June 2017 news

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June 2017

“God will continue to grow this place because of who you are…” Pastor Karen Horan Summer has started, yea! Kids are out of school, the days get longer and warmer and lots of new people look for a church home as they move into the community or visit on vacation! With summer comes more casual dress, preparation for Vacation Bible Party (June 26 -30), and lots of fun possibilities. So, how can we be creative? Consider starting a short term small group for families that might meet outside on the side patio or under the pavilion….or we have plenty of classrooms in the AC! Or maybe we can get kayakers together… or a play group for pre-school or elementary school kids that meets at the church. This place gets too quiet in the summer…come and connect with each other! If you can dream it up, we can help you get the word out! (and our connection team would love to help!) One of the best things I hear from new folks is that we are so much like a “family”, so friendly and welcoming…so how might we just hang out together? Let’s pray and step in that direction… nothing formal, just come and be with each other inviting new people to connect in new ways…

With summer also comes a lot of travel, and as you know, when people travel our offering often drops a bit. There are some creative ways to keep our giving as consistent as possible (which is our goal… consistency!) If you haven’t connected with push pay, please consider doing so! You can do one time giving or set up a schedule to give even when you are out of town! Of course, be sure to watch on line…all three services in the main building is streamed live at 8:30, 9:40 and 11. And, send us an email or tag us on Facebook with pictures of your travels so we can keep up with you! As you and your family get out and about in the community (Schlitterbahn, ball fields, community pools, etc) , I pray that you will invite those you meet to come to Gruene. So many people are searching for a church home…a connection they are missing. It is the easiest way to be God’s hands and feet! More times than not, if you invite them…they will come!

Finally, we know that this June will be unique because I will be preaching my last sermon here as the “Senior Pastor”. June 25th will be a bittersweet day for me and Bill. My love for this place is deep and wide…and that will not end. However, I know that God planted this church…God tugged on your heart to come…God may have used me in the process, but God has done this all and God will continue to grow this place because of who YOU are. Thanks for being you! You are amazing…and I will miss you. God’s peace, Pastor Karen P.S. Pastor Dan Harrington and his family will be here July 2nd for this first sermon! I know it is July 4th weekend, but I pray you can be here to welcome them! Pastor Aaron Carter will be here too that weekend. Love them all well!

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