1 minute read

Rainbow Bridge



I wanted to let you all know that Daphne crossed the rainbow bridge last night around 7:30pm. We took her to the vet on Tuesday as she was having some labored breathing and wasn’t eating. We found out that she had a large osteosarcoma tumor on her shoulder and it had already spread throughout her lungs. She basked in the sun all day yesterday and soaked up all of our snuggles and kisses. We did what we thought was best for her and put her to rest at the vets office after her symptoms worsened rapidly. She was not able to walk and would not even drink water. It was a very hard decision but we think it was the most humane option. Our hearts are broken and there will forever be a void that her love left behind.

She loves holding hands and snuggling with her sisters, penny and mr. paws!!! She never lets me go to the bathroom alone and she loves going for car rides! During the social distancing we went to the water and found out she is definitely a river dog! Loved the sunshine and warm breeze we can’t imagine our home without her!

–Leslie Long Brooks


We had to say goodbye to our beloved Bentley. Bentley was unique, very loving, he loved to eat and go for walks. He was my boss.... If I ever was late with his food, he made sure to let me know. We are going to miss you so much my sweet boy. I helps me to know that you are not in pain anymore. –Carmen Coglio

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