2014 UP Adjunct Handbook

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ADJUNCT PROFESSOR HANDBOOK Spring 2014 Welcome to Columbia! Please use this guide as a reference for policies and procedures at the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation.

UNI’s Your UNI, consisting of your initials plus an arbitrary number, is the key to accessing computer services and electronic resources at Columbia. You will learn your assigned UNI by searching for your name in the Columbia University directory which can be accessed through typing your name in the search bar located in the top right-hand corner of the Columbia University webpage: http://www.columbia.edu . You will then activate your UNI via this site: http://cuit.columbia.edu/cuit/manage-my-uni Your UNI gives you access to email, restricted Library information online, Human Resources information, and student grades, billing and registration information. Please remember to type your UNI in lower case when you log in. Please note that the UNI system requires you to change your password periodically, as a security precaution to protect your important personal data. A UNI is required to view and edit personnel records, view and print pay summaries, change federal tax withholding, create or change direct deposit information for paychecks, and print W2 statements. These services can be accessed at: http://my.columbia.edu.

Appointment Letters Appointment Letters issued by the Dean’s Office, they will also determine your salary. For teaching appointments beginning in the Fall semester you can expect to receive your appointment letter by mid to late July, for teaching appointments beginning in the Spring semester you can expect your letter mid to late November. You will most likely be asked to complete required paperwork to complete your appointment, please do this in a timely manner as your paychecks may be affected by this negligence.

Payroll Paychecks are issued on a semi-monthly basis. Your first paycheck will be a paper check and you will have to retrieve that first check from the Business Office in order to enroll in direct deposit. Even if you had enrolled in direct deposit the previous year, you will need to do it again. The University erases direct deposit information each year to ensure that the funds are being deposited in the correct account. Enrollment in direct deposit is done through your Columbia Portal https://my.columbia.edu/. If you do not enroll in direct deposit and are not able to pick up your paycheck from the Business Office during their open house, email Marcelle James (mj2579@columbia.edu) and copy Leigh Brown (lb663@columbia.edu) giving Leigh permission to pick up your check(s) and we will FedEx them to you.

Libraries As an adjunct you are able to use Columbia’s vast library resources, although you will need to obtain an ID card. Once you have your UNI you can you can obtain a University ID card from the ID Center in 204 Kent Hall. If you are a new hire or it is your first time obtaining an ID card, be sure that your David Hinkle, Senior Associate Dean, (dwh2@columbia.edu) has entered you into the DIA database and bring a valid U.S. ID or passport to Kent Hall. Avery Hall is home to Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library, with books and periodicals in architecture, historic preservation, art history, painting, sculpture, photography, decorative arts, city planning, real estate, and archaeology. The architectural and fine arts components are non-circulating. Materials in the Ware Collection, primarily books on urban planning and real estate development, do circulate. The Library contains more than 500,000 volumes and receives approximately 2,300 periodicals. http://library.columbia.edu/indiv/avery.html

AV Equipment If you are personally reserving or picking up equipment, you can email av@arch.columbia. edu or visit the AV Office (203 Fayerweather). They prefer advance notice, but if you forget to make reservations in advance make sure to let the AV Staff know you are a professor. If you have a student or TA handling your AV requests, they must follow the procedure below: • Equipment should be picked up at the AV Office (203 Fayerweather). • Equipment will not be checked out to students without a reservation. • AV Requests must be submitted by 5PM, one business day before your reservation. • Requests made after 5pm will not be processed until the next business day. The AV Office is not open Saturdays or Sundays. Requests for Mondays should be made on a Friday. • Your reservation is not confirmed until you receive an email from the AV Department.

• If you do not receive an email confirmation within 24 hours, please email us directly at: av@arch.columbia.edu • Camera, audio and GPS equipment is checked out for a 24-hour period only unless it is checked out on a Friday, in which case it is due the following Monday. • Laptops and projectors are checked out for in-class use only. They may not be kept overnight or be taken off-site. • A limited number of USB remotes, laser pointer and Apple laptop adaptors are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Simply drop by the AV Office to pick up this equipment. No reservation is required. • The following rooms have a built-in computer and projector. Please do not request laptops or projectors for these rooms: 113, 114, 115 & Ware Lounge • The following rooms have projectors installed in them. You may use your own laptop or request one from the AV Office. Please do not request a projector for these rooms: Fayerweather 200S, 202. Avery 113, 114, 115, 300, 408, 412, 504, 505. Buell 200S, 300, 300N. • If equipment is not returned in a timely manner, your student account will be disabled. You will not be able to login to GSAPP computers nor access your work on the network. Please return equipment on time. Students then fill out the AV request form at http://www.arch.columbia.edu/resources/gsapp-resources/av/equipment-request-form

GSAPP IT Support and Helpdesk GSAPP IT Support and Helpdesk can help you with acquiring specific hardware that is not already available on school computers, set-up your GSAPP computer access account, and overall computer and printing repair and troubleshooting. Visit their website for information on all of their services: http://www.arch.columbia.edu/ resources/gsapp-resources/it-support-helpdesk To report any computer related problems, please use the helpdesk:

Printing For printing less than 25 pages you can make copies in the HP/UP Office in 413 Avery. For printing requests over 25 pages or large format email printing@columbia.edu with the following memo: I’d like to request (# of copies) copies of the attached document. I would like to print “Name of File” in (give directions ex. black and white, color, double-sided). I’d like to pick up the order by DATE at TIME.

Name : Dept : Urban Planning Email : Phone : Chart String: 4110352170COLUM620205010302GENRLUR0016390140207000000001001 Copies can be picked up at Print Services, located in room 106 of the Journalism School. There is also staffed printing services office/output shop on the 6th floor of Avery, and planners and preservationists are more than welcome to send their big plotting and dense color printing jobs up there. It guarantees that someone else will fiddle around till it comes out right – unless of course, you save the file the wrong way. Readers are printed and distributed by Village Copier. GSAPP does not absorb the cost. Village copier prints and sells the readers directly to the students. Readers should not be sent to Printing Services or copies made in the Admissions Office (regardless of the number of copies). Business Cards: All Business Card requests require David Hinkle’s prior approval before contacting Printing Services. Once we receive David’s approval, we will release the Chart String and authorize the job with Print Services.

Registration There are two Add/Drop dates – one to add/drop a course with a full refund, and a second later date to simply drop a course. See calendar for this semester’s Add/Drop dates. All of our classes are open to GSAPP + GSAS Arch + UP PhD students. If we are under enrolled we may allow students from other schools to cross register for lectures or seminars which do not use computers/software, but courses that us computers and studio classes are never open to other schools. The admissions office will decide which courses are to be deemed under enrolled and will post them outside of 401 Avery, you should send any outside student there to inquire about open opportunities. Course auditing is allowed and at the discretion of each instructor. Auditing is for no credit and there is not an official enrollment procedure for a current student wishing to sit in on a class.

Teaching Assistants Teaching Assistantships are awarded on an application basis during the summer prior to each school year. If you receive a TA for a course, you will be notified of that individual before the semester begins. Some assistantships cover concentrations rather than individual

courses. These TA’s are advised by the concentration advisor and assist multiple faculty members teaching courses within this concentration. You will also be notified if you are teaching a course that can be assisted by this type of TA. While each teaching assistant’s specific responsibilities vary, TA’s can assist you with creating readers, honoraria and reimbursement requests, photocopying, arranging AV equipment, and making room reservations. It is your responsibility to grant access to CourseWorks for your TA, so s/he can email the class, access rosters, and post readings. *If you are a new Adjunct, you will not have access to CourseWorks until completing your hiring paperwork, which often cannot happen until you arrive on campus at the start of the semester.

CourseWorks CourseWorks is Columbia University’s online course management system. With CourseWorks, instructors can easily manage course materials, class meetings, assignments, and student collaboration from a single website. To use CourseWorks, you must have your UNI activated. Before using CourseWorks, read the “Quick Start Guide for Instructors,” a PDF found on the CourseWorks Support page: http://ccnmtl.columbia.edu/our_services/courseworks/ courseworks_quickguides.html This support page is also extremely helpful in navigating other issues. You syllabus should be posted online in advance, the Admissions Office will give a deadline prior to each semester for syllabi to be posted. In order to post your syllabus in the correct location please follow these steps: Once you log into new courseworks and you are on your course page - you can click site settings on the left - then click edit tools at the top. Once you are in edit tools, you can select “syllabus” which will then create a special syllabus tab on the left hand side. That is where you can upload your document.

Course Budgets All requests for support needed for your classes must go through Trisha Logan. This includes field trips, guest speakers, their honoraria and/or travel, and any other expenses that you anticipate. Columbia University and GSAPP will not reimburse you or your guest speakers unless there is an explanation given and Trisha’s approval in advance. All-day studio reviews are able to have refreshments - other classes are not permitted to have catered food service. If anything can be ordered through the University it should be done through the UP/ HP office. GSAPP prefers to invoice vendors directly rather than reimburse you for your payments to vendors. This includes printing - Columbia has named the University’s Printing Services as the preferred vendor for all print needs, for example: we can no longer use Lulu unless you can prove that they provide a printing service that exceeds the capabilities of the University’s Printing Services. All course budgets must stay under $1000 per class, the

maximum amount is not guaranteed and will sometimes depend on enrollment numbers as to whether or not your requests are granted. If you need to order miscellaneous supplies our preferred vendors are McCaster-Carr, Granger, or Staples – through these vendors we will be able to get supplies quickly. If there is something that is not available through these vendors ordering and payment is a longer process and can take multiple weeks for you to receive the materials, so plan accordingly. You may have a maximum of (3) guest speakers for three point courses, and a maximum of (1) guest speaker for mini courses.

Honorarium and Travel Reimbursements for Non-University Employees You must make plans with Trisha at the start of the semester for how much you plan on spending for guest speakers and their travel. There should be a written (e-mail) record from the faculty member in my files to support how much a guest lecturer might be paid. There should be no last-minute guessing on this. The Urban Planning Program offers a $200 honorarium for guest speakers and a $100 honorarium for guest critics. All speakers receiving honoraria must complete a W-9 Form which can be found online: http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw9.pdf For speakers that have been approved for travel reimbursement you must contact Trisha Logan in advance to receive an Cost Reimbursement Agreement Form that will outline the expenditures that we will take responsibility for and the agreed amount. In order for the speaker to be reimbursed they must follow these procedures. The preparer and/or individual requesting payment or submitting the paperwork to the Business Office needs to ensure the below listed items are provided: All purchases must be supported by submitting original receipts, if you paid with a credit card – the last four digits of the credit card must appear on the receipt. If you paid with cash, please indicate this on each receipt. You must TAPE all original receipts to 8 ½ x 11 paper. PLEASE DO NOT STAPLE ANYTHING All boarding or e-tickets passes must be submitted as proof of travel. If you have loose boarding passes please TAPE all original receipts to 8 ½ x 11 paper. PLEASE DO NOT STAPLE ANYTHING. Submit a copy of front of your credit card showing the last four digits of the account number which matches your receipts (you may black out the first 12 digits) or provide a credit card statement that shows your name, the last four digits of your account number, and the list of charges in which you are asking for reimbursement. (all other expenditures may be blacked out).

Fill out the attached spreadsheet where you will list each of your expenses.

Fill out and sign the attached W9 Form, you must use an actual address, a P.O. Box Address is not allowed. Individuals without a Social Security Number or valid Tax ID Number cannot be reimbursed. Attach a flyer of event or GSAPP honorarium form (will be provided by the HP/UP Office) GSAPP Coversheet completed and signed by Trisha Logan, Assistant Director of Urban Planning and Historic Preservation (will be provided by the HP/UP Office) *Food and beverage are not reimbursable.

Room Reservations To reserve a room, contact Stephanie Cha-Ramos at sc3600@columbia.edu, or 212.854.3414. In the body of the message indicate: Date: Room: Time: 2nd Choice: 3rd Choice: # of students: Name of Professor: Name of TA: Tel. #: Prior to making a room reservation you can check room availability by using the Virtual Event Management System https://ems.cuit.columbia.edu/VirtualEMS/ Click on: Browse, then Browse Events (left hand side of screen) Click on: Filter button (below This Month on right)Date you want to check from Date window Click on: Facilities drop down menu: GSAPP or Maison Francais/Buell Hall or Fayerweather Click on: Apply button Click on: Location button to simplify search. Rooms are not available Monday, Wednesday, or Friday between 2-6pm due to the high volume of Architecture studios that take place during that time frame. For additional chairs, tables, pinup boards, or blackboards AND to report any problems with a room (blown out lightbulbs, missing equipment, missing chairs, etc) please contact Mark Taylor mt156@columbia.edu.

Space is one of the major issues here at GSAPP, as you already know. Room assignment for classes are made through Assistant Dean Danielle Smoller, and you cannot change them. If your faculty member wants to change rooms due to a mis-match between the size of the class and the space, please contact Trisha Logan first. This is never easy and not guaranteed, but they can ask. Room assignments do not reflect our opinion of the faculty. They cannot improve their status by moving to a room with windows. If you do move a class, or have a make-up session, you should make some signs for the room door to remind everyone of the move, including Trisha.

Grading Please logon to SSOL and choose web-grading https://ssol.columbia.edu/ The deadline for grades will be announced by Danielle Smoller each semester. *Grading policy: All students registered in the GSAPP are graded as described below: *HP *(high pass) = a superior level of work. *P* (pass) = an acceptable level of work. *LP* (low pass) = work that meets minimal standards. *F *(fail) = work that is unsatisfactory. *UW* (unofficial withdrawal) = assigned to students who miss more than three required classes or whose names appear on the grade sheet but who have discontinued attendance. *INC* (incomplete) = may only be used if a student has approval from the Admissions Office for proven illness. *CP*(credit pending) = may only be used if a student has approval from the Admissions Office for extenuating circumstances. *Grade inflation: Please consider grading seriously, and do not submit a grade sheet with all or mostly HP’s. The grade of HP is reserved for exceptional students only. Likewise, if a student deserves a LP, please do not inflate the grade to P. Grade inflation is unfair to both the true HP student, who really deserves to be highlighted as such, and the true LP student, who deserves to know that their work meets only minimal standards. *Course Evaluations Students complete on-line evaluations between the last day of classes and the end of the semester. Faculty will be able to access their individual course evaluation after the semester ends by logging onto Courseworks and choosing “Evaluations”. Students have mailboxes in Avery 413 if you would like to leave papers and exams for pickup.

Mark Taylor Director of Operations E: Mt156@columbia.edu P: 212.854.43330 Can assist with classroom or facilities issues.

GSAPP CONTACTS: David Hinkle Senior Associate Dean E: dwh2@columbia.edu P: 212.854.3473 Sonya Marshall Associate Director of Academic Affairs E: smm32@columbia.edu P: 212.851.0457 Issues faculty appointment letters


Danielle Smoller Assistant Dean of Admissions E: ds89@columbia.edu P: 212.854.4344 Can assist you with back end issues with the Directory of Classes and Courseworks, although she cannot trouble shoot for technical problems. Yesenia Ozoria Financial Coordinator E: yo2152@columbia.edu P: 212.854.0646 Business Office coordinator for faculty appointments John Ramahlo Systems Administrator E: john@arch.columbia.edu P: 212.854.5466 Head of GSAPP IT Support

Trisha Logan Assistant Director of Urban Planning and Historic Preservation E: tkl2116@columbia.edu P: 212.854.3080 Your main contact for the department - help with any other category or at least point you in the right direction. Charlotte Egerton Communications Coordinator E: cce2119@columbia.edu P: 212.851.0161 Manages website content, circulates faculty and student news, promotes program events, communicates with alumni. Leigh Brown Administrative Assistant E: lb663@columbia.edu P: 212.854.3518 Works closely with the business office, handles paperwork for reimbursements, and other administrative business.



Spring 2014 Important Dates Registration First Day of Classes Last Day to Add/Drop Courses with refund Planning Studios Midterm Reviews

Tuesday, January 14 Friday, January 17 Tuesday, January 21 Friday, January 31

Thursday and Friday, March 13 & 14 Monday, March 17 – Friday, March Spring Break 21 Thursday, March 27 Last Day to Drop a Class Tuesday, April 1 Spring Open House Monday, April 14 - Friday, April 18 Thesis Juries Monday, May 5 Last Day of HP, UP + RED Classes Planning Studio Final Presentations Monday, May 5 and Tuesday, May 6 Monday, May 5 - Friday, May 9 Exam + Paper Week Digital Version of Thesis Due to UP Friday, May 9 Office Wednesday, May 14 Grades Due Saturday, May 17 Opening of End of Year Show Graduation Day Wednesday, May 21

Important Links GSAPP website: www.arch.columbia.edu Email access: lionmail.columbia.edu Human Resources: http://hr.columbia.edu/ Pay Roll: http://finance.columbia.edu/content/payroll-main Student Services Online: https://ssol.columbia.edu/ Directory of Classes: http://www.columbia.edu/cu/bulletin/uwb/ CourseWorks: https://courseworks.columbia.edu/ Events at GSAPP: http://events.gsapp.org/ Columbia University Information Technology: http://cuit.columbia.edu/ GSAPP IT Support and Helpdesk: http://www.arch.columbia.edu/resources/ gsapp-resources/it-support-helpdesk

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