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Brighton & Hove marks World AIDS Day online
Brighton & Hove AIDS Partnership hosted online event to mark last month’s World AIDS Day 2020

LGBTQ+ and sexual health organisations/charities and local politicians came together last month to share the effects of Covid-19 on services and what WAD means to them.
To see the full speeches, visit: https://tinyurl.com/WADBH

“WAD is a really important time to reflect on how far we’ve come but also to reflect back on the past” – Ian Green, CEO, Terrence Higgins Trust (THT)

“WAD reminds me of how fortune I am to benefit from medical treatments from the NHS and the services that we all take for granted” – Edward Romain-Quinn, Frontline AIDS

“There's no doubt that the pandemic has had a massive impact on HIV services and the wider NHS” - Dr Sonia Raffe, Lawson Unit, Royal Sussex County Hospital

“WAD is a chance to remember those who didn't make it and vow anew to eliminate stigma wherever it comes from” – Chris Gull, chair, Brighton Rainbow Fund

“Even though we can’t meet in person, I have a wonderful image of people lighting candles in respectful silence, paying tribute to those we’ve lost” – David Fray, More to Me Than HIV

“For the 100,000 people living with HIV in the UK, this winter could bring worries about money and isolation” – Caroline Lucas, MP for Brighton Pavilion (Green)

“I just want to see that we stop the stigma, let people be proud and live their lives. Let’s see an end to this disease” – Cllr Steve Bell, BHCC (Conservative)

“While we remember those we’ve lost, I hope the next year brings reports of even fewer HIV infections” – Alistair Hill, director, Public Health, BHCC

“WAD is a chance for us to reflect on the achievements of recent years; it’s also a chance for us to consider the challenges that lie ahead” – Peter Kyle, MP for Hove & Portslade (Labour)

“WAD reminds us that HIV has not gone away. While there is better understanding, there is still stigma and there is still discrimination” – Carolyn Ansell, Rainbow Hub manager

“This year has thrown into sharp focus the gains we have achieved are fragile and need protecting” – Sarah Hand, CEO, AVERT

“If Covid has taught us anything it’s when there is social, political and scientific will, we can achieve vaccines; we can achieve remarkable things” – Lloyd Russell-Moyle, MP for Brighton Kemptown (Labour)

“We need to ensure that those living with HIV are living well. This WAD, central government needs to increase and ring-fence financial support for HIV/sexual health services” – Phélim Mac Cafferty, leader of BHCC (Green)

“On this WAD, I will join you and others across the city to light a candle and to pause to reflect and remember those lives lost to HIV in our city” – Cllr Steph Powell, BHCC (Green)

“I am so proud to be part of such an amazing group of organisations across the city that continue to provide people living with HIV with such amazing care” – Tracey Buckingham, The Sussex Beacon

“We ask you as we have always done to remember those we have lost and looking forward to a brighter future” – Aishamonic Namurach, BABME project leader, THT Brighton

“Covid-19 has impacted people with HIV in various ways: exacerbating loneliness and isolation, disconnecting people from friends and support” – Gary Pargeter, Lunch Positive

“At the start of the pandemic, services quickly adapted to ensure continuity for those most at risk in our community” – Dr Gillian Dean, Martin Fisher Foundation