1 minute read
Brady bath smile. –Stephanie Snider & family

Handsome Frankie (now Dodger) came to SEVA GRREAT last fall. He was favoring his right elbow and needed to lose some weight but was otherwise a healthy pup who loved sticks. He was adopted earlier this year and has done great! His new family is happy to report that he hit his goal weight of 81 pounds, and as you can see, he STILL loves big sticks! Good job Dodger and family!!
Homecoming Share your pictures and stories by sending them to grreattimes@adoptagolden.com. They will be featured in coming newsletters, right here under Homecoming.

Louie’s mom and dad got married, and he was the Dog of Honor. Congratulations to Kara and Albert. Louie was one of the SEVA GRREAT dogs that was rescued from China.

Mojo, Onyx and Archie enjoying the ballgame.

Lucy Krom really knows how to celebrate Easter!!
Apparently Murphy is telling us what he thinks about wearing bunny ears. Lucy’s sister SEVA GRREAT’s Lacey Krom, on the other hand, is doing her famous eye roll over this whole dress-up thing.

Jinx 14th birthday in Savannah, GA
Happy Birthday to former Turkey dog Balkiz. She was adopted from SEVA GRREAT by the Roberts family.