Tomahawk Sep Oct 2014

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Tomahawk Potomac District Royal Rangers  News and Information for Royal Ranger Leaders  September - October 2014

A Christian’s Response to the Spirit of the World Page 4

New National Director Named Page 2

Pathfinders Journey to Thailand Page 6

A ‘Hillbilly Heaven’ Experience District Pow Wow Photo Album & Awards

Page 8

Tidewater Sections Celebrate ‘Viking Challenge’ Pow Wow Page 13

Over 50 Rangers Graduate From Junior Training Camps

Charter Season Now Open Through October 31st

Deadline Approaching for Kenya Missions Trip Sign-up

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September Page 15- October 2014


New National Director Announced In April, Royal Rangers National Director Doug Marsh announced that he would be transitioning into full-time leadership of Royal Rangers International. Since that time, the leadership for children’s ministries for the General Council of the Assemblies of God had been in ongoing conversations with leaders from around the nation as candidates to succeed Marsh as National Director were prayerfully considered. In August, senior director of children’s ministries Mark Entzminger announced the selection of Karl Fleig, former Indiana district CE and men’s director, had accepted an invitation to lead Royal Rangers in the United States. “Karl was brought to the minds of key leaders independent of one another and then confirmed in what could only be described as a supernatural calling,” said Entzminger. Karl Fleig Karl comes with over 13 years of leadership in the Indiana district office and has been involved in varying degrees of Royal Rangers for longer than that. His district role had him involved in men’s ministry, discipleship, kids’ camp, and more. He was very active in Royal Rangers, including attending LEAD and other national trainings for a number of years. “I would like to commend both Karl Fleig and Doug Marsh on their commitment to a strong transition and a healthy relationship of Royal Rangers USA and Royal Rangers International,” said Entzminger. “Both of these men have a passion for mentoring the next generation and will work well together to strengthen this ministry globally.” Fleig is the fifth national director for Royal Rangers to serve since the ministry was established in 1962.


Royal Rangers is a principal ministry of the Assemblies of God focused on discipling boys for Jesus Christ. We provide Christ-like character formation and servant leadership development for boys and young men in a highly relational and fun environment. Our mission is to evangelize, equip and empower the next generation of Christ-like men and lifelong servant leaders. The Potomac District administrative region of the General Council of the Assemblies of God takes in Washington, D.C., Maryland, most of Virginia and northern West Virginia. Over 100 churches throughout this region currently provide Royal Ranger ministry to more than 2,500 boys and young men. We use many tools to achieve that goal whether it be camping, merits or interactive skills, all designed to help develop a boy into a man while having fun and getting to know God. We want to develop both men and boys in mentoring relationships and leadership skills, and guide them to Jesus Christ. We reach boys, so they may reach another in their world.

tomahawk Potomac District Commander Rev. Bobby Basham Publications/Outreach Coordinator Newsletter Editor Gary Wagner The Tomahawk newsletter is published bimonthly as a means of communicating news and information to Royal Ranger leaders throughout the Potomac District. Sectional staffs and outposts are invited to submit articles and photographs that feature activities of Royal Ranger ministries on a local level, or to share ideas and successes. Email material to Please submit photos as separate jpg image files. The Tomahawk is distributed via email as an electronic publication. Email address corrections, or requests to be added to the distribution list, should be forwarded to Potomac District executive secretary Denise Raduano at

Alumni Celebrate Fifth Annual Reunion Royal Ranger Alumni (RRA) members in the Potomac District celebrated their fifth annual reunion in conjunction with this year’s district Pow Wow. Over 18 RRA members enjoyed the time of fellowship and a delicious dinner of pork loin and barbequed spare ribs. New Members - Potomac District’s RRA recently welcomed new members Julius Williamson, Frank Timmons and Carl Hatfield.

Royal Rangers Emblem © 1962 by the national Royal Rangers Office, The General Council of the Assemblies of God; Springfield, Mo. 65802. The Royal Rangers Emblem may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronically, mechanically, photocopies, recording, or otherwise—without prior written permission from the national Royal Rangers Office.

Potomac District Royal Rangers on Facebook



September - October 2014

Supporting Churches, Businesses & Individuals Special thanks to our Supporting Churches, Sections, Businesses and Individuals. Your generosity enables further enhancements to this ministry. Anyone wishing to join our group of supporters may request an application from the Potomac District Royal Ranger office, email SILVER MEMBERS Outpost 160

Rev. Bobby Basham Churchland Assembly of God

Cross Junction, Va. Portsmouth, Va.

GOLD MEMBERS Projects Unlimited - Gary Groves Walt Eger Service Center

Eldersburg, Md. Severn, Md.

SUPPORTING CHURCHES Outpost 2 Outpost 6 Outpost 9 Outpost 18 Outpost 27 Outpost 46 Outpost 47 Outpost 49 Outpost 60 Outpost 64 Outpost 81 Outpost 89 Outpost 100 Outpost 124 Outpost 186 Outpost 215 Outpost 240 Outpost 277

Trinity Assembly of God Pasadena Assembly of God Calvary Assembly of God Eastern Assembly of God Glad Tidings Church Bethel Assembly of God Trinity Assembly of God Centerpointe Church at Fair Oaks Chapel Springs Church Five Rivers Church Trinity Assembly of God Bethel Assembly of God Hancock Assembly of God Julilee Christian Center Hazel River Assembly of God River of Life Assembly of God Living Word Community Church Ocean City Worship Center

Lanham, Md. Pasadena, Md. Frederick, Md. Baltimore, Md. Norfolk, Va. Savage,Md. Lutherville,Md. Fairfax, Va. Bristow, Va. Elkton, Md. Fairmont, W.Va. Martinsburg, W.Va. Hancock, Md. Fairfax, Va. Rixeyville, Va. Spotsylvania, Va. Mechanicsville, Md. Berlin, Md.

INDIVIDUAL DONORS Homer Kitchen Gary & Faye Groves Phil Vieth

Gerrardstown, W.Va. Eldersburg, Md. Yorktown, Va.


Anticipating a New Chapter in the District Pow Wow Experience By Rev. Bobby Basham


hat a terrific summer it has been. 2014 Hillbilly Heaven Pow Wow was a rousing success! Thanks so much to Harry Hawthorne and each one who worked long hours and gave of themselves to God and to serve the men and boys in the Potomac District. Our Pow Wow speakers, Rev. Tracy Groves and Rev. “Buzz” Gregory, both did a masterful job of bringing us into the presence of God. We estimate about 150 to 200 boys came forward for prayer and for salvation and another 30 to 40 of our young men were filled with the Baptism in the Holy Spirit! To God be the Glory! Hats off to Craig Powis for leading our Junior Training Camps, where over 60 boys came through intensive training and were also touched by God’s hand in their services and commitment fires. Potomac District Royal Rangers continue to lead the way in Royal Rangers! Now it is time to turn to a brand new chapter in our annual Pow Wow experience. The dates are different, moving our Pow Wow up a full two weeks. Next year’s Junior Training Camps will begin July 26 and Pow Wow will begin on July 30. This should alleviate the conflict with early school calendars and with fall sports schedules that often start a week before school. That is only half of the exciting news! The other half is that our Pow Wow location is changing as well! We will be meeting in a brand new location! We have secured Camp Rock Enon, outside of Winchester, Va., to be the next host of Pow Wow 2015! Much more information will be coming your way as we will showcase our new hosts and a new chapter in Potomac District Pow Wow. Pack your tents, grab your gear, we are only 41 weeks away!


September - October 2014


Four Ways Christians Should Respond to the Spirit of the World By Rev. Billy Graham


hen Rome was at the height of her glory and power, there appeared a disturbing sect called Christians. Because of a fire that burned within them, these people dared to be different. In an era when immorality, lavishness and luxury were stylish, Christians refused to be defiled by the sensual practices of a disintegrating civilization. In a period when human life was cheap, they put a high value upon human beings, their souls and their destinies. These Christians refused to be absorbed into the godless society of Rome. They had not heard of the rule that we hear today: "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." The Roman high tribunal initiated a drive to stamp out Christianity as a disturber of pagan unity. The Romans had a false notion that a person's conscience could be controlled by law, so they made it



illegal to be different. All had to bow to Caesar. All had to conform to pagan custom. All had to behave like true Romans. Nonconformists were threatened with death, and many chose death rather than to conform to Rome and to compromise their consciences. A Roman Christian named Paul took up his pen and wrote a word for all Christians of all times: "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God" (Rom. 12:2). Times have changed, but human nature hasn't. The pagan world is still trying to put its stamp of conformity on every follower of Jesus Christ. Every possible pressure is being brought to bear upon Christians to make them conform to the standards of the world. The Apostle Paul urges Christians everywhere in all ages to be

September September -- October October 2014 2014

nonconformists as far as the world system is concerned. A true Christian, living an obedient life, is a constant rebuke to those who accept the moral standards of this world. In our desire to make Christ known and to increase the influence of the church, we are prone to think that Christians and the church can be made popular with the unbelieving world. This is a grave mistake. Christ crucified is anathema to Satan, and the message of the Gospel is still a stumbling block and foolishness to the world. Our Lord warned His disciples, "If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you" (John 15:18). The Apostle John writes, "Do not marvel, my brethren, if the world hates you" (1 John 3:13). Christians may be shown a grudging respect at times, but if we are faithful to Christ, we will surely incur the wrath of the See TRANSFORMED, Page 5

Satan’s most effective tools are conformity and compromise TRANSFORMED CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4

world. "Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution," says the Scripture (2 Timothy 3:12). The Scripture teaches that popularity with the world means death. Satan's most effective tools are conformity and compromise. He is aware that one man standing in the midst of a pagan people declaring, "I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes" (Romans 1:16), can move more people in the direction of God than thousands of insipid professors of religion. We often ask ourselves, "How could the early disciples turn the world upside down when millions of Christians can't even keep it right side up today?" The answer is simple. They didn't conform their faith to the world. They had the truth, and they refused to water it down. They held a faith that would not compromise. Because they dared to buck the tide of public opinion and be different, because they dared to believe when other people doubted, because they were willing to risk their lives for what they stood for, because they chose death rather than to live an empty life, the world took notice of what motivated these men and women. In due time, they turned the philosophical and religious world upside down. The words of Paul, "Do not be conformed to this world," have tremendous significance and meaning for us today. These words cut like a sharp sword across our way of life. They are not comfortable

words. They have the tone of the battle call in them. They separate the weak from the strong. But they are words of inspiration, and we need to hear them today. First, we must not be conformed to this world mentally. The world—by its advertisements, its conversation and its philosophy— is engaged in a gigantic brainwashing task. Much entertainment is slanted to those who feed on violence, sex and lawlessness. It seems that some diabolic mastermind is running the affairs of this world and that his chief objective is to brainwash Christians and to get them to conform to this world. The world's sewage system threatens to contaminate the Christian's thought. Satan will contest every

hour you spend in Bible reading or prayer. However, above the din we can hear the voice of Scripture: "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 2:5). And: "Be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God" (Romans 12:2). Second, we must not conform to the world physically. These bodies of ours are intended to be temples of the Spirit of God. We are not to prostrate them before the temples of Baal. We are to present them wholly to God as a "living sacrifice." Our dress, our posture and our actions should all be for the honor and glory of Christ. Third, we must not conform to the world socially. The world attempts to absorb us into its secular society and to conform us to its earthly image, but Christ urges us not to conform. Clearly He says of those who believe in Him, "They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world" (John 17:16). Jesus dined with publicans and sinners, but He did not allow the social group to conform Him to its ways. He seized every opportunity to present a spiritual truth and to lead souls from death to life. Our social contacts should not only be pleasant, they should be opportunities to share our faith with those who do not yet know Christ. Fourth, we must not conform to the world spiritually. We are not to be conformed to the world's definition of what it means to be religious, but we are to make sure we have met God's requirements for discipleship. See CONFORMED, Page 7


September - October 2014


By Mike Cocolin Missions Coordinator


ur team of thirteen, led by Pastor Bobby Basham, met at Dulles International Airport on Friday evening, June 20, for our flight to Thailand. We had driven in from all over the Potomac District to begin our long journey to build an addition for a church in southern Thailand. After an overnight stay in Qatar in the Middle East, we arrived in Phuket, Thailand late Sunday night where we loaded up for the two-hour bus ride to Tai Muang. We started work Monday morning, June 23, on pouring the floor for the 18-foot by 25-foot addition to the existing church building. We ended around five that evening. Both our team and the missionaries were exhausted, but satisfied with our progress. We had mixed and poured the entire slab by hand. The jetlag and the hard work caught up to us that evening. During the week we took some time away from the construction site to visit the homaes of two of the families that attend the local church. A short drive through rubber plantations and pineapple fields brought us to a modest home in the country. We listened to the testimony of one of the ladies who had lost her daughter in the Tsunami just 10 years earlier. She was contemplat-



ing suicide when Assembly of God missionaries came to give aid to the survivors. She soon gave her heart to Christ and was given a hope she had never experienced before. Later that week some of our group continued the construction while others traveled to a

Team members traveled to a local school (bottom right) to participate in Christian ministry to the students, which the government of Thailand has allowed following the church’s response to the tsunami that devastated the country 10 years ago, in caring for orphans left in the storm’s aftermath.

September - October 2014

Mixing and pouring an entire concrete slab by hand for the church addition (below) was exhausting work for the team, which was dealing with fatigue and jet lag from three days of travel.


Pathfinder missions team members are pictured with members of the local church congregation in Thailand (above). The team also helped construct block walls for the addition to the church building.

local school to do children’s ministry. The government of Thailand allows Christian groups to come into the schools since the church came to help minister to the orphans left by the Tsunami. Praise God! The gospel is being preached in the public schools in Thailand! As our week of work ended, it was clear that the goals we set for this project were met and surpassed. It seemed important at first to complete the construction

project, but as we turned our attention to ministry we found that God made time for all of his purposes to be accomplished. I can honestly say that we made the best use of the short week we spent in Thailand. Please pray for missionaries Dan and Gail Klepel. There is great spiritual and cultural resistance to the gospel of Christ, but it is evident that God’s spirit is working there among the people of Thailand.


No nation was ever more religious than Israel in the Prophet Isaiah's day. The Temple was filled. The altar ran red with the blood of sacrifice. The religious festivals were strictly observed, and the voice of prayer was heard in the house of God. But there was a lack of true devotion in Israel's worship. The nation was deteriorating morally. Speaking as God commanded, Isaiah said, "Bring no more futile sacrifices; Incense is an abomination to Me. The New Moons, the Sabbaths, and the calling of assemblies—I cannot endure iniquity and the sacred meeting" (Isaiah 1:13). Then Isaiah told them how they could be cleansed from their sin. He said: "Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; Put away the evil of your doings from before My eyes. Cease to do evil. ... 'Come now, and let us reason together,' Says the Lord. 'Though your sins are like scarlet, They shall be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They shall be as wool'" (Isaiah 1:16, 18). There are thousands of people who do not give themselves to Jesus Christ, because they have conformed to the world. They are afraid of being called fanatic, pious, puritanical or religious. A true Christian is a nonconformist. I'm asking Christians everywhere to become committed followers of Jesus Christ—not conformed to the world, but conformed daily to the image of Jesus Christ. Why don't you, right now, give your life over completely to Jesus Christ? Posted at on May 21, 2014.

September - October 2014


Over 600 Rangers and leaders representing 49 outposts gathered for a uniquely ‘down home’ Pow Wow experience this year as Potomac District celebrated ‘Hillbilly Heaven’ at the Broad Creek Scout Camp in Whiteford, Md. on Aug. 14-17. Boys enthusiastically enjoyed an eclectic schedule of events that included hillbilly bowling (with tires), a 30-foot high redneck rappelling wall, hillbilly hand fishing (for eels), a toilet seat race with a messy twist, and a lawnmower race. Plus there was still time for the traditional favorites—trap shooting, swimming, archery, BB gun, weightlifting and basketball. Dynamic council fire services and powerful worship on Friday and Saturday nights made the Pow Wow complete, resulting in over 50 salvation and rededication reports and over 30 Holy Spirit baptisms.



September - October 2014

The photos here and on the following pages present a panorama of this year’s Potomac District Pow Wow experience. A list of awards presented at the Pow Wow is provided on page 11 of this edition of the Tomahawk.

A larger Pow Wow photo album is posted on line on the Potomac District Royal Rangers Facebook page at


September - October 2014




September - October 2014

2014 Potomac District Pow Wow Awards Swimming Competition Discovery Rangers 1st Daniel Bennett Southern 2nd Kameron Johnson Central 3rd Isaac Pemberton Central Adventure Rangers 1st Josh Sprigs Southern 2nd Jacob Aldrich Capital Maryland 3rd Colton Gogol Central Expedition Rangers 1st Ben Stubenrauch Capital Maryland 2nd Dillon Aldrich Capital Maryland 3rd Kolin Johnson Central Bench Press Competition Expedition Rangers 1st Stephen Louissaint Capital Virginia 2nd Danny Donnely Eastern 3rd Josh Larrymere Eastern Under Age 40 Leaders 1st Hal Carmean Eastern Shore 2nd Jimmy Palomo Capital Virginia 3rd Carlos Neeron Eastern Age 40-49 Leaders 1st William Pascual Capital Virginia 2nd Mike Schloe Northeast 3rd Steve Allyn Capital Virginia Age 50 and Over Leaders 1st David Hudson Eastern Shore 2nd Greg Rebbert Capital Virginia 3rd Eurice Moody Eastern Fishing Rodeo 1st Fish Nathan Doman Northwest Longest Fish Chris Soto Southern

OP56 OP215 OP215 OP213 OP74 OP215 OP74 OP74 OP215

OP65 OP64 OP47 OP277 OP65 OP64 OP65 OP12 OP65 OP277 OP68 OP262

OP316 OP211

A larger Pow Wow photo album is posted on line on the Potomac District Royal Rangers Facebook page at

Trap Shoot Expedition Rangers 1st John Coltellino 2nd Jesse Diamond 3rd Robert Kimble Leaders 1st Glen Hannold 2nd Charlie Hinkle 3rd Jeff Tally

Eastern Shore Capital Maryland Northeast

OP277 OP74 OP78

Central Capital Maryland Southern

OP361 OP74 OP84

Sectional Basketball Tournament 1st Eastern 2nd Eastern Shore 3rd Capital Virginia Main Event (Lawnmower Race) 1st Capital Maryland/Virginia 2nd Tidewater 3rd Northeast Best Team Outfits Northeast Belching Contest 1st Eastern Largest Outpost at Pow Wow 1st Outpost 60 Capital Virginia 2nd Outpost 65 Capital Virginia 3rd Outpost 74 Capital Maryland Sectional Attendance at Pow Wow 1st Eastern (173) 2nd Northeastern (89) 3rd Eastern Shore (84) Largest Chartered 1st Outpost 60 2nd Outpost 187 3rd Outpost 272 TOMAHAWK

Outpost in District Capital Virginia Southern Eastern Shore September - October 2014



The Junior Survival Camp (JSC) graduates perform their patrol song during an assembly at this year’s district Pow Wow.

Over 50 Rangers Complete Junior Leadership Training Camps By Craig Powis Junior Training Coordinator


nother successful Junior Leadership Training Academy (JLTA) was held at Camp Spencer Aug. 10-13. This year we offered four camps: Junior Leadership Training Camp (JTC), Junior Survival Camp (JSC), Junior Missions Camp (JMC) and Advanced Junior Leadership Training Camp (AJ). We had a total of 54 boys attending JLTA. The evening council fires are the highlight of camp. It is great to see how God works in the lives of these young men. Our JMC trainees had to learn how to give a devotion. I would encourage you to use these boys in your weekly meetings. The weather this year was beautiful until Tuesday afternoon when the sky opened up. It rained off and on for the rest of the day and night. We made the necessary adjustments to deal with the weather and moved on.



Staff members for this year’s camps included Marvin Boswell, Homer Kitchen, Tyler Mazer, David Jimerson, Seth Van De Ven, Chris Basham, Keith Wilhelm, Bob Blessing, Bobby Basham, Warren Bills, Mark Brannon, Mark Craft, Mike Cocolin, Isaac Brannon, Jason Eberle, Randy Finke, Mark Disque, Stuart Fluke, Wayne Newton, Jackson Simmons and Craig Powis. Junior staff members included Seyi Olusina, Gabriel Bane and Dominique Tucker. I want to thank each of these men for the hours of work they invest into the boys of the Potomac District. Congratulations to all the Rangers that attended this year’s JLTA. I also want to thank each commander that values the opportunity to train their boys to be leaders. Our next camp will be Junior Winter Camp (JWC) in January 2015. Watch the Potomac District website for the date.

September - October 2014

It’s time to charter your outpost for the 2014-2015 Ranger year. The charter year is Sept. 1 through Aug. 31 (traditional school year). The charter processing period will be Aug. 15 - Oct. 31 for all established outposts. All charter renewals should be submitted during this time, although charters submitted after Oct. 31 will be accepted. Chartering is a beneficial program that allows churches to receive discounts and exclusive resources when they register (charter) their Royal Rangers program with the national office. Chartering provides important information to the national Royal Rangers ministry that enables them to monitor and shape the success and well-being of Royal Rangers and supports the ongoing development and improvement of the ministry. For additional information on chartering visit the chartering FAQ page on the national Royal Rangers website at The benefits of chartering are many. The greatest, of course, is that you benefit from the services provided by the national and district leadership teams as they endeavor to continually improve and grow Royal Rangers for local church success.

Photos Courtesy of Greg Jones


Tidewater Sections Celebrate ‘Viking Challenge’ Pow Wow By Phil Vieth Tidewater North Sectional Commander


he combined Tidewater North and South Sectional Pow Wow was held May 30 through June 1. 277 Rangers attended from 15 outposts. The weather on Saturday and Sunday was the best seen at a Tidewater Pow Wow in years, almost perfect. The theme was a Ranger Viking Challenge (to love God with all our strength) and the memory verse was Deut. 6:5. The Pow Wow featured two major field type events that gave the boys a more physical focused challenge. The first of these events was a Viking Raid (3-boy team relay style event where the boys had to cross our pond on a raft and then pass through several landbased obstacles and then return to the starting point again crossing the pond. The second major event was



the Viking Boat Battle or a cardboard boat battle where TWN competed against TWS to see whose section could eliminate all the other section’s boats first. The boats got much larger this year and had built in defense and fighting capability. Many were also elaborately decorated, including one boat with dual Viking style dragon heads that had smoke coming out on shore via dry ice. There were also several other events including a fishing rodeo, a 9 Men’s Morris and Foxes and Geese (Viking style board games), cross bow (Viking style crossbow shooting), 2-person log sawing (old fashioned 2-person log sawing in the wilderness survival campsite), memory verse and leaders’ riddles (both boys and leaders this year), catapult clash (water balloon event), campsite inspections, a FCF campsite inspection, and ended Saturday with an outpost stew cook-off contest.

September - October 2014


The Saturday morning flag raising color guard, comprised of four recent Elite Camp Saber young men, also provided for a great Junior Camps promotional opportunity. The most important aspect (spiritual) started with a Saturday opening devotional by a sectional staff junior leader (GMA Justin Potter) and focused around Sampson who got his strength from God. The Saturday evening council fire service opened with a short leaders tug-of-war rope competition to get the boys tuned into the strength theme. It was followed by a personal story/testimony from U.S. Army Ranger Eddy Capps in Army garb with weapons, who told the boys about a major operation (battle) in Afghanistan where by all accounts he should have died, but as he tried to keep fighting, how God took his effort and miraculously applied

September - October 2014


divine strength and he was wounded but lived through it. It was very emotional, the boys were awestruck and Eddy left with a standing ovation to God be the Glory! That was followed by a praise and worship team from Outpost 141 who as in the past did an excellent job. Our speaker Rev. Kevin Mohammad, the children’s pastor at Outpost 338, joined the worship team on their last song and led that song longer. Pastor Kevin preached drawing our strength from God and becoming life changing, spiritually powered from God servants energized to take the future and do his work by not ever look-

ing back or allowing Satan to steal it. Pastor Kevin used a “Man Up” foundation to his message, totally engaged the boys, was

high energy and it was awesome. 70+ boys came forward at the altar call. Pastor Kevin had the boys stay on one side the tug-of-war rope, had leaders come down and get on the other side of the rope accomplishing individual one-on-one prayer. Then he had the boys there and throughout the whole fire service area get with the leaders and pray for the men. The altar prayer went on for probably almost an hour after the service ended. As a trial approach, a Ranger Kids Day was also offered where 33 additional boys attended, making the total registration count at 310.

Photos Courtesy of Greg Jones



September - October 2014


September - October 2014


November 1st Deadline for Joining Kenya Missions Trip Potomac District Men’s Ministries/Royal Rangers has initiated plans for a missions trip to Kenya for next summer. The purpose of the 10-day trip, scheduled for June 19-28, 2015, will be to assist with the construction of the East Africa Royal Rangers Training Center. A deposit of $250 is required to secure a person’s place on the missions team. Checks should be made payable to: Men’s Ministries, P.O. Box

690, Gainesville, VA 20156 (indicate KENYA in the memo line). Men’s Ministries will establish a payment plan for those who’ve signed up for the missions trip. The payment plan will require participants to deposit additional partial payments toward the trip. Deposits are due by November 1, 2014. If you’re interested in joining this missions opportunity, don’t delay to secure your spot on the ministry team.


September - October 2014


POTOMAC DISTRICT ROYAL RANGERS STAFF EXECUTIVE STAFF Rev. Bobby Basham - Executive Director 166 Serviceberry Ct. Stephens City, VA 22655 (540) 869-8432

Gary Wagner - Publications/Outreach Coordinator 3905 Swanson Ct. Fredericksburg, VA 22408 (540) 898-7415

Nate Hawthorne - Junior Aide de Camp 3005 Lochary Rd. Bel Air, MD 21015 (443) 876-8279

Bob Blessing - District Commander 304 Lincoln Ave., St. Michaels, MD 21663 (410) 443-7657

Mike Cocolin - Missions Coordinator 8413 Elvaton Rd. Millersville, MD 21108 (410) 315-8433

Tommy Horton - Junior Aide de Camp 5719 Amelia Springs Circle Haymarket, VA 20169

Homer Kitchen - Deputy District Commander 8614 Apple Harvest Dr. Gerrardstown, WV 25420 (304) 229-5793

Gary Groves - RR Alumni President 2326 Liberty Rd. Eldersburg, MD 21784 (410) 781-0236

Cliff Jewell - Staff Advisor 9150 James Madison Hwy. Warrenton, VA 20186 (540) 216-3365

Mark Brannon - FCF Chapter President 2815 Angus Chase Lane, Huntingtown, MD 20639 (443) 486-5199

Linda Cocolin - Health Officer 8413 Elvaton Rd. Millersville, MD 21108 (410) 315-8433

Sam Linn - Staff Advisor 1687 McCoys Ford Rd. Front Royal, VA 22630 (540) 635-7497

Harry Hawthorne - Pow Wow Coordinator 3005 Lochary Rd. Bel Air, MD 21015 (410) 420-2215

Seth Van de Ven - Special Aide de Camp 3202 Amberley Lane Fairfax, VA 22031 (703) 560-5886

Tracy Groves - Staff Advisor 2340 Liberty Rd. Eldersburg, MD 21784 (410) 781-4906

Phil Georg - Training Coordinator 111 East H St. Brunswick, MD 21716 (301) 834-9871

Tyler Mazer - GMA Coordinator 99 Shenandoah View Harpers Ferry, WV 25425 (304) 876-1875

Dick Aldridge - Staff Advisor 46 Tadcaster Circle Waldorf, MD 20602 (301) 645-9091

Craig Powis - Junior Training Coordinator 100 Kingbrook Rd. Linthicum, MD 21090

Isaac Brannon - Special Aide de Camp P. O. Box 390 Owings, MD 20736 (410) 257-9446

Brandon Campbell - FCF Scribe 116 Ellis Martinsburg, WV 25404 (304) 268-1807

Chris Basham - Media/Productions 166 Serviceberry Ct. Stephens City, VA 22655 (540) 869-8432

Dale Eger - Special Aide de Camp 8213 W B & A Rd. Severn, MD 21144 (410) 980-7134

David Jimerson - District EMT 4812 Amberjack Ct. Virginia Beach, VA 23464 (757) 822-8375

SECTIONAL COMMANDERS Mark Craft - Capital Virginia Section 4518 Eastlawn Ave., Woodbridge, VA 22193 (757) 822-4519

Phil Vieth - Tidewater North Section 200 Treis Trail Yorktown, VA 23693 (757) 766-8351

Mark Craft - Capital Maryland Section 4518 Eastlawn Ave., Woodbridge, VA 22193 (757) 822-4519

Roger Riendeau - Tidewater South Section 7719 Doris Dr. Norfolk, VA 23505 (757) 440-8432

Northwest Section Jerry Sinden (Acting)

Ken O’Maley - Central Section 11042 Settletown Place Rixeyville, VA 22737 (540) 937-6139

Ken Black - Eastern Section P. O. Box 58 Manchester, MD 21102 (410) 239-2645

Greg Barr - North Central Section Box 384, Fort Ashby, WV 26719 (540) 580-9615

Marvin Boswell - Southern Section P. O. Box 35 Rockville, VA 23146 (804) 749-8397

Robert “Buzz” Gregory - Eastern Shore Section 9260 Hickory Mill Rd. Salisbury, MD 21801 (410) 742-0415

Jerry Sinden - Northeast Section 1805 Milstream Dr. Frederick, MD 21702 (301) 620-0034

Western Section Greg Barr (Acting)

Potomac District Royal Rangers on Facebook



September - October 2014

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