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The concept of joining forces can apply to the entire textile chain as well as to a single unit. Such is the case of the Tessitura Italia companies, Filo d’Oro and Italia 2.0, which, within 2023, will merge into one. The news was announced by Sole Director Andrea Borelli, who decided to merge the three companies, which have always been interconnected with each other but administratively separate, into one. It is however, a decision which goes beyond the mere bureaucratic process involved: it is a simplification and an improvement of working conditions for the whole workforce. In the first case, the merger helps to lower management costs because of the development of an economy of scale that involves a reduction of costs and optimizes the resources. In the second case, the merger results in new contract for about 50 workers, including more guarantees and more protection, in terms of both wages and welfare, from leave to contributions. The company’s name is going to be Tessitura Italia, which can rely on 98 machines split between four production units: “We are restructuring the company- Borelli explains- while making it bigger at the same time, in order to reintroduce ourselves to the market in a different form. We will be able to build partnerships with companies which specialize in processing stages that precede or follow ours, such as spinning mills and mending centers, with which we might even consider exchanging company shares in order to expand our range of allied industries. It is a way of joining forces based on facts, not wishful thinking”. The principle may extend not only to Prato-based companies, but to any other area as well: “As soon as we have all the certifications required- the entrepreneur concludes- this is our next step towards making Tessitura Italia a sounder company. The process is under way and we plan to complete it within next summer”. Il concetto di fare squadra, prima di arrivare ad una intera

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