1 minute read
Green Loving by Laurie Lavender
Well, it’s February so it’s a bit like dreary o’clock! You should really get round to sorting out your seeds, both what you have and what you need so when you have decided exactly how you are going to organise your plot you know what you are doing. It is a good idea (and I know from bitter experience) to write your labels before you plant. It is also the time for digging in compost and manure and other fibrous stuff that will enrich your soil. Have you got anything that needs ericaceous compost, like blueberries for example, or decorative camelias that may need a boost? Seed potatoes are now available in the garden centres as are onion sets, garlic etc.

Brussels sprouts (if we are still allowed to call them that!) will be much better now they have been out in the frost. Mine have been a little bit sad this year but we have taken to cooking their heads in the way you would cook cabbage or chard, give them a few minutes longer as they can be a bit tough.
Our leeks have done well this year; they make a tasty alternative to an onion in a chicken risotto. Tina cooks a splendid risotto – I would say it was a ‘signature dish’ but Tina doesn’t do pretension. My cabbages are rather impressive and they’re great shredded in a minestrone or sautéd with a small amount of olive oil, crushed garlic, some mustard, a knob of butter and a tsp of that leftover cranberry sauce.

The chard is still going strong and is great stirred through a stroganoff or any rice dish with the possible exception of rice pudding.

As St Valentine’s Day is coming up, had you thought of an edible bouquet for your beloved?
Thanks as always to Donald (King Weed) & Tina Thyme without whom...