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Give Local 757
Save The Date T u e s d a y , M a y 1 2 , 2 0 2 0 MIDNIGHT TO MIDNIGHT


Give Local 757 has been our most successful fundraiser and we need your help to continue that trend. Cash prizes are awarded based on unique donations. A unique donation is defined as: Unique to a name, credit card and email address. The more unique donations the more cash bonus prizes we can win!
Ask friends, family, and coworkers to make a donation to SEVA GRREAT on Tuesday, May 12 at www.givelocal757.org or www.adoptagolden.com. Minimum donation is $10.00.

Help us help them! Our featured Goldens in need this year are: Susie, Lola, Daisy and Remi.
Each of these Goldens has a compelling story and serious medical issue and really needs your donation. Additional information about each will be available on our website www.adoptagolden.com and www.givelocal757.org
We are very grateful for your past support as we could not take care of our goldens in need or prepare them for their forever homes without you. YOU, our supporters, are the bedrock of SEVA GRREAT.