Gscene - March 2013

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MAR 2013



PUBLISHED BY Peter Storrow TEL 01273 722457 EDITORIAL ADS+ARTWORK EDITORIAL TEAM James Ledward, Graham Robson ARTS EDITOR Michael Hootman SUB-EDITOR Graham Robson DESIGN Michèle Allardyce



MODEL Gio Cruz PHOTOGRAPHY Dean Stockings

CONTRIBUTORS AJ, Jaq Bayles, Jo Bourne, Nick Boston, Suchi Chatterjee, Nick Douglas, Craig Hanlon Smith, Adam Highway, Enzo Marra, Andrew Modd, Rick Moore, Netty, Charles Nyereyegona, Carl Oprey, Rachel Wood, Eric Page, Marcus Patrick, Steph Scott, Del Sharp, Keith Sharpe, Gay Socrates, Brian Stacey, Glen Stevens, Craig Storrie, Duncan Stewart, Mick Sykes, Jordan Thomas, Vron, Roger Wheeler, Mike Wall, Morham White, Kate Wildblood

NEWS 8 News



54 55 56 57

© GSCENE 2013


30 Brighton Listings 47 Solent & Bournemouth Listings


Luis Cruz, Michael Hootman, James Ledward, Mr Moment Catcher, Drew Wilby All work appearing in Gscene Ltd is copyright. It is to be assumed that the copyright for material rests with the magazine unless otherwise stated on the page concerned. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in an electronic or other retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior knowledge and consent of the publishers. The appearance of any person or any organisation in Gscene is not to be construed as an implication of the sexual orientation or political persuasion of such persons or organisations.


Arts News Art Matters Classical Notes Film Reviews



FEATURES 24 LGBT SPORTS & LEISURE A run-down of LGBT sports groups in Brighton

53 THE MAN WHO... ...wanked his way to Greece - part 6 of Carl Oprey’s monthly serial

62 EASTER IN ANDALUSIA Roger Wheeler experiences two very different sides of Spain

63 ADDICTED After years of excess, Graham Hamilton is back in Brighton

50 51 52 52 58 59 64 65 65 66 67 67 68 69 69 70 71 72

Charlie’s Kitchen Come Dine with Morham Dance Music DJ profile: Lee Harris Geek Scene Shopping Craig’s Thoughts Homely Homily Vron’s Voice Sharp Words Duncan’s Domain Trans Matters Changing Attitude Jaq’s Monthly Queerying Queenie Charlie Says Heart & Sole MindOut

INFORMATION 73 Services Directory 74 Advertisers’ Map 75 Classifieds



M In an effort to establish a mechanism for measuring levels of 'Trust and Confidence' in the police and council on a annual basis, The LGBT Community Safety Forum independently commissioned a Trust and Confidence Survey from the Trust for Developing Communities which was paid for from Brighton & Hove Council's Partnership Community Safety Team budget with a contribution from Sussex Police. The survey ran in December and January, with 638 people responding. Male response was 60%, female response 27% and transgender response 4%. The research was conducted online using SurveyMonkey and printed copies of the survey were also available if requested.



KEY FINDINGS INCLUDE: • 23% of LGBT people who responded said they had been the victim of a hate crime incident in the last twelve months that was due to their sexual and gender identities. Verbal abuse and negative comments were the main reasons given and 12% of those who responded experienced physical violence, while 21% experienced bullying. • 80% of respondents reported the incident took place "in the street" while just 3.9% reported in a "cruising area". • 67% who reported they had experienced an incident said they did not report it. Of those who did 32% reported to the police and 9% to Brighton & Hove Council's Partnership Community Safety Team (PCST). • 65% who reported an incidents were not issued with a crime reference number. Of those who were issued a crime number, 73% saw no further action was taken, while 8.5% resulted in a conviction. • 55% of all respondents were unaware of the PCST. • 29% who reported to the council's PCST, reported the response was good or very good. • 44% of respondents who did not report the incident did not consider the incident serious enough to report. • 39% did not report due to lack of confidence in the police process • 23% did not report due to a lack of confidence in the council process. • 41% of respondents rated the service generally to victims of Hate Crime to be either good or very good, while • 11% reported services to be poor or very poor. • 58% of respondents said they had not accessed any community service in the last 12 months. 42% said they had. • 79% of respondents said they were aware of the Police LGBT Liaison Officer, a recognition figure only bettered by LGBT Switchboard. • Of those who had accessed community services in the last year 79% found the services good or very good and 81% thought it likely or very likely that they would recommend the service to friends and colleagues.


M The survey has produced a somewhat mixed bag of findings: • A huge 67% of people who said they had been the victim of a Hate Crime in the last 12 months did not report the incident to the police. If the police don't get a report, there is nothing they can do to solve crime. The message remains the same as it was 10 years ago, you must report all incidents of hate crime and leave the police to decide what is important or not. • Far too many people (55%) still do not know about the council's Partnership Community Safety Team (PCST), however those people that did report to the PCST reported better satisfaction levels than those reporting to the police. A campaign advertising the services offered by the PCST would help solve this problem. There is little benefit for the community to be gained from financing a service with an annual budget of two million pounds that people claim they don't know about. • The most exciting finding was the recognition levels accredited to the Police LGBT Liaison Officer role. While the 'police' as a service fared generally disappointingly in the survey, on the recognition question, the

Sgt Alex Evans from Brighton Neighbourhood Police Team said: “I'm pleased that Sussex Police were involved in the recent Trust and Confidence Survey. It's a huge benefit to learn more on how we can improve our service when dealing with crime and other incidents within the LGBT community. I'm delighted that our dedicated LGBT Liaison Officers, PC Rachel Piggott, PC Richard Bridger and the new caseworker, Rory Smith, have been recognised for their continued work in improving trust and confidence between them and the LGBT community. PC Rachel Piggott has now moved onto a new role on the team but PC Richard Bridger and Rory Smith will continue to build on these relationships over the coming months. “I would encourage anyone that has been a victim, or a witness to an incident to contact the police as soon as possible, even if you have heard of something happening but you were not directly affected, we would still like to know. If you have any concerns at all about how we police your community then please also get in touch.” LGBT contact details: call PC Richard Bridger 07717 785507 or Rory Smith 07775 546548 or email A council spokesperson said “The LGBT Trust and Confidence survey is really helpful in helping us identify which services are making a difference and where we need to improve. For example we know through this survey the Partnership Community Safety Team is really well regarded but there is more to do as more people need to know about it. It’s vital that people feel able to tell us about incidents no matter how small so that we can work with communities in tackling inequality.”



Billie Lewis, Chair of the LGBT Community Safety Forum, said: "The Forum is delighted with the response to its inaugural city-wide Trust and Confidence Survey. The findings will now form a road map for deciding the future work of the Forum working in consultation with the council and police. It is envisaged that this survey will be repeated on an annual basis over a minimum 5 year time frame, so that improvements on service delivery by the statutory authorities can be measured accurately year on year. “Our thanks go to the Trust for Developing Communities for the production of the survey and also to the Partnership Community Safety Team and Police for funding the project"

LGBT Liaison Police Officer role fared second only to LGBT Switchboard, an organisation that has been in existence for 35 years. The team also fared well in the satisfaction question regarding those who accessed a community organisation in the last year. The police’s LGBT Police Liaison Officer role has become viewed by many as a community organisation/service provider along with Switchboard, Allsorts and MindOut. That is a huge plus and a reliable performance indicator to use every year when trying to chart any changes in Trust and Confidence in service provision. • To put it simply you could say that the council have a communication problem between the PCST and us the customer. The police seem to have less of a problem in communicating with us the customer but maybe need better communication between the ‘Police Service’ and the LGBT Liaison Police Officer team who are sometimes bypassed when strategic decisions affecting community cohesion are made by the police command team. • Sadly conviction rates are low and need improving. As conviction rates improve so will Trust and Confidence in the 'Police Service' generally. To read the full report and recommendations view:





In January, The Argus revealed as part of a national initiative called Operation Nutmeg, three local gay men had DNA samples taken from them by Sussex Police officers because historic gross indecency offences remained on their police records. Gross indecency stopped being a criminal offence in 2003 and since October 2012 people with previously held gross indecency convictions could apply to have them removed from nationally held criminal records Following The Argus revelation, Sussex Police moved immediately to review their policy and issued the following statement on DNA sampling as part of the national Operation Nutmeg. “Sussex Police has changed its approach to taking DNA samples from people convicted of only the historic offence of gross indecency, following a review of national guidance issued to all forces. The Sussex element of the national Operation Nutmeg - which is working to ensure individuals convicted of specific sexual and violence offences have their DNA samples cross-checked on the national DNA database - is continuing. So far over 130 samples have been taken in Sussex. This is an ongoing process, so we are not in a position to confirm the total number of samples that will be taken, or outcomes from the process, until it is complete. “Of those individuals who have currently provided a sample, three were convicted only of the historic gross indecency offence, which has since been repealed. Although police have the legal power to request these samples and all three men voluntarily provided them when asked, Sussex Police recognises that this was not in the full spirit of the legislation and we apologise for any distress caused. “The Association of Chief Police Officers’ guidance was that forces should take a risk-based approach to sampling people. Sussex Police decided to request samples from all people who we were legally able to, given the potential, however small, to help solve crimes. We now recognise that a more considered approach should have been taken and apologise for the concerns understandably raised.” A Sussex Police spokesman, said: “DNA evidence has proved to be a vital tool to help convict violent and dangerous criminals. It has also exonerated many innocent people. Sussex Police was keen to pursue all lawful opportunities to help secure justice for victims of crime through the effective use of DNA. “The Operation Nutmeg process has not targeted any specific communities - we have approached all men and women who had previous convictions covered by the legislation. However, we recognise that this has resulted in us unfortunately requesting samples from men who had only been convicted of historic and repealed offences under Sections 12 and 13 of the Sexual Offences Act 1956. “We have reviewed our approach after seeking clarification of the national guidance, considering the experience of other forces across the country and reflecting the concerns understandably raised by the community. We will ensure we no longer seek DNA samples from people who have only been convicted of the repealed offences, following the national guidance. “These historic offences were repealed in 2003 and, since October 2012, anyone previously convicted has had the opportunity to request their conviction be removed from nationally-held criminal records. We encourage anyone with concerns that they may still have a criminal record due to these repealed offences to request its removal. We can provide guidance to help with this. “We will also be contacting the three people who have already provided samples, apologising for any distress caused and offering to assist them to apply for their conviction to be removed from the national database, which will result in the DNA samples we have already taken being destroyed.” If you have an historic conviction for Gross Indeceny and want to have your conviction removed, view here: decriminalised-sexual-offences/?view=Standard&pubID=1076588


Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus made a triumphant return to the Brighton Dome in December with their annual Christmas extravaganza, Pull a Cracker. The Chorus were joined on stage by acclaimed West End actress Rosie Ashe for a packed out festive evening. For the second year running, the event raised money for the Sussex Beacon with a final total of a staggering £5622.48.

Simon Dowe, CEO of the Sussex Beacon, said: “Thank you so much to the Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus for raising such a significant sum at their Christmas show. The money raised can pay for 13 people to have an 8 session course of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. This treatment will help alleviate the stress, anxiety and sleep difficulties associated with a positive HIV diagnosis. Thank you for helping us continue our vital work.” Paul Charlton, Chairman of Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus said: “We are delighted to once again raise so much money for such a worthy local cause. ‘Pull a Cracker’ is already one of the highlights of our calendar, but being able to support the Sussex Beacon makes the experience even more special to us.” • The next opportunity to see the Chorus will be Friday 3 and Saturday 4 May at 7.30pm for their Brighton Fringe Festival show entitled Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus: Douze Points! at the Brighthelm Centre, North Road, Brighton. Go and see the boys as they imagine what might happen should Brighton stage an alternative to the Eurovision Song Contest. This follows the success of their last Fringe show Guilty Treasures, which was tipped as one of the “Highlights of the Fringe 2012″ by • Tickets are on sale via or in person via either Brighton Dome or Brighton Fringe Box Offices.





The International Women's Day Extravaganza, a benefit for the Brighton Women's Centre, takes place at the Sallis Benney Theatre, Brighton on Friday, March 8 from 7pm. Coinciding with International Women's Day, the event will feature an all-women line-up, including Sarah Wilkins, Amity, Deanna Rodger, Velvet Fist, Joyce McLeod, Shauna Parker, Lena Santamaria, Qukulele and MCs Maria Jastrzebska and Rachel Beck. Tickets: £10/£6 concs from, or from the shop Pen To Paper, 4 Sydney Street, Brighton. Brighton Women's Centre (BWC) has hired the Brighton Dome on Saturday, March 9, to celebrate International Women's Day and showcase the work of the charity in providing support to vulnerable women to help them transform their lives. BWC has supported vulnerable and disadvantaged women in Brighton & Hove for over 35 years, giving women the resources and tools for independence and empowerment in a safe, womenonly space. A number of women-focused charities will be joining them. There will also be stalls, speeches, workshops, entertainment and a crèche. Workshops will include: First Aid, women’s self-defence, voice work, resilience, mothers uncovered, a 20 minute workout tease and holistic therapies. Organisations with stalls include: Active for Life, Curves, Girl Guiding, Kenric, Snap Junkie, Survivors’ Network, Threshold, Utility Warehouse, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. The Mayor of Brighton & Hove, Cllr Bill Randall and Caroline Lucas, MP for Brighton Pavilion will be attending. More information about the Women's Centre, view: To find out more about International Women's Day, view:



Brighton Pride will be following the example set for many years by the organisers of San Francisco Pride and will be appointing a number of special Pride Ambassadors for this year’s event. Just as San Francisco Pride appoint their own Grand Marshals each year, Brighton Pride will be appointing their own Pride Ambassadors to lead the Pride LGBT Community Parade, chosen by you. • Do you know someone in Brighton who volunteers for an LGBT or HIV organisation, donating their time to helping others? • Do you know someone in Brighton who has made a difference to the lives of local LGBT people? • Is there someone you are proud of who, in your view, makes a fantastic contribution to the local LGBT community? Now is your opportunity to say thank you and acknowledge the contribution these quiet heroes make to 'Gay Brighton'. Email your ideas to: Every month starting April 1 the first of four new Pride Ambassadors will be announced. They will lead the GAY ICONS LGBT Community Parade on Saturday, August 3 as it winds its way from Madeira Drive to Preston Park. Paul Kemp, Pride director said: “Brighton’s Pride Ambassadors will be chosen from those in the LGBT community who have made important contributions to the voluntary sector, those who have been central to the LGBT community and popular individuals who have added enormously to Brighton’s celebrated tradition and history of LGBT life. We have a rich history of people worthy of this title so let’s celebrate those who have made a positive impact on our community and lives.” • Brighton Pride is administered by a CIC Company formed to manage the 2013 event. Its directors are Paul Kemp of Aeon Events Ltd, David Hill of E3 and Dulcie Weaver. • £1 per head for each ticket sold is ring fenced for the Rainbow Fund to distribute through their grants program administered by the Sussex Community Foundation to LGBT organisations in Brighton & Hove.


To celebrate spring, volunteers at Peer Action, the HIV charity, are organising a Bounce Into Spring quiz night at St George’s Crypt Community Centre in Upper Kemptown on Saturday, March 16 at 7.30pm. The quiz host is Adam, the esteemed landlandy of the Bedford Tavern.


The organisers of Pride 2013 have announced the theme for this year’s LGBT Pride community parade planned for Saturday, August 3, which culminates with the Pride celebrations on Preston Park. The chosen theme is GAY ICONS, which organisers hope will put the spotlight on the vast array of iconic LGBT figureheads, including campaigners and popular celebrities that have shaped and advanced LGBT culture and the cause of equality throughout history.

Food and drink will be provided, making the £5 tickets a real bargain. There will be a raffle and a £50 cash prize for the winning quiz team. Tickets available from the Peer Action website: Everyone welcome: friends, partners, spring chickens – see you all there!


Peer Action’s programme of social and wellbeing events in March for members and supporters include: Yoga with Dan every Tuesday, 6pm, at St Mary’s Church Hall, St James’ Street. There is no need to book, just turn up. All levels of experience are welcome, mats are provided with each session which costs just £3. Peer Action, in conjunction with Active Light Works are taking bookings for therapies on Saturday, March 23, including: No Hands Massage, Energy Healing, Shiatsu, Bowen Therapy and Ear Acupuncture; each therapy cost £5 per session at the THT buildings, 61 Ship Street, Brighton. Peer Action also offer a monthly mediation group; the first class is Sunday, April 7 at 11am, sessions cost £3. Other social events include: • Mike’s Movie night: Friday, March 8, meet 7.30pm, film screened at 8pm. • Gala Bingo night: Monday, March 18, meet in the foyer 6.15pm, eyes down 7pm. For more information view:

News of the theme will set sewing machines whirring and sequins flying all over the city as an expected deluge of Gagas, Monroes, Madonnas, Boy Georges and Freddie Mercurys plan their costumes for the event of the year, along with the more serious ICONS and modernisers like Peter Tatchell, Harvey Milk, Alan Turing, Quentin Crisp, Oscar Wilde and the Reverend Giles Frazer. Paul Kemp, Pride director said: “There are so many important and influential people for us to celebrate as a community. They range from the most spectacular and celebrated stars of stage, screen and music to those who have changed the lives of the LGBT community and furthered equality through politics and sheer bravery. It is important that we highlight LGBT people who have been instrumental in all aspects of life” To tell Pride who your favourite gay icon is, view: • Brighton Pride is administered by a CIC Company formed to manage the 2013 event. Its directors are Paul Kemp of Aeon Events Ltd, David Hill of E3 and Dulcie Weaver. • £1 per head for each ticket sold is ring fenced for the Rainbow Fund to distribute through their grants program administered by the Sussex Community Foundation to LGBT organisations in Brighton & Hove.




Brighton Pride are presenting a season of Pride Gala shows in the Ladyboys Sabai Pavilion on Victoria Gardens as part of the Brighton Fringe 2013. Ceri Dupree, the Queen of female impersonators, gets the season off to a spectacular start on Sunday, May 5 with a glittering evening of witty, elegant and high energy entertainment hosted by the brilliant Lola Lasagne and featuring special guest stars during the show. The Sabai Pavilion will be buzzing with excitement on Sunday, May 12 as the nationally loved Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus take to the stage for a Pride special evening mixing rock and pop in their own unique way. Expect perfect vocal renditions of such pop classics as Man In The Mirror, Islands In The Stream, Rolling In The Deep and Hung Up among many musical surprises.



On Sunday, May 19, possibly the most fabulous and current all-male drag vocal harmony group to appear in showbiz in a long time, The Supreme Fabulettes plus friends, will be bringing their unique and highly slick and choreographed stage show to the Sabai Pavilion. Pop legend Boy George writes their material and directs their colourful and cheeky videos, so expect the most stunning couture costumes and full Glee-style song mash-ups in this full evening of top entertainment from the No1 Critics choice (Time Out) that is directed by Kylie Minogue’s creative director William Baker.

On Sunday, May 26, the ultimate Brighton Pride Gala Show at the Sabai Pavilion features a madcap evening of the outrageous and alternative featuring a double-bill of side-splitting fun when the infamous Gay Bingo, hosted by cult figure Jonny Woo, takes over the venue. Ma Butcher and John Sizzle join Jonny plus a host of VIPs for plenty of Gay Bingo madness and mayhem before the stage is completely taken over by internet sensation and celebrity favourite Charlie Hides, who is celebrated internationally for his hilarious and uncanny impersonations making him one of the top cabaret performers in the country, loved by the likes of Elton John. Charlie’s Cast of Divas show is bound to be one of the biggest hits of the Brighton Fringe. Doors for each Pride Gala show open at 7.30pm. Get to the Sabai Pavilion early to enjoy pre-show food, nibbles, drinks and fabulous hosts to make a full evening of glittering entertainment Pride style!


Online: (booking fee applies), By phone: 0871 705 8888 (BT/10p/min) (booking fee applies) Fringe box office number: 01273 917272 (booking fee applies).





insignificance, the momentous occasion on which MPs were given the chance to stand up for equality in marriage will be remembered for many years to come. The majority of the public sees no reason why people of the same-sex who love each other and want to marry should not be able to do so – and despite claims to the contrary, this legislation will not force any faith groups to conduct gay marriages She continued: "However, while I’ll be voting for equal marriage, I’ll also be calling for more far reaching reform to allow everyone – same-sex and opposite sex couples – to enjoy a civil partnership or marriage, as they choose. "This is a question of equal love. It’s not about asking for special treatment for gay couples or straight couples, it’s about everyone enjoying the same rights regardless of their sexuality."

Simon Kirby, MP for Kemptown & Peacehaven, is a long standing supporter of equal marriage. In his role as Parliamentary Private Secretary at the Department for Culture, Media and Sport he was actively involved in preparing the ground for this historic legislation. Simon said: “Tonight’s vote marks an important milestone in the evolution of the institution of marriage and the advance of equality in the UK. I am proud to have voted in support of this historic change and I am proud of this Government for having the courage to introduce the Marriage (Same-Sex Couples) Bill. “The legislation strikes the right balance between equality for same-sex couples and the rights of people of faith. I believe that those who listened to the debate will be assured that no church, synagogue, or mosque will be forced into something that contradicts with their beliefs and organisations and individuals who don’t believe in same-sex marriage will be fully protected from legal challenges. "I know that equal marriage has the support of the majority of my constituents in Brighton Kemptown and I assure them that I will continue to fight for this Bill as it makes the remainder of its passage through Parliament.” Mike Weatherley, MP for Hove & Portslade, said “I was honoured to vote for this Bill and I am delighted that the Government’s proposals for same-sex marriage passed through the House with an overwhelming majority. Marriage equality is right and I know that a large number of my constituents look forward getting married as soon as the law changes.” Caroline Lucas, MP for Brighton Pavilion described the vote as a "momentous occasion" and called for further reforms to allow everyone, same-sex and opposite sex couples, to be able to choose both civil partnership or marriage. She said: "While the Conservative catfight over today’s vote will fade into


Ben Summerskill, Stonewall Chief Executive, said: “As the last piece of the legislative jigsaw providing equality for gay people in Britain, this is a truly historic step forward. We’re absolutely delighted that MPs have demonstrated so overwhelmingly that they’re in touch with the 21st century. “We anticipate, as always, a tough battle in the House of Lords. Happily, the size of the Commons majority seen tonight – much larger than for most normal Government business – will make it very difficult for peers to suggest that the Bill should be rejected.”

Green councillors on Brighton & Hove City Council welcomed the vote and also called for the Government to go one step further, and make civil partnerships available to heterosexual couples too. Cllr Phélim Mac Cafferty, Deputy Leader of the Council, said: “Greens have historically argued that all couples, regardless of their gender or sexuality, should be allowed to marry. A vote on equal marriage in the Houses of Parliament marks an historic milestone in the campaign for genuine equality for LGBT people. “Today I’m attending Allsorts LGBT Children, Young People and Families Day - the first major event of its kind to celebrate LGBT youth identity and community. With ‘Togetherness’ as the theme, it is only right to talk about the brighter future younger LGBT people will see once we have equal marriage. “If agreed, we welcome the victory for the many faiths that will now be permitted to conduct same-sex marriages. However we believe the proposals to ban the Church of England from conducting same-sex marriage unfairly discriminate against Anglicans who wish to have their love recognised in the same building they worship in. We don't think this is good enough at all. “In addition it is unfair and discriminatory to bar opposite-sex couples from civil partnerships. Fundamentally, we believe that the only non-discriminatory way to go forward is to offer all faiths and none the right to marry or to have a civil partnership. Beyond this historic day, Greens will carry on campaigning on this basis.”





M MPs voted by a majority of 225 in favour of the new Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill last month. The final vote was 400 for with 175 against. The Bill extends the legal form of marriage to lesbian, gay and bi-sexual (LGB) people and permits religious denominations to conduct such marriages should they wish. It was the Bill's second reading.

Speaking for Liberal Democrats locally, Brian Stone, Chair of Brighton & Hove Liberal Democrats, heralded the vote as the first step forward towards full equality for all in the area of marriage. Brian said: "Tonight is a night to congratulate all MPs, of all parties, who made a stand for the rights of lesbian and gay people. This is a great night for the LGBT community in Brighton & Hove, but we mustn’t rest on our laurels. The fact that we have 175 MPs who don’t think that we’re equal shows that the path to equality will not be an easy one, and the victory will have to be fought for all the way. Tonight is also a good night to be a Liberal Democrat. We have led the campaign all the way. Nick Clegg took a decisive during the General Election and this would not be happening without the effort and commitment of Lib Dem MP Lynne Featherstone.” Gill Mitchell, leader of the Labour and Cooperative group on Brighton & Hove City Council said: “Labour and Cooperative Councillors have been campaigning for Equal Marriage and it is good to see that Parliament has at last recognised this.” Of the 136 Conservative MPs who voted against the Bill, 12 were ministers and six where whips. There was a further 40 abstentions.


Tom French, Policy Coordinator for the Equality Network, the LGBT equality charity that runs 'Equal Marriage' the UK's first and longest running campaign for same-sex marriage in Scotland, welcomed the overwhelming majority in the commons. He said: “This is an historic day and a huge step forward for equality. After centuries of facing prejudice and discrimination, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people can finally look forward to a day when they are no longer treated as second-class citizens. Today MPs have taken a stand for what is right, by overwhelmingly backing this fair and progressive law. The big majority in favour of equal marriage reflects the views of the country as a whole. In Scotland, two thirds of people support same-sex marriage, and we look forward to a similar resounding vote in the Scottish Parliament. We call on the Scottish Government to introduce the Bill as soon as possible after the end of the current consultation.” Matthew Sephton, LGBTory Chairman, commented: “We are delighted, after months of work, that history has been made today with the progression of the Bill led by a Conservative Prime Minister, to allow same-sex couples to marry. "It is disappointing that a significant number of Conservative MPs opposed the bill at this stage. There has been a wellfunded campaign of propaganda and misinformation by those opposing equality that has left many struggling to understand the true facts of this simple legislation. We will continue to counter these lies and hope more MPs will be able to support the bill at its next vote”

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Following the passing in the House of Commons of the second reading of the Marriage (Same-Sex Couples) Bill, which was backed by a majority of 225 MPs, the next step in the Bill’s passage through Parliament is the Committee Stage, during which the legislation will be subject to further scrutiny from a cross party panel of MPs. Simon Kirby, Conservative MP for Kemptown & Peacehaven and a long term supporter of equal marriage, has been selected to sit on the committee. Simon said: “I am pleased to have been selected to serve on this committee, as it will allow me to continue to fight for a Bill which I consider to be of utmost importance. In light of my position on the committee I am keen to hear the views of all of my constituents on this matter and I would welcome the continued input from Gscene readers.”

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The debate on equal marriage is sure to rumble on as the Bill progresses through Parliament and there is still a long way to go before the Bill gets Royal Assent. It is important you continue to lobby your MP as its journey through the House of Lords could well be difficult.

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The tea party was followed by two events, a prom for the young people which was held at the Hilton Metropole and a Champions Dinner, for business people, head teachers, councillors and others to promote the work of Allsorts and encourage people to commit to making the changes they can in their environments to improve the experience of young LGBT people. The Champions Dinner was a huge success with Karl Jones from Moshimo hosting and providing all the food for the evening. There was also an award ceremony in which 'Four Champions' were honoured: Sam Beal, for her work in schools; Mary Evans, former head of the Equalities Team at the council; Bernard and Terry Reed, founders of the trans organisation GIRES and the founder of LGBT History Month, Sue Sanders. Whilst the Champions Dinner went ahead, Allsorts, Mind Me Up, BMEYPP, Hangleton & Knowle young people enjoyed a youth prom at the Hilton Metropole. The prom was held to unite young people from many projects and for the young people to celebrate 'Togetherness'. Allsorts acknowledge the support of NHS Promotion, the Rainbow Fund, the Hilton Hotel and Hotel Du Vin for making the day possible through their generosity.



This year’s 23rd Brighton Half Marathon was run in perfect weather conditions on Sunday, February 17 with a record number of runners crossing the finish line. Blue skies, warm temperatures and brilliant sunshine brought huge crowds out to show their support for the runners. In the men's race, Paul Martelletti from Victoria Park Harriers came first with a time of 01:07:30. In the women’s race Emma Taylor-Gooby’s (Worthing & District Harriers) in her first half marathon race not only took the women’s title but also broke the course record after crossing the finish line with a time of 01:18:06. The 1 mile Youth Races saw 383 young runners take part, divided into four age categories (7-10, 11-12, 13-14 and 15-17 years) with Benedict Pugh (Y15-17) taking the overall male title in 00:05:12 and Nancy Jones (Y13-14) from Brighton & Hove AC the first female to cross the finish line in 00:05:36. To see the full results, view:

Simon Burgess, former leader of Brighton & Hove City Council and a former leader of the Labour group, is standing for selection as the Labour candidate in Hove & Portslade at the coming parliamentary elections which should be in 2015. Labour's National Executive Committee has decided that Brighton Kemptown and Brighton Pavilion will be 'all women' shortlists and that Hove & Portslade will be 'open'. The selections will take place over the coming few months. Simon has lived in Hove for seven years, he works at a Deaf School in Brighton, is a trustee of a youth club and he chairs the board of trustees at The Sussex Beacon. Simon said: “It’s been refreshing spending a couple of years out of local politics, focusing on my work with a number of local charities. Hove & Portslade is my local patch and if selected I would particularly want to stand as a champion for the NHS, small businesses and charities - having worked in all of them over many years. My passions remain tackling prejudice, discrimination and social injustice."


The Green Party have announced the two candidates who will join Caroline Lucas to fight the next general election for the the Green Party in Brighton & Hove. Journalist and library champion Cllr Christopher Hawtree will contest Hove & Portslade and Davy Jones, a nationally recognised expert on citizen participation, will stand in Kemptown & Peacehaven. The elections are likely to be held in May 2015.


A thief who preyed on the gay community in Soho for more than a decade has been banned from every public toilet in central London in an ASBO ruling thought to be the first of its kind. Westminster City Council, with the support of the Metropolitan Police, is thought to be the first authority in England to gain such a court order. It means that Charles Omishore, 32, is banned from the entire West End and a central part of Camden for the next five years and specifically cannot enter public toilets in the area. CHARLES OMISHORE

LGBT Children, Young People and Families Day, organised by Young People's Voice - Allsorts Youth Project’s campaigning group, took place last month. It was the first major event of its kind to celebrate LGBT youth identity and community, with ‘Togetherness’ being the overall theme. The day opened with a tea party in the Ballroom of Hotel Du Vin for the community voluntary sector, statutory practitioners and commissioners. The tea party was was opened by Brighton Mayor Cllr Bill Randall. and filled with chit-chat, and cake eating. The theme of 'Togetherness' was marked by everyone writing what they felt ‘Togetherness’ was on a leaf which will hang on Allsorts’ 'Togetherness' tree.






Westminster Magistrates Court granted the order after hearing about a string of offences in which Omishore typically pickpocketed his male victims while engaging in sexual activity and then making off with wallets, mobile phones and other valuables. The court heard that Omishore routinely targeted men in Soho bars, public toilets and the rose garden in Hyde Park. In total Omishore has 22 convictions dating back more than 10 years for a range of offences including theft, fraud, drugs and bail offences. He’s been convicted for possession of drugs including crack cocaine and heroin and has been arrested several times for smoking crack in public phone boxes in central London. Westminster Council’s cabinet member for community protection, Cllr Nickie Aiken, said: “We suspect Omishore has been getting away with this for so long because his victims have been reluctant to come forward and report attacks and thefts. A crime is a crime, and victims should feel they’re able to report it, whatever the circumstances. Our landmark ASBO finally rids central London of this predatory offender, and we’ll continue to take a zero-tolerance approach to theft, drug use and intimidating behaviour in the West End.” Westminster City Council’s crime reduction team and the Soho Safer Neighbourhood Team are circulating public awareness posters around the West End with photos and information about Omishore, warning people to call the police immediately if they spot him in the exclusion zone. Chief Inspector Kevin Hobson, responsible for policing and business in the West End, said: “We’re grateful to the people and businesses of Soho who have helped secure the criminal convictions and ASBO that bans this evil criminal from our community. The impact on victims is immeasurable and to those who have come forward to help the investigations in the past we again offer our sincere thanks and support.”






Robbie Rogers, a USA international soccer star who played for Leeds United for the last year has announced that he is gay and quitting football at the age of 25 through injury. Robbie Rogers, a winger, who made 18 appearances for the US national team, joined Leeds United from the Major League Soccer team Columbus Crew in 2011. However his career at the club was blighted by injury and he was released by mutual consent in January.Robbie, 25, from California, disclosed his sexuality and his reasons for retiring from football in a blog titled, The Next Chapter. He wrote:“Secrets can cause so much internal damage. People love to preach about honesty, how honesty is so plain and simple. Try explaining to your loved ones after 25 years you are gay. Try convincing yourself that your creator has the most wonderful purpose for you even though you were taught differently. I always thought I could hide this secret. Football was my escape, my purpose, my identity. Football hid my secret, gave me more joy than I could have ever imagined… I will always be thankful for my career.

For the second year, Liverpool FC supported Football v Homophobia Month by hosting a Gay Football Supporters Network (GFSN) league match at the Liverpool FC Academy in Kirkby. The club hosted the fixture between Mersey Marauders and Wolverhampton Harts to help tackle discrimination in football. Liverpool FC has supported this campaign for two years and is determined to rid football of homophobia. Local gay and gay-friendly team Mersey Marauders beat Wolverhampton Harts 7-2. Ian Ayre, Managing Director of Liverpool FC, said: “Last year we became the first Barclays Premier League club to be officially represented in a Pride march. Our commitment to ensuring that equality and principles of inclusion are embedded into all areas of Liverpool FC continues through this event, tackling homophobia”.



“Now is my time to step away. It’s time to discover myself away from football. Life is so full of amazing things. I realised I could only truly enjoy my life once I was honest. My secret is gone, I am a free man, I can move on and live my life as my creator intended. For the past 25 years I have been afraid, afraid to show whom I really was because of fear. Fear that judgment and rejection would hold me back from my dreams and aspirations. Fear that my secret would get in the way of my dreams.”



Manchester Village Spartans RUFC, the North West's only gay and inclusive rugby club topped the league table last month. The team is eyeing promotion from Raging Bull North West Leagues Division 5 to a higher league after an impressive start to the season so far. The team has gone from strength to strength since hosting the Bingham Cup in June 2012. The Bingham Cup, otherwise known as the Gay Rugby World Cup which is one of the largest international rugby union tournaments in the world, is held every two years. Thirty-seven teams from Australia, and across North America and Europe competed, with the 2012 competition won by the Sydney Convicts who will host the tournament in 2014. The Village Spartans recently announced their continued partnership with Pure Gym after agreeing an extension to their headline sponsorship deal until 2014. The sponsorship package provides financial backing for top-level coaching, new equipment and improved playing facilities. In addition, Pure Gym is also providing kit, including all weather training jackets, water bottles and sports bags and regular use of Pure Gym's 24 hour facilities in Manchester. The Village Spartans intend to travel to Sydney in 2014 to compete in the 7th Bingham Cup. Matt Whiteley, Chairman of Village Spartans, said: “Our partnership with Pure Gym brings together two organisations that are committed to improving health and fitness in the communities we operate in. Their support means we can improve a number of aspects of the rugby club and ensure that more people can play rugby and enjoy being part of the Spartans." More info, view:

Louise Englefield, campaign director for Football v Homophobia, said: "We're an international campaign and Liverpool is a huge club with a global impact. So if they are standing up in the campaign against homophobia, it sends a massively strong message to people. "It's great to be able to have events like this and to be able to tell people about them. The message is that everyone has a place in football, everyone has a place at Liverpool FC and that's what we want people to know." The club also supports antidiscrimination through signage at Anfield and on season ticket terms and conditions as well as messaging in tannoy announcements and match day programmes. More info, view:

club, Manchester Canalsiders, was officially launched last month. To coincide with the start of LGBT History Month, Manchester Canalsiders Amateur Rugby League Club unveiled plans to create the first ever teams specifically aimed at the LGBT community. Club founders Stan Sandland, Martin Owens and Kenny Mahoney outlined their ambitions to set up full-contact male and female teams, alongside a mixed touch rugby team, aimed at making their competitive debuts in 2014. They have a full calendar in place for the 2013 season dedicated to developing skills and training programmes and building up a team of supporters through try-it sessions, training, fundraising and social outings to Rugby League matches such as Magic Weekend and the Rugby League World Cup in October and November. Martin Owens, Manchester Canalsiders Chairman said: “We all love the fast pace and excitement of the game and were inspired by the work the Rugby Football League (RFL) and the clubs have done around LGBT inclusion to set up the first LGBT Rugby League club. We hope that the Manchester Canalsiders will help raise the profile of the sport among the LGBT communities and that more gay and trans people will take part in this fantastic sport as players, coaches, volunteers and supporters. Our club motto is One For All, as our club will be fully inclusive to all members of our LGBT community, so whether you want to play or just get fit with like-minded people we look forward to welcoming you to our club.” Sarah Williams, RFL Equality and Diversity Manager, continued: “The RFL is delighted to support the Manchester Canalsiders in providing a unique opportunity for LGBT people to get involved in our sport. We hope that the club will go from strength to strength and that their work contributes to the RFL commitment to ensure our game is truly inclusive and welcoming to all.” Lou Englefield, from Pride Sports, concluded: "Pride Sports is delighted to support the UK's newest LGBT sports club, Manchester Canalsiders RLFC. It's fantastic to see a growing diversity of sports offered within the LGBT community. I'm sure the club can expect a great welcome from the RFL and the Rugby League family, who have been championing the campaign against homophobia in sport for a couple of years now.” More info, view:





HIV and sexual health charity Terrence Higgins Trust (THT) and the Health Protection Agency (HPA) have co-launched a pilot project that will allow gay and bisexual men to access HIV home sampling kits by post. Men in England are able now to visit the THT website at and request delivery of an HIV home sampling kit.

The service is free and confidential, and involves the user providing a finger-prick of blood, which they then send to the lab for testing. Users should receive their result within a week of them returning the sample, either by text message (if the result is negative) or with a telephone call to provide support and refer them to specialist HIV services (if the result is reactive). The pilot has been set up to provide an alternative method of testing for men who are unable to access their local sexual health clinic or who want a more private way to test.


The Women and Families Service at The Sussex Beacon is hosting a screening of the film ASMAA as part of The Sick Festival, at the Sallis Benney Theatre on Wednesday, March 13 at 5.30pm. The festival is an international, cross-art festival that seeks out new ways of talking about and dealing with the experience of sickness of all kinds: physical, mental, ethical and spiritual.

Gay and bisexual men remain one of the groups most at risk of HIV infection in the UK. However, one in four gay and bisexual men with HIV is unaware that they have it. This has been identified as a key factor driving the epidemic among this group. Jason Warriner, Clinical Director at THT, said: “Currently, we have a big focus on driving down undiagnosed HIV within the gay community. We need to explore every possible avenue to get more men testing more often. Starting to introduce home sampling programmes removes another obstacle to the kind of community-wide focus on testing we need in order to halt the spread of HIV on the gay scene.” Dr Anthony Nardone, Head of Sexual Health Promotion at the Health Protection Agency, said: “The Health Protection Agency is supporting this project because, with an estimated one in four HIV positive gay men unaware of their infection, we must encourage more to test at least annually and more often if they have had unprotected sex with a new or casual partner. Ordering a HIV home sampling kit by post makes following this advice even easier. An early HIV diagnosis means timely treatment and a much improved prognosis.”

ASMAA is a visually beautiful film which captures the experience of an Egyptian woman facing the challenges of life with HIV. Profoundly moving, the film depicts her daily battle with prejudice and discrimination. Entry is free and the screening will be followed by a panel discussion. To reserve your free ticket view: maa



Are you prepared to take part in research that aims to reduce your risk of HIV? What is PrEP? PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) is a new way to reduce the risk of getting HIV. It involves HIV negative people taking a daily tablet that contains drugs commonly used to treat HIV. PROUD is a two-year study to recruit volunteers across England, who will be placed at random into one of two groups. One group will use PrEP from the start of the study, and the other group will receive PrEP after 12 months. Truvada (which contains tenofovir and emtricitabine, also called FTC) is used in this study. Truvada is already widely used and any side effects are usually mild. Previous studies with gay men found that using PrEP almost halved HIV infections – and there were even fewer infections amongst men who took their pill every day. Volunteer to take part in the study • Are you a gay or bisexual man? • Have you recently had sex without a condom? • Are you willing to take part in research that aims to reduce your risk of HIV? Participation is straightforward and won’t take much of your time. To find out more about volunteering view:

Bar Revenge are holding a fundraising event to benefit MindOut, the LGBT Mental Health Project on Sunday, March 3. Entertainment starts at 6pm and includes appearances by Dolly Rocket, The Rainbow Chorus and Al Start's Band. There will also be a raffle with generous prizes from local artists, restaurants, shops and hotels. Revenge will be collecting all your change in their buckets every day up to event so dig deep into those pockets and give generously. It’s not too late to contribute to the raffle, so if you have anything you would like to donate please get in touch with Harry by email or call 01273 6060 64.


Sussex-based charity, Mankind, are running a new online survey to uncover the extent and effects of sexual violation on LGBT people. Mankind is a specialist agency that provides counselling to men who have experienced sexual abuse and is concerned by the lack of research and knowledge around the experience of LGBT people. Martyn Sullivan, Mankind CEO, said: "We are aware that individuals from LGBT communities face unique difficulties and challenges in disclosing sexual abuse. We want to address this by giving them a safe way to tell us about their experiences." The survey is called With Consent? and aims to go beyond clearly defined instances of sexual abuse, assault and rape. Martyn added: “Sometimes, it is not that clear. Sex can be used in many different ways and we sometimes find that we’ve been involved in something that later on we are not entirely happy or comfortable about.”



This is especially true for people first becoming aware of their sexuality and beginning to experiment with different sexual experiences, or when sex is used as payment for shelter, food and drugs etc. In these circumstances it can be very confusing about how consensual the sex was, and how much control the person actually felt they had. This is why the survey is described as Discovering how sex is abused, used and confused in LGBT communities. Martyn concluded: “We want this survey to cover the whole spectrum of negative sexual experiences in order to give a true account of the sexual lives of LGBT people. This is the first survey of its kind – we’ve put it online to make sure it’s 100% confidential and enables as many people as possible to take part.” To participate in the UK LGBT Survey, view: To find out more about Mankind, view:






Presented by Orange Nation and Saturn Star, As One In The Park will be the first large scale gay festival in London for over a decade, putting the capital in line with other major European cities including Barcelona. Victoria Park is firmly established as a prime festival site, and plays host to events including Field Day. BRIT nominee Rita Ora has been announced as the first headline artist for the main stage at London's new LGBT Festival on Bank Holiday Sunday, May 26. She will be performing the three No 1 hits from her No 1 album: Hot Right Now, R.I.P., How We Do (Party) and others including her new single Radioactive. Further acts and DJs will be announced soon. As One In The Park will feature four large indoor arenas and five additional stages, which will be hosted by some of the world’s leading gay party brands. The Circuit Arena will be presented by international circuit parties, Matinee, WE Party and The Week, while the Best Of British Arena will be hosted by Beyond, Orange, and Salvation. Other brands involved in the event include Delooded, Shadow Lounge, Bearracuda, Madame Jojo’s, FNDHRR, Girl Action, L Fest, Mint, Code, Ku Bar, Rupert Street and Comptons with more to be announced. • A limited number of exclusive VIP Tickets are available for the event. VIP ticket benefits include: Fast Track Entry, complementary glass of champagne, entry to Shadow Lounge Exclusive VIP Village (behind the Main Stage), VIP Bar table service, premium spirits, VIP toilets. • As One In The Park, noon-10pm, Bank Holiday Sunday, May 26, Victoria Park, Hackney, London, E9 7DB, nearest tube/rail: Mile End, tickets £35 (early bird), £75 VIP. For more information, view:


Last month, the staff at Subline in St James’ Street, had their first Big Staff Auction. Eight members of staff were auctioned off to the highest bidder by auctioneer Wilma Fingadoo. The winner of each ‘lot’ won a meal for two with their ‘prize’ at one of seven venues across the city. With the bids, donations and a collection bucket on the door, the event raised an amazing £800 to be split equally between THT and the Sussex Beacon. Subline Manager, Steve, sends his thanks to all those who came on the night to bid in the auction and support the (extremely nervous) bar staff. He said: “We weren’t sure how this event would go, but it ended up being a huge success. Thanks must go to the venues who donated meals for the winners; The Chilli Pickle, The Camelford Arms, The Bedford Tavern, Oregano's, 112 Church Street, Harvester and Smokey's. We’re also really thankful to Andy Tull for his generous cash donation, as well as those who supported us with the extra technical equipment used. We hope that the winners will enjoy their meal and that those who got outbid will search the back of their sofa before the next event.”

CHAMPION A NEW SOCIAL NIGHT FOR SPORTING PEOPLE On Thursday, February 28, Champion, London has its first ever gay monthly sporting social night. Champion is a community event for gay sporting people to come together on the last Thursday of the month for networking, sharing information, recruiting and having a good time.

The Champion launch event will be in aid of London 2018 - the Sports London bid to host the 10th Gay Games in London in 2018 at Manbar, 79 Charing Cross Road, Soho from 6pm. Entry to the venue is free, but volunteers will be collecting for the 2018 bid. On the night punters can find out info about London’s gay sporting groups; plus there will be a fashion show, raffle and DJs Rich B and Minx will be spinning dance tunes at 9pm. Every Champion event will raise money for sporting groups in London, with the first three events benefitting London 2018. The Gay Games is held every four years, and comprises of a week-long sports, cultural and human rights event. It’s open to all, regardless of sexual orientation, age, ability and attracts over 12,000 participants from 70 nations – making it the largest sporting event in the world! Sport London believes that hosting the Gay Games in London, and using the facilities of the Olympic Park, would create one of the best Games ever. “London brings out the best in people, gives them space to express themselves, and be the best they can be. We saw that with the Olympic spirit, and we wish to demonstrate that again, in the most diverse city in the world, with London hosting the 2018 Gay Games.” More information, view: nch


The headlines screamed ‘£1 Million Record Deal’... Sadly it was not to be, yet the first gay chorus ever to be signed to a major label hasn’t given up. Although the deal with Universal Records failed to release their debut album, it was recorded and Actually Gay Men’s Chorus released it last month. Somewhere For Me, a new name chosen for the album at the last moment, features covers from artists such as Nine Inch Nails, David Bowie and Neil Young. The chorus decided to change the name of the album to the first track of the same name, because it sums up how they all feel about Brighton & Hove. This is the first time this track has been released and it was written by Thea Gilmore.

Chairman John Hamilton said ‘Well we didn’t make the charts, but it was an amazing experience, and now we have an incredible album to show for it. We’re very happy with the results and have received great feedback from people who heard us perform at Brighton Pride and Student Pride. We hope everyone will enjoy it as much as we do!’ Any proceeds made from the release of this album, which costs £7.50, will be ploughed back into the community through the Community Interest Company that runs the chorus and other community events. To buy the album, view:


The Proud2Be Project have announced they are organising their first rural Pride event in Totnes, Devon for local LGBT people, their friends, family members and supporters. The event will be held at The Civic Hall in Totnes on Saturday, September 14, 2013 from noon and will include a live panel debate, live music, food & drinks, workshops & stalls for local community organisations and the Devon & Cornwall Police.





Local gay choristers and community volunteers Mark Elsworth and Pierre Beguin have recently bought the Alvia, an eight bedroom guest house in Kemptown’s Upper Rock Gardens. Pierre, who volunteers with Lunch Positive, a charity providing lunches to people with HIV, already has experience of running a guest house, having previously owned and run an establishment in Madeira Place. This is a new departure for Mark, who was recently made redundant from his job in the public sector. The pair are enjoying the challenge of running the Alvia. Mark said: “It was a big step, but we were fortunate that the Alvia had been a going concern when we took over and we were able to hit the ground running.” They offer a traditional seaside bed and breakfast experience, with food sourced locally and the other services – such as laundry and renovation work – carried out by local firms. Since taking over, Pierre and Mark have had a lot of work done to the building, including total redecoration inside, new carpets and furniture in some of the rooms and external works to the front and back of the building. Pierre says this has already started to pay dividends, with some guests seeing the changes that have been made and coming to stay again very quickly. Focusing on making the Alvia a success has meant that some of their other activities have had to be curtailed. Mark has been the chair of Brighton’s longest established LGBT voluntary sector organisation, LGBT Switchboard since 2009, an experience he describes as “interesting and challenging”. He will be standing down in May after ten years with the organisation. Mark said: “I’m pleased to be able to leave the Switchboard in capable hands and on an even keel.” While Pierre, well known for his musical interpretations with the Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus, is taking a back seat from singing for a while. He said: “We need to focus on the business for a while, but I will be back on stage before too long.” It’s always good to see members of the LGBT community taking over local businesses, and Pierre and Mark look forward to welcoming you and your families to the Alvia in the near future. The Alvia Hotel, 36 Upper Rock Gardens, Brighton, East Sussex, BN2 1QF, Telephone: 01273 682939, Email: For more information, view:

We are an independent LGBT Forum working with the Community to address and improve safety issues in Brighton & Hove. We hold quarterly public meetings. Please sign up for our news letter at:

THE LGBT TRUST & CONFIDENCE SURVEY RESULTS ARE IN! Download a copy of the results at:

For more information please visit our website:




MANCHESTER BUSINESSES TAKE ACTION TO IMPROVE IMAGE OF THE CITY’S ‘GAY VILLAGE’ Village Business Association venues celebrated the signing of this charter on Thursday, February 14 in numerous ways, and will have the charter on clear public display on their premises.


Village Business Association members recognise the importance of the Gay Village in creating a community for all LGBT people and their friends. As members, we agree to co-operate with other businesses, service providers and stakeholders to improve the standards and overall fabric of the area. VBA members want the village to be a safe place for all, as members, we agree to have a zero tolerance policy against any form of violence including homophobia and hate crime, within and around our establishment.

After months of negative publicity (not unlike that experienced over the last year in Brighton), businesses in Manchester’s Gay Village came together last month on Valentine’s Day to sign a charter that looks to prevent negative behaviour and incidents within Canal Street and its surrounding areas, and further, to improve the gay village generally. Businesses in the gay village have made the bold decision to tackle head-on the increasing anti-social behaviour which has been harming visitor levels to the gay village leaving many bars struggling for trade and putting the future of some gay venues at risk. All members of the Village Business Association (VBA) signed the We Love Our Village document, aptly on Valentine’s Day, to address the issues such as drug usage, violence and hate crimes in the area, and to further improve the conditions of life in Manchester’s Gay Village. The sharing of potentially important CCTV footage; the responsible sales of alcohol; demonstrating transparency when fundraising for events such as Manchester Pride; and publicly displaying copies of the charter across venues also form part of the pledge. Andrew Stokes, chair of the VBA, said: “The VBA work together to ensure that Manchester’s Gay Village is a safe and enjoyable place for its businesses, staff and visitors alike. As such, we are delighted to cement our aims further through the ‘We Love Our Village’ document – a signed charter that will be on display in all VBA businesses to demonstrate our commitment to the village and those who are a part of it. Manchester’s Gay Village plays an important role in our LGBT community, and so it is essential that the businesses within it continue working together to combat any instances of homophobia, violence and other forms of anti-social behaviour. The VBA has been working with community organisations such as the Lesbian and Gay Foundation (LGF), Manchester City Council (MCC), the Greater Manchester Police (GMP) and CityCo – and we hope this charter will cement how far we have all come together in making the Gay Village a safe place, and improve it even further.” Councillor Pat Karney, Manchester City Council's city centre spokesman, said: “There's already excellent joint work going on between responsible businesses in the Village and a wide range of partner organisations to make it a safe and welcoming place. This charter builds on that and represents another welcome step forward."

For the good of the village, as VBA members we agree to the sharing of information, including CCTV footage of persons excluded from our premises, in a lawful and responsible manner. VBA members have the right to act upon this information sharing and reserve the right to exclude persons from premises based on information received from other members. If any person(s) have been excluded from one venue, they risk exclusion from all other venues. VBA members believe the village should be a drug free zone, as members, we agree to operate a zero tolerance policy for both staff and customers’ use of, or distribution of drugs and other illegal substances. VBA members believe in responsible drinking and retailing and are aware of the consequences to our customers of this. As members, if selling alcohol, we agree to sell alcoholic drinks responsibly and in doing so, provide a responsible service to customers. As VBA members, we agree to display a copy of the VBA Charter prominently within our premises and agree to incorporate the VBA Charter rules into our own establishment house rules. The VBA recognise the significant contribution of voluntary organisations and groups working within and on behalf of our community. As VBA members we work together to support those groups, organisations and causes throughout the year and over Manchester Pride and World AIDS Day in an open and transparent manner; publishing details of the fundraising efforts we have achieved and the contributions that we as members have made.


Businesses serving the LGBT Community in Manchester have made a bold decision to tackle head-on issues surrounding the dwindling numbers of LGBT people coming into the gay village area around Canal Street to socialise, and to work together through the Village Business Association to promote Manchester as a safe and enjoyable place for tourists as well as locals to visit 365 days of the year. All businesses have signed up to a seven point charter, which among other things recognises the contribution of the LGBT and HIV voluntary sector to the daily life of the LGBT community in Manchester and all members have agreed to be open and transparent when raising money for Manchester Pride and World AIDS Day by publishing details of their fundraising efforts and the contributions they have made. They should be applauded for putting the interests of their customers first rather than worrying about the effects of any negative publicity the announcement might generate.


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B.RIGHT.ON ARTS FESTIVAL & LGBT HISTORY MONTH This year, LGBT History Month in Brighton & Hove had a much bigger profile than in previous years running in tandem with an LGBT Arts Festival, B.Right.On organised by controversial poet and artist, Vince Laws, that profiled many different artistic aspects of the LGBT community here in Brighton & Hove including the gay choirs, Allsorts Youth Project, MindOut and performers from the creative arts. Well done to everyone involved and to the Jubilee Library for embracing the exhibition. Following a successful launch of LGBT History Month at Brighton Town Hall where the Mayor of Brighton blessed the 'Pink triangle' (pictured left) and Vince Laws performed his performance piece I Am A Poem there was a huge turnout for the opening of Vince’s exhibition BANNED at Jubilee Library later the same evening. 76 people had their faces painted to represent all the countires in the world where homosexual is still illegal. Following the launch, Vince Laws had his visual poem THIS POPE IS PANTS banned from public display at the Library for the duration of the exhibition. The piece, made of donated pants, stitched together to form bunting had a letter stapled to each crotch, spelling out THIS POPE IS PANTS. It was displayed momentarily at the packed artistic launch in the Jubilee Library of Vince's exhibition called Banned but the artist was not allowed to keep it on public display during the run of the exhibition. Explaining the concept of THIS POPE IS PANTS Vince Laws, said: “As a poet and artist I wanted to protest at the Pope’s visit to the UK in September, 2010. For me that meant coming up with words, a poem, a slogan – and then finding a way to make that piece visual, something that engaged with the public. I came up with THIS POPE IS PANTS I liked the derogatory, perhaps infantile but humorous sense that PANTS evokes, and set out to spell out why this Pope is PANTS.”

THIS POPE IS PANTS P – Protector of paedophile priests. A – Against abortion always, even in extreme cases, vulnerable women, rape, abuse. N – No Condoms Never leading to big families and the spread of AIDS (He’s changed his view on this since I started my protest; now male prostitutes are showing responsibility when they use condoms… it’s a start.) T – Teaching segregation by encouraging segregated education. S – Insulting to all sexualities who don’t fit his narrow definition of normal. Vince continued: “I invited people I knew on Facebook to send me pants if they

agreed with my protest and I got over 50 pairs from enthusiastic supporters. I hand-stitched the briefs, Y-fronts and knickers together so they hung like bunting. There are poets’ pants, artists’ pants, teachers’ pants, a pop star’s pants, mums’ pants, dads’ pants, kids’ pants, all sewn together in protest. “I hung the three strings of THIS POPE IS PANTS bunting on my cottage in Norfolk during the Pope’s week-long visit to the UK. I was interviewed about my protest by BBC Radio Suffolk, and on North Norfolk Radio News. The letters are made of card, stapled on to each crotch. To be honest it all seems a bit OTT. If the council disagree that this Pope is a protector of paedophile priests, against abortion and never allows condoms, refute my claims - don't censor them."

A spokesperson for the council, said: “Whilst we support artistic expression, we have to strike a balance between controversial work being exhibited in an exhibition in the foyer of a public library and not offending other library users or their religious beliefs. Where possible we accommodate artists and in this case the work was on show for the private view but our overall display policy is not to promote a particular religious view or cause library users offence.” The Vatican refused to be drawn on the issue and refused to comment. It later emerged that a second piece of Vince's work had been censored by the authorities. The piece, a comment on Government benefit cuts to the low paid and people on disabled benefits called Eat the Poor, had references to the Lib Dems and Tories covered and censored with white cardboard while remaining on display. Vince, commented: “It was interesting for me to test exactly how tolerant a city like Brighton & Hove actually is. I called my exhibition BANNED and waited to see what the boundaries were for freedom of expression. If the authorities don't agree with what I paint, challenge what I say, don't censor it." A spokesperson for the council said: “Our general policy is that we do not display material promoting a particular political, philosophical or religious view point.” JL



Why do we still need gay sports clubs? LGBT sports groups in Brighton have never been healthier, better organised and more successful. BLAGSS are recognised as one of the country's best run LGBT sports organisations and continue to provide a professional service to those in the community who wish to keep fit while using sport to maintain their social networks. People often ask me “why do we still need gay sports clubs?” In the last 12 months this issue has been a hot topic with some of our local sports organisations. The Brighton Bandits, the community's long standing and successful football club appointed a new manager. He was straight and encouraged his friends to get involved. His friends were good players and kept gay people out of the team resulting in them leaving and starting up a football team at BLAGSS. People complained to me that it was not fair that gay people who wanted to play were being overlooked and their places taken by straight players. I could see both sides of the argument. Some wanted to win, some wanted to be social. In 2001 Stonewall FC in London suffered similar problems. To some players at the time it seemed that winning the Gay World Cup became more important to Stonewall FC than maintaining an environment where gay people felt safe and valued to play with other gay players, and straight players were allowed to take the place of very good gay players. The players that wanted to play for an exclusively gay team left and formed their own team Lambda FC which was exclusively gay. During the year a similar ammicable solution has been reached in Brighton with the former chair of the Brighton Bandits now running an exclusively LGBT team for men and women as part of BLAGSS. BLAGSS Softball Team, The Blaggards had a different issue to resolve. They had been playing as a 'gay' team composed of gay men

BLAGSS Who doesn’t know BLAGSS? The Brighton Lesbian & Gay Sports Society has been serving the local LGBT community for the last 15 years. Over time it has grown into the city’s largest LGBT group, with over 400 members, and it currently offers over 15 sports (see below). Every year, an estimated 700 sessions take place around various city venues across the individual groups. From its inception, BLAGSS’ ethos has remained the same, to provide inclusivity and support in sporting activity for all abilities, and it is proud of its history of providing healthy pastimes for its members.

and lesbians for the last few years in the local Brighton & Hove Softball League playing against four or five local 'straight' teams. They always struggled to recruit enough gay men to make up the five required for each team (five men and five women), but they always had plenty of women to choose from. The other teams they played in the league aways struggled to recruit enough women players. The situation was threatening the future of the league. The Blaggards were approached by one of the other straight teams and asked if they would consider merging in some way. Not an ideal solution some might say but if it means everyone can continue playing their sport in a supportive and safe environment, maybe an acceptable solution for everyone. The Blaggards are still in discussions for such a merger and hope they will have something to announce for the new sort ball season starting in May. Some people play sport for fun, some people play sport to win. The important thing when choosing where to play your sport is to decide which is the most important to you right from the start. Research reveals that often the most unhappy memories LGBT people have of being young are associated with feeling awkward, when having to do sports at school, not fitting in and being bullied because of this. Despite the confidence gained by each new generation there are still LGBT people who feel most comfortable and confident socialising with an exclusively gay group of friends. That is why, for some time to come there will continue to be a need for exclusively gay sports groups that help athletes of all abilities build their self esteem, self confidence and giving people a genuine alternative to the commercial gay scene for their socialising. Jame Ledward

Staying true to its core values is about the only thing that doesn’t change in BLAGSS. Otherwise, it’s an ever-changing organisation in constant flux, evolving to meet the needs of its members. New sports are introduced each year – this year, expect football, table tennis, and contemporary dance. The group is also emerging as a major social activity provider for its members and the entire LGBT community. In the past, its only ‘cross-sports’ activities were a members New Year’s party and an annual bowling tournament open to all, but in the past couple years it has initiated regular socials (1st Wednesday of each month), new ‘annual’ events open to all such as a treasure hunt and a volleyball tournament, and the recurring Big Gay Sports Day Out – a full day of sports tasters as part

of the city’s Take Part Festival. This year, new developments will include ‘T3’ – a table tennis tournament, expansion of its member Summer Fun Sports Day to the entire community, and a ‘Card Night’ tournament. (See the full calendar of events below). A major new direction for the group last year was formally aligning with a local charity, the LGBT Switchboard. BLAGSS sensed that its members wanted to have a larger purpose in the community, and saw an opportunity to raise funds for a needy cause through its social events. Members raised about £1,000 for the charity. This year, the chosen charity is MindOut, the local mental health charity, and the goal is to at least double the funds raised. To highlight the relationship, both organisations are hosting the inaugural BLAGSS – MindOut Championship Trophy. Building upon the lively competition between BLAGSS sports and other groups at past events, the championship will see teams vie for points throughout the year in six sports and ‘mental’ activities, including bowling, a quiz night, treasure hunt, table tennis, fun community sports day, and beach volleyball. Teams will receive points based upon placement in each event, but also for special awards such as team spirit. The Trophy will be awarded at BLAGSS’ AGM in September. BLAGSS is also building a reputation as a provider of sports leadership and coaching support for both LGBT and non-LGBT groups. Later this year, as an accredited centre, it will start offering formal certificates in community sports leadership and volunteering. Programme content will cover roles and responsibilities, organisational skills, session planning, group leadership, and sports safety. In addition, BLAGSS will also offer a new psychology of sports coaching course. Obviously, BLAGSS is a group on the move. Jump on board as quickly as you can! Membership is only £12 per year, which allows you to participate in any sports (some groups may have a venue/court or equipment fee). For more information on any of the activities described here, view: •

GSCENE 25 to also take part in competitive games. Most of their players were new to softball, but have benefited from coaching by experienced players from the US and Germany, and they’ve also taught them a whole new ‘Americano’ vocabulary that rings out during the games! All ages are welcome, and if you can swing a bat, sprint to a base, and throw a ball, you’ll love softball and even catching can be made easy because you have a great big glove on one of your hands! Softball is very like baseball, played with a larger ball on a smaller field, with 10 players each side and seven innings per side. It’s one of the fastest-growing sports in the UK, and once you’ve hit your first run you will be hooked. • • • • • •

Badminton • Golf • Sailing • Tennis Beach Volleyball • Horse Riding • Skiing Tennis Virgins • Cycling: On & Off Road Petanque • Softball • Tenpin Bowling Dance • Rock Climbing • Squash • Walking Football • Running • Table Tennis

BLAGSS 2013 Calendar of Events • 26 FEB: Our annual Bowling Extravaganza • 13 MAR: Mega-Quiz Tournament: ‘special’ theme TBA • 21 APR: Return of our beloved Treasure Hunt • 11 MAY: NEW! 3T Special - Table Tennis Tournament • 2 JUN: Fun Community Sports Day: it’s handbags at dawn! • 29 JUN: Big Gay Sports Day Out: a whole day of tasters – Take Part! • 3 AUG: Brighton Pride: join in the march and visit our stall • 7 SEP: Beach Volleyball Tournament: come kick some sand around • 20 SEP: AGM and awarding of the BLAGSSMindOut Championship trophy • 6 NOV: Our very new Card Night


BLAGSS Sports Groups

The Brighton Blaggards play recreational games throughout the summer in Dyke Road Park, and more competitive games at Waterhall Sports Ground. In addition to the games, there’s often a barbecue, and a chance to get to know some of the other teams locally, in a fun and lively environment. They also join up with some of the other teams to take part in national tournaments. The Brighton Blaggards are now gearing up for the new season. They’ll be hosting a monthly game for all comers beginning in March, and joining up with the Hove Tuesday club for competitive games throughout the summer. If you’d like to have fun this summer, try a new sport and meet new friends, view: •

BRIGHTON GAY BOXERS (FORMERLY RAINBOW BOXERS) Brighton Gay Boxers, a boxing club for men and women, meets on Thursday evenings and Saturday afternoons! It is a fun, friendly and non-threatening place for people to get involved in boxing, keep fit and make new fiends. Training takes place every Thursday evening from 8pm, and Saturday afternoons from 1.30pm with Denise (Den) in Stables Boxing Gym at Brighton Race Course. Denise comes from an amateur boxing background. The sessions cost £5 per person, which pays for use of the gym and coaching. Going to a boxing gym for the first time can be a daunting experience. When you arrive the trainer and regular members will make themselves known and introduce themselves to new faces. They are a friendly group. No two sessions are ever the same. Guest coaches and professional fighters come to the classes to offer their expertise, keeping things fresh, varied, interesting and very challenging. Boxing training offers so many benefits and you will see these from the first time you train: • Your self confidence will increase - not just at boxing but in your work, social and family life. • Your fitness level will increase. • Your muscle tone and size will increase. • You will meet a new group of friends who share your interest and passion for boxing and will support you in the hard work of training. • Classes are fun, sociable, challenging and definitely not a chore. Remember, men and women are equally welcome. It is a fun and friendly session. For further information, view: www.thestables or just turn up, no bookings necessary. See you there!


Brighton Blaggards plays as a mixed team of gay guys and girls in recreational games throughout the season, with the opportunity


If you’ve ever been in Preston Park, and heard cries of “Let’s play ball“ or “Two and One” followed by high-fives and people waving baseball bats, then you’ve probably come across Brighton’s very own gay softball team. Formed in 2011 as part of BLAGSS sports group,



The Honeybees are an independent local ladies hockey team, currently playing in Sussex Division 1. They are fun, sexy, sociable and predominantly gay! All ages are welcome, in fact the team ranges in age from around 25 to 50 – and although they often play teams half their age, they find that much of the time experience wins out over youth. The Honeybees also take the social side of sport seriously, with their team 'do’s' being legendary! If you happened to catch Honeybees The Musical in Brighton, Eastbourne or London – that was about the team, and was written, directed and acted by a few of their talented players.


They’re always looking for more experienced players and those looking to get back into hockey as they sometimes struggle to get 11 players out on a Saturday for their games. Their home pitch is at Stanley Deason Sports Centre and they currently train on a Wednesday night between 6.30-7.30pm at



Lancing Prep School in Hove. Go along and try out hockey whatever your level with the Honeybees! For more info contact the captains: • Cat on 07883 203364 • Katie on 07719 756148.

BRIGHTON SUB AQUA CLUB Brighton Sub Aqua Club (BSAC) Branch 007 was established in 1954. It is based at Shoreham Yacht Club where their boat is moored. They have good parking, storage, changing facilities, their own compressor and Nitrox blending and a bar and restaurant. They are not a dedicated LGBT organisation but have gay members, are gay friendly and want to increase their gay membership. From the very first time you breathe underwater, scuba diving will continue to inspire, challenge and surprise you. Many divers say that the experience is life-changing and, with the sense of achievement that

comes with learning to dive, it is easy to see why. Scuba diving will appeal to anyone who is reasonably fit and with a spirit of adventure. With the right training and support, it is also easy and fun to learn and BSAC diving qualifications are recognised around the world. With 70% of the planet covered in water, there is so much for a diver to see, experience and explore. Add to that the wide range of diving – wrecks, marine life, photography, conservation, underwater archaeology, exploration, deep and technical diving – and the opportunities for sport and fitness are endless. Six months ago the Brighton branch of the British Sub Aqua Club (BSAC) Branch 007, made an application to Sport England for funding to help them buy new scuba diving kit, to enable the club to offer Try Dives at just £15 a session and BSAC scuba diving training courses to members of the local community. Sports England recognised their ability to deliver and grant funded their activities. The club aims to increase their membership and get more people out diving local waters. Sussex has some fantastic diving with shipwrecks and reefs to explore. Four members of the club have recently trained as SeaSearch Observers to report back their observations of underwater life to the Marine Conservation Society. They hope to continue with further training with the help of their Sports England grant. BSAC Branch 007 particularly wants to attract younger members to the club who will be supported by the extensive experience their current members have. They want the club to expand and grow, and give new divers this opportunity to explore the underwater world.

Training Officer, Karl Thomas, said: “This is a great opportunity for us to encourage new people of all ages and backgrounds into the sport. The Sport England grant enables us to provide new up to date equipment for trainees to use, which opens up diving to a wide group of people to experience.”

For more information contact: • Diving Officer Christine on 07855 076018 • Training Officer Karl on 07711 431491 •



Cheek2Cheek was set up in Brighton in 1998 as a social dance club for the LGBT community. It aims to provide an alternative to the commercial gay scene and a relaxed and friendly environment in which people can meet and dance together. They cover many Ballroom and Latin dances, from quickstep, waltz, social foxtrot, jive and tango through to bossa nova, rumba, cha cha cha and samba. You don’t need to have a dance partner nor do you need to have any dance experience for the beginners class. You simply decide whether you want to lead or follow for each dance. You are taught by a fully qualified and experienced instructor, Robert Singer, who comes from a

dance competition background and is a member of the UK Same-Sex Dance Association.


As a group BSAC Branch 007 plan diving trips at home and abroad. Learning to dive in the UK with them gives you an internationally recognised certificate. Some of their members have even taken diving up as a career with opportunities from marine conservation to industrial diving.


The club consists of a very active and enthusiastic group of experienced divers and qualified instructors who can provide a safe environment for novices to learn in. They are always looking for new ways to advance their interests from surveys of marine life on the abundance of wrecks off our coast, to underwater photography, which is a great skill to develop. Training is given in all these areas.

You can also get involved in Cheek2Cheek social events, including an annual New Year Ball, which over 200 people attended this year and you can also choose to take part and dance in the Brighton Pride Parade with the group in August. The group meets on Tuesdays from 7.30pm at Varndean School, Balfour Road, Brighton. • IMPROVERS 7.30–8.15pm: for the first 45 minutes the improvers, or people who know the basics in most dances, concentrate on a particular dance chosen every month, rotating through Ballroom and Latin dances. • BEGINNERS 8.15–9.00pm: everyone welcome! For 45 minutes beginners have the opportunity to learn the basics in a number of dances, concentrating on one dance each month. Improvers stay on for this class, to help if they wish and to learn the basics in a new dance.

• SOCIAL 9–10pm: We end the evening with general dancing or we learn a new sequence dance and sometimes a line dance. Improvers £6, beginners £5. For more details, view: •

GFCBRIGHTON&HOVE This season the long established Brighton Bandits have changed their club name to GFC Brighton & Hove. They have a new kit which highlights their sponsor, The Camelford Arms along with a new website which is This season the team have affiliated to the Sussex FA and are proud to be the first LGBT team ever to have affiliated to the Sussex FA and thank them for their support. The club participate in the Gay Football Supporters Network (GFSN) national league and the London Unity League (LUL) as well as having two 4-a-side teams in the Westows league indoors which is played every Wednesday evening in Hove. They are currently top of the LUL league and in the quarter finals of the LUL Cup. They are also in the semi-finals of the GFSN Cup and hope to go one better than last year when they lost in the cup final to the Yorkshire Terriers. GFC Brighton & Hove are always on the look out for new players of all standards for any of


GFC send thanks to their sponsors, The Camelford Arms, and to their media sponsors, Gscene and RealBrighton, for their continued support.

ISHIGAKI JU-JITSU CLUB Ishigaki Jiu-Jitsu club is the UK's only gay martial arts club, and has been training in Brighton for over 10 years. Our name comes from the Japanese words meaning ‘stone’ and ‘wall’. Ju-Jitsu is the oldest documented form of Japanese martial art. The word ‘Ju’ means gentle, supple or yield, while ‘Jitsu’ means art or skill; thus ‘Ju-jitsu’ is known as the gentle skill or art of yielding. If it is new to you, it

‘dan’ grade. You don’t need to be ‘sporty’ to join or have any martial arts experience. JuJitsu teaches how to use your aggressor’s energy and momentum against then. We are a club for all genders, ages, sizes and fitness levels and where being small is not a disadvantage! If you’re looking for something more competitive or wish to show off, there is ‘Sport Ju-Jitsu’ where you can compete in regional, national and international competitions. At a more senior level, you also get the chance to practice your skills using traditional weapons. We know it can be daunting starting something new, so we have monthly introductory sessions on the 1st Friday of the month for those who want to try us out with other new people. Session times are on Friday from 7–8.45pm and Sunday from 2.45–4.45pm at LA Fitness on North Road. All sessions are rewarded with an after training social. To learn more about Ishigaki, your first FREE class and read some personal experiences, view: • Contact them through their webmail, or drop a line to Sue or Gareth at • • or call on 07933 156845 Fitness, fun, friendship and confident selfdefence. See you there!


their teams, along with supporters and people looking to get involved. If you’re interested in getting involved, just drop them an email at • or add them on twitter • @GFCBrightonHove or "like" them on Facebook by searching for • GFC Brighton & Hove and you will be kept up to date with training sessions, fixtures, results, photos, social events and a fair bit of banter from the team.

not kicked a ball in 30 years, scored a hat trick and made page two of The Argus! The group was revived by former Brighton Bandits Chair Elliot Toms, who was frustrated by the lack of LGBT participation in football locally. Elliot said: “We've all kicked a ball at some stage in our lives, but many LGBT people seem to have been put-off at an early age; we are here to challenge that, and hope you will fall in love with the beautiful game”. The team has ambitions to enter tournaments and competitions, including Tigaly 2013 a tournament for football, handball, volleyball and badminton in Lyon, France this coming Easter from March 29–April 1. For more information, view: •



Out to Swim South, a friendly swimming group on the south coast, which is open to all abilities, was established in 2006 by former Out to Swim London member Phil Griffiths. Out to Swim South's Rory Desch profiles another one of its members, Pascal Anson.

is not unlike judo. It is a system of throws, locks, blocks, strikes and kicks. It was originally developed as an unarmed combat system of the Samurai (Japanese warriors) to enable them to continue fighting if they lost their weapons: or for situations where weapons were not warranted. Training with Ishigaki can be as ‘gentle’ or ‘full-on’ as you choose. We work towards a syllabus with a grading system of belts, (kyu grades) but more importantly you’ll learn techniques that you can use to keep yourself safe. This may be simple self-defence moves such as escaping from grabs and strangles to more complex moves as you move up through the grading system towards your black belt or

BLAGSS FOOTBALL BLAGSS football is back after a few years’ break and looking for new participants. Sessions are indoors and cater for everyone of all abilities, from total novices to wannabe pros. The format usually comprises of skills training and exercises, followed by a game. Just for Kicks meet every Saturday from 11.45am–2pm at Brighton & Hove High School, off Temple Gardens (just up the hill from Waitrose). Feedback so far has been extremely positive, with comments like “welcoming and inclusive”. One chap, having

Pascal Anson joined Out To Swim in 2003, before moving down to the south coast from London in 2006. With the help of coaches, his swimming improved, and it wasn’t long before he found himself competing in competitions. Now, nearly ten years on, his times are still getting better. Suggesting that if he had started swimming from a younger age, perhaps he’d have slowed down by now. The club initially started out with two training sessions before expanding to three sessions (Monday, Wednesday and Saturday). Pascal shares that getting it started and keeping it going is hard work, but that it’s well worth the effort.

GSCENE 29 Stressing that given the size of Out To Swim South, it is perhaps easier to see it as more intimate and friendly with a great social element, including eating out after the Wednesday session and going for drinks after the Saturday session. OutdoorLads is a charity run by its members for its members, so while everything is done to the highest professional standards, the prices are kept low. All over the country people with different ages and backgrounds are joining OutdoorLads – the group has over 10,000 members and is growing. Every weekend OutdoorLads run a huge range of sociable outdoor activities all over the UK, including hiking, climbing, camping, biking, canoeing, sailing and skiing. One thing that characterises every OutdoorLads event is the


Pascal points out that the club is really quite lucky, as many of its members volunteer their professional expertise for the benefit of the club. He himself has lent his valuable experience as a designer to Out To Swim by over-hauling the club's logo. While the original logo looked sharp, he believes the heart with the bubbles logo he designed gives a clearer vision of the attitude of the club.


Noting that he enjoys the buzz of a busy pool, Pascal enjoys challenging himself by attempting to beat his previous swimming times. He enjoyed learning the butterfly stroke, which took him a long time to perfect as he found it quite difficult. Excluding the back stroke, Pascal enjoys most swim strokes, and has completed many open water swims and recently started diving again. On my hearing a rumour about the possible introduction of water polo in Out To Swim South, Pascal explains that the coach sometimes introduces some play at the end of the Saturday sessions. Whilst it draws out interesting personalities, it’s not for everyone, including Pascal, as it dislocates his shoulder on the catch. Nevertheless, Pascal stresses that it’s important to add variety in the sessions, as who knows where it might lead?

Pascal explains that club is always on the lookout for new members, and he would like to see it grow further before ever considering moving back to London. He notes that he’s worked hard in maintaining close connection between both ends of the club, which is stressful but well worth the effort.


Coach Steve Murphy, who has helped all the members develop through his energy, positivity and inclusiveness, works within an excellent coaching team, and the club boasts an exciting new lessons programme, meaning it's very attractive for beginners. Have you thought about learning to swim, or improving your swimming ability? Get in touch with Out To Swim South and start your journey to becoming a better swimmer and making some good friends along the way. Take the first step and soon you to will see improvements in your ability. Sessions are: Mondays 8pm at Wadurs Pool, Shoreham/Portslade; Wednesdays 8.30pm at Prince Regent Pool, Brighton; Saturdays 5pm at Roedean School. For more information and to contact Out to Swim South, view: •

friendly and welcoming nature of the guys you meet. Everyone mucks in to help make sure everyone has a good time and events run smoothly and ‘first event jitters’ quickly disappear. The group has had a significant impact on its members: • 85% of members surveyed recently said “it has had a very positive impact on their life.” • 68% said they “have made loads of new friends though OutdoorLads.” • 78% said they have “been able to try loads of new things with the group.” Whether you have loads of experience, want to try something new, get fit or just want to get out in the countryside more, go to an OutdoorLads event! You’ll have a great time, with friendly guys who all have a shared love of the outdoors. You can see what typical OutdoorLads members say about the group in their video: • For more information, view: • • email: • or call: 07775 566005







ONE FOR THE DAIRY: Every Wed is the OPEN MIC night with Mark Hodge; come and sing your favourite tune with Mark at the piano at 8.30pm. EASTER: Fri (29) is Good Friday cabaret with Lady James at 9pm. REGULARS: Tue is QUIZ Night at 8pm. Fri & Sat is Pre-Club with drink promos. FOOD: new menu available Mon, Wed, Thur, Fri & Sat noon–7pm; Tue noon–9pm with curry & a pint £7.90; Sunday roasts served noon–gone, booking recommended, 01273 696691. DRINK DEALS: double-up on spirits for an extra £1.50; house white/red/rose wine £10, all day, every day. Wed & Thur are cocktail nights from 9pm; buy one get other half price. OPEN: Sun–Thur 11–1am; Fri & Sat 11–2am. Unrivalled sea view, large heated smoking terrace and all big sport events. Sauna closed.

FRIDAY 1 A-BAR pre-club music; food noon-7pm; open 11am BAR 7@CRAWLEY cabaret: Sandra 6pm BAR 56 open noon BAR REVENGE Shameless warm-up 9pm; pizza 5-9pm; open noon-6am BASEMENT CLUB@LEGENDS Friday Night Live with Lady La Rue: 2 floor party, DJ Peter Castle in club 11pm BEDFORD TAVERN Krazy Kamikaze


Karaoke 8.30pm; open noon BULLDOG DJs Simon Blanch/Grant Knowles 10pm; karaoke bar cabaret: Cassidy Connors midnight; open 11am CAMELFORD ARMS food noon-3pm & 6-9pm; Friday Club 6pm; open noon CHARLES ST Fruity Fri Fix & National Student Pride Registration: DJ Leeroy 9pm; open noon; food noon-7.45pm 112 CHURCH ST cabaret: Krissie Du Cann 9pm; food noon-late; open noon

ONE FOR THE DAIRY: Fri (15) is RED NOSE DAY charity night, drink offers all night. EASTER: Fri (29) is BEACH PARTY with DJ Waynsie-Rude-Boy and cocktail bar. Sat (30) is CABARET with Tammy Twinkle. Sun (31) is KARAOKE. REGULARS: Fri (1) CABARET with Sandra; other Fri are LUST with DJ and drink offers. Sat is party night DJ and drink offers; (16) School Disco theme. Sun is Karaoke (3, 17 & 31) and Quiz (10 & 24). Tue is PROUD TO PARTY with drink promos. Thur is THURSGAY with 80s/90s/00s tunes, drink promos; Thur (28) is DRAG IDOL competition. OPEN: 6pm–12.30am Sun & Tue; 6pm–2.30am Thur–Sat. Closed Mon & Wed.

BAR 56

ONE FOR THE DAIRY: Wed (27) is the return of Davina Sparkle's SCHOOL NIGHT CHALLENGE with roll-over prizes every week at 9pm. EASTER: Fri (29) & Sat (30), open till 3am. Mon (1) April, open till 9pm. REGULARS: Wed (till 20) is Discount Karaoke at 7pm. Sun CABARET at 8.30pm: Tammy Twinkle (3), Connie Conway (10), Maisie Trollette (17), Kitty Monroe (24) and Fonda Cox (31). Fri CABARET at 9pm: Collusion (22) and Miss Jason (29). HAPPY HOURS: Mon–Fri 4–7.30pm with Fosters, John Smiths & Strongbow £2.50; house spirit & mixer £2.50, double-up for £1. OPEN: Mon & Tue from noon–11pm; Wed & Thur from noon–midnight; Fri & Sat from noon–1am; Sun from 1–11pm.

DR BRIGHTONS Funky Fri: DJs Nick Hirst or Wayne 9pm; open 1pm FUNKYFISH BAR open noon FUNKYFISH CLUB Dirty Retro 10.30pm LEGENDS BAR Friday Night Live with Lady La Rue: 2 floor party, promo boys, free champers for early birds, free bottle of champers for birthdays 9pm; DJ Peter Castle in club 11pm; food noon-7pm; open 11am MARINE TAVERN open noon POISON IVY camp disco, video bar & Spice’s Karaoke 7pm; open 11am QUEEN’S ARMS Flashback: card games, DJ Andy B/Kamp Kevin, karaoke 9pm; open noon REGENCY TAVERN food noon-2.30pm; open 11am REVENGE Student Pride Opening Party: 2 floors, DJs Lee Harris, Alex Baker & Smithy 10.30pm SUBLINE BGS Skins Invade Brighton 9pm VAVAVOOM open 7pm ZONE cabaret: Stone & Street 9.30pm; open 10am

SATURDAY 2 A-BAR food noon-7pm; pre-club music; open 11am BAR 7@CRAWLEY DJ: party night 6pm BAR 56 open noon BAR REVENGE F@#k Me! It’s Free warm-up: DJ Fifilicious 9pm; open noon-6am BASEMENT CLUB@LEGENDS Fusion: DJ Lee Harris 11pm BEDFORD TAVERN 3 Years’ Celebration at The Bedford: Pyjama/Slumber-themed Party 8pm; open noon BULLDOG DJ V John 10pm; DJ Lil Alex 3am; karaoke 10pm; open 11am CAMELFORD ARMS food noon-7pm; open noon CHARLES ST The Boys In The Bar National Student Pride Party: all-male DJs Jonesy, Lil Alex, Grant Knowles, Leeroy on rotation 9pm; food noon-7.45pm; open noon 112 CHURCH ST food noon-late; open noon DR BRIGHTONS Sexy Sat: DJ Tony B 9pm; open 1pm FUNKYFISH BAR open noon


REGULARS: Wed (6) is BEARS NIGHT for bears, cubs and their admirers; drink offers, club music at 7pm. Wed (13 & 27) is NAKED all day, no towels to be worn. Wed (20) is mandatory UNDERWEAR NIGHT, thongs, briefs, speedos, at 7pm. LICENSED BAR: 7 days a week; Sun–Thur 11–1am and Fri & Sat 11–2am. OPEN: visit:


ONE FOR THE DAIRY: Tue (12) TBS2 3rd Birthday Party, free entry for VIP members, licensed bar 11am–11pm, opens 1 hour early at 10am and open 2 extra hours till 1am. OPEN: visit:




ONE FOR THE DAIRY: Tue (26) is REGGAE NIGHT with DJ Micklos at 10pm. EASTER: The Bulldog is open for 111 Hours from 11am on Thur (28) to 2am on Tue (2) April. Fri (29) is GOOD FRIDAY CABARET with Topping & Butch at midnight. REGULARS: Tue is POPTASTIC with DJ Lee at 10pm. Wed is DIVA RUSH CABARET with host Joe McJoe, DJ Marcia and performers at 10pm: Trudi Styles & Piano Man (6), Dave Lynn (13), Mizti Macintosh (20) and Lady James (20); all drinks £1.60 when selected artist is played and the traffic light turns to green. Thur is RELEASE with DJ Grant Knowles at 10pm. Fri CABARET in the karaoke bar at midnight: Cassidy Connors (1), La Voix (8), Maisie Trollette with Jose Mills (15), Lola Lasagne (22); DJs Simon Blanch/Grant Knowles are downstairs at 10pm. Sat is with DJ V John at 10pm, DJ Lil Alex at 3am, and KARAOKE upstairs at 10pm. Sun is with DJ Grant Knowles at 8pm, KARAOKE is upstairs at 8pm. Mon is DJ Marcia’s GLITTER BALL with 70s/80s tunes at 10pm. DRINK DEALS: Mon & Tue 3pm–7pm & 11pm–midnight; Wed 3pm–7pm; Thur 3pm–7pm & 10pm–midnight; Fri 3pm–7pm & all drinks £1.60 10pm–midnight; Sat 10pm–midnight; Sun all day–midnight. Drinks include: pints from £1.95, double spirit & mixer from £2.30, bottles from £1.85 (Terms & conditions apply). OPEN: daily from 11am–very late.

FUNKYFISH CLUB Old Skool Sat: DJ Sean Quinn 10pm LEGENDS BAR Pre-Club DJs 7pm; food noon-7pm; open 11am MARINE TAVERN open noon PARIS HOUSE live jazz 4pm; open 10am POISON IVY afternoon karaoke & Betty Swollocks’ karaoke till midnight; open 11am QUEEN’S ARMS cabaret: Pasty Cline 4.30pm; guest host karaoke 6pm; Sissy’s Sin Bin: karaoke, tunes & games 9pm; open noon REGENCY TAVERN food noon-6pm; open 11am REVENGE Student Pride After Party: level 1 DJs Alex Baker, Trick & DMS; level 2 DJs King K & Dean Barden 10.30pm STAY BEAUTIFUL@STICKY MIKE’S Bowie Special: alt-glam night, DJs Simon Price, David Ryder-Prangley & Richey Watson 11pm SUBLINE Men’s Room: DJ Screwpulous 9pm VAVAVOOM open 6pm ZONE cabaret: Tammy Twinkle 9.30pm; open 10am SUNDAY 3 A-BAR Sunday lunch: bookings 01273 696691 noon-till gone; open 11am BAR 7@CRAWLEY karaoke 6pm BAR 56 cabaret: Tammy Twinkle 8.30pm;

open 1pm BAR REVENGE Sunday Funday: retro games; Karaoke Queens: LouBag & Smithy 8pm; open noon BASEMENT CLUB@LEGENDS Pop!Candy: DJ Claire Fuller 11pm BEDFORD TAVERN Sunday roasts 12.305pm; Piano Bingo 5pm; open noon BULLDOG DJ Grant Knowles 8pm; karaoke 8pm; open 11am CAMELFORD ARMS Sunday roasts & selected menu 12-till gone; Bear Bash 5pm CHARLES ST cabaret: Lola Lasagne’s Student Pride Special 7.30pm; Tranny Rock & Roll Bingo: Sally Vate & roll over jackpot 8.30pm; Sun lunch noon-7pm 112 CHURCH ST Richard’s Sun Roast noon-late; open noon DR BRIGHTONS Hangover Therapy; open 1pm FUN FAIR CLUB BodyShakers: tea dance with DJs Steven Geller, Steve B & guests 6pm FUNKYFISH BAR open noon LEGENDS BAR cabaret: Dave Lynn 3.15pm; open 11am MARINE TAVERN open 1pm PARIS HOUSE Rockin’ Mark Vis & His Mobile Piano 3pm; live music: Areacode 8pm; open 10am POISON IVY cabaret: Laura La Rae 5.30pm; karaoke; open 11am






EASTER: Thur (28) is the BIG CASH EASTER QUIZ at 9pm. Fri (29) it’s the GOOD FRIDAY CLUB at 6pm; with hot cross buns and general menu served noon–3pm & 6–9pm. Sun (31) it’s the BUNNY BEAR BASH at 5pm; Easter Sunday roasts, selected menu & free Easter eggs served noon–gone. REGULARS: Sun (3) the BEAR BASH at 5pm; (10) is Mother's Day; (17) is St Patrick's Day with Guinness & Irish manager Mark's PADDY BEAR BASH at 5pm; (24) is the PALM SUNDAY PARTY at noon. Thur is the BIG CASH QUIZ at 9pm. The FRIDAY CLUB is at 6pm. FOOD: home-cooked menu & manager's specials Mon–Fri noon–3pm & 6–9pm; Easter Mon (1) Apr noon–9pm; Sat noon–7pm; Sunday roasts & selected menu served noon–till gone! OPEN: daily from noon. The most dog-friendly pub in town and with open fires. QUEEN’S ARMS 321 Cabaret: Drag With No Name 6pm; Candi Rell’s karaoke 7.30pm; win up to £321 in cash 10.30pm; open noon REGENCY TAVERN Sunday roasts noon5pm; Piano Bar 1.30pm; open noon SUBLINE Come in Your Pants: DJ N.U.D.E, underwear party 9pm THREE JOLLY BREWERS live jazz 2-5pm ZONE live music: Backbeat 4pm; Carrie O’Kay’s karaoke; open 10am

LEGENDS BAR Miss Jason Does Legends 9.30pm; food noon-7pm; open 11am MARINE TAVERN open noon POISON IVY Bar 150 karaoke 7pm; open 11am QUEEN’S ARMS Kev’s Name That Tune: quiz, bingo, snacks, prizes 9pm; open noon REGENCY TAVERN food noon-2.30pm & 6-8.30pm; open noon ZONE Adam’s Manic Mon 7pm; open 10am

MONDAY 4 A-BAR bar food noon-7pm; open 11am BAR 56 open noon BAR REVENGE Quiz with Liz 8.30pm; DJ Alex Baker till 12; pizza 5-9pm; open noon BEDFORD TAVERN open noon BULLDOG DJ Marcia’s Glitter Ball 10pm; open 11am CAMELFORD ARMS food noon-3pm & 69pm; open noon CHARLES ST food noon-8pm; open noon 112 CHURCH ST food 12-late; open 12 DR BRIGHTONS Medication Mon; open 3pm ENVY Studio 150: NUS night 10.30pm FUNKYFISH BAR open noon

TUESDAY 5 A-BAR food: inc curry & pint £7.90 noon9pm; Quiz 8pm; open 11am BAR 7@CRAWLEY Proud to Party 6pm BAR 56 open noon BAR REVENGE Harry’s VIP Karaoke: win drinks/VIP cards/bar tabs 8pm; pizza 5-9pm; open noon BEDFORD TAVERN Games Galore; open 12 BULLDOG Poptastic: DJ Lee 10pm; open 11am CAMELFORD ARMS food noon-3pm & 69pm; open noon CHARLES ST food noon-8pm; open noon 112 CHURCH ST food 12-late; open 12

DR BRIGHTONS Twisted Tue; open 3pm FUNKYFISH BAR open noon LEGENDS BAR food 12-7pm; open 11am MARINE TAVERN Nat’s Quiz 9pm; open noon POISON IVY Bar 150 karaoke 7pm; open 11am QUEEN’S ARMS Lollipop: Pasty Cline’s karaoke, lollipops/lipgloss 9pm; open noon REGENCY TAVERN food noon-2.30pm & 6-8.30pm; open noon REVENGE VIP Tues: DJ Trick 10.30pm ZONE open 10am WEDNESDAY 6 A-BAR open mic with Mark Hodge 8.30pm; bar food noon-7pm; cocktail night; open 11am BAR 56 Discount Karaoke 7pm; open 12 BAR REVENGE pizza 5-9pm; open noon BASEMENT CLUB@LEGENDS Mash-Up: DJ Lee Harris 10pm BEDFORD TAVERN open noon BRIGHTON SAUNA Bears Night: bears, cubs & their admirers 7pm BULLDOG Diva Rush cabaret: host Joe McJoe, Trudi Styles & Piano Man 10.30pm;

DJ Marcia; open 11am CAMELFORD ARMS food noon-3pm & 6-9pm; open noon CHARLES ST J’Lo Cabaret: Miss Jason & Lola Lasagne 9.30pm; food 12-8pm; open 12 112 CHURCH ST food 12-late; open 12 DR BRIGHTONS Cocktail Clinic; open 3pm FUNKYFISH BAR open noon LEGENDS BAR food noon-7pm; open 11am MARINE TAVERN open noon POISON IVY Barbara Fella’s Karaoke & In It To Win It: win £100 bar tab 7pm; open 11am QUEEN’S ARMS Q Factor 2013: 4 mentors, 12 singers, £1,500 prize 9pm; open noon REGENCY TAVERN food noon-2.30pm & 6-8.30pm; open noon SUBLINE Backlash: retro night 9pm ZONE Sofa So Good: board games, Wii & more 8pm; open 10am THURSDAY 7 A-BAR food noon-7pm; cocktail night; open 11am BAR 7@CRAWLEY Thursgay 6pm






NATIONAL STUDENT PRIDE: Fri (1) March is FRUITY FRIDAY FIX with DJ Leeroy & the National Student Pride Registration at 9pm with £2 drinks for absolutely everyone till close. Sat (2) March is the BOYS IN THE BAR National Student Pride Party with regular Boys in the Bar DJs and discounted drink & shot deals for Student Pride wristband-wearers. Sun (3) March is Lola Lasagne's STUDENT PRIDE SPECIAL at 7.30pm. EASTER: Thur (28) is the MAD COW EASTER EGG HUNT over two floors with hostess Miss Joan Bond, DJs Lil Alex & Leeroy in the bar playing commercial dance at 8pm, drinks from £1, entry £1 b4 10pm, £2 after. Fri (29) is GOOD FRUITY FRIDAY FIX with DJ Leeroy spinning funky house & dance and give-aways at 9pm. Sat (30) is The EASTER BONNET DRAG BALL with DJs Jonesy, Lil Alex, Grant Knowles & Leeroy, plus prizes for those who dare to drag at 9pm, free entry. Sun (31) is EASTER CABARET with Masquerade at 7.30pm. Mon (1) April is BANK HOLIDAY CABARET with Glam Jam at 7.30pm. REGULARS: Wed is now J-LO CABARET high camp antics, with Miss Jason & Lola Lasagne at 9.30pm. Thur is MAD COW on two floors with hostess Miss Joan Bond, DJs Lil Alex & Leeroy in the bar, commercial dance, 8pm, drinks from £1, entry £1 b4 10pm, £2 after. Fruity Friday Fix with DJ Leeroy spinning the best in dance & funky house at 9pm; cocktails from £3.50 for a glass, £8.50 for a jug 9pm–close, free entry. Sat is The BOYS IN THE BOY with an all-male DJ line-up Jonesy, Lil Alex, Grant Knowles & Leeroy on rotation at 9pm, free entry! Sun CABARET at 7.30pm: Lola Lasagne (3), Mitzi Macintosh (10), Sandra (17), Lady James (24); TRANNY ROCK & ROLL BINGO with Sally Vate and a rolling jackpot follows at 8.30pm. FOOD: Two for £7.95 on selected mains and 2-4-1 on all desserts, all day every day; Sunday Lunch: home roast beef, chicken or veggie served noon–7pm, £6.95. DRINK DEALS: All drinks 1/3rd off Mon–Sat from 5–9pm, till 8pm on Thur, on Sun after the show till close. All deals excl sparkling wine & cocktails & not in conjunction with other offers. OPEN: daily from noon. BAR 56 open noon BAR REVENGE Girls On Top warm-up: DJ Kelly L 9pm; pizza 5-9pm; open noon BEDFORD TAVERN Thur Social; open 12 BULLDOG Release: DJ Grant Knowles 10pm; open 11am CAMELFORD ARMS Big Cash Quiz Night 9pm; food noon-3pm & 6-9pm; open noon CHARLES ST Mad Cow: 2 floors, hostess Ms Joan Bond, DJs Lil Alex & LeeRoy in bar, DJ Ruby Roo in club 8pm; open noon 112 CHURCH ST food 12-late; open 12 DR BRIGHTONS Thirsty Thur; open 3pm ENVY Mad Cow: 2 floors, hostess Ms Joan Bond, DJs Lil Alex & LeeRoy in bar, DJ Ruby Roo in club 8pm FUNKYFISH BAR open noon LEGENDS BAR Mark Hodge’s Comedy Night 9.30pm; food noon-7pm; open 11am MARINE TAVERN open noon POISON IVY cabaret: Tammy Twinkle 9pm; Misty Lee’s karaoke; open 11am QUEEN’S ARMS De-Licious: karaoke, giveaways & guest hosts 9pm; open noon REGENCY TAVERN food noon-2.30pm & 6-8.30pm; open noon REVENGE Girls On Top Army Themed Party: level 1 DJs Smithy, Fifi, Alpha; level 2 DJ Cheeks Du Rhythm 10.30pm SUBLINE Leathered 9pm VAVAVOOM open 7pm

ZONE U Say, We Play 8pm; open 10am FRIDAY 8 A-BAR Pre-club music; food noon-7pm; open 11am BAR 7@CRAWLEY Lust: DJ 6pm BAR 56 open noon BAR REVENGE Shameless warm-up 9pm; pizza 5-9pm; open noon-6am BASEMENT CLUB@LEGENDS Friday Night Live with Lady La Rue: 2 floor party, DJ Peter Castle in club 11pm BEDFORD TAVERN Krazy Kamikaze Karaoke 8.30pm; open noon BULLDOG DJs Simon Blanch/Grant Knowles 10pm; karaoke bar cabaret: La Voix midnight; open 11am CAMELFORD ARMS food noon-3pm & 69pm; Friday Club 6pm; open noon CHARLES ST Fruity Fri Fix: DJ Leeroy 9pm; food noon-7.45pm 112 CHURCH ST cabaret: Jennie Castelle 9pm; food noon-late; open noon DR BRIGHTONS Funky Fri: DJs Nick Hirst or Wayne 9pm; open 1pm FUNKYFISH BAR open noon FUNKYFISH CLUB Thank Funk It’s Fri: DJ Anthony 10.30pm LEGENDS BAR Friday Night Live with Lady La Rue, 2 floor party, promo boys, free champers for early birds, free bottle of


EASTER: Thur (28) is the MAD COW EASTER EGG HUNT over two-floors with hostess Miss Joan Bond, DJs Lil Alex & Leeroy in the bar playing commercial dance at 8pm, drinks from £1, entry £1 b4 10pm, £2 after. REGULARS: Mon is the STUDIO 150 student night with singles or bottles for £1.50 all night, entry £1.50. Thur is MAD COW over two-floors with hostess Miss Joan Bond, DJs Lil Alex & Leeroy in the bar at 8pm, drinks from £1, entry £1 b4 10pm, £2 after. OPEN:

champers for birthdays 9pm; DJ Peter Castle in club 11pm; food noon-7pm; open 11am MARINE TAVERN open noon POISON IVY camp disco, video bar & Spice’s Karaoke 7pm; open 11am QUEEN’S ARMS Flashback: card games, DJ Andy B/Kamp Kevin, karaoke 9pm; open noon REGENCY TAVERN food noon-2.30pm; open 11am REVENGE Shameless: DJs Lee Harris, Alex Baker, Smithy + regular live PAs 10.30pm SUBLINE Steam 9pm VAVAVOOM open 7pm ZONE cabaret: Collusion 9.30pm; open 10am SATURDAY 9 A-BAR Pre-club music; food noon-7pm; open 11am BAR 7@CRAWLEY DJ: party night 6pm BAR 56 open noon BAR REVENGE F@#k Me! It’s Free warmup: DJ Fifilicious 9pm; open noon-6am BASEMENT CLUB@LEGENDS Fusion: DJ Peter Castle 11pm BEDFORD TAVERN open noon

BULLDOG DJ V John 10pm; DJ Lil Alex 3am; karaoke 10pm; open 11am CAMELFORD ARMS food 12-7pm; open 12 CHARLES ST The Boys In The Bar: all-male DJs Jonesy, Lil Alex, Grant Knowles, Leeroy on rotation 9pm; food noon-7.45pm; open noon 112 CHURCH ST food noon-late; open noon DR BRIGHTONS 4th Birthday Party: DJ Tony B 9pm; open 1pm FUNKYFISH BAR open noon FUNKYFISH CLUB Old Skool Sat: DJ Sean Quinn 10pm LEGENDS BAR Pre-Club DJs 7pm; food noon-7pm; open 11am MARINE TAVERN open noon PARIS HOUSE live jazz 4pm; open 10am POISON IVY afternoon karaoke & Betty Swollocks’ karaoke till midnight; open 11am QUEEN’S ARMS cabaret: Auntie Robbie 4.30pm; guest host karaoke 6pm; Sissy’s Sin Bin: karaoke, tunes & games 9pm; open noon REGENCY TAVERN food noon-6pm; open 11am REVENGE F@#k Me! It’s Still Free: DJs Alex Baker, Trick, King K 10.30pm






ONE FOR THE DAIRY: Sun (10) is Mother's Day, bring your mum along for a Sunday roast and get a free bottle of wine. REGULARS: Fri CABARET at 9pm: Krissie DuCann (1), Jennie Castell (8), Pooh La May (15), Jason Lee (22) and Double Trouble with Maisie Trollette & Pooh La May (29). FOOD: winter warmer specials served Mon–Sat noon–late, buy two lunches for £10; Richard's Golden Handbag-winning Sunday lunches served noon–late. DRINK DEALS: Sun (17) is St Patrick's Day with pints of Guinness for £2.50 all day. OPEN: Check out the secret beer garden, it's the perfect place for a drink and a smoke! SUBLINE Men’s Room: DJ Screwpulous 9pm VAVAVOOM open 6pm ZONE cabaret: Sally Vate 9.30pm; open 10am SUNDAY 10 A-BAR Sunday lunch: bookings 01273 696691 noon-till gone; open 11am BAR 7@CRAWLEY Quiz 6pm BAR 56 cabaret: Connie Conway 8.30pm; open 1pm BAR REVENGE Sunday Funday: retro games; Karaoke Queens: LouBag & Smithy 8pm; open noon BASEMENT CLUB@LEGENDS Pop!Candy: DJ Claire Fuller 11pm BEDFORD TAVERN Sunday roasts 12.305pm; Piano Bingo 5pm; open noon BULLDOG DJ Grant Knowles 8pm; karaoke 8pm; open 11am CAMELFORD ARMS Mother’s Day Sunday roasts & selected menu 12-till gone; open 12 CHARLES ST cabaret: Mitzi Macintosh 7.30pm; Tranny Rock & Roll Bingo: Sally Vate & roll over jackpot 8.30pm; Sunday lunch 127pm


112 CHURCH ST Mother’s Day Sun Roast: bring your mum for free bottle of wine noonlate; open noon DR BRIGHTONS Hangover Therapy; open 1pm LEGENDS BAR cabaret: Lizzy Drip 3.15pm; cabaret: Topping & Butch 9.30pm; open 11am MARINE TAVERN open 1pm POISON IVY cabaret: Tina Sparkle 5.30pm; karaoke; open 11am QUEEN’S ARMS 321 Cabaret: Mzz Kimberley 6pm; Candi Rell’s karaoke 7.30pm; win up to £321 in cash 10.30pm; open noon REGENCY TAVERN Sunday roasts noon5pm; Piano Bar 1.30pm; open noon SUBLINE Come in Your Pants: DJ N.U.D.E, underwear party 9pm THREE JOLLY BREWERS live jazz 2-5pm ZONE live music 4pm; Carrie O’kay’s karaoke; open 10am MONDAY 11 A-BAR bar food noon-7pm; open 11am BAR 56 open noon BAR REVENGE Quiz with Liz 8.30pm; DJ Alex Baker till 21; pizza 5-9pm; open noon BEDFORD TAVERN open noon

ONE FOR THE DAIRY: Fri (1), DIRTY RETRO London club night comes to Brighton featuring disco/funk/80s/90s at 10.30pm, free entry. REGULARS: THANK FUNK IT’S FRIDAY, DJ Antony, funk/soul/Motown/disco, at 10.30pm, free entry. OLD SKOOL SATURDAY, DJ Sean Quinn at 10pm, £4/£5. OPEN: The Funky Fish Bar open daily from noon.


ONE FOR THE DAIRY: Sat (9) is Dr Brighton's 4TH BIRTHDAY PARTY with DJ Tony B, free shots and free entry at 9pm. EASTER: Fri (29) is FUNKY GOOD FRIDAY with regular DJs and happy hours. Sun (31) is Easter HANGOVER THERAPY. Mon (1) April is Easter Bank Holiday RECOVERY. REGULARS: FUNKY FRIDAY with DJs Nick Hirst or Wayne is at 9pm, free entry. SEXY SATURDAY with DJ Tony B is at 9pm, free entry. DRINK DEALS: from Sun–Thur all day and Fri & Sat from 1–7pm: small Smirnoff & mixer £2.85, large £3.85, pints of Fosters £3 and large wine £4. Cocktails are two for £11 Sun–Thur. Free game of pool every day with each round of drinks during happy hour. OPEN: Mon–Thur 3pm–midnight; Fri & Sat 1pm–2am; Sun 1pm–midnight. BULLDOG DJ Marcia’s Glitter Ball 10pm; open 11am CAMELFORD ARMS food noon-3pm & 6-9pm; open noon CHARLES ST food noon-8pm; open noon 112 CHURCH ST food noon-late; open noon DR BRIGHTONS Medication Mon; open 3pm ENVY Studio 150: Student night 10.30pm FUNKYFISH BAR open noon LEGENDS BAR Miss Jason Does Legends 9.30pm; food noon-7pm; open 11am MARINE TAVERN open noon POISON IVY Bar 150 karaoke 7pm; open 11am QUEEN’S ARMS Kev’s Name That Tune: quiz, bingo, snacks, prizes 9pm; open noon REGENCY TAVERN food noon-2.30pm & 6-8.30pm; open noon ZONE Adam’s Manic Mon 7pm; open 10am TUESDAY 12 A-BAR food: inc curry & pint £7.90 noon9pm; Quiz 8pm; open 11am BAR 7@CRAWLEY Proud to Party 6pm

BAR 56 open noon BAR REVENGE Harry’s VIP Karaoke: win drinks/VIP cards/bar tabs 8pm; pizza 5-9pm; open noon BEDFORD TAVERN Games Galore; open noon BULLDOG Poptastic: DJ Lee 10pm; open 11am CAMELFORD ARMS food noon-3pm & 6-9pm; open noon CHARLES ST food noon-8pm; open noon 112 CHURCH ST food 12-late; open 12 DR BRIGHTONS Twisted Tue; open 3pm FUNKYFISH BAR open noon LEGENDS BAR food noon-7pm; open 11am MARINE TAVERN Nat’s Quiz 9pm; open noon POISON IVY Bar 150 karaoke 7pm; open 11am QUEEN’S ARMS Lollipop: Pasty Cline’s karaoke, lollipops/lipgloss 9pm; open noon REGENCY TAVERN food noon-2.30pm & 6-8.30pm; open noon REVENGE VIP Tues: DJ Trick 10.30pm TBS2 3rd Birthday Party: licensed bar; open 10-1am






ONE FOR THE DAIRY: Mon is now MISS JASON DOES LEGENDS at 9.30pm. EASTER: Sun (31) is EASTER SUNDAY CABARET with Lady Imelda at 3.15pm. Mon (1) April is BANK HOLIDAY CABARET with Two's Company at 3.15pm; Miss Jason Does Legends at 9.30pm. REGULARS: Thur is Mark Hodge's COMEDY NIGHT at 9.30pm. FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE over 2 floors with Lady La Rue, DJ Peter Castle, promo boys, £1.50 shots all night and a free bottle of champers if it’s your birthday from 9pm. Pre-Club DJ sounds every Sat at 7pm. Sun CABARET at 3.15pm: Dave Lynn (3), Lizzy Drip & then Topping & Butch at 9.30pm (10), Lola Lasagne (17) and Lucinda Lashes (24). FOOD: new summer menu served noon–7pm Mon–Sat. OPEN: daily from 11am–5am. Heated smoking area, free entry and all day sun-terrace. THREE JOLLY BREWERS live music: The Pickin’ Circle 8-11pm ZONE open 10am

SUBLINE Backlash: retro night 9pm ZONE Sofa So Good: Wii & more 7pm; open 10am

WEDNESDAY 13 A-BAR open mic with Mark Hodge 8.30pm; bar food noon-7pm; cocktail night; open 11am BAR 56 Discount Karaoke 7pm; open noon BAR REVENGE pizza 5-9pm; open noon BASEMENT CLUB@LEGENDS Mash-Up: DJ Lee Harris 10pm BEDFORD TAVERN open noon BRIGHTON SAUNA Naked Day: no towels 10-1am BULLDOG Diva Rush cabaret: host Joe McJoe & Dave Lynn 10.30pm; DJ Marcia; open 11am CAMELFORD ARMS food noon-3pm & 69pm; open noon CHARLES ST J’Lo Cabaret: Miss Jason & Lola Lasagne 9.30pm; food noon-8pm; open noon 112 CHURCH ST food noon-late; open noon DR BRIGHTONS Cocktail Clinic; open 3pm FUNKYFISH BAR open noon LEGENDS BAR food noon-7pm; open 11am MARINE TAVERN open noon POISON IVY Barbara Fella’s Karaoke & In It To Win It: win £100 bar tab 7pm; open 11am QUEEN’S ARMS Q Factor 2013: 4 mentors, 12 singers, £1,500 prize 9pm; open noon REGENCY TAVERN food noon-2.30pm & 6-8.30pm; open noon

THURSDAY 14 A-BAR food noon-7pm; cocktail night; open 11am BAR 7@CRAWLEY Thursgay 6pm BAR 56 open noon BAR REVENGE Girls On Top warm-up: DJ Kelly L 9pm; pizza 5-9pm; open noon BEDFORD TAVERN Thur Social; open 12 BULLDOG Release: DJ Grant Knowles 10pm; open 11am CAMELFORD ARMS Big Cash Quiz Night 9pm; food noon-3pm & 6-9pm; open noon CHARLES ST Mad Cow: 2 floors, hostess Ms Joan Bond, DJs Lil Alex & LeeRoy 8pm; open noon 112 CHURCH ST food 12-late; open 12 DR BRIGHTONS Thirsty Thur; open 3pm ENVY Mad Cow: 2 floors, hostess Ms Joan Bond, DJs Lil Alex & LeeRoy 8pm FUNKYFISH BAR open noon LEGENDS BAR Mark Hodge’s Comedy Night 9.30pm; food noon-7pm; open 11am MARINE TAVERN open noon PARIS HOUSE live jazz: Kourosh Kanani 9pm; open 10am POISON IVY cabaret: Baga Chips MBE & Mini Diamond 9pm; Misty Lee’s karaoke; open 11am QUEEN’S ARMS Landlord Andy’s Annual 30th Birthday Cabaret: Sandra & guests, DJ Kamp Kevin & free food; open noon


FREE ENTRY: to the Basement Club every day. EASTER: Sun (31) is the EASTER POP!CANDY with DJ Claire Fuller's recent & classic pop tracks. REGULARS: Wed is MASH-UP with DJ Lee Harris spinning a mix of latest chart tracks and anthems, £2 drinks all night, £1.50 shots. FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE over 2 floors with Lady La Rue, DJ Peter Castle, promo boys, £1.50 shots all night and a free bottle of champers if it’s your birthday from 9pm. Sat is FUSION with DJ Peter Castle’s house & chart sounds. Sat (2) is with DJ Lee Harris. Sun is POP!CANDY with DJ Claire Fuller’s recent & classic pop tracks. DRINK DEALS: drinks from £2 every Sun & Wed. OPEN: Fri–Sun 11pm & Wed 10pm. Closed Mon, Tue & Thur. REGENCY TAVERN food noon-2.30pm & 6-8.30pm; open noon REVENGE Girls On Top: level 1 DJs Smithy, Fifi, Alpha; level 2 DJ Cheeks Du Rhythm 10.30pm SUBLINE Leathered 9pm VAVAVOOM open 7pm ZONE Carrie O’Kay’s Cockney Knees-Up 3pm; open 10am FRIDAY 15 A-BAR Pre-club music; food noon-7pm; open 11am BAR 7@CRAWLEY Red Nose Day Charity Night 6pm BAR 56 open noon BAR REVENGE Shameless warm-up 9pm; pizza 5-9pm; open noon-6am BASEMENT CLUB@LEGENDS Friday Night Live with Lady La Rue: 2 floor party, DJ Peter Castle in club 11pm BEDFORD TAVERN Krazy Kamikaze Karaoke 8.30pm; open noon BULLDOG DJs Simon Blanch/Grant Knowles 10pm; karaoke bar cabaret: Maisie Trollete & Jose Mills midnight; open 11am CAMELFORD ARMS food noon-3pm & 69pm; Friday Club 6pm; open noon CHARLES ST Fruity Fri Fix: DJ Leeroy 9pm; food noon-7.45pm 112 CHURCH ST cabaret: Pooh La May 9pm; food noon-late; open noon DR BRIGHTONS Funky Fri: DJs Nick Hirst or Wayne 9pm; open 1pm FUNKYFISH BAR open noon

FUNKYFISH CLUB Thank Funk It’s Fri: DJ Anthony 10.30pm LEGENDS BAR Friday Night Live with Lady La Rue, 2 floor party, promo boys, free champers for early birds, free bottle of champers for birthdays 9pm; DJ Peter Castle in club 11pm; food noon-7pm; open 11am MARINE TAVERN open noon POISON IVY camp disco, video bar & Spice’s Karaoke 7pm; open 11am QUEEN’S ARMS Flashback: card games, DJ Andy B/Kamp Kevin, karaoke 9pm; open 12 REGENCY TAVERN food noon-2.30pm & 6-8.30pm; open 11am REVENGE Shameless: DJs Lee Harris, Alex Baker, Smithy + regular live PAs 10.30pm SUBLINE Steam 9pm VAVAVOOM open 7pm ZONE cabaret: Mark Inscoe 9.30pm; open 10am SATURDAY 16 A-BAR Pre-club music; food noon-7pm; open 11am BAR 7@CRAWLEY School Disco-themed Night: DJ Waynsie-Rude-Boy 6pm BAR 56 open noon BAR REVENGE F@#k Me! It’s Free warmup: DJ Fifilicious 9pm; open noon-6am BASEMENT CLUB@LEGENDS Fusion: DJ Peter Castle 11pm BEDFORD TAVERN live music: Cellar Doors; open noon BULLDOG DJ V John 10pm; DJ Lil Alex 3am; karaoke 10pm; open 11am






ONE FOR THE DAIRY: Tue is NAT’S QUIZ at 9pm. DRINK DEALS: Wed & Thur 7–11pm: pints of Carlsberg & Stowford Press £3, plus buy a single spirit and get the mixer free. OPEN: Mon–Sat from noon, Sun from 1pm.

CAMELFORD ARMS food noon-7pm; open noon CHARLES ST The Boys In The Bar: allmale DJs Jonesy, Lil Alex, Grant Knowles, Leeroy on rotation 9pm; food noon-7.45pm; open noon 112 CHURCH ST food noon-late; open noon DR BRIGHTONS Sexy Sat: DJ Tony B 9pm; open 1pm FUNKYFISH BAR open noon FUNKYFISH CLUB Old Skool Sat: DJ Sean Quinn 10pm LEGENDS BAR Pre-Club DJs 7pm; food noon-7pm; open 11am MARINE TAVERN open noon PARIS HOUSE live jazz 4pm; open 10am POISON IVY afternoon karaoke & Betty Swollocks’ karaoke till midnight; open 11am QUEEN’S ARMS Broadway to Brighton with Cosmic & West End singer4.30pm; guest host karaoke 6pm; Sissy’s Sat Night Sin Bin: karaoke, tunes & games 9pm; open noon REGENCY TAVERN food noon-6pm; open 11am REVENGE F@#k Me! It’s Still Free: DJs Alex Baker, Trick, King K 10.30pm SUBLINE Men’s Room: DJ Screwpulous 9pm VAVAVOOM open 6pm ZONE cabaret: Miss Jason 9.30pm; open 10am SUNDAY 17 A-BAR Sunday lunch: bookings 01273 696691 noon-till gone; open 11am BAR 7@CRAWLEY karaoke 6pm BAR 56 cabaret: Maisie Trollette 8.30pm; open 1pm BAR REVENGE Sunday Funday: retro games; Karaoke Queens: LouBag & Smithy 8pm; open noon BASEMENT CLUB@LEGENDS Pop!Candy: DJ Claire Fuller 11pm BEDFORD TAVERN Sunday roasts 12.30-5pm; Piano Bingo 5pm; open noon BULLDOG DJ Grant Knowles 8pm; karaoke 8pm; open 11am CAMELFORD ARMS St Patrick’s Day: Guinness, Sunday roasts & selected menu noon-till gone; Irish Mark’s Paddy Bear Bash

5pm; open noon CHARLES ST cabaret: Sandra 7.30pm; Tranny Rock & Roll Bingo: Sally Vate & roll over jackpot 8.30pm; Sunday lunch noon7pm 112 CHURCH ST Richard’s Sun Roast noon-late; open noon DR BRIGHTONS Hangover Therapy; open 1pm FUN FAIR CLUB BodyShakers: tea dance with DJs Steven Geller, Steve B & guests 6pm FUNKYFISH BAR open noon GROSVENOR lounge singer Ronnie Rialto 3pm LEGENDS BAR cabaret: Lola Lasagne 3.15pm; open 11am MARINE TAVERN open 1pm POISON IVY cabaret: Mary Gold 5.30pm; karaoke; open 11am QUEEN’S ARMS 321 Cabaret: Tanya Hide 6pm; Candi Rell’s karaoke 7.30pm; win up to £321 in cash 10.30pm; open noon REGENCY TAVERN Sunday roasts noon5pm; Piano Bar 1.30pm; open noon SUBLINE Come in Your Pants: DJ N.U.D.E, underwear party 9pm THREE JOLLY BREWERS live jazz 25pm ZONE live music: Collusion 4pm; Carrie O’Kay’s karaoke; open 10am

MONDAY 18 A-BAR GBF Networking Night 6pm; bar food noon-7pm; open 11am BAR 56 open noon BAR REVENGE Quiz with Liz 8.30pm; DJ Alex Baker till midnight; pizza 5-9pm; open noon BEDFORD TAVERN open noon BULLDOG DJ Marcia’s Glitter Ball 10pm; open 11am CAMELFORD ARMS food noon-3pm & 6-9pm; open noon CHARLES ST food noon-8pm; open noon 112 CHURCH ST food noon-late; open noon DR BRIGHTONS Medication Mon; open 3pm ENVY Studio 150: student night 10pm FUNKYFISH BAR open noon LEGENDS BAR Miss Jason Does Legends 9.30pm; food noon-7pm; open 11am MARINE TAVERN open noon POISON IVY Wicked Mon Karaoke: win 2 tickets to see Wicked 7pm; open 11am QUEEN’S ARMS Kev’s Name That Tune: quiz, bingo, snacks, prizes 9pm; open noon REGENCY TAVERN food noon-2.30pm & 6-8.30pm; open noon ZONE Adam’s Manic Mon 7pm; open 10am TUESDAY 19 A-BAR food: inc curry & pint £7.90 noon9pm; Quiz 8pm; open 11am BAR 7@CRAWLEY Proud to Party 6pm

BAR 56 open noon BAR REVENGE Harry’s VIP Karaoke: win drinks/VIP cards/bar tabs 8pm; pizza 5-9pm; open noon BEDFORD TAVERN Games Galore; open noon BULLDOG Poptastic: DJ Lee 10pm; open 11am CAMELFORD ARMS food noon-3pm & 6-9pm; open noon CHARLES ST food noon-8pm; open noon 112 CHURCH ST food noon-late; open noon DR BRIGHTONS Twisted Tue; open 3pm FUNKYFISH BAR open noon LEGENDS BAR food noon-7pm; open 11am MARINE TAVERN Nat’s Quiz 9pm; open noon POISON IVY Bar 150 karaoke 7pm; open 11am QUEEN’S ARMS Lollipop: Pasty Cline’s karaoke, lollipops/lipgloss 9pm; open noon REGENCY TAVERN food noon-2.30pm & 6-8.30pm; open noon REVENGE VIP Tues: DJ Trick 10.30pm ZONE Transaction: tv/ts night 7pm; open 10am WEDNESDAY 20 A-BAR open mic with Mark Hodge 8.30pm; bar food noon-7pm; cocktail night; open 11am BAR 56 Discount Karaoke 7pm; open noon






ONE FOR THE DAIRY: Sun CABARET at 5.30pm: Laura La Rae (3), Tina Sparkle (10), Mary Gold (17), Andora Dix (24) and Scarlette Diamante (31). REGULARS: KARAOKE 7 nights a week: Bar 150 Karaoke on Tue, Barbara Fella on Wed, Misty Lee on Thur, Spice on Fri, afternoon karaoke then Betty Swollocks till midnight on Sat. Thur CABAREt at 9pm: Tammy Twinkle (7), Baga Chips MBE & Mini Diamond (14), Benji Official (21) and Wilma Fingadoo (28). HAPPY HOURS: all day & night on Sun & Mon; £1 shots every day, including the new chocolate vodka shots (vodka Mars Bar, Crunchie, Galaxy & skittles).. OPEN: daily from 11am. BAR REVENGE pizza 5-9pm; open noon BASEMENT CLUB@LEGENDS Mash-Up: DJ Lee Harris 10pm BEDFORD TAVERN open noon BRIGHTON SAUNA Underwear Night: licensed bar 7pm BULLDOG Diva Rush cabaret: host Joe McJoe & Mitzi Macintosh 10.30pm; DJ Marcia; open 11am CAMELFORD ARMS food noon-3pm & 6-9pm; open noon CHARLES ST J’Lo Cabaret: Miss Jason & Lola Lasagne 9.30pm; food 12-8pm; open 12 112 CHURCH ST food 1-late; open 12 DR BRIGHTONS Cocktail Clinic; open


3pm FUNKYFISH BAR open noon LEGENDS BAR food noon-7pm; open 11am MARINE TAVERN open noon POISON IVY Barbara Fella’s Karaoke & In It To Win It: win £100 bar tab 7pm; open 11am QUEEN’S ARMS Q Factor 2013: 4 mentors, 12 singers, £1,500 prize 9pm; open noon REGENCY TAVERN food noon-2.30pm & 6-8.30pm; open noon SUBLINE Backlash: retro night 9pm ZONE Sofa So Good: games night 7.30pm; open 10am

ONE FOR THE DAIRY: Sun (3) is Rockin' Mark Vis & his mobile pub piano at 3pm; then it's live blue grass & blues from Areacode at 8pm, free entry. REGULARS: Sat is live jazz at 4pm, free entry. Thur (14) is live jazz from Kouroush Kanani at 9pm, free entry. FOOD: platter of French food to share & large carafe of wine £15. OPEN: daily from noon.


ONE FOR THE DAIRY: Thur (14) is Landlord Andy's 22nd Annual 30TH BIRTHDAY PARTY with cabaret from Sandra & guests, DJ Kamp Kevin, free food and spirits & mixers £2 at 8pm & 9pm. Sat (16) BROADWAY TO BRIGHTON with Cosmic & West End guest star! EASTER: Sun (31) is EASTER SUNDAY DOUBLE CABARET & KARAOKE with Sandra at 6pm, Candi Rell's Karaoke at 7.30pm and Trudi Styles & Piano Man at 10pm. Mon (1) April is EASTER MONDAY CABARET with Kitty Litter at 6pm. REGULARS: Mon is Kamp Kevin's NAME THAT TUNE with quiz, bingo, cash prizes & free snacks at 9pm. Tue is LOLLIPOP Karaoke Party with Pasty Cline, drink deals, lollipop & lip gloss giveaways at 9pm. Wed is the Q FACTOR 2013 with 4 mentors, 12 contestants, and a £1,500 prize at 9pm. Thur is DE-LICIOUS Karaoke with guest hosts, drink deals and give-aways at 9pm. Fri is FLASHBACK with karaoke & DJs Andy B or Kamp Kevin playing 60s/70s/80s/90s/00s tunes, buy a round of drinks, pick a Queen from the deck of cards and the round is free, at 9pm. Sat is non-stop entertainment with CABARET at 4.30pm: Pasty Cline (2), Auntie Robbie (9), Broadway to Brighton with Cosmic & West End guest star (16), Jon Borthwick (23) and Candi Rell (30); guest host karaoke is at 6pm; Sissy Sucks's SIN BIN at 9pm. Sun is 321 CABARET at 6pm: Drag With No Name (3), Mzz Kimberley (10), Tanya Hyde (17) and La Voix (24); Candi Rell's KARAOKE follows at 7.30pm; then win up to £321 at 10.30pm. OPEN: daily from noon.

THURSDAY 21 A-BAR food noon-7pm; cocktail night; open 11am BAR 7@CRAWLEY Thursgay 6pm BAR 56 open noon BAR REVENGE Girls On Top warm-up: DJ Kelly L 9pm; pizza 5-9pm; open noon BEDFORD TAVERN Thur Social; open noon BULLDOG Release: DJ Grant Knowles 10pm; open 11am CAMELFORD ARMS Big Cash Quiz Night 9pm; food noon-3pm & 6-9pm; open noon CHARLES ST Mad Cow: 2 floors, hostess Ms Joan Bond, DJs Lil Alex & LeeRoy 8pm; open noon 112 CHURCH ST food 12-late; open 12 DR BRIGHTONS Thirsty Thur; open 3pm ENVY Mad Cow: 2 floors, hostess Ms Joan Bond, DJs Lil Alex & LeeRoy 8pm FUNKYFISH BAR open noon LEGENDS BAR Mark Hodge’s Comedy Night 9.30pm; food noon-7pm; open 11am MARINE TAVERN open noon POISON IVY cabaret: Benji Official 9pm; Misty Lee’s karaoke 7pm; open 11am QUEEN’S ARMS De-Licious: karaoke, giveaways & guest hosts 9pm; open noon REGENCY TAVERN food noon-2.30pm & 6-8.30pm; open noon

REVENGE Girls On Top: level 1 DJs Smithy, Fifi, Alpha; level 2 DJ Cheeks Du Rhythm 10.30pm SUBLINE Leathered 9pm VAVAVOOM open 7pm ZONE U Say, We Play 8pm; open 10am FRIDAY 22 A-BAR cabaret: Tammy Twinkle 9.30pm; pre-club music; food noon-7pm; open 11am BAR 7@CRAWLEY Lust: DJ 6pm BAR 56 cabaret: Collusion 9pm; open noon BAR REVENGE Shameless warm-up 9pm; pizza 5-9pm; open noon-6am BASEMENT CLUB@LEGENDS Friday Night Live with Lady La Rue: 2 floor party, DJ Peter Castle in club 11pm BEDFORD TAVERN Krazy Kamikaze Karaoke 8.30pm; open noon BULLDOG DJs Simon Blanch/Grant Knowles 10pm; karaoke bar cabaret: Lola Lasagne midnight; open 11am CAMELFORD ARMS food noon-3pm & 69pm; Friday Club 6pm; open noon CHARLES ST Fruity Fri Fix: DJ Leeroy 9pm; food noon-7.45pm 112 CHURCH ST cabaret: Jason Lee 9pm; food noon-late; open noon


I DR BRIGHTONS Funky Fri: DJs Nick Hirst or Wayne 9pm; open 1pm I FUNKYFISH BAR open noon I FUNKYFISH CLUB Thank Funk It’s Friday: DJ Antony 10.30pm I LEGENDS BAR Friday Night Live with Lady La Rue, 2 floor party, promo boys, free champers for early birds, free bottle of champers for birthdays 9pm; DJ Peter Castle in club 11pm; food noon-7pm; open 11am I MARINE TAVERN open noon I POISON IVY camp disco, video bar & Spice’s Karaoke 7pm; open 11am I QUEEN’S ARMS Flashback: card games, DJ Andy B/Kamp Kevin, karaoke 9pm; open noon I REGENCY TAVERN food noon-2.30pm & 6-8.30pm; open 11am I REVENGE Shameless: DJs Lee Harris, Alex Baker, Smithy + regular live PAs 10.30pm I SUBLINE Steam 9pm I VAVAVOOM open 7pm I ZONE live music: Backbeat 9.30pm; open 10am SATURDAY 23 I A-BAR Pre-club music; food noon-7pm; open 11am I BAR 7@CRAWLEY DJ: party night 6pm I BAR 56 open noon I BAR REVENGE F@#k Me! It’s Free warmup: DJ Fifilicious 9pm; open noon-6am I BASEMENT CLUB@LEGENDS Fusion: DJ Peter Castle 11pm I BEDFORD TAVERN open noon I BULLDOG DJ V John 10pm; DJ Lil Alex 3am; karaoke 10pm; open 11am I CAMELFORD ARMS food noon-7pm; open noon I CHARLES ST The Boys In The Bar: all-male DJs Jonesy, Lil Alex, Grant Knowles, Leeroy on rotation 9pm; food noon-7.45pm; open noon I 112 CHURCH ST food noon-late; open noon I DR BRIGHTONS Sexy Sat: DJ Nick Hirst 9pm; open 1pm I FUNKYFISH BAR open noon I FUNKYFISH CLUB Old Skool Sat: DJ Sean Quinn 10pm I LEGENDS BAR Pre-Club DJs 7pm; food noon-7pm; open 11am I MARINE TAVERN open noon I PARIS HOUSE live jazz 4pm; open 10am I POISON IVY afternoon karaoke & Betty Swollocks’ karaoke till midnight; open 11am







REGULARS: SUNDAY FUNDAY with retro games at the bar, and KARAOKE QUEENS with LouBag & Smithy at 8pm. Mon is Quiz with Liz with cash prizes at 8.30pm followed by DJ Alex Baker till midnight. VIP TUESDAYS with Harry's karaoke; win drinks, VIP cards & bar tabs, at 8pm. Thur is the Girls on Top official warm-up with DJ Kelly L at 9pm. Fri is the Shameless warm-up with DJ Alpha at 9pm. Sat is the F@#CK ME! IT’S FREE warm-up with DJ Fifilicious at 9pm. FOOD: buy a 12” pizza & 4 drinks for £6.95 Mon–Fri. DRINK DEALS: shots £1.50 all day, all night, every day; 2-4-1 cocktails Sun–Fri 5–9pm; drinks from £1.99 Wed; from £1.50 Thur after 7pm; from £2.49 Fri & Sat; Jagerbombs £1.99 on Sat. OPEN: daily from noon–2am & till 6am on Fri & Sat. REVENGE PASSES: Free Revenge discount passes on Thur; buy a drink and get free entry to the club on Fri before midnight & Sat before 1am. QUEEN’S ARMS cabaret: Jon Borthwick 4.30pm; guest host karaoke 6pm; Sissy’s Sin Bin: karaoke/tunes/games 9pm; open noon REGENCY TAVERN food 12-6pm; open 11am REVENGE F@#k Me! It’s Still Free: DJs Alex Baker, Trick, King K 10.30pm SUBLINE Men’s Room: DJ Screwpulous 9pm VAVAVOOM open 6pm ZONE cabaret: Sally Vate 9.30pm; open 10am SUNDAY 24 A-BAR Sunday lunch: bookings 01273 696691 noon-till gone; open 11am BAR 7@CRAWLEY Quiz 6pm BAR 56 cabaret: Kitty Monroe 8.30pm; open 1pm BAR REVENGE Sunday Funday: retro games; Karaoke Queens: LouBag & Smithy 8pm; open noon BASEMENT CLUB@LEGENDS

Pop!Candy: DJ Claire Fuller 11pm BEDFORD TAVERN Sunday roasts 12.305pm; Piano Bingo 5pm; open noon BULLDOG DJ Grant Knowles 8pm; karaoke 8pm; open 11am CAMELFORD ARMS Palm Sun Party 12; Sunday roasts & selected menu 12-till gone CHARLES ST cabaret: Lady James 7.30pm; Tranny Rock & Roll Bingo: Sally Vate & roll over jackpot 8.30pm; Sunday lunch noon-7pm 112 CHURCH ST Richard’s Sun Roast noon-late; open noon DR BRIGHTONS Hangover Therapy; open 1pm FUN FAIR CLUB BodyShakers: tea dance with DJs Steven Geller, Steve B & guests 6pm FUNKYFISH BAR open noon LEGENDS BAR cabaret: Lucinda Lashes 3.15pm; open 11am MARINE TAVERN open 1pm POISON IVY cabaret: Andora Dix 5.30pm; karaoke; open 11am

STUDENT PRIDE: Fri (1) is the STUDENT PRIDE OPENING PARTY with DJs Lee Harris, Alex Baker & Smithy playing 2013's freshest pop tunes & guilty pleasures over 2 floors, £2.50 drinks before midnight, £2.50 Jagerbombs/double up for £1 all night, entry free for Student Pride wristband holders, free b4 midnight with a pass, or £5. Sat (2) is the STUDENT PRIDE AFTER PARTY with DJs Alex Baker, Trick & guest DMS playing pop on Level 1; DJs King K & Dean Barden play house on level 2, all drinks £2.50 before midnight, Jagerbombs £2.50/double up for £1 all night, entry with Student Pride wristband after 2am, free with a pass, or £5. EASTER: Sat (30) is REVENGE V FIERCE Angel Easter Special with Fierce Angel DJs in the box bar with free CDs, live percussion and funky house; resident DJs play pop/dance/r'n'b/bass/indie/mash-ups on level 1, entry free b4 1am with a pass or £5. Sun (31) is GIRLS ON TOP EASTER FOAM PARTY with foam & pop/urban/trash from DJs Smithy, Alpha & Fifilicious on level 1; DJ Cheeks Du Rhythm plays bouncy house/bassline on level 2, entry free/£3/£4. REGULARS: VIP TUESDAYS with DJ Trick playing pop, all drinks £2, double up for £1, buy a drink at the bar or the club and receive free entry to the club, otherwise entry £2/£3. Thur is GIRLS ON TOP lesbian night, (7) is Army themed, (28) is a Neon Rave, with all-girl DJs Smithy, Fifilicious, Alpha & Cheeks Du Rhythm playing chart/urban/old school/house drinks from £1.50, entry free with pass or £3/£4. Fri is SHAMELESS with live PAs & DJs Lee Harris, Alex Baker & Smithy playing the freshest tunes of 2013 v guilty pleasures; girl-band Vanquish perform live & DJ James Barr joins regulars (29); drinks £2.50 b4 midnight, double up for £1, Jagerbombs £2.50 all night, entry free with a pass/£5. Sat is F@#K ME! IT’S STILL FREE with DJs, all drinks £2.50 b4 midnight, Jagerbombs £2.50 all night, double up for £1 all night, free entry b4 1am with a pass, £5 after. DRINK DEALS: All drink specials exclude champers & doubles (excl doubling up). FREE ENTRY PASSES: available through the week from Bar Revenge or from OPEN: from 10.30pm on Thur/Fri/Sat; 11pm on Tue. QUEEN’S ARMS 321 Cabaret: La Voux 6pm; Candi Rell’s karaoke 7.30pm; win up to £321 in cash 10.30pm; open noon REGENCY TAVERN Sunday roasts noon5pm; Piano Bar 1.30pm; open noon SUBLINE Come in Your Pants: DJ N.U.D.E, underwear party 9pm THREE JOLLY BREWERS live jazz 2-5pm ZONE live music 4pm; Carrie O’Kay’s karaoke; open 10am MONDAY 25 A-BAR bar food noon-7pm; open 11am BAR 56 open noon BAR REVENGE Quiz with Liz 8.30pm; DJ Alex Baker till midnight; pizza 5-9pm; open noon

BEDFORD TAVERN open noon BULLDOG DJ Marcia’s Glitter Ball 10pm; open 11am CAMELFORD ARMS food noon-3pm & 6-9pm; open noon CHARLES ST food noon-8pm; open noon 112 CHURCH ST food noon-late; open noon DR BRIGHTONS Medication Mon; open 3pm ENVY Studio 150: student night 10pm FUNKYFISH BAR open noon LEGENDS BAR Miss Jason Does Legends 9.30pm; food noon-7pm; open 11am MARINE TAVERN open noon POISON IVY karaoke 7pm; open 11am






ONE FOR THE DAIRY: Wed is the Q FACTOR 2013 auditions with a £1,500 prize package at 9pm. REGULARS: Sun is live jazz at 2pm, free entry. Tue (12 & 26) is live bluegrass, old-time country with The Pickin' Circle at 8pm, free entry. FOOD: served noon–3pm & 6–9pm; burger meal & pint (or wine) £10. Private function room available for parties call 01273 608571. OPEN: daily from 11.30am.


ONE FOR THE DAIRY: Fri (1) is BGS, Skins invade Brighton. EASTER: Fri (29) is BAD FRIDAY. Sun (31) is SPUME The Resurrection. REGULARS: Fri is STEAM with cheap drinks and free entry for members till 11pm. Sat is THE MEN'S ROOM with DJ Screwpulous, members get cheap drinks and free entry till 11pm. Sun is COME IN YOUR PANTS underwear party with DJ N.U.D.E. Wed is BACKLASH retro tunes and prices, including selected drinks £3 all night for members. Thur is LEATHERED with free lockers. OPEN: Fri & Sat from 9pm–4am, Sun from 8pm–2am, Wed & Thur from 9pm–1.30am. Closed Mon & Tue.

QUEEN’S ARMS Andy B’s Name That Tune: quiz, bingo, snacks, prizes 9pm; open noon REGENCY TAVERN food noon-2.30pm & 6-8.30pm; open noon ZONE Adam’s Manic Mon 7pm; open 10am TUESDAY 26 A-BAR food: inc curry & pint £7.90 noon9pm; Quiz 8pm; open 11am BAR 7@CRAWLEY Proud to Party 6pm BAR 56 open noon BAR REVENGE Harry’s VIP Karaoke: win drinks/VIP cards/bar tabs 8pm; pizza 5-9pm; open noon BEDFORD TAVERN Games Galore; open noon BULLDOG Reggae Night: DJ Micklos 10pm; open 11am CAMELFORD ARMS food noon-3pm & 69pm; open noon CHARLES ST food noon-8pm; open noon 112 CHURCH ST food 12-late; open 12 DR BRIGHTONS Twisted Tue; open 3pm FUNKYFISH BAR open noon LEGENDS BAR food noon-7pm; open

11am MARINE TAVERN Nat’s Quiz 9pm; open noon POISON IVY Bar 150 karaoke 7pm; open 11am QUEEN’S ARMS Lollipop: Pasty Cline’s karaoke, lollipops/lipgloss 9pm; open noon REGENCY TAVERN food noon-2.30pm & 6-8.30pm; open noon REVENGE VIP Tues: DJ Trick 10.30pm THREE JOLLY BREWERS live music: The Pickin’ Circle 8-11pm ZONE U Say We Play 7pm; open 10am WEDNESDAY 27 A-BAR open mic with Mark Hodge 8.30pm; bar food noon-7pm; cocktail night; open 11am BAR 56 Davina Sparkle’s School Night Challenge: rollover prizes 9pm; open noon BAR REVENGE pizza 5-9pm; open noon BASEMENT CLUB@LEGENDS Mash-Up: DJ Lee Harris 10pm BEDFORD TAVERN open noon BRIGHTON SAUNA Naked Day: no towels 10-1am

BULLDOG Diva Rush cabaret: host Joe McJoe & Lady James 10.30pm; DJ Marcia; open 11am CAMELFORD ARMS food noon-3pm & 69pm; open noon CHARLES ST J’Lo Cabaret: Miss Jason & Lola Lasagne 9.30pm; food noon-8pm; open noon 112 CHURCH ST food noon-late; open noon DR BRIGHTONS Cocktail Clinic; open 3pm FUNKYFISH BAR open noon LEGENDS BAR food noon-7pm; open 11am MARINE TAVERN open noon POISON IVY Barbara Fella’s Karaoke & In It To Win It: win £100 bar tab 7pm; open 11am QUEEN’S ARMS Q Factor 2013: 4 mentors, 12 singers, £1,500 prize 9pm; open noon REGENCY TAVERN food noon-2.30pm & 6-8.30pm; open noon SUBLINE Backlash: retro night 9pm ZONE Sofa So Good: board games, Wii, films & more 7.30pm; open 10am

QUEEN’S ARMS De-Licious: karaoke, giveaways & guest hosts 9pm; open noon REGENCY TAVERN food noon-2.30pm & 6-8.30pm; open noon REVENGE Girls On Top Neon Rave: level 1 DJs Smithy, Fifi, Alpha; level 2 DJ Cheeks Du Rhythm & Jonesy 10.30pm SUBLINE Leathered 9pm VAVAVOOM open 7pm ZONE U Say, We Play 8pm; open 10am

FRIDAY 29 A-BAR cabaret: Lady James 9.30pm; preclub music; food noon-7pm; open 11am BAR 7@CRAWLEY Beach Party: DJ Waynsie-Rude-Boy & cocktail bar 6pm BAR 56 cabaret: Miss Jason 9pm; open noon BAR REVENGE Shameless warm-up 9pm; pizza 5-9pm; open noon-6am BASEMENT CLUB@LEGENDS Friday Night Live with Lady La Rue: 2 floor party, DJ Peter Castle in club 11pm BEDFORD TAVERN Krazy Kamikaze Karaoke 8.30pm; open noon BULLDOG DJs Simon Blanch/Grant Knowles THURSDAY 28 A-BAR food noon-7pm; cocktail night; open 10pm; karaoke bar Good Friday cabaret: Topping & Butch midnight; open 11am 11am CAMELFORD ARMS food & hot cross buns BAR 7@CRAWLEY Drag Idol competition noon-3pm & 6-9pm; Good Friday Club 6pm; 6pm open noon BAR 56 open noon CHARLES ST Good Fruity Fri Fix: DJ Leeroy BAR REVENGE Girls On Top warm-up: DJ 9pm; food noon-7.45pm Kelly L 9pm; pizza 5-9pm; open noon BEDFORD TAVERN Thur Social; open noon 112 CHURCH ST Double Trouble Cabaret: Maisie Trollette & Pooh La May 9pm; food BULLDOG 111 Hour Long Weekend: Release: DJ Grant Knowles 10pm; open 11am noon-late; open noon DR BRIGHTONS Funky Good Fri: DJs Nick CAMELFORD ARMS Big Cash Easter Quiz Hirst or Wayne 9pm; open 1pm Night 9pm; food noon-3pm & 6-9pm; open FUNKYFISH BAR open noon noon CHARLES ST Mad Cow Easter Egg Hunt: 2 FUNKYFISH CLUB Thank Funk It’s Friday: DJ Antony 10.30pm floors, hostess Ms Joan Bond, DJs Lil Alex & LEGENDS BAR Friday Night Live with Lady LeeRoy 8pm; open noon La Rue, 2 floor party, promo boys, free 112 CHURCH ST food 12-late; open 12 champers for early birds, free bottle of champers DR BRIGHTONS Thirsty Thur; open 3pm for birthdays 9pm; DJ Peter Castle in club ENVY Mad Cow Easter Egg Hunt: 2 floors, 11pm; food noon-7pm; open 11am hostess Ms Joan Bond, DJs Lil Alex & LeeRoy MARINE TAVERN open noon 8pm POISON IVY camp disco, video bar & FUNKYFISH BAR open noon Spice’s Karaoke 7pm; open 11am LEGENDS BAR Mark Hodge’s Comedy QUEEN’S ARMS Flashback: card games, DJ Night 9.30pm; food noon-7pm; open 11am Andy B/Kamp Kevin, karaoke 9pm; open noon MARINE TAVERN open noon POISON IVY cabaret: Wilma Fingadoo 9pm; REGENCY TAVERN food noon-2.30pm & 6-8.30pm; open 11am Misty Lee’s karaoke 7pm; open 11am










EASTER BANK HOLIDAY WEEKEND: Sun (31) is WildFruit's GLITTERATI party at the re-launched Stooshh (formerly the Honeyclub) nightclub at 10pm. The night of unadulterated hedonism sees hosts Chrissie Darling, Dolly Rocket & Marnie Starlet join DJs Dulcie Danger, Matt Bogard & Sam DMS who will be playing in the main party room while Lady Lola & Missy B spin pop, urban, garage, chart & party tunes in room 2. The venue has undergone a startling refit with wall to wall glitter and spectacle, so be among the first to see this all new Brighton pleasure palace during its launch weekend! Tickets £5 for guests; £7 in advance or before midnight; £10 after. The venue are donating £500 to Pride and each person on the guest list will be charged a £1 donation charge which also goes to Pride. Buy online from LEGENDS BAR Pre-Club DJs 7pm; food noon-7pm; open 11am MARINE TAVERN open noon PARIS HOUSE live jazz 4pm; open 10am POISON IVY afternoon karaoke & Betty Swollocks’ karaoke till midnight; open 11am QUEEN’S ARMS cabaret: Candi Rell 4.30pm; guest host karaoke 6pm; Sissy & Kamp Kevin’s Sat Night Sin Bin: karaoke, tunes SATURDAY 30 & games 9pm; open noon A-BAR Pre-club music; food noon-7pm; REGENCY TAVERN food noon-6pm; open open 11am BAR 7@CRAWLEY cabaret: Tammy Twinkle 11am REVENGE Revenge v Fierce Angel Easter 6pm Special: Fierce Angel DJs, live percussion & CD BAR 56 open noon BAR REVENGE F@#k Me! It’s Free warm- give-aways in box bar; regular DJs on level 1 10.30pm up: DJ Fifilicious 9pm; open noon-6am BASEMENT CLUB@LEGENDS Fusion: DJ SUBLINE Men’s Room: DJ Screwpulous 9pm Peter Castle 11pm BEDFORD TAVERN open noon VAVAVOOM open 6pm BULLDOG 111 Hour Long Weekend: DJ V ZONE East Sat cabaret: Tammy Twinkle 9.30pm; open 10am John 10pm; DJ Lil Alex 3am; karaoke 10pm CAMELFORD ARMS food 12-7pm; open 12 CHARLES ST The 3rd Easter Bonnet Drag SUNDAY 31 Ball: DJs Jonesy, Lil Alex, Grant Knowles & A-BAR Sunday lunch: bookings 01273 Leeroy, prizes/give-aways for those who dare to 696691 noon-till gone; open 11am drag 9pm; food noon-7.45pm; open noon BAR 7@CRAWLEY karaoke 6pm 112 CHURCH ST food 12-late; open 12 BAR 56 cabaret: Fonda Cox 8.30pm; open DR BRIGHTONS Sexy Sat: DJ Tony B 9pm 1pm FUNKYFISH BAR open noon BAR REVENGE Sunday Funday: retro FUNKYFISH CLUB Old Skool Sat: DJ Sean games; Karaoke Queens: LouBag & Smithy Quinn 10pm 8pm; open noon

REVENGE Shameless: live PA from girlband Vanquish + DJs James Barr, Lee Harris, Alex Baker & Smithy 10.30pm SUBLINE Bad Friday 9pm VAVAVOOM open 7pm ZONE Good Fri cabaret 9.30pm; open 101.30am

ONE FOR THE DAIRY: Tue (19) is TRANSACTION, a night for TV/TS people, their friends, and family, with drink deals at 7pm. EASTER: Fri (29) is GOOD FRIDAY CABARET at 9.30pm, open till 1.30am. Sat (30) is EASTER SATURDAY CABARET with Tammy Twinkle at 9.30pm. REGULARS: Fri LIVE MUSIC at 9.30pm: Stone & Street (1), Collusion (8), Mark Inscoe (15) and Back Beat (22). Sat CABARET at 9.30pm: Tammy Twinkle (2), Sally Vate (9 & 23) and Miss Jason (16). Sun LIVE MUSIC at 4pm: Back Beat (3), Collusion (17), Stone & Street (31); Carrie O'Kay's KARAOKE follows. Adam's Manic Monday with drink deals. Wed is SOFA SO GOOD with Wii, games, films at 8pm. Thur is YOU SAY, WE PLAY with drink deals. Thur (14) is Carrie O'Kay's Cockney Knees-up sing-a-long at 3pm. OPEN: daily from 10am. BASEMENT CLUB@LEGENDS Easter Pop!Candy: DJ Claire Fuller 11pm BEDFORD TAVERN Sunday roasts 12.305pm; Piano Bingo 5pm; open noon BULLDOG 111 Hour Long Weekend: DJ Grant Knowles 8pm; karaoke 8pm CAMELFORD ARMS Easter Sunday roasts & selected menu noon-till gone; Bunny Bear Bash 5pm; open noon CHARLES ST Bank Hol cabaret: Masquerade 7.30pm; Tranny Rock & Roll Bingo: Sally Vate, roll over jackpot 8.30pm; Sun lunch noon-7pm 112 CHURCH ST Richard’s Sun Roast noon-late; open noon DR BRIGHTONS Easter Hangover Therapy; open 1pm FUN FAIR CLUB BodyShakers: tea dance with DJs Steven Geller, Steve B & guests 6pm FUNKYFISH BAR open noon LEGENDS BAR Easter Sun cabaret: Lady Imelda 3.15pm; open 11am MARINE TAVERN open 1pm POISON IVY cabaret: Scarlette Diamante 5.30pm; karaoke; open 11am QUEEN’S ARMS Easter Sun Cabaret: Sandra 6pm; Candi Rell’s karaoke 7.30pm; cabaret: Trudi Styles & Piano Man 10pm; open noon

REGENCY TAVERN Sunday roasts noon5pm; Piano Bar 1.30pm; open noon REVENGE Girls on Top Easter Foam Party: level 1 DJs Fifi, Smithy, Alpha & foam; level 2 DJ Cheeky Du Rhythm 10.30pm SUBLINE Spume The Resurrection 9pm WILD FRUIT@STOOSHH Glitterati: hosts Chrissie Darling, Dolly Rocket & Marnie Starlet; DJs Dulcie Danger, Matt Bogard, Sam DMS in room 1; DJs Lady Lola, Missy B in room 2 10pm ZONE live music: Stone & Street 4pm; Carrie O’Kay’s karaoke; open 10-1.30am MONDAY 1 BAR 56 open noon-9pm BULLDOG 111 Hour Long Weekend: DJ Marcia’s Glitter Ball 10pm CAMELFORD ARMS food 12-9pm; open 12 CHARLES ST Bank Holiday Cabaret: Glam Jam 7.30pm; food noon-8pm; open noon DR BRIGHTONS Easter Recovery; open 3pm FUNKYFISH BAR open noon LEGENDS BAR Bank Holiday Cabaret: Two’s Company 3.15pm; Miss Jason Does Legends 9pm; food noon-7pm; open 11am QUEEN’S ARMS Easter Mon Cabaret: Kitty Litter 6pm; open noon



BAKERS ARMS 77-79 Commercial Rd, BH2 5RT, Tel: 01202 555506 BAR VENTANA at CUMBERLAND HOTEL East Overcliff Dr, BH1 3AF, Tel: 01202 556529 BRANKSOME ARMS 152-154 Commercial Rd, BH2 5LU, Tel: 01202 292254 CUMBERLAND HOTEL East Overcliff Drive, BH1 3AF, Tel: 01202 290722 DYMK 31 Poole Hill, BH2 5PW, SAUNABAR 140 Commercial Rd, BH2 5LU, Tel: 01202 552654 2930 THE TRIANGLE CLUB 29-30 The Triangle, BH2 5SE, Tel: 0845 496 2934 EASY TIGER 27 The Triangle, BH2 5SE; open: Mon-Fri 10am-8pm, Sat 10am-6.30pm, Sun 11am-5pm. Tel: 01202 554195 XCHANGE 4 The Triangle, BH2 5RY, Tel: 01202 294321


HAMPSHIRE BOULEVARD 1 Hampshire Terr, Southsea, Tel: 02392 297509 Open: Mon: 3pm-11pm, Tue: noon-1am, Wed-

FRIDAY 1 BOURNEMOUTH CUMBERLAND HOTEL Ventana Bar & Brasserie: food, afternoon tea, drinks; open 9am DYMK open 2pm PORTSMOUTH HAMPSHIRE BLVD DJ till 3am OLD VIC food noon-5pm; party till 2am SOUTHAMPTON EDGE Get Some: DJs Lady Bex, Lohands, Rob Davies 9pm LONDON HOTEL cabaret: Jo Frances 10pm; food noon-3pm SATURDAY 2 BOURNEMOUTH CUMBERLAND HOTEL Ventana Bar & Brasserie: food, afternoon tea, drinks; open 9am DYMK open 2pm PORTSMOUTH HAMPSHIRE BLVD DJ till 3am OLD VIC food noon-5pm SOUTHAMPTON EDGE The Big One: DJs, 2 dancefloors, 3 bars 9pm LONDON HOTEL DJ Dazza’s Guilty Pleasures 10pm; food noon-3pm SUNDAY 3 BOURNEMOUTH CUMBERLAND HOTEL Ventana Bar & Brasserie: Sun Lunch 12.30-2.30pm & 7-9pm DYMK open 2pm PORTSMOUTH HAMPSHIRE BLVD karaoke till 2am OLD VIC Sun lunch 1-5pm; open noon SOUTHAMPTON EDGE We Are 1: DJ Steve Francis 10pm LONDON HOTEL cabaret: Drag With No Name 9.30pm; Sun lunch 12-3.30pm; open 12 MONDAY 4 BOURNEMOUTH CUMBERLAND HOTEL Ventana Bar & Brasserie: food, afternoon tea, drinks; open 9am

Thur: noon-2am, Fri-Sat: noon-3am, Sun: noon-2am, cabaret bar and club OLD VIC 104 St Pauls Rd, Southsea Tel: 02392 297013 Open: Mon-Fri: 11am till late, Sat: 5pm-late, Sun: noon-12,30am. Regular cabaret, food. TROPICS SAUNA 2 Market Way Tel: 02380 296100 Open: Mon-Wed: 12-8pm, Thur-Sat: 11am-9pm


ISOBAR 100c St Mary’s Street Tel: 02380 222028 Open: Sun-Tue: 2pm-11pm, Wed-Sat: 2pmmidnight. Modern bar, decked garden, popular with younger crowd. LONDON HOTEL 2 Terminus Terrace Tel: 02380 710652 Open: Mon-Thur: noon-11pm, Fri-Sat: noon12.30am, Sun: noon-11.30am. Friendly cabaret venue, serves food. EDGE Compton Walk Tel: 02380 366163 Open: Tue-Fri & Sun: 9pm-3am, Sat: 9pm5am. Stylish club on 2 floors with 3 bars. Party till 5am on a Saturday night - last entry at 3am. PINK BROADWAY SAUNA 797/80 East St Tel: 02380 238804 Open: Sun-Thur: noon-10pm, Fri-Sat: noon-2am

DYMK open 2pm PORTSMOUTH HAMPSHIRE BLVD DJ till 2am OLD VIC food noon-5pm; open noon SOUTHAMPTON LONDON HOTEL chillout; food noon-3pm TUESDAY 5 BOURNEMOUTH CUMBERLAND HOTEL Ventana Bar & Brasserie: food, afternoon tea, drinks; open 9am DYMK open 2pm PORTSMOUTH OLD VIC Quiz 8pm; food noon-5pm SOUTHAMPTON EDGE Bomb It!: video jukebox 10pm LONDON HOTEL chillout; food noon-3pm WEDNESDAY 6 BOURNEMOUTH CUMBERLAND HOTEL Ventana Bar & Brasserie: food, afternoon tea, drinks; open 9am DYMK open 2pm PORTSMOUTH HAMPSHIRE BLVD open till 2am OLD VIC NUS night 7pm; food noon-5pm SOUTHAMPTON EDGE The P Party: DJ Lady Bex, Cheeky Pete’s karaoke, dress as anything beginning with the letter P 9pm LONDON HOTEL Quiz 8.30pm; food noon3pm; open noon THURSDAY 7 BOURNEMOUTH CUMBERLAND HOTEL Ventana Bar & Brasserie: food, afternoon tea, drinks; open 9am DYMK open 2pm PORTSMOUTH HAMPSHIRE BLVD karaoke till 2am OLD VIC karaoke 8pm; food noon-5pm SOUTHAMPTON EDGE Pure Pop!: DJ Neil Sackley 10pm LONDON HOTEL Karaoke Cruising: Pat Cruise 9.30pm; food noon-3pm; open noon








EASTER: Wed (27) is the BAR 150 PLAYBOY BUNNY PARTY with regular DJs, happy hours & entry. Fri (29) is GET SOME RODEO with a rodeo sheep, regular DJs, happy hours and entry. Sun (31) DJs Lady Bex & Pete Kendall play back to back. Open till 5am Wed (27) – Sun (31). REGULARS: Fri is GET SOME with DJs Lohands, Lady Bex, Rob Davies, huge giveaways, entry £1–£6. Sat is THE BIG ONE with resident DJs & guests Lee Harris (23) & Phil Marriott (30); 3 bars & 2 dancefloors, entry free–£6. Sun is WE ARE 1 with DJ Steve Francis, £1 drinks, entry free–£4. Tue is BOMB IT! with 3-4-2 Jagerbombs, free video jukebox & entry. Wed is BAR 150 with DJ Lady Bex & Cheeky Pete’s Karaoke, £1.50 drinks, entry free–£6; THE P PARTY (6) wear anything beginning with the letter P, is (6), closes 5am. Thur is PURE POP! with DJ Neil Sackley playing pop tunes; discounts on cocktails & shooters, free sweets, entry £1. OPEN: Sun, Tue & Thur 10pm, Wed, Fri & Sat 9pm. Closed Mon

FRIDAY 8 BOURNEMOUTH CUMBERLAND HOTEL Ventana Bar & Brasserie: food, afternoon tea, drinks; open 9am DYMK open 2pm PORTSMOUTH HAMPSHIRE BLVD DJ till 3am OLD VIC food noon-5pm; party till 2am SOUTHAMPTON EDGE Get Some: DJs Lady Bex, Lohands, Rob Davies, Brad Dykes & Becky Perry 9pm LONDON HOTEL Fairylea: DJ Ruby Roo 8.30pm; cabaret: Miss Jason 10pm; food noon-3pm SATURDAY 9 BOURNEMOUTH CUMBERLAND HOTEL Ventana Bar & Brasserie: food, afternoon tea, drinks; open 9am DYMK open 2pm PORTSMOUTH HAMPSHIRE BLVD DJ till 3am OLD VIC food noon-5pm; DJs all night SOUTHAMPTON EDGE The Big One: DJs, 2 dancefloors, 3 bars 9pm LONDON HOTEL cabaret: Jacquii Cann & DJ Pat Cruise’s Guilty Pleasures 10pm; food noon-3pm; open noon SUNDAY 10 BOURNEMOUTH CUMBERLAND HOTEL Ventana Bar & Brasserie: Sun Lunch 12.30-2.30pm & 7-9pm DYMK open noon PORTSMOUTH HAMPSHIRE BLVD karaoke till 2am OLD VIC Sun lunch 1-5pm; open noon

SOUTHAMPTON EDGE We Are 1: DJ Steve Francis 10pm LONDON HOTEL Dolly Partem’s Sunday Service 8pm; Tammy Twinkle 9.30pm; Sun lunch noon-3.30pm; open noon

ONE FOR THE DIARY: Wed (6) is monthly QUIZ NIGHT with cash prizes at 8.30pm.. REGULARS: Thur is Pat Cruise’s KARAOKE CRUISING at 9.30pm. Fri (1) is CABARET with Jo Frances at 10pm; then all other Fridays it's FAIRYLEA with DJ Ruby Roo at 8.30pm and cabaret at 10pm: Miss Jason (8), Sandra (15), Mary Mac (22) and Miss Thunderpussy (29). Sat is GUILTY PLEASURES with DJs & cabaret at 8.30pm: DJ Dazza (2), DJ Pat Cruise & Jacquii Cann (9), DJ Tiny (16), DJ Dazza & Benji (23) and DJ Neil Sackley (30). Sun (3) is Drag With No Name's SUNDAY SERVICE at 9.30pm; then Dolly Partem’s Sunday Service is at 8pm, cabaret follows at 9.30pm: Tammy Twinkle (10), Dave Lynn (17), Rose Garden (24) and Lola Lasagne (31). Chill out in one of the brand new lounge areas. FOOD: traditional pub food Mon–Sat noon–3pm; Sunday lunch noon–3.30pm. OPEN: daily from noon. LONDON HOTEL chillout; food noon-3pm THURSDAY 14 BOURNEMOUTH CUMBERLAND HOTEL Ventana Bar & Brasserie: food, afternoon tea, drinks; open 9am DYMK open 2pm PORTSMOUTH HAMPSHIRE BLVD karaoke till 2am OLD VIC karaoke 8pm; food noon-5pm SOUTHAMPTON EDGE Pure Pop!: DJ Neil Sackley 10pm LONDON HOTEL Karaoke Cruising: Pat Cruise 9.30pm; food noon-3pm; open noon

FRIDAY 15 BOURNEMOUTH CUMBERLAND HOTEL Ventana Bar & Brasserie: food, afternoon tea, drinks; open 9am MONDAY 11 DYMK open 2pm BOURNEMOUTH PORTSMOUTH CUMBERLAND HOTEL Ventana Bar & HAMPSHIRE BLVD DJ till 3am Brasserie: food, afternoon tea, drinks; open 9am OLD VIC food noon-5pm; party till 2am DYMK open 2pm SOUTHAMPTON PORTSMOUTH EDGE Get Some: DJs Lady Bex, Lohands, Rob HAMPSHIRE BLVD DJ till 2am Davies 9pm OLD VIC food noon-5pm; open noon LONDON HOTEL Fairylea: DJ Ruby Roo SOUTHAMPTON 8.30pm; cabaret: Sandra 10pm; food 12-3pm LONDON HOTEL chillout; food noon-3pm

EDGE We Are 1: DJ Steve Francis 10pm LONDON HOTEL Dolly Partem’s Sunday Service 8pm; Dave Lynn 9.30pm; Sun lunch noon-3.30pm; open noon MONDAY 18 BOURNEMOUTH CUMBERLAND HOTEL Ventana Bar & Brasserie: food, afternoon tea, drinks; open 9am DYMK open 2pm PORTSMOUTH HAMPSHIRE BLVD DJ till 2am OLD VIC food noon-5pm; open noon SOUTHAMPTON LONDON HOTEL food noon-3pm TUESDAY 19 BOURNEMOUTH CUMBERLAND HOTEL Ventana Bar & Brasserie: food, afternoon tea, drinks; open 9am DYMK open 2pm PORTSMOUTH OLD VIC Quiz 8pm; food noon-5pm SOUTHAMPTON EDGE Bomb It!: video jukebox 10pm LONDON HOTEL chillout; food noon-3pm WEDNESDAY 20 BOURNEMOUTH CUMBERLAND HOTEL Ventana Bar & Brasserie: food, afternoon tea, drinks; open 9am DYMK open 2pm PORTSMOUTH HAMPSHIRE BLVD open till 2am OLD VIC NUS night 7pm; food noon-5pm SOUTHAMPTON EDGE Bar 150: DJ Lady Bex & Cheeky Pete’s karaoke 9pm LONDON HOTEL food noon-3pm

SATURDAY 16 BOURNEMOUTH CUMBERLAND HOTEL Ventana Bar & Brasserie: food, afternoon tea, drinks; open 9am DYMK open 2pm PORTSMOUTH HAMPSHIRE BLVD DJ till 3am OLD VIC food noon-5pm; DJs all night SOUTHAMPTON EDGE The Big One Grindr Action Party: DJs, 2 dancefloors, 3 bars 9pm LONDON HOTEL DJ Tiny 10pm; food noon- THURSDAY 21 WEDNESDAY 13 3pm; open noon BOURNEMOUTH BOURNEMOUTH CUMBERLAND HOTEL Ventana Bar & CUMBERLAND HOTEL Ventana Bar & SUNDAY 17 Brasserie: food, afternoon tea, drinks; open 9am Brasserie: food, afternoon tea, drinks; open 9am BOURNEMOUTH DYMK open 2pm DYMK open 2pm CUMBERLAND HOTEL Ventana Bar & PORTSMOUTH PORTSMOUTH Brasserie: Sun Lunch 12.30-2.30pm & 7-9pm HAMPSHIRE BLVD karaoke till 2am HAMPSHIRE BLVD open till 2am DYMK open 2pm OLD VIC karaoke 8pm; food noon-5pm OLD VIC NUS night 7pm; food noon-5pm PORTSMOUTH SOUTHAMPTON SOUTHAMPTON HAMPSHIRE BLVD karaoke till 2am EDGE Pure Pop!: DJ Neil Sackley 10pm EDGE Bar 150: DJ Lady Bex & Cheeky Pete’s OLD VIC Sun lunch 1-5pm; open noon LONDON HOTEL Karaoke Cruising: Pat karaoke 9pm Cruise 9.30pm; food noon-3pm; open noon SOUTHAMPTON TUESDAY 12 BOURNEMOUTH CUMBERLAND HOTEL Ventana Bar & Brasserie: food, afternoon tea, drinks; open 9am DYMK open 2pm PORTSMOUTH OLD VIC Quiz 8pm; food noon-5pm SOUTHAMPTON EDGE Bomb It!: video jukebox 10pm LONDON HOTEL chillout; food noon-3pm


SOLENT & BOURNEMOUTH FRIDAY 22 BOURNEMOUTH I CUMBERLAND HOTEL Ventana Bar & Brasserie: food, afternoon tea, drinks; open 9am I DYMK open 2pm PORTSMOUTH I HAMPSHIRE BLVD DJ till 3am I OLD VIC food noon-5pm; party till 2am SOUTHAMPTON I EDGE Get Some: DJs Lady Bex, Lohands, Rob Davies 9pm I LONDON HOTEL Fairylea: DJ Ruby Roo 8.30pm; cabaret: Mary Mac 10pm; food noon3pm SATURDAY 23 BOURNEMOUTH I CUMBERLAND HOTEL Ventana Bar & Brasserie: food, afternoon tea, drinks; open 9am I DYMK open 2pm PORTSMOUTH I HAMPSHIRE BLVD DJ till 3am I OLD VIC food noon-5pm; DJs all night SOUTHAMPTON I EDGE The Big One: DJ Lee Harris & regulars, 2 dancefloors, 3 bars 9pm I LONDON HOTEL cabaret: Benji & DJ Dazza’s Guilty Pleasures 10pm; food noon3pm; open noon SUNDAY 24 BOURNEMOUTH I CUMBERLAND HOTEL Ventana Bar & Brasserie: Sun Lunch 12.30-2.30pm & 7-9pm I DYMK open 2pm PORTSMOUTH I HAMPSHIRE BLVD karaoke till 2am

I OLD VIC Sun lunch 1-5pm; open noon SOUTHAMPTON I EDGE We Are 1: DJ Steve Francis 10pm I LONDON HOTEL Dolly Partem’s Sunday Service 8pm; Rose Garden 9.30pm; Sun lunch noon-3.30pm; open noon MONDAY 25 BOURNEMOUTH I CUMBERLAND HOTEL Ventana Bar & Brasserie: food, afternoon tea, drinks; open 9am I DYMK open 2pm PORTSMOUTH I HAMPSHIRE BLVD DJ till 2am I OLD VIC food noon-5pm; open noon SOUTHAMPTON I LONDON HOTEL food noon-3pm TUESDAY 26 BOURNEMOUTH I CUMBERLAND HOTEL Ventana Bar & Brasserie: food, afternoon tea, drinks; open 9am I DYMK open 2pm PORTSMOUTH I OLD VIC Quiz 8pm; food noon-5pm SOUTHAMPTON I EDGE Bomb It!: video jukebox 10pm I LONDON HOTEL chillout; food noon-3pm WEDNESDAY 27 BOURNEMOUTH I CUMBERLAND HOTEL Ventana Bar & Brasserie: food, afternoon tea, drinks; open 9am I DYMK open 2pm PORTSMOUTH I HAMPSHIRE BLVD open till 2am I OLD VIC NUS night 7pm; food noon-5pm

I DYMK open 2pm PORTSMOUTH I HAMPSHIRE BLVD DJ till 3am I OLD VIC food noon-5pm SOUTHAMPTON THURSDAY 28 I EDGE The Big One: DJ Phil Marriott & BOURNEMOUTH regulars, 2 dancefloors, 3 bars 9pm I CUMBERLAND HOTEL Ventana Bar & I LONDON HOTEL DJ Neil Sackley’s Guilty Brasserie: food, afternoon tea, drinks; open 9am Pleasures 10pm; food noon-3pm I DYMK open 2pm PORTSMOUTH SUNDAY 31 I HAMPSHIRE BLVD karaoke till 2am BOURNEMOUTH I OLD VIC karaoke 8pm; food noon-5pm I CUMBERLAND HOTEL Ventana Bar & SOUTHAMPTON Brasserie: Sun Lunch 12.30-2.30pm & 7-9pm; I EDGE Pure Pop!: DJ Neil Sackley 10pm open 9am I LONDON HOTEL Karaoke Cruising: Pat I DYMK open 2pm Cruise 9.30pm; food noon-3pm; open noon PORTSMOUTH I HAMPSHIRE BLVD karaoke till 2am FRIDAY 29 I OLD VIC Sun lunch 1-5pm; open noon BOURNEMOUTH SOUTHAMPTON I CUMBERLAND HOTEL Ventana Bar & I EDGE DJ Lady Bex v DJ Pete Kendall 9pm Brasserie: food, afternoon tea, drinks; open 9am I LONDON HOTEL Dolly Partem’s Sunday I DYMK open 2pm Service 8pm; Lola Lasagne 9.30pm; Sun lunch PORTSMOUTH noon-3.30pm; open noon I HAMPSHIRE BLVD DJ till 3am I OLD VIC food noon-5pm; party till 2am MONDAY 1 SOUTHAMPTON BOURNEMOUTH I EDGE Get Some: rodeo sheep & DJs Lady I CUMBERLAND HOTEL Ventana Bar & Bex, Lohands, Rob Davies 9pm Brasserie: food, afternoon tea, drinks; open 9am I LONDON HOTEL Good Friday Fairylea: DJ I DYMK open 2pm Ruby Roo 8.30pm; cabaret: Miss Thunderpussy PORTSMOUTH 10pm; food noon-3pm I HAMPSHIRE BLVD DJ till 2am I OLD VIC food noon-5pm; open noon SATURDAY 30 SOUTHAMPTON BOURNEMOUTH I LONDON HOTEL chillout; food noon-3pm I CUMBERLAND HOTEL Ventana Bar & Brasserie: food, afternoon tea, drinks; open 9am

SOUTHAMPTON I EDGE Bar 150 Playboy Bunnies-theme night: DJ Lady Bex & Cheeky Pete’s karaoke 9pm I LONDON HOTEL food noon-3pm





RESTAURANT OF THE MONTH Betty la la’s, 22 St James’s St, Brighton 01273 693444 Betty la la’s is the new sparkling gem in Kemptown. It’s been open just eight weeks and already it’s created a buzz and is wowing many. I caught up with ultra-elegant owner Sandy and talented French chef, Harvey. It's a fabulous name how did you come up with it? Sandy: “From my two grandmothers' names: Betty and Lala. It’s strange but it works!” How did you come to set up your restaurant? S: “I worked for British Airways for years and then I spent 13 years bringing up my lovely daughter, Isabella. Now I am doing something fun for me. It's a huge investment though.” There seems to be a happy, fun atmosphere in this very glam space and people at tables that don’t even know each other are interacting. Spanish is being spoken by visitors across

tables and everybody is happily enjoying their food. It's an eclectic experience, but very enjoyable. What's your objective? Sandy laughs and gestures around...“This! We love to talk to everybody and that's why people come back... besides the food!” We’re invited to try some food so we go for the French onion soup and mozzarella salad for starters and follow with a fragrant lamb tagine with couscous and a date and apricot salad and slow roasted pork belly with red wine and onion gravy. The soup is a treat for the eye and the lightest I’ve tasted and the tagine has amazing layers of flavour. Describe your food... Harvey: “Simple, dedicated; a mixture of experimentation and creation based around traditional recipes. I try not to mix too many flavours on one plate. I like the quality of the ingredients to speak for themselves. Everything is fresh and home made as far as possible.” What brought you here? H: “The opportunity to create my own food. I was on my way to London when I met Sandy, we got on really well... and here I am!” What ingredient couldn't you do without? H: “Garlic!" (laughs)...“I'm French!” Miles from Glaze hair salon across the road comments about his dish of mixed peppers; "You should call this ‘boyfriend in a bowl’ because it is so hot and tasty!" What's your speciality? H: “Fish. I trained in fish cuisine.” I notice a lovely sea bass fillet with capers, wine and butter sauce with garlic sautéed potatoes on the specials board. Your favourite dish? H: “Rabbit with Figs. On my next menu I’m going to feature mussels filled with sausage and a fabulous duck confit.” Who cooks at home? H: “I do, and my wife, Dominique teaches and looks after our three children.” Harvey asks us to try out his new dessert idea.

beautiful, fresh produce while you can! As much as you can also try to eat sustainable species as much as possible to keep our fish going. For a guide to the eating of sustainable fish go to the Marine Stewardship Council website:

RECIPES FROM CHARLIE'S KITCHEN I love fish and seafood and we are so lucky in Brighton & Hove to have access to beautiful freshly caught fish. It is a great shame that our fishmonger, Watts on St James’s Street, which has been run by Michael and his wife Mary and Michael’s father before him for the past 50 years, will soon be gone. Michael will be retiring this year and that will be the end of the business. So make the most of his

PAN-FRIED FISH FILLETS WITH WARM BEAN & HERB SALAD Ingredients (Serves 4) 1 Greek sea bass fillet per person (or use plaice, lemon sole, red snapper, hoki or hake) 4 large scallops 1 red onion (peeled and finely diced) 1 tin cannellini beans (drained) 1 tin borlotti beans (drained, or use fresh but soak them for at least 4 hours in just boiled water - don’t poison yourself!) 8 cherry tomatoes (halved) 2 large cloves garlic (roughly chopped) 1 bunch fresh oregano Handful parsley (finely chopped)

How can we refuse? Our lovely waitress Karen arrives with an enormous platter of mini portions of chocolate sponge pudding, a moorish, chilled white peach puree and other pudding delights. Drunk with an espresso, this ‘Cafe Gourmand’ was a trip to heaven and it’s apparently all the rage in Paris at the moment! What do you hope to achieve? S: “To become known and established as a fun space to eat and interact on this street and to have our clientele coming back again and again and bringing people with them.” What about the menu? H: “We’ll now be open all day for breakfast, brunch, lunch and dinner. We’re also introducing a kids menu and a £9.95 pre–theatre menu with classics like bangers & mash. Our Sunday lunches are very popular at £10.95 (booking recommended) and we are getting more and more people coming in afterwork for cocktails costings just £6 each. Our dinner menu will include duck confit. I’m very excited about all the possibilities!” We leave very content and a week after our dinner return for coffee – very good. So drop in and sample for yourself. See you there!

1 tbsp olive oil Juice of ½ large lemon 1 tsp tomato puree 1 tbsp sunflower oil Salt & pepper to taste Method: Sweat the onions in the olive oil over a low heat. Add the garlic, tomato puree and tomatoes and cook for about 10 to 15 minutes until the tomatoes become soft. Add the beans and gently heat. Meanwhile heat the sunflower oil in a large frying pan. Season the fish fillets and fry skin side down for about 3 to 4 minutes on each side. Same with the scallops, 1 to 2 minutes on each side. To Serve: Spoon some of the warm bean salad onto each plate and sprinkle over a generous amount of the oregano and parsley. Arrange a fillet of fish and a scallop on top and squeeze over a little lemon juice. Delicious, nutritious. Enjoy!



WITH MORHAM BY MORHAM WHITE Now I’m not one to complain (well, not much!) but I’m increasingly frustrated by trendy new eateries offering four or five dishes and when one is unavailable having nothing to replace it - suddenly there’s no choice at all! It’s beyond a joke when eateries end up offering next to nothing. They need to get their act together, it’s just so unprofessional!

THE COW 95/97 Dyke Road, Brighton Tel: 01273 772370; On a recent trip to The Cow (formerly The Tin Dum) at the south end of Seven Dials, I was pleasantly surprised. The décor is greatly improved and there is a ramped entrance for wheelchair access. The central bar has tables spread around it and comfy bench seating. Shelves adorned with vintage bottles and internally lit display cupboards make the formerly dark space really bright and cheery. The wine and extensive beer list got us going, then a typed evening menu arrived and we were off. The choice of six starters and ten mains was varied and interesting. Starters arrived on wooden platters garnished with deliciously dressed leaves; the home-made scotch egg (£3.95) came sliced in two revealing a soft yoke in an excellent black pudding case - exceptional execution, even more so at the price. The beetroot, onion & camembert tart (£5.50) transitioned into a baked camembert (£9.95), (not sure how that happened!) but there was more than enough for all to sample, gooey and delicious. My Devon crab cakes with Thai dip (£6.95) were delicate and crunchy, perhaps a little bland, but appealing nonetheless. We stuck to mains priced under £9.95 (which in this day and age is an achievement) and tried slow braised faggots, beer battered halloumi and the cow pie (very Desperate Dan) packed in ‘Mary approved’ crusty pastry, button mushrooms, steak, onion & ale atop perfect roasted roots and potatoes. Absolutely the thing for a blow-out. Portions, taste and presentation were impressive. Wines ranged from just under £16 to around £23. We plumped for the red Tempranillo, with which I was more than impressed. It was a busy evening with burgers (beef or veggie mushroom at £7.95) escaping from the kitchens at an alarming rate, and with business brisk, we were in need of a second bottle half way through our starters. For dessert (three only) I admitted defeat and shared a duo of lemon and vanilla crème brûlée, whilst Stephen dug into an elegantly styled sticky toffee pudding with choc’ treble clef. For two bottles and three courses for three persons (less one pudding), the bill was £90, well worthy of the tenner tip. The staff were a little too new-age for me (if I have to focus on jeans round buttocks, plain black knickers don’t hack it). With a cheery goodbye from the staff we left seriously impressed.





REVIEWS Well my little mad hares, March springs forth with many budding stems of beauty, so let’s bounce on with this month’s albums. I Let the sun shine in with something deep, soulful, jazzy and funky from Australian duo Yogi & Husky (aka Random Soul). Random Soul Live For The Moment on Random Soul showcases wonderful vocals from the likes of Chuck Love and Natalie Conway alongside Yogi. With sounds as lush as these any wintry blues will simply melt away. I Various Artists Traxx – The House That Garage Built on Needwant positively seduces, with dirty basslines leaving you breathless. Standouts are difficult to judge as this is so monstrously good, though any album kicking off with Huxley lets you know it’s going to be one hell of a ride. I Another compilation to deeply woo is Maquina Music Nu School Deep House 2013 on Maquina Music. This gem is so stuffed full of decadent underground grooves

that it should have a government health warning. Gor-ge-ous! I Talking of compendiums, Rebel Raves on Crosstown Rebels, mixed by Subb-an, not only features one of my absolute favourites (Jamie Jones) but also poses the question I’ve asked about the Subb-an’s for some time: How DO they get their kick drums sounding so bloody amazing? I Crimea X, aka DJ Rocca and Jukka Reverberi, turn the dark side of house very space-age with their new release Another on Hell Yeah Recordings. Loads of clattery, echoing beats rattling around with stabbing synth swirls, perfect for getting your head in the clouds to. On a dance floor in heaven, obviously. I Finally, some laid-back jazz, hip hop and breakbeats brought up to date with Around 7’s glorious Back To Basics on Robsoul Jazz. Feels good on a Sunday afternoon with its old-school feel, but them rough drum samples can kick you up the arse on a Saturday night too. Catch Wildblood & Queenie at DSD, on Sauce fm and Radio Reverb. Kate may still be in the library!


Blazing deep vocal house, commemorating a year before I was born.

I DOT COLOUR Series Purple EP Flumo Records

Duky’s Hibigeebies is so beautiful and sparse it makes me want to cry.

I JAE ELLE Talking Sexy Must Have Music

Oooh you’re a tipsy one with your champagne bubbles. Can I be your DJ?

I EST8 & EMILY COOK Liftin Me High Duffnote

Gorgeously fluffy… Spiritchaser dub lifts everything up even higher.

I HALDO & FABRIZIO MARRA ft Stephanie Cooke Move Your Body Rebus

DJ PROFILE Though there seems to be a bit more warmth in the air meaning spring is just around the corner, Queen Josephine catches up with a DJ who’ll have you whipping your top off and getting into a right old sweat before the frosts have even melted! Get ready to party those jumpers away with the mighty fabulous Lee Harris! Where can we see/hear you playing? Currently at Legends, Brighton every Wednesday; Revenge, Brighton on Fridays; Society at Area Vauxhall; Hampshire Boulevard, Portsmouth; Aftershock, Manchester and The Edge, Southampton. I have monthly guest spots in various venues please check my website! DJing style? I have a wide taste in music, I could be playing commercial dance in one venue to deep and tech house in another, basically anything that makes your ass wiggle! I don't believe in sticking to a genre. Music is about being uplifted and having fun, people take it too seriously sometimes! All time favourite song? There are so many, I couldn't choose. Chill out track would be Bjork’s Play Dead. I love Mory Kanté’s Yé ké yé ké, but my favourites change every day, depending on the mood I'm in :) Which tune always fills up/rescues your dancefloor? Redlight’s Get Out My Head (Sonny Wharton mix) has been really doing it for me for the past few months. Ultimate dream gig? Maybe a stadium, warming up for Morillo or Fatboy Slim. Big crowds I love! Tune you wish you’d never played? When I first started playing in Vauxhall, I played a house remix of House Of Pain’s Jump Around that went into the original break for about a minute. Maybe 500 half naked muscle lads didn't appreciate going ghetto for that long. They just looked at me in disgust, haha! Guilty pleasure? 1960s girl groups and cheesy 1990s pop. My dad is musical and played girl groups all the time and they really grew on me, and the 1990s was my growing up era. Best ever gig? Any Prides are amazing, but at last year’s Brighton Pride I warmed up for Fatboy Slim at Audio which was phenomenal, and I also played Vancouver Pride which was an experience! Tell us a secret! I cry (a lot) at sad films.

Highly seductive dancefloor soul in fabulously eclectic variety of guises.

I PETE DAFEET Falling Off EP Lost My Dog

Throbbing rumbling bass-lines with a beast of a kick! I ALCI Early Beginnings Part 1 Robsoul Funky, looped, heads down jackin’ house. Some Snitches does it for me. I JAMES WELSH Craven EP Futureboogie Jazzy deep house groove of King Edward St & Terri Walker stands out. I KRUSE & NEURNBERG Let’s Call It A Day Remixes Lazy Days Wolf & Lamb, Fred Everything and Mario Basanov on remix duties. I WRIGHTY Crack House EP MUM Three exceptional tech house stormers. Pumpin’ brilliant!

CURRENT TOP FIVE 5: NICKY ROMERO ft J Christian & Nilson Still The Same Man Toolroom 4: SOUL AVENGERZ Love You Feel 2013 (Frater & Stent remix) Conkrete 3: ZOE BADWI Release Me (Lee Harris 'glazin' 2013) White 2: INXS Need You Tonight (Chus Ibiza Edit) White 1: PARRALOX Creep (T Tommy & Victor Perez) Subterrane I I I


where they started. On TV it was thorough and worked with tiny dark rooms or entire floors, a circle search someone called it. Michael hit three sets of swinging doors before arriving at a deserted corridor. He read each doorplate and listened to the muffled voices coming from within. He pushed through another set of double doors and realised he was back where he’d started in the elevator corridor. He headed back towards the elevators, behind two men in white coats. In the reflection of the ward windows he saw that one was Sean Matthews. He strained to hear and remembered how Sean’s voice sounded when he’d called out to his father on the lawn. Michael pulled the drawstring of his hood tighter and sidled up, trying to make out their conversation. They were silenced by Michael’s ring tone behind them.

MONTHLY SERIAL BY CARL OPREY: EPISODE 6 It was mid-September and the rain had finally ceased. Michael and Tracy climbed the stairs of the underground station and stared at the white skyscraper searing up through the rain. Tracy grabbed Michael by the arm and steered him through the traffic of the Euston Road. When they entered the hospital they stood for a while, gazing up through the five mezzanine floors of the lobby. A security guard hovered at the sterile white reception area and Michael felt another stab of tension in his stomach. He pulled the hood of his sweatshirt up and tried to look suspicious enough to be thrown out. Tracy dragged him over to the female receptionist. “Yes?” “We’ve come to see a Dr Matthews,” Tracy said, pulling Michael into the conversation, banging her knee against his. “There are several Dr Matthews’,” the receptionist said tapping into keyboard. “Go on, tell her Michael.” “S. Matthews,” he said. “Which department?” Michael looked around the walls for a floor directory. “I don’t know what department.” Tracy banged his leg harder. “Look, my girlfriend’s got an emergency.” The receptionist glanced over the reception counter at Tracy. She scribbled onto a DayGlo Post-it note. “He’s a consultant, not a doctor. Paediatrics. Eighth and ninth floor. Rooms 823 to 915.”

She handed the Post-it to Michael. “But you need a referral. And probably a child.” Inside the elevator, Tracy issued Michael with a final warning. Unless he made contact today, there were to be no more chances; they were, she said, running out of time. Tracy handed him one of two letters she took from her pocket. “This is our last chance.,” she said. “Do you understand Michael? I’m getting towards the end of the legal limit. Do you understand that?” Michael took the letter and felt inside his pocket. He badly needed his hip flask for a quick hit. He remembered he hadn’t seen it since handing it to Sean’s father on the lawn at the wedding. “So, what if he recognises me from the wedding?” Michael drew the drawstring of his hoodie tighter, until only his face was framed within a circular hole. “We want him to recognise you from the wedding,” Tracy replied. The lift arrived at the eighth floor and Tracy stepped out. “Keep your phone in your hand and call me if you find anything.” Tracy reached in, pressed the button for the ninth floor and waved back as the doors slid closed between them. “Good luck, Michael.” The eighth floor was a warren of clinical white corridors. Michael used a tactic he’d seen on TV where, during a search, the cops kept turning right, eventually ending up

Michael repeatedly hit the end button on his iPhone to silence it. The doors of the elevator opened, revealing Tracy, trying to redial him on her own phone. “Did you just hang up on me, Michael?” Tracy pushed herself between Sean and the doctor and prodded Michael in the shoulder until he tripped over and fell backwards, smashing his phone across the floor. His eyes, now the only thing visible through his hood, remained fixed on Sean inside the elevator, pressing the door-open button. Tracy followed Michael’s gaze toward the elevator. Michael stood and followed Tracy as she gathered pace towards the elevator. “Keep those fucking doors open,” she screamed. Sean let the doors go and Tracy punched the steel doors with the sides of her fists. She turned to face Michael who stood behind her, his nose the only part of his face visible through his hood. “It’s a good job we’re in a hospital, Michael.” Tracy straightened herself, pulling up the waist of her leggings through her shirt. “Are you in this with him or something?” “Don’t be ridiculous,” Michael said releasing his hood, revealing a red stretch line, like goggles or felt tip pen that circling his face. “Tracy, listen,” he said, “I’ve found another way to do this. A proper plan.” Tracy hit the elevator button. “You don’t have time for any other plans, Michael, we’ve got two weeks.” The elevator arrived and Tracy stepped inside. “Two weeks and that’s it. All of it.” © Carl Oprey



Kings Rd, Brighton, Box office: 0844 847 1515 OLLY MURRS (Tue 5–Wed 6). X Factor star Olly will perform his hits and material from his current album In Case You Didn't Know. OLIVIA NEWTON-JOHN (Thur 14). Four times Grammy winner, and co-star of the film version of Grease, this is Newton-John's first world tour since 1978. THE SCRIPT (Wed 20). Irish alternative rock band perform hits such as We Cry, The Man Who Can't Be Moved and Talk You Down. ALFIE BOE (Sat 30). Following his triumphant performances at the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Concert, the 'nation's tenor' embarks on his biggest tour to date.

ALL SAINTS CHURCH The Drive, Hove Box office: 0844 8700887 THE MIKADO (Sun 24). This production of Gilbert & Sullivan's operetta features former principal singers from the world famous D’Oyly Carte Opera Company with full orchestra and a chorus of over 80 local singers. Senior performers

sandwiches, scones and mouthwatering homemade cakes served in the interval. The programme is packed with comedy songs, show tunes, pop songs, operatic arias, powerful duets and ballads. Truly something for everyone! The cast includes Karen Orchin, Mia Michaels, Claire Dixon, Melodie Hornett, Mike Mackenzie, Calum Jones and special guest Andrey Ganchuk, an operatic tenor from Russia who will perform some Russian songs and operatic arias.



Barry Clark, Jill Pert and Bruce Graham all appeared with the original company until its demise in 1982 and then again when the new company reformed in 1988. Will Nanki-Poo and Yum-Yum find true love? Will the Three Little Maids remain maids until the final curtain? Will the Lord High Executioner actually get to execute someone? These are some of the burning questions this lighthearted, entertaining opera sets out to answer. Money raised will go towards supporting the Martlets Hospice.

Clarence Gardens, Brighton Box office: 0844 888 0432 CANARY (Sat 2–Sat 9). Jonathan Harvey's play about the struggles of gay people is not just a dry history lesson; it's a character-led piece that veers between high drama and camp comedy. As well as a tragic tale of lives led in secret, gay conversions therapies and the high toll that AIDS inflicted. Expect cross dressing teenage

THE BARN THEATRE Community Centre, 24 Southwick Street, Southwick, West Sussex Box office: 01273 597094 WITH A SONG IN MY HEART (Sun 10). An afternoon concert for Mother's Day which includes a sumptuous afternoon cream tea of





DUKEBOX THEATRE Iron Duke, 3 Waterloo St, Hove, oxtheatre 12 STEP COMEDY (Fri 8). Six upcoming stand-up comedians with compere Ben Shannon. ID GOES ACOUSTIC (Thu 14). Talented local musicians play for your vote. Free. STANZA AND DELIVER (Fri 15). Bring your own poem to perform, or just watch and listen. TWO HALVES OF GUINNESS (Fri 29–Sat 30). One-man show about the life and work of Alec Guinness. IRONCLAD IMPROV (Every Sunday). Drop-in improvisation workshop, no experience necessary, newcomers welcome.

KOMEDIA Gardner Street, Brighton Box office: 0845 293 8480 BENT DOUBLE (Sun 3). Hosted by star of Michael McIntyre’s Comedy Roadshow, Zoe Lyons with Dana Alexander as headliner. “Critics Choice” The Times



LATEST MUSIC BAR Manchester St, Brighton, 01273 687171 CHARITY CHUCKLE (8pm, Tues 12) is a fundraiser for Grassroots Suicide Prevention. Compered by

Romesh Ranganathan, finalist of So You Think You’re Funny 2011 “Searingly dry wit” Three Weeks; headliner Flange Krammer, Olympic skiing sensation and world class ladies man, “Unabashed, joyous carnival of cheesy puns” Chortle; with support from Sam Savage, winner of the 2012 Funny’s Funny Female Comedian of the Year, New Act of The Year 2013 runner up; Paul Ricketts, Adam Race, Laurie Rowan and brand new local act. £8/£5. Help put the fun into fundraising!


boys, policemen caught with their trousers down, high kicking nuns and star turns from Mary Whitehouse and Margaret Thatcher!

MARLBOROUGH THEATRE 4 Princes St, Brighton BOY IN A DRESS (7.30pm, Fri 8), is the life story thus far of La JohnJoseph, a Scouse, thirdgendered, fallen Catholic, exfashion model from the wrong side of the tracks. Written and performed by La JohnJoseph, and directed by Sarah Chew, the show features exhilarating collage of vaudeville, song, proselytising, striptease and postmodern philosophy, exploring intersections between sexuality and faith, class and enfranchisement, gender ambiguity and feminism, in a frank and almost charming tale told from a somewhat unique cultural perspective. Boy in a Dress brings together an outrageous but heartfelt slew of true-life tales studded with original versions of iconic songs from wide ranging artists such as Leonard Cohen, Justin Vivian Bond and Guns n Roses. Tickets: £8.50/£6.50 from /307848 THE LIPSINKERS (8pm, Fri 22), following two sell-out shows in Brighton last year, and their recent London Cabaret Award nomination, East London's alt-cabaret supertroupe are back for one night only with new skits, classic hits and all






Upper Market Street, Hove Box office: 01273 201801 ALIVE AND SWINGING WITH MARILYN MONROE (Sat 30). Marilyn Monroe is finding Heaven a bore, no drinking smoking or sex, and worst of all, no swinging music. She returns to earth for one more night of fun, bringing Las Vegas legend Elvis Presley and Amy Winehouse. Join the superstars and the six-piece Burning Love band for plenty of swing, as they sing and dance away their final night on Earth.

Brighton Jubilee Library, Jubilee Square 13 WOMEN EXHIBITION (10am–5pm, Fri 1–Fri 15). Following the success of the 13 Women Exhibition staged by I Love Art UK in Brighton during 2012, this popular event returns to the Jubilee Library with an open evening (8–10.30pm, Fri 8) to coincide with International Woman’s Day.


36 Montefiore Rd, Hove, BN3 6EP, JUST GOOD FRIENDS, a cabaret-style show of material by composer and lyricist Mark Bunyan, is playing at The Purple Playhouse in Hove (7.30pm, Fri 8– Sun 10). Directed by Johnnie Worthy, and starring Mark Bunyan, Kate Dyson and Mark Inscoe, the show takes a contemporary look at love, and is a compilation of songs to make you laugh and cry, with a few risqué numbers added to the mix. Tickets are £7 on the door or call 01273 207055 to reserve them in advance.

THE UNITARIAN CHURCH New Rd, Brighton Box office: 01273 603459 BACK TO BACH (Sat 9), an evening of baroque music will see Baroque flautist Robert Goodman and harpsichordist Massimo Redaelli performing Bach’s the ‘English’ Suites BWV 707 & 808,

This year as well as 13 female artists, the exhibition also features 13 men! With the theme of Transition, the event will have an extended line-up encompassing international artists, as well as the 13 male participants. All works presented will be available for sale – either as originals or affordable prints. The 2012 inaugural run of ‘13 Women’ attracted more than 42,000 visitors. Entry is free.



29 Tarrant Street, Arundel, West Sussex, THE BIG FREEZE (until Sat 9) is a group showing painted works by Piers Ottey, Barbara Macfarlane, Nick Bodimeade, Gary Goodman, Katherine Le Hardy and Phil Tyler, and bronzes by Christopher Marvell, some on show and some available to view on request. From the three artists showing large scale works in the space, Piers Ottey has continued his London paintings with a series on Battersea Power Station, chronicling the changes in the iconic building. Barbara Macfarlane's style of painting and use of the large sheets of handmade cotton rag paper are used to represent the Sussex coastline and the Downs, resulting in abstract landscapes up to two metres long. Nick Bodimeade, well known for his beach scenes with seemingly few paint strokes, using a ‘reverse painting’ technique, is able to evoke the heat haze on a hot day and remind us all of happy summer days spent by the sea.


Partita BWV 830 and the Sonata for flauto traversiere and cembala obbligato BWV 1030.

Devonshire Park, College Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 4JJ Tel: 01323 434670, This March the fortunate few who have been selected for the EAST SUSSEX OPEN 2013, will have their works shown (Sat, March 9–Sun, April 28) at the Towner Gallery in Eastbourne. The exhibition will showcase the best of artists and makers from across the East Sussex region, selected by the exhibitions curator Sanna Moore and artists Susan Diab and Alessandro Raho (well known works for a commission of Dame Judi Dench for the National Portrait Gallery). Also at the Towner, PORTRAITS IN THE TOWNER CALLECTION (Sat, March 23–Sun, October 6) encompasses a variety of images and styles, including historical and formal portraiture, narrative scenes and self portraits. Key Towner Collection artists such as Edward Bawden, David Bomberg and Christopher Wood are represented, whilst some intriguing lesser known artists and works will also be revealed.

UNIVERSITY OF BRIGHTON GALLERY Grand Parade, Brighton, 170 SECONDS (until Tue 5), In-Transition is an eclectic and dynamic exhibition of works by second year students from the Faculty of Arts’ Performance and Visual Art, Fine Art Printmaking and Fine Art Painting programmes. From performance and installation to the twodimensional, the traditional to the digital, In-Transition aspires to give it's audience an insight into the thoughts and movements of the next generation of performance and fine artists, who are re-inventing long-established creative practices in the context of an ever-changing social and political dynamic. 170 Seconds continues with Face to Face (Fri 15–Fri 22), where 77 second year students present a selection of exciting new work from the disciplines of photography, sculpture and moving image.


the usual chutzpah! £10/£8 “Bloody hell, The LipSinkers are amazing” The Guardian






described by the Penguin Guide as conducting the Budapest Festival Orchestra in his final recording, of ‘splendidly vibrant’ and ‘outstanding’), Missa Brevis, Pange Bartók’s Cantata Profana. Two great budget price discs, covering Lingua, Psam 114, the Hymn of BY NICK BOSTON Zrinyi and Laudes Organi, all sung the key choral works of Kodály, with excellent performances from here by Brighton Festival Chorus If they’re new to you, start with Brighton Festival Chorus – see (before my time singing with them, this CD, and get to the St Paul’s below for a chance to hear us this concert if you can, to explore their but many current members were month. Decca 4804873, 4804853 there). István Kertész conducts massive back catalogue of the London Symphony Orchestra, wonderful recordings of For more reviews, comments and and BFC’s founding conductor, Renaissance music and more. events: nicks-classicalLászló Heltay conducts the nonGimell CDGIM212 orchestral works. The second set is Email: Brothers Paul and Huw Watkins filled with Sir Georg Solti This month I’m highlighting have released the first volume of some rather special artists celebrating their 40th anniversary– an exploration of British works for The TALLIS SCHOLARS, founded in Cello & Piano. Their first volume 1973 by conductor Peter Phillips. includes Sonatas by Hubert Parry ST BARTHOLOMEW’S CHURCH (1848-1918), They’re launching their celebratory Brighton, 01273 709709, Frederick Delius world tour with a concert at St Brighton Festival Chorus (7.30pm, Sat 2), is joined by brass quintet (1862-1934), Paul’s Cathedral (March 7). They’ll Onyx Brass in music by Gabrieli, as well as music by British composers John Foulds be performing loved works such as William Harris and Bernard Hughes. (1880-1939) and Tallis’s 40-part motet Spem in a short piece, Alium, and Allegri’s Misere, as ALL SAINTS CHURCH Hamabdil, by Granville Bantock well as premieres of works by Hove, 07759 878562, (1868-1946). The Parry is the Gabriel Jackson, Eric Whitacre, EAST SUSSEX BACH CHOIR and the BREMF Singers (7.30pm, Sat 9), and the London premiere of Robin earliest work, clearly influenced by combine for a performance of J S Bach’s B Minor Mass, with the his hero, Brahms, making use of a Walker’s I have Thee By The Baroque Collective, conducted by John Hancorn. Hand, O Man, a 40-part homage to four-note motif in the outer movements, with a particularly Tallis’s piece. BRIGHTON DOME lyrical middle slow movement. Like They’ve also Church Rd, Brighton, 01273 709709, much of Delius’s music, his Sonata released a great has a seamless flow, making it 2 CD volume Composer STEVE REICH brings his Radio Rewrite difficult to shape. However, the called inspired by Radiohead songs to Brighton (7.30pm, Thurs 7), with the Watkins brothers still manage to Renaissance London Sinfonietta. They also perform Reich’s, Clapping Music and 2x5. achieve a sense of direction and Radio, including highlights of The BOURNEMOUTH SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA (7.30pm, Sat 9), is cohesion. Bantock’s Hamabdil is a recordings from their vast back conducted by Pete Harrison, in a concert of big screen film scores. short setting of a Jewish hymn, catalogue. There’s lots of Tallis, The LONDON PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA (7.30pm, Sat 16), obviously, and Palestrina, Victoria with Paul Watkins relishing in the conducted by David Parry, perform Beethoven’s 5th Symphony, Elgar’s cadenza writing for the cello. They and Sheppard are here too. They Enigma Variations and Schumann’s Cello Concerto, with Narek kick off the first disc with Allegri’s close with the most interesting – Hakhnazaryan (cello). Foulds’s expansive Sonata, an Misere – but perhaps not as you The BRIGHTON PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA (2.45pm, Sun 24), under extrovert, expansive work, with a know it. The version we are conductor Barry Wordsworth perform Rimsky-Korsakov, Stravinsky, familiar with, so the story goes, is curious mix of romanticism and Ravel and Saint-Saëns’ Cello Concerto, with Gemma Rosefield (cello). more innovative techniques. The based on Mozart’s transcription WALLACE & GROMIT’S MUSICAL MARVELS (2.30pm & 7pm, Sat 30), slightly queasy use of quarter tone from memory of the ornaments as includes classical favourites by Mozart, Debussy and Stravinsky, with performed in the Sistene Chapel in double-stopping in the slow specially filmed new animations. movement, over chilly open Rome. After many years of octaves in the piano is particularly performing this, with over 300 ST LUKE’S CHURCH striking, and very effective. concert performances under her Queen’s Park Road, Brighton. Enjoyable performances of four belt, soprano Deborah Roberts Pianist KONSTANCJA DUFF (7.30pm, Fri 8) performs Schubert, Clara varied works, and I await Volume 2 (yes, our own Co-Director of Schumann and Beethoven. Then violinist Andrew Roberts joins pianist with interest. Chandos CHAN10741 Brighton Early Music Festival) Rachel Fryer (7.30pm, Fri 22) for a recital of Mozart and Brahms. added her own startling and striking embellishments, providing CORN EXCHANGE, BRIGHTON a wonderful twist to an old favourite. It’s hard to pick out The STRINGS ATTACHED season continues highlights from the 47 tracks on (11am, Sun 10), with the Modigliani offer – but apart from the Allegri, Quartet playing Beethoven and Ravel. I’d include Mouton’s beautiful Briefly, check out two reSalva Nos, Domine (a full review CONGRESS THEATRE of their Mouton CD is on my blog), releases of music by Zoltán Kodály Eastbourne, 01323 412000, (1882-1967). The recordings date Brumel’s Agnus Dei II from his The LPO (3pm, Sun 17), conducted by Mark Fitz-Gerald, play from the late sixties to seventies, amazing Earthquake Mass, and Ireland, Sibelius and Bruch’s Violin Concerto No. 1, with Jaroslaw and one release includes the Háry Cornysh’s Ave Maria for men’s Nadrzycki (violin). János Suite, the Dances of voices from the Eton Choirbook. Galánta, and The Peacock The recordings span 26 years, and SUSSEX DOWNS COLLEGE Variations, whilst the other is a the roll-call of singers runs to 60 Lewes, two disc set, with Psalmus plus, including many singers who The NICHOLAS YONGE SOCIETY welcomes pianist Alexandra Silocea, have gone on since to solo careers. Hungaricus (this recording was (7.45pm, Fri 22), playing Mozart, Debussy, Beethoven and Liszt.









STOKER Dir: Chan-wook Park Stars: Mia Wasikowska, Nicole Kidman, Matthew Goode Plot: After India's father dies, her Uncle Charlie, who she never knew existed, comes to live with her and her unstable mother. She comes to suspect this mysterious, charming man has ulterior motives and becomes increasingly infatuated with him. Word on net: “A splendidly demented gumbo of Hitchcock thriller, American Gothic fairy tale and a contemporary kink all Park's own.” I “Director's unsettling visuals and his handling of the cast make the occasional holes in the script practically irrelevant.” I “You can get tied up trying to figure out who is what. That is the idea. All the clues are there. You just have to look closely.”

Dir: Allen Hughes Stars: Mark Wahlberg, Russell Crowe, Catherine Zeta-Jones Plot: In a city rife with injustice, ex-cop Billy Taggart seeks redemption and revenge after being double-crossed and then framed by its most powerful citizen.

docufiction, both an intelligent meta-narrative feat and an important record of a real production.” I “Shows how art can have a transforming impact on the most unexpected of people.”


I BREATH OF THE GODS is a documentary billed as A Journey to the Origins of Modern Yoga. Includes rare historical footage as well as lavish reenactments. I HANSEL AND GRETEL: WITCH HUNTERS stars Jeremy Renner, Gemma Arterton and Peter Stormare in a modern spin on the classic fairytale. Hansel and Gretel are now bounty hunters who track and kill witches all over the world. As the fabled Blood Moon approaches, the siblings encounter a new form of evil that might hold a secret to their past. I There's more updated fairytale in Bryan Singer's JACK THE GIANT SLAYER. The long-standing peace between men and giants is threatened, as a young farmer leads an expedition into the giants' kingdom in hopes of rescuing a kidnapped princess. Stars Nicholas Hoult, Stanley Tucci and Ewan McGregor.

Word on net: “Nothing clicks, nothing resonates, everything's broken.” I “A mundane melodrama, filled with caricatures instead of characters.” I “When any film Plot: Grumpy pensioner Arthur honours his recently deceased wife works, it's a miracle; when it doesn't, it's this.” I “Did these by joining the unconventional people - or even these people's local choir to which she used to people - not bother to read the belong, a process that helps him script first?” build bridges with his estranged son, James. Word on net: “Suffers from an awkward juxtaposition of comedy CLOUD ATLAS Dir: Tom Tykwer, Andy Wachowski, and drama and relies on a cliched story-line but its quality cast make Lana Wachowski it watchable.” I “Manipulative, but Stars: Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, still managed to move me to Hugh Grant tears.” I “You can see the gaffer Plot: An exploration of how the tape joining film's limp clichés and actions of individual lives impact a straighter, truer tale of long-term CAESAR MUST DIE one another in the past, present Dir: Paolo Taviani, Vittorio Taviani and future, as one soul is shaped Stars: Cosimo Rega, Salvatore from a killer into a hero. MultiStriano, Giovanni Arcuri stranded story from the novel by Plot: Documentary in which David Mitchell. I Sam Raimi's OZ THE GREAT AND inmates at a high-security prison Word on net: “Even as we applaud POWERFUL stars James Franco, in Rome prepare for a public the dramatic machinery, are we Michelle Williams and Rachel performance of Shakespeare's being kept emotionally at bay?” I Weisz in a prequel to The Wizard of Julius Caesar. “What sinks film is not the Oz. A small-time circus magician Word on net: “A clever metalargeness of its ambitions but the with dubious ethics is hurled into narrative achievement that boasts love and family wounds.” lack of skill it displays in terms of Oz where he meets three witches, winningly naturalistic TO THE WONDER writing, directing and acting.” I gets involved in the land's political performances from the real inmates Dir: Terrence Malick “Funny, violent and prodigiously intrigues, and transforms himself and doesn't outstay its welcome.” romantic; it has immense heart and Stars: Ben Affleck, Olga Kurylenko, into the fabled Wizard. I “Deceptively modest on nearly Javier Bardem gorgeous cinematic moments.” I all accounts.” I “An interesting Plot: Marina and Neil come to “For the most part, comes off as a tedious slog through six hopelessly Oklahoma, where problems arise. Marina meets a priest and fellow uninvolving storylines.” exile, who is struggling with his vocation, while Neil renews his ties I THE GUILT TRIP stars Barbra with a childhood friend, Jane. Streisand with Seth Rogan as an Word on net: “A ramble through inventor embarking on the road the ecstasies of the natural world trip of a lifetime, but a quick stop as experienced or ignored by little at his mum's house turns into an people on a giant, gorgeous unexpected cross-country voyage planet.” I “It is a bold and often with her along for the ride. beautiful movie, unfashionably and To win two tickets to the Odeon unironically concerned with love Brighton send the answer to the following question to Gscene SONG FOR MARION and God, and what will happen to Competition, 111 Western Road, Hove, BN3 1DD: In which film did Dir: Paul Andrew Williams us in the absence of either.” I Babs play a character who dresses up as a boy in order to get a Stars: Gemma Arterton, “This mostly comes off as visual religious education? Christopher Eccleston, Vanessa doodling without focused thematic Redgrave goals.” FEBRUARY COMPETITION: John Landis.







COMICS After last month’s rundown about what has been happening in the Green Lantern universe since the first appearance of Hal Jordan, let’s see what exactly is going on currently since the latest DC Comics reboot that took place in 2011. After the event of Flashpoint (The Flash wakes up in an alternate universe, reunites with his mother and then tries to set the world back in the way it was meant to be. In doing so, this ‘event’ causes the three DC Comics-owned universes consisting of DC, Vertigo and Wildstorm to merge into one, which rewrites the DC Universe in vastly different ways… phew!) every corner of the DC universe was effected and rewritten in varying degrees apart from the continuity of, thankfully, Batman and Green Lantern. As of the latest reboot (called The New 52) Sinestro is still an unwilling Green Lantern after regaining a green power ring to defeat a powerful enemy, Hal remains exiled (although he has been forced to assist Sinestro's activities with a ring created and powered by Sinestro), while Kyle Rayner (once the only Green Lantern after Hal’s super-villain period) has gone AWOL alongside six members of the other coloured Lantern Corps. John was recently forced to kill a Green Lantern who was about to give in to torture the access codes to the Oan (the Guardians’ home planet, creators of the Green Lantern Corps) defence network whilst Guy Gardener remains the only main character with a stable position on the Corps. The Guardians currently consider the Green Lantern Corps a failure and are planning to replace it with a mysterious ‘Third Army’, which will be led by the equally unknown ‘First Lantern’. The Third Army consists of beings with no free will that are made out of the Guardians' DNA whilst the First Lantern was imprisoned long ago because he was deemed too dangerous. The Guardians plan to attack the main GL members and defeat every other emotional spectrum with their new army. In the mist of the chaos caused by the Guardians, Sinestro’s and Hal Jordan’s temporary ring merged and became faulty. Thinking Sinestro and Jordan apparently dead, it departed in search of a new Lantern, Simon Baz. It is unknown what role Simon Baz will play in the New 52 but his status as a MuslimAmerican former criminal makes him an interesting character before he even gained a power ring, which is always a good sign. Meanwhile, Hal and Sinestro have been exiled to the mysterious Dead Zone, where they find a strange cloaked figure, who claims to know both of them. The Third Army is looking to bring fantastic new conflict into the world of Green Lantern but it remains to be seen if writer Geoff Johns can pull it off. I personally believe if any one can, it is him! Be sure to pick up the trade released later this year.

Since the rise of the online retailer, video games have become cheaper and more available than ever before. You literally have an inexhaustible list of games to look through at your fingertips, which are ready to be bought by using your magic debit card. I thought I would let you all know what I think are the best value games for under the princely sum of 15 English pounds. That’s right; fifteen quid or less can buy you the best games of not only last year but many years before on a number of various platforms. Lets start with:


I Taking place

concurrently with the story of Lord of the Rings, War in the North sees you take control of a party of three (an elf, dwarf, or human ranger) as you battle to beat back the forces of Mordor that have taken over the northern regions of Middle Earth. Whilst there are some characters you meet that are taken from the books or films (such as Radagast the Brown) this is mostly a new story with an action RPG vibe. Featuring many quests, a clever levelling-up system and intuitive Co-Op play, this is a fun action game that is much more exciting if you’re a fan of Tolkien’s work.

SAINTS ROW THE THIRD I Once referred to as the poor

man’s Grand Theft Auto, the Saints Row series has become more of its own entity with each game. Saints Row the Third is so over the top it verges on the ridiculous, but this is what makes it is so funny. Extensive customisation (including breast and bulge sizes), a huge amount of weapons and vehicles and enough swearing to fill several Tarantino films, Saints Row is a must for any fan of sandbox games or anyone wanting something to make them laugh.


I Whilst it’s much more enjoyable if you have played the other games in the series, the sheer amount of things to do and places to go in Mass Effect 3 make it a fantastic addition to any gamer’s collection. Deep and rewarding, it’s as brilliant and exciting as any of the other titles that BioWare has created. Do yourself a favour and pick up all three if you get the chance.


I Dead Rising 2 is a prime

example of how to make a sequel that builds upon the best bits of its predecessor to make a better game. The vastness of Fortune City (a Las Vegas clone) is there to explore from the off with many side quests to take part in. Featuring up to 7,000 zombies on screen at once, Dead Rising 2 is both exciting and nerve-shredding at once. Make sure you download the addons for the best experience. More reviews on Craig’s blog:



AGE OF ULTRON, HELLBLAZER Vol 5 and THE AUTHORITY Vol 1. (All the above are available from Dave’s Comics, Sydney St, Brighton)




Skyplanters - recycled plastic with patented water reservoir system from £14.95 (Edited, 3 Gardner St, Brighton,


100 Vanity Fair Covers box of postcards, £14.99 (Junkfunk, 27 Gloucester Road, Brighton, 01273 680555)

Vintage-inspired handmade jewellery from £12 (kissmekwik, 4 George St, Brighton, 01273 571757)

Triga, £16.50 or three for £40; a selection of erotica from £7.99; Boy Fleshjacks £59.95; Leather Wrist Wallet £14.99 in large and medium sizes (Prowler, 112 St James's St, Brighton, 01273 683680)

BECOME AN ICON AT PROWLER In January and February issues of Gscene we tantalised you with the thought of spending your spare time with the delectable BelAmi boys, thanks to the bunch at Prowler. Now they have launched the Icon range of Falcon and Raging Stallion sex gear. If BelAmi doesn’t float your boat, you can butch things up with a staggering choice of twelve Supercock and Signature dildos, moulded from the cocks of stars from these legendary porn studios. You’ll have more than your hands full, with up to 12 inches at your disposal (thanks to Chad Hunt). They have a sturdy suction cup on the base, which means you can use it on your table, bathroom floor or even kitchen wall! You use either water-based or silicone lubes with these solid slabs of veiny, finely honed PVC and they are easy to clean. Each is priced at £58.99, but as an exclusive offer Prowler Brighton is giving away a 9.5oz bottle of ID Glide water-based lube (worth more than £10) free with any Supercock or Signature Cock (while stocks last). Prowler Brighton already stocks a plethora of sexy masturbators, but we love the idea of the Falcon Clear Shot. Its crystal clear design means you can watch yourself slide into the nubbed and rippled

interior, as you enjoy the sensation. It stretches nice and wide, but you can also squeeze it to get a tighter feel. It’s easily cleaned and made from phthalate free material (that means it’s safe from nasty stuff) and a bargain at £24.99. If you want to go the whole hog, the Roman Heart Two Fisted Jack, gives you the option of shagging this hot porn star’s mouth or arse (stick you finger in his arse for extra suction while you fuck his mouth!). Moulded from Roman himself, it’s the only double sided masturbator on the market and once again has the benefits of being easy-clean, safe while providing a fantastic sensation. Terrific value at £54.99. The Falcon range includes a stack of other hot products, including a vibrating Jesse Santana dildo (£69.50), the silicone ProFlex Vibrating Prostate Massager (£46.50), Nip Suck for ultimate nipple play (£27.50), the Jack Boot paddle (£44.99), ass eggs in various sizes with suction cup for safety (from £21.99) and three different sizes of hand-blown, special nub-design glass cock-rings, clear or black (just £7.99).

COMPETITION You can lay your hand on all of these great products at Prowler Brighton, but as a Gscene reader you have the chance to win one of the Falcon Signature Cock dildos. Choose from Kris Lord, Eric Hanson, Mike Branson, Jeff Palmer or Erik Rhodes. Simply answer this question: Name one of the studios featured with the Icon range. Send your answer on a postcard (including your contact details) to Signature Cocks Competition, Gscene Magazine, 111 Western Road, Hove, BN3 1DD.

GSCENE 61 THE BLUE ANGEL (Eureka bluray). Josef von Sternberg's 1930 film is a masterpiece of sexual obsession. Emil Jannings plays a buttoneddown school teacher who finds that his students are visiting a sleazy night club. He goes there to investigate, only to fall in love with the headline act Lola Lola (Marlene Dietrich), a love which sees his life spiral out of control and eventually end in abject humiliation. The leads both give great performances, and Jannings's scene where he very publicly loses his dignity in front of his hometown is just brilliant - an unforgettable mix of the grotesque, the tragic and the comic. Toothpick Grabber and Holder, £99 (Caz Systems, 17 Church St, Brighton, 01273 326471)

Cardome‘ has a range of unique handmade Mother’s Day cards (£3.99) using an array of beautiful fabrics, crystals, buttons. Pop into the shop (47a St James’ St, Brighton, 01273 692916) or online at

Roger Wheeler experiences two different sides of Spain


Carmona, an ancient, prehistoric even, town just 33km north east of Seville was developed by the Romans around the year 100BC and it hasn’t changed much. It’s a small place of just 28,000 inhabitants with an enormous number of churches, palaces and museums all quite astonishing in their construction and decoration. In fact it seemed to us that the entire old town was one big museum. Situated on a ridge high above the central plain of Andalusia, Carmona is dominated by a 13th Century castle which is now one of the

government-owned four star Paradores. Staying at a Parador is usually a great experience and it is here, although Paradores are not what they were, in fact there is now talk of some being closed completely and others only opening during the summer. I had stayed at this one some 25 years ago and had always wanted to return. The state of the


Easter or Semana Santa (Holy Week) is bigger than Christmas in southern Spain, with all the villages, towns and cities going crazy with major fiestas, processions and loads of religious services. The costumes worn in the processions are famous for the large, colourful and elaborate high-pointed headdresses which completely cover the face. These processions can comprise of up to 3,000 people, mainly men, but usually just a few hundred take part. The history of this celebration dates from the 15th Century and whilst not losing its intense religious significance, in many ways it’s an excuse for the entire region to have a huge party. The main event takes place in Seville, everyone’s favourite Spanish city, but we decided to see what the ‘real’ small towns of the area were like.

Spanish economy has meant that many of the little touches, such as dressing gowns and slippers are gone. But of course the buildings are still fabulous. Our room on the top floor was perfectly fine, but when we walked in the window shutters were closed. Once open, the view that greeted us was staggering. There was a small balcony situated on a hill, at about 300 feet high, from which the huge red plain of Andalusia was spread out before us; such was the view that we almost didn’t notice the room itself. The only problem was that after dark the floodlights which lit this historic building were blinding, which meant that we couldn’t sit on the balcony after dinner, pity. Paradores are always offering good deals; we paid €110 per night, not bad. Dinner was very good value at €33 for three courses and the wine was surprisingly reasonable at €14. The hotel has a really beautiful bar and high vaulted ceiling dining room, which was once the chapel. There is an excellent, large swimming pool, which you have to walk some way to get down to, in the grounds and there’s quite a few steps to get there, but it’s worth it.

Looking for somewhere to eat dinner was a challenge as nowhere was open before 10pm, (this is southern Spain after all) and there didn’t seem to be many restaurants. We had almost given up and were heading back when we found La Yedra (The Ivy), which was literally a hundred yards from our hotel, and a perfect and quite romantic little place serving traditional Spanish food with a slight twist. The locals are obviously fans of the place as there didn’t seem to be many tourists. We sat in the candlelit courtyard area and had a lovely dinner; the bill with wine was €70, highly recommended. Next day we headed back to the heat and buzz of Seville, and the contrast couldn’t be greater. A perfect four or five day break would be three in Seville and two in Carmona; you get to see two sides of this beautiful part of Spain. easyJet fly to Seville from Gatwick four times a week and every day to Gibraltar which is an easy 120 mile drive. Holy Week in Andalusia is one of those things you have to experience before you die.



The old town of Carmona itself is very small with a maze of narrow winding streets, which aren’t pedestrianised and the locals seem to enjoy thinking that they are on the Monte Carlo Rally, it makes for interesting strolling. There are many beautiful Spanish palaces, museums and, of course, plenty of churches. The Roman Puerto de Sevilla and Puerto de Cordoba mark the main entrances to the town; they and most of the other Roman and medieval remains are well preserved and certainly worth seeing. The Cordoba Gate houses the local tourist office, where the staff were very helpful with maps and guides. All roads lead to the main square, Plaza de San Fernando, which has not changed much since Roman times. It is fascinating place, with about eight tapas bars, but strangely no actual restaurants. In the evening the square is full of locals with their children, just chatting and strolling. The atmosphere is lovely and the display of what must be thousands of finches roosting for the night in the trees that surround the square, gives it an almost fairytale feel. We sat there for an hour or so, sipping the local sherry and just watching the world go by.


ADDICTED... Graham Hamilton tells us why, after years of excess, he has returned to Brighton. Have you ever felt that you are not good enough? That whatever you achieve in life, you will never be fulfilled and that the raw truth is that whatever you do and wherever you go you will still never be part of the group nor really belong? My mother told me the reason we all felt this was genetic: the curse of the Worsley Gene which we inherited from Great Grandad Worsley. This was the reason that many of the family drank so much, took drugs, slept around and in extreme cases ended their lives early. The one case that was cited in this latter regard was a second-cousin called Patricia, who had a sex change to become Mark and then blew his head off with a shotgun six months later. I would have preferred to have inherited strong business acumen or perhaps a pile in the country, but since poverty was another rooted characteristic of my family, this was increasingly unlikely to happen. For many years I forgot these warnings, and being dubbed: The Boy Most Likely to Succeed at Blandford Upper School, it seemed I had thwarted the curse. However, upon receiving my ‘O’ level results in 1984 and learning that I had finished second in the school, and not first as predicted, I soon dropped out of sixth form, felt worthless, and found happiness in the backrooms of Oxford Street in Sydney. Here I discovered my love of men and alcohol and thus started on a life where I learned how to avoid being miserable, unlike the people who followed the monotony of Real Life. I had been a virgin at 21-years-old, had never drunk alcohol until then either, but that yearning had always been there inside, awaiting release. Since then, it would be fair to say that, on average, (when considering group sessions in saunas and cruising grounds), I have had at least one new sexual partner a day for the past 24 years. As far as alcohol is concerned I have drunk at least three pints a day for the same time period. Let’s do the maths: that’s 24 x 365 = 8,760 men and 24 x 365 x 3 = 26,280 pints. And you know what? That’s probably a conservative estimate! How does your own maths stack up, I wonder? No wonder then that I have HIV, Hepatitis C, weekly blackouts, have crashed three cars, severed numerous relationships and endured chronic depression. My partner of nine years, Rob, has enjoyed many of the same. Maybe that’s why we are together: two aliens from Planet Zog who have found some love and commonality on Planet Earth.

Just over a year ago we left our beloved Brighton & Hove to ‘Get Away From It All’. We moved into a small, white casa in the mountains of Andalucia, on an acre of ground, circled by eagles - where the nearest neighbour was a mile away and the nearest shop selling alcohol was about an hour’s drive. And you know what? It completely cured all of our bad habits and addictions. Did it hell. We crashed the car into a ten foot sand dune by the airport, whilst drunk and cruising for sex, bought eight cases of cheap plonk from Lidl’s every week and I had to fly back to London for a month to check into rehab.

“Addiction is like boarding a train that loses control of its brakes and becomes unstoppable until it crashes into the barrier of death” I learned there that what I have is not the cursed Worsley Gene but a highly addictive personality. This may be linked to genetics but, in fact, no one really knows. I lack the switch which tells me that: enough is enough - enough sex, enough drink, enough worrying about others, enough trying to sort out the world’s problems, etcetera, etcetera. It may be partly genetic but this can happen to anyone. I discovered, in hours of sessions in Alcoholics Anonymous, that addiction is like boarding a train which loses control of its brakes. It gradually increases momentum to become a

fast, furious machine which becomes unstoppable until it crashes into the barrier of death. Initially, as the train is moving slowly, we are able to step or jump off at a station called: Sobriety. Some stay here years, maybe for the rest of their days, but others for just a few days and most of us will re-board that train bound for destruction. Unfortunately every time you get off and back on, it becomes increasingly harder to get off again. In Spain, I managed to stay sober for six months by reading The Big Book and going to meetings, but was still unhappy. In the words of another mentally challenged writer, Virginia Wolf, “Removing one’s self from the world is not peace; it is simply choosing not to live.” So, I could either sit up the top of a mountain for the rest of my life, swearing at the eagles, in unsplendid isolation, or come back to the place I love and try to live a different life than the one I had lived before. I could get involved in meeting people outside the pub, join AA meetings over here and start again. We are back in Brighton and love being home. For two people who feel they never truly belong, it is the one place where many other people of the same character and inclination actually make us feel that in some way we do. We are drinking some days, but I have joined a gay chorus and we have started acting lessons and making new friends. It is bloody difficult to reinvent yourself after a lifetime of excess, but I don’t want to end up like my Aunty Barbara who died aged 45 getting the next beer out of the fridge, or my cousin Tony who lost his years to a lifetime of snorting coke at 50 and died two weeks before his wedding. I hope that in the many challenges which lie ahead, I can share any successes and failures with this battle of addiction in the hope that someone out there may find them of use and interest, or perhaps feel in some way feel more connected and less alone.


CRAIG’S THOUGHTS FLIP-FLOPPING THE EQUALITY PROBLEM... OR: WE’RE HERE, WE’RE QUEER BUT WE’D RATHER ALL BE SHOPPING BY CRAIG HANLON-SMITH It was so much easier being hated or dead. Way back in the ages of gay darkness, which for arguments sake we shall refer to as the eighties, there was no such place either geographic or conceptual as gay friendly. There were pubs for the normal folk, and then on the outskirts of a large town there was the odd one or two suspicious looking venues which only those in the know would frequent. But enough about those public toilets on the A23 outside Croydon opposite the old airport building. As Margaret Thatcher secured a third successive election victory, the majority of [gay] pubs still had frosted windows, if not blacked out completely. If you wanted to watch cabaret on a Sunday, you had to do so accompanied by chicken in a basket, and that's not a cheap metaphor for a 19-year-old with spiky hair in UGG boots. Come Sunday at 2pm, if one expected the company of like-minded individuals or at least an opportunity to gawp at a bloke in a dress miming to Lena Zavaroni, it was compulsory to have a chicken drumstick in one hand and a ticket for the meat raffle in the other (again - not an analogy, one really did win meat). Gays unlucky enough to hail from a small town left one way or another. Most headed south to work in costume and those without the financial or psychological means to run, hung themselves (see Isle of Man). How we were a nation of contradictions back then. The Government were in the throws of actively legislating against any mention of homosexuality in a publicly funded building, meanwhile half of those responsible for devising said legislation were caught with their hands down the knickers of their secretaries, or hands down their own knickers on Clapham Common which they then in-turn carelessly misplaced apparently in a late night mugging incident whilst walking the imaginary dog at 3am. Drunk. How we winced at the very idea of two men dogging and yet spent much of the decade flocking to the theatre in our hundreds of thousands to ogle ‘muscle’ head to toe in lycra pretending to be a singing cat, or high kicking in roller boots, in role as the 18.06 to Victoria in love with a black Diesel engine named Rusty (what's terrifying is that I'm not making any of this up). ABBA had long since died but then half re-appeared with Eva Peron at the helm dressed as a chess piece, whilst The Miami Sound Machine battled with a host of name changes eventually settling upon Gloria, castanets aloft singing Oye Mi Canto or Rhythm is Gonna Getcha. Those of you young enough not to be present to witness such theatrics first hand could be forgiven for thinking that the eighties were a series of camp romps punctuated with the odd puff-ball skirt. In reality, conservative families the country over, suddenly found themselves burying their young sons who having moved south to work in costume, were now mysteriously dropping from pneumonia. For one who liked it up the bum - if the rhythm didn't getcha, then the plague certainly would. The times of plenty began to dry up, the first and only woman to be elected into Downing Street was deposed by the Clapham Common knicker fiddlers and then things really began to look up.

As the 20th century petered out the gays did not. The AIDS holocaust didn't quite happen in Western Europe in the way it had perhaps been anticipated and in some quarters prayed for, as the advances in medicine kicked in. And thanks to a pre-paki-bashing New Labour, the gay mafia appeared to be running the country. Woo-hoo! Equality at work legislation took the spotlight off Iraq, followed hot on its heels by adoption and civil partnership. No longer confined to the hostelries with misted-out windows, gay men and women alike began to kiss in prime-time soap operas and then appear in their own television series freely using the word 'bugger' at will. As the 21st century began to hit its stride, the gays experienced emotive responses to progressive social change not unlike the challenges facing successive governments in Israel. Having suffered terribly, expansion of the territories was inevitable but we hadn't considered that we might have to share this promised land with those who were already in situ; the straights or normal people. Observing the gay festivities from the substitutes bench, the invasion began with the hen parties organising their climax by the sea in the local gay discothèque. Whilst initially, stale poppers mixed with sparkly penis deely-boppers and inflatable grooms these were ultimately uncomfortable bedfellows in the small wee hours, and the gays began to desert their community bedrocks in droves. Staying in was the new going out, at least everyone on Gaydar claimed to be homosexual; the bars had become too much of an unchartered unlucky dip.

“Observing the gay festivities from the substitutes bench, the invasion began with the hen parties organising their climax by the sea in the local gay discothèque” Originally developed to allow like-minded types to meet new friends and potential partners, local gay-sports clubs began to take their athleticism seriously and appoint coaches and managers to whip their teams into shape irrespective of sexual orientation. The Basildon Bumfucking Boomerangers were no longer in it for the team spirited taking part intentions of the modern Olympiad, but to thrash the Lovely Licky Leicestershire Lesbians into lower league oblivion. Gay teams the country over began to install secret straight weaponry who actually knew how to play the game, an undetectable heterosexual performance enhancing anabolic steroid, in it to win it. As uncomfortable a fit as the frock may be, equality has little in common with the leather-top or bottom batty boi. It is truly versatile and flips both ways. Perhaps it is we who will have to 'get over it'.







Earlier this year, I watched Jodie Foster’s rambling speech as she kind of told the world that she was gay. Although for many, such news about Foster’s sexuality has been an open secret; for Foster, being in the public eye from a very young age, she has been fiercely protective over her private life, seeing it as the one thing she has full control off. Of course, there is also the added factor that Foster grew up in a time when homosexuality, particularly in Hollywood, was not celebrated in quite the same way it is today. With this in mind, I imagine when Foster left that stage, a great weight had been lifted off her shoulders, or at least I hope so.

Truth can be stranger than fiction, it is said, and a couple of recent stories in the news certainly seem to bear this out. First, take the Hong Kong tycoon who has offered £40 million to any man who could marry his daughter, who is lesbian! This extravagant gesture was made by Cecil Chao despite the fact that Gigi, 33, had already entered into a civil partnership with her girlfriend in Paris (civil partnerships are not allowed in Hong Kong). And, from a photo published in one of our Sunday newspapers, a very sweet couple they make too.

In my lifetime I have met men who have kept their sexuality a secret from either their families or work colleagues for any number of reasons, from fear of being rejected, or thought of as not a real man, whatever that may mean. When I was growing up in the 1970s, gay role models were far and few between. Those that were around have always been demonised for being too camp; for example, John Inman’s character (Mr Humphries) in, Are You Being Served?, who I’ve always seen as a champion of gay visibility. Instead of getting worried that I didn’t quite act like him, I saw an independent gay man, holding a senior position in the work place, respected by all his work colleges and who, reading between the lines, was getting plenty of sex.

Far from being the least bit dismayed by her father’s somewhat extreme show of unilateral action, Gigi has remained totally unperturbed. Indeed, she considers herself to be “a really lucky girl to have such a loving daddy…” She said she did not agree with what he had done but understood why he had acted in the way that he had. Not surprisingly, however, she has asked him to withdraw his offer.

The response to Chao’s dowry bid was overwhelming: in one week, nearly 2,000 emails, and hundreds of letters and phone calls from suitors all over the world.

“Until the Reformation in the 16th century, the blessing of same-sex relationships was a common event in the Church”

Love or loath John Inman, it is without doubt that he, along with other camp men, helped pave the way for others from the LGBT community to be themselves, to show that their sexuality, although an extremely important part of them, is only one facet of what makes them who they are. Since those wilderness years, when gay men in the media were as hard to spot as hen’s teeth, more and more high profile men and women from all walks of life, from politicians, to film stars, pop stars as well as sports personalities have stood up and said I’m gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans and found that instead of there being some huge outcry, the news has been celebrated. This is fantastic for young and old people alike who may be hesitant about coming out, who want to find a role model, and who want to take that liberating step of being open about who they are.

“More and more high profile men and women from all walks of life, have stood up and said I’m gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans and found that instead of their being some huge outcry, the news has been celebrated” As 2013 hurtles along, there will no doubt be a whole clutch of men and women who will speak openly and proud about their LGBT sexuality, and hopefully in time when someone comes out, it will be acknowledged in the same way people are recognised as being straight. In the meantime it’s great to see that so many LGBT people, past and present, from all walks of life, are ignoring the fear and hatred spewed out by some people and organisations, (particularly some religious organisations) and are stepping out of the closet and in doing so, helping to strengthen the fight for sexual equality for all.

The second media revelation was the one about gay vicars being allowed to become bishops - just so long as they remain celibate. Like the Chao situation, this is yet another totally unreasonable demand, albeit in a wider context. It’s like giving with one hand and taking away with the other, saying: ‘Promise to be good boys and we’ll say no more about it’. Not even a concession, such double standards are light years away from tolerance, let alone acceptance. These attitudes are at worst deeply insulting, at best patronising, presumptuous – and archaic. In any case, how on earth would it be possible, logistically, to police the private behaviour of gay clergymen away from the pulpit? Back in 2003, Dr Jeffrey John, the Dean of St Albans, was forced to withdraw from becoming Bishop of Reading after evangelicals judged that his long-standing same-sex relationship deemed him unsuitable for promotion. Sometimes it’s really hard to remember that we are in the 21st century! Why, when it comes to religion, is sexuality still such a loaded, taboo subject? Until the Reformation in the 16th century, the blessing of same-sex relationships was a common event in the Church. Couples would exchange vows at the church door, then move to the altar for a service of betrothal. The earliest records date back to the eighth century. In 1066, two knights, who arrived in England with William the Conquerer, Sir Robert D’Oilly and Sir Roger D’Ivry, were in a gay relationship which had been blessed by the French bishop. Now, in 2013, Gigi Chao’s story is the theme of a Hollywood film being developed by British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen, under the working title The Lesbian (!). Mr Chao has agreed to cooperate in the making of the movie, as long as it portrays him as ‘a good person’. I can hardly wait!






SHARP WORDS SCOOT! DEL SHARP CLEARS THE ROADS OF BRIGHTON AFTER TAKING TO TWO WHEELS Is it because I’m a sad singleton that I have time over a weekend to peruse websites for Christian rock climbers? I like to think that happily loved up couples probably do it as well and it’s not just down to me spending too much time alone. I just happened upon the Solid Rock Climbers for Christ and their “knowing God through risky recreation” ethos website in the absence of any kind of sinful activity with someone of the same sex, and wondered as you do what it would be like to be tied to a rope and clinging to a treacherous cliff face with these people… luckily for me and them they’re based many thousands of miles away so I’ll never know and of course certainly wouldn’t want to join their group even if I was fond of inching my way up endless tonnes of granite. But of course we all need our specialist interest groups and gay sport is no different. If I understood how to play anything and any team would have me I would choose a gay one because I see them as more inclusive than divisive, after all there are loads of activities for all people which I could be involved with but would like to think the atmosphere would be more attractive in a gay environment which is perhaps why some straight people are, it’s rumoured, to be joining ‘our’ groups.

“If I understood how to play anything and any team would have me I would choose a gay one because I see them as more inclusive than divisive” However, for the same reason I wouldn’t join the Christ-following climbers (apart from the distinct possibility that they might throw me off the nearest peak) as I’m not a Christian. If gay teams need players of a higher standard than the ones they have then they should just pick them from our own lovely gene pool otherwise it seems like gay people can’t play a game as well as anyone else, and that is surely not the case. Although I can’t get game rules very well, don’t follow any teams and have no idea when one season for something ends and another thing begins, I did recently find myself fascinated to watch some darts championship or other and was transfixed by the huge thuggish looking men throwing spikes at the patterned board. These are men, who have vaguely pornstar nicknames like ‘Too Hot Scotty’, ‘Ritchie Rich’, ‘Kong’ and ‘Silverback’, I would certainly not want to cross, and definitely not their ferocious looking wives and mothers in the audience. Even I would score one hundred and eighty if I had those women yelling at me. The older players favour little or no hair while the youngsters glisten with the wet-look handfuls of gel I cringe to remember being proud of too, but that was before they were born. It was quite a show, this sport with all the components of being very gay, what with all the grunting big bear hugging and the dramatic face fanning of the coiffured and spray tanned onlookers. And although I quite fancy myself wearing a sovereign ring and a clingy

shirt with some snappy moniker on the back like ‘The Razor’ grimacing and fiercely shaking my fist, I should probably just carry on doing that in private as it’s never going to happen at the Lakeside Country Club. But anyway, I can make up my own gay sport now. I’m in possession of a scooter, not a motorised one as one hopeful friend asked but a very cool and sleek heavy duty big wheeled manual grown up version of the toy ones that get on my nerves when five-year-olds ride them along the pavement threatening my poor middle-aged ankles. No, mine would make me look very much the urban chic Brighton lesbian if I didn’t actually ride it like a five-year-old. It’s early days yet and I will learn the basics like going in a straight line and how to use the brake and being cool like my friends who bought one at the same time, but seemingly effortlessly have managed to be able to glide elegantly along while I huff and puff and kick my way behind them. “It’s for cruising rather than tricks”, the knowledgeable skater boys in the shop told me helpfully, possibly concerned that I was about to do some extreme backward bunny hops across the Vogue Gyratory and break a hip. I’ve tried something similar in the kitchen and it didn’t end well, so cruising it is for me.

“Mine would make me look very much the urban chic Brighton lesbian if I didn’t actually ride it like a five-year-old” I have had an attraction to wheels of all kinds; skateboards I’m too clumsy on, roller skates scare me because I can’t jump off them, but the scooter, where I can actually hang onto something yet still leap off if need be, is perhaps the best vehicle I will find. Cars are out of the question since a driving instructor made me cry 20 years ago, and bikes, though I’ve tried very hard to go further than in a circle on the Level, I find have to (or should) travel on the road and perilously close to vans and buses which would not be good for my frayed nerves. Scooting is for me then, though I’m sure I’ll build up to cruising height eventually, and I’m part of a scooting posse now, a closed membership, which, sorry, you just can’t join if you’re from Oregon and have a scary smile. Oh, and if that name on the back of your shirt is a bit weird you’re not in either. As for the rest of you, if you’re better, faster or straighter than me forget it, unless I need to win something or course.








Three elderly clerics are discussing the point at which life begins. The Anglican, slightly pompously, begins “As soon as a newborn baby cries, life has started.” “Oh, no!” responds the Catholic priest, who presumably has no first-hand experience of conception, “Life begins when the sperm fuses with the egg.” The Rabbi strokes his beard and slowly announces “In my opinion life begins when the children leave home and the dog dies.”

For those who don’t know me I am sports mad! I support Stoke City FC, Leeds Rhinos Rugby League side, Surrey cricket club, most England/GB sports teams and follow most sports, excluding horse racing. Before I transitioned I spent a lot of my time and money watching sports but now I am reduced to watching it on TV or online. Part of this is through lack of money and partly due to fear of transphobia and violence. I do go to the odd football match, but the first match I saw post-transition saw me travel to watch Stoke win at Watford. On my way home I ended up in a train full of Arsenal and Spurs fans and that was no fun!


I understand the importance to a believer in an afterlife of being reassured of this by his priest but we live in an increasingly secular society so why does religious thinking still dominate? The opportunity to rob your neighbour, murder his noisy children or seduce his wife, has now passed. In any case why do God’s earthly representatives object to doctors relieving pain and anguish when all the other parties involved; the patient, physician and relatives, have all agreed after much careful debate that to end life remains the only humane act? I refuse to accept that anyone’s god is going to be seriously offended if a few souls smelling strongly of barbiturates reach him a few days ahead of schedule. For myself, I imagine my final day lying in a comfortable bed surrounded by friends and family sorry to see me go but thinking, perfectly reasonably, about my last will and testament. As life slips gently away I will be reviewing my few successes, my many more numerous acts of timidity and unkindness and finally trying to compose a witty last utterance. Maybe. Forget the rising cost of living and ponder on the cost of prolonged dying. I intend to vote for whoever wants to repopulate the House of Lords and legalise Assisted Dying and to give more generously to our two superb local hospices, The Martlets and The Beacon, to whose running costs our government contributes only a miserly 30%. I’ll also check that my having made a living will, which lawyers refer to as an Advance Decision, is known to my family, solicitor and GP. This states one’s wish not to be resuscitated where this is clearly inappropriate and while it cannot override existing legislation it may help all who participate in that decision. You can download the paperwork very simply. I’ll also dust off my organ donor’s card in case any of mine have a bit more mileage left in them. Switzerland, Holland, Belgium and Luxemburg have succeeded in creating carefully crafted legislation which acknowledges the right of some terminally ill and seriously disabled people, to decide when their life ends. Montana, Washington and Oregon in the overtly God-fearing USA allow assisted suicide in similar situations. Simply wishing to die clearly does not qualify, it is suicide. Our three clerics would all have accepted the paediatricians’ assertion that the first 12 hours of life, whenever it starts, are the most dangerous; but they are not as hazardous and uncertain as the last 12. RIP


A very important debate about the end of life is swirling around the corridors and leather benches of Parliament. The supporters of Assisted Dying are making progress in spite of sustained opposition from senior religious figures whose predecessors obstructed the passing of more progressive social legislation than any group except the aristocracy. It’s generally agreed that life has ended and the undertaker can confidently be called when the heart beats for the last time. There’s less agreement about those ‘not quite dead’ states in which death is both inevitable and imminent, when organs fail or that ‘old man’s friend’, pneumonia, intervenes. In these forms of terminal illness, pain is not a prominent symptom so fewer ethical problems arise. Sufficient doses of opiate drugs can control any pain and if the dose required causes a coma only ended by death, so be it. But what if you have a condition that is painful and terminal and has deprived you of speech, movement and continence? If you could summon effective help in such a situation, you wouldn’t request a homeopath or a priest, you require the help of doctor with a syringe driver full of morphine.


Most sports fail to provide role models for LGBT people to follow, Justin Fashanu is the openly ‘out’ footballer and he ended up taking his own life. Renee Richards was an ‘out’ transwomen tennis player in the 1970s, who is most famous for being beaten by Billie-Jean King in an exhibition match. Tennis also is known for having had championship-winning players who happened to be lesbians as well! Athletics is full of stories of strangely masculine women winning field events, cue accusations of trickery from the former Soviet Union and associated countries. Even recently Caster Semenya was hounded because she looked manly and had the audacity to beat other runners. After a battery of tests she was allowed to resume her career, but is still viewed with suspicion by many other athletes and the media.

“People who cannot take hormones or have operations will have a long fight to compete under their desired gender” Many sports are slowly accepting that they have to allow trans people to compete in events, mainly under threat of lawsuits! Sexual orientation should never be part of consideration and neither should a person’s gender identity, although that is potentially a much bigger problem. The ‘movement’ seems to be accepting of those that are post-op or who have been on hormones for ‘some’ time. Those people who cannot take hormones or have operations will have a long fight to compete under their desired gender. Those of us who identify as being neither male nor female will not be allowed to compete in the binary structured sports events without massive changes to the way sports are governed. Even at a local level trans people find it hard to take part in sports; going swimming is seen as being good for helping keep you fit but if you have to face the fear of getting changed in public changing rooms and being outed because your body is ‘different’ then the safest option is not to take part. Trans peoples’ health suffers due to the hormones that most of us have to take and to the stress of living in a world that still does not accept trans people. This was recognised in the recently published Brighton & Hove Council Trans Scrutiny report that recommended that sports venues be more inclusive of trans people, something that seems to already be under way. Already this year, trans people have been the subject of a lot of abuse in the media, but it has resulted in many more people becoming aware of how much unjustified trans hatred exists in the so called free world. Let us hope this can be a positive thing


KEITH SHARPE THE GOLDEN RULE CONTRADICTORY THOUGHTS BY DR KEITH SHARPE, CHANGING ATTITUDE SUSSEX It looks like we are finally going to have gay marriage. The Government Bill has been published. Because of Gscene lead-in times I am writing this before the vote on Second Reading due on February 5, but assuming that goes through then all the other stages should be completed to get the law on the Statute Book by December this year. Of course there is ferocious lobbying going on from both sides. And of course the principal enemies are the churches. This has got me thinking about some of the internal contradictions in religious arguments about equality and human rights. It is often observed that despite the immense diversity of their different claims and beliefs, all religions preach the 'Golden Rule'. The noted religious commentator Karen Armstrong declares: “All faiths insist that compassion is the test of true spirituality and that it brings us into relation with the transcendence we call God, Brahman, Nirvana or Dao. Each has formulated its own version of what is sometimes called the Golden Rule: 'Do not treat others as you would not like them to treat you... Further, they all insist that you cannot confine your benevolence to your own group: you must have concern for everybody - even your enemies.” Armstrong, K. (2011) Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life London, Bodley Head. Nobody emphasised this principle more strongly than the Jesus of Nazareth reported in the New Testament, which is of course the central guiding text of Christianity. And yet all religions seem to manage also to find it possible to treat whole groups and classes of people in discriminatory ways. Whilst Hinduism might be at one extreme with its caste system, it is a matter of anthropological fact that all religious cultures entail systems of social differentiation which result in some people being more equal than others. In sociological parlance it might be said that while the pure form of the Golden Rule operates on a basis of individualism and achievementorientation, the actuality lived out by most religious institutions is much more focussed on collectivism and ascription. Jesus might have treated every individual as a unique child of God (notably including females which shocked the Jewish moral guardians of his time), judging them only in terms of their particular characteristics and achievements, but the Christian church has a long history of concern with enforcing a presumed collective social order based on individuals ascribed to particular societal categories knowing their place in the scheme of things. Mrs Alexander's well-known hymn, All things Bright And Beautiful, captures this neatly: 'The rich man at his castle, the poor man at his gate, God made them high and lowly, and ordered their estate.' This internal contradiction in Christianity is at the heart of the tension over female priests and bishops. Those in favour argue of course for the individual rights of women. They emphasise the common humanity of all irrespective of gender. They seek support in texts such as St Paul's oftcited declaration in the letter to the Galations (Ch3 vs 28) that 'There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus'.

Those against refer to 'God's plan' which they perceive as having been put into action at the Creation as described in Genesis and apparent throughout the whole of the Old and New Testaments in which men and women have different but complementary roles. In times gone by religious leaders had no compunction about saying that women were inferior to men and that it was their duty to submit to male domination. This tends to be somewhat less emphasised in the contemporary debate over women bishops, although evangelicals opposed to the idea still openly express their belief in 'male headship'. It is because of these competing theological arguments that both sides of the debate claim that their human rights are being violated. The right of a woman who believes herself called to be a bishop is seemingly violated by the Canon Law which prevents it. The right of a Christian believer who thinks that it is God's plan that only men can be priests and bishops is seemingly violated when secular law threatens to allow it in the name of equality.

“The right of a Christian believer who thinks that it is God’s plan that only men can be priests and bishops is seemingly violated when secular law threatens to allow it in the name of equality” The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) recently adjudicated on four cases brought by British Christians claiming their freedom of religion had been violated. Three out of the four were thrown out. The two victories which are important for us are in the cases of McFarlane and Ladele. In both of these cases the individuals claimed that their religious beliefs about the sinfulness of homosexual behaviour constituted grounds for their refusing to provide professional and other services to same-sex couples which they would ordinarily provide for opposite-sex couples in the course of their work. McFarlane was a Relate counsellor who would only work with heterosexual couples, and Ladele was a local authority registrar who declined to perform civil partnership ceremonies for lesbian and gay couples. The ECtHR upheld the dismissal of both by their respective employers for failing to perform the jobs for which they were being paid. The leading British LGBT campaigning group, Stonewall, commented: “Today’s judgement rightly confirms that it’s completely unacceptable in 2013 for public servants to pick and choose who they want to serve on the basis of sexual orientation.” What would Jesus have said? All we know is that he was a powerful advocate of the Golden Rule who fell horribly foul of the authorities of his day. The story of his trial and execution will be performed on the lawns in front of St Peter’s Church, Brighton from Good Friday, March 29, to Easter Sunday, March 31. This will be an inclusive production involving actors from across the social spectrum including the LGBT community. For more information, view:

OPEN AND WELCOMING CHURCHES At the next meeting of Changing Attitude Sussex on Thursday, March 7 at 6.30pm at St George’s Church, Kemptown, The Rev Sharon Ferguson, CEO of the Lesbian & Gay Christian Movement, will show a film and lead a discussion about the work of Troy Perry, founder of the Metropolitan Community Church, on the theme of ‘Do we still need a separate LGBT church?’ Entrance is free and everybody is welcome. Changing Attitude Sussex is committed to telling the truth about Christian teaching on homosexuality, and works for the full inclusion of LGBT people in every province of the Anglican Communion and more widely in all Christian Churches. For more information, view: and








At the time of writing, the Six Nations rugby tournament had kicked off (or whatever it is they do in rugby – I don’t pretend to even try to understand). Marvellous. I know a lot of rugby fans and clearly this is a big deal. So we have both the men’s and the women’s versions of this tournament. The women were defending their title, which they have won for the past seven years. The men have won four in the past 12 years. The ticket prices? Starting at £60 for the men’s matches – and just £10.90 for the women’s. At the 2012 Olympics, the women’s football tournament kicked off two days before the opening ceremony. Facts such as these show there is still a massive disparity in the perception of men and women in sport and that is that men are worth watching and paying big bucks for, while women, well, aren’t. It is inevitable that while such a culture exists, and it shows no sign of abating, macho posturing will continue to be the order of the day.

I remember my first pin-up, a glorious colour team photo of West Ham United, as clearly as I recall obtaining my first ever bit of vinyl-paidfor-with-my-own-money (Rockin’ Robin by The Jackson Five, for 45p since you’re asking). It was quite big in my little hands, definitely more so than the A4 flimsies of David Cassidy that eventually joined it, and made of card and therefore built for longevity. My dad presented it to me reverently for it was of great importance, and featured such legends as Bobby Moore and errrr, Clyde Best.

When Brighton played Arsenal recently at home the town was apparently full of Arsenal supporters wandering around shouting the homophobic chant they are no longer allowed to shout at the actual matches. Clearly there is still a perception that there is no place in sport, and especially football, for gay people, despite the efforts of rugby player Gareth Thomas and of Premier League footballer Matt Jarvis, who in January became only the third player to get his kit off for Attitude magazine, telling national media he was sure there are gay players but that they fear a backlash if they go public and saying he believed it was time a gay footballer felt comfortable enough to come out. He said: “It’s everyday life. It’s not something that’s going to be a shock. I’m sure there are many footballers who are gay, but when they decide to actually come out and say it, it is a different story. It’s one that I’m sure they’ve thought about many times. But it’s a hard thing for them to do.” Justin Fashanu found that out to the cost of his life when he came out in 1990, so who is likely to want to emulate him? Statistically there must be gay players within the Premiership but when fans take the attitude of that seen in Brighton recently, who is going to want to reveal themselves? The pressure must be unbearable. Last year’s Olympics brought a whole host of previously low-key sports into the public eye and fired the imagination of the public, not least through the brilliant commentary of ‘out’ lesbian Clare Balding, who has since been adopted as something of a national treasure, and recently presented the quiz show Britain’s Brightest for the BBC. It’s interesting that she has been taken to the nation’s bosom when homosexuality in sports seems such a taboo. Mind, she did have to run the gauntlet of abuse from AA Gill of the Sunday Times who referred to her as a “dyke on a bike”.

“It’s interesting that Clare Balding has been taken to the nation’s bosom when homosexuality in sports seems such a taboo” It seems it’s not necessarily the sports clubs themselves that prevent their members from being honest about their sexuality, but rather the outside world as a whole and fan culture in particular, that keeps them in the closet by refusing to accept homosexuality as an everyday fact of life. Maybe Cameron would like to make that his next vote-catching mission. Or maybe the legions of dedicated football fans and possible voters outweigh the might of the Church of England.

Back in them days, players seemed to stay at clubs for far longer, so this picture wasn’t out of date before the blu-tack had started to make dirty little stains in the corners. I used to say goodnight to it as I climbed into bed in my West Ham pyjamas, and in winter I’d be eagerly waiting for Saturday afternoons spent in front of ITV anxiously yearning for the ‘vidi-printer’ to start spewing out the results from ‘around the grounds’ in the hope that my boys had had another glorious victory. But even through my claret and blue tinted glasses I know that didn’t always happen. In fact, throughout my life I’ve spent far too much time regretting my father’s birth place being in such close proximity to Upton Park that being a Hammers devotee was the only option. Being a tomboy from year dot meant football was an obsession rather than something the boys got in a lather about whilst I played with dollies. Or perhaps it was the other way round and liking football made me a tomboy and therefore paved the way for my future penchant for playing with living, breathing dollies. Maybe supporting West Ham United made me a lesbian!

“Maybe supporting West Ham United made me a lesbian!” The Hammers have given my sporting life a rollercoaster ride. I’ve forgotten how many times I’ve cried into my Nesquik/coffee/beer when suffering another humiliating defeat, relegation battles, losing our best players to wealthier clubs, standing on the freezing terraces barely able to watch as we squander a lead to lowlier opposition, then feeling happier than I possibly should when we actually win, go through to the next round of the cup or get Ricardo Vaz Té for a ‘snip’ from Barnsley and he scores the winning goal that gets us promotion. Wishing dad was born a stone’s throw from Old Trafford goes out the window then. There’s so much wrong with top class football (yes it’s a short career, but £60,000 a week?) and there’s still only one ‘out’ player in the world, Anton Hysen, who plays in the Swedish third division! But I do take heart from February’s Attitude magazine, which has my West Ham boy Matt Jarvis looking well buff on the cover. Inside he says he wishes a top player would come out and reckons they’d be accepted as gay so long as they played well. Easy to say from a heterosexual viewpoint and a small step in the scheme of things, but at least it’s a start.


CHARLIE SAYS MENTALLY SOUND ARE WE REALLY ALL AS MAD AS HATTERS? ASKS CHARLIE BAUER PhD I know that I’m early in the journalistic year to talk about mental health stuff, but there remains a few recent issues about mental health and the pressures of the so-called holiday season. We can say what we like about the Christmas holiday period, but it is probably the most stressful time ever. It’s the final act of the year, that non rest period before the onslaught of another new year and the build up to spring, forcing ourselves through the normal working days conducted in 50% daylight. The rain, the snow and the fading promises that this year, the weather at least, will better than last. As a consequence most instances of depression also raise up around this time. We finish work, shop like crazy, eat and drink until we can’t move, get legless a few times, carry those hangovers on and start everything all over again in January.

‘confidential’ unless, and as you are likely to be pushed into revealing that you have ever considered suicide. Most people, at some point in their life, have considered suicide. I have a friend who once lost their David Bowie tickets when they were nineteen and seriously considered and almost actioned suicide. As adolescents we ‘consider’ suicide a lot and if everyone who had ever thought of it followed through, the world would no longer be peopled. The devastating message in the above case is, as this GP knew all too well, that once that ‘S’ word is mentioned to any other GP, it has to be noted on the patient’s medical file whether they like it or not. I get the idea that this is for observational purposes, in that patients can be closely monitored in the event they become more vulnerable or show ‘signs’. But it also prevents anyone with the same potentially devastating concerns from actually coming forward and seeking the appropriate help that they need. Even the GP’s standard wording is wrong; ‘Have you ever thought of harming yourself?’ Ask this of a suicidal person and they’ll more often than not say “No”. If only because by this point they see suicide as a release and not a threat of some ongoing harming process. By this time, they may have already gone way down the line of questioning that he, the GP, has only just started on.

Let’s not forget that 250,000 people walk out of their homes during the festive period and over 10% never make it back. Some of that percentage are never found and those who are, never make it back. The growing majority within that statistic are men, particularly straight men with children. For some reason, when this happens to gay men there is a higher survival rate, which is possibly due to the fact that they may have a closer knit circle of friends that they have nurtured. Straight men maybe aren’t that forthcoming to talk when it comes to matters of the heart or that the only third party in their case is untreated depression. I read recently about a GP who walked out and left his wife and children last Christmas. They had both been aware of his depressed state for several years. They both knew that it had occasionally bordered on the suicidal, yet were unable to do anything about it because of the stigma attached to it within his profession. Of course it’s not just within public related industries like medicine and education that this is happening; it affects key professionals in exactly the same way, depression in men is still seen as a weakness.

“As adolescents we ‘consider’ suicide a lot and if everyone who had ever thought of it followed through, the world would no longer be peopled” Although every profession has a legal remit to treat issues of mental health as a confidential priority, the reality is still far from the truth. In the above case we have a GP who regularly steers his own patients through treatments for depression yet cannot himself gain any support, not least from colleagues within his own practice, for his own. Neither can his wife go to a mental health professional for advice incase she outs him in the process. In fact, his wife actually stated that treatment was something he would never do for the fear of it ‘affecting his career and his colleagues’ view of him.’ Let’s face it, if a GP feels this way, what does that mean for anyone else? What’s important here is that he knew himself that everything within medical documentation is

I never gave the shout outs that some of my teenage friends did whenever they finished with anyone or just went through adolescent gay angst. As a young gayer my heart was broken every time I saw a straight boy on the football pitch and later after a failed affair no matter how long it lasted. The stakes are higher in the gay emotional arenas.

“As a young gayer my heart was broken every time I saw a straight boy on the football pitch. The stakes are higher in the gay emotional arenas.” We seem destined not to account for the continual increase in the suicides of men, with the proportional increase at middle age. That taboo is firmly in place and it’s still the case that people are still goaded down the road of suspected mental illness. This is because we’re still using the Victorian binary gauges of ‘sane’ and ‘insane’. It’s in our best interests to look saner than anyone around us. The resulting finger waving accusations of ‘madness,’ keeps the myth of ‘sanity’ very real.


HEART & SOLE TAKE A STAND THE DIRTY SHAME OF THE BEAUTIFUL GAME BY DARREN SOLE Imagine a place where every Saturday, a group of strapping men, thick of thigh and six of pack, don bulge-hugging kit, and come together to sweat, shoot and kiss in full glare of the public, free of fear or judgement. Where is this utopian dreamscape, I hear you ask? And more importantly, HOW CAN I GET ME SOME?! Well, good news, because they’re getting up to it in every town. But these sanctuaries don’t boast gaggles of carefree gay boys because they’re, irony of ironies, the final strongholds of the heterosexual male: football pitches. But if these players were seen leaping, weeping and embracing OUTSIDE the safe confines of their 90 minute windows, most fans would throw up their meat pies, because the blokes with the Y-Factor that they devotedly shadow with such fervour, are held as the last specimens of a dying breed, the ‘red-blooded’ male. Let’s get ONE thing straight, okay; none of these perma-tanned, hair-transplanted, back, crack and sacked soccer stars, who toy with leather aren’t gay. IN. ANY. WAY.

“Most football disciples can only process one palatable model of gay: the passive funny one, certainly not the kind of macho-acting ’ledge’ that they model themselves on” Imagine the horror of a fan discovering that the butch tackler tattooed on his moob, is guilty of the most unforgivable crime of all, being bent. Most football disciples can only process one palatable model of gay: the passive funny one, certainly not the kind of macho-acting ’ledge’ that they model themselves on; that would lead to one holy mother of a meltdown. So, it’s interesting how our national game, that we’re kept at a safe touching distance from, is being sold back to us and our pink overdrafts. Straight Premiership footballers are queuing round the block to get their tits out for the lads on gay magazine front covers (quick, quote the wife! they’re married, so back off!), whose topless titillations feed into the only version of the game, and of indeed most sports, that as gay men we can be trusted to consume, the sexualised one. Locker-room pornos, dirty calendars and sports-kit fetish clubs are the key ‘ins’ to this forbidden world. We’re allowed to play with the idea of sport, but only if the balls come in twos. Now even ticket agency Viagogo, desperate to mop up falling terrace receipts, is targeting us to bolster the coffers. But are they selling the game itself? Course not! Their lazy peddling compares the football crowd experience to the mania of a Steps concert and dribbles the spectacle of ‘muscular thighs’ into our gaze. Powered by the crumbs offered by the straights and the posturing portions we produce ourselves, it appears that we’re only happy to swallow football’s shiny surface, rather than tackle its substance. Not an activity to get something ‘out of’ but instead, get ‘off on’. Much of this sidestepping stems from most gay men’s very first watershed moment, the school changing room. Terrified of being found out and preoccupied with projecting a straight fib, that while we were trying to get to grips with ‘being’, other lads were racing ahead with

the ‘doing’. Alan Downs writes in The Velvet Rage, that men are “emotionally disabled by an environment that taught us we were unacceptable, not ‘real’ men and therefore shameful, and as young boys, we too readily internalise those strong feelings”. I hope that nowadays, schools are reinforcing the message early that whoever you’re born as, gay or straight, strapping or fey, that the benefits a level playing field present, can be seized by everyone and then perhaps sport would attract younger, more confident, gay subscribers. Football is a force for good; a chance to bond, interact and in the truest sense, become a team player, instilling a sense of self-worth for all that take part. But until homophobic abuse is taken seriously on and around the pitch, and it’s perceived that we’re handed the Red Card at the turnstiles, then there’s still a need for amateur gay-only teams to continue. We shouldn’t feel like we’re ghettoising ourselves if we want to keep some sports teams queer-only, because batting, scrumming or kicking with people who want to understand us, is easier to live with than with those you have to explain yourself to. There are roughly 4,000 professional football players in the UK, which means over 350 must be gay. But if one player came out every day of the year, I’m sure by Valentine’s Day, even the tabloids would strike up a bromance with a goal-scorer who happens to be gay. Men, gay or straight, are fundamentally the same. They eat, shag and much of the time, act like idiots; but it seems for the time being, WE have to keep off the grass. But hey, what do I know? The only time I played football was in goal, and that was because I was the class porker. And the number of football matches attended: one. And if I ever fancied being on the receiving end of another torrent of abuse again, then I’ll spend next Christmas with the family. When the Beautiful Game presents such an ugly face, it’s hard to embrace the positives it offers, but is this the year that a fresh-faced footballer will show the courage he needs to come out? I hope so, but perversely in 2013, it seems that there’s more chance of a straight footballer getting out of his kit for the gay boys, than a gay boy getting into one.

“We shouldn’t feel like we’re ghettoising ourselves if we want to keep some sports teams queer-only, because batting, scrumming or kicking with people who understand us, is easier to live with than with those you have to explain yourself to”

72 GSCENE powerful as a person, more in control, more able. She found it showed: friends noticed she was more confident, more cheerful. She did more, didn’t hesitate if she felt like going out. Lately she had been thinking about dancing, salsa maybe, ballroom dancing even… If you would like to know more about the mental health benefits of physical activities: • Mind guide to physical activity at • Moving on Up at e/ 30 minutes brisk exercise five times a week can improve your mental health, give it a try!

MINDOUT FUNDRAISER Miss Dolly Rocket is hosting a fundraising event for the MindOut marathon appeal at Bar Revenge on Sunday, March 3, from 6–8pm. The evening’s entertainment features the Rainbow Chorus, surprise guests, prize draws and much more. You can also show your support by sponsoring the MindOut runners by texting LGBTO3£ followed by the amount to 70070. For more details, view:

She hadn’t always been this fit and healthy. These days she felt so much better in her skin, she felt strong, she felt energetic and she looked forward to exercising. Just a few months of keeping at it and doing at least 30 minutes brisk exercise a day had startled her with the effect it had. It wasn’t only physical, she felt happier too, brighter somehow, less depressed and definitely less anxious than she had been. Maria had grown up with a ‘weight problem’; the problem being that everyone told her she was fat. They told her ever so nicely, kindly, in well-meaning tones that made her cringe. The effect of this stating of the obvious was to make her feel more ugly, more awful about her appearance and herself, less worthy, less confident. At times she felt defiant, a surge of pride in herself for not conforming to how women are meant to look. However, her bravery would often whither under the disappointed glances of her mother. Now she felt physically better, her self image was changing too. She had always felt fine being lesbian, but she had not always felt sexually confident in her relationships. Maria had suffered with recurring bouts of depression all of her adult life and not long ago Maria had been through a hard, prolonged separation which had left her feeling rejected, sad and withdrawn. There was no doubt, now, that feeling physically better and fitter made her feel more in touch

with her sexual self. That in itself felt great, whatever the response of those around her! What had helped Maria turn a corner on fitness was starting running with a friend. She had never been interested in running, years ago at school she had hated PE with a passion and had skipped as many PE lessons as she could. Running with Lizzy was fun, they had a laugh, they gradually went a bit further, a bit faster. She felt a buzz just from the achievement of having done it. Running was a good contrast to the rest of her days spent sitting in the office. Getting outside in all weathers delighted her, the fresh air felt good. Feeling stronger in her body was probably the best bit for Maria. She felt immensely more

MINDOUT SERVICES MindOut provides free, independent, mental health advice, information and advocacy. We also run a peer support group work service and activity groups for LGBT people with mental health issues. If you, or anyone you know, has mental health issues and you would like to talk in confidence to an ‘out’ LGBT mental health worker or would like to offer us your support, please contact us. • 24hr confidential answerphone: 01273 234839 • Email: • Website: All MindOut services are free, confidential and non-judgemental.




LGBT disabled people’s forum. Safe, welcoming, support, activities, awareness. Tel: 07981 170071 or


Youth social support group for LGB or unsure under 26, every other Wed. Tel: 01424 724150 or 01424 447033


Drop in for LGBT or unsure young people under 26, Tues 5.30-8.30pm. Tel: 01273 721211 or,


Report all homophobic and transphobic incidents to: • The Police 0845 6070999 (for emergencies 999) email: tweet: @policeLGBT • Civilian LGBT caseworker Clare Brisco on 101 ext 50427 or 07769 162594 • or use True Vision self reporting pack

BRIGHTON & HOVE LGBT SAFETY FORUM Independent LGBT forum working with the Community to address and improve safety issues throughout Brighton & Hove.


Tel Helpline, Hate Crime reporting, Counselling service, Proud2connect (relationship counselling in partnership with Brighton Relate). • Helpline from 5pm daily: Tel: 01273 204050 • Services info 01273 234009 • email • or


Oral history projects including shows, exhibitions, books, support to researchers Tel: 01273 207757 or 01273 328592 or


Info, counselling, drop-in space, support groups. Tel: 01273 698036 or


Social/support group for all female-to-male trans people. Every 3rd Sat of month, 6–8pm, THT Office, 61 Ship St, Brighton, BN1 1AE. Tel: 07504 652129 or


Twice monthly meeting for over 50s Tel: 01273 884285 or


Local social group offers friendship, social events, meets 1st Thursday at The Regency Tavern 7.30pm Tel: 07594 578035 (eve)


12 step self-help programme for alcohol addictions. Sun 7.30pm, Chapel Royal, North St, Btn (side entrance). Tel: 01273 203343 (general AA line)


Brighton based LGBT (welcomes others) Narcotics Anonymous group every Tue 6.30–8pm, Millwood Centre, Nelson Row, Kingswood St. Tel: NA Helpline 604604


Meditation & discussion, every 2nd & 4th Thur, 5.30–7pm, Anahata Clinic, 119 Edward St, Tel: 07789 861367

LUNCH POSITIVE Lunch club for people with HIV to meet, make friends, find peer support in safe environment. Every Fri, noon–2.30pm, Community Room, Dorset Gdns Methodist Church, Dorset Gardens, Brighton. Lunch £1.50. Tel: 07846 464384 or


Independent, impartial info, guidance for LGBT people with mental health problems. 24 hr confidential answerphone: Tel: o1273 234839 or


Support group for lesbian and/or gay parents Tel: 07951 082013 or


Practical, emotional support for victims of crime. Tel: Brighton 01273 234009 or Hove 01273 439942


Sussex HIV & AIDS info service, available by phone Tel: 01403 210202 or email


Money, benefits, employment, housing, info, advocacy. Appointments: Tue-Thur 9am-4pm, Wed 9am-12.30pm Brighton & Hove Citizens Advice Bureau, 1 Tisbury Rd, Hove, Tel: 0845 1203710


Free confidential testing & treatment for STIs including HIV. Hep A & B vaccinations. Out Patients Dept of Royal Sussex County Hospital, Eastern Rd. Tel: 01273 664721


Medical advice, treatment for HIV+, specialist clinics, diet & welfare advice, drug trials. Tel: 01273 664722


CRI / Sussex Partnership Foundation Trust. Open access drop in, assessment, support, advice, info on drug & alcohol issues Tel 01273 607575. LGB&T worker provides confidential, non judgemental outreach service. Support for people over 18 wishing to address substance misuse Tel 07717 774 658


24 hour nursing & medical care, day care. Tel: 01273 694222 or


• Venue Outreach: info on HIV, sexual health, personal safety, safer drug/alcohol use, free condoms/lubricant for men who have sex with men. • The Bushes Outreach Service @ Dukes Mound: advice, support, info on HIV, sexual health, personal safety. Free condoms, lube, tea/coffee from Outreach van parked next to ‘The Patio’ at the Bushes. • Netreach (online Outreach in Brighton & Hove): info/advice on HIV/sexual health/local services. THT Brighton Outreach workers online @ Gaydar: Thur 7–10pm, Sat 1–4pm, chatroom HEALTH INFO THT • Condom Male: discreet, confidential service posts free condoms/lube/sexual health info to men who have sex with men without access to commercial gay scene in East & West Sussex. • Positive Voices: volunteers who go to organisations to talk about personal experiences of living with HIV. • Fastest (HIV Testing): walk-in, (no appointment) rapid HIV testing service for men who have sex with men. Pre & post test discussion with clinical staff. Results in an hour. 10 men max tested per session. Mon: 6.30–8.30pm (waiting room open: 6pm) • Face2Face: confidential info & advice on sexual health & HIV for men who have sex with men. Face-2-face or

phone. Up to 3 one hour appointments. • Specialist Training: wide range of courses for groups/ individuals. Specific courses to suit needs. • Counselling: from qualified counsellors for up to 12 sessions for people living with/affected by HIV • HIV Health Trainer: Face-2-face/phone/email support to help understand diagnosis & meds, manage side effects, sex & relationships, talk to doctor, diet & nutrition. • Informed Passions: Expert Volunteers project to identify & support sexual health needs of local men who have sex with men and carry out wide-ranging field research in B&H on issues affecting men’s sexual health. Extensive training provided. • Lounge (Group for Gay Men Living with HIV): fortnightly peer support group for gay men diagnosed with HIV for at least 1 year, on HIV medication or not. • What Next? Thurs eve, 6 week peer support group work programme for newly diagnosed HIV+ gay men. • Co Infection group: 6 week peer support group work programme for gay men with HIV & HEP C. • Telling it Straight: monthly Tues eve support group for straight HIV+ men/women. Guest speakers. • HIV Support Services: info, support & practical advice for people living with/affected by HIV. • Volunteer Support Services: 1-2-1 community support for people living with or affected by HIV. • HIV Welfare Rights Advice: help & advice line Wed: 10am–1pm 01273 764205. 1-2-1/group support to claim DLA. Guidance on return to work & in-work benefits For more info about these FREE services go to the THT office, 61 Ship St, Btn, Mon–Fri, 9.30am–5.30pm Tel: 01273 764200 or


Covering East Sussex, Services: Health Promotion Outreach, free condoms, lube, sexual health info & advice; HIV Health Coach, short term support for people living with HIV; counselling; Positive Grants; Face-2-Face 1-2-1 support & advice on sexual health, HIV; Condom Male: free condoms by post; Fastest: 1 hour HIV tests; Positively Social: group for people living with HIV; Volunteering. Dyke House, 110 South St, Eastbourne, BN21 4LZ, Tel: 01323 649927 or


Free confidential tests & treatment for STIs inc HIV. Hep A & B vaccinations. Shoreham based. Tel: 01273 461453


Gay men’s sexual health clinic. Wed 5-6.30pm. Opposite Royal Sussex County Hospital entrance Abbey Rd. Tel: 01273 664721


LGBT Domestic Violence Helpline, Mon 2-8pm, Wed 101pm, Thur 2-8pm Tel: 08452 604460


LGBT bereavement helpline, Tues 7.30-10pm, Tel: 020 7403 5969


POSITIVELINE (EDDIE SURMAN TRUST) Mon-Fri 11am-10pm, Sat & Sun 4-10pm Tel: 0800 1696806

MAINLINERS Tel: 02075 825226



THT DIRECT Tel: 0845 1221200





43 K DY














27 FISHERMAN’S REST 123-125 Kings Rd, 323888 12 IRON DUKE 3 Waterloo St, Hove, 734806 13 LEGENDS BAR 31-34 Marine Parade, 624462 29 NEW STEINE BISTRO 12a New Steine, 681546 18 REGENCY TAVERN 32-34 Russell Sq, 325652

38 JUSTIN LLOYD (Kemp Town) 118 St James’ St, 315612 39 JUSTIN LLOYD (City) 111 Western Rd, Hove, 315613 40 JUSTIN LLOYD (Hove) 176 Church Rd, Hove, 315614



30 26




45 BRIGHTON WOMEN’S CENTRE 72 High St, 698036 G SAUNAS 46 LUNCH POSITIVE Dorset Gardens Methodist Church, 42 BRIGHTON SAUNA 07846 464384 75 Grand Parade, 689966 47 MINDOUT 43 TBS2 SAUNA Community Base, 113 Queens Rd 84-86 Denmark Villas, Hove, 723733 234839 G LEGAL & FINANCE 47 SWITCHBOARD Community Base, 113 Queens Rd 44 ENGLEHARTS 204050 (5–11pm) 49 Vallance Hall, Hove St, Hove, 204411




1 A-BAR 11–12 Marine Parade, 688825 3 BAR REVENGE 7 Marine Parade, 606064 41 CAFÉ TIERE 117 St James’ St, 965985 7 CAMELFORD ARMS 30-31Camelford St, 622386 8 CHARLES ST BAR 8-9 Marine Parade, 624091

















33 14







30 31














38 41


36 16 19





1 AMSTERDAM 11–12 Marine Parade, 688825 26 AVALON HOTEL 7 Upper Rock Gardens, 692344 27 GRANVILLE HOTEL 124 Kings Rd, 326302 28 GULLIVERS HOTEL 12a New Steine, 695415




33 CARDOME 47a St James’ St, 692916 34 PROWLER 112 St James’ St, 683680 35 SPECS 22 Kensington Gardens, 676796 36 SUSSEX BEACON Charity Shop 130 St James’ St, 682992 37 SUSSEX BEACON Charity Shop 83 George St, Hove




13 BASEMENT CLUB (below Legends) 31-34 Marine Parade, 624462 8 ENVY (above Charles St Bar) 8-9 Marine Parade, 624091 22 FUNKY FISH @ New Madeira Hotel 19-23 Marine Parade, 01273 698331 23 REBEL @ DIGITAL 187-193 Kings Road Arches 24 REVENGE 32-34 Old Steine, 606064 25 WILD FRUIT @ HONEY CLUB 214 Kings Road Arches





10 32



29 COURTLANDS HOTEL 19-27 The Drive, Hove, 731055 30 COWARDS HOTEL 12 Upper Rock Gardens, 692677 13 LEGENDS HOTEL 31-34 Marine Parade, 624462 31 NEW STEINE HOTEL 10/11 New Steine, 681546 32 QUEENS HOTEL 1/3 Kings Rd, 321222 20 VAVAVOOM 31 Old Steine, 603010


1 A-BAR 11–12 Marine Parade, 688825 2 BAR 56 56 George St, 623399 3 BAR REVENGE 7 Marine Parade, 606064 4 BEDFORD TAVERN 30 Western St, 739495 5 BULLDOG TAVERN 31 St James’ St, 696996 6 BRIGHTON TAVERN 99-100 Gloucester Rd, 680365 7 CAMELFORD ARMS 30-31Camelford St, 622386 8 CHARLES STREET BAR 8-9 Marine Parade, 624091 9 CHURCH STREET 112 Church St, 606864 10 DR BRIGHTONS 16 Kings Rd, 208113 11 GROSVENOR 16 Western St, 770712 12 IRON DUKE 3 Waterloo St, Hove, 734806 13 LEGENDS BAR 31-34 Marine Parade, 624462 14 MARINE TAVERN 13 Broad St, 681284 15 MARLBOROUGH 4 Princes St, 570028 16 POISON IVY 129 St James St 17 QUEENS ARMS 7 George St, 696873 18 REGENCY TAVERN 32-34 Russell Sq, 325652 19 SUBLINE 129 St James St, 01273 624100 20 VAVAVOOM 31 Old Steine, 603010 21 ZONE 33 St James’ St, 682249








11 4







































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