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President’s Message
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We Live in Exciting Times
Iam back! And I am in total awe of what
Jane and each of the Board members, fosters and all of the SEVA GRREAT members and volunteers have accomplished since I last served as President. There were so many highlights, challenges and rewards. Equally so, there are new highlights, challenges and rewards ahead of us.
Right now, we are all astutely aware of the Coronavirus and the many implications that it potentially has on our communities and our families. This outbreak in China has also had a major impact on our plans to bring the additional four Golden’s that were supposed to come to us in Feb/March. Despite our earlier coordination and favorable response from the CDC, we now anticipate a considerable delay due to ongoing office closings, airline restrictions and quarantines that have been put in place. However, as this door closes we have just been asked to help bring two Golden’s in from Turkey. After a preponderance of caution, coordination with the CDC and lengthy discussions — we decided to selectively move forward. However, due to the President’s decision to ban flights to and from Europe this, too, has been put on hold for now.
This leads me to our next challenge. Currently we have very few intakes coming in; and the current list of available dogs for adoption is extremely limited. This situation could change at any time, but as a result, our Board decided to temporarily close adoption applications once again. We never expected the need to do this when we reopened the process mid January. However, with the current backlog of families waiting and our severely limited list of available Golden’s — we felt this to be the most prudent and honest action. Please be patient. We are working extremely hard to match our available Golden’s with their forever family as soon as we possible can.
And finally, I would like to give a large shout out to our many guardian angels who donate and continue to donate to SEVA GRREAT. It seems that while fewer Golden’s have come to us, those that have come have presented substantial medical issues. Recently, we have dealt with extensive surgeries, recoveries, long term care, and veterinary bills that inevitably impacts our budget. When you see the wonderful results — you know what we do is vitally important and that it makes such a huge difference in the quality of life our beloved Golden’s enjoy. Please know each and every donation is sincerely appreciated.
In closing, I remain ever more passionate, energetic and enthusiastic about what is ahead of us. I also look forward to every opportunity to meet as many of you as I can. Be assured I will be working hard on behalf of SEVA GRREAT. Dottie