Highest Awards Chit Chat
Earning your Highest Awards is a pretty BIG deal! The toughest part is knowing where to start—join the Chit Chat to discover the difference between service projects and the Highest Awards. You’ll explore what it takes to earn them and how you’ll make a lasting difference in your community and beyond. The Bronze Award, Silver Award, and Gold Award are within your reach! You can earn it, Girl Scout!
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation
4-12 Jan. 7 9-10am Jan. 6 Free Virtual
Your choice, but a great way to learn 4-12 Jan. 18 7-8pm Jan. 17 Free Virtual
NEW PARTNERSHIP! Climbing with Courage

Learn basic climbing techniques, belaying, and how to properly take care of your body before, during, and after climbs. Available to all ability levels and a safe place to challenge yourself. Offered monthly through June; come to as many as you wish. Your courage and confidence will reach new heights and you’ll build skills with each ascent. This course will get your body moving in new directions (up!) and prep you to do outdoor climbing if that’s your goal.
PATCH EARNED: Climb with Courage
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation
6-12 Jan. 7 10am-Noon Jan. 4 $25 Boulders Climbing Gym, Madison This is for the girls!

Sister to All: Allyship
Badgerland’s diversity, equity, and inclusion virtual series
Every girl needs allies. Who and what are they? An ally is someone who actively supports and advocates for others. Sounds like you! Together let’s cultivate more allies who are turning their voices into action. Sister to All is a bi-monthly series; attend all or pick and choose.
PATCH EARNED: Sister to All: Allyship
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation
K-5 Jan 10 5:30-6:30pm Jan. 9 $5 Virtual Yes, to help get her online
6-12 Jan. 10 7-8pm Jan. 9 $5 Virtual No
Daisies, Activate!
Daisy-only Friday night adventures filled with wiggles, giggles, energy, and excitement. You’ll learn about the Girl Scout Promise and Law, and (here’s the best part!), you’ll make new friends and earn a new fun patch each time you come. Held monthly; come to all or pick and choose. Your grown-up will have fun connecting over an activity just for Daisy adults! Held monthly at Girl Scout Leadership Centers in Madison, Janesville, and La Crosse. These sessions are the ideal opportunities to build your Girl Scouting community!

PATCH EARNED: Daisies Dream Big
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location
Adult Participation
K-1 Jan. 20 5:30-7pm Jan. 13 Free Madison, Janesville, La Crosse Centers Yes, it’s for both of you!
Global Girl Scouting

These programs will connect you with our world-wide Movement and aligns with the Girl Scout program pillar Life Skills.
PHENOMenal Programs

Our World, Our Peaceful Future: Environment, Peace, Security
Help heal the world and make a better future for everyone. World leaders have ambitious global goals like taking care of the environment, making sure people have enough to eat, and improving people’s health. They’re big goals, but Girl Scouts know a thing or two about changing the world, too. Come to the program for your age level and discover how PHENOMenal you are!
AWARD EARNED: Global Action Award (All ages)
Your PHENOMenal World | Grades 2-3
You’ll meet a Midwest Girl Scout troop that’s tackling a global issue and explore a global goal needing attention right here in your backyard!
Make a PHENOMenal Difference |Grades 4-5 Explore TroopTreks and Girl Scout Getaways and learn about other US Girl Scout Troops taking global action!
Take PHENOMenal Action | Grades 6-12
Learn about Girl Scout travel through Destinations, take a virtual tour of the Girl Scout World Centers and get connected with your global Girl Scout sisters to take global action!
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation
2-3 Jan. 7 1-3pm Jan. 3 $25 Madison Leadership Center
4-5 Jan. 7 10am-12pm Jan. 3 $25 Madison Leadership Center
6-12 Jan. 7 4-7pm Jan. 3 $25 Madison Leadership Center
Yes, to maintain troop safety ratios
No, this is a drop-off event
PHENOM is the word of the year at Girl Scouts! That’s because in July, tens of thousands Girl Scouts from around the GLOBE will gather for our onceevery-three-year celebration. You can go, too! Girl Scouts who sell 2,023 boxes of cookies can EARN A TRIP to Phenom that is being held in Orlando, Florida. Visit our website for more info on earning the trip. In the spirit of our global gathering, get psyched by attending one of these PHENOMenal events in January.
Super Influencer Slumber Bash A Girl Scout Overnighter
5th Graders Only! TikTok the night away. If you want to become a Super Influencer on social or launch the next big viral challenge, you need to put in the hours! This is no ‘get famous quick’ scheme. Get tips from your fellow soon-to-be Cadette Girl Scout sisters and a few experts just like you who are nailin’ it on the socials. AND oh yeah, there will be lots of other surprises at this epic slumber bash, too!

PATCH EARNED: Super Influencer Slumber Bash

Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation
5! Jan. 14-15 3pm Saturday10:30am Sunday Jan. 11 $75 Madison Leadership Center No, this one’s just for the girls. Drop her off!
these are for the grown-ups
Come to these super-helpful zoom sessions & be assured all cookie training info is available in your gsLearn account.
First Year Cookie Program Volunteers
Your training is in two-parts: 1) Cookie Program 101 to learn the basics including essential info on how to run the troop’s sale. 2) Tech Training on Smart Cookies, the platform where you’ll place orders, allocate cookies to girls. It will be your home-away-from home during cookie season! Attend both. Ideal for new and second year Cookie Program Cookie Coordinators, all new and newish Troop Volunteers are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Training Date Time Reg Deadline Location
New Volunteer Cookie Program 101 Jan. 14 9-10:30am Jan. 12 Zoom
New Volunteer Cookie Program Tech Jan. 21 9-10:30am Jan. 13
Returning Cookie Program Volunteers
You’re a veteran and know what you’re doing right? But it’s been a minute since we did this thing, so come get a refresher. We’ll do a few updates on the new stuff and refresh your knowledge. Come with your questions, too.
Training Date Time Reg Deadline Location
Returning Volunteer Cookie Program Tech Forum Jan. 21 11am-12:30pm Jan. 19 Zoom
Family Forum
Especially for Girl Scout families in their first and second year Cookie Programs. We’ll have an engaging conversation all about the world-famous, signature Girl Scout program and answer your questions. This is a FAMILY Girl Scout program. Come engage with us.
Training Date Time Reg Deadline Location
Family Forum Jan. 29 6-7:30pm Jan. 27 Zoom
Exploration Station: Necedah
It’s all about citizen science—exploring the mosaic of the oak savanna and recording your observations. Walk alongside the Ranger and observe the exciting plant and animal diversity at the impressive Wildlife Refuge. As part of the Great Wisconsin Birding and Nature Trail, you’ll learn about the Junior Duck Stamp Program, connecting you to the outdoors through bird watching, journaling and more!
BADGE: Council’s Own Badgerland National Wildlife Refuge

Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation
2-3 Jan. 21 9:45am-3pm Jan. 18 $10 Necedah Yes, and when you register you’ll earn the patch
Get a Clue: Vanishing Geodes
It’s a whodunit mystery for you to solve. Follow the clues and discover who’s responsible for the vanishing geodes and rare rudbeckia blooms at camp. Learn Leave No Trace principles, examine evidence then solve the mystery!
PATCH EARNED: Leave No Trace
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation
6-12 Jan. 28 10:30am-2:30pm Jan. 24 $25 Camp Brandenburg No, this is a drop-off event
Sticks & Stones
A Girl Scout Junior & her Grown-up Overnighter
Living, breathing, beautiful objects...let the forest floor be your canvas as you play with texture, line, shading, and shape. As a resident artist, you’ll share your iconic style by arranging natural elements like leaves, stones, wood, and flowers. You’ll be photographing your work inspired by nature to be added to Badgerland’s Traveling Outdoor Art Exhibition that will be displayed at camps Brandenburg and Ehawee and the Madison Leadership Center! Just think - you can be an artist-on-exhibit!
NOTE: This program is for a girl and her favorite gal grown-up to experience camp together.
BADGE EARNED: Outdoor Art Explorer (Junior)
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation
4-5 Jan. 28-29 1pm Saturday2pm Sunday Jan. 24 $75 Camp Ehawee Yes, for a girl and her favorite grown-up.
Cache Me If You Can: High Tech Hide & Seek
Using GPS technology, you’ll join the world’s largest scavenger hunt in a mobile game of discovery and skill. Stash a cache, uncover hidden objects not visible to your average camp visitor, and fill your multi-cache passport to claim your prize. It’s an awesome game of cat and mouse—cache me if you can!
BADGE EARNED: Eco-Learner (Daisy) | Letterboxer (Brownie)
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation
K-3 Jan. 29 1:30-4pm Jan. 24 $25 Camp Brandenburg No, this is a drop-off event

These programs will help you build business and financial skills and align with the Girl Scout program pillar Entrepreneurship.

Any-Fin is Possible with a Porpoise!

Your Kick-off for Cookies
Get o-fish-ally ready for the Cookie Program! Meet money gurus to polish your goal-setting, saving, budgeting, managing, sharing, and investing skills. You’ll earn the new financial literacy badges, taste the cookies, and go home with some cookie season swag! Any-fin is possible with a porpoise!
NOTABLE: Girls earn different badges than at the September BFF programs.
BADGE EARNED: My Money Choices (Daisy), My Own Budget (Brownie), My Money Plan (Junior)
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location
2-3 Feb. 11 10am-Noon Feb. 7 $25
Adult Participation?
Madison Leadership Center Yes, to maintain troop safety ratio K-1 Feb. 11 1-3pm Feb. 7 $25
4-5 Feb. 12 9:30amNoon Feb. 7 $25
The Porpoise of Fin-ancial Stability
CSA Cookie Kick-off
Take a deep dive into the ocean of fin-ances. Money management is no joke and girls who learn young have a head start on banking a solid fin-ancial future. Our three hours together will get you prepped to run a solid cookie business this spring. And so much more! We’re talking forever skills like budgeting, investing, and managing all your bucks. You’ll take home a new financial literacy badge, taste test cookies and grab a cookie-themed swag bag.
BADGE EARNED: My Dream Budget (Cadette), My Financial Power (Senior), My Financial Independence (Ambassador)
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation?
6-12 Feb. 12 1-4pm Feb. 7 $25 Madison Leadership Center No, it’s a drop-off event
Program Aide Training
Begin the journey to earn the Program Aide Pin. Start with the self-paced online training (about four hours) to get the basics. Then comes the fun part! Coming together to learn. During the morning at Any-Fin is Possible, we’ll do some review and practice interactive trainings so you’re ready to put your talents to use for the afternoon. By day’s end, you’ll have the skills to complete the PA Pin requirements on your own.
BADGE EARNED: Work toward PA Award; some independent projects will still need to be completed.
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost
6-8 Feb. 11 10am-3pm Feb. 7 $35
Location Adult Participation
Madison Leadership Center This is for the girls!
Highest Awards Chit Chat
For all interested in earning the Bronze Award, Silver Award, and Gold Award. Description is on page 2.
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation
4-12 Feb. 4 9-10am Feb. 3 Free Virtual
Your choice, but a great way to learn 4-12 Feb. 15 7-8pm Feb. 14 Free Virtual
Climbing with Courage
Learn basic climbing techniques and belaying. For all ability levels. Description is on page 2
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location
6-12 Feb. 4 10am-Noon Feb. 1 $25
Adult Participation
Boulders Climbing Gym, Madison This is for the girls!
Adventures in the Milky Whey: Become a Legen-DAIRY Entrepreneur
Adventure through the Milky Whey with our partners from Wisconsin Department of Agriculture and Alice in Dairyland as you explore different dairy-related topics monthly. In February, imagine yourself owning an ice cream shop. What flavors would you serve? What toppings would you offer? Learn about entrepreneurship in the dairy and agricultural fields as you develop the plans for your own ice cream shop. You will use those plans to create and eat your own ice cream.
PATCH EARNED: Badgerland Dairy Cow

Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation
K-3 Feb. 19 10am-Noon Feb. 15 $25 Madison Leadership Center Yes, to meet ratio
Daisies, Activate!
Daisy-only Friday night adventures. Description is on page 2.

Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location
Adult Participation

K-1 Feb. 17 5:30-7pm Feb. 14 Free Madison, Janesville, La Crosse Centers You betcha!
Badgerland Brunch : Global Activism
Come to Badgerland Brunch, a safe space just for older Girl Scouts to bond over good food and important conversations. You’ve told us what you want to talk about and these are big topics that will be facilitated by experts and led by you. This session is all about what it means to be a global citizen and how to partake in global activism. A guest expert will talk current events and how YOU can get involved in causes you care about. Share what’s on your mind!
PATCH EARNED: Global Activism
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location
Adult Participation?
6-12 Feb. 5 9-11am Feb. 1 $25 Madison Leadership Center No, just for the older girls
A Grown-up Overnighter
Camp is for adults, too! This experience is exclusively for our Co-Leaders, Product Program Leads, and Service Unit Volunteers. You work hard to help others, so this weekend is all about you! Enjoy well-deserved pampering and take time to focus on YOU and YOUR interests and dreams! Make new friends, rediscover what it’s like to have down time and go home feeling empowered and recharged. This is an immersive camp experience with no kiddos allowed.
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Girl Participation
Adults Only Feb. 4-5 1pm Saturday2pm Sunday Jan. 31 $75 Camp Ehawee No, this one’s just for the adults
Impostor Among Us... A Girl Overnighter
Jump aboard a spaceship traveling the galaxy. You and your crew will bond over tasks like the bug bashing bonanza. But you’d best be on guard at all times because there’s an impostor among you! The impostor wants to tag you out and will stop at nothing, even if it means sabotaging the ship! Who among your crew mates is really cunning, sneaky and trying to trip you up? Beware the clever impostor(s)!
BADGE EARNED: Playing the Past (Juniors), Field Day (Cadettes), Game Visionary (Seniors), Dinner Party (Ambassadors)
Grades Dates Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation
4-12 Feb. 25-26 1pm Saturday2pm Sunday Feb. 21 $75 each Camp Ehawee No, this one’s just for the girls
Indoor SkillsFest
The ultimate essential for beginner campers is an experienced outdoorsy person to prep you. This is expo-style program where you’ll connect with experts in the fields of Leave No Trace, Trip Planning, Camping Gear, and more. Come meet the pros and you will be prepared for your next or first camping trip! Hands-on, interactive, and fun.
BADGE EARNED: Buddy Camper (Daisy), Cabin Camper (Brownie)
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation
K-3 Feb. 26 10am-Noon Feb. 21 $25 Madison Leadership Center
Yes, you want to do this one together
Highest Awards Chit Chat
For all interested in earning the Bronze Award, Silver Award, and Gold Award. Description is on page 2.
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation
4-12 Mar. 4 9-10am Mar. 3 Free Virtual
Your choice, but a great way to learn 4-12 Mar. 15 7-8pm Mar. 14 Free Virtual
Climbing with Courage
Learn basic climbing techniques and belaying. For all ability levels. Description is on page 2.
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location
Adult Participation
6-12 Mar. 4 10am-Noon Mar. 1 $25 Boulders Climbing Gym, Madison This is for the girls!
Adventures in the Milky Whey: Become an Udder Advocate
Learn about yummy dairy foods and how to share what you discover. You will also understand why dairy needs you to be an advocate and talk about it! In partnership with the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture and Alice in Dairyland, you will explore different dairy-related topics monthly.
PATCH EARNED: Badgerland Dairy Cow
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation
K-3 Mar. 5 10am-Noon Mar. 1 $25 Madison Leadership Center Yes, to meet ratio.
Daisies, Activate!
Daisy-only Friday night adventures. Description is on page 2.
PATCH EARNED: Powered by Girl Scout Cookies

Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation
K-1 Mar. 17 5:30-7pm Mar. 14 Free Madison, Janesville, La Crosse Centers You betcha!
Sister to All: Belonging

Badgerland’s diversity, equity, and inclusion virtual series
Every girl needs to know she belongs. What does the word ‘belonging’ mean to you? Where does belonging come from? Come hang out with sister Girl Scouts and learn more about yourself and others. You BELONG here!
PATCH EARNED: Sister to All: Allyship
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation
K-5 Mar. 14 5:30-6:30pm Mar. 13 $5 Virtual Yes, to help get her online
6-12 Mar. 14 7-8pm Mar. 13 $5 Virtual No
Sticks and Stones: Capturing Mother Nature’s Beauty
Outdoor Art. Are those two of your favorite words? Then this is your day at camp! Mother Nature is your subject, inspiration, and your art box. As a resident artist, you’ll share your iconic style by arranging natural elements like leaves, stones, wood, and flowers. You’ll be photographing your work to be included in Badgerland’s Traveling Outdoor Art Exhibition all summer at both camps!
BADGE EARNED: Outdoor Art Maker (Daisy), Outdoor Art Creator (Brownie)
K-3 Mar. 18 1:30-4pm Mar. 14 $25 Camp Brandenburg Yes, indeed.
Cache Me If You Can: High Tech Hide & Seek My Gal & I Overnighter
Using GPS technology, you’ll join the world’s largest scavenger hunt in a mobile game of discovery and skill. Stash a cache, uncover hidden objects not visible to your average camp visitor, and fill your multi-cache passport to claim your prize. It’s an awesome game of cat and mouse—cache me if you can! This is a fun-filled, adventurepacked camp overnighter with program for girls and her grown-up.
GREAT IDEA: Make this an all-troop & mom’s outing.
BADGE AND PATCHES EARNED: Night Owl (Cadette ), Traveler (Senior), Adventure patch (Ambassador)
6-12 Mar. 18-19 1pm Saturday2pm Sunday Mar. 14 $75 each Camp Ehawee Yes, to meet ratio.
Space Sea Monkeys & S’Mores
Warning: Property of U.S. Government... Top Secret—Space Sea Monkeys have invaded Lake Brandenburg and Crystal Creek! Some not-so-ordinary, run-of-the-mill shrimp need your mad STEM skills to help them evade NASA and save their species. If you choose to accept this mission you’ll study their species, rebuild their ship, chart an interstellar course, and help them escape the atmosphere. Are you up for this audacious challenge?
BADGE EARNED: Space Science Investigator (Junior)
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation
4-5 Mar. 19 10:30am-2:30pm Mar. 14 $25 Camp Brandenburg No, a drop-off program
civic engagement
Democracy Day teaches you about being informed on issues important to you and aligns with the Girl Scout program pillar Life Skills.
Wisconsin Girl Scout Democracy Day
at the State Capitol
It’s a day to celebrate being a Girl Scout along with hundreds of your sisters from all around Wisconsin. Today we will Have Our Say and further our mission to make the world a better place by participating in democracy. Meet and learn from legislators while also exploring our state’s history in the awe-inspiring (and huge) Capitol Building. We’ll rally and make some noise, and you’ll leave feeling empowered and inspired! This is a once-a-year event and Girl Scouts from around the whole state will be there with you. It’s super exciting to be with SO MANY others sharing the Girl Scout Promise all together. You’ll love it!
BADGE EARNED: Girl Scout Day at the Capitol Patch

Grades Date Time
Reg Deadline Cost Location
Adult Participation
K-12 Mar. 11 10am-1pm Mar. 8 $10 Wisconsin State Capitol Absolutely!
Girl Scout Week is March 12-18
Honor our amazing heritage all week. Here are some suggestions to celebrate each day.
Sunday, March 12
Heritage Day
Reflect on the Promise & Law. Wear your uniform to your faith service today.
Monday, March 13 Do a Good Turn Day
Surprise and delight someone by doing a special deed.
Tuesday, March 14 Take Action Tuesday
Make the world a better place today. What will you do?
Wednesday, March 15 Spirit Day
Oh yeah. Wear your GS pride today with tshirts and headbands and all your bling!
Thursday, March 16 Get Innovative Day
Create and share a work of art illustrating what Girl Scouts means to you.
Friday, March 17 Troop Entrepreneurship Day
Hey it's Cookie Season. Hold a troop cookie booth after school.
Saturday, March 18 Girl Scout Day!
Get together with girls from your troop and your community; and make a giant Friendship Circle at a nearby park or public square. Celebrate being Girl Scouts!
12, 2023 Girl Scouts USA
Forest Heroes: Trees Protect the Planet
Our Tree Promise Patch Program
Today is International Forest Day. Meet foresters to explore Wisconsin’s forest ecosystems and learn why trees are nature’s heroes.
The Tree Promise is a collaboration between the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources’s Division of Forestry and all Wisconsin Girl Scout councils. This is part of the international Girl Scout pledge to plan, protect and honor over FIVE MILLION TREES by 2026. Be part of this bold initiative!
Earn the Girl Scout Tree Promise Patch in 2-Steps:

1) Start here, by attending Forest Heroes on March 21
2) Register and attend one, two or three of our April outdoor programs (page 20) Re-TREE-ve Your Sapling, Get to the Root, or Earth Day: Camp Champion
BEST PART: All Tree Promise patch earners will receive a tree sapling to plant, protect and honor.
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation
K-12 Mar. 21 5:30-6:30pm Mar. 20 Free Zoom
Yes, help her work toward earning this patch
Beyond the Barn Gates Ag Badge Challenge

It’s a new Badgerland patch program. Come to the virtual thirty-minute kick-off to hear the details.
Bonus: Be entered to win Betsy the Dairy Cow Stuffie and “Book of the Year” from Wisconsin Ag in the Classroom, “Tales of the Dairy Godmother, Chuck’s Ice Cream Wish”!
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline
K-12 Mar. 21 7-7:30pm Mar. 20
Cost Location Adult Participation
Free Zoom
Yes, help her earn this patch
Highest Awards Chit Chat
For all interested in earning the Bronze Award, Silver Award, and Gold Award. Description is on page 2.
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline
4-12 Apr. 1 9-10am Mar. 31
4-12 Apr. 19 7-8pm Apr. 18
Badgerland Brunch
Climate Change
Let’s have a frank convo about the environment and what actions we can take. Description on page 8.
PATCH EARNED: Badgerland Climate Change

Grades Date Time Reg Deadline
6-12 Apr. 2 9-11am Mar. 29
Cost Location Adult Participation?
$25 Madison Center No, just for the older girls
Daisies, Activate!
Friday night adventures. Description is on page 2.
PATCH EARNED: Girl Scout Tree Promise Grades Date Time Reg Deadline
K-1 Apr. 14 5:30-7pm Apr.11
Cost Location Adult Participation Free Madison, Janesville, La Crosse Centers You betcha!
Climbing with Courage
Learn basic climbing techniques and belaying. For all ability levels. Description is on page 2.
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline
6-12 Apr. 1 10am-Noon Mar. 29
Cost Location Adult Participation $25 Boulders, Madison This is for the girls!
Behind the Barn Gates: Wisconsin Dairy Patch Program
You’re a Wisconsin, girl, right? Here’s a fun statistic: 1 in 9 jobs in Wisconsin are in the agriculture and dairy industries! Have you considered any of the more than 300 careers in WI AG? Pull on your boots and be ready for a day at a working dairy farm, where you’ll do hands-on activities led by women who are experts in science, marketing, finance, and animal agriculture. Ask questions about animal care, nutrition, water quality, and discover how food gets from the farm to your table. A not-to-be missed Wisconsin Girl Scout exclusive event!
4-12 Apr. 15 9am-3pm Apr. 11 $25 Dane County Dairy Farm Yes, to meet safety ratio

Celebrating Girl Scout Volunteers

A special event for the grown-ups who make it all happen. April is Volunteer Appreciation Month and Badgerland Girl Scouts will be paying tribute all 30 days! On April 15, everyone is invited to come celebrate the volunteers receiving Girl Scouts’ prestigious national volunteer awards! You will help select who gets honored. Nominate the rock star volunteers in your community so we can tell the world about them.Nominate your heroes anytime before February 28. See the ‘nomination’ link at www.gsbadgerland.org (click the Volunteers tab).
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location
Adult Participation?
All Apr. 15 3-5pm Apr. 11 Free Madison Leadership Center Oh yes, indeed! Girls come celebrate your leaders.
Golds & Grads & Scholarships, Oh My!
It’s the pinnacle of your Girl Scouting journey: You earned the Gold Award? You deserve the spotlight! Awarded a Girl Scout Scholarship? Oh yes, please come up front and talk all about your future plans with CEO Marci! Graduating from high school? If you answered yes, this is YOUR time to share the memories! This celebration is dedicated to honoring your highest achievements! You have EARNED the experience of being recognized and celebrated for your take-action projects. All are welcome to attend this festive event.

Photo: Makayla Krueger was pinned with the Gold Award and honored as a Girl Scout grad at the 2022 celebration! SEVEN grads were awarded Badgerland Girl Scout scholarships. It could be you!
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost
All Apr. 15 10am-Noon Apr. 11 Free
Adult Participation?
Madison Leadership Center Oh yes, indeed! Everyone come celebrate our Girl Scouts.
April environmental stewardship
All these programs will help you become a true environmental advocate and align with the Girl Scout program pillar Outdoors.
Honoring Earth Day
Re-Tree-ve Your Sapling
You’re in for a Tree-t! Badgerlanders will unite to celebrate Earth Day by planting trees. On this day, you’ll re-treeve your own sapling, a baby tree, to plant and care for. This action will have a huge impact on your community— your tree will beautify the area where it’s planted and, most importantly, will help the climate by producing oxygen and filtering pollutants to make the air cleaner. Your tree will also help preserve water in the soil. What a re-Leaf! Register to reserve your free sapling to take home and plant.
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location
Adult Participation
All Apr. 22 9-11am Apr. 19 Free Janesville & La Crosse Leadership Centers Yes. You can register for a sapling, too!
All Apr. 22 9-4 Apr. 19 Free Camp Brandenburg Yes. You can register for a sapling, too!
Get to the Root of...the Girl Scout Tree Promise

It’s Forest-TREE! We will branch out and connect with experts in the fields of forestry including arborists, foresters, tree climbers, geographers, and environmental scientists. You’ll learn how indigenous cultures honor trees and use your creativity to write some poet-tree(!). We’re also going to practice protecting our trees by doing a tree-mendous project at camp today. Come together to this in-tree-guing program and get to the root of protecting and honoring trees.
NOTE: This is a drop-in any time event. Expect to spend 2-3 hours doing all the activity stations. Plan to pick up your sapling when you leave; just make sure to register for the sapling, too.
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation
K-12 Apr. 22 9am-4pm Apr. 19 $25 Camp Brandenburg Yes, do this together.
Earth Day Camp Champion
My Gal & I Overnighter
Let’s come together to tend our beautiful Planet Earth. Pitch in and be an Earth Day Champion by performing various service projects around camp. We’ll focus on protecting and honoring trees, and all of Mother Nature. This special overnighter will include lots of time for you and your gal grown-up to revel in all the traditional camp stuff including archery, arts and crafts, hiking, and campfires. Ideal outing for the full troop to come together with their adults, or for just you and your favorite gal!
Grades Dates Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation
4-12 Apr. 22-23 1pm Saturday2pm Sunday Apr. 18 $75 Camp Ehawee Yes, to meet ratio.
Exploration Station: Horicon National Wildlife Refuge
Lucky you, Junior Girl Scout. You get to become a citizen scientist! You’ll visit beautiful Horicon. Hike with the Refuge Ranger to explore the marsh ecosystem and record your observations of the incredible wildlife and plants you find. Scoop water bugs to learn about wetland water quality. Get started on the Junior Duck Stamp Program, hear about careers in conservation, and what you can be doing right now to protect plants and animals.
BADGE: Council’s Own Badgerland National Wildlife Refuge Grades Date
4-5 Apr. 29 9:30-3pm Apr. 26 $10 Horicon Yes, to meet ratio
Exploration Station: Necedah National Wildlife Refuge
Brownies, hit the trail! Depending on the weather, you’ll walk or snowshoe alongside the Ranger who will point out all the exciting animals and plants along the wetlands path. SUPER DUPER SPECIAL! You’ll build a bluebird nesting box to hang at your house, or donate to a park or nature center in your community. And there’s more: use scopes to get up-close views of the critters and foliage who call the refuge their home. You’ll be a citizen scientist and collect water samples, bird watch, and make notes on all your observations during this amazing day in nature.

BADGE: Council’s Own Badgerland National Wildlife Refuge
2-3 Apr. 29 9:45-3pm Apr. 26 $10 Necedah Yes, to meet ratio
Highest Awards Chit Chat
For all interested in earning the Bronze Award, Silver Award, and Gold Award. Description is on page 2.
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline
4-12 May 6 9-10am May 3
4-12 May 17 7-8pm May 16
Climbing with Courage
Learn basic climbing techniques and belaying. For all ability levels. Description is on page 2.
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost
6-12 May 6 10am-Noon May 2 $25
Location Adult Participation Boulders Madison This is for the girls!
Sister to All: Advocacy

When you are an advocate it means you support something. You stand up for something that’s important to you. That’s what Girl Scouts do. We are promoters, cheerleaders, boosters, and defenders! We are girls who speak up to make the world a better place. Come be an advocate and be a sister to all.
K-5 May 9 5:30-6:30pm May 8 $5 Virtual Yes, to help get her online
6-12 May 9 7-8pm May 8 $5 Virtual No
Daisy-only Friday night adventures. Description is on page 2.

K-1 May 19 5:30-7pm May 16 Free
Location Adult Participation Madison, Janesville, La Crosse Centers No question about it!
These programs will activate your math, engineering, innovation and artistry skills and align with the Girl Scout program pillar STEM.
Badgerland Runway
There’s SCIENCE behind all the glitz and glamour of the runway. Our expert STEAM-inestas will take you on an adventure into the exciting world of fashion design. You will work to complete a series of fashion designed-related challenges. Using your innovation, creativity, and imagination—you’ll craft designs using different materials and themes. You’ll learn a lot while constructing exclusive runway silhouettes to take home and show off to your family and friends!
AWESOME OPTIONAL ADD ON: Make it an evening affair and come to Meet You at the BET at 5pm to show off your designs. Details below. Add on the BET evening for a discounted price of $15 (the regular cost is $25). Your $10 discount will be automatically applied when you add both items to your cart.
BADGE EARNED: STEM Career Exploration
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation
6-8 May 13 1-4pm May 10 $25 Madison Leader Center No
Meet You at the BET
It’s a GREEN CARPET affair - Badgerland’s biggest, ooh la la night out! All Girl Scout creatives are invited to come walk the carpet to display their designs inspired by Badgerland Runway. Fashion is way more than ‘just’ clothes. It’s art! It’s science! It’s creativity! It’s engineering! And it’s how we express ourselves to the world. Fashion truly has the ability to change and shape lives through its personal connection to us all. Come debut your latest design, whether you met the challenge at Badgerland Runway or created your masterpiece at home (or both!). It will be a glitzy affair with paparazzi, fancy finger foods, and lots of sharing. Be rewarded for your designs by our panel of judges with various awards and recognitions. Come see all the creative ensembles and be seen in yours.
PATCH EARNED: Badgerland Entertainment Tonight
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location
Adult Participation
6-12 May 13 5-7pm May 10 $25 Madison Leader Center Yes
Top Cookie SELLERbration!
It’s a party! If you sell more than 600 boxes of Girl Scout cookies you will be honored, cheered and celebrated at this fun event. Each girl gets her moment in the spotlight. You earned this SELLERbration! Let’s party!

Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location
K-12 May 20 10am-1pm May 16 Free Madison Leader Center
Exploration Station: Yerkes Observatory
THIS IS WHY YOU’RE A GIRL SCOUT! Camp in the Yerkes for a weekend that is exclusive to Badgerland. You’ll tour the land, learn about beekeeping, the history of the Yerkes, landscape architecture, and space science. When it gets dark, you’ll learn how to navigate based on the stars and planets. Wondering how to find Orion, the Hunter in the night sky or Ursa Minor, the Little Dipper? You’ll learn how to identify constellations with confidence. Come see why there really is no glass ceiling for women in science. You’ll meet and learn from astronomer Dr. Amanda Bauer and Dr. Abby Brownell, a medical doctor. Take home the Yerkes Observatory patch with fun memories and life-time learnings.

BADGE EARNED: Space Science Researcher (Cadette), Space Science Expert (Senior), Space Science Master (Ambassador)
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation
6-12 May 5-7 7pm Friday10am Sunday May 3 $75 Yerkes Observatory, Lake Geneva
Camp Adventure Days Camp Ehawee & Camp Brandenburg
Explore Badgerland’s overnight camps and get a preview of what it will be like to come for a traditional Girl Scout camp experience this summer. Come as a family for an adventure-filled afternoon where you’ll meet camp staff and visit the unit where you’ll be staying. Enjoy classic camp activities such as target sports, arts, hiking, gaga ball, and s’mores. Bring your family and/or the whole troop to take a tour and get all your questions answered.
Yes, adults required to meet safety ratio.
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation
All Ages May 6 11am-3pm May 2
All Ages May 7 11am-3pm May 2
Climbing with Courage
Learn basic climbing techniques and belaying. For all ability levels. Description is on page 2.
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location
Adult Participation
6-12 June 3 10am-Noon May 31 $25 Boulders Climbing Gym, Madison This is for the girls! 6-12 July 1 June 28
6-12 August 5 August 2
Daisies, Activate!
In the summer, Daisies will activate on Thursdays.
PATCH EARNED: P icnic Fun (June), I Love Camping (July), Citizen Scientist (August)

Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location
Adult Participation
No question about it! K-1 July 20 July 18
K-1 August 10 August 13
K-1 June 15 10am-Noon June 13 Free Madison, Janesville, and La Crosse Leadership Centers
Paddle with Purpose
CANOE BELIEVE IT? Now’s the time to get on the water! Expert instructors from our partners at Rutabaga will introduce you to paddling at this two-day event. On the first day you will try out canoing, kayaking, and stand up paddle boarding as you learn about equipment, safety, and technique including perfecting your strokes while floating your boat. The next day is a day trip exploring a local paddling destination where you’ll put your new skills to the test. This is a program you don’t want to miss; for shore!
BADGE & PATCH Earned: Paddle with Purpose (all), Paddling Badge (Senior)

Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location
6-12 July 22 & July 23 10am-4pm each day July 19 $75
Rutabaga Paddle Sports, Madison
In partnership with Trout Unlimited. Badgerland is partnering with local Trout Unlimited chapters to provide access to learning about local watersheds. Eight core patch-earning activities will include fishing! Detailed activities will be released in the spring. Plan to participate!
PATCH Earned: STREAM Girls 2023
Adult Participation
No, this is a drop-off event