GS1 Presentation on HGAG and Shared benefits Errol Kennedy National Vendor Relations Manager John Danks & Son (Part of the Woolworth’s group )
Barcode Position Pre HGAG
HGAG was formed in Sept 2007 We had < 50 % of all levels Barcoded (didn’t effect main player) Quality was very poor, same barcodes on inner & outers, each barcodes on the external packaging, no barcodes, very poor print, sizes and the list went on. Very Poor Data accuracy, inner, outer ,pallet qtys, measurements etc We had a Industry group that was predominately 1 sided, not going anywhere Together with the help of GS1 and other Traders within the hardware Industry we now have over 92%+ of all levels of Bar-coding With 70%+ Vendors getting it correct in Positioning, Quality and numbering – a focus that the HGAG N&BC group are working on this year
HGAG Barcode Position
As from 1st Jan 2009 we made it a mandate for NO new product to be raised if they didn’t have all levels of packaging bar-coded. We said that Vendors had to Allocate all levels with Barcode numbers and place on all Pack by the 31 st Dec 2009 As from 1st Jan 2010, Danks, Introduced a GS1 Barcode verification report for all levels of packaging on all new lines This was driven & supported, collectively , by Dank’s, Mitre 10, Bunning’s and the industry as a supportive Base All Time frames were agreed by all sides of Industry
Data Sync Benefits
We are constantly raising claims because of bad Data Each claim cost approx $134. Cost to Industry over $1.5m per year Service level suffered in Low 90% , currently 96%+ in all Danks DC’s Less delays in all Inwards Departments More accuracy in our receiving departments Accurate information allows us to handle less mixed product from suppliers, quicker putaway
Danks Data Sync Position
1st Jan 2010 Danks signed up for GS1net and currently have 2 Vendors completed Data downloads. Currently we have commenced talks with 14 suppliers on Data Sync which are at various positions We plan to make a big push on this in the 2nd half of this year. At Danks we have been manually doing a type of Data Sync by spreadsheet to get results for 4 years
We are working on a common Purchase order & Invoice procedure Pallet Logistic label Advance Shipping Notes
Again all uniform through continuity within the industry
Working Together as a Group
Danks are Chair of the Number & Barcoding Workgroup Bunning’s are the Chair of the Ecommerce Workgroup Mitre 10 are Chair of the Steering Committee All 3 players have active participation in all Work groups This is what has helped us achieve our requirements
What Do we & Don’t we Share What we Share
Common problems Compared Vendor files to be able to Look at total industry Experience and Support, Networking Which Vendors we are working with GS1 systems
What We don’t Share
Pricing & sales information System advances that give us a competitive edge Marketing progress etc
Suppliers Benefits
Less costly claims Payment was in the correct months Less handling and Delivery cost Less Broken inners & Outers Less Damaged stock Better service levels gave all parties more sales Benefits over their competitors
Working as a Industry Group, the Benefits & Supports
Discuss common issues with packaging etc Common Problems with Suppliers Present as a United front and ask for common requirements United front with Suppliers from all points I know that what I am requesting from a supplier, my counter part is requesting the same. Been able to saturate the industry, too big a job to do on your own
Examples of Working Together
Road Shows, all have spoken Presented to the Mitre 10 Board Presented to Vendors together Collected vital stats from 3 sources Data Sync is currently a joint effort Work Group discussions
Single sided work groups wont achieve a result for all party’s and wont have momentum We have achieved a lot in a short time Together Better saturation as a group The HGAG has been able to move forward as a Industry, not as many opposition’s