1 minute read
Hank & Kathy Kofron
Ann Czompo
Steven Rowe
In honor of our wonderful Wyatt.
Resilient Design Consultants LLC
Resilient Design Consultants is a firm with a core belief in giving back. For every project completed, a portion of the fee will be donated to charities. This donation is given in honor of Wyatt, our beloved SEVA GRREAT Golden.
Steven & Martha Reilly
Jo Anne Vance Shelby Murphy
Brenda Barrett
Thanks for all you do.
Margaret Roach
Cathy Seymour
In honor of Maryanne Naegele’s birthday.
Mary & Ron Matthews
In honor of Junior.
Maryanne Lambert
In memory of Pete Lambert.
John & Pat Donaldson
Julie Mercer
Nicole Metzger
In memory of Boone.
Joanne & Joe Moore
In memory of Blondie, Morrison and Diego.
Carl Jackson
Tanya Gills
I donate $100.00 for each mortgage loan I close to a non-profit animal rescue. The client chose SEVA GRREAT to receive the donation.
Tracy Reed
Kristin Pay
Greg Eichinger
Pamela Graham
Anne Catron Peggy & Dave Main
In memory of Max, our dear neighbor’s Golden, who was loved so much by the Janet and George Nicholas family.
Heather Singleton
In memory of Corey.
Dennis Guy
Birthday gift for a friend/ relative.
David Pemberton
This is for Rosie (RIP) , our Golden Molly (RIP) and Rascal (30 years since passing).
Sabrina Holme
Amish rescue expenses.
Connie Brewer Skip and Terry Cole
the GOLDEN OLDiE LOVE DOG FundFund Fund Golden Oldie Love Dog Fund (GOLD Fund) is used for medical expenses, food, equipment, or adoption costs of rescued Golden Retrievers estimated to be ten years or older.
Amazon Smile Program
Are you holiday shopping online this year? You can help support SEVA GRREAT while you shop with the Amazon Smile Program.
Amazon Smile will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible purchases to charitable organizations/SEVA GRREAT:
Visit smile.amazon.com Sign in with your Amazon.com credentials. Select your charity/SEVA GRREAT, Start shopping.
Thank you for helping donate funds to SEVA GRREAT! SUPPORT OUR GOLDENS!
via the links on our Home page www.adoptagolden.com.
Your support/purchases through these links provide ongoing donations to SEVA GRREAT and help homeless Goldens find a home! (At no additional cost to you)
Click the link www.Krogercommunityrewards.com on our Home page, register your Kroger card.
Each time you swipe your card at a Kroger store, SEVA GRREAT will get a small donation.