Music are made of sounds and rests
Every sound has four qualities
Tempo Is the speed of a musical work can be.... Moderate tempo Slow tempo Fast tempo
Do you know the duration of the music note symbols?
Both elements are the basis of musical creation
Listen and repeat.
Try to remain in complete silence for three minutes. Then, in groups, describe the sounds you can hear. Use adjectives like: loud, quiet, smooth, strong, stressful, calm and noisy.
Sounds are present in our lives from birth. We live surrounded by sounds. What is sound and how is it produced?
Sound is a physical phenomenon that is produced when an object vibrates. The ear is the organ that perceives sound.
Silence is an element of music that is just as important as sound. Both elements are the basis of musical creation.
A rest is the time in which no sound is produced. When there is a rest in music, silence can be heard.
1 Writing. Write a definition for sound and for silence.
2 Does music take up space or does it develop over time?
The ear
The ear is the organ that allows us to perceive sounds and appreciate music.
The ear has three parts:
• The outer ear receives waves that vibrate the ear drum.
• The middle ear transmits the vibrations from the ear drum to the inner ear.
• The inner ear transforms vibrations into nerve impulses that are registered as sounds by the brain.
Absolute silence does not exist in nature.
3 Writing. Look up the word acoustics in a dictionary and write down the relationship between this term and sound.
Sound is the raw material of music, music is made of sound. Music is a language and as a language it combines and organises sounds in an artistic way.
To appreciate music as an art form we need to listen to it over a period of time. A musical work has a beginning and an end and we need to listen to the entire performance to get an overall understanding of it.
Music does not occupy space unlike other art forms, such as paintings or sculptures. When contemplating a painting in a museum, the whole piece of art can be seen just by looking at it.
Music is the art of combining sounds and rest over a period of time.
Not all sounds are the same. Every sound has unique qualities. The qualities of sound are the main characteristics of a particular sound, which are like its DNA.
Every sound has four sound qualities: pitch, duration, intensity and timbre.
Parts of a note symblol
Note head Stem Flag
Pitch is the quality of sound that allows us to identify if a sound is lowpitched or high-pitched.
In a score, different pitches are represented by musical notes. The clef of sol is the symbol that gives the name to the notes.
4 Speaking. Flag and stem are terms which are also used in botany. Do you think a musical note is similar to a plant? Discuss this similarity with your classmate.
Intensity is the volume of a sound. This quality allows us to differentiate between loud and soft sounds.
In a score, intensity is represented by dynamic markings. Dynamic markings are the symbols that indicate how softly or loudly a musical piece should be played.
5 Choose an instrument from the classroom and explore its timbre. Carry out the activity with the help of the following graphic organiser.
What parts has it got?
piano: soft sound forte: loud sound
Timbre is the quality of sound that allows us to identify the object that produces the sound. The timbre depends on the shape of the object that produces the sound and the material it is made of.
For example, the shape and the material of these objects determine their
Do you think its shape determines its sound? Can its sounds be written on a staff ?
Musical instrument
xylophone recorder drum
Duration is the quality of sound that allows us to identify long and short sounds. Duration is represented by note symbols: semibreve, minim, crotchet, quaver and semiquaver. There are also symbols that define the duration of the rests. Name Semibreve Minim Crochet Quaver Semiquaver Note symbol
Do you think it would sound different if it were another size?
What do you need to do so that it makes a sound?
6 Speaking. Remember that timbre is the quality of sound that allows us to differentiate instruments and voices. In music, the word is the same in Spanish and English. However, the general meaning of the word in Spanish is a false friend as the meaning in
English is different. Do you remember any other false friends? Talk with your partner to guess more.
7 Writing. In your notebook, write down the name of two sounds you hear and describe them using the qualities of sound.
We can detect a beat when....
... a heart beats;
... a tap drips; …two tennis players are playing tennis.
All music has a regular beat or pulse which can be perceived when the music is played. The different rhythms are developed over the beat.
The beat is vital for several musicians to be able to play together. By using the beat as a references we know the speed of music that we hear, that is, the tempo.
The duration of a beat is represented in music by a crotchet. If a crotchet lasts one beat, the other note symbols and the rests have these durations:
8 Writing. Write down some everyday situations related to beat in your notebook.
9 Listen to different types of music and try to feel the pulse.
10 Which note symbol is used to represent the duration of a beat?
11 Which note symbols have a duration of more than one beat?
In music, the speed of the beats will vary depending on how fast or slow the work is interpreted. This is called tempo.
Tempo is the speed or a musical work. Tempo can be slow, moderate or fast. Within each type or tempo, the speed can vary.
The most accurate way to bar tempo is to use a metronome. This device, created by Maelzel, marks the number of beats per minute. It produces a regular acoustic sound which enables the musicians to follow the beat of the time signature.
The initial indication of tempo can vary at certain points in a musical piece, and then go back to the original tempo.
The variations of tempo are ritardando (rit) which means to slow down the tempo gradually and accelerando (accel) which means to speed up gradually.
The symbol called fermata, () is written above or below a music note and indicates that the note should be sustained for a little longer than normal. This symbol is used to end a musical piece or section of music.
12 Writing. Complete the following sentences which refer to tempo markings. Use comparatives:
• Grave is … than Allegro
• Presto is … than Adagio
• Moderato is … than Grave
13 Writing. Compare the word tempo with the word time. In fact, they both mean the same although tempo is only used as a musical term. Compare with other languages you know.
Italian terms of tempo
Tempo is indicated at the beginning of a score. Italian terms are used to define the tempo:
• Slow tempo: Grave, largo, adagio.
• Moderate tempo: Andante, moderato…
• Fast tempo: Allegro, prestato, vivace…
Sound - Rest - Note symbol
Sound qualities - Pitch
Low-pitched - High-pitched Intensity - Loud - Soft
Duration - Short - Long - Timbre
Dynamic markings BeatSemibreve - Minim - Crotchet Quaver - Semiquaver.
The following song, attributed to Robert Burns, an 18th century Scottish poet, is a well known melody that is sung in English speaking countries for numerous occasions; especially on New Year´s Eve.
Xylophones = 156 A B
Should And auld sure ac lyquain you'll - tance be - be your for pint got, stown!and And ne sur ver ely- I'll brought to be mind? mine!
Should We'll auld take ac a quain cup - tance of - be kind for nessgot, yet, - for for days days of of auld auld lang lang syne! syne!
For auld lang syne, my dear, for auld lang syne, we'll take a cup of kind ness - yet, for days of rit. auld lang syne!
Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot, for days of auld lang syne!0
For auld lang syne, my dear, for auld lang syne, we’ll take a cup of kindness yet, for days ofauld lang syne!
And surely you’ll be your pint-stowp! and surely I’ll be mine!
And we’ll take a cup of kindness yet, for days of auld lang syne! Voice Recorder
In this unit, you have learned that the duration of sounds is represented by musical note symbols. Each note symbol has the duration of a certain number of beats. Here is an activity that will help you to follow and internalise the beat when playing a melody.
Make a deck of cards
Look at the squares. Each one has a different note symbol that you have learned in this unit. On a piece of card, copy each of the note symbols four times and then cut out the squares. You will have a set of 16 cards.
Play it
Play the rhythm you just created. Follow these steps:
a) Read the rhythm using rhythmic syllables.
b) Clap the rhythm while reading the syllables.
c) Only clap the rhythm.
Make rhythms
Shuffle the cards. Then, pick four cards randomly and place them in a row. You now have a short rhythm of four beats.
Draw conclusions
You have created a quick and easy exercise to practise everything you have learned in this unit about rhythmic note symbols.
Draw conclusions and discuss with your classmates as a group the difficulties you found when playing the rhythms.
Do you know that there are many sounds in our environment of different intensity levels?
THE BEAT OF MUSIC is related to...
Is a musical symbol that indicate to emphasise a note is indicated by… Time signature
Accent mark
Other expressive indications
The mood
Beats grouped the most common are...
Use of intensity in music
Dynamic markings
pianissimo ( ): very soft
piano ( ): soft
mezzopiano ( ): medium soft
mezzoforte ( ): medium loud
forte ( ) : loud
fortissimo ( ): very loud
Afettuoso Agitato Con brio Dolce
Quadruple metre
Allow us to identify loud and soft sounds
Listen and repeat.
In English there is no graphic accent as in Spanish, so it is very important to give greater emphasis to the stressed syllable. In sentences, this is called the sentence stress. With your classmates, practise saying sentences in English with the correct sentence stress.
In spoken language there are stressed syllables, some syllables are pronounced with more emphasis than others. In the same way, in music there are beats that are stressed because they carry the most intensity.
A spoken sentence loses its meaning if the stressed syllables are changed. In music if the natural stresses are not followed, the meaning of the interpretation changes significantly.
1 Reading. Read the phrases, emphasising the stressed syllable of each word’. If each syllable corresponds with a beat, stresses will occur naturally, every certain number of beats. This forms the time signature of music.
Save by lo ving sun rise
Looking for her face
Save by feet unnumbered Pau sing at the place.
Save- by lo - ving sun - rise Loo - king for her (face…)
BLOW, BLOW, THOU WINTER WIND (William Shakespeare)
Blow, blow, thou! win ter wind
Thou art not so unkind As man’s in gra titude.
Blow, blow, thou! win - ter wind Thou are not so un-kind As man’s in (grat…)
(What) fools are they that have not known that love likes no laws but his own.
what fools are they that have not known that love likes no laws but his own
The accent mark
The accent mark (>) is used to indicate a stress where the symbol is present.
Time signature
A bar is a grouping of beats that is repeated. The first beat of each bar carries the natural stress.
The most common time signatures are duple metre (groups of two beats), triple metre (three beats) and quadruple metre (four beats).
Rhythm - stressed beats
accent mark - time signature
bar - duple metre triple metre quadruple metre - bar line double bar line - anacrusis.
Duration is the quality of sound that allows us to identify long and short sounds. (esta primera frase en pastilla)
Duration is represented by note symbols: semibreve, minim, crotchet, quaver and semiquaver.
2 Writing. Find phrases that have accents every two, three and four syllables, and write them in your notebook.
3 What symbol is used to indicate that a note should be accented?
4 Writing. Write the definition of time signature.
5 How many beats are in a bar of triple metre?
6 And in a quadruple metre?
Intensity can be defined as the level of force needed to complete an action, a phenomenon or a feeling.
There are many sounds in our environment that have different levels of volume, or dynamics: loud, like the siren of a fire truck, fireworks or a plane taking off; soft, like the sound of the breeze or water in a spring.
The intensity of a sound is relative. To identify how loud or soft a sound is we must compare it with other sounds: there are multiple degrees of volume. The same sound could be considered very loud for some musicians and not so loud for others. Intensity is the change of volume in sound and is measured in decibels (dB).
The hearing threshold is the minimum volume of a sound which can be heard by the human ear. Sounds with volumes below 10 dB cannot be heard. Sounds with very high volume, above 140 dB, are above the pain threshold and can cause irreparable damage to our ears.
Noise pollution is produced when the sound volume is too high. Noise pollution is very common in our society and can be harmful to our health.
7 Look at the image. Think about the level of intensity that a group of cars can produce beeping in a residential area. Write down anything that comes to mind when you think about this situation.
8 Compare the noise pollution that occurs at an outdoor concert with that of a big city. Do you see similarities? And differences? Justify your answer.
In music, intensity is the characteristic that tells us the difference between a loud sound and a soft sound and is one of the four qualities of sounds. The others are pitch, duration and timbre
Composers deliberately use sounds with changes of intensity for different purposes:
• To help create contrast between musical themes or between sections.
• To attract the attention of listeners to a specific passage.
• To generate tension in specific parts of a musical work.
The changes of volume that appear throughout a music work are called dynamics and they are indicated in the score by Italian terms. These terms are called dynamic markings.
Dynamic markings indicate the volume notes in a score should be played.
In a music work, dynamics can be used in different ways:
• Keeping the same dynamics throughout a passage.
• Progressively decreasing or increasing the dynamics in a piece of music.
• The sudden rise in dynamic of an isolated note. This is what is called an accented note, even though it may not correspond to the natural accent of the beat.
When the volume is not kept the same, but progressively gets louder or softer, other Italian words are used: crescendo, to gradually increase the intensity; and diminuendo, when intensity should gradually decrease.
Crescendo and diminuendo symbols are angles that indicate the progressive change of dynamics from the beginning of the symbol to the end of it.
Crescendo (cresc.): progressively increases volume
Diminuendo (dim.): progressively decreases volume
9 Writing. Think of five sounds that are familiar to you. Write down their names in your notebook and specify which ones are examples of noise pollution. Share your results with your classmates.
Dynamic markings
pianissimo: very soft
piano: soft
mezzopiano: medium soft
mezzoforte: medium loud
forte : loud
fortissimo: very loud
Did you know?
The Italian word mezzo is widely used in music as well as other terms in Italian. Mezzo means medium. For example: mezzopiano means medium soft and mezzoforte means medium strong. We also indicate a specific female voice as «mezzo- soprano».
10 Use the Internet to look up information about noise pollution and write a brief summary: define it and list places where it may be found.
11 Identify why contrasts of dynamics are used in music.
In a score, not only are there tempo indicators (andante, allegro…) and dynamics, but also other indications that help musicians to understand the feeling and mood of the music work.
The mood in music is the feeling or emotion that a music piece provokes in us and it is indicated by Italian terms placed at the beginning of the composition.
The mood indicators that are used most frequently are:
• Affettuoso: with affection.
• Con brio: with force, vigorously.
• Animato: animated.
• Dolce: sweetly.
• Agitato: agitated, fast.
• Tranquilo: tranquilly, peacefully.
12 Clap the rhythms, following the dynamics indicated.
Did you know?
A mood is an emotional state that can depend on our personality and other factors such as lack of sleep or health issues.
The word mood comes from the Old English mod which meant military courage, but could also refer to a person’s humour, temper, or disposition. Moods tend to be good or bad – but can also be black or blue!
13 Reading. Use the Internet to look up other Italian words related to dynamics that are different from the ones you have already learned
14 Define dynamics and describe what they represent in a score.
15 Speaking. Name the symbol used to increase the volume in a score.
16 Writing. In your notebook, write down the definition of mood in music and name a few terms used to indicate mood in music.
Intensity - dynamics
volume - decibels - noise
pollution - loud sounds soft sounds - expressive indications - dynamic markings - mood indicators.
Orchestra conductors indicate the intensity with which a musical score is to be played by their gestures.
The song Stand by Me was composed by B.E. King for one of the singers from the famous soul group The Drifters, who actually never recorded it. It is considered to be one of the five most-played songs of the 20th century.
When the night has come, and the land is dark, and the moon is the
on -ly light we'll see No, I won't be a -fraid no I won't be a -fraid
just as long as you_s tand, - stand by me. So, dar ling, - dar ling_s - tand - by me Oh, s tand by me, Oh_s tand, - Oh_s tand - stand by me.
The same sounds that serve to make music can also become annoying, harmful and even damaging, if we are exposed to them in the wrong way. This is what we call noise pollution. To know the level of noise pollution in a place, a sound map is used. SCAN
Decide on the place you are going to use to make your sound map and decide what time you will collect information (this can be when you return home from school or over the weekend).
Use three different colours to show levels of volume: red, loud intensity; blue, medium intensity; green, soft intensity.
Write down the level of volume that you can hear in each room of your house: the living room, your bedroom, the kitchen, the bathroom, etc
Draw the plan of your house. It does not have to be exact or to scale. Also, draw what is around your building: a park, a road, or a factory, etc.
Colour each room according to the volume. If possible, identify the source of the sounds (for example, electrical appliances) and write down some of their qualities: duration, dynamics or pitch.
Display your sound map in the classroom and listen carefully to your classmates describing their sound maps.
Sound is a physical phenomenon that is produced when an object vibrates. The ear is the organ that perceives sound.
How is sound produced?
Everything around us vibrates when it moves or when touched by other objects.
The ear is the organ that allows us to perceive sounds and appreciate music.
Sound is perceived by the ear. The ear transforms exterior vibrations into nerve impulses that are sent to the brain.
Vibrations produce sounds that are transmitted on waves through air, water or another medium.
The ear perceives these waves, identifies their qualities and creates an audio sensation in the brain.
The outer ear receives sound waves that vibrate the ear drum.
The middle ear transmits the vibrations from the ear drum to the inner ear.
The inner ear transforms vibrations into nerve impulses that create an audio sensation in the brain.
Every sound has four sound qualities : pitch, intensity, timbre and duration
The duration of a sound is represented by note symbols. Remember that the parts of note symbols are:
Duration is represented by note symbols: semibreve, minim, crotchet, quaver and semiquaver.
Name Semibreve Minim Crochet Quaver Semiquaver
Note symbol
The duration of a beat is represented in music by a crotchet. If a crotchet lasts one beat, the other note symbols and the rests have these durations:
Tempo is the speed or a musical work.
Tempo can be slow, moderate or fast. Within each type or tempo, the speed can vary.
Terms Meaning
Grave, largo, lento Very slow
Adagio Slow
Andante, moderato Moderate
Allegro Fast
Vivace, presto Very fast
The initial indication of tempo can vary at certain points in a musical piece, and then go back to the original tempo.
Ritardando (rit)
Accelerando (accel)
Means to slow down the tempo gradually.
Means to speed up gradually.
In music there are beats that are stressed because they carry the most intensity.
What is an accent mark?
It is the musical symbol that indicates the stressed beats.
It is placed next to the head of the note symbol.
It indicates that the note must be played stronger than the rest of the notes. Time signature
Bar lines
A bar line is used to separate bars; and the double bar line is used to end a musical piece. Look at the musical phrase and observe how the bar lines separate the bars.
Look at the musical phrase and observe how the bar lines separate the bars.
Duration is represented by note symbols: semibreve, minim, crotchet, quaver and semiquaver. There are also symbols that define the duration of the rests.
shows how note symbols are in a bar.
Decibel chart
The changes of volume in sound
The volume of a sound is measured in decibels (dB)
Each type of sound has a decibel level.
In music, intensity is the characteristic that tells us the difference between a loud sound and a soft sound and is one of the four qualities of sounds. The others are pitch, duration and timbre.
Are used for different purposes
Intensity in music
Keeping the same dynamics throughout a passage.
To help create contrast between musical themes or between sections.
To attract the attention of listeners to a specific passage.
To generate tension in specific parts of a musical work.
Can be used in different ways
Progressively decreasing or increasing the dynamics in a piece of music.
The sudden rise in dynamic of an isolated note.
Dynamics markings
Dynamic markings indicate the volume notes in a score should be played.
Dynamic indications
Dynamic markings
Mood indicators
The mood in music is the feeling or emotion that a music piece provokes in us and it is indicated by Italian terms placed at the beginning of the composition.
Gradual indications
pianissimo ( ): very soft piano ( ): soft
mezzopiano (): medium soft mezzoforte ( ): medium loud forte ( ) : loud
fortissimo ( ): very loud
Crescendo (cres.): Progressive increase of intensity.
Diminuendo (dim.): Progressive decrease of intensity.
: Progressive increase of intensity.
: Progressive decrease of intensity.
Con brio (with force)
Affettuoso (with emotion)
Mood indicators
Animato (lively)
Dolce (sweetly)
Agitato (agitated)
Tranquilo (calm)