Global Thinkers: Visual and Audiovisual Arts. Stage II. Secondary (demo)

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l a u iV s



d n a

l a u s i v io STAGE

12 M ON




d u A ts r A II ui rreg R. A ras ique a M. P n tura . Ma jón e l M. L l . Ca D . M



1 Images in the media Yasumasa Morimura Here we can see a work by a Japanese photographer, Yasumasa Morimura (Osaka, 1951). It is an example of staged photography, or appropriation. This image was created with a clear intention. The artist created it with an artistic, informative or sentimental purpose, but he also makes the photo into something else: a story. He combines aesthetics, analysis and reflection. Similarly, when we take photos of ourselves or draw our own portraits, we can choose to give out a message or meaning to our audience. Our clothes, accessories, hairstyle and possessions can say a lot about us. Technology makes it possible for us to share images all over the world. We can create our own avatar and depict our identity however we want. 1. Cover the text and answer the questions. a) What did Yasumasa Morimura audience to see in this work?



b) How does the text say we can control our own image? 2. Find a phrasal verb in the text which means to transmit or project. 3. How do you present your image on social networks? How do you do this? 4. Do you behave the same with your friends when online and offline? 5. When and why do you take pictures of yourself? 6.

When you get dressed, do you think about the way others will see you? Do you think people dress the same in Tokyo, Paris or Buenos Aires? What about in the past?

Las Meninas Reborn in the Night (2013), Yasumasa Morimura. Exhibition at the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts (Moscow, Russia).


Everyone has their own image

Our personal image is a construction that consists not only of our body and the way we dress, but also of everything that we show to other people. Although the images we share may hide a lot about who we really are, they show part of our personality. We should be especially cautious with what we post online since it can easily be misinterpreted. We should be sincere, but we should never publish personal data.

UNDERSTAND, THINK AND APPLY… We usually have photographs on our social media profile, but sometimes people use drawings. Design your profile with an image that represents you. It is not necessary for it to be realistic or a self-portrait; it can be a collection of images, sentences, colours or symbols that reflect who you are. If you want, you can mix several techniques. You will need... A graphite pencil, coloured pencils, markers.



Is each profile a friend?

Relationships on social media can be quite different from the ones we have with people in real life. Moreover, on social media, we may have tons of “friends” that we have never actually met. There are people who do not show their true faces: they create fake profiles or strange avatars since they want to remain private. We must remember that not all of what we see is real and be careful with how we use images. We must be respectful with other people’s.

UNDERSTAND, THINK AND APPLY… Storyboard. Create two avatars to use on social media: one to represent you and another to represent a friend. Now, imagine that you and your friend have a conversation in which you organise a trip. What could you do together? Write the online conversation you would have with that person. Remember that you can use different icons to express your mood. You will need... A graphite pencil, coloured pencils, markers.




Species evolve to adapt to their environment: an animal with wings may evolve to one without them because they may not be necessary anymore, or an animal may evolve to one with a longer neck to be able to reach higher branches. Some traits disappear while others develop; the body structure, the appearance, changes. Technology is more and more integrated into our bodies, albeit in an artificial way, to improve our abilities. How do you imagine humans in the future?

UNDERSTAND, THINK AND APPLY… Find a picture of yourself in which your whole body is shown. Find pictures of technological objects that you often use or that you would like to use. Make a collage by mixing parts of the different pictures and transform your image by incorporating technology into your body. Make your own cyborg. You will need... Pictures of yourself and of technological objects (several copies in different sizes), glue, a pair of scissors.



Front page HEADLINE

Teenagers hardly ever appear in the media; and when they do, they appear only in specific sections designed for them. How do you think the media covers important topics such as identity, friendship, conflicts with adults, love, the use of technology, etc.? The image the media give of these issues is often too emotional and hardly realistic.

UNDERSTAND, THINK AND APPLY… Choose a newspaper or magazine. Following its format, make a front page in which the main figures are people your age. Try to represent them as they are in real life, their relationships, the environment in which they live, etc. You can be in it and you can include your classmates as well. Write a headline for the image on your front page. You will need... A graphite pencil, printed images (including personal photographs), a pair of scissors, glue, markers.



Be an influencer

The people who appear in the media as heroes often become role models that many people want to imitate, but it is important to think about who they really are and why they are in the media. Many fall into the same category: they are rich, beautiful, dress in fashion, have a lot of relationships, etc. They seem to have a really interesting life.

UNDERSTAND, THINK AND APPLY… Imagine yourself in twenty years. How would you like to be? Is there someone who is constantly in the news that you look up to? Draw your entire body as you think you will look in twenty years: you can change your body and face using cut-outs of your favourite personalities. Put yourself in an environment surrounded by everything you would like to have. You will need... A graphite pencil, photo cut-outs, a pair of scissors, glue, coloured pencils, markers. Answer the questions 1 Have you ever thought that we never see ourselves as others see us? Why do you think this is so?

2 Do you care how others see you? Does it influence your behaviour?



The different faces of the truth

The media, or mass media, spread information on different channels of communication. Nowadays, we can receive the same news through the press printed on paper, through the Internet, on the radio or on the television. Media groups usually have a wide variety of channels to reach all types of audiences. Remember we never get all of the information; and the information we do get, we receive in different ways. It all depends on what they want to communicate to us.

UNDERSTAND, THINK AND APPLY… We can find different photographs and ways to say the same thing. Find a story that has come out recently in the media and do some research on it. Gather and cut out different images and create a collage that reflects what you think are the most relevant aspects of the information. Write a brief summary that explains how you see the facts. You will need... A graphite pencil, printed images, a pair of scissors, glue, markers.


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