Legends and Two Brewers launch fundraisers ahead of events in Brighton and London to celebrate the life of Jason Sutton aka Miss Jason
) LGBTQ+ venues Legends in Brighton and Two Brewers in London have launched fundraisers ahead of events in Brighton and London to celebrate the life of cabaret and LGBTQ+ community star Jason Sutton aka Miss Jason, who we sadly lost last month.
Both venues are hoping to raise £10,000 to “ensure that Jason gets the send off they deserve”.
Two Brewers and Legends said: “Miss
Jason was an icon and legend of the LGBTQ+ community, and we have been devastated by their loss. We understand that people want to show their love and support, therefore we have set up these fundraising pages ahead of our fundraising events.
“All money raised from these fundraisers and the two events to celebrate Jason’s life will go towards the cost of the funeral.
“Anything additional will be given
to Jason’s partner, Terry, to give him peace of mind at this hugely difficult time.”
) The Legends event takes place on Sunday, May 5; the Two Brewers event takes place on Sunday, May 12.
) Donate to the Legends fundraiser https://tinyurl.com/ LegendsMissJason and the Two Brewers fundraiser https://tinyurl. com/TwoBrewersMissJason
is on a mission to bring funm safe and sober socials to Brighton & Hove, and further afield.
) Tonic! was inspired by a growing need to find and build a gay and tonic community. As the acronym says, the Tonic! community includes, but is not limited to, those who are:
• Teetotal
• On-the-wagon
• Not drinking
• In recovery
• Curious about sobriety
Tonic! is a community with a mission to provide safe and fun, sober community socials and events for gays, queers and bisexuals who identify as male or are non-binary.
The Tonic! community is made up of those who are sober from alcohol and drugs and the sober curious who want to connect and enjoy a sober social life.
Can you tell us a bit about Tonic! and how it came about?
Tonic! was started by a small group of gay lads who had decided to go sober and found that there were few social activities that didn’t directly or indirectly revolve around booze with even sports and community groups often ending in a trip to the pub.
It can be daunting for the newly sober to socialise without alcohol or other drugs and so we wanted to set up events to help people build up their self-confidence. Making genuine connections is key in promoting good mental health and we wanted to provide safe spaces to do exactly that. What Tonic! has grown into is offering an alternative gay scene where being present and forming connections is a
priority. Where gay men feel welcome and can take part without the need for added chemicals.
Our events range from monthly roasts, delicious meals out, meditation and yoga, trying your hand at different sports, sober dancing and trips across the UK and abroad to take part in Pride events. These activities provide opportunities to have fun through socialising, promoting healthier lifestyles and building a sense of community, combating isolation among members.
Tonic! was started three years ago and has grown to about 100 members. We have recently received some funding from the Brighton Rainbow Fund to grow and deliver more to our members on a variety of incomes.
“We really want to educate people; to break down the stigma of ‘sober being boring’.”
Sobriety seems to be gaining in popularity within LGBTQ+ communities, what are your thoughts on why this might be.
I think it’s a natural evolution for the gay scene to develop to better meet the needs of the community as a whole.
The LGBTQ+ community is pulling together after a very difficult lockdown period for many. With enormous pressure placed on all of us, especially those with mental health or addiction issues. We must come together to support each other better and that means evolving the way we do that. Learning to create connection while present, increasing self confidence and moving away from a reliance on substances to do that, I think is key! Are we at the point that sober is sexy?
I think sobriety is incredibly sexy. Sober you can do everything better, you can be cheeky, quick witted, more observant, have natural self confidence, you’re able to better judge situations, remember what people say, be present in conversations, give and ask for consent and having peace of mind is incredibly attractive.
There will be a sober dance tent at Pride this year, can you tell us about this exciting new addition.
Wow - this is going to be HUGE! Last year was our first year walking in the amazing Brighton & Hove Pride parade - yes, in gale force winds and
At the end of the march, when got to the park, we kind of knew we wouldn’t be represented, so the majority of us turned around and didn’t go in.
With the associations being very hedonistic (classically) in there. Also the space and excesses within the park being quite triggering for a lot of sober people and those in recovery.
This started the conversation within ourselves and with Sober Bright’huns, that we wanted to be represented and we managed to orchestrate a meeting with the organisers of Pride.
We explained that in a world very mindful of representation, inclusivity and visibility, it was time the sober community were represented in the Pride scene. Pride organisers couldn’t
have been more wonderful. They agreed to our idea and they have been super supportive thus far.
Tonic will be working together with @soberbrighthuns to bring you our very own sober dance tent on both Saturday and Sunday.
We’ll also be working closely with other Brighton-based sober communities, including @discodykesbrighton and @transsober.
You will find in the tent - sexy AF dancers, DJs, sparkles, awesome music, a fully stocked, completely alcohol free bar and we intend on “serving the new face of sobriety”.
We really want to educate people; to break down the stigma of ‘sober being boring’. I can guarantee, it’s definitely not!
Our events range from roasts, meals, sober club events, meditation, yoga, singing, sports like climbing, paddle boarding, bouldering etc.
We recognised that those recovering from alcohol and drug dependency have often lost careers, houses and are can be in significant debt.
So at Christmas we launched a programme to make our activities more financially accessible to those on lower incomes, out of work or in financial hardship.
Upcoming events include eight Brighton Fringe events, a monthly roast, a quarterly sober daytime club event called SASSY at Club Revenge, a float in the Brighton & Hove Pride march and a dance tent in the park. We are also marching in this year’s New York Gay Pride for the second year running.
We welcome transmale, queer boy, gender fluid, and non-binary people – in addition to cis gay men. If you identify with gay male culture you are welcome.
As they continue to grow, look out for upcoming Tonic community socials and events, group trips, and ways to get involved.
More info: www.gayandtonic.co.uk
Jason Sutton aka Miss Jason’s funeral will take place on Thursday, 23 May. Jason will leave Legends, then travel down the seafront and up St James’s St. There will be a private service afterwards for close friends and family. Wake will be held at Legends from 3pm.
On Monday, April 22 we lost Jason Sutton aka Miss Jason - one of the brightest stars of our LGBTQ+ communities. We’ll never forget you, Jason. Farewell, dear!
I like countless others am crushed to learn of our great big light Miss Jason’s passing.
For a lot of us a friend, sometimes a mentor, and for thousands of others that person that made life a little better for a moment while she was doing what she loved so much to do, and one of our community’s great humanitarians.
There will be no one like her. Thank you for the friendship, the advice, and the belly ache from laughing you gave me. What a warm man, what a loved man, what a star, what a human. My thoughts are with Jason’s loved ones today.
I love you endlessly Jason
What can I write about someone who meant the world to me and has been such a huge part of my life for so many years.
Only yesterday we spoke and were meeting today.
We weren’t just friends, we were family. We spoke all the time, you advised me, we laughed A LOT and were like naughty school kids when you were in “one of your moods”.
At times you could just look in my direction and read my mind and then somehow get me into trouble!
We shared the stage so many times and made memories both on and off it, memories that I will NEVER forget.
PHOTO ROBBY DEE PHOTOGRAPHYFrom birthdays, holidays to spending Christmas days together.
You were truly a best friend.
You had a talent that was beyond sensational, I could watch you a million times and you would make me laugh every single one of them.
There for me in the hardests times to support me and there in the best of times to enjoy all we could in life.
To think I will never get to see or speak to you again is breaking my heart.
A special and amazing light has went out in my life.
You were a shinning star in any room.
I can honestly say my life will never be the same again without you in it.
Thank you for loving me for who I am and helping me be a better person.
You will always be my “mumsey”.
Love you Jason Sutton (Miss Jason).
Heartbroken to hear of the passing of Jason Sutton.
A good friend of Pride for many years, from the cabaret stage to the Pride Dog Show, he was always a joy to work with.
An unsung hero of the community, Jason we love you immensely and will miss you.
I and everyone at Charles Street Tap are truly broken hearted to hear the news this morning of the passing of
Jason Sutton, who was known by so many as simply Miss Jason. Our hearts truly go out today to Terry and all his family.
Jason was such an incredibly talented drag queen, an utter master class in comedy timing, that brought joy and such incredible warmth to every room she performed in. A wit and intelligence that was lightning fast. A true master of the art.
I sometimes say of magical moments on stage that can never be repeated. That these moments are why we do what we do. More often than not, when I look back, it was Jason who brought that magic.
One such memory, over 10 years ago now, was during her residency here with Stephen Richards (Miss Lola Lasagne) as J-Lo. Stephen had broken his arm so we got hold of a wheelchair
for the show. The overture finished, the lights went up and Jason just wheeled Lola off the stage to the bus stop outside and just left her sat there with a mic and carried on without her. Just utterly joyous!
Jason was also such a huge pillar of the Brighton LGBTQ+ community, someone who fought for us, championed us and was a part of who we are.
But more than all this, she was a friend and confidant to so many of us, that could bring joy and laughter when it was so so needed. She could bring hilarity with just a knowing look or wry smile and twinkle in her eye.
I will treasure my memories with her forever and mourn that there will be no more.
After living in Brighton and working on
the scene for 12 years, I returned to my home in the Isle of Man six months into Covid times. In June of 2022 I arranged for Miss Jason to perform in a local club on the Island.
Jason had an absolute blast! While taking him around the Island, he purchased his brown beanie, and boy did we not hear the end of it - £35? Even Zorro wore a mask...!
I’m glad Jason and Michael (Adams) got to experience my home. He gave so much to the community without even knowing it. I’m just glad that I could give the tiniest piece of happiness back to him.
You impacted my life and made it rich with love and laughter. Thank you, Jason.
Awful news about MJ. One of the original ‘old school’ drag queens with so much charisma. Sadly missed.
We are broken. Our darling Jason - an exceptional individual with such a talent to make us all happy. Rightly everyone who knew him is devastated. He was the very best of friends, with the kindest heart, charismatic, genuine, an icon of our community and an absolute joy both on and off stageour home is empty.
Will miss you forever X
I remember the first time I met Jason. It was when I ran the Queens Arms and we had a Wednesday night Piano Bar hosted by Phil Starr with John Bruzon on the keyboards.
Phil arrived as usual and said he wanted to give a spot to a new act from Portsmouth. So after the interval Phil introduced Miss Jason to the stage.
He was very nervous but immediately had the audience in the palm of his hands. He forgot the words to a couple of the songs but is improvisation was brilliant. He had us all in stitches. A star was born.
We are enormously saddened and shocked by the news that the wonderful Jason Sutton has passed away.
Not only a beloved patron, but also a very dear friend, as recently as last week Jason visited the Beacon and expressed his excitement over a number of upcoming projects.
It is rare someone can have such a profound impact on so many people’s lives. He brought joy, love, kindness and hope to so many.
Our love and thoughts go to Jason’s partner Terry, family and his many friends.
Jason, as you would say, “go well, dear”. You were one of a kind.
We are so sad to learn of the passing of Jason Sutton also known as the wonderful Miss Jason.
Our thoughts are with his friends and family, and everyone whose lives were touched by his humour, talent and showmanship, humanity and generosity at this incredibly sad time.
I’m honoured to have known such an incredible person; a brilliant entertainer and friend. We’ll miss the laughs. Goodnight dear MJ.
The scene all over the world will be a different place without you. Thank you for all the laughter and fun and crazy times you’ve brought to us over the years. But most of all that you for being a true friend. You are just truly iconic! You will be missed dearly. Love you
Heartbroken is an understatement, the above photo was taken Saturday night when Miss Jason entertained us at our wedding reception at Legends, the place was packed out.
The disagreement beforehand was we put money in a card and she refused it. Joking she said give me a discounted funeral... She was at her best Saturday night and her last show in Brighton.
A heart of gold stopped beating last night. Billy and I are devastated. Picture courtesy of Nick Ford Photography, sending our love to Terry and all the family. PS: give James Ledward a hug for us.
Terribly sad news that Jason Sutton aka Miss Jason has died. We got on well. He was a very warm-natured person, and a fantastic performer.
In 2016, two years after I came out as HIV+ very publicly on the cover of a gay magazine, Jason messaged to say that he wanted to do an interview with me about being HIV+ (first time
speaking publicly) because he felt safe with me, to coincide with World AIDS Day.
I’m so glad he did. He was loved by so many people and his voice would’ve helped others. His immense fundraising for HIV services in Brighton and beyond must also never be forgotten amongst the glitz and glam.
It was a pleasure to know Jason.
I remember interviewing Miss Jason in the early days of his career. So brave to move from his political work to fulltime drag queen. Wish I still had that interview, so many funny stories told. One was when he was caring for elderly patients and got their false teeth mixed up in a bowl and had to work out who owned them.
Not just a drag queen, but a good actor and one of the best panto dames in the country and a relentless supporter of our community, a very sad and unexpected loss.
People like Jason Sutton don’t come along very often, but when they do, they leave an indelible legacy that will live on far longer than the passage of life. We’ll miss you, Jason; your performance was inspiring.
I can’t remember the first time I saw Jason Sutton perform, but I can’t remember not being aware of him, his razor tongue matched by his kindness and charm. I was lucky enough to work with him, writing a play for him, inspired by seeing him act, not his drag act, but ‘proper’ theatre.
And what he did with my words has made me a better writer. His honesty, his dedication to campaigning for all aspects of LGBTQ+ and in particular to HIV causes should be an inspiration that stays with us all.
Miss Jason was a pillar in my life and helped me become the person I am today and gave me my first guest spot at Legends ‘cause she saw something in me. She was a dear friend, mother and inspiration to me and many other people.
She was a truly special person to so many and will be very much missed.
My most recent event with Jason was when we met at Shane’s cafe in Rottingdean for afternoon tea. He was wanting life stories to include in his new book about HIV and its life stories.
Having known Jason for many years, he never knew my back story and he listened like an old aunt would.
Knowingly smiling and taking in all the information given, at no time did he pass judgement, just a warm embrace to my story and a overwhelming feeling of compassion and respect.
He wanted the book to show as the title suggested positively positive and I’m sure and hope this work can be completed in his name as a tribute to life and love for our community.
We woke to the devastating news this morning that Jason Sutton, aka Miss Jason, has passed away.
Jason has been an icon of the LGBTQ+ community and was so loved for his wit, warmth, and kindness.
A true comedy genius and a beautiful soul, Jason will be so sorely missed by everyone whose lives he touched.
Jason was a wonderful person and I’m
proud to have been able to call him my friend. I met Jason many years ago at the Windsor Castle in Hounslow and we’re friends since!
Been to many many of his shows over the years in London, Brighton, Clapham. A genuinely perfect soul that will be sadly missed but the legend of Miss Jason will be with us for ever, xx
Lots of memories and laughs with Miss Jason. We used to go see her at the Bali Brasserie on a Sunday afternoon , was always a good laugh, saw her in a few different pantomimes too…
Such a sad, sad loss.
MindOut would like to join the Brighton LGBTQ + Community in sharing its sympathy for the loss of Miss Jason. We recognise and thank him for his support and contributions. Our love and support to his loved ones at this difficult time.
To anyone in the community our services are open to you.
I first met Jason about 15 years ago when I first came to the LGBTQ+ scene in Brighton and from that moment on, he was always there if ever I needed to talk to someone. I met up with him several times a year and I also saw him play various parts in Pantos (Woking, Bromley etc).
After Jason hosted Isle of Wight Pride’s first ever Pride in 2017, they made him
Patron in 2018 when Isle of Wight Pride were chosen that year to host UK Pride.
Thank you Jason for always being there for me. My thoughts go to Terry and Chester. X
The outpouring of love for Jason has been phenomenal. He’ll leave a huge hole in the scene but our lives have been enriched by his presence.
Rob and I knew Jason from around
Brighton and we’re also both Rottingdean residents.
Thank you for ALL the laughs! Backstage will be a lot quieter without you and the scene a lot less camp
dear! You did so much for so many people and not just only onstage, I’m so proud to call you my friend. A real huge loss but you will never be forgotten.
From Zoe , Dee and Gail (she used to call us the Matalan Girls). MISSWe are shocked and saddened to hear of the unexpected and sad passing last night of Jason Sutton, known to everyone as Miss Jason.
Miss Jason was a Patron of IW Pride – having been a wonderful support to IW Pride in the first two years. Miss Jason hosted IW Pride 2017 after being delivered to the beach by the Hovercraft and making a spectacular entrance.
Miss Jason hosted our IW Pride Gala’s in 2017 and 2018 helping raise vital funds. A total star and fantastic performer who certainly knew how to put on a show! She definitely knew how to raise a laugh!
Jason was a kind, witty, talented and generous man. Huge heart of gold and as Miss Jason undertook many IW Pride events for free – she knew the importance of Pride and making a protest for equality for the LGBT+ community, along with celebrating our ability to be our true selves here on the Island.
Miss Jason had the best sense of humour and a great sense of fun – she will be sorely missed by many.
We would like to offer condolences to Miss Jason’s family and friends. The world has lost a leading light.
May Miss Jason Rest In Pride.
In 2012 Miss Jason surprised our guests at our wedding. From us all counting her down from five, to her Quando Quando Quando.
I can still remember it now seeing their faces and how much laughter she bought to the day, but Miss Jason would bring fun and laughter to any occasion. She was truly wonderful and will be sorely missed X
My darling sister, we had over 25 years of friendship and we helped and showed each other lots of things, you taught me a lot as well but you never taught me how to live without you. I don’t really know what I’m going to do without you, but mark my words, you are going to get the biggest send off girl, I’ll love you for eternity and will miss you for the rest of my life however long or short that might be. Until we meet again, dear.
(Jason Sutton) a few months ago. He wanted me to perform at his Birthday Bash. Unfortunately I was away and couldn’t do it. Over the past 15 years our paths have crossed and stages shared many times. A wonderful Drag Queen, a fabulous Pantomime Dame and a lovely person. My heart and thoughts go out to all his friends, family and colleagues at this time.
I wanted to say something about my friend Jason Sutton.
I don’t think he ever knew just how loved he was in the community and by his friends.
As Miss Jason he was, of course, a hilarious, generous entertainer who knew how to work a crowd. A unique super star.
To me, as Jason, he was the person who I spoke to about my insecurities and struggles with mental health... We shared stories and fed off each others advice.
He encouraged and enthusiastically supported me with my art as Fat Pigeon Art and we worked together on ideas for charity fundraising merchandise for the Sussex Beacon.
His popularity was also reflected in the sale’s of the charity merchandise as he was the most demanded for.
He always had kindness to give and advice when he could see I needed it. A few times a week I would get voice messages from him, reminding me of something I needed to do, encouraging me to do it l, or simply just checking in. He would also sometimes sing a little song on the voice messages the last was when he sang Happy Birthday to me in March.
To say I will miss him just isn’t enough. He was so kind to me, so encouraging
and so honest.
We lost much more than a Drag Queen this week. We lost a Hero, a Warrior, a Compainger and a really decent man.
I hope he is looking down at us and able to see the huge amount of love and respect there is for him.
Jason shone brightly and was a true inspiration. His wit, compassion and advocacy touched the hearts of many including mine.
He was always supportive of whatever I did which motivated me to push on forward with my music career and LGBTQ+ representation.
The bottom photograph is from a film “Worthing Pride 2021”, produced by local filmmaker Ele Berrie. Backstage Jason waxed lyrical and we discussed an array of issues relating to our
community. Jason was very articulate and had a gift of being able to talk about sensitive matters in a diplomatic, non-judgmental manner. We have lost a true ambassador.
Jason, may you continue to click those heels, dance, sing and entertain the pink angels in #dragqueenheaven.
For many years Miss Jason was the face of Hovertravel’s Isle of Wight Pride activities. As our Hover Hostess he greeted our customers with a smile and, more often than not, a cheeky comment. Whether it was your first Pride or you were a veteran, he made everyone welcome.
Miss Jason was also a great ambassador for the company when he was performing or presenting and he was a genuine fan of the hovercraft, having had a career in local politics on Portsmouth City Council and Hampshire County Council. For an episode of his TV series, The Great British Gad About dedicated to the Isle of Wight, he featured Hovertravel extensively and especially when teasing several of our pilots and our MD, his warm humour was infectious and inclusive.
Everyone at Hovertravel will treasure these memories and at this time our thoughts are with his friends and family.
Such a sad loss. Miss Jason joined myself and friends for a few drinks for my 50th birthday a few weeks ago and was in full spirits and fabulous as always. I will treasure that evening.
When a drag queen dies
I’m surprised to find myself upset over the death of someone I didn’t really know. I guess it’s just weird when that person was often in the same pub as you – as we all were – but you never actually spoke. In this case they were the drag act. Or maybe they were in charge – so that we could just let go. Some people naively think that a drag show is there to entertain us, when in fact the drag act is there to bring us together, and to help us talk to each other.
They say that, when a drag queen dies, all the woodland fairies shed a little tear.
Maybe when a drag queen dies, the clouds shower down memories like they
were sequins and glitter – although my own pub memories are always a bit hazy. But in this case we remember the stage act as a loving facade for one of the good guys.
In this case, when a drag queen dies, the village mourns the loss of an elder, and of a much-respected leader – if sometimes a gobby one.
When a drag queen dies, the local off-licence usually goes bankrupt, after the loss of another good customer. But in this case, when a drag queen dies, the staff on Boots cosmetic counter will hold their own one minute’s silence, out of respect.
For the rest of us, when a drag queen dies, it’s like the mother you adopted
that night in the pub – to make sense of your new family – has gone. When a drag queen dies, the theatricals also go uncharacteristically silent, just for once – but hopefully those catty comments will start again soon, quietly whispered in a gush of ironic love: Who will host all these charity gigs now? Those false eyelashes will never again flutter above that wry smile. That Sutton nose will never launch another Olympic skier, out on the Piste. She’s left us and gone back to Neverland – pass around the Gin.
But this is yet another Pantomime Dame down AND a Golden Handbag buried.
This one feels like the corner stone of the community has been pulled out from under us. This whole landmark of a mirrorball building has been demolished too soon, with no advance warning, and totally without permission. So it’s a big shock. You left before we had time to count the winkles.
Good night Miss Jason, and RIP you kind and generous Lady of the Night –you true Dame of our precious Empire. I guess you’re up there now with Savage and Regina and Shuff. They weren’t expecting someone like you so soon.
I do believe in fairies, I do! I do!
So sad to hear that we’ve lost a great performer to the cabaret in the sky!
The first time I saw Miss Jason perform,
it was in R-Bar. The stage was set up in front of window and during her act a group of lads stopped outside looking and laughing! Well armed with her radio mic, she marched outside and got them to come in.
They were a straight group on a stag weekend and all wearing kilts! Miss Jason managed to persuade the guys to prove that they were wearing them authentically! It was one of the funniest things. When I saw Jason later in the Bully, I told him that it was one of the best things I’ve ever seen! He replied that “I was bricking it dear but they did turn out to be nice guys”.
When my husband and I had our pub, The Swan in Edenbridge on the Kent/ Surrey border, Miss Jason appeared on several occasions, much to the delight of our mainly straight customers. She even came to turn on our Christmas lights one year.
Whenever we saw her in Brighton performing, the audience was regaled with stories of The Swan locals and all the ‘affairs’ they were having!
Making it sound like an episode of a soap opera!
I am writing this with tears in my eyes but also with a smile remembering all the laughter!
Jason was a sensational Panto Dame, having performed in many of the major theatres throughout the UK in mainstream pantos. He was equally at home in the now well renowned Alternative Adult Panto here in Brighton
brilliant performer with outstanding comic timing, gracious with fellow performers, and hugely supportive of young, new acts.
It’s been a sad week for the Brighton scene, and the outpouring of shock and grief is both testament and tribute to one of the brightest of our stars extinguished.
Jason will be sorely missed both as a performer and in his own right, one of the warmest and most beloved figureheads of all that makes Brighton great; and one we imagined would always be there at the heart of it.
While many of us are still reeling from the news, our thoughts are particularly with Jason’s partner, Terry. The love and support of us all is with him.
I played Barbie alongside Jason in his last pantomime last Christmas. I had previously stared in Queenz The Show with Balls, originating the role of Candy Caned.
Through the drag scene I had heard about Jason and saw her once before. Little did I know, a few years later I would have the honour to work so closely with her in Cinderella.
I spent most of my Christmas period next to Jason, whether that was in our dressing room, on stage or in the wings, and I will forever cherish that time. We giggled our way through the day, sharing stories and how alike we both were.
She gave the best advice and any story she told, you were sucked in because of her humour and ability to make anyone in her presence feel safe. I knew just by a certain face when she was feeling naughty and I was just as bad egging her on to be just so!
Thank you Miss Jason, and thank you Jason, it was a pleasure and privilege to have known and worked alongside you. Forever and always in my heart!
Miss Jason was one of a kind. All of us at Drag Bus were looking forward to a summer of insanity with him, which was never to be.
My personal lasting memory will be our London launch two days before he
passed. A rather fabulous man, dressed as a rather fabulous leopard printed woman, running around a vintage Routemaster in Leicester Square! Joined by Davina Sparkle, Mrs Moore and Cherry Bomb, we howled laughing, a response Jason elicited at every opportunity.
Our hearts are broken; we’re not sure they’ll ever repair! The loss of another good customer. But in this case, when a drag queen dies, the staff on Boots cosmetic counter will hold their own one minute’s silence, out of respect.
For the rest of us, when a drag queen dies, it’s like the mother you adopted that night in the pub – to make sense of
your new family – has gone.
Jason, along with his fellow (mostly drag) performers in the Brighton cabaret scene, was ceaseless in engaging with our community and raising tens of thousands of pounds over the years for LGBTQ+ and HIV organisations in Brighton and beyond, and for the orphanage in Thailand. Although he was so much a Brighton institution, he was also a national treasure. He recognised his position as an ‘influencer’ and was always ready to use that influence to make sure that the less fortunate and struggling in our community were supported and lifted up.
At the beginning of April. Jason joined 13 of his fellow performers for ‘Dine with the Stars 2024’, raising funds this year for the Brighton Rainbow Fund and the Ledward Centre, which he loved because it gave a chance for those amazing artists to actually spend some time together, and especially for some of the younger/newer to Brighton performers to learn more about BRF and TLC and what we do..principally distributing grants to support the work of the brilliant local LGBTQ+ and HIV groups and organisations, and providing a safe social space for our community.
We had a preplanned meeting a couple of days latter when Jason met with me to discuss how this group of performers can help in raising funds for and awareness of BRF and TLC. As always full of kindness and energy and ideas.
Thanks Jason, we´ll be working hard to carry out your wishes and suggestions, and to continue your work.
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This is... #DaleyPop
Scene's pop music reviewer and influencer Dale Melita aka DaleyPop shares his the best POP tracks, and 'Cher's' his album of the month.
University of Brighton researcher Dr Nick McGlynn’s new book, Bodies and Boundaries of UK Bear Spaces, explores experiences and attitudes around the ‘Bear’ community.
Grindr accused of sharing personal data, including people's HIV status, with third parties
According to the claim, "covert tracking technology" was deployed, and highly sensitive information was illegally shared with advertisers.
Streets flooded with colour for Tokyo Pride 2024
The streets of Tokyo's Shibuya Ward were flooded with colour on April 21 as 15,000 community members and supporters participated in the 30th Tokyo Rainbow Pride parade.
From humble beginnings at a small venue on Manchester Street in 1994, to their home for the last 26 years on Gardner Street in the North Laine, Komedia has been through its ups and downs.
Foreign Office issues travel warning for LGBTQ+ tourists travelling to Greece
When same-sex marriage was legalised in Greece back in February, LGBTQ+ campaigners celebrated. Now, though, the British Foreign Office has issued new travel advice for queer people travelling to the country.
Feels so good!
Leeds Pride reveals big name acts for 2024 Pride event.
Keighley Cougars Rugby League club makes history with nomination of India Willoughby as patron
Keighley Cougars Rugby League club has announced the appointment of trans activist India Willoughby as their patron, marking a groundbreaking moment as the world’s first transgender individual to serve as patron of a professional sports club.
This year’s Brighton Fringe has a bewildering array of talent on show - with well over 600 events, including Billie Gold's 'Praise Kink'
A new exhibition by Chris Jepson at Jubilee Library for Trans+ History Week, 6 - 12 May 2024
) To celebrate the inaugural Trans+ History Week, Proud Studios CIC and Brighton-based award-winning photographer and queer artist Chris Jepson have collaborated on a new photography exhibition Beyond the Binary: A Celebration of Trans Joy. Featuring trans groups including Trans Pride Brighton & Hove, Clare Project, Trans Can Sport, TReNBI FC Brighton, Misfits and Transkaters, as well as numerous trans individuals, Beyond the Binary captures authentic joy, promoting community spirit and empowering the trans community through visibility.
In a world that often struggles to fully embrace diversity and inclusion, right now the trans community is under attack from all sides, politically, legislatively and in the media, and trans hate crime has more than doubled in five years. This exhibition hopes to help counter the negative agenda and spread the pure joy of a community that wants to honour its rich history whilst celebrating its present and future.
Over a number of weeks, Chris Jepson worked with trans-led organisations to take portraits of groups and individuals, and collect their stories and thoughts on Trans Joy. The results will form a
physical and online exhibition to share that Joy.
) More info: www.Proud-Studios.co.uk
) Exhibition: Beyond The Binary: A Celebration of Trans Joy at Jubilee Library, Jubilee Street, Brighton BN1 1GE from Monday, 29 April – Sunday, 12 May 2024, during usual library opening hours, free entry.
This month’s cover model, Finn, is a health promotion specialist working in sexual health and HIV for Terrence Higgins Trust. He is a co-founder of Trans Can Sport and is passionate about helping trans people to be fit and healthy. Having transitioned more than 15 years ago, he has never looked back.
“Trans joy is being able to be me, authentically. Doing the things I previously thought impossible due to my gender identity. For example, becoming a proud leatherman years after discovering Tom of Finland artwork featuring hypermasculine queer men in uniform. I never imagined I too could have a moustache and muscles.
“Trans joy is developing peace with my body. Testosterone and surgery has enabled me connect with myself
physically, grounding me, connecting mind with body. I now recognise who I see in the mirror.
“Trans joy is living my life as I want to by being me, as opposed to being told who I am by cisgender people.”
) All photos © Chris Jepson: www.ChrisJepson.com
What is Trans+ History Week?
May 6 was chosen as the date to commemorate the infamous Nazi book burnings at Magnus Hirschfeld’s Institute for Sexual Research in Berlin, the world’s first trans clinic, which would be more than a century old if it hadn’t fallen victim to Nazi ideology.
Today, we can trace queer histories, cultures and communities back hundreds, if not thousands, of years, but the recording of the history of the trans community has long been skewed or, more often, completely erased.
Trans+ History Week (6-12 May), founded by Marty Davies, is supported by independent LGBTQ+ platform QueerAF. It celebrates and recognises the rich history of trans, non-binary, gender-diverse and intersex people.
) www.transhistoryweek.com
Why Trans+ History Week is important to me
Growing up I didn’t know of anyone who was trans. I had no-one to look up to or see myself in which led to years of me feeling lost and being miserable. Trans people did exist of course, but they were invisible, or worse, they were visible but routinely mocked. It’s important for our self-esteem to see we have not only existed since the dawn of time but that in many ways we have been heroes, revered members of indigenous cultures, and trailblazers for our refusal to conform.
My trans icon
Kate Bornstein. She was very influential in my self-discovery of my trans identity in the mid-noughties. Her books Gender Outlaw and My Gender Workbook, indirectly via friends who read them, introduced me to ‘genderqueer’ from which I began my journey. Her humour, charm and care for the community earnt her the title ‘Aunty Kate’. I used to carry around one of her ‘Get out of hell free cards’ in my wallet, which she gave out to queers, especially those who lived in the shadow of a religious upbringing.
https://katebornstein.typepad.com/files /get-out-of-hell-free-card.pdf
“Trans Joy is being able to be me, authentically.” Finn
“Trans Joy is the 10 years I’ve spent helping to organise Trans Pride Brighton.”
Sarah Savage
“Trans Joy is belonging, community and not needing to explain or justify my Otherness.” Francis
“Trans Joy is waking up every day knowing that I feel complete.” Charlie
Psychology academic to help people navigate their transition to a different gender identity
Dr Luke Ward is looking to develop a self-help resource for trans and gender non-conforming people navigating their sexuality.
Rainbow Chorus announces sumptuous summer special in June!
Join Brighton & Hove's LGBTQ+ Rainbow Chorus for a summer concert of two halves at St George's Church, Brighton on Saturday, June 29.
Katie Vincent to step down as CEO of Allsorts Youth Project
Katie Vincent, current CEO of LGBTQ+ youth charity Allsorts Youth Project, is to step down at the end of June 2024.
"Flying the Flag For You": Brighton Gay Men's Chorus to explore the past, present and future of Eurovision
Set to a backdrop of songs and silliness, BGMC will be celebrating past successes and working out how to capture the magic of winning once again.
Brighton-based LGBTQ+ navy veteran named Hero of the Year at British Diversity Awards
Emma Riley was applauded for her efforts to get a rule banning LGBTQ+ people from the navy overturned.
Queer Heritage South awarded National Lottery Heritage Fund grant
Funds will be used to develop a new strategy for LGBTQ+ heritage across Brighton & Hove
Brighton & Hove Rainbow Run to return for third fabulous year in August
) Rapidly becoming an essential part of the Brighton & Hove Pride weekend, the Brighton & Hove Rainbow Run - a 5K fun run raising money for local LGBTQ charity, the Brighton Rainbow Fund - returns to Hove Park on Friday, August 2 at 7pm.
This year promises to be bigger, better, louder and prouder! Organised by local LGBTQ running club, Brighton & Hove FrontRunners, the Rainbow Run promises to be a fun and lively carnival atmosphere with runners encouraged to wear their best festival outfits.
Prizes will be awarded for the fastest male, female and non-binary runners as well as for the best fancy dress. DJs from Gaydio will be setting up in the park and runners will be treated to tunes and entertainment throughout and after the race. The run will once again be hosted by local drag queens and friends.
Beginning in 2022, the Rainbow Run has now expanded to accommodate 500 eager runners and has also introduced awards for best corporate and non-corporate groups. Runners are also encouraged to create their own teams, if not already part of one. Details can be found on the website: www.brightonrainbowrun.co.uk
Making a welcome return is the
Rainbow Run Couch to 5K, a nineweek training course guaranteed to take participants from zero to hero, crossing the finish line fully supported by UK Athletics-qualified instructors. The sessions, which begin May 29, are open to all and cost only £25 including race entry.
All participants, be they runners, joggers or walkers, will receive a bespoke Rainbow Run medal as well as goodie bags containing lots of
“We never dreamed of the impact it would have and how much we’ve been able to raise for local charities. We can’t wait to welcome everyone.”
surprises from local businesses.
Scott Oakley, chair of the organising committee, says: “We are really proud to see how far the Rainbow Run has come in such a short time. We never dreamed of the impact it would have and how much we’ve been able to raise for local charities. We can’t wait to welcome everyone.”
The Rainbow Run 5K fun run around Hove Park takes place on Friday, August 2 at 7pm. Entry costs £17pp and £15 for EA members. If available, a small number of tickets will be available on the day of the event. Proceeds go to the local LGBTQ+ charity, the Brighton Rainbow Fund.
D To sign up, visit: www. brightonrainbowrun.co.uk
A feast of colour and music promised for first Basingstoke Pride
The first Basingstoke Pride will take place on August 17.
Exhibition explores lives and experiences of Crawley's LGBTQ+ population
CrawleyLGBT's Queer Crawley Heritage Project runs at Crawley Museum till June 1.
Sunshine and Solidarity: Brighton's LGBTQ+ community shines at AIDS Memorial clean-up
On a bright and sunny April morning, members of our LGBTQ+ community of Brighton came together to show their support and care for one of the city's most poignant landmarks
Application to "transform" Brighton Hippodrome gets green light by councillors
The application to transform Brighton Hippodrome and Hippodrome House into a "mixed-use development", including a performance space, hotel, shop, bar and private members’ club, was granted by councillors at Planning Committee.
Just Like Us launches 190 Challenge to improve the lives of LGBTQ+ young people
Run, row, cycle, hike or swim 190km, or create your own 190-minute challenge!
Switchboard thanks Waitrose Hove and Lush Brighton for donating items to the charity's free care packages
The packages are given to any LGBTQ+ person who needs one.
Survey finds almost half of people with HIV have experienced discrimination while accessing social care
Great British Bake Off's Janusz Domagała, a social care worker, has commented on the results.
“A celebration of inclusivity.” First ever Thurrock Pride to be a feast of colour, comedy, drag and discussions
Organisers hope Thurrock Pride Festival, which takes place from May 30, will be a celebration of inclusivity with a powerful statement of visibility, acceptance and solidarity.
Peccadillo Pictures secures Iris Prizewinning film 'Norwegian Dream'
The film is a striking and honest portrayal of the intersecting limits of class and culture.
KKWEER Arts exhibition to feature some of the biggest names in LGBTQ+ art
KKWEER Arts presents Ultraviolet, a powerful and thought-provoking group exhibition which delves into the intricate world of coded language, symbols, and gestures nestled within queer communities.
Culture Secretary Lucy Frazer calls for ban on trans athletes competing in female-only events
Frazer wrote that sports’ governing bodies needed to set out an “unambiguous position” on the issue, amid rows over trans athletes participating in female-only events.
1 Affinity Bar m
129 St James’s St, BN2 1TH www.facebook.com/AffinityGayBar/
2 Bar Broadway m
10 Steine St, BN2 1TE 01273 609777
3 Bar Revenge m
5-7 Marine Parade, BN2 1TA www.revenge.co.uk
4 Barber Blacksheep m
18 St George’s Rd, BN2 1EB 01273 623408
5 Bedford Tavern mm
30 Western St, BN1 2PG 01273 739495
6 Brighton Birdcage m
35 Gloucester Rd, BN1 4AQ 01273 624010
7 Brighton Box m
25 Dukes Lane, Ship Street, BN1 1BG, 01273 722 036
8 Brighton Sauna m
75 Grand Parade, BN2 9JA 01273 689966
9 Brighton Tavern m
99-100 Gloucester Rd, BN1 4AP 01273 680365
10 Bulldog m
31 St James’s St Mews, BN2 1RF
11 Camelford Arms mm
30-31 Camelford St, BN2 1TQ 01273 622386
12 Charles Street Tap mm
8-9 Marine Parade, BN2 1TA 01273 624091
13 Centre Stage mm
11-12 Marine Parade, BN2 1TL 01273 688 826
14 Curzon m m
7 Rock St, BN2 1NF, 01273 697054
15 Dental Health Spa m
14–15 Queens Rd, BN1 3WA 01273 710831
16 Engleharts m
49 Vallance Hall, Hove St, BN3 2DE 01273 204411
17 Fallen Angel m
24 Grafton St, BN2 1AQ
18 Glamorous Brighton m
24 Grafton St, BN2 1AQ
19 Grosvenor Bar m
16 Western St, BN1 2PG 01273 438587
20 HITZone Hove m
Unit 23, Waterside House, Basin Rd N, Hove, BN41 1UY
21 Legends Bar, Club & Hotel mmm
31-34 Marine Parade, BN2 1TR 01273
624462 www.legendsbrighton.com
22 Marine Tavern mm 13 Broad St, BN2 1TJ 01273 681284
23 Nautilus Lounge m 129 St James’s St, BN2 1TH www.nautiluslounge.com
24 New Steine Hotel & Bistro mmm 12a New Steine, BN2 1PB 01273 681546 www.newsteinehotel.com
25 Paris House mm 21 Western Rd, BN3 1AF 01273 724195
26 Prowler m 112-113 St James’s St, BN2 1TH, 01273 603813 www.prowlerpoppers.co.uk
27 Queen’s Arms m 7 George St, BN2 1RH www.theqabrighton.com
28 Railway Club m 4 Belmont, Dyke Rd, BN1 3TF 01273 328682
29 Regency Tavern mm
32-34 Russell Sq, BN1 2EF 01273 325 652
30 Revenge m
32-34 Old Steine, BN1 1EL www.revenge.co.uk
31 Three Jolly Butchers mm
59 North Rd, BN1 1YD 01273 608571
32 Trading Post & Cup of Joe’s mmm
28 St George’s Rd, BN2 1EE 01273 698873
33 Velvet Jacks mm
50 Norfolk Sq, BN1 2PA http://tinyurl.com/VelvetJacks
34 Zone m
33 St James’s St, BN2 1RF www.zonebrighton.co.uk
m Bars/Pubs
m Food m Clubs
m Hotels
m Legal Services
m Cafes
m Shopping m Fitness/Health
m Sauna
l Allsorts Youth Project
Youth Groups and One-to-One Support for LGBTQ+ young people under 26 (in-person & online). Weekly sessions 01273 721211 or email info@ allsortsyouth.org.uk allsortsyouth.org.ukk
l Brighton & Hove Police
Report all homophobic, biphobic or transphobic incidents to: 24/7 assistance call police on 101 (emergencies 999) Report online at: www.sussex. police.uk
LGBT team (not 24/7) email: LGBT@sussex.pnn. police.uk
l Brighton & Hove LGBT Switchboard
• LGBT Older People’s Project
• LGBT Health and Inclusion Project
• LGBTQ Disability & Neurodiversity Project
• Rainbow Café Project: support for LGBT+ people with dementia
• Trans and Non-Binary Link Project
• LGBT Grief Encounters Project
• Volunteering opportunities, call Riley 07599 434057
Helpline hours: Wed & Thur, 7–9.30pm; trans-only webchat on Sun 3–5pm: call 01273 359042 or email info@switchboard.org.uk or helpline@ switchboard.org.uk Webchat www.switchboard. org.uk/helpline. www.switchboard.org.uk/brighton Office Number: 01273 234009
l Brighton OneBodyOneFaith Brighton sexuality, gender, & faith Group. Meets monthly. Contact: Nigel Nash nigelnash@me.com. www.onebodyonefaith.org.uk
l Brighton Women’s Centre Info, counselling, drop-in space, support groups admin@Womenscentre.org.uk or visit www. womenscentre.org.uk
l Lesbian & Gay AA
12-step self-help programme for alcohol addictions: Sun, 7.30pm, Chapel Royal, North St, Btn (side entrance). 01273 203 343 (general AA line). www. alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk
l LGBTQ+ Cocaine Anonymous
Meeting every Tues 6.30-8pm, 6 Tilbury Pl, Brighton, BN2 0GY, CA isn’t allied with any outside organisation, and neither endorses or opposes any causes. Helpline 0800 6120225, www.cocaineanonymous.org.uk www.sussexcocaineanonymous.co.uk
l LGBTQ+ NA Group
Brighton-based LGBTQ+ (welcomes others) Narcotics Anonymous group every Tue 6.30–8pm, Millwood Centre, Nelson Row, Kingswood St. 0300 999 1212
l LGBT+ Meditation Group
Meditation & discussion, every 2nd & 4th Thur, 5.30–7pm, Anahata Clinic, 119 Edward St, Brighton. 07789 861 367 or www.bodhitreebrighton.org.uk
l Lunch Positive
Lunch club for people with HIV. Meet/make friends, find peer support in safe space. Every Fri, noon–2.30pm, Community Room, Dorset Gdns Methodist Church, Dorset Gdns, Brighton. Lunch £1.50. 07846 464 384 or www.lunchpositive.org
l MCC Brighton
Inclusive, affirming space where all are invited to come
as they are to explore their spirituality without judgement. 01273 515572 or info@mccbrighton.org.uk www.mccbrighton.org.uk
l MindOut
Independent, impartial services run by and for LGBTQ people with experience of mental health issues. 24 hr confidential answerphone: 01273 234839 or email info@mindout.org.uk and out of hours online chat www.mindout.org.uk
l Navigate
Social/peer support group for trans, non-binary & intersex, AFAB, FTM, transmasculine & gender queer people. Every 2nd Friday of the month from 6-8pm (currently on Zoom) at Possability Place, Windlesham Venue, BN1 3AH (formerly Space for Change) navigatebrighton.co.uk
l Peer Action
Regular low cost yoga, therapies, swimming, meditation & social groups for people with HIV. contact@ peeraction.net or www.peeraction.net
l Rainbow Families
Support group for lesbian and/or gay parents 07951 082013 or info@rainbowfamilies.org.uk. www.rainbowfamilies.org.uk
l Rainbow Hub
Information, guidance and hate incident reporting services for LGBTQ+ communities in Brighton, Hove, and Sussex. Based at the Ledward Centre, Jubilee Street, BN1 1GE. Call 07714 782585 or visit www.therainbowhubbrighton.com
l Some People
Social/support group for LGB or questioning aged 14-19, Tue 5.30-7.30pm, Hastings. Call/text Kerrie Tolley-Cloke 07874 637593 or email somepeople@ eastsussex.gov.uk
l TAGS – The Arun Gay Society
Social Group welcome all in East & West Sussex Areas. Call/Text 07539 513171. More info: www.tagsonline. org.uk
l Victim Support
Anyone seeking help can contact our free 24/7
Supportline number on 0808 16 89 111 or get in touch via the website www.victimsupport.org.uk. A range of tools to help people cope and move forwards after crime can be found at www.mysupportspace.org.uk/moj
l The Village MCC
LGBTQ+ affirming church worship and pastoral care in Kemptown. See www.thevillagemcc.org, or call 07476 667353 for details.
HIV Prevention, Care & Treatment Services
Sussex HIV & AIDS info service 01403 210202 or confidential@avert.org
l Brighton & Hove CAB HIV Project Money, benefits, employment, housing, info, advocacy. Appointments: Tue-Thur 9am-4pm, Wed 9am-12.30pm Brighton & Hove Citizens Advice Bureau, Brighton Town Hall. 01273 733390 ext 520 or www. brightonhovecab.org.uk
l Clinic M
Free confidential testing & treatment for STIs including HIV, plus Hep A & B vaccinations. Claude Nicol Centre, Sussex County Hospital, on Weds from 5-8pm. 01273 523388 or www.brightonsexualhealth.com
l Community HIV Specialist Service
NHS nursing team supporting patients with HIV in the community and offering free HIV training for groups across Brighton & Hove and West Sussex. www.
l Lawson Unit
Medical advice, treatment for HIV+, specialist clinics, diet & welfare advice, drug trials. 01273 664 722
l The Martin Fisher Foundation
STI HIV self-testing kits via digital vending machines available from: Jubilee Library, Wellsbourne Centre, Portland Road (between Wish Park Surgery and Kamson’s Pharmacy), BMEC Partnership Centre, Prowler and Brighton Sauna. www. themartinfisherfoundation.org
l Substance Misuse Service
Brighton & Hove Recovery Service manages and delivers the adult drug and alcohol services for the city. Change Grow Live (CGL) provides tailored support to adults in Brighton & Hove who identify as LGBTQ+. CGL offers 1-to-1 support, a variety of online and face to face groups. They offer LGBTQ+ specific groups via the peer-led Speakout group and have established links with a wide range of LGBTQ+ services. To refer to the service, email brighton.info@cgl.org.uk or phone 01273 731 900. More info: www.changegrowlive. org/brighton-hove-recovery-service/info
l Sussex Beacon
24-hour nursing & medical care, day care 01273 694222 or www.sussexbeacon.org.uk
l Terrence Higgins Trust Brighton & Hove For more info about these free services go to the THT office, 61 Ship St, Brighton, Mon–Fri, 10am–5pm 01273 764200 or info.brighton@tht.org.uk, facebook.com/THTBrighton
For people living with HIV:
• HIV support services: Info, support & practical advice
• Welfare rights advice: find out about benefits
• Counselling from qualified counsellors for up to 12 sessions
Health Promotion in Brighton & Hove: Provides services for men who have sex with men, anyone from African communities, sex workers of any gender, and trans or non-binary people.
• Visit clinic for free fast HIV & STI testing with results in <10 mins
• Free condoms and lube
• Confidential info and advice on sexual health & HIV
• Face2Face for gay/bi men; negotiating sex, chemsex, newly diagnosed
• Tailored support for sex workers, trans people and African communities
• Outreach - say hello online and in person for info, condoms & lube, and HIV/STI testing at Brighton Sauna, Boiler Room Sauna, Amsterdam, Charles Street Tap, and Legends bar. For details please check facebook.com/THTBrighton
l Sexual Health Worthing Free confidential tests & treatment for STIs inc HIVA; Hep vaccinations. Worthing-based 0845 111345645
National Helplines
l National LGBT Domestic Abuse Helpline at www.galop.org.uk and 0800 999 5428
l Switchboard 0300 330 0630
l Positiveline (Eddie Surman Trust) Mon-Fri 11am-10pm, Sat & Sun 4-10pm 0800 1696806
l Mainliners 02075 825226
l National AIDS Helpline 08005 67123
l National Drugs Helpline 08007 76600
l THT AIDS Treatment 08459 470047
l THT direct 0845 1221200