February 2017
Do you have hurts, habits, or hang ups? Celebrate Recovery is coming to Gruene UMC on February 12th at 6:30 p.m. What is Celebrate Recovery? Celebrate Recovery is a ministry designed to help hurting people. It is made up of regular folks like you and me, who are on a journey toward wholeness; seeking recovery from and celebrating God's healing of life's hurts, habits and hang-ups. Trained leaders provide safe, confidential, Christcentered groups where people can grow. They offer their stories as fellow travelers on the journey to healing. At Celebrate Recovery we believe that change is possible by the power of Jesus through this Biblical program. Is Celebrate Recovery for YOU? Celebrate Recovery is for anyone with the courage to be honest about life's hurts, habits and hang-ups and is willing to open their life to healing and change. We believe in walking through the pain of this life together as we follow Christ, not telling people how or where they should walk. We are all still recovering from hurt and pain, our current or past addictions are no longer hidden but are now front and center, and you will probably easily identify the hang-ups in each of us.
However, you will also identify the most authentic, transparent, genuine, and compassionate people anywhere. Thankfully, our identity is not found in our weaknesses or struggles, but is found in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Celebrate Recovery is a recovery ministry based on biblical principles with a goal to let God work through us in providing His healing power. This allows people to be "changed" spiritually by working through sound biblical principles. Participants open the door by sharing their experiences, strengths, and hopes with one another. In addition, they become willing to accept God's grace and forgiveness in solving life's problems. Celebrate Recovery provides a safe place for individuals to begin their journey of breaking out of bondage and into God's grace by helping them to start dealing with their life's hurts, hang-ups, and habits.
This Month Pastor’s Thoughts
Youth Star of The
Month Celebrate Recovery Run., Feed, Love 5K Princess Ball Mission Update
Calendar Gruene UMC 5K Run Feed Love! February 25th @ 8 a.m. Live music, food, awards Register today at
Starts February 12th at 6:30 p.m. Do you have hurts, habits, or hang ups? Celebrate Recovery is coming to Gruene UMC !
Sat. March 11th 8am - 2pm
“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden…In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven” Matthew 5:14 Well, the New Year has certainly gotten going…and God is moving in powerful ways at Gruene! I have loved seeing faces we haven’t seen in a while as well as new faces at worship in January. I pray that the “new year’s resolutions” to come back to church don’t fade as the year goes on...Keep coming! Stay connected! So many new folks jumped in after Church+2 happened. We continually remind people that you don’t have to be a formal “member” or partner in ministry to participate in any class or small group or outreach activity. Come and jump in! Also, if you have an idea for a new group or class…let us help you get it started. Getting Connected is SO important!
It is easy to get complacent and “fade away” some in February, but my prayer is that this time between the new year and the season of Lent (the preparing our hearts for Easter…Yes, Ash Wed. is March 1st!) we would be intentional to stay connected, to invite others to walk with us as we not only live into all that God has for us personally, but live into all God calls us to be. Light, love, hope.
So...what is next? Well…as we are finishing up the series on Zoe life, I am amazed (again) to see all the love and beauty and life around this place and I wonder…are we sharing it? Are we as a community of faith actively inviting people to experience God at Gruene? I was in the service at Motown a couple of weeks ago and I am AMAZED at how awesome that worship experience is…but there were only a few dozen people. I wish more would go and see…I pray we I ntentionally ask God, “who might need to come and see worship at Gruene? Who might need to experience love and light?” then intentionally invite one or two families to join you. Let God’s light shine through you!
Run, Feed, Love 5K run/walk on February 25th to help feed hungry people.
Here are some NEW things to invite others to: New Sermon Series begins Feb. 12th: Help! Thanks! Wow! (a series on prayer) Celebrate Recovery begins Feb. 12th at 6:30 in the sanctuary. Reach out into the community to offer hope and healing and wholeness!
If you invite them…they will come! You are light bearers…You shine! I look forward to seeing all that God will do this spring as we live into all God is doing. As always, it is an honor to be your pastor... God’s peace to you,
(Contact Rev. Karen Horan at
Missions & Muffins At our January meeting, we had special guests from Peace Lutheran Church, Helen & Corinne, who showed us how to cut plastic bags into loops and then knot those loops into “Plarn.” The “Plarn” is then crocheted into sleeping mats and given to homeless people to be put between their other blankets or sleeping bags and the ground. If anyone would be interested in learning about “ Plarn” or how to crochet the mats, please contact Laura McFall at Our next meeting is 2nd Thursday, Feb. 9th, 9:30am at MoTown. We will be making Fiesta flower crowns for our friends at Colonial Manor for the Cinco de Mayo party in May. Also, on February 14th we will be hosting a Valentines party at Colonial Manor. All are welcome – many are on our email list that aren’t able to attend meetings but support us with resources and prayers. For more information or to join the Google Group email list, contact Laura McFall at
Missions & Muffins (M&Ms) needs your unwanted, leftover, won’t fit, won’t fit in the closet, out of season, out of style, excess, did some Spring cleaning and now what do I do with this STUFF!! Please deliver your items to the church on Friday, March 10th, from 8 a.m. - 6p.m. The funds raised from this sale give us the opportunity to support many local charitable organizations and sponsor the Giving Tree at Christmas . For more information, contact Laura at or Betsy at Betsy
What is Ash Wednesday? Well, it is the day that begins the 40 season called Lent. It is a time, much like the Advent season that prepared our hearts for Christmas, to prepare for Easter. Lent starts with a service reminding us of our need for God, but also a time to be reflective...what is God doing? How are we connected to God? How might we see where God is moving and how might me join God? It is a beautiful service!
JOIN US Ash Wednesday Service March 1st at 6:30. p.m. (child care provided) Imposition of ashes Wednesday morning from 6:45 a.m. - 8 a.m. In main building
Hello W.O.W. Children’s Ministry family & Friends, Happy February! I hope this finds you and your families well! We have some upcoming events to get down on your calendar for the next few months! Princess Ball March 4th Registration will be up soon. Go to Our theme is an Enchanted Evening. This is our daddy/father figure & daughter event. Helicopter Easter Egg Drop is Saturday April 15th VBP (Vacation Bible Party) June 26th-30th Theme: Gadgets and GizmosUniquely wired and Wonderfully made We are also going to be looking at different check in system for our Children’s Ministry and hope to have one chosen and selected soon to increase our kids safety. Thank you, Stephanie DeVault Children’s Ministry Director
JUNE 26th - 30th
(Contact Stephanie DeVault at
6th thru 12th grade
Mid-week small groups for both middle and high school students will begin in March as we start the Lenten season. Be on the lookout for dates and times in the weekly bulletin. Middle School Mission Trip to Rockport Texas This summer Gruene UMC middle schoolers will participate in missions work in Rockport Texas. Missions is a part of the work that God has called us all to as believers. This opportunity will help students see God at work in their lives as well as in the lives of others. The trip will be Sunday June 11thThursday June 15th. The total cost for the trip is $200 with the first deposit of $50 due Sunday February 19th. There are 15 spots available for students entering 6th grade thru current 8th grades. Additionally, there are 5 spots open for parents who are interested on chaperoning for the same price. If you have any questions or interesting in attending, please contac Tiarra at Remanding deposit dates for students: February 12th or 19th- $50 March 1-2: $175 April 9th - $50 May 7th- 50 June 4th- Final Payment $50 If you have any questions or interesting in attending, please contact Tiarra at
Cade McKay is a 7th grader at Church Hill Middle school and a violinist with Gruene Teens worship team. Cade is being highlighted for his selfless service throughout his church community Cade operates media, helps with marketing and whatever else he sees a need. Thanks Cade for being an awesome servant for God and Gruene youth ministry. David Churchwell is a senior at Canyon High school and the drummer for Gruene Teens worship team. David is being highlighted for his selfless contribution to Gods work in Gruene youth ministry. David not only plays drums but makes it a habit of making new people feel welcome in the faith community here at Gruene. Thanks David for being an awesome example of Gods love and role model.
REGISTER TODAY!! Gruene UMC 5K Run Feed Love!
February 25th @ 8 a.m. Live music, food, awards Register at
By Pastor Brock Home In A Week Thank you thank you thank you. Because of your support and love a home was built in a week. You guys helped support Home In A Week ministry with your donations of resources and time. Gruene hosted one of the pre-build days back in December. Then a handful of Gruene-ites joined the away build team last month to put this house together and make it a home for the Rodriguez family in Donna, Texas. We are excited to continue this partnership with this amazing ministry. There is another away build opportunity in April. To learn more about that opportunity and about Home In A Week ministry visit their website at or visit them on Facebook.
Church By The River Did you know that Gruene UMC puts on a service for our friends in need down by the river under the bridge at IH-35? Yep, and it is awesome. We worship with music and message, we share Communion, we share a meal, we share donated clothes, food and toiletries. Most important of all, we love on some amazing folks. If you have never experienced Church By The River (CBR) come on out and check it out. CBR is held the last Saturday of every month. We meet at Gruene at 8:45 to load up supplies then we circle up to pray and head down to the river. Check out CBR, a life could be changed and it may be yours. For more information or to help out with CBR please email Pastor Brock at
Backpack Ministry Update Gruene’s Operation Backpack is a "gap" food program that provides weekend food supplies for food-insecure families within Comal ISD. Volunteers are always busy loading bags of food and delivering them to schools. This amazing ministry is run 99% by volunteers. If you want to learn more about Backpack Ministry or want to help out please email Pastor Brock at
Steve’s Pantry Update
Your Ideas Are Needed
Steve’s Pantry is an outreach ministry that helps folks with food, clothes, use of laundry facilities, showers and most importantly builds relationships with some great folks. Thank you for helping us celebrate Steve’s Pantry’s one-year anniversary in it’s new home in the MOtown building last month.
Your Missions Team wants to hear from you. The Team meets the first Wednesday of every month @ 6:30 in Steve’s Pantry here at Gruene. Come hear what your Missions Team is up to, come share your ideas and most important of all come help shape what LOVE looks like in 2017. You can email Pastor Brock at with any ideas of projects for your Missions Team to support.
If you want more information about Steve’s Pantry and/or want to volunteer, please email Melissa at
I have discovered that when we move to help those in need, God moves in us. And, when we
Your Missions Team
help change the lives of others, they have a way
Your Missions Team has been busy helping folks right here in Gruene’s backyard and folks around the globe. Last month the team helped support one of Gruene’s college students attend an upcoming medical mission trip in Haiti, supply sleeping bags & blankets to be distributed at Church By The River and Steve’s Pantry, helped support two Gruene-ites attend/facilitate an upcoming Kairos prison ministry weekend and much more.
of changing us. Watching God move in you and lives changed for the better is one of the most beautiful and rewarding things about being involved with this community of faith, with you. Thank you for your part in that.
Blessings, Pastor Brock
(Contact Rev. Brock Gillman at
January has been just the perfect month! Perfect month for preparing for what is to come! Perfect month for spending extra time with the kids and telling the staff how wonderfully God made them! For me the most exciting news to offer is that we have introduced 2 new songs in chapel that are accompanied by Pastor Karen on the guitar (lucky us)! It is so much fun to praise God in dance and song! Here is one of my favorites….
I’m Gonna Sing, Sing, Sing I’m gonna sing, sing, sing, I’m gonna shout, shout, shout I’m gonna sing, I’m gonna shout Praise the Lord When those gates are open wide I’m gonna sit at Jesus side I’m gonna sing, I’m gonna shout Praise the Lord Many Blessings, Ms. Rebecca
New or gently worn prom dresses are needed for girls in need in the New Braunfels/Gruene area. Please drop off your clean, donated dress at Celebrations Bridal located a 275 S. Seguin Avenue, New Braunfels. Dresses (prom or bridesmaid) (long or short) are needed. sizes 0 - 32, Dresses size 16 and up are particularly needed. Your donation will enable high school girls in need of assistance to enjoy an evening of memories "just like all the other girls." Dresses will be distributed at a Say Yes to the Prom Dress event at Gruene UMC on March 24th and 25th. For more info email Cheryl at
Did you know that Gruene UMC has an App?
YES and it’s FREE! Be sure to download it today and get connected to the GUMC Facebook page, have access to an online bible and PUSHPAY our electronic giving. Go to the apps store on your phone and search for Gruene UMC.
Beth Moore Bible Study Tuesdays February 21st to March 28th. Six weeks, DVD session, 6:30 to 8 p.m. in MoTown. Breath, The Life of God in Us from John 20:22 is a lecture series reflecting on the person, the work and the power of the Holy Spirit. Study Guide $10. Please contact Nunzy Alves, (830)237-3742.
Stephanie DeVault - Children’s Director
Rev. Karen Horan - Pastor
Brandi Carnes - Nursery Director
Rev. Brock Gillman - Associate Pastor Nadia Hoffman – Administrative Assistant
Rebecca Goossens - GTLC Director Tiarra Evans - Youth Director
2629 E. Common St. New Braunfels TX 78130 (830) 625-7200 Fax: (830) 625-7208 OFFICE HOURS M-F, 8:30 -4:30
SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICES 8:30, 9:40 & 11:00 a.m. (Main Building) 9:50 a.m. (Motown) “Come…be you, be filled , be loved. Go…be joy, be hope, be love. Be His! ”
See What’s Happening There are so many fun and exciting groups here at Gruene! To find out what’s going on, check us out on the Gruene UMC facebook page or on our website,