The Global Language of Business
Connecting Supply Chain with Innovations
Supply Chain Plus
Issue 23, JUNE 2017 2017年6月第23期
供應鏈新動向 Highlights 本期聚焦 “Sweep” to Win: Social Commerce is the Next Big Thing 「掃贏」對手 社交商貿「掃」出未來大趨勢 The “Big Four” E-commerce Platforms Introduce GTIN Requirements 四大電商平台要求使用GTIN標準 GTIN Becoming E-commerce Merchants’ Favourite Acronym GTIN將成為電商賣家的口頭禪 Dive in the First 7.1 O2O HK Shopping Festival Together 首屆7.1 O2O香港購物節全城響應