GRREAT Times Fall 2017

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Fall 2017

6 More Turkey Dogs • The Breezy Process: Part 3 • Member in the Spotlight

CONTENTS GRREAT Times is a quarterly publication of SEVA GRREAT, Inc., an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization dedicated to finding homes for homeless Golden Retrievers.

3 .. President’s Message

For more information, call our Hotline at 757-827-8561 or visit our web site at

4 .. Adoptions

To contact the newsletter editor with suggestions, comments, or send materials and photos for inclusion, send an e-mail to, or write Attn.: Newsletter Editor, PO Box 8014, Yorktown, VA 23693.


SEVA GRREAT disclaims all responsibility for omissions or errors.

Submitting Stories and Photos


We have decided to make “homecoming” a feature in each newsletter to feature dogs that have been adopted from us over the years. Send us a picture (identify everyone in it, please) with your dog’s name, when you adopted it, your name and a few words or more about your dog. Full length stories are welcomed, too! When you submit your pictures for publication in print, please submit an original digital image of no less than 300 dpi. If you aren’t sure of the dpi, send the original and we’ll check the possibility for use. We can make pictures smaller but we can not make them larger. Don’t worry about the file size; if you can send it, we can receive it. If you can’t send it, let us know. We’ll show you a way that it can be sent.

5 .. Glen Allen Day 6 .. Volunteer Member Spotlight 8 .. The Breezy Process - Part 3 12 .. Homecoming 14 .. Aggressive vs Defensive Reactions


16 .. Looking for Ticks 18 .. 6 More Turkey Dogs

Email to:

20 .. “Dog Search” Puzzle 21 .. Rainbow Bridge 22 .. Contributions


23 .. Membership Application


This month’s cover features Comet Altimore, who received the most votes in our calendar contest. Look for him and our other goldens in the SEVA GRREAT 2018 Calendar, available now.


MARK YOUR CALENDAR December 9 Toyland Parade Yorktown

President’s Message

Hello SEVA GRREAT Supporters and Welcome Fall W

Check our website for updates and exact locations and times of events. Check back a week before the event to confirm.

GRREAT ADS GRREAT Times is now offering advertising space. Rates per issue for various size ads are: Full Page = $150 1/2 Page = $100 1/3 Page = $75 1/6 Page = $50 A discounted rate for multiple issue placement is available Email requests, size and specification questions to Every effort will be made to put your ad in the desired issue. GRREAT Times is published quarterly the second week of January, April, July, and October. Deadline for submitting an AD is the 1st of the month prior to the publication date.

hile some of you will miss the summer heat, I know many are excited for fall. Personally, I welcome the beautiful colors, cooler weather, and chance to wear my favorite hooded sweatshirts!! But as we head in to the change of seasons and look forward to next year, I also want to mention some changes in store for SEVA GRREAT and again ask for your help. By now you may have received emails regarding our need for new volunteers to join the board. Our Treasurer, intake and foster coordinators have all served many years in their current positions, and deserve a much-needed break from their daily responsibilities for our rescued goldens. I can’t possibly thank Jim O’Connell, Rose Bennett, and Katie Show enough for their dedication to the rescue, and appreciate their efforts SO much. I also want to thank Quan Li for her years of service as our volunteer coordinator. Quan is taking some time away to enjoy the arrival of her 2nd grandbaby, and I wish her all the best. We are lucky to have Sherry Kara (who has served as Quan’s backup) take over the role, so welcome to the board, Sherry!

In the coming months, we hope to welcome more new board members to join our experienced team. SEVA GRREAT has grown tremendously over the past 25 years, thanks to the help of so many devoted golden lovers. In fact at Neptune Festival last month, I had the opportunity to meet Lindy Fleck, one of the founders of our amazing organization – what an undertaking it must have been to complete the requirements to gain our 501(c)3 status and establish all the groundwork we have today. I know you will join me in thanking Rose, Katie, Jim and Quan for all their dedication to SEVA GRREAT, and willingness to help mentor “new recruits.” Please consider the opportunity to become more involved and help with one of these positions. It is such a rewarding experience and means so much to our goldens. If you are interested or have questions/ideas, please contact us via the emails listed on the back page of this magazine.



FALL 2017


Adoptions Dusty






Bella – Coleen Beatovich

Shadow – Greg & Keeley Banic

Murphy – Veronica & John Sumner

Jackie – Wendy Grigg

Dusty – Gabrielle Glatt

Kennedy – Chris & Elizabeth Bosworth

Rocky – Kevin & Paula Duke Kennedy

Send Us Your Photos Do you have a SEVA GRREAT dog? We would love to see what you are doing. Our alumni seem to be having very exciting lives. Share your pictures, including captions, by sending them to They will be featured in the next newsletter under Homecoming. And if you have a story to tell, we and the other Golden lovers would enjoy reading about it. So, send those stories with your photos also. We love pictures of newly adopted dogs with their new families, too!



Glen Allen Day Goldens are very popular.

Amber, the blind dog, was adopted from SEVA Grreat 5 years ago. She came to say hi, Ginger and Raife were there to greet her. She recently had a surgery and is recovering very well. Ginger

Haven and Stella

FALL 2017



Johnnie Noles Where do you live? Gloucester, Virginia

years old and Jamie is 7 months. Jamie is our wild puppy!

What do you do for a living? Retired, former DoD civilian employee

What other Goldens/pets have you loved in the past? We have owned Golden Retrievers, mixed breed dogs and one cat. We also had a Portuguese Water Dog who lived with us for her final years but I’m not sure we ever really owned her. She always felt that she was Queen of the house and we were her subjects.

Tell us about your family. I live with my wife Helen and four Golden Retrievers How are you involved as a volunteer for SEVA GRREAT? I do transport for GRREAT. I pick dogs up from owners who are turning them in and transport them to Vet offices or sometimes from vet offices to foster homes. Tell us about your current Golden(s) and/or other “furry family members.” We have four Golden Retrievers. Sandy is 12 years old, Dreama is 11 years old, Mac is 7 6

Do you have any hobbies/special interests? According to my wife, I spend most of my life on Facebook. I have found friends from high school and college and even a few navy shipmates that I served with about fifty years ago. I was interested in kayaking for a while but haven’t had the boat in the water for several years now. I enjoy researching military history, especially naval history online.


Dreama is a TDI certified Therapy Dog and she and I visit a nursing home and several schools where the kids read to the dogs. SEVA GRREAT Member since? I don’t even remember but it must have been more than twenty years. What is your favorite Golden memory or funniest thing you have done with your dog? Dreama and I were visiting a school and a child read a poem about Christopher Columbus. After he read the poem, he paused and told us that Columbus made a mistake. I asked him to explain and he said that when he arrived on the shore of the new world, he called the people he found there Indians because he wasn’t where he thought he had landed. He thought he was in Indiana!

Do you talk to your pets, and what do you talk about? I talk to them constantly. I tell them when I am sad or happy and they look at me and seem to understand. When I am trying to walk over them with a heavy package, I ask them to move and they ignore me! Walking over Golden Retrievers is a stretching and balancing exercise. How do you celebrate your dog’s birthday or other holidays? Does your dog dress up? We do celebrate our dog’s birthdays, usually with Frosty Paws canine ice cream. Sometimes they dress up for holidays but they don’t like it and remove the costumes the first chance they get. Do you have a favorite SEVA GRREAT story/memory? I have two stories to share, one funny and the other sad. Several years ago, due to a death in her family, a woman had to give up her Golden Retrievers to GRREAT. Three of them were young and healthy but one was old and terribly obese. He was so obese in fact that he could hardly walk. He weighed well over 100 lbs and could barely get to his feet. I drove the dogs to their foster homes but when I tried to deliver

the overweight dog, his prospective foster told me that she couldn’t care for him because of physical problems that she was having. She couldn’t lift the dog or care for him. In a panic, I contacted my SEVA GRREAT dispatcher who sent me to Jacob Kay’s house. Jacob took the dog overnight and had to sleep outdoors in a sleeping bag because he couldn’t get the dog in his house. I promised to pick up the dog and the next night, I took him to our house. I couldn’t get him in our house either and I wound up sleeping in a lawn chair on my front porch while the overweight dog slept on the lawn near me. I woke up every few minutes to make sure the dog hadn’t left but he was so overweight he could hardly walk and escape didn’t seem likely. The next day, another volunteer had agreed to take our overweight friend. He went to a good foster home and stayed with them for the rest of his life. They controlled his weight, insured he got plenty of exercise and gave him another two or three years of life that he wouldn’t have had. One of the saddest experiences I had was a dog named Chief. Chief had a large growth on his leg and I drove him to Virginia Tech for surgery. The night before our trip, he stayed with me in our travel trailer in Newport News

Our four goldens gather at the baby gate every morning for a pinch of my morning bagel. They are left to right, Sandy, Dreama, Mac and Jamie.

because I didn’t know if our other dogs would accept him. I drove him to Virginia Tech and they ran tests all day but found that the lump on his leg was a cancer. It had spread through his body and there was nothing they could do for him They had decided that it was not feasible to operate. I brought him back to Richmond where a wonderful volunteer took care of him for the remainder of his life. He was in a hospice situation but he had several good months and was taken care of until the end. The volunteer wasn’t even a Golden Retriever person but she was an angel who appeared when Chief needed her. She took a picture of Chief and me as I turned him over to her. I was almost in tears when the picture at left (on page 6) was taken, but our dogs would not have accepted him and I couldn’t provide the medical care Chief needed. Describe the perfect day with your Golden(s)/other pets. I enjoy throwing a soft Frisbee with Sandy, Mac and Jamie. Dreama isn’t into chasing and retrieving but she is a wonderful therapy dog. Each dog is different and we have different activities through the day that involve all the dogs. What keeps you involved with SEVA GRREAT? I like helping the dogs and I also enjoy the interaction with the people. I have met some of the nicest people through GRREAT. It always amazes me how when a request for volunteers goes out that you get such a fast response from so many people. When I started working with GRREAT, I had a low opinion of the turn in owners but I have learned that each dog and each owner has a story and many of them realize that GRREAT is the best hope for their dogs to have a good life. Some of the people have tears in their eyes when they surrender their dogs and they are giving me their most precious possession. The fosters who take a dog in, love it and train it and heal it and then turn it over to a forever home are also amazing. GRREAT is a wonderful network of “on call” people and I love being a part of that family.

FALL 2017



3 of a 3 Part Series


s I sit here tonight pouring over my notes and memories, I wonder where I should start. I think I should start with what is one’s first inclination when they go looking for their lost dog … calling its name loudly as they drive around or walk through the woods or fields. That is probably not the best thing to do. Here is why.

SURVIVAL MODE ................................................. If a dog is disoriented, lost or confused in unfamiliar surroundings with unfamiliar smells and sounds, it will be frightened and may go in to “survival mode.” In other words, they start to rely on their natural instincts, becoming “wild.” This may happen quickly or over a period of days or weeks depending on the nature of the dog and the particular situation. In this state, they will not recognize familiar people, places, or voices. Yelling their name, walking toward them, and flashing lights could actually cause them to retreat even more. The dog will be frightened and turn its attention solely to avoid predators and finding food, water, and shelter. The sense of smell, not sight or sound, will be their guide. It’s your dog’s ability to shift mental gears into survival mode that increases the chances that your dog will be returned to you. This ability is also what makes it likely that your dog will view you and anyone else looking for it as a predator, or a potential threat. This is why it is critical for you and everyone else trying to find your dog to refrain from yelling or approaching your dog during your search. It’s great when enthusiastic people rally and join together to find a lost dog, but people, together as a group or alone, are terrifying to a lost pet. The last thing a frightened dog will be tempted to approach is a person, even if that person is the dog’s loving owner.


The Breezy Process by Liz Sumner

You will see the phrase “do not chase” on lost dog posters. This is why. It will only frighten them more, driving them away from you, and it may cause them to run into oncoming traffic or other dangerous situations. If there is another pet, especially a dog, in the family, it is a good idea to bring them along on the search. The lost dog may pick up the familiar scent of their friend and come out of hiding. Set up some stinky food and scent items (dirty clothes you have worn, bedding, or towels) outside your gate or where the dog was last seen and monitor it. If the dog should approach the area, sit still, be quiet, and pretend to ignore it. As the dog watches or edges forward, stay calm. Don’t make eye contact as this is a confrontational move to a dog and a dog wants to avoid confronation. Make soft noises like clearing your throat, yawning or sighing softly, smacking your lips as if tasting something, maybe whisper “yum, mmm,” or crinkle a paper or cellophane bag. These are sounds that will help to calm the dog. Let the dog come to you. Let its sense of smell guide it. Continue making these sounds in a soft, soothing tone. With any luck, as the dog gets closer, its memory will be triggered by the smell of the food, your smell, your voice. Just be patient. The longer the dog has been in survival mode, the longer it may take for it to come back.

REPEATED SIGHTINGS ................................................. Dogs will tend to stay on the edge of activity, like the woods behind a restaurant or house, in a junk yard, an old shed. They will come out to forage for food at dusk because they feel safer in the dark. This explains why you may have repeated sightings in a specific area, maybe at a specific time of day. Put out a small amount of stinky food and items of dirty clothes. Keep


a watch from a distance around the same time as the sightings. Check frequently to see if the food has been sampled and add a little more.


...................................................................... To monitor activity around a feeding station or trap, you might want to set up a trail camera. These are readily available and not too expensive. Be sure to have it time stamp pictures. Have a memory card and freshly charged battery to exchange each time you check it.

ORGANIZE A SEARCH .................................................. When you start having sightings, you need to put flyers out in that area as soon as possible. Start searching the area for signs of your lost pet. Organize a small group of people and split up in groups of two or three and go on foot. Spread out in different directions to be sure all the area is covered. Take stinky food with you and be quiet. You don’t want to scare

Searches, Traps, and Feeding Stations the dog or drive it away. Put cell phones on mute or vibrate. Speaking of cell phones, I forgot to mention this earlier. Change your greeting to say something about your lost dog and ask if the caller has any information to please leave a message with their name and number so you can call them back shortly in case you can’t take their call. So many people may only try one time and if there is no answer, or a regular voice mail, may not call back. This will show your concern for your lost dog and hopefully encourage them to leave a message. If they don’t, call the unidentified number as quickly as you can and ask if they perchance have any information on your dog’s whereabouts. From some things I have read, I’m not sure if it is a good idea to launch a huge search with lots of people, noise, flashlights, etc. It may be better to limit the searchers to just a few and have others handing out flyers door to door in the area.

WHAT DO HUNTERS DO? .................................................

HOW TO SET A TRAP ...............................................

One Internet post claims that hunters who lose their dog in the woods will leave an article of their clothing they wore all day next to a bowl of water at the site where the dog was last seen. The dog picks up his master’s scent and waits for him. Could it be that simple?

If you are having regular visits to your feeding station, it may be time to consider setting up a trap nearby. It should be about 20 to 30 feet away from the feeding station. You will then lure the dog to the trap. This won’t happen overnight. It could take days or weeks, but could certainly be worth the effort.


...................................................................... One group we contacted gave detailed instructions on setting up a feeding station. Take a large cardboard square (size in proportion to the missing dog – maybe tape two flattened boxes together) and lay it on the ground. Cover it good with a bag or two of flour (that’s right, like Pillsbury) or cornstarch or wet sand and set a small container of stinky wet food (cheap cat food, sardines, tuna) in the middle of the space. Even without a trail camera, you will be able to tell what kind of animal has been to the feeding station by the prints in the flour. If you are attracting a lot of other animals such as raccoons, try switching to a beef-based food instead of fish and cat food. Try meat balls in barbeque sauce. Post one of your Lost Dog posters in a plastic sleeve to a tree or post near the feeding station so people will understand what is happening. Scent items can be placed around the perimeter.

Check local laws regarding traps. Ask permission to set it. You can buy, rent or borrow a trap. Be sure it is big enough for your dog to fit from nose to tail without being hurt when the trap door goes shut.It should not have any rough edges that could hurt the dog when trapped. It should be at least 12 guage steel. Do you have someone to help you carry the trap? It can be 2 ft wide, 2 ft tall, and 5 ft long! Do you have access to a truck for transportation? Will you be able to monitor and tend the trap when set? You need to have a plan in place for when you do trap your dog. You will need help to remove the trap with the dog in it. You will need a safe enclosed place such as a garage to let the dog out. Make sure you know how to set the trap properly and test it several times by tossing something in to spring the trap. You need to be able to check on the trap often. You wouldn’t want your pet being caged in the trap and vulnerable too long. You should also be prepared for trapping something other than your pet! Where do you put the trap? It should be close to the daily travels of the dog yet hidden from the public so it won’t be disturbed or in the way. It should be located near where the dog is hiding or feeding. Place

Feeding Station FALL 2017


it on level ground so it doesn’t rock. Put it next to a building or some underbrush, a place where a dog might seek natural shelter. If possible, put it near a tree or other permanent object that the trap can be secured to with a chain and padlock. Make sure the trap is clean, free of scents of other animals and old food. To cover up your scent after visiting the trap, use a can of butter flavored Pam cooking spray. Spray it around the area where you have been working and to cover up your scent trail as you leave. Do this each time you visit. If during the winter, consider wrapping the sides and top of the trap snugly with a tarp and zip ties. Make sure the tarp is anchored so it doesn’t flap in the wind. Don’t cover the back end. Use leaves or dirt to disguise the bottom of the trap. Next, wire the door to the


trap in the open position so that it cannot be lowered. Post one of your Lost Dog posters on a tree nearby or tape it to the top of the trap to inform people that may come across the unattended trap. You have made the trap safe and inviting. Next you need to plan how to lure the dog from the feeding station to the trap. This will take time. Dogs are smart and leery of strange surroundings. It is your job to build confidence and motivation. Your tool is food. Leave bait stations to lead to the trap. Replenish the food daily. After the dog is coming to the stations, reduce the amount of food and move the bait station closer to the trap. Water can also be used. As you get closer to the trap, place small


pieces of fragrant food 5 or 6 feet away from the entrance. The goal now is to get the dog to eat food on the spot instead of snatching it and running for cover. Move the food closer and closer each day. Put bits at the entrance, then just inside the entrance. You might feed the dog in the trap for several days to build confidence in the surroundings. When the dog is comfortable entering the trap, it is time to set and bait it. Place a few bits of food in front of the trigger plate, on the trigger plate and something really nice under the trigger plate. Use cooked food so it won’t spoil so fast. Do not use food on the bone. Use canned dog food but take it out of the can also. You don’t want anything in the trap that could hurt the dog or prevent the trap door from closing properly. Put a small bowl of water farther back in the trap. You can put

scent items near the feeding and bait stations and outside the trap. You can put a chew toy inside the trap at the back.

Many thanks to everyone for your kindness and support through this trying time – most especially those listed below:

Check the trap at least twice a day. Remember that dogs will be most active early in the morning and in the evening. When you visit, rake the area around the trap to erase old tracks so you can see signs of future activity. Replenish the food to keep it fresh. Dribble juices over the trap. Don’t forget to cover your scent with Pam when leaving. When you visit, take a stick and some heavy leather gloves with you just in case you trap something. Remember, it may or may not be a dog. Be prepared to release other animals by gently raising the trap door and backing away from the area. When you return later, the unwanted visitor will be gone. Clean up the trap before resetting it. Use Pam spray to cover the odor of the unwanted intruder and your scent when leaving. Don’t set the trap during severe weather in case you can’t get to it. Let the dog take shelter elsewhere. When you finally trap your dog, don’t rejoice by trying to put him on a leash and walking back to the car. Cover the trap with blanket to help keep him calm. Call your help to assist in carrying the trap with the dog in it. Walk slowly and keep it level. Put the trap in the truck and carry it to your safe place before letting the dog out. You certainly don’t want it to escape again! You will want to take your dog to visit the vet for a check-up as soon as possible to check for injuries, fleas, ticks, and heartworm. He will probably need a good bath, too. I am continually amazed at the enormity of the search campaign I launched, the number of people that have physically helped search, and the goodness and kind hearts of so many more well wishers. This is my way of thanking each and every one.

PROLOG ....................................

As I am preparing to finally publish this guide, it has been nine months almost to the day since I last saw my beautiful Breezy. I still monitor Facebook pages daily for any leads and visit the shelter once a week. I message the vets every month or so to let them know she is still missing. What else can I do? My friends at the shelter say I am doing exactly what I should do. I should continue until she comes home or I feel in my heart that she is at peace. When is that? How will I know? Don’t know the answer yet. Maybe there is another chapter still to be written. Until then, please keep a look out for my girl. She could be anywhere.


Can you find the dog on page 20?

Dana Hamilton Gina Highfield Christi Hutson Donna Suleski Julia Grubb Lauren Blankenship Gail Self Tammy Moore Sumner Gail Shortell Hicks Linda White Nancy Durham Melissa Kepley Katie Lovel Jennifer Gambill Deborah Arman Plasted Karina Young Arntz Vanessa Marks Tim Pandajis Mark Uzzle Linda Plante SEVA GRREAT Jane Krom Deb VanDover Sharlene Johnson-Ghiloni Quanzhan Li Kathi Kruse Officer Leseye Kimberly Sue Jones Julie Leggette Hyatt Joia Peele Dustin Sterlino Denise Pedro Rieken Officer Nick Altmeyer Officer Brian Smith Officer Krista Hendricks Officer Jessica McCarthy Brigett Dugan Roger Garrett Boyd Brandford Kincaid Susan Sequoia Jodie Sabrina Jacob Jessica Tamara

FALL 2017


Homecoming Share your pictures and stories by sending them to They will be featured in coming newsletters, right here under Homecoming.

We were lucky enough to foster Samantha over 5 years ago when she was 11 . We quickly realized we couldn’t give her up- she’s perfect for our family! She currently holds the honor of being the oldest dog at our vet - she doesn’t act a day over 10 :) She’s as active & happy as she was the day she joined us –Marissa Nelms

Our first baby Pippin! He came to us after being dumped into a shelter for being to much for his family. He was the best most well behaved boy from day 1! Biggest mommy’s boy and man did he love his kitty friend and boy! We miss him every day! –Anya Becker



Meet Murphy, the newest addition to the Sumner family! He is loved by Roni, John, Max, and Tassie. -Roni Sumner Lincoln and Keara say please be safe in this hot weather, and be careful with fires! –Sandi Pitini

Tassie Sumner models her July 4th attire; she is super chic –Roni Sumner

Woody enjoying his visit with the Easter bunny during our neighborhood’s egg hunt. –The Trahans

This is my 19 month old grandson Elliott with our foster failure/adopted daughter Gracie. She’s our perfect girl and they sure do love each other! –Michelle Pfeiffer

Chance. Such a sweet boy! We are so happy to have him join our family! –Peggy Allen

FALL 2017


Nicole Wilde’s Pawnderings on All Things Dog

Aggressive Behavior vs. Defensive Reactions The Threat of Stillness I recently observed a temperament test being conducted to determine whether a dog was aggressive toward other dogs. The dog in question was a large, strong breed, and there was much concern because of his past history. As I watched, it became obvious that the other dog being used in the test was very worried. She licked her lips and averted her gaze, both common stress signals. But something else concerned me a lot more: she seemed afraid to move a muscle. Was it because the dog being tested was lunging at her, barking, or otherwise being overtly threatening? No. In fact, he was standing stock still, head slightly lowered, body tensed, staring directly at her. I could feel the tension in my own body just watching it. Seconds later, the dog being tested exploded in a display that, had he not been on leash, surely would have ended in physical harm to the other dog. We are taught things about dogs early on. We learn that a growl is a warning, and that if a tail is wagging, that dog is happy (although that isn’t always the case). If a dog is lunging and barking we know to be careful, because the dog is emotionally aroused in a potentially 14

dangerous way. But what we’re not taught is to beware of stillness. As most trainers know, the vast majority of what we call “aggression” is really fear-based reactivity. While it’s true there are dogs out there who are flat-out aggressive, there are a lot more who are acting defensively. All of that lunging and barking is their way of saying, “Stay away from me! Don’t make me come over there!” In truth, they don’t want to come over there. What they want is for the scary thing to vanish into oblivion, preferably yesterday. But think about this: if a dog really meant to attack, he would. The lunging, barking dog is spending precious energy on a display that, if heeded, will actually avoid conflict. But if a dog is very still, staring, body fairly humming with tension, he’s conserving his energy. That is a dog who should cause the hairs on your own neck to stand up, because he might very well attack. I remember receiving an email from someone who had been bitten when he’d encountered a woman and her dog out in public. The dog had been standing very still and staring at him. Not realizing this was a cause for concern, he approached and reached to pet the dog. The dog bit him. He had no idea why. The


answer was in the first line of his email, where he mentioned that the dog was staring. If more people learned to recognize that stillness for what it is—a precariously balanced moment that could result in violence—more conflict could be avoided. Of course, there is a difference between a dog simply standing still, and a dog who’s gone into that tense emotional state which can too easily boil over into decisively aggressive action. Unfortunately, many people really are unaware of the difference. See the photo above? That’s a stock photo. The photographer had as part of the description, “Large guard dog with expressive eyes staring in disbelief.” The only disbelief here is mine, that incredulity is the dog’s underlying emotional state. Meeting this type of dangerous stillness with threats or aggression is never wise, and will almost certainly cause the dog to explode in violence. If you encounter a dog who is displaying this type of body language, don’t try to overpower or scare the dog. Instead, avert your own gaze, and back away verrry slowly. Notice I said back away, not turn and walk away; walking away offers the dog a chance to attack from the rear. If a dog has gone still when meeeting your dog, get your dog out of there as calmly and quickly as possible.

Our 2018 Calendars Have Arrived

2018 Calendar SEVA GRREAT

Dedicated to finding homes for homeless Golden Retrievers

Rescued Golden Retrievers

on the Cover: GinGer Quanzhan li and Xiaoming Wu are the proud parents Ginger (757)827-8561 Ginger is a very well behaved and fun loving girl. Once a foster dog herself, she pays it forward by helping our foster dogs. She calms their nerves, teaches their house leads the way in the park, tells them how to pose to the camera and ensures them that life is good from this point forward. She is indeed a foster sister extraordin


SeVa GrreaT, inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We are an all-volunteer organization operating entirely on donations and grants. Please send donations to SEVA GRREAT, PO Box 8014, yorktown, VA 23693. Thank you for your support. 757-827-8561 Heating & Air Conditioning

T&M Mechanical

© Copyright 2017, Southeastern Virginia Golden Retriever Rescue Education And Training, Inc. Installation and Repair Service All rights reserved. Contents of this calendar may not be reproduced without written Permission.

“First Team Toyota supports GRREAT! LOOKING FOR A CAR? COME SEE US AT: 3400 Western Branch Blvd, Chesapeake, VA 23321 Phone: 877-331-5419 •

For Light Commercial and Residential FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED FOR OVER 30 YEARS! CALL US AT 757-434-7723 Serving all of Hampton Roads

Rescue Hotline 757-827-8561 Press For 1 If you think you have found one of our Goldens based on the SEVA GRREAT tag or microchip. 2 To leave a message for the President 3 To give up a Golden Retriever or get more info on our intake process 4 For Information on Golden Days and other events. 5 To check on the status of an adoption or foster application. 6 For all other questions.

FALL 2017


Few Dog Owners Know

To Inspect Their Pets’ Mouths After To Look For Ticks by Ileana Paules-Bronet


fter spending a lot of time outside, especially in areas with a lot of foliage, most people know they should spend some time checking for ticks. And anyone who has dogs knows how important it is to regularly check your dog for ticks, as well. Unlike human skin, they’re harder to spot on a dog, so you have to feel for them. Checking your dog’s entire body for ticks isn’t the most fun, particularly when you have to check under their tails and around their “private” areas. But there’s one area most dog owner’s don’t think to check: their mouths. It might surprise you, but since dogs smell and taste things when they’re outside, they can easily get ticks in their mouths. Here’s what you need to know. Most people never even look inside their dog or cat’s mouth to see if there are any problems. With tick season in full force all over the country and many parts of the world, many of us have become accustomed to checking our pets for ticks thoroughly from head to toe when we’re done playing outside. One of the last places we would ever think to check (aside from under their tails) is inside their mouths.



They’re Outside

These little insects can be tricky to spot because they often manage to wriggle into tiny gaps between the teeth and the gums. If you don’t spot ticks latched obviously onto your pup’s gums or cheeks, be sure to check for anything that looks like food caught in the teeth. In some cases, these dark splotches are actually well-concealed ticks. Australia’s Adelaide Vet explains that you should do an at-home dental exam on your dog every month.

Once you locate tick, grasp it as close to the skin as possible. 747 Scotland Street, Williamsburg, VA 23185 747 Scotland Street Williamsburg, VA 23185 757.229.8610 757.229.8610

Then, pull gently using the tweezers. Make sure to pull directly upward, away from where the tick was burrowing. If you or your dog isn’t comfortable with this, have it done by your veterinarian. The American Kennel Club also explains that you should never remove a tick using your fingers. Not only will it not work, it may also squeeze more infectious material into your dog.

But if you and your dog spend a lot of time outside during tick-heavy months, you should check more often.

Once you’ve removed the tick, wash your hands and clean the site with rubbing alcohol.

Removing a tick from your dog’s mouth might be slightly more difficult than a different area of the body, especially if your dog isn’t comfortable with you touching their mouth.

Have you ever found a tick on your dog? It’s not a fun experience, but removing it is a good way to know you’re keeping your dog happy and healthy.

The American Kennel Club explains that the best way to remove a tick from your dog is by using fine-point tweezers.

Please SHARE this article with anyone you know who has a dog!

FALL 2017


6 More Turkey Dogs Destiny

Hi! My name is Destiny and I am a Turkey Dog. I’m a girl and I am 2 or 3 years old. For most of my life, I was homeless and living on the streets in a small village playing with the children. Playing with the kids was fun but I lived off of the scraps of food that I would find - never knowing when I would eat again. But some nice humans rescued me and now I am living with my brand new forever family here in Virginia!



Hi my name is Journey and I was born in Istanbul, Turkey. I was homeless so I wound up living in the forest outside of the city. What a scary place. I never knew when I would find food to eat. And there are packs of wild dogs that you do not want to meet up with. Talk about scary! Then some people took me and put me in a shelter. Not as bad as the forest but still not great. But then, some nice lady came and took me from the shelter and now I live right here in Virginia. I am about 3 years old and I love to play and am very social.



Hi my name is Domino and I just arrived from Turkey. As you can probably tell, I am a Golden mix but SEVA GRREAT thought that with everything I have been through, I deserve a trip to paradise! I have not had a very good life. They think I am around 7 to 8 years old. Many Goldens in Turkey never make it to my age. That’s because life is just too hard in Turkey when you are homeless. The volunteers in Turkey found me near death, outside of a Domino’s Pizza place – hence the name Domino. I have battled several diseases including Ehrlichia, a tick borne disease and Leishmania. There aren’t many dogs that can say they had Leishmania and lived. And, that is why SEVA GRREAT decided to bring me to Virginia. They want me to have the best possible rest of life that I could possibly have! The mission of SEVA GRREAT is to never say no to a Golden Retriever in need - whether it means bringing in a dog from another state or another country – like Turkey. Love has no borders. We are proud of our efforts to succeed at our mission. As we enter the season of giving, SEVA GRREAT has so much to be thankful for – our wonderful volunteers, our generous donors, our loving adopters, and our remarkable fosters. To them we say THANK YOU!

HI EVERYONE! We wanted to share some information on our 6 newest goldens that just came from Turkey.


Hi my name is Ginny – which is short for Virginia! Have you ever heard of Virginia? I never heard of it but now I live in Virginia! How cool is that? Some nice people in Turkey found me wandering the streets of Antalya, Turkey homeless and begging for food. I am not a very big girl – only 32 pounds and I am about 2 years old. The nice people in Turkey describe me as a petite, delicate girl who is very sweet and friendly (I am blushing!).


My name is Pearl and I am so excited because I was just brought to Virginia!!! SEVA GRREAT decided to name me Pearl because “an oyster who was not injured will never produce a pearl.” You see, when you are a stray in Turkey, life is not good. You face a lot of pain and injury. But now I am going to be a beautiful Pearl! You can probably tell that they had to shave me – I think I had something called mange. But don’t worry, I’m all good now. And my hair will grow back. And then I will live up to my name – beautiful Golden Pearl!


Hello to everyone! My name is River and I was born in Turkey. A really nice human found me wandering around begging for scraps at a gas station near Bursa. My owners dumped me along the side of the road while they were going on vacation at the beginning of the summer. I was pretty bummed about it, but no more. Because now I live in Virginia with my wonderful foster family. I am about 2 years old and very friendly, very sweet or what everyone would say – a typical Golden.

FALL 2017





via the links on our Home page Your support/purchases through these links provide ongoing donations to SEVA GRREAT and help homeless Goldens find a home! (At no additional cost to you) Every purchase through the AMAZON link on our Home page ensures a donation to SEVA GRREAT (generally 4-6% of purchase, based on monthly volume of sales)

Rainbow Bridge

KROGER REWARDS Click the link on our Home page, register your Kroger card. Each time you swipe your card at a Kroger store, SEVA GRREAT will get a small donation

BENEFIT WINES/CHARITY WICKS Click on the links under Ads/Affiliates on our Home page

WOOFTRAX/WALK-FOR-A-DOG Click on WoofTrax under Ads/Affiliates. Download the app and register to walk for SEVA GRREAT.

SMILEY SEVA GRREAT is an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization dedicated to finding homes for homeless Golden Retrievers. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!

The little dog with such a huge purpose has been let go. He left us so quietly and peacefully in his favourite spot today at 12:30. I hope he is running free and can finally see the beauty around him. I hope he was met by old and new friends. His heart was so big he was able to share it with the world. Please, in honour of Smiley - see the world around you with your heart be kind to others, and give back in any way you can. Thank you again for your messages of support during this very difficult time. . . .

–Smiley’s family

FALL 2017


Contributions Ann and Andor Czompo Armen and Denise Melikian In honor of Nina

Jill Hoehlein In memeory of all the wonderful Goldens in my life - past and present

DJ and Fran DeCicco In memory of Apollo

Peter and Maryanne Lambert

William and Colleen Beatovich

Wellington and Wendy Kay


Joe Vance Janice Phillips In memory of Maxx

Sponsor-A-Dog Contributors CVC

Combined Federal Campaign #003456

Contributors Clay and Jan Beall

Raife’s Fund Mike Zinski


Carl and Lizbeth Jackson




Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign #3456

MEMBERSHIP, DONATION & VOLUNTEER FORM Note: Membership is open to all persons 18 years or older.


Please have the Coordinator in the following area/areas contact me: (Check appropriate boxes)

Name: _____________________________________________

These are listed in the order of urgent need by GRREAT.

Address: ___________________________________________ City, State, Zip: _______________________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________________

HOME EVALUATION –– visits for foster/adoption applicants.

Home Phone: ________________________________________ Work Phone: ________________________________________ This is a new membership Address Change ADDITIONAL VOTING MEMBERS:

FOSTERING — A temporary home for SEVA GRREAT dogs before they are adopted.

It’s time!

Renew Start now!

(E-mail needs to be unique to vote.)

TRANSPORTATION — primarily shuttling dogs and/or equipment as necessary. If you are interested in helping with transportation, can you help on: (circle all that apply) Weekdays



EVENTS — helping to hold/show dogs at “Golden Days,” helping with fund raisers, etc. PUBLICITY — researching and writing stories for media release and newsletters, selling ads for the newsletter, taking photos at events, updating the web site, etc.

Name: _____________________________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________________

MERCHANDISE — to man booths selling SEVA GRREAT stuff at local dog shows / fairs / festivals / etc.

Name: _____________________________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________________

Our rescue is growing! In order to continue to save more dogs every year, we are looking for volunteers who would like to become more involved with the organization. If you are interested in assisting with intake, foster coordination, Golden Days or other areas on a regular basis, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator at, for more information.

Name: _____________________________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________________

REMITTANCE: I am enclosing my $25 annual membership dues $ ___________


Additional Voting members _____ @ $25 each

$ ___________

Please make checks payable to:


$ ___________

1 Calendar = $12.00 (includes shipping)

$ ___________


$ ___________

Mail this form with your check to: SEVA GRREAT PO Box 8014 Yorktown, VA 23693


In Memory of



IMPORTANT NOTICE If you would like to become a member, please sign below. Otherwise, your remittance for annual membership must be considered a donation.

Date: __________________________________________________________________

I affirm that I have never been convicted of an animal abuse crime. Signature: ______________________________________________________________


SEVA GRREAT P.O. Box 8014 Yorktown, Va 23693



Rescue Hotline 757-827-8561 Press For 1

If you think you have found one of our Goldens based on the SEVA GRREAT tag or microchip.

2 To leave a message for the President 3 To give up a Golden Retriever or get more info on our intake process 4

For Information on Golden Days and other events.


To check on the status of an adoption or foster application.


For all other questions.

National Dog Registry 1-800-NDR-DOGS Foster Dog Medical Care YORK VETERINARY CLINIC Yorktown 757-898-3700 COOKE VET MEDICAL CENTER Chesapeake 757-547-9421 QUIOCCASIN VET HOSPITAL Richmond 804-741-3200 ACREDALE ANIMAL HOSPITAL Virginia Beach 757-523-6100 ANDERSON’S CORNER Toano 757-566-2224

Like us on facebook!

SEVA GRREAT Contact Information President Jane Krom Vice President Debbie Morris Treasurer Jim O’Connell Secretary Sharon Leeman Event Coordinators: Southside: Jane Krom Peninsula: Linda Thomson Richmond: Jennifer Dauzier Microchip Coordinator Robyn Beasley Intake Coordinator Rose Bennett Foster Coordinator Katie Show Adoption Coordinator Robyn Beasley Membership Jacob Kay Volunteer Coordinator Sherry Kara Board Member Largo Elston Merchandise Jennifer Dauzier Fundraising GRREAT Times magazine

Linda Thomson Brad Miller

Want to Reach Dog Lovers with Your Message? Advertise in GRREAT Times Magazine and Help Our Goldens.

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