The Earth’s relief 2
The Earth is made up of three layers:
z The crust is the outer and the thinnest layer.
z The mantle is the middle and the thickest layer.
z The core is the innermost layer of the Earth.
The crust is broken up into blocks called tectonic plates, which float and move on the asthenosphere, the upper mantle , formed by semi-molten materials The collision and breaking up of the plates cause tremors and earthquakes.
Constant changes occur on the Earth’s surface. These changes are the result of creative forces (internal forces) and destructive forces (external forces) affecting the Earth’s relief.
Movement of the tectonic plates
Volcanism (the action of volcanoes)
It causes the breaking up (faults) or folding (folds) of the Earth’s surface materials
It is is the result of the expulsion of magma from the mantle to the surface, produced by a crack in the Earth’s crust.
1 Match each of these concepts with its definition.
a) Mantle
b) Core
c) Asthenosphere
d) Crust
670 km
Internal structure of the Earth
Continental crust (25-70 km)
Oceanic crust (6-12 km)
Lithosphere (100 km)
Upper mantle Asthenosphere
Lower mantle
2900 km
5100 km
Geochemical model (chemical composition)
Outer core
Inner core
Mesosphere Endosphere
300 km
2900 km
6370 km
Dynamic model (dynamic behaviour)
Erosion: the wearing away and fragmentation of the Earth’s surface
Geological processes
Transport: the transfer of eroded material to lower areas.
Sedimentation: the deposition of the eroded material, which forms layers or strata. Erosive agents Temperature, water, ice, wind, plants, trees and human beings.
1. It is the outermost layer of the Earth.
2. It is the deepest part of the Earth.
3. It is divided into the upper mantle and lower mantle.
4. The tectonic plates float on it.
2 Copy and complete this diagram about relief formation.
Relief formation
Creative forces affecting relief
3 Complete these sentences with the following words: asthenosphere, erosive agents, sedimentation, tectonic plates, movement.
a) The are the blocks into which the crust is divided.
b) The tectonic plates float on
c) The of the tectonic plates is responsible for the creation of different forms of relief.
d) The is the deposition of the eroded material.
e) The agents are temperature, water, ice, wind, plants, trees, and human beings.
Continental relief
Coastal relief
Plains are flat areas of low altitude. Plateaus are high plains.
Mountains are grouped into ranges or ridges.
Basins, valleys, and depressions are areas of low relief.
It includes different relief forms: beaches, capes or outlets; gulfs or inlets.
Peninsulas are large areas of land surrounded by sea on all sides except for the isthmus, which joins it to the continent.
An archipelago is a group of islands near one another.

Plateau Plain
Continental shelf
Ranges Valley
Bay Island Isthmus
Continental slope Abyssal plain
Underwater ridge Ocean trench
Continents are large land masses separated by oceans. Earth is made up of six continents: Europe, Asia, America, Africa, Oceania, and Antarctica. The main relief elements of the continents are:
In the center of the continent there are great mountain ranges (the Himalayas) and high plateaus (Tibet). The Siberian plains and plateaus are in the north. The south and east of the continent are formed by plains (Great China Plain), peninsulas (Arabia, Indochina) and archipelagos (Japan, the Philippines).
There are extensive plains (North American Great Plains, Amazon Plain) in the centre of the continent. Mountainous ranges predominate in the west (Rockies, Andes). There are lower mountains and plateaus (Appalachians, Brazilian Plateau) in the east.
The highest mountains are in the south of the continent (the Alps, the Caucasus, the Pyrenees). In the centre and in the north lower mountains predominate ( French Central Massif, the Scandinavian Mountains) and plains (Great Plain of Europe).
The Great Rift Valley is in the east. There are great mountain ranges in the north-west (Atlas) and south-east (Drakensberg Mountains) and plateaus and depressions in the centre (the Sahara plateau, the Chad basin).
OCEANIA It is made up of some islands and archipelagos: Australia, New Guinea, and New Zealand.
4 Find six elements of relief in this word search. Then, match them with the definitions below.
a) A kind of elongated depression.
b) A line of mountains grouped together.
c) A group of islands near one another.
d) A strip of land connecting a peninsula to the continent.
e) A flat area of low altitude.
f) A high plain.
5 Are these statements true or false? Correct the false ones:
a) The Siberian plain is in northern Asia.
b) Oceania is made up of some islands and archipelagos, such as Australia, New Zealand or New Guinea.
c) The Great Rift Valley is located to the east of America.
d) The Alps ant the Pyrenees are mountain ranges in north Europe.
e) Tibet is an island located in Asia.
We can distinguish the following groups within the continental relief:
z The Great European Plain stretches from the Ural Mountains to the Pyrenees.
z Massifs, plateaus and ancient mountains: the Ural Mountains in Russia, the Scandinavian mountains in the Scandinavian peninsula, or the Vosges massif in France.
z Young mountains in Southern Europe: the Alps, the Pyrenees in Spain, the Apennine Mountains in Italy, or the Caucasus Mountains.
The European coastal relief presents a very extensive strip with an important variety of coastal landforms:
Peninsulas Iberian, Jutland, Scandinavian.
Capes Finisterre, San Mateo, San Vicente.
Gulfs Vizcaya, Finland, Genoa.
Straits Gibraltar, the English Channel. Islands and archipelagos British, Balearic, Icelandic.
The relief of mainland Spain is structured around a large plateau known as the Central Meseta. The Central System and Toledo Mountains are inside the Meseta. The Meseta is surrounded by the Galician-Leonese Massif, the Cantabrian Mountains, the Iberian System and the Sierra Morena. Other important relief forms outside the Meseta include the Basque Mountains, the Pyrenees, the Catalan-Coastal Range, the Baetic ranges, the Ebro basin, and the Guadalquivir basin.

There are two archipelagos: Canary Islands and Balearic Islands. The Spanish coastline is rectilinear except in the north-west.
The main elements of Andalusian relief are Sierra Morena, which separates Andalusia from the Meseta, the Baetic ranges, which occupy the east and south of Andalusia, and the Guadalquivir basin, in the centre of Andalusia.

6 Classify the following elements of the European relief in the table below: Caucasus Mountains, Ural Mountains, the Great European Plain, Gibraltar Strait, British Isles, the Iberian Peninsula, Jutland Peninsula, The Scandinavian Mountains, Iceland, Gulf of Genoa, and the Alps.
Massifs, plateaus and ancient mountains
Young mountains in southern Europe
Gulfs, capes and straits
Islands and archipelagos
7 Find on the map included in the appendices of the book these elements of relief. Then, locate them correctly on the map: Pyrenees, Iberian System, Sierra Morena, Cantabrian Range, Galician Massif, Southern Sub-Plateau,

8 Complete the following sentences with the correct element of Andalusia relief:
a) is in the centre of Andalusia.
b) separates Andalusia from the Meseta.
c) are in the east and south of Andalusia.
1 Match each of these concepts with its definition.
a) 3.
b) 2. c) 4. d) 1.
Creative forces affecting relief
Creative forces of relief
2 Copy and complete this diagram about relief formation.
3 Complete these sentences with the following words: asthenosphere, erosive agents, sedimentation, tectonic plates, movement.
a) The tectonic plates are the blocks into which the crust is divided.
b) The tectonic plates float on the asthenosphere
c) The movement of the tectonic plates is responsible for the creation of different forms of relief.
d) The sedimentation is the deposition of the eroded material.
e) The erosive agents are temperature, water, ice, wind, plants, trees, and human beings.
4 Find six elements of relief in this word search. Then, match them with the definitions below.
a) Valley: a kind of elongated depression.
b) Range: a line of mountains grouped together.
c) Archipelago: a group of islands near one another.
d) Isthmus: a strip of land connecting a peninsula to the continent.
e) Plain: a flat area of low altitude.
f) Plateau: a high plain.
5 Are these statements true or false? Correct the false ones:
a) The Siberian plain is in northern Asia. True.
b) Oceania is made up of some islands and archipelagos, such as Australia, New Zealand or New Guinea. True.
c) The Great Rift Valley is located in the east of America False. The Great Rift Valley is in the east of Africa
d) The Alps ant the Pyrenees are mountain ranges in north Europe. False. The Alps ant the Pyrenees are mountain ranges in south Europe.
e) Tibet is an island located in Asia. False. Tibet is a plateau located in Asia.
6 Classify the following elements of the European relief in the table below: Caucasus Mountains, Ural Mountains, the Great European Plain, Gibraltar Strait, British Isles, the Iberian Peninsula, Jutland Peninsula, The Scandinavian Mountains, Iceland, Gulf of Genoa, and the Alps.
Massifs, plateaus and ancient mountains
Young mountains in southern Europe
Gulfs, capes and straits
Islands and archipelagos
The Great European Plain
The Scandinavian Mountains
Ural Mountains
The Alps
Caucasus Mountains
Iberian Peninsula
Jutland Peninsula
Gibraltar Strait
Gulf of Genoa
British Isles
7 Find on the map included in the appendices of the book these elements of relief. Then, locate them correctly on the map: Pyrenees, Iberian System, Sierra Morena, Cantabrian Range, Galician Massif, Southern Sub-Plateau, Central

8 Complete the following sentences with the correct element of Andalusia relief:
a) The Guadalquivir basin is in the centre of Andalusia.
b) Sierra Morena separates Andalusia from the Meseta.
c) The Baetic mountains are in the east and south of Andalusia