GRREAT Times Spring 2022

Page 1


Our Microchip Process

South Carolina Puppy Mill

Save Your Dog’s Life for $1.00

CONTENTS GRREAT Times is a quarterly publication of SEVA GRREAT, Inc., an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization dedicated to finding homes for homeless Golden Retrievers. For more information, call our Hotline at 757-827-8561 or visit our web site at

3 .. President’s Message


4 .. Adoptions

To contact the newsletter editor with suggestions, comments, or send materials and photos for inclusion, send an e-mail to, or write Attn.: Newsletter Editor, PO Box 8014, Yorktown, VA 23693.

6 .. Our Microchip Process 8 .. Spotlight: Gamze Goksoy

SEVA GRREAT disclaims all responsibility for omissions or errors.

9 .. Give Local 757

Submitting Stories and Photos We have decided to make “homecoming” a feature in each newsletter to feature dogs that have been adopted from us over the years. Send us a picture (identify everyone in it, please) with your dog’s name, when you adopted it, your name and a few words or more about your dog. Full length stories are welcomed, too!

10 .. Planned Giving


11 .. Life with Pogo


When you submit your pictures for publication in print, please submit an original digital image of no less than 300 dpi. If you aren’t sure of the dpi, send the original and we’ll check the possibility for use. We can make pictures smaller but we can not make them larger. Don’t worry about the file size; if you can send it, we can receive it. If you can’t send it, let us know. We’ll show you a way that it can be sent.

12 .. Homecoming 14 .. SC Puppy Mill 16 .. Tips from Edie 18 .. Save Your Dog’s Life

Email to:

20 .. Meet Rosie 21 .. Rainbow Bridge


22 .. Contributions 23 .. Membership & Volunteering 2

ON THE COVER: From our 2022 calendar, that’s Brewer Lamkin ushering in springtime.



President’s Message

April 22- 23

Care-A-Lot Pets Virginia Beach

April 30

Woofstock in Richmond

May 10

Bubba’s 33 All Day Dine in Chesapeake (in conjunction with Give Local)

May 15


June 11 Big Ugly

July 17

Painting with a Twist in Chesapeake

Facebook: Southeastern Virginia Golden Retriever Rescue, Education, and Training!


GRREAT ADS GRREAT Times is now offering advertising space. Rates per issue for various size ads are: Full Page = $150 1/2 Page = $100 1/3 Page = $75 1/6 Page = $50 A discounted rate for multiple issue placement is available. Email requests, size and specification questions to Every effort will be made to put your ad in the desired issue. GRREAT Times is published quarterly the second week of January, April, July, and October. Deadline for submitting an AD is the 1st of the month prior to the publication date.


ust when you think things were going back to normal with COVID slowing down, everything starts to go topsy turvy with Russia, gas prices and the cost of cereal (among other things)! On a positive note, we had a great 1st quarter here at SEVA GRREAT. If you follow us on Facebook, you probably saw that we were able to help rescue dogs from an absolutely horrific hoarding situation in South Carolina. In all, 166 dogs were confiscated. So, with the help of my husband Joe, Jane Krom and I loaded 6 extralarge crates into a van. Of course Jane and I know how to drive a cargo van! (NOT!) So off we went to Pickens, SC. When we got there, Animal Control sweet talked us into taking 3 more dogs. I mean how could we resist those adorable faces?? (I’m talking about the dogs and not Animal Control!) Needless to say, all that wonderful van planning went down the drain. And here is where I need to stop and pour a little reality into this fairy tale. First, keep in mind, these dogs have hardly if ever been touched by a human being and they did not want to be touched by us. They were so very, very scared. It was heartbreaking to see how fearful they were. Second, these dogs were probably never let out of their kennels (using the term kennel is a nice word – think chicken wire). In other words, they had never had a bath! And you could tell!! Or should I say, you could smell! They were very odoriferous! To put it mildly! But we happily survived the 12+ hours getting them to the homes of the foster families. Now we just need to

get them healthy and ready for adoption! You can see pictures of them on page 14. We had a very successful GoFundMe campaign for our Turkey Dog rescue partners. We were able to raise $17,665. I am proud to say the Board voted to bring the amount up to $21,000. Because of your generosity, our rescue partners were able to save over 40 Golden Retrievers and 12 Golden mixes. And again because of your generosity, over 400 kg of dog food was sent to feed the strays living in the forests. Sevil, Gamze, and Yasemin thank you very much. You can read a story about Gamze in this magazine. There will be stories on our other rescue partners in future magazines. Also, please feel free to continue donating to this cause – just make sure to mark your donation for “Turkey Dogs.” Now we just need to get the Turkey Dogs to America! We are working on that and we may be asking for your help. More to come. . . We have set up a number of events! Please check our website and Facebook page for the particulars. The world of rescue is very rewarding though it can sometimes feel like a never ending uphill battle. But with each Golden saved, a life has been changed for the better! And we take another step in the right direction for Goldens not just here but around the world. Thank you for walking beside us! Golden lovers like you are the ones who help make this work possible every day!













Buddy – Julian & Meredith Belyea

Holly – Jim & Pauline O’Connell

Coco – Crystal Miller

Khloe – Ross & Nanette Knapp

Frankie – Glen & Mika Mingee

Murphy – Lauren Ritt

Ginger – Robin Cheslock

Oliver – John & Karen Glass

Hero – Linda Halenda

Otter – Keri-Anne West & Doug Walker




A big THANKS goes out to Tito's for generously matching the first $5000 in donations to our Give Local campaign.



SEVA GRREAT’s Microchip Process By Sharon Leeman


ccording to statistics, one in three pets become lost at some time in their life…

One step you can take to help your dog find its way home is to have him or her microchipped and keep your microchip registration up to date. If you are not familiar with a microchip, it is a tiny device — about the size of a grain of rice — that’s implanted just underneath your dog’s skin (usually between the shoulder blades). It’s no more invasive than a vaccination and can be done when the dog is awake. Installing a chip takes only a few seconds, and your dog shouldn’t feel more than a slight pinch. That’s why when a dog enters our rescue, one of the first things we do, along with getting an intake exam and updating vaccinations, is microchipping any Jackson Saville dog that has not already been chipped. If a dog comes in unaltered and has a spay/ neuter scheduled in the first week or so, the dog may be microchipped then, just so they don’t even feel any pinch at all. Either way, you don’t have to worry about them being sore or having lingering pain from the procedure. Microchipping is completely safe for both pets and humans. You won’t be able to feel a microchip and won’t know it’s there, but when viewed under a special scanner, the chip emits a radio frequency that reveals the name of the microchipping agency along with the microchip number. If your dog is picked up by animal control or taken to a shelter or veterinarian, they have a scanner that will allow them to


read the chip number and microchipping company that it is registered with. As long as the information is up to date, the microchipping company can then notify you that your dog has been found and where he or she is. Of course, that only works if the owner’s information is there. In the past, SEVA GRREAT provided the microchip numbers and registration information to the adopter when the dog found its forever home. We still have some dogs with chips from that past practice, and they are only registered and up to date if the adopter did it and kept up with it. If you have one of the dogs adopted under our prior practice, it is important that you register and keep your information up to date. Otherwise, the microchipping agency will know your dog has been found, but they will not know how to reach you. Our practice was changed in 2015 for two reasons. First, we felt the need to have the dog chipped during the time he or she is in foster care. After all, they are just as likely to be lost then as they are in their forever home, and some of our dogs are in foster care for months. Second, we wanted to be sure that any SEVA GRREAT dog that was lost could find its way home to our rescue, even if we have lost touch with the adopter and/or they did not register the chip or keep the information up to date. Our current practice is to register all our rescue dogs as soon as they are chipped with the


microchipping company. If the dog is already chipped from a prior owner, that number is also entered into our microchip database. From that point forward, even after the dog is adopted, all dogs will show SEVA GRREAT as the primary contact. When you adopt a dog, you have the option to be added as the secondary contact and your veterinarian can also be added. This is noted in your adoption contract, and we ask our home evaluators to point out this clause to our adopters when they complete the contract. The information that can be stored at the microchipping company is two email addresses and two phone numbers, along with the vet practice’s name and phone number. There is no place to add a mailing address. To set it up initially or to have it updated takes only a minute and can be done by contacting our Microchip Coordinator at adoptions@adoptagolden. com. People change phone numbers and email addresses frequently and notifying us of those changes is not the first thing people think of, which once again is the reason that the dog remains with SEVA GRREAT as the primary contact. Most microchip agencies are national, so even if your dog gets lost while on vacation or when you are moving, you can still be reunited. With the military presence in our service territory, deployments and reassignments are common. Most microchip agencies are members of American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA). Their LookUp Tool (Microchip Search (aaha. org) can search hundreds of databases. In fact,

According to AKC Reunite . . . “Pets with microchips are up to 20 times more likely to be reunited with their owners.”

we encourage you to give it a try and see what information is returned and to see where your dog is registered. You will need your dog’s microchip number to do this, and it should be noted on your adoption contract, along with other paperwork you should have received when you adopted your dog. You may feel that your dog’s ID on a collar serves the same purpose. While we would never tell you NOT to put those tags on a collar, remember that collars can be lost and broken. If your dog gets out without a collar or loses it along the way, authorities have no way to contact you if they find your dog. Plus, your tags and collars have personal information (name, address, phone number) on them which you may not want shared with anyone who might find them. A microchip number, on the other hand, is useless to everyone except the microchip agency. They are the only ones who have your personal information. It is not common, but it is possible for a microchip to move from between the shoulder blades to other parts of your dog’s body. This does not harm your pet, but if animal control or a shelter does not scan your dog’s full body, they may think he or she is not microchipped.

Most veterinarians will perform a full body scan, but just in case, to ease your own mind, you may want to ask your vet to scan your dog when he or she has an annual exam. That will let you know that your dog’s chip is where it is supposed to be. Although we feel strongly about microchips for our SEVA GRREAT dogs, this information is applicable to your other pets (cats and dogs alike) that may have been rescued from another group or purchased from a breeder. We would like to see all your pets microchipped and registered to keep them

safe and sound. If you would like additional protection for your dog, you may want to consider a collar with a GPS locator attached. The GPS will tell you where the dog is, and the microchip will tell authorities where to return your dog. However, GPS collars are a discussion for another time. If you would like to follow up on a specific situation, please email our Microchip Coordinator at




Turkish Rescue Partner Gamze Goksoy

by Elissa Ely

When the enthused apartment barking of two dogs became too loud for her urban neighbors, Gamze moved out of Istanbul, an hour and a half away to the country. She created a farm, there; initially somewhere to board, breed and train dogs, but eventually, a fulltime respite where she could rescue and rehabilitate them. “I think my dogs rehabilitate ME,” she said correcting the usual perception. “Without them, I am homeless.”


ost likely, you will never meet Gamze Goksoy, who writes like a poet, lives on a farm in rural Turkey with 32 German Shepherds and mongrel dogs that “plod their beautiful kissable paws along the floor,” and passionately, sometimes with joy and sometimes with heartache, rescues Turkish Golden Retrievers before sending them into the arms of American adopters. Most likely, you will never meet her, but she has been one of the Turkish rescue partners you need to thank. Gamze was the child of busy physicians, and she describes herself as raised by cats, dogs, rabbits, and birds. “Home meant wherever they were present,” she writes, in an interview conducted through an online translation service, using written questions and answers. She studied Architecture and Urban Planning in Istanbul, working in that field for decades. Sometimes her German Shepherd came to work with her, and if he were waiting in the car and bored, he would toot the horn. 8

Her dogs arrive from all over Turkey, some through the calls of local animal lovers, others by plane from distant provinces. They were holiday gifts, abandoned at the end of holidays. They were breeders’ dogs, outbred and abandoned in forests. They were shelter dogs, caged for years and abandoned to streets. She welcomes them democratically; “for me, all dog breeds have equal rights when it comes to being rescued,” she writes. “Whether it is Golden Retriever or some other breed, none of them are different from each other on the issue of the destiny they share.” Then Gamze intervenes in their destiny. With a vet, she treats their viral diseases, skin conditions, malnutrition, and the surgical requirements of fractures or improper sterilizations. There are vaccinations and chip placements, of course. And she takes on the sequelae of emotional neglect trauma, fearfulness, food aggression. “To trust and to love,” she insists, “these are the things that bind us together.” Her dogs range from 3 months to 11 years and stay as long as is


necessary, some for months, others for years. “Some of them will never be re-homed, and they will age with me.” Four years ago, she began to send the Goldens who rehabilitate her to shelters in the US, including YGRR. In addition to their outer and inner care, she starts to “box train.” On a 12-18 hour plane flight, in the baggage or cargo sections, crates have to feel like home in the air. Once a dog is accepted, the process that had been taking months or years suddenly speeds to a breathtaking pace. Each dog arrives in the US with a packet of paperwork, including a passport, rabies certificate, air flight information, and USDA approval. The USDA application—filed by YGRR—may take five days to process, but the import permit awarded is valid for only 10. Five days to get a permit, ten days to arrive. The administrative window of time for entering the country is narrow. You hear the ticking. “The day of flight always starts with great excitement,” Gamze writes. “But the moments of farewell are extremely emotional. I bid my children farewell with tears, prayers, and kisses…They are not alone in the universe.” In all honesty, interviews conducted by writing are often awkward. They feel dialogue-less: an artificial volley of question, answer, question, answer. Somehow, Gamze answers questions from 4,800 miles away, yet it feels like she is in the same room. “Every rescue and every return to life,” she writes, “has been the best memories for me. I cannot even sort all of my joys.” “Most of the time,” she adds, “I cannot even find the words to describe what I feel. I am not a poet.” But she is.

It’s time to give! JOIN US MAY 10, 2022 Visit: and make a donation to Southeastern Virginia Golden Retriever Rescue, Education and Training, Inc. Giving starts at midnight on May 10th and ends at 11:59 PM Minimum donation is $10.00

Tell friends, family, and co-workers about SEVA GRREAT and the work we do to save Goldens in need and prepare them for their forever homes. Cash prizes are awarded based on the number of unique donations received. Unique is defined as: unique to a name, credit card and email address. The more unique donations the more cash bonus prizes we can win.

Thank You



Planned Giving O

ur past and continued success is due to your generosity and support in our mission to save Goldens in need. SEVA GRREAT has been fortunate to have donors who respond to our many calls for help in preparing our goldens for their forever homes. In addition to our current donor opportunities, we are pleased to announce the creation of our Legacy Circle in recognition of those who have made planned gifts to SEVA GRREAT. Legacy Circle members will be invited to SEVA GRREAT events and will receive a print copy

of our magazine which is published four times each year. We will be honored to recognize their commitment in a special section of our publication (unless anonymity is requested).

or designated as a beneficiary for insurance or financial assets. Working with an attorney can help identify best arrangements for gifts or bequest.

Planned giving provides needed support for our work and enables donors to create a lasting legacy in support of SEVA GRREAT and Golden Retrievers. Such a gift enables support you may have given during your lifetime to continue long after. Planned Giving can be accomplished in many ways such as naming SEVA GRREAT in a will with a specific bequest

If planning a legacy gift to SEVA GRREAT, note that we are registered with the proper name Southeastern Virginia Golden Retriever Rescue, Education and Training, Inc., and were incorporated in 1994. As always we thank you for your support of SEVA GRREAT.

If you would like more information about Planned Giving or need to speak with someone about a potential gift, please call 757-827-8561 and leave a message. In your message please state your call is about Planned Giving, so we may direct it to the appropriate person. For more information please email:, medical, treasurer



Life with Pogo with much love Cindy Bruno (Mom)


ogo was my first transport in March 2013 as a new volunteer for SEVA GRREAT. I wasn’t sure I was ready for a second dog at that time. But when I saw him again in August 2013, as I was volunteering for a SEVA event at the Tractor Supply in Gloucester VA, I knew that he should be mine in his forever home. We met with his then 3rd foster with our 8 year old Golden, Harley. They immediately got along. I owned a beach house in Carova, NC. That was his first time at a beach and he did not know what to do with those waves and wanted no part of it. Harley came barreling down the beach and lunged into the water. Pogo perked up and thought, “Oh, is that what you’re supposed to do.” From then on there was no keeping him out of the water. We spent many a days at the beach with walks, swimming and visiting with his favorite Dalmatian friends, Ellie and Lexie. And many swimming excursions in the sound in OBX with Ellie and Lexie. We would also stay with them in their second home in Hopewell, VA and take trips with them to the mountains in Tyro, VA. We took trips to Skyline Drive where we hiked and walks on the James River where we owned another piece of property. At our

home in VA, we also had a best friend across the street, a Great Pyrenees named Buddy that we walked in the woods with almost every day snow, rain or shine. Whenever possible, Pogo loved to chase any critter that came into the yard. He would travel in the car whenever possible whether it was to go on a vacation or just running errands. Harley passed in June 2018 at the age of 14 ½. During this sad time, it was Pogo who gave me comfort. As we continued our journeys, I recently bought a home in Sunset Beach, NC. As we were looking for that home, we spent time on the beach and at the park on the Intercoastal waterway from August – November 2021. We moved in December 2021 and were anxiously looking forward to time at the beach again. In September 2021, he successfully recovered from the removal of a cancerous tumor. But in February 2022, he became ill and quickly

declined. On March 11, 2022, I had to make the tough decision to help him across the rainbow bridge. He will be so missed and my heart feels empty. But he will be continuing his journey with his brother Harley and we will be together again someday.



Homecoming Share your pictures and stories by sending them to They will be featured in coming newsletters, right here under Homecoming.

Two years ago you guys helped me to adopt Chuck. He was Pearson at the time but he felt lik met him and he’s been Chuck to his friends ever since. Today is our “gotcha” day and I wanted let you all know how much your efforts are appreciated. Put as simply as I can, Chuck is the b life. And it is not close. We are a perfect match and I love him dearly. I am so grateful that you us together. I remember being a little frustrated by the amount of time it was taking but was r the right dog to find me and I am so glad I found the patience. I couldn’t have built a more pe a lab. You guys offered for me to foster him because he was a troublemaker with other dogs a suitable home for him. I was offered the chance to foster and then have first dibs on adopting him I knew we were a perfect match. I’ll be making a donation to your organization in his nam thank you enough for bringing us together.

–Tommy Danner

Chance Miles looks like he’s ready for his day at the beach -- or lounging by the pool. He’s got his life preserver and his towel. Oops... not really that much fun for the poor boy. He’s fighting a hot spot. We hope you get healed up quickly because swimming weather is coming!

Onyx has settled in so well to his forever family. Look how handsome he is. He has a loving mom and dad and a dog sibling to keep him healthy and happy. We love happy endings / restarts!



Teddy Kastner is Not spoiled! He is appropriately well-loved! He is such a sweetheart, if you walk into a room and don’t talk to him, he sure lets you know. Teddy is former Turkey dog, Pati, and he came to the US in May 2021 and was adopted by his foster family in June.

Kenna, our 14 year old old foster failure checking out some daffodils.

–Kathy Gierlak


my wild Tu rkey dog a Happy B irthday!

Jackson 11.5 yea

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Birthday s

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Daisy - Wis hing

JJ Smith


harley - 7 years old He starts his heartw orm treatm soon, so se ent nd him go od though healing alo ts for ng with bir thday wish es!

JJ Smith, turned 12 on March loving, sm 12. He is a art boy wh sweet, o is one o He’s had a f the lucky wonderful ones. home for He was ad most of his opted from life. SEVA GRR was only 9 EAT when months old h e .

Maggie - 7 years


Happy 8th Birthday to Miss Rit Benshoff. a Mae What a be autiful bir girl you a thday re!

Margaret Th

Rita Mae

atcher, be tter know n as Magg From her ie. mom: “Sh e’s a lovab who has b le , g ifted child een a perf ect pande for us. Sh mic thera e is totally py dog a NON-iro Thatcher n-lady Ma who loves rgaret beach tim and make e, mulchin s a perfec g sticks, t bow-wo boat. She w spirit fo loves doin r o u r g home eva GRREAT a luations fo nd knows r SEVA words in E Norwegia nglish, Fre n, and Lati nch, n.” SPRING 2022


Rescuing Dogs in South Carolina

Myrtle 14








Home Sweet Home Care Inc. In-Home Adult Care Supports SEVA GRREAT! We help the elderly remain independent by offering caring companionship and assistance with the tasks of daily living. We send a companion caregiver or a personal care aid to your home, assisted living residence, or nursing home. We work to your schedule whether that is one hour or round the clock care. We are always looking for kind, compassionate and skilled employees to join our team. Locally Owned & Operated Company Established 2004 Licensed, Bonded & Insured Employee Caregivers


Nessie Styer loves all that SEVA GRREAT does to help Goldens in need! Pickens

Carolina SPRING 2022


Tips from Edie at Tip #1: How Does Your Dog Learn? The simple answer is that YOU teach your dog how to behave with every interaction you have with him. Every single time you give your dog attention (even yelling at him), you are rewarding him for that behavior. He learns that jumping on you gets him the attention he craves. To dogs, negative attention is better than no attention at all! While you are training your dog, keep these two basic rules of canine learning theory in mind:

the best rewards. Remember that attention, whether negative or positive, is a high-value reward for most dogs. • Dogs learn through consistency....they understand "always" and "never". They do not understand that jumping on family member is okay, while jumping on guests is not. If you don't want your dog to jump on your guests, do not allow your dog to jump on anyone. So, if you want a calm, obedient dog remember to reward him with attention, toys, treats

• Dogs are reward-driven. They will do whatever gets them

(whatever your dog likes) whenever he is behaving appropriately and deny him those rewards when he is not. He will quickly learn what behavior gets him the best rewards! Be consistent and be a leader.

Tip #2: What Is a Leader? If you ask 10 people, you are likely to get 10 different definitions of what leadership means to them. Most people think of elected officials or business managers as leaders. Dogs define leaders a different way. Your dog detects leadership by your demeanor and your behavior. You define your status to your dog, as leader or follower, with every interaction you have with him (or her). Dogs obey leaders. That is why it is so important for you to achieve the leadership characteristics YOUR DOG looks for in a leader, and be that leader consistently. So, how can you demonstrate leadership to your dog? Here are a couple ways: • Leaders never follow. If you allow your dog to go out or in the door before you,



Hounds In Hand you are not a leader. If your dog drags you down the sidewalk on your walks, you are not a leader. Try asking your dog to sit and wait at the door, open the door a little and, as long as your dog remains sitting, continue to open the door. If your dog breaks the sit, immediately close the door and try again. Continue the process until your dog will remain sitting when door is fully open. Then release him, go through the door with him following you. You can do this with your dog standing if he doesn’t know how to sit and wait, but the sit is a better behavior at the door. Practice this exercise coming back in as well. If your dog is pulling on the leash, stop walking the moment the leash gets tight, encourage your dog to return to your side (use his favorite small treats), then continue the walk. Do this every time he starts to pull. He will soon learn the best rewards (treats and the walk) come when he keeps the leash loose! • Leaders are calm. Raising your voice, being nervous, losing your temper…these behaviors lower your status in your dog’s perspective. Did you know that how you eat demonstrates leadership? What does when and where your dog barks say about leadership? There are lots of ways, obvious and not so obvious, that you can use to establish leadership with your dog. Remember that your dog’s training will be more successful, and he will be happier and more balanced once your roles are well defined.


Tip #3: Problem-Solving and the Treatment Plan In the last couple of tips, we discussed how dogs learn and what it means to be a leader, from your dog’s perspective. In this tip, we will explore what is required to extinguish problem behaviors your dog may be exhibiting. Does your dog jump on you, your family or your guests? Does your dog’s constant barking driving you nuts? These behaviors and others, such as digging, chewing on household items, unruliness in the house and nipping are normal behaviors to your dog, but can be inappropriate and problematic in our human environment. In order to extinguish a behavior that your dog considers normal and rewarding, trainers use a TREATMENT PLAN, which implements a four-pronged approach to the management and eventual elimination of the behavior in question. The treatment plan consists of: • Positive reinforcement of an alternate behavior • Managing your dog’s environment so that he can be successful • Consistency in your interactions with your dog • Consequences for inappropriate behavior Each problem behavior requires a unique treatment plan, and each dog and environment requires a treatment plan

tailored to that dog and environment. We would love to help develop a treatment plan for you and your dog. Please contact us for your training needs.

Don't Wait! Every year, millions of pets are surrendered to local animal control facilities for common, easily treated behavioral problems. There are very few happy endings for these pets. Digging, jumping, barking, nipping, etc...these behaviors are NORMAL dog behaviors, but are often unacceptable in the human environment. In order to extinguish these behaviors, we must teach the dog an alternate, acceptable behavior. Making this new behavior extremely rewarding to the dog, and not rewarding the undesired behavior, is how to teach a dog “manners.” Understanding how your dog learns, learning how to be a leader for your dog and being that leader consistently, and implementing the treatment plan consistently for the problem behavior will enable you to teach your dog how to live in your world with balance and joy. The household will be peaceful, and you will probably learn a good deal about yourself in the process. If your dog is having behavioral problems, don’t wait for a miracle to solve the problem. Behavioral problems never get better, and generally worsen, without intervention. Please seek the advice of a qualified pet dog trainer. Your dog is worth the effort and you and your dog will be successful if you follow the plan!



What’s Up Doc? by Beth Rodgers


e love our dogs! We love to give them gifts and do not need a special occasion to offer a favorite chew, a ride to their favorite place, or a new bed (or two or three). There is another gift that you can give your dog, however, that may be life saving and can be acquired with less than $1.00 and only a few minutes of your time. It is a gift that your dog, and you, will be grateful especially if you never use it. That is the gift of a bottle of hydrogen peroxide and the knowledge of how to use it to induce vomiting in the event of ingestion of a toxic substance. Occasionally I get a phone call from someone whose golden retriever has eaten something it shouldn’t. This will not surprise anyone who knows golden retrievers. No matter how careful you are, no matter how cautiously you put potential dangers in a place that you are certain is out of reach, many golden retrievers will figure out how to reach it. I have seen dogs reach the top of a refrigerator, defying the beliefs of us silly humans that a dog is not going to climb on the kitchen counter. To some dogs, that looks like a fun new agility obstacle. To a cat, it’s an invitation and the stored item quickly will be moved to the dog’s level by a curious feline. Children and unwitting guests also can move things putting something dangerous in easy reach of your dog. Remember that pack of sugar-free, xylitol infused breath mints left on the end table? In a nutshell: stuff happens, and some of that stuff can be deadly.


What do you do? This is no time to comb the internet looking for instructions especially since we know a great deal of what you find there is questionable at best. It also is not the time to wish you were better prepared, especially when preparation will cost you only a few minutes of time and less than $1.00. In many situations, the owner calls the vet and is then directed to call poison control. Upon reaching poison control you may be on hold for a time. The clock is ticking and you are getting increasingly more anxious. In reality, it may only be a few minutes, but knowing you are dealing with a potential life threatening emergency makes any delay nearly unbearable. You finally talk to someone at poison control, provide all the detail about the ingestion you can, and then are directed to try to get the dog to vomit. You will save precious minutes if you are prepared to do so. That means having a fresh, unopened, unexpired bottle of 3% hydrogen peroxide where you can find it quickly. Attached to that bottle should be the directions and the equipment you need to use it properly. A few minutes of preparation now could save your dog’s life. If you do not have an emergency kit for your dog, this could be a good start for one. For poisoning, a simple setup is to place that fresh bottle of 3% hydrogen peroxide in a zip closure plastic bag. Include in that bag written instructions for dose, how to administer it, a measuring device such as a large oral syringe (no needle), and the number for poison control. (While you think of it, program that number into your phone now.) Put this bag in an easily accessible location where you always


Can You For $1.00 or will be able to find it quickly. Think of it like a fire extinguisher. You need to get to it without losing time and need to always know where it will be and how to use it. Even if this does not seem like a challenge now, think about how you would feel if you found your dog cleaning up the remnants of a large chunk of bakers chocolate it found or a bowl of grapes. How clearly will you be thinking? What about someone else who might be in your house, perhaps a house sitter or mid-day dogwalker? It also is easy to grab to take along when you travel. Everything is together. This is the dog’s peroxide. It should stay sealed and be replaced by a new bottle when it expires. Your dog eats something it shouldn’t, grab the bag and everything is right there including directions to call poison control. BUT: Read on – there are times you absolutely should NOT use the peroxide to induce vomiting.

If the item swallowed is toxic and vomiting is appropriate: 1. Make sure no more than two hours has elapsed since the ingestion. If in doubt or close to two hours or more, head directly to an emergency vet. 2. Call poison control right away and await their guidance. (Be prepared to make payment as there may be a charge). You will be given a case number. Write that down as it will help your vet continue treatment for your dog. In most cases you do have some time to act, so wait for directions from poison control.

Save Your Dog’s Life Less? 3. Vomiting is not always the answer, but it is common enough to warrant having your kit with your peroxide bottle ready and knowing what to expect. 4. IF directed to induce vomiting, most likely you will be told to administer hydrogen peroxide at the dose of (for larger dogs) 1 Tablespoon per 15 lbs of dog weight, up to an absolute maximum of 3 Tablespoons. Do not exceed 3 Tablespoons regardless of dog weight. It is important to measure accurately, so a reliable measuring device such as a marked syringe is very helpful here. 5. The peroxide can be administered directly by gently squirting it into the back of the mouth, but do so carefully so the substance is not inhaled. Another approach is to soak a piece of bread with the appropriate dose and feed that immediately to the dog. While that might seem more appealing than squirting peroxide in the dog’s mouth, there may be less control over how much the dog actually consumes. 6. Watch for vomiting. If no vomiting after 15 minutes, repeat the same dose of peroxide. Ensure the dog does not again consume anything that is vomited. 7. If no vomiting occurs after the second dose, head to the nearest vet ER or your regular vet, whichever is closest. Do not administer more than 2 doses.

DO NOT use peroxide to induce vomiting in the following situations: •

The substance swallowed is caustic or corrosive as these do damage going down and a second time when they come back up. Such substances include petroleum products such as gasoline, lighter fluid, motor oil; corrosive chemicals such as drain cleaners, other cleaning preparations, or batteries, as a few examples. Also do not induce vomiting in the case of swallowing magnets.

• The dog is acting strangely and you think might have ingested something dangerous but you really don’t know what the problem is or what they might have swallowed. • The dog already is vomiting, is lethargic or slow to respond, is having trouble swallowing, there are any changes in breathing or there is seizure activity or other disturbing signs such as tremors or hyperactivity. • There are medical problems that would make vomiting too risky, such as brachycephalic breeds, or dogs with esophageal problems (such as megaesophagus), laryngeal paralysis, or collapsed trachea, as these increase the risk for aspiration (getting vomited materials into the lungs).

• The item ingested is not toxic. This can wait for veterinary advice and, depending on the item, surgical intervention may be needed. Plenty of dogs have been known to eat rocks. Magnets are a particularly good example. They are not usually toxic but can cause damage to the intestinal tract and vomiting could compound the problem. Contact a vet promptly in such cases. If no emergency services are available in your area, consider a televet visit. There are several services available and your vet may have a recommendation for whom to contact for after-hours care. Keep these numbers handy or programmed in your phone. Prevention is always the best approach. But when that isn’t enough, remember to contact poison control first before proceeding with care for an accidental ingestion. Your time with them will be much more productive if you have on hand the 3% hydrogen peroxide and are prepared to use it if directed. It just may be the best gift ever for your dog. Poison Hotlines and resources: ASPCA 888-426-4435 Pet Poison Helpline 855-764-7661







Golden Oldies: GOLD Fund Meet Rosie by Roni Sumner








the days before as her body could not tolerate some of the medication though her spirit remained high. The results of the ultra sound crushed my soul, but Rosie was living in the moment and enjoying every second of every day. The internist explained that she had a huge inoperable mass on the liver, and the lung had cancer as well. By then I had been told to go back to regular food as her system seemed not to be able to tolerate low fat or strong medication. Instead, three Chinese herbs were given to help bolster the immune system.


o senior dog will be left behind; no senior dog will be ignored because of age or physical conditions. All dogs deserve love in their final chapter; all dogs need a home. Thanks to the GOLD program, part of SEVA GRREAT that was initiated by a bequest of Katherine A. O’Donnell, geriatric fur babies can rest assured that they will be nurtured and loved to their last breath. So it is with Rosie. The shelter that held Rosie called SEVA alerting them about this 10 to 11 year old girl who had been taken from her home for severe neglect. Literally hundreds of people had called about her condition as the red golden was wasting away. She was a mere 37 pounds when rescued; with the lack of nutrition, there were a lot of health issues, so the shelter began treatment to give her a fighting chance for survival. 20

Once she was strong enough and legal matters settled, Rosie entered the SEVA GOLD program and began to move forward. I was fortunate enough to foster her, so our journey together began at the end of November, 2021. By her first vet visit the day after I had welcomed her home, her weight had risen to 49 pounds. She bounced around as if she were only 5 quite secure in the knowledge that life had taken a turn for the better. Medical results showed that liver and gallbladder values were very high, so Rosie was placed on a prescription low fat diet and given medication. X-rays revealed arthritis in the lower spine and legs, and a nodule was spotted on the lower left lung. An ultrasound was scheduled for December 6, and I experienced a range of emotions over


I asked the vet for a time frame, for I had fallen in love with this vivacious girl. None could be given—it could be months or even a year. All I can do now is make her life one of joy and love and comfort, and when the quality of life ceases to be stellar, then I will be there to close her eyes for the final gift of peace. Rosie will remain in the care of SEVA GRREAT as a Forever Foster, and I shall be her Forever Foster Mom. She is teaching me that there is so much joy in life from crunchy leaves to yummy meals to tossing and chasing stuffed toys. Her philosophy to live in the moment is allowing me to do the same. The GOLD program of SEVA GRREAT is allowing Rosie to enjoy a final chapter that made the whole journey worthwhile. Please consider donating to that part of SEVA so that other dogs like Rosie will know the secure love of a caring home with all medical needs addressed.

Rainbow Bridge

GINGER Ginger began her life with us as a SEVA GRREAT foster dog. We fell in love with her and adopted her. She was 8. Ginger, you were with us for six years, and we loved you so much. You were our sweet, pretty, good girl. We will miss you, and will see you again at the Rainbow Bridge. (8/07-11/20/21) – Terry and John Sherman

MORRISON We extend our deepest sympathy to the Pfeiffer family on the loss of Morrison. He crossed the Rainbow Bridge at 13-1/2 after battling kidney disease. He has been a member of their family since he was a puppy as they raised him for Canine Companions for Independence and then ended up making him a member of the family when he didn’t become a service dog. He has touched many hearts over the years and will be greatly missed.


GRREAT Dog No. 12-075 Precious came to us as a foster dog, but due to her sweet and loving personality, she never left, until now. She was with us for over 10 years. She was with me through two deaths (Scamp, another GRREAT dog and my wife). She never left me alone and was always there to welcome me home and helped me through many difficult times. She would announce anyone, including family, coming to the house with any loud sound outside including car doors closing, garage door opener motors and, of course the front doorbell. She was and indoor dog and would only venture outside for specific things or on invitation. She had her favorite places in the house and one was right next to love seat in the den. If we would sit in that spot, she would pester us with paws and sad looks to take it back. She was a GRREAT helper at the Neptune Festival several years ago and worked the crowd with single and double paws, of course, tail wags and collected a record amount of cash in an afternoon. She was a GRREAT Precious dog in every sense of the word and loving friend.

JOURNEY “Just wanted to let you know that our wonderful golden girl, Journey, passed away on 12/16/21. She was our 3rd SEVA GRREAT dog and our 1st Turkey dog. We only had her four years but she sure was loved and adored by the entire family (and neighborhood!). We were grateful for the opportunity to have her for her remaining years.”

SOPHIE We want to extend our deepest sympathy to the Adamcik family on their loss of Sophie. She was adopted late in 2020 at age 9. It was definitely not enough time, but it was the BEST TIME. Sophie joined a large family, fit right in, and got along with everyone. She will be sorely missed.



Contributions Christine Hall In memeory of Layla

Daniel Walker In memory of Bob Fagan Elizabeth Kay-Im

Daniel & Patricia Car

Bonnie Campbell

Ann Czompo

Jessica Kelsey

Jo Vance Thanks for all the good things you do for Goldens

Mary Cox In support of International Efforts

Karen Whyte Steven Rowe In honor of our wonderful Wyatt Robin & Steve Mathews In memory of Ralphie, Buddy and Jersey Diane Trinko K F Emory In memory of Wendy and Winston Aubrey and Cheryl Trahan James J. Wilson In honor of Jane. W. Hiser Custom Kitchens In honor of Kyle Hendrick Maryanne Lambert In memory of Peter Lambert

Shannon Stell Kevin M. Zinski In support of International Efforts Connie Brewer Sheila Biscak Nicole Metzger In support of International Efforts to help the angels in Turkey save the Goldens living on the streets or sentenced to death by authorities

Jim & Pauline O’Connell Skip and Terry Cole In memory of our beloved Goldens, Samantha and Casey Jan Brown In memory of all my beautiful angel dogs Carl Jackson Salesforce Salesforce donation match by Srilatha Mantha Steven Rowe In honor of our wonderful Wyatt

Jill Parcell

Tanya Gills Because of my passion for helping animals I donate $100 of each loan closing to a non-profit animal rescue of my client’s choice. This is for Bobby Jackson’s closing.

Michelle Serrano In memory of Anakin 8/2008 - 6/2021

Kathy Speece, AKA “grandmummy” In support of the Love Has No Border fund to help the Turkey Goldens.

Carlos & Deborah Secrist In memory of Oakley

Susan & John Collamore In support of the Turkey Dogs

Robyn Marvaso Jason Thorn In honor of Rosie Katherine Collado Charles Gresham In support of Turkey Dogs, from cousin, Molly!

Betty White Challenge

James Radt In honor of Richard Radt’s 90th birthday Wendy Grigg In support of International Efforts and in loving memory of my sweet fur babies: Henri, Ellie, Sophie and Diesel Michele Lucado In support of the rescue partners in Turkey and the sweet Goldens needing medical care Barbara Huling In memory of our wonderful Sandy, our rescue Golden!

Lolita Minder In memory of Jasmine, Hunter and Crystal, my precious Goldens

Susan Walker This donation honors the recent marriage of family friends Ashton & Audrey Winfree, who have a Golden named Ollie

Matt and Debbie Hall In honor of Emma Cathie Douthat

Elizabeth Hodgson In memory of Court Packer

Clay Clemens In memory of Abby and Corky

Sara Tayler

Susan O’Donnell In honor of Shiva - our wonderful Turkey rescue Stephanie Powell

Jill Parcell

Donna Harmon

Suzanna Parsons

Charles Gresham

Joan & Robert Taylor

Thomas Gunn

Connie Burkhart

Nansi Strickland

Cindy Beacham

Leslie Vladu

Frieda Cox

Jennifer Stockton

Richanne Sensenig

Janie Carstens

Carole Nelson

Magdalene Strawsnyder

Debra Doty

Margaret Richardson

Emily Schultz

William Quinn

Heather Robinson

Barbara Raliski

Debra Morris

Ann Dunham

Monica Contract

Lynn Goodman

Kaysi Turnbull

Linda Mattax

Brett Meyer

Liz Sumner

Roberta Smith

Alison Mercer

Elizabeth Watson

Ruth Countryman

Sandy Woodard

Joanne Moore

A & M Wright LLC

Lisa Ebert

Chris Shaw

The Freckle Spot

Lisa Brown

Tracy Minnich

Hillary Berkshire

Robyn and Bob Beasley

Cynthia Dragas

Sherry Kara

Mary Saguinsin

Barbara Mostoller

Jennifer Nicol

Barbara Talley

Jan Grasso

Kyle Fisher

Sandra Kuntzelman

Ann Czompo

Ellen Canestrano

Karen Luvaas

Matthew Hanson

Tonya Hays

Malia Meng

Patricia Thomas

Kelly Parsons

JL Thompson

Jamie Whittaker

Margaret Hendricks

Susan Beckman

Catherine Burns

Mary Strzelecki

Jan Montgomery

Michelle Ward

Alicia Brooks

Rachel Joy

Caren Sizemore

Anna Shonts

Dawn Nelson

Karen Duggins

Joan Ramsey

Teri Wiseman

Deborah Van Dover

Kay Rowlett

Shirley Bradshaw

Stephanie Dobson

Jennifer Langley

Alston Brown

Chloe Sanders

Katie Davis

Banis Consulting Group

Naomi Black

Rose Latimer

Sharlene Johnson

Kristin West

Tracy Schmid


Connie Brewer Tosha Revere In support of International Efforts love all the work with these Goldies, especially the Turkey dogs

Dottie Cleal In memory of Bongo Dale and Julie Farino In honor of Bella

Gracie’s Fund




Phillip & Barbara Oestreich


Brian and Patricia Berkley In memory of our first rescue, Teddy

Connie Brewer

Susan Grizzard In honor of Jack Roggmann

Jo Ann Koenig

Georgia Mamangakis In honor of Anne Zompo and in support of Turkish dogs

Richard Burton For Forever Fosters Annabelle, Yogi, Chewy, Dusty, Susie, Rosie, Daisy, Sugar and Maxwell Strong

Laura & Rick Spink In memory of Buddy, Haley and Buster

Marsha Reeves In support of the Turkey Dogs

Catherine and Ray Kallman In memory of Ellie and Tyler

Marta Bollesen In memory of Tober, beloved fur baby of Natalie & Bill Dansey. Love from your ladies.

L Clay Beall, II In memory of Precious

John & Pat Donaldson, inc. Given in In memory of my Lab, Spraky and in honor of my current Golden, Rory to help with the rescue in Turkey

Karen Luvaas In honor of our Maggie’s eighth birthday!

Mary Connell For Turkey partners

John Williams

L. Clay Beall, III In support of Turkish Partners

Stephen Biscak In memory of Paul Biscak

Jack and Jo Snethen Old Dominion Recycling The Carisbrooke Community







Anne Will



Golden Oldie Love Dog Fund (GOLD Fund) is used for medical expenses, food, equipment, or adoption costs of rescued Golden Retrievers estimated to be ten years or older.

Pat and John Donaldson Elton and Peggy Lane Anna LaSalle Mickey Wilkins Mary Catherine Foster

Patricia O’Donnell Lewis In memory of Kathleen O’Donnell Sharon O’Donnell In memory of Kathleen O’Donnell

MEMBERSHIP, DONATION & VOLUNTEER FORM Note: Membership is open to all persons 18 years or older.


To Volunteer:

Please have the Coordinator in the following area/areas contact me:

Name: _____________________________________________

and volunteer here!

(Check appropriate boxes)

Address: ___________________________________________ City, State, Zip: _______________________________________

These are listed in the order of urgent need by SEVA GRREAT.

E-mail: _____________________________________________

FOSTERING — A temporary home for SEVA GRREAT dogs before they are adopted.

Home Phone: ________________________________________

HOME EVALUATION –– visits for foster/adoption applicants.

Work Phone: ________________________________________

TRANSPORTATION — primarily shuttling dogs and/or equipment as necessary. If you are interested in helping with transportation, can you help on:

This is a new membership Address Change


ADDITIONAL VOTING MEMBERS: (E-mail needs to be unique to vote.)

(circle all that apply) Weekdays


EVENTS — helping to hold/show dogs at events, helping with fund raisers, etc.

Name: _____________________________________________

PUBLICITY — researching and writing stories for media release and newsletters, selling ads for the newsletter, taking photos at events, updating the web site, etc.

E-mail: _____________________________________________ Name: _____________________________________________

MERCHANDISE — to man booths selling SEVA GRREAT stuff at local dog shows / fairs / festivals / etc.

E-mail: _____________________________________________ Name: _____________________________________________

If you are interested in assisting with intake, foster coordination, Golden Days or other areas on a regular basis, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator at, for more information.

E-mail: _____________________________________________

REMITTANCE: I am enclosing my $25 annual membership dues

$ ___________

Additional Voting members _____ @ $25 each

$ ___________

Please make checks payable to:


$ ___________

1 Calendar = $12.00 (includes shipping)

$ ___________


$ ___________

Mail this form with your check to: SEVA GRREAT PO Box 8014 Yorktown, VA 23693


In Memory of





IMPORTANT NOTICE If you would like to become a member, please sign below. Otherwise, your remittance for annual membership must be considered a donation.

Date: __________________________________________________________________

I affirm that I have never been convicted of an animal abuse crime. Signature: ______________________________________________________________


SEVA GRREAT P.O. Box 8014 Yorktown, Va 23693



Rescue Hotline 757-827-8561 Press For


If you think you have found one of our Goldens based on the SEVA GRREAT tag or microchip.

2 To leave a message for the President. 3 To give up a Golden Retriever or get more info on our intake process. 4

For Information on activities and events.


To check on the status of an adoption or foster application.


For all other questions.

National Dog Registry 1-800-NDR-DOGS Foster Dog Medical Care YORK VETERINARY CLINIC Yorktown – 757-898-3700 COOKE VET MEDICAL CENTER Chesapeake – 757-547-9421 QUIOCCASIN VET HOSPITAL Richmond – 804-741-3200 ANDERSON’S CORNER Toano – 757-566-2224 MIDLOTHIAN ANIMAL CLINIC Midlothian – 804-794-2099 BAY BEACH VETERINARY HOSPITAL Virginia Beach – 757-340-3913 GODSPEED ANIMAL CARE Williamsburg – 757-253-8199 SCOTT’S ADDITION ANIMAL HOSPITAL Richmond – 804-551-0519

Like us on facebook!

SEVA GRREAT Contact Information President Debra Morris Vice President Whitney Baker Treasurer Janie Carstens Secretary Sharon Leeman Event Coordinators: Southside: Tracy Harris Schmid Peninsula: Michelle Smith Richmond: Jennifer Dauzier Microchip Coordinator Sharon Leeman Intake Coordinator Michelle Pfeiffer Foster Coordinator Jane Krom Adoption Coordinator Chris Walker Membership Jacob Kay Volunteer Coordinator Mimi Wormeley Medical Coordinator Beth Rodgers Merchandise Jennifer Dauzier

Fundraising GRREAT Times magazine

Linda Thomson Brad Miller

Want to Reach Dog Lovers with Your Message? Advertise in GRREAT Times Magazine and Help Our Goldens.

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