year.
Chris Brown is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist in Roanoke. He provides counseling to children, teens, adults, and couples at the Roanoke Valley Counseling Center.
How do you know if your child is overwhelmed by activities, school, and even too much responsibility?
Letting your child choose what chores or responsibilities she or he does will also help with follow-through. Being able to accomplish a task or chore can also increase your child’s selfesteem and independence, which are important traits for school-aged children as well as teens.
Depression and anxiety can look very different in children than adults. Physical complaints such as headaches and stomach aches, as well as irritability, crankiness, and loss of concentration, can be a sign that your child is not only stressed out, but could have anxiety or depression. If your child is showing some of these signs, first go to your child’s pediatrician to rule out any medical conditions that could cause these symptoms. If no physical reason can be found, don’t hesitate to contact a local mental health professional in order to help both you and your son or daughter acquire skills in order to more effectively handle stress at home and at School,school.activities, and homework are an important part of every family. Success in each of these areas can bring feelings of accomplishment, joy, and satisfaction not only for kids, but for parents. For most of us, there comes a time when the pressure to do better or to maintain a high level of

Nixplay Seed 10.1 inch Widescreen $149.99; Share photos and videos from anywhere in the world using WiFi and the mobile app, then enjoy them on $179.99,
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A blend of certified organic oils, extracts and beeswax, this versatile hypoallergenic salve helps soothe dry, rough skin.
The Story of Rap and Rock Series $8.99,
This is one of the lightest full-size umbrella strollers available, with a mesh sling seat that adds comfort with My Audio Pet Splash $39.99, anywhere, waterproof rechargeable battery for up to 8 hours of play time, plus True Wireless Stereo Technology. Honest Company’s Organic AllPurpose Balm $12,
From Grandmaster Flash to Kendrick Lamar and Elvis Presley to David Bowie, this series from Silver Dolphin Books introduces little ones to the greatest musicians of our time.
The New Rules of Pregnancy: What to Eat, Do, Think About, and Let Go Of While Your Body Is Making a Baby $19.95, In this tribute to and celebration of moms to be, two leading OB-GYNs cover all aspects of pregnant life in an easy-to-digest and compassionate way.
The Gotta-Have-It Products for September
All About Me at My Age $34.99/hardcover, $24.99/softcover, Create a keepsake gift for a special child in your life with the personalized birthday book. Fill in the blanks, draw your own pictures, and play fun seekand-find illustration games.

Rockit Rocker Say goodbye to driving around the block until the baby falls asleep and say hello to a free hand when out and about. The Rockit by Rockit Rocker was developed by three regular dads with seven children between them and is the solution to all parents’ tired hands. The Rockit Rocker is a portable baby rocker which attaches to any stroller to provide a gentle rocking motionsoothing babies and helping them sleep. This handy device can be purchased on Rockit Rocker USA and Amazon. Attach vertically to your stroller for best use. They even encourage rechargeable batteries which are also better for the environment.
Write to Me
Handwriting keeps a piece of you alive long after you are gone with the ability to retell stories that are so important to capture.
Family • September 202224
Loog Guitars In 2017, Loog Guitar’s Kickstarter was the best-selling guitar ever. Designed to make it fun and easy for all ages to play music, Loog is driven by a passion for music and sustainable design Flashcards and an app are integrated with 3-string guitars to gets kids (and adults!) playing songs on day one, making it fun and stimulating to learn music, especially for kids so they can develop the cognitive and social skills that help them live a better life. We recommend the Electric Pro for those 8+ and the and Acoustic Mini for kids ages 3-8.
An Australian brand entering the US for the first time, Write to Me started with just $400 by two friends. They create beautiful journals and keepsakes centered around family time, including family gratitude, pregnancy, wedding and baby, and even one for funny things your kids say! These beautiful capsules are unlike anything you’ve seen with chic bindings and cases. Journal in your handwriting and create heirlooms to pass down to the people that love you the most.
Tinkering Labs Toys with instructionsstep-by-steparen’talways kidfriendly. That’s why Tinkering Labs created a STEAM kit that gives children a way to build stuff without having to worry about getting it “right.” The Tinkering Labs kit, also called Electric Motors Catalyst (EMC), provides challenges to get kids out of a rigid, model-building mindset, and into open-ended play. It allows kids to build doodling robots, power electric model cars, add motors to legos, and more! For example, they can “make a machine that can scramble an egg,” or “build a creature with spinning arms.” Tinkerers are provided markers that can be used in the building process. Why? Because

Healthy soil = Healthy food. Started by a husband and wife team in Charleston, White Leaf Provisions is a family run business bringing the first 100% regeneratively farmed, Biodynamic®, Organic & GMO-Free baby food line to market in the U.S.
Wishing Pixies
No gift can be better than the one that encourages kids to be better people, for themselves and others. Created by a teacher with over 20 years of experience in education, Wishing Pixies is the only child management and educational behavioral app designed to help parents raise calm, emotionally resilient and kindhearted children.
This is why her favorite feature is the chat section, where parents can talk to there kids as if they are the Pixies. Through the app, the parents can set personalized goals for the child, such as cleaning their room, taking the trash out or being nicer to their brother or sister. The child will receive these goals from the pixies via a notification on their tablet and they must complete them to ensure the happiness of the pixies. Once completed, they are awarded “fairy dust” and when enough dust is earned, the pixies can grant the child’s wishes.
The Wishing Pixies app is specifically geared toward children from 2 to 10 and is coupled with Pixie Dolls; parents act as the Pixie Doll and kids can play with them. Win-win! What started this unique idea? One mom who pretended to be the tooth fairy with her child, writing notes back and forth. She learned more about her child than she ever would have as her mother.
the company learned that when kids feel stuck, having an artistic avenue helps them recalibrate and then solve the problem. There is even a Tinkering Camp that kids can attend, and they work with schools to integrate the kit into the curriculum. Great for girls and boys ages 8 and up, and tinkering adults!
The wishes are customizable by the parent and can be anything from ice cream, to a sleepover with friends.
Family • September 2022 25
The result is pure, transparent, nutritious and delicious foods. Their line of baby food blends and applesauce transforms not only how we feed our children but also encourages farming methods that can help to heal the planet that our kids will inherit.

Family • September 202226
When packing, use your collegeprovided checklist as a guide, setting aside the essential items needed to make your first term at school convenient and comfortable. Remember that college dorm rooms and apartments tend to be small, so avoid bringing unnecessary clothing, knickknacks or valuables and plan to revisit home to retrieve seasonal items later on.
Back to campus? 7 tips for a manageable college move
In many areas of the country leaves are turning, apple orchards are attracting crowds, football teams are starting practice and nighttime is bringing a chill to the air. For better or worse, that means college students’ thoughts are turning to studying and everything else that goes with campus life.
This year, some 15.2 million students are slated for enrollment in America’s public and private post-secondary institutions, up from 15 million last year. If you’re a student or parent, that means it may be time to transport key belongings to a new living space. That process can be emotionally bittersweet, even without the logistical challenges of packing, carrying, unpacking and installing multiple loads of gear. Fortunately, forewarned is forearmed, and there’s much you can do to make the process easier for everyone involved. Consider the following suggestions for making a move to college efficient and frictionfree. Be Selective.

Family • September 2022 27 6PM • FRIDAY OCTOBER 21ST
Use your space well by positioning heavier items in the back of your vehicle before proceeding with lighter items. That optimizes the vehicle’s power and allows you to fit smaller items into smaller spaces. Drive Safely. Getting behind the wheel of a moving truck need not be intimidating as long as you keep a few precautions in mind. Handling the extra size and weight requires that you avoid sharp turns, brake earlier before stopping and navigate around low branches or building overhangs. Depending on the length of your drive you may also wish to pre-map your route, review weather forecasts, avoid rush hour and leave yourself extra time for breaks, refueling and unloading. Stay Secure. Unfortunately, students are often targeted for theft during the hectic moving process. Protect your belongings by parking only in well-lit and well-attended areas when you stop, and padlocking the back doors of your vehicle when it’s not in use.
Back-to-college time can be ultra-busy while filled with anticipation and hope for what lies ahead. For more tips on making your move to campus smooth and easy, visit
Assemble Your Tools. You’re likelier to do a better job packing if the right tools are at your fingertips. Secure cardboard boxes, packing tape, bubble wrap, moving blankets and/or markers well before your move, and make sure you call at least two weeks ahead to reserve your moving vehicle at PenskeTruckRental. com. A 12- to 16-foot truck is often perfectly sized to transport the contents of a dorm room or apartment, but such rentals tend to get booked up quickly during the ultra-busy summer and fall moving seasons. Identify Everything. Start packing several days ahead so the process seems less burdensome, saving daily-use items for the last 48 hours. Mark the outside of packed boxes with descriptions so contents are unmistakable and will be easy to find even if mixed with other students’ belongings.
Keep Crucial Items Separate. Instead of inadvertently packing away important papers, identification, credit cards, medications, glasses or contacts and other important items, set aside a “carry-on” bag you’ll keep in your car during your travels.
Pack Your Strategically.Truck

Family • September 202228 Summers in Virginia offer an overture of sensory delights. The sights, sounds, and tactile pleasures of these languid days — from the beach to the mountains — can be filled with adventure and relaxation alike. But summer activities also can carry with them a degree of risk, risks that can have both short- and long-term health consequences.
As a medical professional, I wanted to offer a few reminders on how to best protect yourself during the dog days of summer (and beyond!), particularly in helping ensure that you are not damaging your eyes and ears.
Safe Eyes and Ears for Summer and Beyond
Most folks are well aware of the damage that sun can wreak on your skin. Too much sun can cause burns, accelerate aging, and increase the risk of skin cancer. But lengthy exposure to the sun during outdoor activities also can affect your vision, and so in addition to sunscreen to protect your skin, it’s also a good idea to invest in some quality eye Ultravioletprotection. (UV) radiation can contribute to the development of cataracts and macular degeneration, which can impact your vision and even cause blindness. Many people are not aware that intense shortterm exposure to UV light may cause what we call “eye sunburn,” a painful condition often acquired as a result of outdoor activity. Too much long-term exposure may contribute to skin cancer around the eyes and other sight-threatening conditions. To help reduce these risks, protect your eyes from the sun by wearing sunglasses that block out 99 percent or more of UV rays. A wide-brimmed hat is a worthwhile precaution, as Thenwell. there’s the opposite problem: not getting enough sunlight, a condition that affects children who spend hours — even hours on beautiful sunny days — consumed by digital devices. Studies show that natural light promotes healthy vision, especially among children and teens whose eyes are still developing. Spending time outside may be a protective factor against nearsightedness. And adults are not immune, either. Partly due to extended periods of up-close reading and screen time, more than 40 percent of Americans have nearsightedness (myopia), which is the inability to see far-off objects clearly. It’s a condition that also is on the rise. Sounds of Summer Summertime activities can make our ears as vulnerable as our eyes. Attending live sports events and music concerts can expose our ears to sounds at decibels that can damage our hearing. Crowd noise at some sporting events can exceed 90 decibels, while the volume at music concerts can exceed 115 decibels. What we know is that prolonged exposure to sounds
by Irene Myers-Thompson
A Day in the Sun . . . or Not

M i l l M o u n t a i n T h e a t r e P r e s e n t s2022 O n t h e T r i n k l e M a i n S t a g e F o r T i c k e t s C a l l 5 4 0 3 4 2 5 7 4 0 o r v i s i t m i l l m o u n t a i n o r g Fall 2022 FClasses all 2022 FClasses all 2022 Classes SELECT CLASSES START SEPTEMBER 6 For more info visit

Family • September 202230 by Jamie Lober
Back-to-School Anxiety

Family • September 2022 31
Find out about the extra benefits your child’s school has to offer and discuss them with her. There may be an extracurricular activity like a club or sport where she can participate and gain independence and confidence. Staying active as a family can be beneficial, as well. When you help your child get to know his new surroundings and talk about what lies ahead, the school year becomes easier to approach. The American Psychological Association says that parents should get to know members of the school and community that can help support their child in the transition. If the back-to-school anxiety becomes too much for you and your child to handle on your own, you may want to reach out to a trustworthy and knowledgeable pediatrician or counselor for further
The American Academy of Pediatrics encourages parents to point out the positive aspects of starting school, such as seeing old friends and meeting new ones, to create positive anticipation. You may want to find another child in the neighborhood to accompany your child on the bus or walk with her. The AAP also mentions how having the right backpack can make a huge difference. The best backpack is one with wide, padded shoulder straps and a padded back, and one that is packed lightly. A backpackrollingisagreat option if permitted.
Now,’stime to mark your calendar with a smiley face on the big first day. Be sympathetic & understanding if your child tells you why he finds the start of school to be stressful.
A new school year can bring on many emotions ranging from excitement and curiosity to worry and apprehension. Some unanswered questions that may linger in your child’s mind include whether he will like his teachers, if her friends will be in her classroom, if he will get lost in the building, or whether she will be successful.
Back-to-school anxiety can affect kids of all ages, from kindergarten through college. It’s important to get to the bottom of what’s causing your child to worry — or to go as far as avoiding school. Through its research, the American Academy of Pediatrics found that some kids struggle emotionally with issues like fear of failure, problems with other kids, anxieties over using a public bathroom, a meannessperceivedof the teacher, threats of physical harm like from a school bully, or actual physical Youharm.want to address your child’s thoughts and feelings and not ignore or make light of them. The Anxiety and Depression Association of America reports that when anxiety in kids goes untreated, they are more likely to perform poorly in school and miss out on important social experiences.
Validate his feelings and let your child know it’s okay. It can help to practice the school routine prior to the first day. This means getting up earlier than usual, having the bookbag packed, and enjoying a nourishing breakfast. Some schools have orientations or tours where you can find the classrooms and get to meet the teachers in advance. Make back-to-school shopping a fun experience by involving your child in the decisions of backpacks, supplies, gym shoes, and clothes. You can gradually adjust the alarm clock so your child wakes up earlier instead of suddenly having a new start time. This means going to bed earlier every night, as well. You can create a workspace or study area that your child likes to spend time in with good lighting and a comfortable, supportive chair. Your child can decorate this area with his favorite colors, hobbies, sports, or photos of friends. Don’t forget to include a calendar so he can write down important dates.
The best way to alleviate fears is to talk about what to expect. Be sympathetic and understanding if your child tells you why he finds the start of school to be stressful.

Tips When Starting Your Own Business
Whether starting your own business has been a lifelong dream or recent events encouraged you to try and monetize your unique skills and talents, there is much to consider before taking the plunge. While creating a business is relatively simple in terms of completing and filing forms, ensuring your success long-term requires greater planning. Before you dive right into your new business venture, review the following tips to help you navigate the waters of business ownership.
Consider Moonlighting.
Family • September 202232
Moonlighting is a popular strategy for those contemplating starting a new business, especially if your company will operate in the services industry. The term refers to offering your services and skills during the evenings or weekends while continuing to work your current job. It’s a smart move if you want to test the waters and make sure there is enough demand to sustain your business full-time. As you build up clientele, you’ll have the opportunity to work out any kinks in your business that may arise. Lastly, the income you generate while moonlighting can be saved and reinvested into your company when you launch your full-time business. Ask for Help.

Family • September 2022 33
• Register your business with the IRS.
If you’re working with an attorney to set up your business, they will typically complete these steps on your behalf.
Start Off Right. While many online providers will help you create your new business in a few easy steps, seeking guidance from a professional is strongly recommended. It’s usually worth the investment to utilize the services of an attorney and CPA when initially launching your •business.Anattorney will help you decide which type of business (sole proprietor, limited liability company, corporation, etc.) is right for you and ensure the proper paperwork is completed with all required parties.
• Register your business with the Department of State if required to do so. This is often necessary for businesses that are corporations or using fictitious names.
• Register your business with your County Tax Collector. Obtain the required licenses and permits to operate your business.
• A CPA (Certified Public Accountant) is one of the best resources for small businesses. Familiar with tax laws and wage rules, they will make sure your company operates legally, and all payments are made on time.
• Register with the Department of Revenue (or similar department) in your state.
• Choose the type of business you wish to create (sole proprietor, LLC, corporation, etc.).
We’re Here to Help! As your credit union, we’re ready to help you turn your dream of business ownership into a reality. As a member, you’ll have access to a wide range of tools, accounts, and financing options for starting your company.
While you can use many fantastic accounting platforms to manage your business online, you should
When it comes to starting and running your business, there is no reason to go it alone. There are countless resources available for entrepreneurs, whether via the Internet or organizations within your community. The Small Business Administration and local Chambers of Commerce are great starting points.
If you have specific questions, many social media groups are dedicated to business owners that often contain experts in certain fields. These groups can be powerful resources and connections to add to your network. Plus, they offer education and insights that can help you launch your business.
at least consider hiring a CPA to review your monthly financial reports and tax payments. Even an honest mistake can prove costly with Uncle Sam. Getting Started. While each state will have slightly varying rules and regulations when it comes to formally creating a business, the following are the steps you’ll want to take to begin the process.

Late nights can take a toll on moms who need to be up and “on” in front of coworkers during the day. Half of working moms concede they’ve been so exhausted from lack of sleep that they’ve taken a nap at the office, and one-third of them confess to taking onthe-job snoozes more than once.
According to a new survey of 1,000 U.S. moms of children ages 3-17 by Wakefield Research, 85 percent of moms agree that pizza is their go-to meal when their kids’ friends come over, not only because the kids love it, but because it’s an essential to keep on hand for last-minute plans.
Unfortunately, most moms handle chaos during the day and revisit other responsibilities late at night after kids are in bed. In fact, 61 percent have stayed up until midnight or later to finish chores or responsibilities they couldn’t complete during the day. More than 1 in 4 moms have stayed up until 2 a.m. or later.
Here are some of the other ways moms say they cope with everything from household chaos to mealtime madness.
Family • September 202234 For moms, back to school means transitioning back into routines filled with more activities to shuttle kids and their friends to and from, more homework to keep track of and more chaos to deal with at home. But with a little preparation and an arsenal of secret weapons, moms can get through it, even if it’s simply sharing strategies so they know they’re not alone.
Nodding Off At Work.
Sanity-Keeping Strategies. Moms turn to many strategies to Battle The Back-To-School Chaos
Who Needs Sleep?

Family • September 2022 35 minimize the daily crisis at home. Their most common ways are prioritizing what’s important (81 percent) and posting lists such as chores and to-dos (73 percent). More than a third (34 percent) look to mom blogs for tips. Send Help Now! Some moms end up turning a blind eye to what’s under the surface - literally. Nearly a quarter (24 percent) admit they can see just half or less of their floors clearly, meaning parts of the floor that aren’t covered with toys, paper or furniture. Moms crave help so often, nearly half (48 percent) agree they would choose a full day of housekeeping and caretaking versus a full day of spa treatments. Defusing Dinnertime Drama. Pizza is more than a convenience; it’s a peacemaker. Eighty percent of moms believe pizza would quiet their kids quicker than an air horn; 65 percent agree having pizza to give their kids at the end of the day is just as relaxing to moms as wine; and more than half concur it is one of the only things that settles mealtime mayhem at home. For example, Red Baron pizza is a meal everyone in the family can agree on, providing one less battle to get everyone through the school year. One delicious slice at a time.
85% of moms say that pizza is their go-to take out option when friends are over or the family schedule is too busy! Pizza stops the chaos!

5. Cut a new, equal sized chunk of each type of soap and place them in the middle of their own plate.
3. Make a prediction about each soap sinking or floating in the water.
6. Make a prediction about what each soap will do when microwaved for one minute. Microwave each soap for one minute and see what happens! should see that the Ivory soap expands and turns into a fluffy soap cloud.
Does Soap Float? Kids Science Experiment The Grandin Theatre • 1310 Grandin Road • Roanoke, VA 24015 • 540-345-6377 • Thank You For Watching Local! At The Grandin... We Know How To Make You Smile! Our Kids Deal comes with popcorn, a drink, and candy for just $5.25!
Supplies: • 4 different bar soaps (one of which must be Ivory Soap) • Knife • 4 cups of water • 4 disposable plates • Microwave Directions: 1. Open each soap and cut them with the knife so that they will easily fit into the cups of water. 2. Observe each soap and compare them. Do they smell different? Do they have different textures or colors? What is similar about each soap? Does the soap look solid or are their large air bubbles inside?
4. Place each soap in its own cup of water and make observations. Does anything else happen when the soaps are in the water?

Try this:
What’s happening:
Earn up to $50,000 by giving the gift of life. e rewards are more than financial. We are seeking women ages 21-43, non-smokers with a healthy pregnancy history.
Family • September 2022 37
Try timing how long it takes each soap to dissolve or break down in the water, what do you think this means about each type of soap? You can also use the results of your experiment to create a sensory dough called clean mud. To do this, fist crumble up your ivory soap cloud into small pieces and then add ito to just enough warm water that it gets mushy. Next pull the toilet paper off of a roll and shred it into small strips. Mix the ivory soap and water mixture with the paper and knead it until you have a clay and you will have created clean mud!
Call for Information Be Part of a miracle
Ivory soap is one of a very few types of soap that float but it does this without there being large visible air bubbles inside the soap. This is because Ivory soap is a whipped soap meaning that it has tiny bubbles of air mixed into the soap like whipped cream. If you break the soap open with your hands and not a knife, you may even be able to see these tiny pockets of air. Both the air in these bubbles and the soap itself have water trapped inside which will vaporize in a microwave. This means that in the microwave the soap gets softer and the air bubbles expand which creates a fluffy ivory cloud in the microwave. Other soaps tend to just melt because without the trapped air to expand, the soap just gets soft until it melts. This process is especially cool because its a demonstration of a very important physical law called Charles’s Law which says that as a gas (like air) heats up, its volume increases. This law is the same reason that marshmallows puff up in the microwave.
Experiment provided by

Learning & Thinking Skills
Can your child identify how objects/pictures are the same & different?
For more information about the importance of school readiness, including tips for making sure your child will be ready for school, please visit org.smartbeginningsroanoke.www. Be sure to register at your local school as soon as possible! Article provided by Smart Beginnings.
Readiness Checklist
Can your child spell and write their first name? Math Skills Can your child count at least 10 objects? Does your child understand the concepts of “more” andCan“less”?your child sort a set of objects by size or length? (i.e. put blocks in order from tallest to shortest)Canyour child repeat a simple pattern? (red, red, blue - red, red, blue)
Reading & Writing Skills
Smart Beginnings suggests parents think about their child’s skills regarding learning, thinking, math, reading and writing as well as social and emotional Remember,skills. experts say no single or simple factor determines whether a child is ready for kindergarten. Instead, a child’s development needs to be looked at from several Ifaspects.youhave concerns about your child, talk to your child’s preschool teacher or contact your local elementary school.
Social & Emotional Skills Can your child tell someone their name (first and last) and their age? Can your child take care of their own needs, such as toileting, washing hands and dressing? Is your child able to adjust to new situations with out a parent being there? Does your child interact well with other children and adults?
Snap a photo of your new kindergartner with this fun first day of school survey- share it with us on instagram @roanokefamily
Ready, Kindergarten!Set,
Can your child pay attention and listen to a story for a short period of time? Can your child recognize letters of the alphabet and identify some beginning letter sounds?
The 2022-2023 school year is right around the corner and local elementary schools have been busy registering children for Kindergarten. Any child who will be five years old by September 30th, 2022 is able to enroll for Kindergarten this fall. But being old enough isn’t always the same thing as being ready. Kindergarten readiness is important because research shows children who are ready for kindergarten are more likely to succeed in school and in life. So how does a parent know if their child is ready or not?
Can your child identify simple rhyming words?
Can your child match and recognize basic colors andCanshapes?yourchild talk about recent events, and tell what happened first, next and last?
Is your child curious about the world and interested in learning new things?

This institution is an equal opportunity provider. WIC helps families by providing: Breastfeedingsupport nutritionPersonalizededucation WIC food benefits that can be used at the grocery store Referrals to local health andorganizationscommunity For more information M O R E B E N E F I T S I N Y O U R B A S K E T! See if you eligible.are

Juan Luis Nicolau
Juan Luis Nicolau, PhD is the J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Professor of Revenue Management in the Virginia Tech Pamplin College of Business. As an expert in hospitality and tourism management, he wanted to bank somewhere with excellent customer service and helpful staff. He found that Freedom First was the perfect fit for “Myhim. favorite thing about Freedom First is the personal relationship that they have with the customers,” said Nicolau. “They treat you as a person.” indYourFreedom.FFCU