1 minute read
President’s Message
MARK YOUR CALENDAR President’s Message
August 14 Event at Nautical Dog
September 18 Hampton Pet Market
September 24-26 Neptune Festival
October 9 Glen Allen Day
The Dog Days of Summer
Facebook: Southeastern Virginia Golden Retriever Rescue, Education, and Training! Website: https://adoptagolden.com
GRREAT Times is now offering advertising space. Rates per issue for various size ads are: Full Page = $150 1/2 Page = $100 1/3 Page = $75 1/6 Page = $50 A discounted rate for multiple issue placement is available. Email requests, size and specification questions to grreattimes@adoptagolden.com. Every effort will be made to put your ad in the desired issue. GRREAT Times is published quarterly the second week of January, April, July, and October. Deadline for submitting an AD is the 1st of the month prior to the publication date. T he “dog days of summer” are upon us and I hope you and your pups are enjoying them so far. Lucy is showing how she enjoys basking in the sun (not too long and with sunscreen for humans)) while catching up on her favorite reads!
We have been very busy the last few weeks trying to organize rescue efforts from Turkey due to the pending CDC ban on importing international dogs effective July 14, 2021. I want to personally thank all of the efforts of our volunteer board members with their quick response in getting the GoFundMe organized, contacting our rescue operations in Turkey and arranging for transports/foster for the pending flights. I’m also completely overwhelmed by the donations received thus far for this effort. We have so many supporters to help our cause. Thank you to all of you who have donated!
Lastly, just a reminder to keep your pups off the pavement/sidewalks as the temperatures rise during the day. If it is too hot for you to walk on, it is WAY too hot for them.
Keep an eye on our Facebook page/website for updates on the arrivals from Turkey and as always, thanks for supporting our mission!
Give Local 757-2021 was a Grreat success and we owe it all to you!!