“The life of the nomad is the intermezzo.” Deluze and Gua ari We live in the world as nomads. Our lifestyles have changed with stability replaced by a perpetual mul plicity and fluidity. Our genera on moves through life as travelers in a changing landscape, across places, jobs, partners, values, even iden es, crea ng a permanent state of in-between. There is conflict in the current metropolis between the supposed stability of the home and the constantly-changing temporal condi ons of the nomad. Conven onal methods of organiza on are failing to reconcile these differences in contemporary ci es, which are, more than ever under stress. If a certain stability of the urban fabric is necessary for its economic, social, ecological and poli cal viability, it seems clear that the metropolis needs to expand its defini on of home and community. Rather than the standard hard line division between public and private, order and chaos, interior and exterior, we must expand the ranges of temporality, interiority, nomadism, inhabita on, and publicness, to reflect the new state of social and programma c complexity. In our studio, we will develop a proto-city that creates an urban fabric of interiorized condi ons of inhabi ng infrastructure and common spaces. Our city’s modes of inhabita on aim to expand its performance both in shorter term modes of stability and towards more stable forms of community. This new city is a prototype evalua ng its own efficiencies and limita ons while crea ng an urbanity that supports the cultural complexity of the new society. Acknowledging that ci es need to accommodate various popula ons, lifestyles, temporali es, we examine, catalog, and explore interiority as a poten al urban and architectural territory. Reclaiming the interior cannot be a naïve movement, rather it opens up an understanding of interiority as a new means of exploring these varia ons within the urban fabric by replacing generic space with highly differen ated space.
INTERIOR The physical world will become irrelevant in the near future, in the onslaught of the virtual. If the current trend con nues, we all become pod people. We get plugged in and live our lives in virtual space. Think Matrix-eque, where physical is only important as access to virtual. We’re saying architecture is only relevant in terms of its interiority now. Otherwise it gets commodified, and becomes meaningless again; just another facet of the virtual media cycle. We’re using the interior as a way to recapture people’s a en on back to physical space and to connect them back to their humanity. NOMADISM There is a trend of mobility in society. That means, in terms of access and stuff and accumula on, ownership is replaced by membership. Nomadism is changing the tradi onal capitalist economy towards a shared economy/access economy/collabora ve consump on where people don’t want the things themselves but want access to them. Rather than owning, people are mutually sharing, redefining what it means to be part of a community.
We’re looking at old ci es (small, dense) as a precedent for places that hold people’s a en on through their physicallity. Old ci es were created when there was none of the current technology – people built intui vely (a size that felt right) and over me (allowing for change, messiness of life). This way of thinking of city-making got lost in the age of industry and mechaniza on. Our argument is that we should go back to this way of city-making but we can’t go back to it by giving up technology, so instead we look at par cular quali es they have. Density and small scale provide a level of in macy that provides experiental interest, you want to be in them. You can feel the scale of the human there. Which is why we are making a field of overlaps as a way of organizing a city, we want to retain the feel of that scale. Our urban fabric is aims to expand the current range of how people share space through localized part to part rela onships. A room-like city where people are nomads.
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Algeirs kasbah plan
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Field of overlaps generated using circle as bounding line
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Plan itera on of cirlce ďŹ eld
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Field of overlaps generated using triangle as bounding line
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Plan itera on of triangle ďŹ eld
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Field of overlaps generated using square as bounding line
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Plan itera on of square ďŹ eld
The field of overlaps emulates the quali es we are trying to achieve that exist in old kinds of ci es that were built over me, but there’s a new lifestyle, ways of sharing, interac ng, living - between people that forces not a reproduc on of old ci es, but a reimagina on of how they could be today. Sharing/access economy brings to light a trend in how people are giving up private ownership in favor of having access through a membership into a community. (Uber; Airbnb; peer-to-peer lending; Couchsurfer; Open source so ware, etc.) So er way of dividing – be er suited to new lifestyle People give up private ownership (walls) to par cipate in community of access (corners and steps). We’re using corners and steps as a way of differen a ng between things, instead of walls because of the in-between condi ons of sharing that are created. When you use walls as hard line dividers, ownership is very clear, but when you think of stuff and access in terms of memberships (or mutual sharing), we need to imagine a so er differen a on. So, the corners and the steps are new ways of crea ng shared space that can accommodate the new par cipatory sharing and states of in-betweeness or ambiguity becoming more and more common in our everyday lives. The collec ve or social is redefined not as a universal generic condi on, but as many states of varia on within the larger whole.
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Habitat 67_Moshe Safdie
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
In-unit: overlap determines access type
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
In-unit: shared infrstructure of overlap and step dierne a on
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Circula on:exterior perimeter con nous/primary circula on
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Circula on:interior perimeters bridges/voids between exterior circula on
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Step: plateaus created to connect unit to circula on
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Step: roofs act as steps to connect unit to circula on
The differen ated nature of contemporary life demands an intermezzo, an unprogrammed respite between things which returns one to a state of equilibrium. This concept formally takes place as a neutral internal street or corridor, providing a break through these variant experiences of the nomad. In this way, the urban fabric is a field of not solely overlap, but both dedicated circula on corridors and spaces of program ac vity. Placing a pure circula on space as a con nuity throughout the field, allows each cluster of units to func on autonomously within the larger network. The redundancy of paths through, makes for a less efficient building in terms of economical space, but actually increases the ranges of temporali es possible. The redundant circula on allows units to be closed and modified without affec ng the larger circula on network, allowing the urban fabric to be re-constructed in phases – redeveloped in the lifespan of a city.
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Versaille Palace circula n plan
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Jean Nouvel - Louvre Abu Dhabi
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
OMA - Na onal Museum of China Proposal
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
REX - Munch Museum
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
SANAA - 21st Century Museum
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Floor plan level 6
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Floor plan level 9
The secondary circula ons that act as bridges between the primary loops of circula on and as unprogrammable voids are ways of disrup ng the grain of the field. They increase connec vity, provide different opportuni es for non-residen al program, but remain part of the larger system, increasing and decreasing from the size of a large room to the size of a cathedral without any transi on from the surrounding fabric. Ac ng as autonomous islands, these voids accept changing func onal needs and unpredictable happenings without affec ng the other parts or the whole configura on. They keep the formality of the fabric intact within the stable shapes determined by the bounding triangles.
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Melun Senart/ Rem Koolhaas
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Small void/bridge connec ng close triangles
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
ModiďŹ ed void/bridge to ďŹ t units
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Ver cal void/bridge
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Ver cal and diagonal void/bridge
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Cathedral like void/brige connec ng interior points
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Agora-like void bridge connec ng two furthest points
The clustering shape, in this case triangle was choses for its structural capacity when crossing 3D space. Dierent itera ons for how it reacts within the perimeter provided an opportunity for tes ng mul ple ways of crea ng a 3D ďŹ eld. Choosing one that was two spirals that connected into a helix, allows for the most connec vity because it acts as a loop of circula on, providing redundancy in path.
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Plan Obus/ Le Corbusier
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Shi ed plane (1 triangle)
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Bridge (2 triangles)
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Tent (3 triangles)
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Raised plateau (4 triangles)
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Simple loop (5 triangles)
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Faceted loop (18 triangles)
Defining our city in terms of ea ng, sleeping, and bathing introduces ritual into the formality and infrastructure, and addressing culture is vital to reclaiming our sense of humanity. We are focusing on the things nomads share by choosing a program that is universal across all. However universal does not mean generic, but highly differen ated, meaning we define very specific local condi ons that allow differen a on for cultural varia on to occur. Wall to wall means bathtub because it needs a shared infrastructural wall. Step to wall means bed because it provides the percep on of privacy and shelter. Step to step means table for ea ng because it is the most accessible.
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
African nomadic dwelling in which space is deďŹ ned through ritual
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Wall to Wall: bathing
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Possible condi ons of bathroom
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Wall to Step: sleeping
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Possible condi ons of sleep space
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Step to Step: ea ng
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Possible condi ons of ea ng space
The collec ve is no longer a universal social body but a fragmented micro commons made up of many individuals that share many iden es. This new collec ve changes the way public space is deďŹ ned in our city. Rather than large public plazas and parks, we instead designed smaller and more local shared condi ons - a collec on of micro publics.
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
House NA/ Sou Fujimoto
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Unit cuts through cirula on retains only wall to allow cirulca on to be fully shared
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
No overlap share only access points
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Small overlap share access and infrastructural wall
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Medium overlap share access, infrastructural wall, and common room between each other
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Large overlap share access, infrastructural wall, and everything besides sleep space between all - not just each other
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Mostly overlap share everything
Different types of overlaps determine access and condi ons of unit and what is shared make up this unit catalog. Using Adolf Loos’s idea of raumplan as method of crea ng space based on rooms and steps, through which the units get differen ated.
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
unit catalog axonometric
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Unit cuts through circula on
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
No overlap unit shares access
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Small overlap share access and infrastructural wall
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Medium overlap share access, infrastructural wall, and common room between each other
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Large overlap share access, infrastructural wall, and everything besides sleep space between all - not just each other
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Void/bridges share everything
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
IIT College of Architecture Profesor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Daniel Godziszewski, Melanija Grozdanoska Spring 2017
“The life of the nomad is the intermezzo.” Deluze and Gua ari We live in the world as nomads. Our lifestyles have changed with stability replaced by a perpetual mul plicity and fluidity. Our genera on moves through life as travelers in a changing landscape, across places, jobs, partners, values, even iden es, crea ng a permanent state of in-between. There is conflict in the current metropolis between the supposed stability of the home and the constantly-changing temporal condi ons of the nomad. Conven onal methods of organiza on are failing to reconcile these differences in contemporary ci es, which are, more than ever under stress. If a certain stability of the urban fabric is necessary for its economic, social, ecological and poli cal viability, it seems clear that the metropolis needs to expand its defini on of home and community. Rather than the standard hard line division between public and private, order and chaos, interior and exterior, we must expand the ranges of temporality, interiority, nomadism, inhabita on, and publicness, to reflect the new state of social and programma c complexity. In our studio, we will develop a proto-city that creates an urban fabric of interiorized condi ons of inhabi ng infrastructure and common spaces. Our city’s modes of inhabita on aim to expand its performance both in shorter term modes of stability and towards more stable forms of community. This new city is a prototype evalua ng its own efficiencies and limita ons while crea ng an urbanity that supports the cultural complexity of the new society. Acknowledging that ci es need to accommodate various popula ons, lifestyles, temporali es, we examine, catalog, and explore interiority as a poten al urban and architectural territory. Reclaiming the interior cannot be a naïve movement, rather it opens up an understanding of interiority as a new means of exploring these varia ons within the urban fabric by replacing generic space with highly differen ated space.
INTERIOR The individual is the primary social agent of our age. All-equal individuals in society was the deam of utopias of the 60s and 70s that when met with reality crashed and burned into epic catastrophes. Or just failed to be realized whatsoever. There were two conflic ng hierachies - the singular unit and totalizing field. Because the main hierachy is that of the indiviudal, the singular condi on of a repeated cube creates the urban fabric. Our project works in-between the individualism of suburban logic (aggrega on of singular autonomous units) and the totalism of modernist logic (field of repeated self-similar units) to make mul ple levels of interiory - what we define as belonging. NOMADISM Gobal mobility exposes a new facet within the captalist economy. Nomads move around looking for work, a emp ng to retain minimal comforts. People can’t own things but they s ll need access to things. An economic model where membership replaces ownership is the star ng ground for our urban prototype. Intesifying exis ng trends in the economy, to reflect nomadic lifestyles opens a tes ng ground for a new type of community.
Innova on is an emerging commodity and knowledge an emerging currency, as seen in Google, Apple, Wikipedia, Facebook, Uber, Airbnb and the countless other tech-startups whose primary profit comes from intangible ideas manifest in interfaces, systems, frameworks, apps, etc. A tech park is an interna onal collabora ve community whose shared purpose is innova on for the sake of economic gain. Our project a aches itself to the City of Knowledge in Panama. It takes advantage of exis ng infrastructure as a way to define its boundaries, exploi ng the exis ng for gain (least in, most out). The access points form the perimeter, and the field grows within.
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Silicon Valley California
Fulton Market Chicago
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Barcelona 22@ Barcelona
City of Knowledge Panama
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
The new communal is not a condi on outside of capitalism, but works to expand the current system. This collabora ve economy allows nomads to act as non-singular agents but part of a community with a shared benefit of mutual economic gain. Sharing stuff, whether its tools, rides, rooms, playlists, Facebook posts, is the new norm. Sharing is not a social benefit for an ideal public or an ideological utopia, but a reasonable solu on. Walls do not enclose singular units, but serve as infrastructure, expanding the no on of what it means to live together in a shared community.
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Habitat 67_Moshe Safdie
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
African nomad dwelling ritual deďŹ nes privacy
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
House NA/Sou Fujimoto pla orms of architecture/furniture
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Villa Muller/Adolf Loos raumplan - shi ing volumes
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Cluster X/Urban Unit shi ing planes + ritual deďŹ ne privacy
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Walls do not enclose singular units, but serve as infrastructure, expanding the no on of what it means to live together in a shared community. Levels of enclosure and access that relate to an implied level of privacy create dierent pockets of belonging
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Process: overlap squares, removal of faces, thickening to walls, adjustment for access
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
The emergence of the internet and globaliza on has created a subset working class – professionals working in the digital age, generally of a higher educa on, either in the tech, entrepreneurial, or business industry. These nomads are not ed to specific places because their produc on is not in the factory or office, they are free to move around looking for work wherever they can, o en as freelancers or short-term employees.
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Google Campus tech campus
work (sqm): 45% sleep (sqm): 20% play (sqm): 35%
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Vene an Palazzo Las Vegas megahotel campus
work (sqm): 20% sleep (sqm): 43% play (sqm): 37%
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Strelka Ins tute design campus
work (sqm): 48% sleep (sqm): 12% play (sqm): 40%
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Fraunhofer Research Campus science campus
work (sqm): 53% sleep (sqm): 33% play (sqm): 20%
Each cluster forms a con nious loop of circula on of pla roms along the infrastractural furniture paths.
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Cap on
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Cap on
The different landscape aggrega ons of cubes form different types of clusters. A cluster is defined by the wall condi ons it contains and the type of interiority they produce.
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Extroverted cluster
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Exchange pathway cluster
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Individualized units
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Introverted cluster
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Bridging cluster
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Wide and open void enlosed at edges
Producing a landscape of difference within the pixelated field to create different wall typologies.
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
The walls of belonging move further out, enclosing layers of interiority or community. A day is no longer an 8/8/8 separa on, the collapse of segregated ac vi es into a single integrated and uid lifestyle opens the ques on of what is an appropriate spa al diagram to house this new way of life? The urban unit is the most intense form of belonging. Once inside, access is granted everywhere, to everyone.
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Medieval City Carcassonne, France
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Company Town Roebling, New Jersey
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
University Campus Harvard, Boston, MA
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Urban Unit Panama
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016
Interior Nomadism IIT College of Architecture Professor: Lluis Ortega Collabora on with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Student: Chandell Gadbois, Melania Grozdanoska City_Room 2016