GRREAT Times Summer 2021

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Dry Drowning in Dogs

Teaching Your Puppy Commands

Healthy Puppy Feeding Habits

CONTENTS GRREAT Times is a quarterly publication of SEVA GRREAT, Inc., an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization dedicated to finding homes for homeless Golden Retrievers.

3 .. President’s Message

For more information, call our Hotline at 757-827-8561 or visit our web site at To contact the newsletter editor with suggestions, comments, or send materials and photos for inclusion, send an e-mail to, or write Attn.: Newsletter Editor, PO Box 8014, Yorktown, VA 23693.

4 .. Adoptions


6 .. Get Your Dog Moving & Thinking

SEVA GRREAT disclaims all responsibility for omissions or errors.

8 .. Membership Meeting

Submitting Stories and Photos

10 .. Dry Drowning in Dogs

We have decided to make “homecoming” a feature in each newsletter to feature dogs that have been adopted from us over the years. Send us a picture (identify everyone in it, please) with your dog’s name, when you adopted it, your name and a few words or more about your dog. Full length stories are welcomed, too! When you submit your pictures for publication in print, please submit an original digital image of no less than 300 dpi. If you aren’t sure of the dpi, send the original and we’ll check the possibility for use. We can make pictures smaller but we can not make them larger. Don’t worry about the file size; if you can send it, we can receive it. If you can’t send it, let us know. We’ll show you a way that it can be sent.


12 .. Homecoming 14 .. Teaching Your Puppy Commands


16 .. Healthy Puppy Feeding Habits 18 .. SEVA GRREAT Yard Sale

Email to:

20 .. Give Local 757 “Thank You” 21 .. Rainbow Bridge

16 22 .. Membership & Volunteering ON THE COVER: 2

Meet Murphy Moore. He may look relaxed here, but he takes his job very seriously alerting everyone to such dangerous beasts as birds, squirrels, and turtles!



President’s Message

August 14 Event at Nautical Dog

The Dog Days of Summer

September 18 Hampton Pet Market September 24-26 Neptune Festival October 9 Glen Allen Day

Facebook: Southeastern Virginia Golden Retriever Rescue, Education, and Training!


GRREAT ADS GRREAT Times is now offering advertising space. Rates per issue for various size ads are: Full Page = $150 1/2 Page = $100 1/3 Page = $75 1/6 Page = $50 A discounted rate for multiple issue placement is available. Email requests, size and specification questions to Every effort will be made to put your ad in the desired issue. GRREAT Times is published quarterly the second week of January, April, July, and October. Deadline for submitting an AD is the 1st of the month prior to the publication date.


he “dog days of summer” are upon us and I hope you and your pups are enjoying them so far. Lucy is showing how she enjoys basking in the sun (not too long and with sunscreen for humans)) while catching up on her favorite reads! We have been very busy the last few weeks trying to organize rescue efforts from Turkey due to the pending CDC ban on importing international dogs effective July 14, 2021. I want to personally thank all of the efforts of our volunteer board members with their quick response in getting the GoFundMe organized, contacting our rescue operations in Turkey and arranging for transports/foster for the pending

flights. I’m also completely overwhelmed by the donations received thus far for this effort. We have so many supporters to help our cause. Thank you to all of you who have donated! Lastly, just a reminder to keep your pups off the pavement/sidewalks as the temperatures rise during the day. If it is too hot for you to walk on, it is WAY too hot for them. Keep an eye on our Facebook page/website for updates on the arrivals from Turkey and as always, thanks for supporting our mission!

Susan Best,







Rosemary Williams

Susan & Rob Kenter

Joanne & Joe Moore




Richanne Sensenig

William & Michelle Young

Heather & Michael Myer





Amanda Parks

Allegra & Brent Havens

Linda & Charles Mattax




Libby Tofflemire & Bobby Rolfes

Susan & George Nottingham

Martine Proumen





Diana Schnetzka

Bill Quinn

Michelle Kates




Mimi Wormeley

Bryce Fail

Joe & Melanie Boyd




Hunter & Jessica Von Bechman

Nicole & Neil Lambert

Sharon Kastner




Carmen Coglio

Heather & Joun Lynn

Robert & Carol Reed



Get Your Dog Moving and 1. Hide and Seek Almost every dog we know loves to play this classic game. If your pooch has mastered the “stay” command, get them to wait in one room while you hide in another spot in your home with treats. Then call them from your perfect hiding spot and let them come find you. When your dog does, give them lots of praise and a delicious reward.

2. Stair Sprints Want to burn some of your dog’s pent-up energy while you sneak in a little exercise too? Take the stairs! Have your dog runup and down with you three times. Then catch your breath and repeat. It’s a great way to have fun together and get your heart pumping. (If you don’t have stairs, no problem. Just run up and down a long hallway instead!)

Photo by Elisa Kennemer



d Thinking 3. Indoor Obstacle Course

5. Treasure Hunt

7. Treat Puzzles & Feeders

Turn your living or family room into an agility course for your pup! You can include jumping, weaving and tunnel obstacles, and tailor each one to your dog’s size. For jumping obstacles, use couch cushions or a broomstick on top of two laundry baskets. Create a weaving obstacle by spacing out paper towel rolls evenly in a straight line. For a makeshift tunnel, you can use a collapsible kids’ play tunnel or create your own with chairs and blankets. Once your course is ready to go, use verbal commands or hand gestures to get your dog through. Oh, and be sure to give them lots of praise when they finish the course.

This game is simple. Just put your dog in a room or their crate while you hide tasty treats or kibble around your house. (You can also use their favorite toys if you’re watching your pup’s waistline.) Once you’ve hidden all treats. turn your dog loose, guiding them as needed. They’ll have a blast sniffing them out.

Interactive food toys encourage your dog to use their powerful noses, natural foraging instincts and problem-solving skills. They can also help your dog feel less bored, stressed and anxious. Plus. they slow down your dog’s eating, which is great if they usually gulp down their food!

6. Basic Obedience Training

8. New Tricks

If you’re staying indoors. it’s a good opportunity to work on basic commands like “sit:,“stay,” “lay down,” or “shake: Basic obedience training combined with positive reinforcement encourages your dog to think and focus, which is excellent for their mental health. It’s also a great way to connect with your dog and make sure their basic commands don’t get rusty.

Who says your adorable dog can’t learn new tricks? Not us! If your dog already knows how to “go get it” and “drop it,” step up your game and teach them how to put away their own toys. To help your dog learn this convenient new trick, give them a toy and put a dedicated storage basket very close to them. Once they pick up their toy, lure their head over the basket and ask them to “drop it.” Every time they do, reward them with lots of praise or maybe even a treat. Once they master this step, gradually move the basket farther away and use verbal commands like “clean up your toys” to cue the trick. Your dog will enjoy learning something new. and you’ll appreciate the help tidying up around the house.

4 . Tug of War Studies have shown that playing tug can help your dog feel more confident: it doesn’t make them more aggressive and can actually strengthen your trust bond. Talk about a winwin-win! Playing tug of war with your dog is a great way to fit in quality one-on-one time: Your pup gets your undivided attention and burns oil a little energy, too. We recommend having a dedicated “tug” toy that is the right size for your dog. And to protect your dog’s spine, always shake he toy from side to side rather than up and down.


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Membership Meeting Blue & Cami



Bear Rita, Hero, Lucky, & Cookie

Cookie & Remi 8



Grayson & Serbert

Serbert & Grayson Hero


Serbert & Hero

Bear, Rita & a conversation SUMMER 2021


Dry Drowning in Dogs and How To Prevent It

Photo by Marcia Soligo



by Kelsey Henderson, from OK Pet Project

Have you ever heard of dry drowning?


ost people haven’t, but it is a very real danger you have to keep an eye out for, especially living in a spot like the Okanagan where we all practically live at the lake. Quite simply put, inhaling water while swimming causes excess fluid to build up in the lungs, making breathing hard. This can “drown” your dog hours or even days after swimming. Your pup will, essentially, seem like a drunk human if dry drowning does begin to occur. Vomiting with slowed and dazed movements are two things you should notice immediately. Difficulty breathing, irregular heartbeat, skin and gums may change colour, drooling and coughing are the other things to keep an eye out for.

So, how do we prevent it? Make your dog take a break! They’re likely not going to let you know they’re all done playing in the water for the day.

As far as they’re concerned, chasing that stick a couple more times is all they want in the world.

Keep an eye on them while swimming. If they seem to be taking in a lot of water, take a break and maybe don’t throw that stick quite as far out. Puppies need more breaks and should be taught to swim.

Don’t encourage diving for toys under the water (even in shallow water). Dogs open their mouths wide to pick up whatever they’re after, and chances are if they’re in the water, they’ll be getting a little of that too. Choose toys that float if you’re playing fetch in the water.

Choosing a flat rather than round toy will also keep your dog’s mouth a little more shut and lessen the amount of water being gulped down.

If you have a pool, make sure your dog knows where the stairs are. Most pups automatic reaction is to try and clamber up the side. Ensuring they know the proper way to exit is a huge safety precaution, especially if they happen to find their way in when no one is home to supervise.

If you do suspect your dog is suffering from water intoxication, take them immediately to the vet. Dry drowning can also occur in humans, so keep an eye on the littles!

Photo by Justaf Abduh SUMMER 2021


Me and Fenway’s daddy, Matt Plucinski, got engaged this past weekend and Fenway was a part of the proposal! He wore a bandana that said, “Will you marry my dad?” And it was beyond perfect, and having Fenway a part of it all was the best.

–Cassidy Crowder

“Chance was adopted in September 2020. This big; goofy dog has stolen the heart of everyone he meets. He loves his stuffed animals and always keeps one near. A great addition to our family!

–Donita and Lewis Miles”


Share your pictures an They will be featur

“Today is Bear’s (formerly Turkey Dog Harry) two year Gotcha Day. He’s a boy with a lot of personality and has a large neighborhood fan club whom he has trained to keep dog treats for him and his brother, Lucky, even if his fans don’t own dogs! He is choosy about his dog friends but loves all big people and children.” Happy Gotcha Day, Bear!

–Trish and Chuck Thomas


Wilson (former Turkey dog Pulsar) was recently adopted by Nicole and Neil Lambert. He swam for the first time last weekend (since his adoption), and he was in heaven. His mom says, “We are absolutely smitten and in love with this dog and we are loving every second of our time with him.”


Happy 2nd Birthday to Ranger! His family had a party for him, and he definitely enjoyed his cake! Ranger was adopted by the Hepler family at 6 months of age. They’ve enjoyed many ‘firsts’ with him watching him grow from a pup to a 2-year-old. He is a very lucky boy with a forever family who loves him! He has two human sisters.

Huckleberry Hoo (Huck) Beasley looking for something….anything to bark at!

–Robyn Beasley

–Jennifer and David Hepler


nd stories by sending them to red in coming newsletters, right here under Homecoming.

Happy Gotcha Day, Sophie! “Two years ago this beautiful girl joined our family, bringing love, laughter and joy with her. She loves her long morning walks around the neighborhood with lots of good smells and greetings for her 2 and 4 legged friends. Trail hikes are even better and we’ve had so much fun with her exploring local parks, with an occasional stop at one of the area wineries. Life is good and we are grateful for every day.”

Delilah just celebrated her 7th Gotcha Day on May 20. She is a very active girl and loves going on runs with her brother and human parents, swimming, and agility. She is our Delightful Delilah!

–Mary Strzelecki

Riley Beasley is 14.5 and still loves his ball.

–Robyn Beasley

–Barbara and George Talley



A Step-by-Step Guide to Teaching Your Puppy the uncomfortable being so authoritarian with the sweet little fellow, but be assured that this is the only way the communication between you and your dog is going to work. From the very first day, your puppy is going to look for his place in the hierarchy of his new “pack.” This gives you the chance to start with little games to train him. You should start with short playful exercises. Never cut an exercise short before your puppy has succeeded in doing it, and don’t forget to praise him every time. Limit each exercise to five minutes and exercise for no longer than 15 minutes per day. Photo by Bill Stephan


ere’s a step-by-step guide to teaching your puppy all the commands he should know. Dogs are used to living in packs with other dogs. So a strict hierarchy is completely normal to your puppy. If you treat him as a partner with equal rights. you may give him too much freedorr. This will only confuse him. because a dog needs clear rules. There must be a leader of the pack. Ycu don’t need to shout to let your puppy know what you expect of him. The tone of your voice is much more important. and will help your puppy understand whether you are praising or scolding him. The words you use are of secondary importance. Ycu should choose short. one-word commands. not long sentences. “Come here!” is actually too long. “Come” is the right length. Even though you may be very polite, your puppy cannot understand “please.” Of course. every now and then you may feel


Make sure you are the one who decides when the game or exercise starts and when it ends. Even if your puppy brings you his complete collection of toys. you ought to say “No” every now and then, as this will strengthen your position as pack leader.

Come! Begin training your dog indoors. First of all. it’s important that your dog react to you and come to you when you call him. Use the same word always, such as “come,” possibly coupled with his name. After you have called him once or twice. he will probably come running to you. Praise him lavishly, or even spoil him with a little treat. Sometimes your puppy may have something more important on his agenda than coming to you. If he doesn’t come to you after you’ve called him twice. get him and carry him to the spot where you called him from before. Repeat the exercise right away. If you are walking your puppy, and you call him and nothing happens, you may start a wild chase if you try to get him.


Yuor puppy may consider this a wonderful game. This will not make for a successful exercise. though, which means you have to use another method outdoors. If your puppy doesn’t come to you when you call, just turn around and go away. In most cases. he’ll come running after you so he won’t lose you. Of course, don’t leave him too far behind. On your first walks together, he should not be away from you for more than a few yards. If you are in an open area, always keep your puppy on a leash until he is fully trained.

No! Stop! Every puppy is a little discoverer who wants to get to know his environment in detail. Your puppy will therefore gnaw at things to find out how they taste. This may be annoying to you and even dangerous for the puppy. Some indoor plants, for example, are poisonous (African violet. pointsettias), or may cause injuries (cactus). Keep these plants out of the puppy’s reach. If you catch your dog gnawing at your shoes, offer him something more suitable such as a chew. Praise him if he accepts it. This way, your puppy can satisfy his need to chew without destroying your possessions. No matter how sweet it looks to watch your puppy disappear with one of your slippers, you need to be consistent from the very beginning. Remember: the larger your dog becomes, the bigger his teeth. You certainly won’t want all your shoes to be chewed up by those big teeth.

Sit! “Sit” is another exercise you can start early in the game. Later on you will add “Down ‘ and

Commands He Should Know “Stay.” These commands will enable you to keep your dog under control. Even in unusual situations, you’ll be able to call and make your dog sit down: for example, if you want to stop him from running after a cat and getting hit by a car. What does it take to succeed? Treats will be a great help in the beginning. Hold the treat above your dog’s head and say, “Sit.” Because your puppy wants to get that treat. he will

probatly sit down. Praise him for that and give him the treat. If your puppy refuses to sit down, make him do it by pressing his back gently. Give your dog the treat only if he has sat down. Never give up, because if you do, you’ll be teaching the dog the wrong lesson: “If I am really stubborn, I am going to get this treat anyway.” Ycur dog has now learned the basic commands. Obedience classes can help

perfect what your dog has learned. in case he’s somewhat obstinate or simply because it’s more fun learning in a group. Another important aspect of obedience classes is the regular contact with other dogs. This will teach your dog to stand his ground and/or surrender, if necessary. Especially for puppies that act shy around other dogs. This is a good opportunity to develop self-confidence.



Healthy Feeding Habits To Start While Your C

hubby puppies may be adorable, but it’s important to establish healthy eating habits before their cute squishiness becomes a weight issue as they grow up. Puppies are constantly learning, so every choice you make can point them in the right direction. For some tips on how to ensure your puppy grows up

lean and strong, we spoke with Dr. Amy Pike of the Animal Behavior Wellness Center. She gave us the overview on feeding, treats, and how to help train them the right way.

Know how often to feed Each dog will have their own likes and

dislikes, and that could change as they grow older —especially as it applies to food. Pike said that you can actually just feed your puppy throughout the day using the ongoing reinforcement mentioned above. But if you’re looking to do scheduled feedings, make sure the regularity makes sense for the breed. “The smaller the puppy, the more frequently they will need to eat because they cannot maintain a steady blood sugar like larger dogs can,” Pike told The Dodo. That usually means three to four times per day for small breeds, and two to three times per day for medium and large breeds.

When it comes to treats, be SMART Treats can be tricky because of their high calories, so Pike uses the “SMART” system to make sure you’re using them effectively. SMART stands for “See the good behavior, Mark And Reward the good behavior, and Training.” That means staying observant for all kinds of things, whether it’s just staying calm (tricky for puppies) or sitting when asked. Make sure you’re using verbal and nonverbal positive reinforcement to go along with these treats as well.

Use “high value” treats selectively Typical dog treats are considered “high value” rewards. But not all rewards have to be a peanut butter snack, Pike says. For difficult behaviors like learning a new trick, staying especially patient, or developing skills that have been hard for them, that kind of treat works well. However, for tricks they already know well or just general good behavior, just a piece of kibble can be a good reinforcement without giving them too many calories, she says. According to Pike, the upside of this is that you can (and should) do this 50 times a 16


by Stephen Rubino Sponsored by IAMS

Dog’s Still a Puppy day without it being too much for them — depending on their recommended food serving size, of course. This gives them constant feedback on their behavior, establishing habits rather than just teaching tricks. Your puppy will carry the habits he or she learns now into adulthood -- from what you mean when you say “sit” to how effective their begging face is. With IAMS dog food for puppies though, you’ll be helping them settle into a healthy routine. Whether they’re small, large, or somewhere in between, IAMS has a formula that supports their unique needs and helps them grow, while fueling them for their next adventure.

Give them ample space A lot of the same courtesies you’d apply to a person eating apply to your puppy, too. When feeding, try not to disturb them or get in their face. Put their bowl in a quiet, low-traffic area in your home, so they can eat and digest in peace. And, somewhat counterintuitively, don’t try to pet them while they eat. “We can create dogs who resource-guard by trying to ‘mess’ with them while they are eating,” Pike said.

This can lead to aggression and overeating when they get their food. So do your best to leave them be while they eat, then give them all the cuddles you want once they’re done.

Establish good table manners Besides just guarding their food, dogs can inadvertently be trained to behave badly in other ways. The biggest one is begging. If your dog begs and then you feed them scraps from your food, they learn to keep it up — which can lead to imbalanced nutrition and poor training. If they’re feeling left out from family dinnertime, you can keep them distracted by giving them a wobbler-style snack feeder or puzzle-style feeder. These will draw their attention away from your food and let them focus on their own.

Practice active feeding Puzzle feeders don’t have to only be employed as a distraction, though; they can keep your puppy active and engaged when eating their normal food. Pike recommends snuffle mats and puzzle toys that slow down feeding. Wobblers are another good option. With each

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of these, you’ll still need to be mindful of how many calories they’re consuming, but they should help curb overeating. When used with treats, these same feeders teach your dog that rewards are something to be worked for rather than begged for, and can also help calm your pet down in stressful situations, like while crate training, and keep them occupied while you’re busy.

Watch out for signs of overfeeding Counting calories isn’t just for humans. And continued next before page just like you would talk to youron doctor starting a new diet, you should talk to your vet about how many calories your pup should be consuming daily. Then, check the nutritional information on your dog food to make sure you’re feeding them the correct amount. You’ll also want to look out for the signs of over- or under-feeding on your puppy. As Pike said, “you should be able to see a ‘waist,’ an indentation behind the ribs.” If their ribs seem too defined, they might need more food. If they’re not visible or can’t be felt easily, it may be time to revisit these tips.

Do you have a SEVA GRREAT dog? We would love to see what you are doing. Our alumni seem to be having very exciting lives. Share your pictures, including captions, by sending them to grreattimes@ They will be featured in the next newsletter under Homecoming. And if you have a story to tell, we and the other Golden lovers would enjoy reading about it. So, send those stories with your photos also.



Banner Year for the SEVA GRREAT T

hanks to all of the wonderful donations made by SEVA GRREAT supporters, and the extremely hard work of Pat and John Donaldson, the SEVA GRREAT Yard Sale had a banner year. Between amazing sales and some monetary donations, it brought in over $2,700.00 for the rescue. Shoppers enjoyed mingling with the yard sale Mascots, Tyler and Hope, who were adopted

Pat and John Donaldson with Tyler and Hope

Short Pump Area The Shoppes at Westgate 11761 West Broad St. Richmond, VA 23233 (804)360-8011



Stony Point Stony Point Fashion Park 9200 Stony Point Pkwy Richmond, VA 23235 (804)793-8855

Yard Sale by the Donaldsons from SEVA GRREAT. Tyler and Hope were on their best behavior and charming as usual. In addition to those that donated items for the yard sale, we want to thank the Donaldsons for organizing and hosting for another year, the other team members: Ann Catron, Beth Homa, and Skip & Terry Cole for assisting with the yard sale, and the Donaldsons’ great neighbors for their support.

John Donaldson

Ann Catron

Skip Cole

Terry Cole



Give Local 757-2021 was a Grreat success and we owe it all to you!! O

n May 11, during the twenty-four hours of Give Local 757, YOU, our friends, members, family, volunteers, and social media followers donated $30,484.08. This was the most money raised for SEVA GRREAT in the 6 years we have participated in Give Local 757.

! u o Y k Than The number of nonprofits competing in Give Local increases every year. SEVA GRREAT was one of twenty-two organizations competing in the Animal category this year and we placed first in donations, a great achievement.

We must also acknowledge two first time contributors to this successful effort: • This year we received a very generous $5,000 donation from Tito’s Handmade Vodka, which we used as matching funds. The vision for their Vodka for Dog People program is to better the lives of pets and their families far and wide. • For the first time during Give Local we participated in a live event hosted by the Big Ugly Brewery in Chesapeake. Our participation in this event resulted in our winning the Happy Hour prize of $757 awarded to the nonprofit with the most unique donors during 4:006:00 pm. Big Ugly also generously donated a percentage of their sales during this time.

We also won a second prize of $757 for having 50 unique donors contribute $50.00 or more in the first hours of the twenty-fourhour event. It is because of your support, generosity, and belief in our mission that we exist and are able to continue the work of saving homeless Goldens. Our 2021 featured Goldens: Hero, Bucky, Maxi, Ladybug, Ruby, and many others will receive their much-needed medical care and preparation for adoption because of your donations. Please accept our most sincere thanks. We and our precious Goldens are grateful for what you do.




Ruby & Ladybug


See our list of Give Local 757 Donors on page 22



Rainbow Bridge

DAPHNE I wanted to let you all know that Daphne crossed the rainbow bridge last night around 7:30pm. We took her to the vet on Tuesday as she was having some labored breathing and wasn’t eating. We found out that she had a large osteosarcoma tumor on her shoulder and it had already spread throughout her lungs. She basked in the sun all day yesterday and soaked up all of our snuggles and kisses. We did what we thought was best for her and put her to rest at the vets office after her symptoms worsened rapidly. She was not able to walk and would not even drink water. It was a very hard decision but we think it was the most humane option. Our hearts are broken and there will forever be a void that her love left behind.


BENTLEY We had to say goodbye to our beloved Bentley. Bentley was unique, very loving, he loved to eat and go for walks. He was my boss.... If I ever was late with his food, he made sure to let me know. We are going to miss you so much my sweet boy. I helps me to know that you are not in pain anymore.

–Carmen Coglio

She loves holding hands and snuggling with her sisters, penny and mr. paws!!! She never lets me go to the bathroom alone and she loves going for car rides! During the social distancing we went to the water and found out she is definitely a river dog! Loved the sunshine and warm breeze we can’t imagine our home without her!

–Leslie Long Brooks



Contributions Susan Kenter In memory of Harley Ann Czompo Steven Rowe In honor of wonderful Wyatt Ken Shewbridge In memory of Katherine Judy & Tony Hannold In honor of Ann Thomas and in memory of Daisy and Oliver Jo Vance Just a little something to help care for the beautiful goldens Hale Pet Door Given for Kevin Clark as part of the Rescue Rewards Program Maryanne Lambert Carolyn & Robert Haris In memory of Raynard Morris Fifth Generation, Inc Matching campaign - Tito’s Handmade Vodka Steven Strickland Lacy Kristen Altria Company Matching the donation made by Lacy Kristen Michele Kates bluewhaleocean Debra Stanley Kaylee Waldrop Michael Brooks Connie Brewer Kara Cihlar In memory of Dr. Katie Kara Sharon Leeman In memory of Honey, Bentley, Copper and Lily Richard Burton Judith Radt In memory of of all the “Old Golds” we have adopted from GRREAT Susan & George Nottingham Ray & Catherine Kallman In memory of Ellie and Tyler Ruth Ann Wilson In honor of Samantha and Rusty, adoption and foster Goldens Jennifer & Bill Cryan In memory of Abby, Gunner and Maggie Mae Bill Quinn Robert & Carol Reed Geraly Nelson John Donaldson Wendy Penman Wendy Reid Audrey Stephenson Victoria Bone Henry Kofron Kenneth Hershberger Lindsey Sberna hunter robertson Debby Zimmerman Photography Kelly Marie Photography Michelle Fitzgibbons Irene Heath Marta Courtney James Harris Ashley Baker Michael Hufner Cold Spring Farm Carol Hollliday Brittany Staab Anne August Rachelle Compton The Freckle Spot Phillip Zinski Jane Emrick Sheri Zinski Laura Elliott Debra Morris


Jill Colby Boot Camp Challenge New River Valley Carol Lewis Janine Utz Dona Mann Steven Rockwell Rita Hudgins Bradley Orndorff Elizabeth Orndorff David Sowers Judith Ottinger Jean Vickers Kristine Peterson Margaret Looney Elizabeth Papale Debra Morris Debra Morris Cynthia Lee Kim H Perley Emily Sims Jane Frye James Krom Sharon Bucchini Craig Beck Joyce Thompson Leah Trossen LINDA KNOWLES Nancy Bailey Kathy Whitehurst Kathy Whitehurst Joyce E Johnson Patricia Walsh Janet Kramer mary norton Bobbie Yoakem Ellen Endicott Ann Marie DeMichael Erin Fulfer Ann Marie DeMichael Gary Askins Glenn Ryan Easterday Susan Stanitski Tonja Thornton A Sean Neely Mary Hood Erin Riggs Angela Baber Linda Mattax Kim D. Kinney Betty Pearson Laurie Moran Jennifer Ferris Elizabeth Miller Debra Morris Eve Marie Perugini Karen Cross Veronica Sumner Veronica Sumner Mary White Susan Poole Margaret Graham Veronica Sumner Andrea Denault Ruth Lucado Frances Knight Nadine A Kowal Sandra Breznican Malia Meng Joyce Thompson Michael Daschbach Joyce Barnes Kevin Barnes Deborah Zmuda Eric Little Pamela Duffy Natasha Sims Amanda Mileur Emily Ellinghausen Leash & Lead


Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign #3456

Combined Federal Campaign #003456

James Perlmutter Charles Dickinson Celine Burn Margaret Field bluewhaleoceana Carol Hollliday Ross Knap Mary Ann Naegele Michael brooks

Joseph Boyd Susan Panse Connie Brewer Blair Richter Carol Hollliday Shannon Ritchie Jacqueline Durkin Mark Seelenbinder Pam Hines

David DeLonga Allegra Havens Marsha Witcher Henry Kofron Robyn Beasley Crystal Kord PayPal Giving Fund

Give Local 757 Donors Diane Abdelnour Msrgaret Allen Karen Amidon Ryan Andrews Kay Ashbrook Geraldine Aulisa Maria Bagley Whitney Baker Charles Ballein Harriet Sue Barlow Lindsay Barna Joanne Bartosik Cynthia Beacham Clay Beall Robyn Beasley Susan Beckman Sonja Beland Scott Beland Katherine Belote Gregg & Sonya Benshoff Andrea Berger Big Ugly Brewery Sheila Biscak Naomi Black Julie Blakey Melissa Blane Krystal Blymyer Aimee Boden Rachel Bodick Marissa Bonnefin Karen Brewington Alicia Brooks Lisa Brown Cynthia Bruno Nancy Buchanan Richard Burton Alissa Byerly Jennifer Campbell Connie Campbell Janie Carstens Joyce Chandler Aaron Childers Ellen Childress Kimberly Christner Catherine Christner Craig Chwojdak Belinda Clemons Jill Colby Richard Cole Alice Coleman Susan Collamore Mary Connell Sharon Cowan Michael & Penny Crampton Ann Czompo Jennifer Dauzier David DeLonga Stephanie DeWald Karen Dobremsyl John Donaldson Debra Doty Christine DuFief Karen Duggins Dave & Amanda Dumont


Ann J. Dunham Jacqueline Durkin Shawn Edwards Greg Eichinger Danise Elias Joanne Even Dale Farino Carla Faulkner Lindy Fleck Lauren Fowler-Calisto Christin Foy Natalee S Franzyshen Bruce Frye Carol Gioia Marilee Glover Margaret Graham Larry Grahl Charles Gresham Mary Grimm Bari Gross Sarah Guzzo Deborah Hall Christine Hall Tracy Hanger Jan Hanks Donna B Harmon William Harper Julie Harshaw Janet Hastings Jan Hathcock Irene Heath Linda Heimiller Jennifer Hepler Renee Hite Carolyn W Hoffman Mary Hood Leslie Horton Julie Houston Samantha Jarman Jennifer Jaskiewicz Denise Jenkins Carol Johnson Sharlene Johnson Joyce E Johnson John Johnston Ellen Jones Jason Jones Deborah Jordan Rachel Joy Michael Kahn Sherry Kara Donald Karas Sharon Kastner Michele Kates Jacob Kay Kandyce Keller Amy Kelley Rob & Susan Kenter Michael Khandelwal Karen Killeen Rhonda King Joann King Charles Kloth Ross Knapp James Knight

Dorothy Kozak Lindsay Krodel Jane Krom Kathi Kruse Sharon Leeman Peristera Leondaridis Michael & Paula Lewis Quanzhan Li Diane Lingle Martha Logan Julie Lowery Linda Lowman Ruth Lucado Karen Luvaas Mike Lynch Peggy Main Lorie Manfre Ge Martin Charles & Linda Mattax Karen McCarthy Mary Mcchesney Tanya Mckeithen Gail Mcmillan Deanna Melroy Malia Meng Noah Mercer Nicole Metzger Brett Meyer Marion Miles Brad Miller Eric Miller Linda Miller Beth Miller Lolita Minder Pamela Mondrey Mary Monteclaro Jan Montgomery Debbie Morris Mary Morris Nellie Moseley Mary Ann Naegele Raymond Neubauer Jared Nichols Johnnie Noles Kelsi Norus Susan O’Donnell James O'Connell Barbara Oestreich Giselle Oliver Robert O'Neal Lisa Orton Patricia H Owens Pamela Pace Kristi Packer Elizabeth Paradis Ashley Parker Suzanna Parsons Susan Patterson Kristine Payson Betty Pearson Robert Pearson Kathryn Pearson Andrew Pearson Lauren Pearson Michele Pellar

Keith Pendleton Claudette Peterson Mike & Karin Pettinger Mary Pfeiffer Sandi Pitini Kathryn Powell Drusilla Powell William Quinn Tami Radzai Barbara A. Raliski Amanda Ramsey Carol Raynor Michelle & Andy Reese Sam Reichart Nancy Rella Beth Rodgers Donna Roggmann Virginia Roper Karen Schrader Kathleen Schroeder Angie Schwartz Debbie Sexton Terry Sherman Ken Shewbridge Rachel Silverman David Simmons Kaitlyn Skerrett Roberta Smith Monica Smith Michelle Smith Jill Smith Charla Smith-Worley Laura Spink Traci Spruill Susan Stanitski Elizabeth Stone Nansi Strickland Strzelecki Patricia Sturgis Veronica Sumner Barbara Talley Sarah Taylor Cheryl Teagle Patricia Thomas Sue Ann Thomas Ann Thomas Adelia Thompson Brian & Linda Thomson Karalynn Trittler Deborah Van Dover Angie Van Hook Christine Walker Stephanie Wall Betty Wallace Margaret W Webb Denise Wilbern John Williams Carter Wormeley Charles Wormeley Erika Wormeley Martha Wormeley Melanie Yules Mike Zinski

MEMBERSHIP, DONATION & VOLUNTEER FORM Note: Membership is open to all persons 18 years or older.


To Volunteer:

Please have the Coordinator in the following area/areas contact me:

Name: _____________________________________________

and volunteer here!

(Check appropriate boxes)

Address: ___________________________________________ City, State, Zip: _ ______________________________________

These are listed in the order of urgent need by SEVA GRREAT.

E-mail: _____________________________________________

FOSTERING — A temporary home for SEVA GRREAT dogs before they are adopted.

Home Phone: ________________________________________

HOME EVALUATION –– visits for foster/adoption applicants.


Work Phone: ________________________________________ This is a new membership Address Change ADDITIONAL VOTING MEMBERS: (E-mail needs to be unique to vote.)

Name: _____________________________________________

TRANSPORTATION — primarily shuttling dogs and/or equipment as necessary. If you are interested in helping with transportation, can you help on: (circle all that apply) Weekdays



EVENTS — helping to hold/show dogs at events, helping with fund raisers, etc. PUBLICITY — researching and writing stories for media release and newsletters, selling ads for the newsletter, taking photos at events, updating the web site, etc.

E-mail: _____________________________________________ Name: _____________________________________________

MERCHANDISE — to man booths selling SEVA GRREAT stuff at local dog shows / fairs / festivals / etc.

E-mail: _____________________________________________ Name: _____________________________________________

If you are interested in assisting with intake, foster coordination, Golden Days or other areas on a regular basis, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator at, for more information.

E-mail: _____________________________________________

REMITTANCE: I am enclosing my $25 annual membership dues $ ___________


Additional Voting members _____ @ $25 each

$ ___________

Please make checks payable to:


$ ___________

1 Calendar = $12.00 (includes shipping)

$ ___________


$ ___________

Mail this form with your check to: SEVA GRREAT PO Box 8014 Yorktown, VA 23693


In Memory of



IMPORTANT NOTICE If you would like to become a member, please sign below. Otherwise, your remittance for annual membership must be considered a donation.

Date: __________________________________________________________________

I affirm that I have never been convicted of an animal abuse crime. Signature: ______________________________________________________________


SEVA GRREAT P.O. Box 8014 Yorktown, Va 23693



Rescue Hotline 757-827-8561 Press For 1

If you think you have found one of our Goldens based on the SEVA GRREAT tag or microchip.

2 To leave a message for the President. 3 To give up a Golden Retriever or get more info on our intake process. 4

For Information on activities and events.


To check on the status of an adoption or foster application.


For all other questions.

National Dog Registry 1-800-NDR-DOGS Foster Dog Medical Care YORK VETERINARY CLINIC Yorktown – 757-898-3700 COOKE VET MEDICAL CENTER Chesapeake – 757-547-9421 QUIOCCASIN VET HOSPITAL Richmond – 804-741-3200 ANDERSON’S CORNER Toano – 757-566-2224 MIDLOTHIAN ANIMAL CLINIC Midlothian – 804-794-2099 BAY BEACH VETERINARY HOSPITAL Virginia Beach – 757-340-3913 GODSPEED ANIMAL CARE Williamsburg – 757-253-8199

Like us on facebook!

SEVA GRREAT Contact Information President Susan Stanitski Vice President Debbie Morris Treasurer Amy Meinweiser Secretary Sharon Leeman Event Coordinators: Southside: Jane Krom Peninsula: Michelle Smith Richmond: Jennifer Dauzier Microchip Coordinator Sharon Leeman Intake Coordinator Michelle Pfeiffer Foster Coordinator Jane Krom Adoption Coordinator Chris Walker Membership Jacob Kay Volunteer Coordinator Mimi Wormeley Medical Coordinator Beth Rodgers Merchandise Jennifer Dauzier Fundraising GRREAT Times magazine

Linda Thomson Brad Miller

Want to Reach Dog Lovers with Your Message? Advertise in GRREAT Times Magazine and Help Our Goldens.

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Articles inside

Rainbow Bridge

page 21

Give Local 757 “Thank You”

page 20


pages 18-19

Healthy Puppy Feeding Habits

pages 16-17


pages 12-13

Get Your Dog Moving & Thinking

pages 6-7

Teaching Your Puppy Commands

pages 14-15

President’s Message

pages 2-24

Dry Drowning in Dogs

pages 10-11
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